Saturday, December 31, 2022

Out With The Old Here Comes the New12/31/2022

 Good Morning,

Nothing like a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java to warm a body up and set it on the the path of being productive.

Later tonight we will all be saying goodbye to the year 2022 and to say the least it has been a year of many hurdles, blessings and at times confusion for this family. We attended the weddings for two of our nephews in July as they married their true loves. My wife and her family nursed their mother back to health , when there was a time that it did not look good. One other nephew got engaged last year on New Years Day. So we have another wedding coming up. The date has yet to be determined. One of our niece in laws was tested to see if she carries the gene for Huntingtons Disease and the results were great. She is not a carrier. Our daughter built a home and beat the large increases on interest rates. These are part off the many blessings that God bestowed on us with in 2022. 

I won't list the struggles we incurred in 2022 and those that will carry over into 2023. But there are some not so bright spots on the horizon. One could dwell on the bad stuff and throw a pity party, but that would do no one a bit of good. 

Joshua 24:15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve., whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. 

So as the oldest in this family, if I had all the clan together right now I would say this. Buckle up for the ride. God is with us through the blessings and the times of dark shadows. He is to be our Light, Guide, and the focus of our love. We will laugh, love, live and cry together in this year and give God the glory in all. 

So as we say goodbye to 2022 and welcome 2023 God is still on His throne and we will look to Him to navigate the good and the bad of this new year. 


Friday, December 30, 2022

Assembling Some New Shelving Together 12/30/2022

 Good Morning,

I started this day with prayer and a hot mug of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and now it is time to write. 

       Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. 

This past week I noticed a shelving unit in our basement was starting to collapse due to age and the weight on the shelves.  It was a very cheap piece when I purchased it back in 1994 and it served it's purpose up until now. 

So yesterday I went to the local builders supply and home goods store to purchase a more substantial unit. My purchase was made and I brought it home to assemble and install it later. The unit was identical in size to the old one. From the start I knew that the assembly would require two people. My wife Rene was "voluntold" what our project would be after our evening dinner and she agreed to her enlistment. 

The first step was to empty the old shelving unit and tear it apart. Once we started in on that portion of our chore we discovered that there were some items that were no longer needed and could be taken to the dump. In addition I found two frying pans that I had been looking for and thought they had been misplaced forever.  All said and done we have a shelving unit that has plenty of spare room since we cleaned out the collection of items that should have been tossed awhile ago.

Cleaning out areas now and then is a good idea, especially in the winter. But that isn't the lesson for today. While we were assembling the new shelving, Rene remarked and said "There is no way one person could have done this" I refrained from replying with a wise cracker answer like "Ya Think? That's why you were invited to this party".  Instead I answered "I believe it was the designers intent to create a project of inclusiveness. I am happy we could be spending this time together and it shows the value of two people working toward a goal."

It is true. No way could I finish that project without another set of hands. I was once again reminded that I was blessed with a wife who doesn't mind working alongside of me and that the two of us accomplish a lot when we see and understand the goal. 

Before going to bed, Rene remarked "that was a good time tonight and it made a big difference in the basement." I replied "anytime spent with you babe is a bonus to my day." Her eyes rolled and we laughed and said I love you and called it a night.

Just remember to thank God for your spouse, they are a gift from above.



Thursday, December 29, 2022

Peace Talks Hopefully, Get On The Bus. 12/29/2022

 Good Morning,

The cup in front of me is filled with Door County Naughty And Nice Grog Coffee and it is time to write. 

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me God, and know my heart. Test me and know my thoughts. See if there be any wicked way within me and lead me in the way everlasting. 

The evening news was spattered with  a little hope out of Europe that there might be some peace talks between Russia and Ukraine in the near future. This war has gone on for too long and even the rumor of peace talks is appealing to me. I have been praying since day one for this war to cease and will continue to do so long after it has ended. 

There will be a lot of issues at hand and none will be ironed out until there is a true desire for peace.

 Friends we too have relationships that are at times bumpy to say the least and we all know people that can gather peacefully for a day or two or for a few hours. But yet there is the probable possibility that one small thing will cause the two parties to fall off of the peace wagon and go waring after each other. This type of tension is worse than the all out battles. Sleep is deprived. Nerves are shattered, and behavior is erratic and unpredictable within the two battling parties as well as those around the combatants. 

These relationships will go on in an unrepaired manner and be volatile until both parties truly desire peace within and transfer that desire to those others involved in the turmoil. This might require a behavior change or twenty by both parties. But if a true desire for peace is wanted, the involved parties will look within first, before pointing out behavioral changes needed with their opponents. This step is huge and yet is the most important step in seeking peace in a relationship. The question is this. What part of the problem are you? 

Don't let the New Year begin without seeking peace for these personal wars within your lives. We used to sing a song in church that had this one refrain. "Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me."

Ask God to show you the wicked within you and then ask Him to help remove it from your existence. Then you will have made that first big step in seeking restoration. 

Let it begin with you,



Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Pheasant Hunting For New Years Day 12/28/2022

 Good Morning,

This morning rolled in as expected with some warmer weather. Yet I find great satisfaction in enjoying a very hot mug of Door County Naughty And Nice Grog Coffee. 

Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

On Sunday, 2023 will also roll in and as far as New Years Eve goes not much is in our plans except to enjoy a light meal at home and rest up for the next day. For quite some time it has been a tradition for members of my family to hunt for pheasants on New Years Day. This year the day will be capped off by eating what we have hopefully shot and have a family meal. I know my two nephews are ready for this to happen. The meal will take place at our home and everyone is bringing something to make the meal whole.  I have a back up plan if we come home without any game. In my mind and heart I will be remembering those who can't be with us. 

Before we dine on fowl and other goodies, I plan on taking some time to pray for this new year with all family present. There are already clouds on the horizon that we will endure together and there are also days of happiness and sunshine coming. Through the love of Jesus we will make it through the good and the bad that might come our way. 

I guess that is what the oldest in our clan is supposed to do. I pray that these guys will gather on New Years day for many years to come and long after I am gone. I pray that the tradition of praying together before the hunt and giving thanks afterwards will be part of their lives forever. 

So as you look 2023 in the face, start it off with prayer and make a little time capsule of the day with a photo and a list of requests. This is something new I want to do and review it next year and add to it. My oldest nephew will be the keeper of the capsule and some day hand it down to another family member. 

Plans for the new year? Plan on making God the priority of 2023.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Returning Gifts 12/27/2022

Good Morning,

I am headed out to work this morning and I will have a hot mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee with me in my truck. 

Proverbs 12:22 Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are His delight. 

Later today I will be stopping to return a gift I purchased for my wife. When she opened the gift of a sweater vest I could read her eyes and I knew that somehow I blew it again in the gift purchasing arena. Later she thanked me and asked if I minded if she returned it and exchanged it for something else. I asked myself what I would think could be wrong with the gift and then it hit me. In 1002 years of marriage I never saw her wear a vest. Not one time do I recall seeing her in a vest. You would think that I would know better.

My work today will take me near the place where I purchased the gift. I volunteered to do the exchange chore. Now, please don't throw my wife under the bus for being ungrateful or something like that. She was being honest, and I would rather she have something she would wear than for her to not wear it and eventually give it away. Worse yet, she would wear it and not like being in it. Trust me, my feelings weren't hurt and I would rather she be honest than hiding something from me. 

My point for the day is this. The truth in all things is always best. Who knows. I might of assumed she liked it and then purchased another one next year. 

Food for thought. Be honest! 


Monday, December 26, 2022

Feeding The Birds 12/26/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began after a long night of tossing and turning. This doesn't happen very often for me so my daily blog is running late and my cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee is working overtime now. 

Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some have unknowingly entertained angels. 

A few weeks ago we decided that we have a good spot in our front yard that would be an excellent place to hang a bird feeder. So I purchased and inexpensive one and a bag of bird seed. There are a couple of cardinals that we see now and then and we thought it was time for us to feed the "View". 

The last few days brought us some snow and very cold weather. We were away for a few days last week and returned home to be very busy. For some reason I did not really look out the window and view the bird feeder, I brushed the snow off of it when I was cleaning up after a snow fall but that was it. The feeder had plenty of seeds in it so I just assumed nothing had visited our diner. 

Yesterday morning however, I saw a bunch of very small birds sitting below the bird feeder pecking at the seeds that have fallen from wind. It was easier for them to eat. Later I went out and purposely spilled some seeds onto the concrete block. Within minutes about 15 tiny little birds were eating and playing around. I have no idea what kind of birds these are and I won't be purchasing a book to help me bird watch. But I will continue to keep the feeder filled just to feed those little guys and see just what else might show up at the diner. 

My point for the day is this. Although the cardinals have not come to our home, these little birds have. They will be treated the same and there will be bird feed for all. Never turn away an unexpected guest from your door. It only takes a minute or two to make some coffee and offer to share a cookie or more. 

God bless,


Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas. From My Heart To Yours. 12/25/2022

 Good  Morning,

My den is filled with two Springer Spaniels that are tired of the cold weather and want to get outside today and play around. I on the other hand am going at it a little slower and the plan is to enjoy my hot mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee. 

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

It is Christmas morning and except for me and the dogs all is quiet in our home. In a little while a fire will be started in the fireplace and we will prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus with family and of course some food. I am blessed to have family near and far. It isn't a large family but it is one that I wouldn't trade for the world. We don't always agree on everything but we agree on this, "when in doubt if you don't like something at least respect it."

So I will not bore you this morning with a long message. Christmas day should be a day when differences are set aside and if at all possible fences mended. Out pastor challenged folks to take the first step in reconciliation and there is no better time than Christmas day to do so, Make  the call. Accept the call. Don't let the day go by without healing some old wounds. 

With that I end my daily word of encouragement and say this to all who will read this. Merry Christmas.  From my heart to yours. God Bless


Saturday, December 24, 2022

My Christmas Prayer For You 12/24/2022

 Good Morning,

Today is Christmas Eve and my mug is filled with Door County Jingle Bell Java and my heart is at peace.

Psalm 34:17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them. 

Tonight we will observe Christmas Eve at our church and people from all over will be opening presents, visiting friends and relatives, as well as feasting on some special foods. But unfortunately not everyone will be able to do so for one reason or another. For some, they just don't feel like it. Times are tough for them or this is the first Christmas without a loved one whom they miss dearly. They are just not in a festive mood. 

You can place them in a room full of people and they will still feel alone and isolated. I have been in this type of mood myself and it took a couple of years to snap out of it. It took time to heal. During this stretch I had someone say something to me on Christmas Ever that I will never forget. "I know you are hurting. I won't tell you that it is wrong or right. I won't tell you I know the fix for the situation. I will tell you this however. I love you. And you can count on me to pray for you tonight, several times asking God to help you through the night and tomorrow. Also if you are up to it stop over by us and have something to eat." I did not go out that night. I was called into work and I was able to salvage Christmas for a family with a flooded basement. They thanked me for repairing their problem and asked me to eat  some of their Christmas feast. I agreed and before I knew it they were teaching me to sing Christmas songs in Spanish. Don't forget the nurses, plumbers, etc. who might be serving you. Be kind and thankful. Before I could leave they held my hand and prayed for me. I did not understand one word except for Amen. But my heart was touched and I did not feel alone as much as I did before I got there. 

Someone reading this today is feeling the same way that I did many years ago. Someone needs to know they are loved. Someone needs to know they are being prayed for. They might turn your invitation to fellowship down, And you already know they will. But extend the invitation anyway. They might just need to know that you care enough to invite them over. Bring a plate of food to them if they decide to stay in. 

My prayer for you today is for you to be able to recognize someone who is lonely, and in need of a friend. My other prayer is for those who are hurting. I will be praying for you all to find some peace over these next two days and for you to know you are loved.

Merry Christmas. 


Friday, December 23, 2022

Time To Melt Your Cold Hearts 12/23/2022

 Good Morning,

I awoke this morning to a super cold house. Some how the door from the garage to the inside of our home blew open last night and the -7 degree air was filling the house. To say the least it was a little frosty in a couple areas of the home. I believe the Mrs. did not secure that back door last night before my night owl gal went to bed. Well no harm, no foul,. It made the Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee taste that much better. 

We are wrapped in the arms of a frigid cold front and I wasn't kidding about those temperatures being below zero. But after some thought, I know what I want to write about this morning. 

Over the next two days and maybe even today, people will possibly be exchanging Christmas gifts to one another. I am all for gifts and cards but my thought for today is this. Give yourself a gift of health. The cold in our house reminded me of what could happen if the water pipes would freeze. Eventually the frozen pipes split and the water lets loose and you can imagine the mess and damage it causes. 

Today there are many hearts which are frozen just like the cold cold ground. They no longer have the warmth of love that a heart needs to be beating fully. I always say that a heart beats best when it beats for others,  There is something today that is keeping you from enjoying a warm heart. It could be the loss of a relative or friend. If this is the case please let me extend my sincere and deepest sympathy to you. It could be a marriage that is rocky to say the least and your heart is filled with despair. Your heart might be frozen with anger and anxiety. Before that frozen heart breaks, give yourself a gift. It is free and isn't hard to do. Look up and pray for your heart to be warmed by the love of God. Let Him fill any voids that this world has left on your heart. Let him heal the hurts and place music in your soul again. 

The love of God is what melts hearts and gives meaning to lives that are frozen and hurt. Let God win the battle for your heart.

2 Samuel 17:10 And even  he who is valiant, whose heart is like the heart of lion will melt completely. 

Isaiah 13:7 Therefore all hands will be limp. Every mans heart will melt.

Psalm 116:13 I will lift up my heart and call on the name of the Lord!

My prayer today is for those who need to have their hearts warmed, will open the gift of a heart that beats for you and invite God in to heal and melt those hearts of ice. 

God bless,


Thursday, December 22, 2022

No Where To Go And It Feels Good 12/22/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and a hot mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee. It is good to have both of our dogs home with us. They were boarded while we were visiting our daughter. I made the trek to pick them up yesterday and do believe they are happy to be home. Both of them are asleep at my feet. 

Psalm 20:4 May He grant you your hearts desire and fulfill all your plans. 

Blizzard conditions will be the name of the game for the next two days and I for one am ready to just take care of the snow that will accumulate, stay warm and work on a couple refinishing  projects to stay busy. The only reason we would need to go anywhere is because of some emergency. They weather forecasters recommend staying off of the roads and that is just what we will be doing. We have all we need at home to get by and it feels good not to have to venture out. 

I will however make a trip out to the wood pile and bring in some more firewood and put that wood to good use. I will have extra time to remember others and pray. I know some folks will see this as a huge inconvenience and it is for those who need to travel, But for me this is an opportunity for more time in prayer and extra time to enjoy just being home. So my intention is to take a bad situation and take advantage of it and have it be used for good. 

I once had a friend of mine who was in the last stage of cancer. He was in the hospital basically waiting to die. He called me and asked if I could bring him something. I asked what he wanted and he told me to bring him a paper copy of our church directory. He was going to take his last few days on earth to call people at church and pray with them and for them. His goal was to be a blessing to others right up until he couldn't. 

I will never forget that and I hope that I will remember it some day when the end is near for me. Be a blessing right up to the end as long as you can. I brought him the directory and when I left him he had a huge smile on his face. A few days later he passed on to glory. We went to his funeral and people were still talking about how he called them and prayed for them in his last days. Not only did he desire to be a blessing, he followed through and was. We can desire to do good, but in order to achieve our said proclamation we have to follow through. Good intentions left unlaunched are just that. A goal without any results never helped anyone. So if you are thinking about a goal of good. Carve out time to do it. 

Food for thought! Let it snow. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Our Christmas Gift Didn't Come In A Box. 12/21/2022

 Good Morning,

The train down the tracks behind our home just sounded the horn and for some reason it seems louder than usual. It could be that the frozen ground is not absorbing any sound. It is very cold this morning and I am more appreciative of my hot mug of Door County Naughty And Nice Grog Coffee. 

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you, Seek and you will fined. Knock and it will be opened to you. 

For the last four days my wife Rene and I have been visiting our daughter and grandson in the state of Georgia. We arrived home late last night as our part of the world prepares for a blizzard over the next couple of days. I am always up for a good snow storm. 

It was good to see both of them and we had all kinds of fun. We were also able to just sit and visit. As a family we watched a football game among other things. During that time our daughter celebrated her birthday and of course there was a huge chocolate birthday cake. We also exchanged birthday and Christmas presents. I have to say that on a scale of one to ten our visit was an eleven for sure. I do however need to diet a little now, as I came home heavier than when I left. 

I would like to zero in on one of the presents we received. Our daughter has a very good job, yet with her work situation she does not get paid for time off. She worked her schedule in such a way that she could spend time with us. I know that she will have to work some long hours now to keep up with a project or three. We received many thoughtful gifts from those two, yet the greatest gift of all was the gift of their time. Our truck came home filled with presents and goodies we picked up during our stay. But the thing that was filled and overflowing was our hearts. You can't put a price tag on that. But today we are back to the grind and we will live off of memories until we visit or they visit again. So today my heart is running a little empty, but so glad to have been given the gift of time. I already started my Christmas list for next year! 

Christmas will be here this weekend. Be sure to hug your loved ones. It's the gift that keeps on giving. 


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

What Are You Doing About It? 12/20/2022

 Good Morning,

I will be eating at a Waffle House this morning and my coffee will be their brand. I have been looking forward to it for a couple of days. 

James 4:17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is a sin. 

I receive many prayer requests from people in different situations and I pray for them and request God's will to be done in that situation. I am a staunch believer in prayer and praying for others. Many years ago while I was still doing youth work in our church A teenage girl was all stressed out about an upcoming exam for some subject. She said it was imperative that she passed this test with at least a C grade to keep up her GPA.  I was curious as to why she was struggling in this class. I asked her how her studying was going. Her reply was this. "Not too good. I get distracted and I was on the phone the other night for two ours with my boyfriend. I asked her what she wanted God to do. Her reply was interesting. I would like God to help me recall all I learned for me to get a good grade." I said, are you planning on studying a lot more? "No", was her reply. "I don't have time to study tonight. He just needs to help me," I was prepared to pray for her to get some sleep and stay awake during the test if she were to stay up late or all night long. 

I believe that we should pray, but I also believe that when faced with something that is needed we can expect God to leave some of the work to us.  There are times when I am asked for advice and then asked to pray for help in some type of personal thing for others. Yet when given the chance to do something about their plight, they do nothing to help the cause except to create excuses. I have prayed about finances for people and when I ask if they have a written budget they reply with a no. It like praying about cleaning your house. You might pray for help and God sends someone your way to help.. Yet you keep habits that are poor housekeeping to say the least. People then wonder if God is listening and often they whine when they don't believe their prayers are answered. The right prayer request from this young lady would have been for God to help her prioritize her life and find time to study and then do it. If the effort was put in, I could then see praying for recalling lessons learned. 

Food for thought. 


Monday, December 19, 2022

God Accepted My Resignation 12/19/2022

 Good Morning.

I just sat down to write and enjoy a hot cup of Snickers Coffee. Happy Monday to all.

Yesterday we visited a church and instead of preaching I was able to sit down and listen.

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me all who labor and are heavy  laden, and I will give you rest. 29. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me. For I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

I was glued to the message and in no short time at all, I knew that it wasn't a coincidence that I was there. The message hit me in the heart and once absorbed it eased my mind and soul. I have been very busy and the more I have to do, the more things get added to me. The pastor of the church spoke on Matthew 11:28-30 and he pointed out that some of us in the hall might need to slow down and rest from everything or at least trim down the duties a bit. He went on to say that many people are very tired from carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders and it is ok to let God do His job. As I looked at the list of things on my plate for the next two months I got a little overwhelmed. God tells us to turn over some of the burdens of the world to Him and He will give us rest. I realized that I was butting in on what God does and has no need of my help. In addition He wants to harness me and direct more of the work I do. So yesterday it was very easy for me to submit my resignation as the one who runs the universe and return the duties back to God. Not only did I submit my resignation, but God accepted it!!!

The first things that went were the things I try to control and really have no control over them whatsoever. That burden was released yesterday and my worries were turned over to God. It is amazing that I had to travel and I thought I would be helping our daughter find a new church in the area where she now lives. Instead the message was for me! I felt the weight of the world leave my shoulders and it was much overdue.  Food for thought on this Monday. Some of you are way too busy holding grudges, trying to correct others, and managing the world for others, when you need a break. Resign from being the Keeper of The World.


Sunday, December 18, 2022

A Piece Of Birthday Cake 12/18/2022

 Good Morning,

I slept in a little too long this morning and it should of felt good but it made me feel a little guilty. I am enjoying a hot cup of peppermint coffee and it is time to write.

Ecclesiastes  3:1 For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. 

I used to work with a hospital administrator who had a good way to look at dessert. Now and then we had meetings over lunch. Most of the meetings at her hospital were planned by her and her assistant. They usually were a cold cut buffet for us to make our own sandwich, There was always some fruit, veggies and chips to go with the sandwich. Last but not least her lunch menu always included some type of sweet dessert with the buffet. Her name was Anne. When I joined that team as a regional member I could not help but notice that Anne would always eat her dessert first. She went right to whatever was for dessert and ate the sweets and had a cup of coffee with it.

One day I asked her about eating that dessert first and she explained the reason. "I get so busy and am often called away from these meetings. I like desserts and I have a better chance of eating the dessert if I do that first. I don't believe that old saying, save the best for last".

I had to agree that it was some pretty sound reasoning and I used to chuckle to myself when I would see her smiling over a piece of pie or a cookie. 

My point for the day is this. Last night we had birthday cake after a fun day and some dinner. Our little family was together and we celebrated our daughter's birthday. I know the cake came at the end of the day, but I felt the day was one big dessert. We played some board games. I sat by a fireplace and checked my eyelids for cracks and my heart was filled with the sweetness of being together. Yes, I enjoyed a big steak dinner, and I knew that a chocolate cake awaited me later. Yet I enjoyed a dessert day all day long filled with joy and contentment. 

So my friends I wish for you this Christmas season to have days filled with dessert. Don't let anything keep you from enjoying the sweetness that Christmas can bring. 

Love to all,


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Forty Four Years Ago 12/17/2022

 Good Morning,

It is a nice morning to be alive. Armed with some Caramel Pecan Coffee and a lap top it is now time to write.

Forty four years ago I was hunting rabbits and it was getting way too cold and it was also snowing quite hard. I decided to qui and go home. I was hunting with my dad and he seconded the idea to stop for the day. We had a couple of rabbits to skin and that chore awaited us when I went home. 

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 

A couple of days earlier the doctor told my wife that it would be a couple more weeks before the baby we were expecting would arrive. So I really never thought that this would be the day our baby would be born. I called home ( pre cell phone days) after I cleaned the rabbits with my dad. I was told to hurry home, "the baby was on it's way". We did not know the gender back then and so I could not call the baby by name until later. 

Not only was it a short labor for mom, but the delivery also went at break neck speed. We were lucky to have gotten to the hospital in time. Remember I was also driving in a snow storm. Shortly after arrival at the hospital I was ushered into a delivery room that looked like an operating room. Things were a little different back then and my wife did not deliver in a room that looked like a suite at the Hilton. I was parked in the corner and advised to watch the delivery from my seat by watching the action in a mirror.  Fairly quickly as I watched and couldn't really see much, a baby came out of my wife and it was announced that we were parents to a "little princess." I was also told to stay seated and not pass out. I was looking a little pale at the moment. A name was asked for and we both spouted Kristy Marie. My life changed forever that day. Mom and Kristy were both healthy and that was my main prayer.

I was a proud papa and for forty four years I have been proud to be called Dad. Kristy arrived into the world in a whirlwind and she still is a whirlwind to this day. I have know idea where she gets her warp speed energy from. But today we are slowing down to celebrate her birthday together and I will be thanking God for forty four years of my baby girl. Hey kiddo. Love you more. Happy birthday.



Friday, December 16, 2022

Bitterness Won't Allow You To Fly 12-16-2022

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee as I gather my thoughts.

Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble and by it may become defiled. 

When I see people struggling in life spiritually and emotionally I usually can find the root of the problem without looking too hard. They are chewing on the root of bitterness. Things might go good for a day or even a week, but then it happens. Some little thing is said or done to them and they pull out a big plug of bitterness out of their pocket and begin to chew on the past. They try to manage the present and the future with a mind, heart, and soul that is filled with bitterness.

Have you ever wondered why they or you aren't flying high on life and why you can't seem to advance? Try running a race after eating spoiled food. Your stomach does flip flops and you either mess your pants or vomit profusely. Bitterness will always keep a person grounded. In many instances you might be seeking revenge, yet asking for healing. The two emotions fight for control and bitterness always wins. At the source of most bitterness is a spirit of selfishness and hurt. There is an unwillingness to improve your own spiritual life while looking at the spiritual life of others. 

Friends. this is a recipe for misery. Let go of all bitterness or you will never be flying high in life and we were born to fly.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

I Could Hear The Rain 12/15/2022

 Good Morning,

Once again I am writing from our den on the second floor of our home and next to me is a hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee. The coffee is doing wonders for this old frame. 

Proverbs 16:22 Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the instruction of fools is folly. 

Last night around 6:pm the wind was quite boisterous and mixed with heavy rain. It could be heard throughout the house. The wind tossed the rain drops up against the siding on the house. This noise sure was a good warning to stay inside, warm and dry. Prior to parking my truck for the night I went to fill it up with gasoline and while there I noticed people pumping gas outside without coats. One person was in shorts and I heard him complaining about how cold it was.

It has to be cold on the body when the temperature is almost cold enough to freeze water and you aren't wearing a coat, hat or long pants. I did for a moment feel sorry for him until I realized that he was driving a car that is priced between $50,000 and $65,000. A guy that can afford a beautiful car like that can surely afford a coat. 

What was lacking here was common sense. Running around in the cold without being properly dressed is just begging to be ill. There is enough illness just floating around out there, so why catch a chill and a cold when you might be able to avoid it? 

Stupid is as stupid does I guess,


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

I Can Almost See Friday 12/14/2022

 I Good Morning. 

This morning hit hard and I am a little tired to be sure. I just filled my Thermos bottle with Door County Candy Cane Coffee and now it is time to write. 

I am looking forward to seeing our daughter and our grandson on Friday so my mind is already seeing Friday and it is only Wednesday. It is a much needed visit for all of us. We have made some plans and the rest we will play by ear. 

  • “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” – Psalm 133:1

Most of all we will be together and whether we are eating a feast or toast and coffee my heart will be full of contentment. But as for now I am antsy and can't wait to give them both a big hug. 

To me the number two reason to celebrate Christmas is family and get together as best as we are able to. This also supersedes gathering with friends. God first, family second is the order of importance. I can still recall picking my grandparents up at the Milwaukee train station as they made their annual Christmas visit from Watersmeet Michigan. Fond memories galore for sure. So take time off from work, and make sure to celebrate with family.

You never know when there will be one less at the tree. 


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

A Really Good Chance Of A White Christmas 12/13/2022

 Good Morning,

The Door County Naughty and Nice Grog is hot and ready to be sampled. It is time to write.

Psalm 51:7 Purge me Lord, and I shall be clean, wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. 

I was listening to a long term weather forecast and the meteorologist said that our area of the world has a good chance of having snow on the ground for Christmas. I for one would call that a blessing. Fresh snow always make me think about Jesus. There is nothing like looking into our back yard and seeing a snow storm blanket on our property. Having two dogs gives me a pretty good chance of having some dog poop under the blanket of snow. The snow covers the mess underneath. The old frozen grass with it's doggie land mines are made beautiful. 

Faith in Jesus Christ cleans up our sin record and we are washed free of sin and made brighter than snow. So when you see snow, remember the One who has washed you whiter than snow. 


Monday, December 12, 2022

John Wayne Movies On A Sunday Night. 12/12/2022

 Good Morning,

This morning arrived early for me and it started with a hot cup of Door County Naughty And Nice Grog. It is a new flavor to me and I give it a 5 star rating. 

Proverbs 1:8-9 My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother. 9. For they will be a graceful ornament around your head. 

Photo Credit Encyclopedia Britannica

Last night after things started to slow down a little, I found that I had a little extra time and I began to scroll through the television channels. One of the stations is focusing on John Wayne movies in the month of December. I was able to watch a classic for about an hour and it brought back memories of watching these movies with my dad when I was still living at home many years ago. I have to say that watching these old war or western movies brought back a lot of good memories. Dad would make a big batch of popcorn and we almost knew all of the movie lines by heart. 

My point for today is this. Take a kid to the movies or sit down and watch something with them. You make the popcorn and note that they will enjoy just hanging out with you. My dad used to let me invite a couple of my buddies over for movie night and that time was priceless. 

I went to bed last night with a smile and a few good memories. Make some memories yourself!

God bless,


Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Elf In The Room 12/11/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with a smile and a super hot mug of Door County Candy Cane Coffee. Our dogs were outside already and fed. Now it is time to write. 

Romans 15:7 Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. 

I will stand by the old saying " You are never too old to learn something" as my wife and I learned a lesson yesterday. And we qualify as old. 

We were a little behind in our Christmas preparations. Our Christmas tree is usually up and decorated the weekend after Thanksgiving. This year has added some extra responsibilities to our chore list and circumstances prevented us from getting the tree out of the basement and decorated. The thought of not having a Christmas tree this year crossed my mind a few times for sure. 

But yesterday was designated as the day for the tree. We have a large tree with ornaments that are a collection of our 1002 years of marriage. We do our best to display them all and to quote my wife " The tree seems to be getting bigger and heavier every year." I think it has something to do with the fact that the two tree trimmers are getting older. 

It just so happened that we also wanted to spend some time with a dear friend who just needed some family time. We consider her family. We invited her to come home with us after church last night for pizza and root beer. We asked if she would like to stay and help put up the tree. Well the pizza was great and the root beer was cold. After dining we started in on that tree. The verbal banter with the three of us was a lot of fun. In no time flat the tree construction/ decorating was complete. What was a daunting task turned into a fun event. It went pretty late and as I was taking her home, she told me what a good time she had. She had already told us that she wasn't having a Christmas tree and that sharing ours and decorating it meant more than we knew. We did have fun hanging the ornaments and explaining what they were or who's picture was on them. 

What we learned is this. You can invite people over for the holidays and display a beautiful tree. This is nice and true. But decorating the tree and spending time with someone who won't be having one is important also. I don't like pawning work on to someone else. But trimming the tree helps to give her some ownership and a sense of family. The third set of hands also made for lighter work. We never thought of that until last night. We learned that even with a chore, inclusion is important. We have enjoyed decorating the tree for a long time. We never thought that sharing the process with someone else could be "Celebrating" Christmas.  She doesn't know this, but an ornament with her picture will be on that tree next year. I hope, " Lord willing" to be having a night of root beer and pizza with the little elf again next year just a little earlier in December. 

God bless.


Saturday, December 10, 2022

You Don't Send A Representative. You Show Up Yourself 12/9/2022

 Good Morning,

Saturday arrived and it was right on time. We have a funeral to attend today for a friend who went on to heaven. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee and now it is time to write.

John 3:17 For God did send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 

When we sin, Jesus doesn't rub it in He rubs it out.

Yesterday I wrote about Love being born in a manger. Today I want to celebrate what God did by sending His Son to us. God told us in person that He loved us. Yes God himself with skin did and  showed His love for us. Think of it this way.

If you really want someone to know that you love them, you don’t send a representative. You say it personally. That is what God did at Christmas. 

Can you imagine when I first told my wife Rene that I loved her how impersonal it would have been if I had sent a messenger to tell her instead of doing it myself in person? God wanted the world to know personally, so He put some skin on and came to tell the world.  He came to show us love and for us to learn how to love Him back. Christmas is a time to celebrate God telling us that He loves us.

Food for thought.


Friday, December 9, 2022

Love Was Born In A Manger 12/9/2022

 Good Morning,

It looks like we will have some slippery roads today. That just makes the Door County Christmas Coffee taste that much better. I love a good winter challenge.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever would believe in Him would have eternal life. 

As we celebrate Christmas in a couple of weeks, I am reminded that Jesus left heaven to save the world. He came into this world born of a virgin and his first breath took place in a smelly manger. When I compare a manger to heaven, it seems as heaven wins out every time. 

Jesus showed us the depth of His love all through his life. But just think of the love it took to leave heaven. Love was born in a manger. 

33 years later Love hung on a cross suffering a painful death and separation from God the Father. Jesus took on the sin of us all. One who knew no sin bore our sins and sorrow so that we might go to the heaven He left. Love hung on a cross. I believe all of heaven was ready to fight that day, but yet the commander never said a word. Love was silent before His enemies. He left this world triumphant and will return the same way. Love will come back. 

Just a little food for thought. Have a great day!


Thursday, December 8, 2022

We Have Made Christmas Too Convenient 12/8/2022

 Good Morning,

Thursday it is. I am heading out soon with a hot mug of Door County Christmas Coffee in the console of my truck and a hope that this day goes well at work. We have been pretty busy this month and it goes with closing out the year. I am looking for ward to some Christmas vacation this month. 

Ecclesiastes 9:9 Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your life, that He has given you under the sun.

Our Christmas shopping is getting to be less and less every year.  We still purchase presents for some friends and family but no where close to what we did 37 years ago. We actually miss the Christmas shopping. M wife Rene and I would take a day off from work and shop all day, lists in hand and make a big event out of it. Now we kind of shop a little all year long with no need to put in a day of power shopping. 

I was just thinking that Rene and I need a day of just being together, eating some lunch and taking in a matinee at the theater.  A box of popcorn later and we will be ready for some Tums and a rest. We both agreed that if the Lord grants us another year, we will resume saving our shopping for December and enjoying a day of crowds and looking for deals. We took the fun out of giving gifts to others by just looking for convenience. We need a little more Christmas effort! 

Food for thought. Has Christmas become too convenient? 


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

December 7th. A Day That Shall Be Remembered 12/7/2022

 Good Morning,

I am more awake than I thought I would be this morning. I have been burning the candle at both ends and it has started to catch up with me. I am clinging to a hot mug of Door County Spicy Nut Cracker Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Romans 12:18 If is is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone .

December 7th 1941 was the day that the United States was attacked at Pearl Harbor and was drawn into World War Two. Not many survivors of that day are still alive. But as a nation we remember them and that day. I say thank you to those veterans still with us from that war.  World War Two was supposed to be the war that ended all wars. As I write this bombs are being dropped in the Ukraine, so the war to end all wars was fought and yet there are still wars going on. Peace just doesn't seem to take hold of this earth. I can't imagine anyone wanting war and in all reality there is nothing that shouldn't be able to be worked out. 

Friends and family, the overall world scene is probably not within our control. But how many of us are still at war with old friends, family, coworkers, neighbors or others we differ with? Why do we continue to let war rage within us over things that could be worked out or forgiven. When we think of war we visualize bombs, battleships, planes and large armies. But within our hearts wars rage without weapons. The weapon we have within us is an anger or hatred that we fight on with day after day. As bombs usually damage the landscape, a war that ravages within us also takes a toll on the heart and mind it lives in. 

As we head toward Christmas, lets stop the wars of the heart and leave them in the past. Reach out if that is what is needed. Forgive others without expecting anything in return. Make your surrender unconditional. 

Food for thought. 


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

When Is It Time To Quit? 12/6/2022

 Good Morning,

Another day is upon us and my to do list is a long one today. My decorated Christmas mug is filled with Door County  Spicy Nut Cracker Coffee. It is time to write.  

John 8:32 And you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Whether it is a job, a project, or a hobby, there is a time to be finished and there comes a time to hang it up completely. I was just wondering how many more years I might be able to keep enjoying hunting. Some day I will have to live off of memories. There comes a time when people retire from work. Some never retire. A project should have a start date and a projected finish date. 

There are times though that we let pride get in the way and we keep at something way too long and we never know to when just let it go. For each of us the object of ego is different, and what drives us to stay at something beyond what is reasonable is different for all.

We need to assess the situation and at times deal with reality. We need to ask "are we wasting our time"? Is this what God wants me to do? Is my obsessive behavior toward this certain thing Biblical? If not that is an immediate STOP. Is what I am doing hurting others? If so. Immediate stop. Is what I am obsessing over hurting me? If so that too is an immediate stop. 

Have you ever considered giving yourself a Christmas present by what you remove from your life? Could you afford to give a loved one a present by what you remove from your life? Some of the best gifts are the things you take away. 

Food for thought. 


Monday, December 5, 2022

Just A Little Further Boy 12/5/2022

 Good Morning,

Monday arrived and it could have waited another day as far as I am concerned. But, I just poured a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee and I will start Monday anyway.

1 Thessalonians 5:14 And we urge you, admonish the idle, encourage the faint hearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. 


Yesterday I had the opportunity to pheasant hunt with two young fellas in the afternoon. The cover for the birds was very thick and gave the advantage to the birds. Our youngest dog hunted hard and the cover was beating him up around the eyes. He hunted for a solid two hours taking in a short rest here and there as well as some water as needed. We covered a lot of ground and toward the end of the hunt he had slowed down quite a bit and needed some coaxing. 

When he started following me instead of leading the way, it was time to quit and I called it done. We had a good amount of birds in our bag for the day and it was no use pushing a dog beyond his limit. We made it to a warm truck and before too long on the road, our furry buddy was curled up, sound asleep. Later after being well fed, our hunting dog was content to lay by the fireplace and rest his eyes and his skinny body. 

The point for all of us is this. You can always push your spouse, kids, employees, or pets too far in hopes of just a little more success. It is important to know each of these and understand that each one is different and they respond differently. One of our dogs could hunt pheasants for 6-7 hours straight and rest a little and give it another hour before being too tired to go on. It's not fair to compare that bruiser to this smaller in stature dog. 

Children are all different from each other. Our spouses are not us. Our employees are all different and some don't respond as well to pressure as others do. Just a little more might take away their drive when they fail. So be careful, be fair and most of all treat others as individuals and know their limits.


Sunday, December 4, 2022

Have a Spa Day 12/4/2022

 Good Morning,

This day began without enough sleep for me. My hot mug of Door County Candy Cane Coffee has me in the grips of it's warmth and it feels good. I will be sleeping earlier tonight. 

The day began with my prayers, mostly for others. I did however say a prayer of thanks for how our Christmas caroling event went last night. It was a blessing to say the least. I wrote about the event yesterday.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

While we were caroling last night, my mind wandered quite a bit. I was wondering what God was thinking about our event and if we had missed anything. I would never venture out on a limb and say that God was pleased with our efforts or not. What I do know is that everything went well and by judging the looks on the faces of those being sung to and the fact that they joined in on the singing the event seems to be a success. 

The caroling didn't stop any wars. The Caroling didn't cure any sickness. The Caroling did not stimulate the economy. The Caroling didn't prevent any murders. The Caroling will never win a peace award. But it did unite a few nursing home residents and 27 church members in peace, joy and love for a few minutes. For that short time, it helped to remove all of the above from the minds  and hearts of others. The event helped clear the minds and hearts of turmoil, fear, and just plain old life. In review, I can say now that I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Last night we didn't just serve others and then fellowship over food. We celebrated Christmas in a big way! That I know for sure. 

Thought for the day Lose yourself into Christmas, even if it is only for a few minutes. Any escape from the world and it's issues is a spa day for the heart, mind and soul. 

God bless. 


Saturday, December 3, 2022

Hark The Herald Angels Sing. Sing For Your Supper12/3/2022

 Good Morning,

I am sitting upstairs in our den listening to the wind howl and next to me are two sleepy English Springer Spaniels. In my mug I have some hot Door County Candy Cane Coffee. That wind is really strong this morning and is making it's presence known. 

Psalm 98:4 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Break forth into joyous song and sing praises. 

Tonight several people from our church will walk over to a home for the elderly which is very close to the church. The group will be singing Christmas Carols for the residents of the home. A small bag of gifts will be given to the residents of the home. Once the mission of peace on Earth Good Will To Men is completed they will walk back to our church and then dine on different types of soup , accompanied by crackers and whatever anyone brought to go with the soups. I would not call this a rich mans feast. We have been doing this for many years and it was always designed to have the mission of Christmas Caroling be the main focus, not the meal. I know this group and especially two guys, that if desired could have a prime rib dinner with all the fixings ready for the group, upon their return from spreading good cheer. The soup will be hot and warming to the body, and delicious to say the least. The actions prior to soup time will be warming to the soul, of the residents being visited and the hearts of the carolers will also be lit aglow. 

I would have to say that this tradition that my wife and I started with a few others has been and still is a good way to kick off the month of December. To celebrate Christmas with kind acts is my goal for the month. I am convinced that I don't want to just observe Christmas, I desire to celebrate and pass on the celebration mood to others. Life is too short to not make room for the warmth of Christmas in our hearts. 

Now it is time to hit the kitchen and make the chili and the potato soup I promised for tonight. 


Friday, December 2, 2022

Just Some Minor Problems 12/2/2022

 Good Morning,

It feels good to be drinking some of the Door County Coffee Christmas Blends now that December has arrived. This morning has my mug full of Mistletoe Mocha. I can work from home today so, a small fire is burning in the fireplace and it is chasing the chill out of the house. 

James 1:2 Count it all joy my brothers, when you me trials of various kinds. 3. For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 

As I was heading upstairs to the den to pray and write this morning I encountered my first small problem for the day. Nothing major, but at the time a little irritating. 

As I approached the stairs to the second floor I went to turn on the lights for the stairs and the landing above. Nothing happened. No lights. In my younger days I would traverse up and down those stairs in the dark. I eliminated that option a couple of years a go after having my knee joints replaced and stair steadiness was not as good as it was in my younger days. So instead of being an example of "Mayhem" for an Allstate commercial I have changed my wanderings to be well lit. 

The lights for the stairs can be controlled from three different switches. One at the bottom of the stairs, one at the top of the stairs, and one at the exit from one of the bedrooms on the North side of the house. I exercised the switch at the bottom a few times and nothing. I then traveled up the stairs to the next switch and turned that one on and off without success.  I then focused my eyes on the third switch and found that it had been bumped and was half way open or closed however you want to look at it. This did not allow the circuit to be activated. Once I touched it, the switch closed and when I used it I was able to turn the lights on. I recalled that my tornado of a wife was still decorating the house for Christmas and her last area to decorate was the upstairs. I believe I know who bumped that switch and caused the little problem last night. She was working into the night in the den on another project and just stayed upstairs for the rest of the night.

So my point is this, the day started, with a warm fire, coffee, prayer, and then the first little problem. I am grateful for the small problem, as I am sure my wife was wandering in the dark last night and just didn't think about all three switches. Now other lights from the bedrooms or bathroom would have helped her navigate, but this will be a good opportunity to teach her about the  three way circuit. 

As we get older and heaven is closer than it was a year ago, I have been showing Rene things that she would need to do around the house if heaven calls on me before her. She is well versed on furnace filters. I have had her start purchasing the filters and replacing them for a few months now. It is simple things that could cause her grief in my absence. It is important to leave instructions with your loved ones for when you aren't here anymore. Your responsibilities live on long after you are gone. Some day when she changes that filter she we know that she was loved enough to be taken care of, even if she doesn't see me. 

Food for thought. Share knowledge and don't assume there will always be another day. A little problem was a blessing in disguise. 


Thursday, December 1, 2022

First Day Of December Thoughts. Do Some Good Out There. 12/1/2022

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a very hot mug of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee and I am enjoying both. It is time to write. 

Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 

Now we only have 24 more days until Christmas and those will blow by like a kid on his way to a candy shop. My thought for this 1st day of December is to commit to making every day count for something good. I will be buying a sandwich from a shop that I frequent when I am in the neighborhood later today. I usually tip the crew 20%. I am going to double that today and consider it my "do good for the day moment." I will be looking for small or big ways to make each day in December count for something good. 

Can you imagine if each person around the world would do this, what an amazing day it would be. But then a forest fire blaze starts only with a spark. So today, be that spark for good in your part of the world. Have a great day! Do some good out there. 
