Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A Letter From A Friend 6/30/2020 Recipe Included

Good Morning,

I am writing to you while the Door County Coconut Cupcake Coffee is brewing. Today will be an easy day at work and I look forward to seeing some old friends.

The weather has turned rather hot for this time of year and this part of the world. Yesterday I was working outside and the heat had me sweating profusely in no time.

Proverbs 25:25 Like a cool drink of water when you're worn out and weary, is a letter from a long lost friend. 

I forgot to pack some frozen water bottles to take along with me on my work day. A cold drink would have been handy around noon yesterday. I was thinking about the ice cold sweet peach tea I would be drinking when I got home.

I came across Proverbs 25:25 in my studies this month and the verse just kind of stuck with me. I do enjoy letters or Christmas cards from friends and they always warm my heart.

I am ashamed to say that I forget to read letters from my best friend all too often. When I thirst on a hot day, I seek a cool drink. When I thirst for encouragement, love or directions I need to read the love letters God has written for me. I can satisfy that thirst by drinking in God's Word. It is the only thing that can quench the thirst and wash down the dust of what the world throws my way.

As much as I long for the cold peach tea on these hot days I also long for God to quench my thirsty soul. So today, my friends, take some time and drink in a letter from God. Refresh your heart, soul, and mind.


Sweet Peach Tea Recipe Ashlyn Edwards Belle Of The Kitchen


  • 5-6 regular tea bags(I use Lipton)
  • 1 quart water
  • 1 (15 oz) can peaches in juice, pureed in blender or fresh peaches 
  • 1 quart cold water

Simple Syrup:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup granulated white sugar



  • Boil one quart of water in a large pot. Add tea bags and steep for 3-5 minutes. Remove tea bags and discard.
  • While tea is steeping, prepare simple syrup: in a separate small saucepan, combine one cup of water and one cup of sugar 
  • and bring to a boil. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
  • Pour simple syrup into pot with tea and stir. In a heat-safe pitcher, combine the tea with pureed peaches, and one quart of cold water. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  • Serve tea over ice with fresh mint and peach slices if desired. Enjoy

Monday, June 29, 2020

God Made Little Green Apples 6/29/2020

Good Morning,

Monday arrived as promised and it is going to be a hot one here. Summer showed up and the freezing cold of January is just a memory now. I have some work to do today and I am looking forward to getting it done and going home. I like working but getting home to some ice cold sweet peach tea will be on my mind around noon.  This morning my mug is filled with Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee and now it is time to write.

Psalm 128:2 You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. 

Yesterday I was doing the weekly yard work and a few other chores around our home. While mowing the grass I surveyed the apple trees to see if any apples have appeared. I haven't really looked them over in the last few weeks. I was very pleased to find that all three trees were heavily loaded with little green apples. I will be tending to the trees now a little more as the heat hits and a supply of water will be needed every other day.

I walked away from the trees last night and prayed once more for the apple harvest. We are hoping to have more apples to share than last year. God did His best and loaded the trees. Now it is my turn to assist and feed them and water them when it doesn't rain. I will also spray them to prevent insect attacks.

In my prayer, I asked for a great harvest. God could easily provide it, yet He chooses to include me in the process. We are here on this earth to work and serve others. For some reason those apples mean more to me when I do some of the work. God allows me to partner with Him. He provides the rain and sun as well as the bees that float from blossom to blossom in the spring. I do the menial chores and I also get to enjoy the harvesting. Rene and I will dine on pie, applesauce and drink cider this winter. God allows us to enjoy the fruit of our labor. Most of all we can share apples or apple products with others. I find this simply amazing!

I enjoy working with God on things like this. Is God speaking to you and asking you to join Him in some type of work today? I recommend you say yes. I see the apple miracle every year and I am satisfied by the work of my hands.

God bless,


Sunday, June 28, 2020

It's A Pretty World Today 6/28/2020

Good Morning,

I am sitting in our den on the second story of our home as I write today. The windows are open and a mild breeze is coming in and I can feel it on my face. Both dogs have their noses to the window and my hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee is helping me to salute this day.

Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.

This blog travels to many countries and today wherever you are living my prayer for you is to see the pretty world you have been given. Everyone reading hopefully lives in some type of dwelling. I am sure that each home is different according to the preference of those residing there or income.

It's not like this old duck hunter to call anything pretty. I usually will use the term "beautiful" but today I use the term "pretty". we need some pretty in this world right now.

I wish that everyone could look beyond their residence today and see the pretty world it is today. If you have a family member living with you or you will see a friend today that you can exchange a smile with, your world is pretty today. My wife Rene is still asleep, but my plan is to greet her with a "good morning" and a smile. I know for sure that I will receive a smile and a greeting in return. That smile can be an emotional bouquet of flowers for the one receiving the greeting and a smile.

You can beautify your world with the way you greet the first person you see. You might be in pain today and that is an ugly world, but if you have a caregiver and can greet them with a hearty good morning and a smile you will share a moment of a "pretty world". If we can greet those we will share this day with, and do it with an attitude of gratitude we will have a pretty world today

If  by chance you started your day before you read this, and it didn't seem so pretty as you complained about everything and anything, and did not greet that first person with a smile and a morning greeting that adds emotional flowers to their day. HEY! start over, and go back and have a restart! 

I was looking forward to seeing a friend at church last night, which would have been a huge victory for this fella who has been battling illness for months. I know he would have been smiling and many would have smiled with him. Unfortunately, it was just wishful thinking. But some time today I will call him and we will exchange a smile over the phone. It will be a pretty world just being able to do that with him. I look forward to the day that we both pick up our shotguns together and take our dogs out to chase some pheasants.

You are loved today.  You can make your world pretty today and you can make someone else's world pretty also. It all starts with that first greeting.

God bless,


Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Bolt Cutter Was Needed 6/27/2020

Good Morning,

I was awake about an hour ago and I was wondering why I couldn't smell any Door County Cherry Creme Coffee brewing. I wandered into the kitchen and much to my surprise the pot I had ready to brew automatically was just sitting there doing nothing. I hadn't turned the timer on before I went to bed.  Not good! But now after correcting my mistake, I am ready to write.

Philippians 4:6  Don't worry about anything, but pray over everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and  requests to God.

Yesterday I was fashioning a new lock set up for some of my hunting equipment. What was needed was a piece of chain about 16 inches long. I went into the garage to check out my chain stock and found that I had all kinds of chain, but none close to the size required for my little project. They were either too short or way too long. I found the style and weight I was looking for and now it had to be cut. Surely a chisel and hammer would do the trick. I took the chain outside to my chopping block, with a chisel and a small sledge hammer. I pounded on that chain and like I expected this was a hardened chain. I remember them cutting it for me at the hardware store. They used a hydraulic cutter for the chore. I went back and found a lighter piece of chain and went to cut it with the chisel, only to discover that I had really dulled up my good chisel and it would need to be ground back to conformity.

The one thing I needed was a bolt cutter and why I don't own one I will never know. I called my friend to borrow one, but he was in bed early last night. My wife looked at me and asked. " How important is it for you to complete this tonight, and why"?

I really had no good answer to that question. It was a task that I started and I was obsessed with finishing it. Rene said "can't it wait until tomorrow"? She was correct and I put the project away. At midnight I was tossing and turning in bed, trying to think of a way to cut the chains without borrowing a bolt cutter. I even decided it was time to purchase one.

Friends, sometimes we need to get our priorities straight and not let one, that is not that important rule over us and cause us to have anxiety. Thinking about it instead of sleeping was just plain foolish.

This morning as I write with heavy eyes I am reminded of my foolishness. I was chained to a thought and task that just wasn't  important enough to lose sleep over.

Friends, think things like this through. Allow enough time for a project. Know when to quit and let it go.  Don't let your project rule you. You rule the project. I hadn't prayed over my task. Lesson learned once again the hard way.


Friday, June 26, 2020

You And Your Animals 6/26/2020

Good Morning. 

A full cup of Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee is in front of me. HAPPY FRIDAY

I like to write about our two dogs Leo and Gibbs. They are a blessing to us and are close, loving companions. My wife Rene and I take good care of them. Did you know that caring for your animals can be found in the Bible?

Proverbs 12:10          
Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.

Proverbs 27:23     

Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds,

Genesis 1:20-21          

And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

So when you pamper and take good care of your pets you are doing what God expects.

Have a great day!

God bless,


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Happy Anniversary A lesson From The Folks 6/25/2020

Good Morning,

Another Thursday is here I am starting it with prayer and a large cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. I am ready to write, so let's begin.

My parents would have been married for 65 years today. They have both been gone for a few years now and I somehow remember their anniversary date. I sure do miss them. People like to ask others this question. What one thing did your parents teach you, that you still do? Well they taught me to tie my shoes and I still do that.  I know that when someone asks this question they are looking for something a little deeper with more purpose.

1 Corinthians 14:40 But all things should be done decently and in order. 

The one thing my parents taught me together, is that when you take on a job, you need to give it your best and show up on time, every time. They were very strict about not missing appointments or being late for anything.  I recall my dad rushing us off to school one morning even though we were telling him that we didn't have school because the boiler was broken. He made us go anyway. He then felt sorry for us because it was so cold. He gave us a ride to school just to take us back home when he found out we  were right.  But we would have been on time!

To this day, I dislike being late for anything. I would have to say that of all the lessons I learned from my parents, that is the one that stuck with me the hardest and the longest. Being on time, says a lot about a person's character.

So today, if you have an appointment, try to be on time. Your character is on trial.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

True Peace. 6/24/2020

Good Morning,

Can you all smell the Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee coming from our house? I wish you could. It woke me up when it started to brew about 15 minutes ago. It's now time to write.

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into the grace in which we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Romans 5:1-2

I want to keep the message simple today. Prior to receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I was spiritually dead and a lost soul. When I made my decision to become a believer and follower in Christ, my life was resurrected by the the blood of Jesus and his own resurrection.  My heart of stone melted. Where there wasn't any music there now was a symphony. It was a new life, resurrected from the old ways. There was finally peace within my heart. I experienced resurrection peace.

You can always see the difference in those who are walking in a right relationship with Jesus. They are at peace. They are content. Could there be anything better than to know you are at peace with your Creator?  Anyone who truly fathoms the meaning of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus, will understand the resurrected life that leads you to be at peace with God.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

An Uncommon Life 6/23/220

Good Morning,

A large mug of Door County Black And Tan Coffee waits for me in our kitchen. When I finish writing today I will descend the stairs to the hot coffee pot and pour myself awake.

Matthew 14:28-29  Peter answered Him and said. "Lord if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." So He said."Come."

We find the apostles out alone without Jesus on the sea in a storm. They think they see a ghost when Jesus walks by on the water. Then Peter calls out to Jesus and asks if he can join Jesus and walk out to Him on the water.

It happened that Peter began to sink when he realized that he was walking out of a boat and into a storm. Peter begins to sink. Everyone knows that lesson and they all like to point out how Peter failed. My thought for today is this. Did he really fail? For a few moments Peter was walking on water. He had enough guts and faith to follow Jesus out on to the water. The other 11 never experienced what Peter did.  Peter stepped into the divine life by choosing faith in God. Peter did not lead a boring life. When we step into the arena of faith, we as ordinary men are called to service by our extraordinary God. He desires to take us to the end of ourselves and beyond. A life of serving the Lord by faith will experience God, while others wait, living a boring Christian life. They are content with knowing about heaven and glad they are going there someday. Yet, while here on Earth they miss out on entering the arena of the Divine.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit after His resurrection so we can live a resurrected faith prior to dying and going to heaven.

Food for thought!


Monday, June 22, 2020

Simple Values 6/22/2020

Good Morning,

Monday arrived as promised and I can't see Friday just yet. My mug was just filled with Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and now it is time to write.

I can usually tell if a person is a a God fearing Christian just by watching them. It is totally noticeable if they are living the values of God. Now I am not talking about the Ten Commandments. Those ten laws are absolute and one by one they should be practiced. Don't kill, don't lie, don't commit adultery are all one by one very solid and can be easily understood.

I have wondered if I possess the values of God and if they are ingrained in my daily life. I sought God for wisdom on this and the values of God are also absolute without wiggle room. I believe a person exhibiting the values of God will want to keep His laws. Yet showing the values of God in our life is more likely to show who we believe in and who we want to emulate. And at times exhibiting the values is harder to do than obeying the law. For instance, forgiving others for their wrong doings toward you and showing them mercy goes against all human emotions. Yet showing mercy is what God values and expects us to do.

Micah 6:8 What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. 

If we are walking humbly with God we will find it easier to love mercy, show mercy and to always act justly. If we are humble before God it is easier to dole out forgiveness as we continually remember that we are just sinners saved by grace and mercy.

This is a little heavy for a Monday morning, but let's set our sight high and start the week living the values of God.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Eternal Perspective On Father's Day 6/21/2020

Good Morning,

Sunday morning arrived right on time and in this part of the world the sunrise came quickly and it was a sight to behold. Today in America we celebrate Father's Day. I am not sure if it is observed around the world or not. But today I prayed for all of those who are fathers and for those without their own children. I also pray for them as they are father figures to someone. I have attached a photo of a Father's Day memory that was made for me by our grandson many years ago. It means a lot to me.  I just poured myself a large cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and now it is time to write.

Lastly as we look into developing an Eternal Perspective,  we find that we need to withdraw from the invasive noise of this world so that we can hear the sounds of another place and another voice.  The Bible tells us in  Luke 5:16 Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.   I find this extremely convenient to be writing about this on Father's day. Jesus, unlike the religious leaders of his day, did not pray to be seen and heard by men. He prayed because he treasured fellowship with his Father, our Heavenly Father!  If we also desire to live with an eternal perspective type attitude we  should follow the lead of Jesus. Matthew 6:6 "Go into your room and close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret , will reward you." 

Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

So today once again or for the first time, open your eyes and look at your surroundings with an Eternal Perspective and with heavenly colored glasses. You will see all things differently.

God Bless,


Saturday, June 20, 2020

An Eternal Perspective Part Two 6/20/2020

Good Morning,

Happy Saturday to everyone. I just poured a large steaming cup of Door County Cherry Coffee for myself. It's quiet in the house and it is time to write.

I am continuing a series on Eternal Perspectives with part two today. So as we continue.

Secondly we begin to view the world with an eye toward eternity by focusing on the needs of others. As Jesus sacrificed himself for the sins of the world, we must learn to live selflessly rather than selfishly. At the judgement, those who fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty, clothed the naked, cared for the sick, and visited those in prison will be rewarded as if they had done these things for Jesus himself.

Mathew 25:31-40    31. "When the Son of Man Comes in His glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32. All the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

34. The the King will say to those on the right, 'Come you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  36. I needed clothes and you gave me something to wear, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. 

37. The the righteous will answer him, 'Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you. or see you thirsty and give you something to drink? 38. When did we see you as a stranger and house you, or needing clothes and clothe you? 40. When did we see you sick and care for you, or visit you in prison?

40. The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Having an Eternal Outlook or Perspective means that your heart is beating for others. A heart beats best when it beats for others.  It turns those frowns to smiles. It give us something to look forward to.

Part three tomorrow.


Friday, June 19, 2020

An Eternal Perspective Part One 6/19.2020

Good Morning,

My day started with two hungry dogs pulling me by the arm this morning. I could smell the Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee brewing in the kitchen and not even this tired guy could resist getting out of bed and going about my day.

I have a true belief that some Christians who are wandering aimlessly and not engaging with others at their church, family life, or people in general, have lost their "Eternal Perspective or Outlook". There just isn't any zip in their lives. An eternal perspective is key to contentment and happiness. For me, there is just too much whining from people who have placed their faith in Jesus. We need to be looking up, not straight ahead, We need to see beyond the immediate, to the future.  It's like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the peanut butter and jelly.

Author Hank Hannengraaff writes. " If we are seeking an eternal perspective we need look no further than our Lord Jesus Christ. He immersed himself in Scripture , sacrificed himself for the needs of others, and treasured fellowship with his heavenly Father. Like the Master, we are called to elevate our gaze from earthly vanities to eternal verities. "

"Jesus modeled daily devotion to the Word of God. In the ultimate spiritual battles, Jesus took up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.  He had mined, memorized and mediated on Scripture.  Thus when the slanderer sought to tempt the Savior to turn stones into bread, Jesus was prepared. " 

Matthew 4:4  "It is written" he said, "man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord". 

This is part one of a three day series on developing an Eternal perspective. Stay with me on this one. Share it with others.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Plate Of Gnocchi For Mother 6/18/2020

Good Morning,

I am happy to be alive and kicking it today. My work day might run long, but I look forward to working with a friend of mine and earning a dollar. I chose Door County Hazelnut Creme for my coffee today and now it is time to write.

This coming Sunday my wife Rene and I will travel about an hour to visit her mom. Mother will be 93 years old soon and she needs just a little help with the laundry now. Rene will help with the laundry and my mother in law has an assignment for me which I believe is to make copies of photos at the local Walgreens.

Usually when Rene goes out to help and visit I send a couple meals with her so Mother does not have to cook every day, I talked to her last night and I asked her if there was anything she would like for me to make for the meals. I was surprised when she said "Yes there is something you could make for me. I would love some Italian food. Maybe some of those dumplings you served one time would be great."  I knew exactly what she was talking about when she spoke up. I did recall the gnocchi I served and and how she packed it away. Now it's a little work to do this, but it's the least I can do for the lady that gave birth to one great daughter. It is a privilege to serve the lady who welcomed me into her family.  I always call myself her favorite son in law and she agrees. That's because I am the only one! When I make the gnocchi this weekend and add some Italian sausage to the pasta sauce I will be reminded of our wedding vows once again.

Ruth 1:16-17    16. But Ruth said: "Entreat me not to leave you, or turn back from following you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people, shall be my people;  Your God, shall be my God.

17. Where you die, I will die. And there will I be buried. The Lord do to me, and more also, If anything but death parts you and me."

Rene was always there for my folks and would make the long trips to Michigan with me. And I in return will be there for her and her mom.  That's a vow that I enjoy keeping. How about you? Are you living the vows you made? Are they forever fresh in your mind?

Have a great day.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Holiday To Remember 6/17/2020

Good Morning,

I am at a slow pace today just because it feels good to do so. I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Lemon Shortbread Cookie Coffee as I begin to write.

Ecclesiastes 3:13 Also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in his toil. This is God's gift to man.

My wife Rene and I like to take a vacation every year or as they say in other parts of the world "Go on holiday".  Last August we took our holiday time in Hawaii. It was a trip we had wanted to take for many years. We always talked about it and dreamed about it. But the idea just never seemed to get any traction to get further than just the thinking about it process. Something always seemed to get in the way of fulfilling the plan.  So we prayed about the desire we had and God opened the door to a trip. He alone made all that we would see and experience.

So finally it happened. Our neighbor worked with us to plan the trip that we would never forget. The planning was a lot of fun. What did we want to see while there? What clothes will we take? Back packs or no back packs? Rent a car or rely on our legs? How about using a taxi/shuttle? So many questions to think about. Once people knew we were planning the trip all kinds of good advice was given to us. There was so much to think about. I still say that the planning was one of the best parts of the experience.

Before we knew it we were traveling 4229 miles to Hawaii and despite the planning and all the research we did we still were unsure of what to expect. I could write all day about our experiences to see volcanoes, beaches, monuments, dancing at a luau, and resting in the sun. We took a helicopter tour to recap all the things we saw during the week and before we knew it the vacation/holiday had to end.  The experience was better than we imagined.

I look at the pictures from the trip now and then and still can't believe our trip finally happened.  What I do recall vividly was waking up and hearing the ocean waves coming to shore every morning. I would take a cup of coffee outside to the balcony and read my Bible and take it all in. My mind was at ease and I found out that I really could relax. I came home rested and recharged to face the rest of 2019.

Here is my point. Traveling is nice, there is no doubt. But we can't just decide to take off and travel 4229 miles to a destination very other week. My mind and body needed that vacation to recharge. We all need to give our minds and bodies time to rest. We should take a holiday now and then to do so.  It might just be a day, resting in your own yard, taking in some sun and sweet peach tea.

Life is too short to not sit down and rest awhile. Let your mind flow freely. Let your body know what it is like to just take a nap. Eat something you have never eaten before and share it with someone. And if you are able, go see something you haven't seen before. There are day trips you can experience and see different things in your own area.  Treat yourself good from time to time.  I don't believe that there are many people, while lying on their death bed that say. "I wish I would have worked more hours".

Holiday/Vacation. No matter what you call it, resting is a gift from God. Open the package and again treat yourself good.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Prayer Is Never A Waste Of Time. 6/16/2020

Good Morning,

The day began slowly for me this morning. It unfolded itself with a sunrise that lit up the house like a search light. The air is starting to warm up and you can feel it's smile on your face. I am enjoying a large cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee.

Let's talk about prayer today.The Bible tells us " the prayer of faith will save the sick.

James 5:15  And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

Yet I bet that all of us can remember a time or two when we prayed for healing and it did not happen. I am experiencing that right now as I pray for a friend.  I asked myself, "does that mean that God is not listening?"  I thought to myself that my faith must be too weak, or I haven't a fervent prayer in my body. I struggled with this fruitless pursuit as to why some are healed and some are not.  I concluded that the answer to this question will remain a mystery until I finish my Earthly walk and get to heaven.

I truly believe that I can never say that my prayer was wasted time. Although I did not experience the change in a situation and receive the miracle I sought. The prayer time always changes me. Through my prayer time I always become more aware of God's presence. Through prayer my spiritual strength and spiritual stamina increases. Through prayer I am not facing these issues alone. Fear leaves, and the pain of heartache is subdued.  I no longer feel alone. God is with me me, renewing my spirit, soul and assisting in carrying the burdens when they become too much to bear by myself. Prayer time allows me to say "Thy will be done" and leave the rest up to God.

Just some thoughts from my heart to yours.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Wondering About Your Sanity? 6/15/2020

Good Morning,

I just spent the last fifteen minutes outside with our two dogs as they went about their morning business. Yesterday I took the two of them swimming as part of their conditioning and hunting training. They were pretty tired last night and they aren't too full of mischief this morning either. My cup was filled with Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. It is time to write.

1 Samuel 26:23 The Lord rewards every man for his righteous and faithfulness. 

Today I want to spend a little time on a subject that pops into my heart now and then. I figure, if I am thinking about this other people must be also. Let's see.  Jesus went out and called twelve men to follow Him. Not too much at all is said about what these twelve left behind, So I have often pondered if they challenged their sanity level , leaving the comfort of home, familiar surroundings, and safety to follow Jesus. Jesus made a clear call to them and began the process of changing their souls.

Choosing to be a Godly man or woman in your home, community, or workplace may not reward you with any immediate praise or tangible rewards. You may experience some rejection, alienation, and at time some loneliness because of your decision to follow God.   But Jesus made a promise to all of us  and is certain to keep it, What we see today here on Earth isn't all there is.

In time because of this calling from our Lord, we will rejoice and leap for joy. Many of those who have gone on before us experienced this same thought of uncertainty, and because now they are with our Heavenly Father today, their satisfaction is complete for eternity.

Sanity check complete? You are on the right path.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Thank You For This Day 6/14/2020

Good Morning,

I am smiling at the thought of writing today. I am running behind a little this morning. I spent too much time soaking in some sunrise this morning. It was a beautiful sky and watching our two dogs running around and just being dogs made it easy to let time slip away. I am looking forward to making some cherry pancakes in a short while. So as I sit here letting the breeze blow on me and while drinking a large cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee it is time to write.

1 Chronicles 16:34  Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever. 

I am going to ask you to do something today besides read. I want you to look out and find a thing of beauty. For some it might be the person sitting across the table from you. For me, I can see a nested robin who actually thinks that she is hidden and assumes that I cannot see her. She has chased our two dogs around a couple of times letting them know that they are too close to her nest.

I want you to capture your scene in your mind as if you were taking a photo. Then close your eyes and thank God for this day and what you saw.

 I cheated and took a peek to the right and I see a garden that has some phenomenal squash plants growing. I closed my eyes snapped my mind photo and what I aw was a cold winter day, with hot squash bread coming out of the oven.

I have had a peaceful morning and I know not all people can say this. Some are fighting off the Covid
  virus  today or other horrible diseases. Some are fighting injustice and hurt. Some are fighting confusion. But in the midst of all this you might see the caring eyes of someone behind a mask. God sent those eyes to you. It might be the flower you see or the turkey strolling through your yard. It could be the sunrise like I watched. It could be your children with syrup dripping down their chin that is the thing of beauty you see. Dear Friends, in the middle of all these things God just sent you something to say "Hey I am here and  I just sent you something to help you with this day.

Then all you need to do is admit that it was God who sent you something to see and say thank you. He thought about you today and made sure you saw something He did just for you.  Save that photo album of your mind and add to it tomorrow.

You are loved.


Saturday, June 13, 2020

God Bless The Farmers 6/13/2020

Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and next to me is a large cup of Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee and It is steaming hot.

2 Timothy 2:6 It is the hard working farmer who ought ton have the first share of the crops.

Yesterday my wife Rene and I were able to eat breakfast together. Breakfast together doesn't happen all that often. It was a simple meal with some fried eggs from a cast iron pan, bacon, and some fresh baked rolls. I had coffee to drink and Rene sipped on orange juice. We each had some peach slices to top it all off.

We prayed a prayer of thankfulness for the food. During our prayer Rene thanked God for farmers.  I said to her "good prayer", She replied "Think about it for a minute. Can you picture us raising chickens so we can eat eggs? How much wheat do you think we could grow on our property? I don't think oranges will grow in this climate.  When was the last time you tried making butter? If I remember correctly we ended up throwing it out." She was definitely correct in her thinking. I reminded her that without water and sunshine even the best of farmers couldn't grow anything. Let alone feed their chickens. She conceded that God overall gave us farmers, sunshine and rain.

When you thank God for the food of the day, remember to thank him for the people He put behind the food. To end it all she said this. "Thank you God for the farmers who grow and provide a lot of our food. And one more thing Lord, I'd love to see Marty harvest eggs on a chicken farm just once without shooting the chickens and having the dog retrieve the eggs.

But in all seriousness, God bless all farmers.


Friday, June 12, 2020

Looking For The Lantern 6/12/2020

Good Morning,

Last night was a long one around our part of the world. A storm rolled through and took out the electrical service for many hours. My day started with prayer and a large cup of Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee. Now it is time to write.

Proverbs 1:5 Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.

Last evening when the power went out it was still light outside and it was easy to move about the house without any troubles. But, darkness was going to set in and even though our home has a generator which supplies power to the main components of our home it lacks the capacity to light up the whole place. We reserve some of the power capacity to be able to share a cord with a neighbor if needed.  So a flashlight or lantern is needed to get about the house in the dark. We don't use candles just to avoid another emergency like a fire that is not needed.

So just before dark my wife went to the spot where the flashlights are kept and she replaced the batteries if they needed it. I went to the garage and retrieved an LED lantern, it was right where is always is. Everything worked fine and we made it through the night without any problems whatsoever.

My point is this. When the power went out we prayed first, relaxed and went into mini crisis management mode early enough to be ready for a the long haul. Take note. We were as ready as we could be for this mini crisis. We learned a long time ago that being without power in the middle of a below zero spell in January makes for a cold house and possible frozen pipes. We discovered that flashlights need to be checked now and then and an ample supply of batteries is a good idea. Wood for the fireplace is a good idea to have so you can avoid freezing. Instead of a vacation we spent the money on an emergency power system one year. Our basement stays dry because the sump pumps have power to run and pump away heavy rains when the power goes out.

God blessed us with a few emergencies and we soon learned from our mistakes that we weren't prepared as well as we thought. Last night was evidence that placing things so they can be easily found is a good habit. Checking them for operational status twice a year is another good habit we picked up from learning the hard way.

So friends, this is not about "Being Prepared/ Survival 101. It is about learning from past experiences good or bad.  It is about not repeating a mistake. Everything listed above we learned through experiences good and bad.

Think about it. What mistake will you repeat again just because you didn't learn from it the first time?
Make plans for not repeating the foolishness of the same thing over and over again. Frozen water pipes are not too forgiving! Mistakes happen. Experiences come along. Learn from them.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Patience Please 6/11/2020

Good Morning,

Yes I am drinking a cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee. I needed a jump start to my day. 

In an age where we can obtain information with a touch of a screen and purchase things without even making a phone call, faith and patience seem to have no place.
When I was a kid and we wanted soup we opened the can, placed the soup in a pan and placed it on the stove to boil. Now we can just plop it into a bowl and microwave it within seconds. I have watched people tap their fingers with impatience on a microwave when they think it is taking too long. We have become an impatient people.
In today's text we see that in our faith we need to wait on God for His timing and His answer.

But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

—Romans 8:25

If we wait on God and trust in His wisdom to do only what is best for us we can wait with patience. In God we trust. It is more than just a phrase on a coin. 

God bless,


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Bringing Joy To Yourself 6/10/2020

Good Morning,
My cup is filled with Door County Caramel Pecan Scones  Coffee this morning. And after listening to a night filled with storms it is time to write.

Isaiah 55:12          
“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

This coming weekend, members of our church will be going t out on a prayer walk and at the same time others will be in the church praying. Some will be giving out bottles of water on the bike trail near church. All have been asked to bring something with them. They are to bring a smile. Wherever they will be, these folks will be around others. At 9:00 AM most everyone participating will be wide awake. If they bring joy with their smiles and a nice word to others it will make the day for someone a little better.  But my thought for this morning is this. When you spread joy and good tidings you can't help but bring joy to yourself. Being in prayer for others is a gift given to God's children that they might pray for for each other and those that they meet. Being at the throne of God in prayer is a joy to do. What we perceive as a loving duty will bring joy to our own hearts.

So experience some joy today. Smile and say a kind word to those you meet. Pray for them and you will have filled your part of the world with some joy.

God bless,


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Going Fishing 6/9/2020

Good Morning,

My day began quickly and will run very late tonight. It is a good thing for me to "Coffee Up" with a big mug of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee.  It's time to write.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. 

I have been known to go fishing now and then. I did a lot more fishing in my younger days and I even traveled to Ontario a few times to trout fish. I caught the fishing bug when I was a boy. I would stay with my grandparents in the  Upper Peninsula of Michigan for a few weeks every summer. I learned how to fish from my grandfather. We would pick night crawlers after dark for bait. We also trapped our own minnows as another source of live bait. Grandpa used to fish with a fly rod and was very accurate with his casts. Grandpa would smoke a cigar while fishing. He said the smoke kept the mosquitoes away. I think he just liked to smoke a cigar while fishing. The smoke just made my eyes water.

We would be pretty quiet while fishing and not much was said. We would sit in the boat for a couple hours rowing slowly around the small lakes we fished. Most of our talking was on the ride to the lake and on the way home. Grandpa was very good at pointing out the many different things nature had to show us. We would travel down this one gravel road and one day he asked me what I thought the temperature was. I told him that whatever it was, it was very hot. He pointed out a wet spot in the road. "Did you ever notice how that spot is always at least damp even during a bunch of hot days strung together and everything  else is dried up and hard?" was Grandpa's thought of the day. I told him that I never really thought about it, but it sure was an oddity. Grandpa explained that beneath the gravel was a spring that would weep moisture onto the gravel all year long. It didn't freeze in the winter.  He then asked me this question. "Do you believe in God"? I replied "I guess so. It's hard to believe in what you can't see." He went on. "You just saw witness to God. The proof is in all you see in these woods and the lakes, No man could make what you have seen this summer. I believe in God". That was the last words he ever said to me about God.

I hunt a lot now and rarely fish, but I still remember those words. When I see the things of nature I see the hand of God. A lesson well taught by an old man and a lesson well learned by a boy.


Monday, June 8, 2020

Learning To Swim 6/8/2020

Good Morning,

The sunrise was quick and stunning this morning and it soon took away the dampness of the night dew. I can almost hear the flowers growing in Rene's gardens. I just sat down to write after praying and gathering my thoughts. A cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee sits next to me and I will extend my heart to all of you in writing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another , and build one another up.

Yesterday afternoon after I finished the yard chores I decided that I would take our two English Springer Spaniels for some swimming. Now being the hunter I am, when I say swimming  the event had three purposes. The dogs like to splash around in the water and they had been outside in the sun following me around all day. A nice cool time in the water was called for. Yet the second purpose was to keep them in shape and swimming is great exercise. Thirdly, I train them to retrieve downed game from the water and to find it when it's not exactly visible.  We have two dogs. One is a seasoned hunting veteran who I just keep in shape and practice his skills a little. The second one is still a puppy, just one year old. Due to the timing of him joining our home and his age at that time, water training had to wait until about two months ago. And of course Covid 19 interrupted the training. So he is a little behind. His name is Leo and now we have an almost fully grown dog who is just really learning to swim. He is improving every day.

I found out that  this dog needs encouragement and baby steps. When I exposed him to the water I only let Leo go in as far his feet could still feel ground beneath him. Little by little I would throw the retrieving bumper out just a little further. The first time he went beyond where his feet could still touch ground he panicked a little. But he responded to the encouragement  to retrieve the bumper and return to me. Last night he was swimming out further and did some excellent work. He is still a little clumsy in the water but is coming along nicely. I praised him and a lot and he responded well. He wanted more time chasing the bumpers in the water. You can see his confidence growing.

The second thing that has been working for Leo is that his housemate Gibbs goes with us. Leo had to sit and watch Gibbs retrieve from longer distances, swimming fluently and efficiently. He was learning by example. He has a desire to imitate his older buddy.

My point for today is that I usually am very impatient and want all things to move quickly. But, I don't believe in throwing out a bumper that a puppy is used to retrieving on land and letting him learn how to swim the hard way by jumping in over his head and struggling to find his water legs.

All to often we do this same thing with people who are struggling in life or in their faith. In churches we always want to get the new Christians on board. Very often we throw them into service or study with a bunch of seasoned folks and they get lost in the land of doubting their abilities to understand the Bible or how to pray. This holds true for those who are recovering from hurt, addictions or recent losses also,  What everyone needs to take are baby steps and then move to the deeper stuff as they are able. People recovering from an addiction need encouragement and a guiding hand now and then. Most of all as our older dog does, we need to set the example for Godly living. They need to see our faith in action. Soon the y will be swimming on their own and functioning with new skills. Yet we need to remind them that we are their on the shore of their lives with the encouragement to keep going.

Now and then, Gibbs for  whatever reason will not be able to find a duck that went down. I encourage him to keep going, giving directions from shore or the boat. But when I see that he is tiring I call him back for a rest. We then go together either by me wading in or we take the boat. Sometimes we need to swim through life with our friends as they navigate the waters of recovery or a new found faith. But we must be patient. If I see where Gibbs went wrong and we can retrieve the duck I still let him go and finish the retrieve. I don't wade over and pick up the duck. My goal is to have him keep his confidence and not be humiliated by a failure.

Friends, think about this. We are all in different seasons of our life and our faith. But as I watch the next generation of dog take over the main hunting spot some day, I want to teach with patience the art of hunting to the new dog and use the abilities of the older dog to assist. There is someone today who could use you as a mentor or friend. There is someone confused in their faith or wondering if they can beat an addiction or bad habit. They want to jump in and whip it quickly but they could start to drown and quit .  You need to be on the shore of a life or two.

God bless,


Sunday, June 7, 2020

A Trip To The Town Dump Lesson 6/7/2020

Good Morning,

I am blessed to be drinking a cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and  to have two Springer Spaniels asleep on my feet.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. 

Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.

Yesterday I had to make a trip to the town dump to rid our garage of a pile of cardboard that has collected when the dump was closed due to the Covid Pandemic that caused the closure of many services. It is no doubt that as we stayed at home and had supplies shipped in we accumulated a lot of shipping boxes. Yesterday was the day to flatten them or cut them up so they could be taken to the dump and go into the dumpster to be recycled.

So off I went in our truck laden with enough cardboard to make the trip very worthwhile. I arrived  to the dump and as I expected the dump was very busy. Lots of cars and trucks were being emptied of refuse into the appropriate dumpsters. I actually had to wait in line to get rid of our old boxes. While sitting in the truck I just watched people dump the items they had brought to get rid of. I noticed this. As people were tossing things into the dumpsters many of them were smiling and willing to help others unload their junk.  As things were tossed away, I didn't see anyone jump into a dumpster and retrieve anything they threw away. For many people it seemed that they were happy to be getting rid of items.

Soon it was my turn to toss my cargo and it was actually more than I had thought it was. As I started to unload ,a young lady who was waiting to feed the cardboard monster asked if I wanted  a hand. Helping me just made the line move quicker, but I also appreciated the help. People were leaving the dump after discarding the loads they had hauled in. They were smiling.

From what I observed, I thought of this lesson. Rene and I were getting rid of items that had filled the garage and our basement. Sooner or later mildew would have set in on the boxes and eventually some mold vapors would stink up the garage and basement. It was time to remove them from the house. I felt good about it.

Friends the lesson deepens now. What do you hold within your heart that takes up space that love and compassion could fill? Do you have an old hurt or a satchel of anger or bitterness that fills your heart? Has it started to mildew your response to life or disable your heart from beating strong for the God that loves you? Maybe something came along in your life that filled you with disappointment?

Many will attend church today in beautiful buildings or in schools used for as a church. Maybe you will worship from home. I want to suggest, wherever you worship today you use it as the dumping ground for hurt, anger, bitterness, disappointments and doubt. Pray and ask God to help you to do so. He is always willing to help you clean our hearts, the house where He lives. Just think about it God will labor with us to clean His house in our hearts. Then friends, don't jump back into the dumpster and retrieve the garbage that weighs you down. Pray for strength to walk away and never look back.

Lesson from the dump. Leave it where you threw it away.

God bless.
