Monday, January 31, 2022

A Simple Commandment 1/31/2022

 Good Morning,

This morning I was more than ready to enjoy a hot cup of door County Irish Cream Coffee when I stumbled out of bed. But someone forgot to have the coffee ready and the timer set to 5am to start brewing. That someone is me and I now am waiting for that first cup.

Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and your mother , so that you may live long in the land the Lord God is giving you.

Many years ago when my wife Rene and I were laboring as youth leaders in our church I saw more and more families starting to deteriorate than I care to count. About 25% of the kids we worked with had family issues of which they contributed to the problems. A good 15% had family issues that were dealt to them and they had no control over. 

In that whole 40% a common thread could be seen. The kids had no respect for their parents and that led to having little or no respect to anyone in authority. I would not even venture a guess as to what the statistics might be now. 

In just about every case when we would counsel with kids we heard the examples of why they felt that they could not respect their parents. In many instances it seemed that it was somewhat  logical to not honor the parents. But, God never said to honor the parents only if they are perfect. 

Back to my point. We need to set or be the example of family that deserves respect. How do we treat our parents? Do we honor them in actions and speech? Do we show respect and honor to those who are in authority over us? Do we foster a home of love for God, and others? Do we go to work and not come home talking trash about the company, coworkers, and everything that went on all day? Do we treat our families with respect and honor? As little children, our kids imitate us, good or bad. What have we shown them about honoring older family members? 

So today if you have a child, no matter the age and they don't honor their mother and father, are you reaping what you have sown? Change your tune and work to correct the issue. 

I take one more swing at this subject. If you and your spouse have called it a day and placed a sunset on your marriage, please stop bashing each other in front of the kids. Learn to get along and don't make family get togethers anymore difficult than they already are. Earn your respect.

God bless,


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