Tuesday, August 31, 2021

No Complaining! 8/31/2021

 Good Morning,

A pot of Door County Creme Coffee just started brewing and I am looking forward to that first cup and maybe a second one. It's time to write. 

I really do like to cook and no doubt I eat too much of my own cooking. Last week we visited Jamestown and the historic site where on May 14 the 1607 100 members of a joint venture called the Virginia Company founded the first permanent English settlement in North America on the banks of the James River. 

The settlers were lacking a lot of things and I found their cooking systems to be very primitive. It took a lot of years to obtain the right equipment needed just to survive. 

My point for the day is this. Compared to 1607 we have it made in the shade. Imagine living in 1607 and coming to North America and trying to build a shelter from scratch and hope you make it through the winter. They foraged for food and learned to hunt from the Native Indians. 

Better yet, imagine if you could bring two of them back to see what we have now. I would imagine hot running water would blow their minds, not to even mentioning electric lights.

So today, when the air conditioning just doesn't seem to be enough and the ice cubes in your cold drink aren't satisfying you, stop complaining and thank God for all the conveniences you do have. I challenge you all to try cooking on an open fire, in August, on a 90 degree day, after you plucked your chicken, while swatting flies, and hoping the drinking water doesn't make you sick. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances.

Philippians 2:14 Do all things without murmuring and complaining.

Food for thought!


Monday, August 30, 2021

Call Out The Big Stuff 8/30/21

 Good Morning,

Morning has broken upon the scene and I will embrace this Monday with gusto. My cup of hot Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee is steaming next to me. I think it is time to write. 

Last week our family was able to tour a World War Two United States Battleship. I was mesmerized by the armaments carried on that huge ship. It was very impressive to say the least. The ship has been decommissioned  and now is a floating museum in Norfolk Virginia. Even at rest, it commands respect. It accomplished fighting in three wars and only took one direct hit. It intimidated me just by it's size and it's history.  It was built just to do that! Once called to battle stations it was to protect, intimidate and blow the enemy out of the water or land. It was named after the state we live in, which made me even prouder to be there.

When personal problems come along for me, and they do, I have two choices. I can try to battle them myself and do my best. Or I can get down on my knees and pray, asking God to join me in fighting off the issues or just plain sink them into non existence. You wouldn't take a squirt gun to put out a forest fire. Nor would you take a knife to a gun fight. You would bring the biggest fire hose or biggest gun you could get ahold of. 

So when problems besiege me and want to take me down, I pray and ask God to help me through or fight off the devil and his attacks. I call on the Great Battleship of protection and love. Why mess around when most problems are God sized anyway? I can easily hide under God's guns and arms of protection. 

Romans 8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us?

Think about it. How many times have you fought a battle of wills, temptations or strife and lost the battle? Turn it over to God when it first raises it's ugly head and let God fight to win. 


Sunday, August 29, 2021

We Aimed High. What A Battle 8/29/2021

 Good Morning,

Today I am writing from home surrounded by things I am familiar with, especially my mug of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee. 

I have been writing about "aiming high" and something my wife Rene and I had been planning for a year now. If you prayed for us, I say thank you. 

Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in every situation, make your requests know to God with thanksgiving by prayer.

I gave a hint as to what it could be in my opening line. Yes, we planned a trip last year in the middle of a Covid outbreak, saying if the Lord is willing, this is what we would like to do. We planned a trip to Virginia. It wasn't our first choice, but it was our last. You see, we had booked a trip to Florida Pre-covid and then it happened, Covid struck, no flying, no resort was open, and we could only reschedule the trip three times before we couldn't reschedule. As it went we were down to the last reschedule. So we planned it out, far enough, hoping a vaccine would solve our problems. We thought we had it beaten until this latest wave hit us. Covid numers were rising as of late. We prayed!

Mind you now, this trip included our daughter who lives in Georgia. She is very busy, so time off for her was at a premium. The trip had to happen last week or it wouldn't happen at all. We needed for the three of us to be together. It had been too long for us to not see each other and spend quality time. 

As it got closer to "launch time" we noticed just small things happening that caused some stress on our end.  My duties at church had some issues. The fence addition in our yard could not take place. Nothing big, but just small things that were annoying. Then our daughter let us know that our grandson couldn't make it. We suspected that would happen when he started a new job. Then the company she works for landed a huge contract and she could come, but would need to work a couple hours each day. 

But then it happened. The night before we were to leave I received a text message that our flights had been cancelled and our new flights would be a day later. Not good. After three hours on the phone with an airline rep we were rescheduled for the right day, but had to fly 900 miles out of the way just to get to our destination. It was a long day of flying. Our daughter sat in an airport for three hours waiting for us. We had made our original flight arrangements to coincide with hers. But at last we arrived and were greeted by the car rental person with a surprise. The car we ordered was not available. Yet I was not discouraged because the three of us were together. He did however have to give us a larger vehicle, which proved to be a good idea. The main goal was to be together. I prayed.

The week went by fast and each day our daughter worked feverishly either on the phone or online to keep her employer happy and not cut in on our time together. She did a marvelous job balancing all the balls she had in the air. Then as the week closed, I received another text from the airline, that our return flight was cancelled and moved to another day, a reason why was not given. This would be a huge inconvenience, as we would be a day late getting home, we would incur the expense of having to stay in a hotel, and would either need to stay near the airport or have to rent another car. Our daughter needed to get home. Another hour on the phone  and lots of prayer produced a new flight, much later in the day. But we could make this work. We took our daughter to her flight on time and prepared to hunker down in the airport, reading books and getting by. This worked until we were notified that our return flight was postponed two more hours because of weather. Eventually we would make it to the connecting city, before going onward to the our home town. But there might not be a connecting flight. We just decided to be closer to home would be great. We would get home somehow. I texted a friend for prayer knowing they would be praying last night.

The airline held our connecting flight although the plane had no air conditioning and the temperature on the last link of our trip in the plane approached 98 degrees. We were headed home. 

To kill this story. We made it home late last night! Although the airlines were used to discourage us, and get me to want to quit right out of the gates, they couldn't ruin what we had prayed for and God gave us. I was very close to cancelling the trip the night before we left.  God gave me peace of mind and the will to keep going. 

I will never forget this trip and to say the least, it was amazing to spend 7 days with our daughter and enjoy doing things together, like days of old. 

Have a great day. Aim high.


Saturday, August 28, 2021

Somewhere (A Place For Us) 8/28/2021

 Good Morning, 

No Door County Coffee for me today. Poor Planning on my part caused that miscalculation in my day. But as my mother always said, "do your best with what you have". I had to overcome and adapt to a minor change for one day.

My wife Rene and I were talking about some plans we are trying to hatch for next month to celebrate our wedding anniversary yesterday. I jokingly asked her how many years we have been married, knowing what her reply would be as she said "over a thousand now". 

I hadn't given it any thought lately, but as I was checking my eyelids for cracks (resting) I tried to recall memories of our wedding day. Earlier this week we heard the song we first danced to at the wedding reception. (Could I have this dance for the rest of my life?) I just couldn't recall the songs at the wedding ceremony at all. Last night I did recall one of them "Somewhere" by Bernstien and Sonheim was one that we chose for that day, way back when. 

1 Thessalonians 4;17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, so we will always be with the Lord. 

It seemed that even our wedding music choices were meant to cement our vows that we said to each other that day. There have been ups and downs in this life we are still traveling, but one thing I know for sure, at the end of it all, there Is A Place For Us. Because of our faith, I have the peace of knowing that someday, we will be reunited in heaven even though one of us will trod this land alone for awhile. It gives me a sense of knowing that I will walk and maybe dance with Rene for eternity. Waltz across heaven with you in my arms  is another song we often listen too. 

My goal is not to make you think about your demise, but to let you know that with faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, there is a place for us in Eternity and we will be working on 2000 years some day! 

God bless. Enjoy this day.


Friday, August 27, 2021

Time Is Of Value 8/27/2021

 Good Morning,

I am writing today with a lot on my mind and heart. It is very quiet this morning, and even my cup of Door County Black and Tan Coffee seems to be silent. It is not calling to me from across the room. 

William Penn, once said "Time is what we want most, but use the worst".

I must agree with that statement. I have been doing a little assessment on my life and now I wish I could reclaim all the time I wasted. If you take ten minutes today and assess the time you have knowingly wasted it will surprise you. Don't count needed rest as a waste of time. A body does need rest and sleep. 

Psalm 90:12 So to teach us to number our days, so that we obtain hearts of wisdom. 

I just read one of my blog pages from 2016 and I was writing about feeding hungry little kids in a foreign land. Several people and me raised money to take a mission trip to Haiti and part of our duties was to feed about 100 kids each night with a plate full of beans and rice. Certainly not a waste of time. 

Then I thought to myself, I could have done more of that. I used to play sports well beyond high school. I did it all for fun and some fun is good for the soul. But I played more than my share of games that produced too many aches and pains that I suffer now. Yes, it was good exercise, but I could have obtained that running, and lifting some weights at home. I did see my friends, during the times of playing, but now I look and say, "what did it accomplish"? Maybe a trip to a foreign land to feed the children would have cemented out friendships even better?

God gives us all a packaged amount of time. We are in charge of how we use it. 

Food for thought? Chew on those beans.


Thursday, August 26, 2021

Cold In The House 8/26/2021

 Good Morning,

It was a good night of sleep for me and I hope it was for you also. I can smell the Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee brewing in the kitchen and now it s time to write. 

Psalm 28:7 NLT The lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out with songs of thanksgiving. 

For most of the summer we have been in a heat wave and I can't recall a season like this. There might have been a few in my lifetime, but if there were my memory doesn't bring forth any recollection of one. We are blessed to have air conditioning in our home as well as in our vehicles. At night we leave the air conditioning turned on and after the sun goes down the house really chills down. When my body is asleep, I have noticed that the temperature in the house cools to the point that covering up with a sheet or light blanket feels good. Fortunately, a thermostat that can be set to what feels comfortable for us can be set by time and day, to keep the house comfortable for us. 

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a pure heart , O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 

Unfortunately, I want to talk about the climate in the homes where others live. I am not speaking of the temperature, but of the emotional meter of the climate within many homes. Many people exist in a home where at best the emotional climate is cold. On a winter day there is nothing worse than coming in from the cold right into a cold house. A cozy fire and a hot cup of coffee is more to my liking. 

It also goes to say, that coming in from the cold harsh world into a home where the laughter, music, and compassion are non existent day after day is not good for anyone. You begin to recall the happier days and wonder if they will ever return. You see no hope, as the glasses you look through are frosted by an iced heart. The cup of joy you used to drink from is filled with slush and it hurts to drink from it. 

I could spend a month on this and offer solutions on how to fix each situation. But with every warm fire it takes a spark deep within the kindling to start a fire that warms you to the bone. 

In all relationships within a home, you control your part. Your heart lacks the spark to light the kindling of your heart, soul and mind. Any hope for a warm hearth of the heart, starts with finding your first love and joy. That my friend starts with walking back to God and renewing the joy He brings. 

Start there and make your part of the home a joyful, loving place to be. I will say this. In the winter when I start a fire, the best place to be is right in front of the fireplace. But soon after the fire starts, it's warmth spreads to the rest of the home. Start with God and you first. Maybe the warmth you experience will move through the house.

God bless,


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

You Don't Know What You Don't Know 8/25/21

 Good Morning,

I am sitting, totally rested and relaxed on this fine morning. I thank God for the rest and I thank my wife for making sure I do. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Turtles In A Cup Coffee and it is time to write. 

Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom for the future. 

I think there are a few of us who have said "if I knew then what I know now" I would have done some things differently." Or the other question, "wouldn't you like to be twenty one years old again? My reply to that, is "it might be nice if I could go back with the the knowledge  I have now".

We live in an age of compulsiveness and we often learn from our mistakes. Some mistakes have some consequences that hurt. Usually the mistakes we make when being young and uninformed hit us in the purse or wallet. We want something now, and we seek ways to justify spending too much. I do believe the twenty something age group, should all be lawyers. They have an answer for everything and can twist anything to sound good, convincing the jury of elders that this is a good deal. It doesn't work on me.

In this sketchy economy, going into debt for something that loses value the minute you drive it, shoot it, or sleep in it, is not good business sense at all. Back in the beginning days of the American Colonies, I learned that jail time was incurred when one was in debt and couldn't pay up. There wasn't a bankruptcy clause for getting out of jail. What if we reinstated that idea? 

My advice to young and old is this. Buy what you need, not what you want. Keep the lid, on debt, especially with consumables that in one second can be a twisted heap of metal, age one whole year the minute you drive them off of the lot, and never last long enough to make it an investment and not an anchor of debt. See what you can afford and then ratchet it down a step or two anyway. Pay off what you owe before going in debt further. Some day when you are older you might be able to afford luxury, (God Willing) and it will be easier to accept the cost. 

I recall the 70's when gasoline became scarce and prices skyrocketed. My paycheck didn't keep up with inflation. I had to make the decision to step back, sell the hot rod and purchase a non gas guzzler. It was a good decision. Because shortly after that my rent increased. Hamburger Helper was often made without the hamburger, because renting a place with a workout room and swimming pool was way out of my financial realm of reality, but I did it and lived to regret it.  I lived in Wisconsin and that outdoor pool was good for about three months. I was working so many hours that the workout room and it's equipment were not something I wanted to do. I had a lease I could not get out of ,and had to pass on a very nice upper apartment in a good neighborhood that would have saved me $250 a month. 

I just didn't know what I didn't know!

Spend wisely and save at least 20% of every paycheck. And mind your elders and learn.

God bless,


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Experience Is A Counselor 8/24/2021

 Good Morning,

Once again the world has rotated and morning is here. I am very tired today for some reason and the aroma of my cup of Door County Gingerbread Spice Latte Coffee is smells stronger tan it tastes. Maybe my nose is waking up before the rest of me.

Psalm 119:71 It is good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn your statutes. 

I liken the word counselor to the word mentor. To me, both words share the same characteristics. They work hand in hand. I believe God has given to all of us the ability to "experience" different things and the experience can be used to teach us how to weather that experience again. Our experience can be used to mentor others going through the same thing. 

For instance, when my mother passed away, and we really did not see that one coming, I was much better prepared when a surprise death took my Father. I had learned how to grieve from my first parent passing and managed much better when the second one passed. I also now can relate and offer better help to others when they experience the passing of a parent.  In the loss of my dad, I learned how to navigate, wills, land titles, probate court, attorneys, and relatives. I can now pass that knowledge on to others.  Sink one boat and you might not sink another. 

A bad experience is a pocket counselor. It is always ready and willing to to keep us from making a second mistake of the same proportions. A good experience, teaches us to seek out the good in life and also gives us a view of the bad experience as a border not to cross while seeking the good. 

Good or bad, our experiences are our own and they counsel us, and mentor us. 

Have a great day. Take experience with you!


Monday, August 23, 2021

Those Three Little Words. 8/23/2021

 Good Morning,

The morning came quickly and after some prayer time and a cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee, it is now time to write. 

Everyone knows that I am not the brightest bulb in the package, or the sharpest knife in the drawer and my elevator doesn't stop at all the floors. No need to comment. I assess things very well, thank you. 

Proverbs 16:24 Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul, and healthy for the body. 

Photo Credit Wikipedia 

I do have something to share today that I think some f us need to hear and heed my advice. My wife Rene and I are creatures of habit and most of the time our habits are good for us, and now and then a habit or two isn't the greatest idea. A bad one and I won't preach on this is Rene's justification of substituting soda for water and then suffering leg cramps on a hot, dehydrating day. The girl just never learns. Me, on the other hand, well I have the habit of calling chips a potato and in my mind I have eaten a baked potato. I go on to justify the chips as a portion of veggies. Enough said about bad habits. This dialogue has me thinking about breakfast and how hash browns will be another portion of vegetables.

We do however have a good habit or two, One of the better ones is our daily walk down the "I love you" lane. Those three little words come out differently at times, but with the same impact. Love you babe, or love you buddy, or love you hon gets the same message across. We are fortunate enough to to be able to still say those three important words to each other,

Now for my point. There are those in our life that don't always get to hear that they are loved. In my messages I deliver at church I will often say, "if no one has said I love you to you today, I do". I remind folks to say I love you to others. No one should be left out. After all, we are all family. Family dynamics change and  now someone who heard that they were loved for many years is now alone. Remind them that they are loved and mean it. Make sure your circle of influence knows how you feel. They need it, like a baby needs a bottle. Be part of their life and share those three little words. You might make the difference in their day.


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Hidden Dangers In The Concrete 8/22/2021

 Good Morning , 

My cup of Door County Frosted Cinnamon Buns Coffee is going down nicely this morning. It is very special today and I am taking more time to enjoy it. 

1Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 

Yesterday started a new project at our house, one that was overdue and needed for some time. We needed to replace the concrete in our driveway. Most people when told we were replacing the concrete would ask us why we were doing it. On the surface in July, except for a few minor cracks, the concrete looked fine. But let our land start to freeze in November and you would see why!

Back in 1994 we had a tornado come through our neighborhood. Some people sustained substantial property damage. We were blessed to just have a few broken outdoor lights broken. But with every storm that produces a tornado, along comes the torrential rains. It rained like I have never seen before and soon the streets were flooded. The debris from the tornado flowed with the water and plugged the storm drains serving the road. I recall going out there in knee deep water and opening up one of the drains. It worked for a few minutes and then would plug up again. The task was strenuous to say the least. When the drain would become overwhelmed the water in the street would rise, and in a minute or two the flood would start up the driveway and into the garage. Like every property owner would I kept at it trying to save our property. By the grace of God I did it. 

Here is the but. The flooding water did something to the gravel foundation that the concrete set on. The next day when things dried out every thing seemed ok. Later that year in about November we noticed that with the freezing, the concrete would heave, and there would be a tripping hazard. I really thought the slabs of concrete were haunted. They would take turns moving. Once you got accustomed to a slab out of place, another one would pop up and the previously out of place slab would settle back in. We consulted a contractor and some repairs were made and they seemed to help, but over the last three years the concrete became a daily dodge of a broken limb or neck especially in January.  After double knee replacement and a fall during a polar vortex I experienced, but never told anyone about, I decided to replace that concrete. My wife and friend will cringe when they read this. I was not supposed to be outside alone. But as with most things I procrastinated and last winter while removing snow from the haunted concrete, I could not see which slab would take a shot at me. I was moving along quite well until the snow blower hit an upraised slab and sent me falling forward once more, biting my tongue when I het the pavement. That did it! Plans were started the next day to get that concrete replaces this summer. 

The point of this dialogue is not on procrastination, although it could be. I want to remind all of us that what seems to be good at the moment, might hold hidden dangers within. For instance, a relationship that seems fun and exciting at the time, plays out to be destructive when you get slapped or threatened. You knew that this new love had a hidden side.  First sign of that stuff is a warning to replace the "concrete". A new car is not needed, but the new style of car is so sharp that you incur a little more debt and get that shiny new ride. But then life deals you a covid nightmare and you work company closes. Now how do we pay for the for wheels parked on our driveway that needs replacing? 

We all know the things we should avoid, and the hidden dangers within a choice when we overlook the warnings. One beer to an alcoholic seems fine to everyone, but the alcoholic knows that one will lead to more, and then a dangerous drive home, while inebriated, parking your car on the moving driveway, tripping and hitting your head, paramedics are called to save you, and the police show up and easily figure out that you were driving while intoxicated.  Oh the hidden dangers!

Friends, the Holy Spirit warns us when we are making a decision with hidden dangers. It's that small voice that tells you, Don't or do. For example, don't go outside alone in temperatures of 29 degrees F below zero using a walker. The other voice of "Do replace that concrete before someone gets hurt."

Act on it or don't act on it. That's the message, but beware of the decision you make. It might hold hidden dangers. 

God bless 


Saturday, August 21, 2021

We Aimed High And The Jury Is Still Out 8/21/2021

 Good Morning,

Saturday it is and I am pensive in my thoughts today. A mug of Door County Coffee is by my side and will join me in my truck soon.

Earlier this week I shared that my wife Rene and I had set a pretty lofty goal for ourselves and last night we were crushed to see our goal collapsing right in front of our eyes. Our hearts sunk. After some prayer. Rene blew the recall to arms on her pretend bugle, and we ran a couple of "what if's" by each other and went about trying to beat down the barricade in our way. We still aren't ready to share what the goal is, but we are still pursuing it even though we took a beat down last night.

We are determined not to quit until God says it is over. So far He hasn't spoken and said "it's not going to happen." So today if you are being discouraged and not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, hang in there. If God wants it to happen He will weather the storm with us. The waves might be high, but He is the captain of the boat and he controls the seas. 

Psalm 89:9 You rule over the surging sea, when it's waves mount up, You still them.

God is with you when the seas try to swallow you up. Aim High!


Friday, August 20, 2021

Praying For My Friend 8/20/2021

 Good Morning, 

Friday snuck up on me today and I did not see it coming. The morning began with prayer and I just sat down to a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and it is time to write.

Matthew 5:16 In the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works, and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 

Last night I was blessed to speak with my neighbor. He has been away for a few days receiving a shoulder surgery which will curb pain from ALS. During our talk he asked me to let our church know how much he appreciates the prayers the church members are lifting up in his name. Some of the folks from church have stopped by with meals for my neighbor and his wife. 

While we were chatting, he said to me "God is at work, showing Himself through others and this surgery to relieve the pain is working." 

This world is ugly right now, yet it warms my heart to know that my church family cares for others. They are the light on the hill at times. They reach out when others withdraw. To that I will be forever grateful and I am glad to be a part of the family of God.

Have a great day! 


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Pride Might Be A Repellent 8/19/2021

 Good Morning,

The alarm clock was like a barking dog in my ear today. I need a quick cup of Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee and it will soon be time to run to the Jeep and get going. 

Psalm 138:6 Though the Lord is supreme, He takes care of those who are humble, but He stays away from the proud. 

It is a human trait to take pride in our abilities and accomplishments. For instance, our physical abilities. our IQ, musical talents, bank accounts, who hangs on our arm and calls us honey, and our children, we take for granted and praise ourselves. We forget that each one of those on the list was a gift given to us by God. I will dare to say this, if you forget where those gifts came from and give yourself the credit, you actually base your pride on a myth. 

Worse than living a myth in your head, the pride you show works like a bug repellent. God stays away from the proud. Your odor pushes God away from the center of your life. You can add effort to what God has given you. But just as He gave, He can also take away.

Just some food for thought.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Get Beyond The Hatred 8/18/2021

 Good Morning,

This week is going by fast for me. I am very busy and am wondering if I will accomplish all my tasks and in a good way. I am taking time to enjoy a hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee and a couple of breakfast sausages before I head out today.

Ephesians 4:26 "Be angry, and do not sin." Do not let the sun go down on your wrath. 

I have avoided writing this post for a long time. I thought by now some of the political banter would calm down in the United States and both parties would start working together. My hopes were displaced by the continual bashing and at times off target comments, filled with the poison darts of down right hatred. 

People will comment on this I am sure, claiming that they are Christians and they speak the truth. Maybe they do speak the truth, but when it is delivered day after day with hatred fully viewed in the message, it is a bit disturbing. This is a two way street right now. 

I did not vote for our current president. But I pray more for him every day. I call him President Biden because that is his title. I refer to Donald Trump as former president Trump, as I did with former president Obama.  Passions run high in this arena, but as Christians we were and are called to a higher standard.  Maybe it is my age, but when I still encounter teachers of mine that are still alive I refer to them by Mr., Miss, or Mrs., followed by their last name. If they ask me to call them by their first name, out of respect I will do so. 

The standard of love and respect is there to guard our hearts against being filled with hatred. 


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Aim High 8/17/2021

 Good Morning,

Another day closer to a goal we set a year ago. It is a joy to be writing today and also I pleasure to be drinking a hot cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee. 

My wife Rene and I set a goal for ourselves a year ago. I am not ready to share that goal with the public yet, but in our minds it was a lofty goal, and with the Lord's help we will achieve the goal very soon. There have been quite a few road blocks to our goal and now it is within sight. When we first set the goal, we both looked at each other and said, "probably not going to happen, but let's give it a shot." 

So now we sit on the precipice of achieving that goal and even though it is just days away, I am concerned about many things that could cause us to fall short of fully achieving our goal.

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

What am I doing about it? There were days throughout this last year that I forgot to pray about this goal. Not anymore! Each day is now a day that contains prayer for this goal. And in my prayer my voice can be heard "Your will be done Lord". You see, we can aim high on our goals and think that just because we decided on a goal it should be accomplished. Yet God holds the key to our obtaining each and every goal we set for ourselves. Without Him, our goals are nothing. But always aim high in your goals. Better to aim high and almost reach a goal than to aim low and achieve your goal every time. It's when aiming high, we spend more time in prayer and if it is God's will, the victory tastes sweeter. 

Have a great day. Set goals and aim high. 


Monday, August 16, 2021

Good Old Doctor Babbitz 8/16/2021

 Good Morning,

I am looking forward to working with a friend today at a hospital in Central Wisconsin. I usually work alone and this is a treat for me to have a work partner. I really appreciate the hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee I have with me. It is time to write.

For some reason, I was recalling a memory from my childhood. I believe it was triggered by the sign on a car that was parked in a neighbor's driveway. The sign indicated that the passenger was a doctor who was making a house call. The concept is not new, but as I recall has not really been practiced for a long time. 

When I was a little kid, my pediatrician actually would come to the house. He had an answering service who took 24 hour calls and he would sort the calls by priority and acuity. He always called back. No matter what time it was. I recall one night when my parents were concerned about a fever that I had contracted. It was late, yet they placed the call. It wasn't too long before Dr. Babbitz  arrived to our home and started to check me out. He was a kind, older fellow and even at my young age I felt very much safer with him on the scene. I knew that I was very ill. A few minutes after his first look at me, he pronounced that it would be best if my parents took me to a hospital. I needed more intense care. A neighbor came and sat with my sleeping sister. My parents followed the doctor to the hospital for children. I was there for two weeks until I recovered. I had lost 20 pounds and looked like skin on bones. Every day Dr. Babbitz would visit me in the hospital and reassure me that they would figure out this illness and I would get better. Although I healed up, it was a long road of weekly visits for immunotherapy. My dad had to work, and many times my mother would take us two kids on a bus to meet with him and I would get a shot or two. One day, it was very cold and we had an appointment  to be seen and treated. The phone rang, and it was our favorite pediatrician, telling my mother to stay inside and he would once again stop by and bring his dagger of pain for my rump on his way home. He saw me through a long haul. 

My point is this. I know someone who always make house calls 24 hours a day and has our best interest in mind. Whenever we call on Him, he responds. He is the only expert at matters of the heart, loneliness, pain or sorrow. He can restore music to a soul where there wasn't any. He can make you feel good about yourself and give you a future. He sees you through to the end. All you need to do is call on Him

Luke 5:31-32 Jesus said, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous , but all to repentance. 

Food for thought!


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Never Swallowed Up. 8/15/2021

 Good Morning,

I hit the ground running this morning. Our two dogs wanted to take advantage of a cool morning by playing around in our yard. I have been watching them, while drinking a hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee. Now it is time to write.

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.

This verse promises that we will not be consumed by the pressures and constant challenges that life presents to us. How can that not happen to us? The answer is because of God's great love for us. How comforting is it to know that each morning there is another vast amount of God's compassions in a basket with my name on it. Your name is on your own basket of compassion. No one can measure the love God has for us. God is too vast to measure and can't be held to any limits that our minds can imagine. Life cannot swallow us up. 

This verse also points out God's great power. It never runs dry or diminishes with age. It's ability to cleanse, renew, heal, forgive, and guide, is always there for us. 

So today, as you count your blessings, count the unfailing love, and compassion that is new for us every morning. I never get tired of reading this verse. Thank you Lord.

Have a great day.


Saturday, August 14, 2021

Mowing The Lawn 8/14/2021

 Good Morning, 

A big cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee is brewing as I begin to write. It won't be too long before that brew is next to me, waking me up to greet the day with a cheer.

Yesterday it was apparent that with the hot weather and rain we have been experiencing, our lawn came back from hibernation and is growing  like it is on steroids. I thought for a moment I could hear it laughing at me. I chuckled back at the lawn and said, "It won't be too long and you will be frozen, covered with snow, and stagnate, just lying there collecting frozen dog poop."

You are now thinking, what kind of nut talks to his lawn?  For one, the lawn doesn't talk back and after a week of listening to more political babel from television to Facebook, I would rather converse with the lawn than with some of the people I talked with this week or read about. 

There is so much negative talk now days that my lawn seems to be about 100 points ahead in the IQ arena than those who always disagree, just to disagree. One thing for sure, my lawn never interrupts me, listens intently, and asks only for water and a haircut now and then. It never lies to me and then tries to explain a way out of the lie. Much of the banter I have encountered are filled with pretty clever lies.

Proverbs 26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. 

Psalm 101:7 No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utter lies shall continue before my eyes.

Listen long enough to those who are trying to convince you that they know best and this is the way to go, and you will eventually see right into their heart. It isn't pretty.

Enough said for today. 



Friday, August 13, 2021

Contentment 8/13/2021

 Good Morning,

This morning is a total change in the temperature outside. We went from extremely hot and humid, to cooler and nice ! No matter the weather, my hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee is very tasty this morning.

Contented, happy, at ease, willing to accept something, satisfied. 

It is a blessing when you can look at your life no matter the circumstances and be content. Famous author Leo Tolstoy once passed a beggar on the street and as he passed by, the poor man asked Tolstoy if he had anything that he could give to him. Tolstoy reached into his pockets heavy with lint and nothing else. He replied to the man. "Brother I have nothing whatsoever to give to you". The man answered " You have already given to me much more that I asked for. You called me Brother". The man was still poor after Tolstoy left, but someone called this beggar brother. For a moment or longer this man felt blessed and acknowledged. 

Philippians 4:11-13 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. 12. I know how to be brought low and how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. 13. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. 

I recall a time in my life when I had a hard time producing more than lint in my own pockets. Work was scarce, lines for potential jobs were long at companies that might have one job to offer. Yet somehow I seemed to find odd jobs that met my needs and nothing more. Going to McDonalds was only a dream. Many, many people were in the same boat in the start of the 1980's. I learned to be content with what I had. I also learned to appreciate work no matter what I was doing. I found peace during that time. 

It was a true lifestyle change for me. A year before that, was just the opposite. There was plenty of work and overtime hours to be had. So much so, that I used to complain about working too much! I hadn't learned to be content and trust God in all circumstances. I hadn't learned to be grateful for what I had. But when it was gone and a dollar seemed like a lot of money, I soon appreciated any day that would produce some long hours. I counted my blessings each day as I applied for job after job. I was healthy, and fed. I had clothes on my back. I was at peace and had more time than ever to pray and study my Bible. It was my first experience in being content. 

Times might be tough for some of you now. Maybe it is your health, loneliness, job situation, or other things. I probably wouldn't want to walk in your shoes. So to tell you to be content where you are and be satisfied is hard for me to do. But I will say this, in order to find contentment and peace, one must first take stock of all the blessings one has. If you can read this, you are not blind. If you are reading it from a phone or a computer, well, you have a phone or a computer. I know others who don't have those two luxuries. So think it through. When I sit and count my blessings, I have less time to complain and be content. 

God bless you all.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Making Important Decisions. 8/12/2021

 Good Morning,

This day began before I was ready for it, yet time stops for no man. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and now it is time to write.

I have written about making decisions before and it's time to resurrect that thought again. I believe God still speaks and uses His word (Scripture) to communicate with us most of the time. He does speak through prayer, others, sermons, and at times circumstances. I personally place a hold on circumstances to dictate the direction I choose, when making a decision. I rely on His Word. If the decision has any element that is not Scriptural, I do not move forward. Circumstances such as the coffee grounds spilling into the sink and it looks like they spell the word go. I still check that against Scripture. 

Isaiah 30:20-22 And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction, yet your teachers will not be moved to a corner anymore. 21. Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it." Whenever you turn to the left hand  or to the right.

When  God does speak thru Scripture and prayer we must be clear and fully understand what was said and not leave anything out of the directions.

Jeremiah 33:3 Call out to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you have not seen. 

For instance, God told Abraham to pack up and leave his father's land. Abraham did just that. But also in that passage, Abraham was to to " Go to the land that I will show you."   It was very clear that Abraham had to follow God to the land that God chose, not land located near the closest Disney World. 

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the Kingdom Of God and His righteousness, and all these things will will be added to you. 

I know many of you are making decisions right now and this short lesson might not be enough to give you the instructions you might need. But it is a start. I am praying for anyone who reads this, to follow God and seek Him first in all decisions.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Along The Highway Of Life 8/11/2021

 Good Morning,

There is a hot cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee in front of me and now it is time for me to write.

Yesterday 8/10/21 I was unable to write due to work issues. I apologize for not keeping my commitment to writing daily. 

Proverbs 11:25 Whoever brings blessings will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. 

When we travel like I did yesterday, whether it be by car, plane, train, horse, motorcycle, or on foot you need to travel with your eyes open. Agreed, there are times when you can sleep on a plane, train, or in your car because someone else is doing the work of running the train, flying the plan, or driving the car. Eventually your eyes will be open. 

As we go along the highway of life each day, and our eyes are open to our surroundings we might see a need that we can meet for someone. For instance, while coming home from church not long ago after doing a little project, I saw on the side of the road some kids with a lemonade stand. There were 3 of them in ages of about 7-2. I stopped to invest in these young entrepreneurs and get myself a cold drink on a hot day. Mom and grandma were sitting with them for safety's sake. I was their first customer of the day and they had already been sitting there for an hour. I asked them what they were going to do with the money they raised and the reply was quick. "We are going on vacation and Mom said if we wanted anything special while we were vacationing, we should try and earn some money." The two year old just nodded in approval. The lemonade was fifty cents. It was laid on my heart to help fund these hard workers with five dollars. They all said thank you, with big smiles on their faces and as I walked away I heard the oldest one who already could figure out percentages say. "We made five dollars so we will give 10% which is 50 cents to the church so other kids can go to camp this summer." The next oldest said " Let's make it a dollar our lemonade isn't that great." I left smiling. 

I just wanted a cold drink, and they were providing a service. I was only a couple minutes from home at the time, but by stopping I could be a blessing to the kids, supply my need for a cold drink, and then see that these kids were being taught to tithe to their church and share with others a blessing. 

Travel with your eyes open. Listen to your heart, stop and be a blessing when you can to others. 

Have a great day. 


Monday, August 9, 2021

I OWE YOU 8/9/2021

 Good Morning,

Monday arrived, not matter how hard i tried to slam it's foot in the door. So, here we go. Let's do our best to be a blessing to someone today. My mug was just filled with Door County Smores' Coffee and not it is time to write. 

Christians are called to be good stewards of the resources God has given them. He entrusts us with many things. If we lend we should do so with kindness, and if we borrow we should do so with prudence.

"Prudence implies caution in deliberating and consulting of the most suitable means to accomplish valuable purposes"

My wife Rene and I have always committed to wiping out personal debt if we incurred some. We would have been married a year earlier if it weren't for the fact that Rene had a small school loan that wasn't paid off yet. She refused to bring the debt into our marriage and she would not let me assist in paying it off. She worked full time at the medical center, took all the extra call, and worked part time on her days off at a local department store. It was a great day when she paid off the loan in full, six months earlier than expected. 

Now for my point. As I was led to write about debt, I found myself owing a lot of people a debt. 

Romans 13:8 "Let no debt remain unpaid, except the continuing to love one another , for he who loves His fellowman, has fulfilled the law."

Love always gives more than it owes. Our ability and desire to love our fellowmen and our enemies is God motivating us toward this type of love.

I wrote this to challenge others, yet as I examine my heart, I see that I am poor and owe so many love that I have refused to give, because of the way I look at different things. 

I won't tell you what to do hear. Scripture speaks for itself. Sometimes the first step in loving others is to forgive them! I know I opened a can of worms in many hearts this morning. Be good stewards of your money. Pay your bills. Be careful who you lend to. Be kind and love those who are hard to love. 

Go ahead and win one today for God's glory and for yourself.


Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Tears Say it All 8/8/2021

 Good Morning To You All.

I am without my Door County Coffee so I will be stopping for a cup of something very soon. Just one of those things!

Something about tears coming down the face of someone, you can pretty much tell one of two things. They are either sad or happy tears. One look at a face with tears and the rest of the facial expression usually matches what happened in the life of the person with the waterfall on their face. 

Just to set everyone straight, Real Men Don't Cry. We have hay fever attacks that makes our eyes wet. That's my story and I am sticking to it. 

The other thing I find amazing about tears, whether good or bad, God knows when we shed a tear. I take the bible literally and when God says He collects our tears and puts them in a bottle, I believe it. I find it comforting to know that God is near the hurt I am experiencing. He also is right there when we experience great joy. 

Psalm 56:8 You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book. 

It's hard to hide the tears sometimes. God is so close to us that not one tear goes unnoticed. 

Have a great day.


Saturday, August 7, 2021

You Are As Close To God A You Choose To Be. 8/7/2021

 Good Morning,

I am in a great mood today and I will do my best to keep it that way. I just poured myself a large mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and I am ready to write.

Many years ago when a couple of us took our church youth group to a winter retreat, our guest speaker/evangelist started out with the statement "You are a close to God as you choose to be". Obviously I have never forgotten that statement. He went on to tell the teens about our Loving God who never forces himself on to anyone. In some instances we respond to His invitation and seek Him out. At other times we desire more of Him and we invite Him into our lives. Either way, we control how much, and when we meet with God. It is up to us. 

Matthew 11:28 Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest. 

Psalm 34;4 I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and He delivered me from all my fears. 

So if you are not feeling all that close to God, the harsh reality is that you control how close you are. 

James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

When we desire to draw near to God, He comes running toward us. 

You are as close to God as you choose to be! Think about it. 


Friday, August 6, 2021

The Wedding Gift 8/6/2021

 Good Morning,

Friday arrived for me and right on time and it is embraced with open arms. I have the opportunity to work a little today and I am more than happy to do so. I poured myself a hot cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Coffee and now it is time to write.

Jeremiah 29:12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Friends of ours are getting married on Saturday and as always happens when were are invited to a wedding, my wife Rene and I struggle with what type of gift to give the new married couple. Rene says that cash always goes with everything someone owns. I tend to look at the gift registry and pick something that I feel really represents a need or says something about the essence of the couple. I won't say what we settled on, but for this busy, busy couple, I believe we have chosen the right gift.

I gave this a lot of thought, and recalled our wedding from 1000 years ago. I rmember one man who I admired and looked up to, coming up to me at our wedding reception. He said that we would be receiving a gift that his wife chose for us. He said it was nice and that he thought we would like it. He went on to say that he wanted to give us a gift that was just from him. He explained to me that the first year of marriage can be difficult and if someone asked him what he would like for a wedding gift he would reply and say "Prayer Please". He went on further and told me that he committed to pray for us at least weekly, probably more, for a year.  So for the first time ever, we are bringing a wedding present with a gift inside,  and I am striving to pray for this couple weekly or more for a year. 

I believe that when we attend a wedding, instead of gawking around during the ceremony, every person should be praying for the couple at the altar. Life is tough, and no one in their right mind would not want someone to be praying for them. 

A little food for thought on this day. 

God bless,


Thursday, August 5, 2021

A Stolen Car Epidemic 8/5/2021

 Good Morning,

Get up and jump around a little today. Why? I say why not? If you are able to do so, go for it. My cup was just filled with Door County Jamaican Coffee and it is time to write. 

Photo Credit Forbes Magazine.

Yesterday a coworker and I were discussing some business and during the conversation she asked me if I had heard what happened to her. I hadn't heard anything, so she went on to tell me that her car was stolen from downtown in the major city next to our town. Her car wasn't very old and the thieves took it for a joy ride and just trashed it. All the windows were broken out, and they trashed the steering and dash.  She figures it will be declared a total loss. This young lady just purchased her own home and is an active member of her community. I think of her as a great partner at work and just an all around nice person.

While she was telling me about this, I found my anger meter climbing. I was imagining what great punishment should be inflicted on the clowns if they are ever caught. My ideas ranged from public caning, to hard labor on President Biden's infrastructure repairs for a wage that goes to either the victims or reimburses their insurance company. Some of my ideas were pretty creative. But since these criminals will probably never get caught and I rarely ever get called for jury duty, I was wasting my time trying to correct a wrong. 

Then I was reminded that we are to pray in all things, and let God deal with the yahoos who stole the car. So I prayed "God's Will Be Done" My blood pressure went down and the ideas of caning disappeared. I had made myself into my own little idol, deciding what punishment should be enacted. I was really tired in the afternoon and I know why. I was working two jobs. One job is my own life, work and family. The other job I was trying to hold down was that of God. He is the One who decides how to correct evil, keep the world spinning, not me. 

Proverbs 20:22 Do not say, "I will repay evil"; wait for the Lord and He shall deliver you.

In most instances it is best to pray for those who victimized you and let the Lord deal with them. He knows best on how to forgive and deal out punishment. God is also creative!

Food for thought. 


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Spreading The Peanut Butter 8/4/2021

 Good Morning,

I have an interesting day in front of me with a small challenge involved. I am praying for wisdom on how to complete the challenge. To start my day off in the right direction, I prayed, and now I am sipping on a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee.

1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God. 

When it comes to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches my wife likes to have peanut butter on both pieces of bread. The bread needs to be lightly covered with the peanut butter, with no edges exposed. She only likes the jelly or jam on one piece of the bread, but it as to cover that one slice without any edges exposed.

At first when she was showing me how a perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich should be constructed, I thought she was crazy. I gave her every reason I could think of for not being so fussy. I used the old saying, "It all gets mixed together in your stomach" followed up with, "you know where this all ends up anyway???" She only uses one kind of peanut butter. It's her favorite and supposedly is the easiest to work with.

It didn't matter what I said,  she constructs her PBJ her way and actually has me doing "her way" when I make a sandwich for her.

My point for the day. Everyone has a few ditches they are willing to die in, even if you don't think it matters at all. I asked Rene why she was so fussy about that sandwich. I received an instant reply. " I worked in a hospital for 40 years. Sometimes my lunches were interrupted for an emergency. I ate my lunches in a hospital where we worked. I didn't go outside to a park, or did I go to a noisy cafeteria. Our small break room was a place of refuge for 15 or 30 minutes. After a hectic morning I wanted to sit down in peace, read my bible, and eat a perfect sandwich. I usually always prayed to have God bless my food and I thought I did not want to ask Him to bless something that was just thrown together."

So now I knew. When I was spreading the peanut butter perfectly, I was spreading it for God. All things great or small do them right or not at all.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Cleaning Out The Crud 8/3/2021

 Good Morning,

The morning air is cool today and my cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee is cutting through the coolness like a knife through soft butter. 

Luke 8:17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be made known and come to light. 

My wife Rene and I are blessed to be the owners of two English Springer Spaniels. These two are members of the family and they bring a lot of happiness to the day. They are full of energy and when that energy gets directed to a hunting outing, they seem to come up with a little more, to meet the occasion. 

Many dogs and especially these two need to have their eyes wiped and cleaned after a day in the field or when they wake up after a good night of sleep. We call them over and they sit to have their "eye boulders" removed every morning.

So where am I going with this? The eye boulders are often bigger and worse after a day in the field where they encounter brush or thick grass hitting them in the face. Rene will remark when she sees some extra crud on their faces from the eye seepage, "I can tell what you guys did yesterday".

So imagine if our own eyes would emit crud from the things we put into them. Guys especially, what if the extra look at a tight pair of leggings on a woman were to show up on our faces? What if the visions of lust in our minds showed up coming out of our eyes. What if the crud of pornography leaked out of our eyes telling people what we were doing yesterday? Ladies this goes for you as well. What if everyone could know just what you were doing by seeing the crud on your face? Would you still do it? 

I don't have much more to say about this. I just wanted to plant a seed for thought. 

How does your face look?


Monday, August 2, 2021

Let's Gather Together Again, Stuck Under The Bridge 8/2/2021

 Good Morning,

The time to get moving came out of no where like being shot out of a cannon this morning. I am breaking in a new coffee maker today and I can smell the Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee brewing right now. I guess it is easy to say, that the new one must be working fine. 

Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25. not neglecting, to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. 

I know there are many pastors and elders who might read this and frown on where I am headed with this message. I write what I am led to write by the Holy Spirit.

 One of the main complaints I heard as a church leader during our first round of Covid in 2020 when all the churches were closed and internet church was all we could do was "I can't wait until we can be together again." Then slowly the virus subsided and it seemed like we had beaten this thing down to a manageable sickness, a lot of people did not return to in person church. 

There are and were ways to safely manage attendance. Many churches offered masks or "safe rooms" and soon there was the choice to be vaccinated. Churches needed to follow local laws. When they chose to disobey and ignore the laws of the time, they created another problem . As will a bad burrito, all things that started paranoia made my gut hurt. Those who wore masks felt singled out by those who didn't. Then those who didn't, felt that they couldn't attend because the masked folks were looking at them and not being inclusive. Some vaccinated folks did express verbally that they would not be with those who weren't vaccinated. Some unvaccinated people would also get in the faces of others preaching their cause. I really don't care which side of the aisle you are on in this debate. So don't send me to links about masks, or vaccines pro or con. 

I do know this. People have become lazy in being involved at church or attending except for church online. If you are afraid to attend because of the virus and none of the precautions work for you, or medically you need to stay away that's ok. But can't you call your church and ask how you can do anything in a ministry? It is summer in the United States. Flowers need to be watered, grass mowed, sidewalks swept, parking lot's sealed and the list goes on. Have you asked to be part of the prayer team?

I see many avoiding the church family until there is a need like a wedding or a hospital visit. Then they are there wagging their tales in hope of help or support. Right after that, you don't see them again. 

Then there are the two paranoid twins battling over how they "think' others feel about them being vaccinated and wearing a mask and the other twin who wants nothing to do with a masked vaccinated brother or sister in the Lord and they can't tolerate those who chose to vaccinate. 

So they stay home and tune in to the "sermon of the week", send in a tithe or not and are satisfied with sitting at home and not being part of the family who gathers. They cannot get past this thing, allowing Satan to win because he has divided the church over masks, vaccinations, and paranoia. 

I am saying this. The family divided is not a good thing. The family who does not gather and look for ways to strive to stir up others to love and good works is not a good thing. I am calling August, Family Reunion Month. Do whatever it takes for you to feel safe or heard, and get back to church in person.

I have news for you. Many people had the habit of occasionally attending church long before Covid came on the scene. They just found a new excuse. 

God bless,


Sunday, August 1, 2021

Always A Good Team 8/1/2021

 Good Morning,

May this day find you at peace with those around you and at peace with yourself. I pray that you find time to spend with God and communicate with Him. It's time to write after just one more sip of my cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee. 

Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25. not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 

Last night we attended our Saturday Evening service and then a few of us stayed later for a time of prayer. It was a sweet walk in God's garden. 

After locking up and shooting the breeze with friends in the parking lot, I started my Jeep and headed for home. I take the same route home 99% of the time and last night was not an exception. About a block away from church after stopping at the stop sign I turned left. This little area is known to have a lot of wildlife cross the road now and then. I am always on the lookout for deer or turkeys crossing the road near this intersection. I was not disappointed as I turned left and started toward a hill that would eventually head downward. Three deer were standing in the road and their color still has a little majestic red to it. It was an awesome site to see. As I started to direct my Jeep down the hill I saw a man in a wheel chair trying to go up the incline, using his arms and feet to move along. He wasn't traveling very straight or making a lot of headway. He really was more of a hazard on the road and I just couldn't see him struggle like this. I made a u turn and pulled up on the road shoulder and got out of my vehicle. 

In the mean time my buddy of the thick and thin club pulled up also. He has the 99% habit of travel as I do and was going home from church also. He saw what was going on and no way was he going to drive by without helping. I spoke with our new friend in the wheel chair and asked if I could push him and his chair to where he was trying to go. He was very hard to understand due to some type of disability, but he pointed West and West we went. My friend made a u turn and pulled up behind us to make sure he ran interference for us with any approaching vehicles. 

Through this I discovered that where my new rolling buddy lived was in an assisted living residence and was just a block away and somehow he had gone for a ride in his wheel chair. We strolled to the home, with my friend and his wife covering our back as we rolled. I have no idea how this gentleman got out and about and I will dig into that a little more this week. Once there, I discovered a long driveway to the building that was steep to say the least. It was at this time that our rolling friend insisted on finishing the last 50 yards on his own. It was decided that we would allow him to do that, restoring some of his lost dignity for traveling beyond his limits. Every man should be allowed to have dignity restored when needed. We watched him navigate the hill and he was going to be safe and sound.  We left content with his well being. 

My point for the day is this. My good dear friends were not going to slow down and ask if I needed help and then hear me say "not really". They went into immediate action and assisted. It was so nice to know that they had my back and I did not have to worry about approaching vehicles from behind me. 

As always with these two, it was a team event. We with my wife Rene included we always are a team, a team that is there through thick and thin, good or bad, beautiful and ugly. Teams and friendships like this are to be valued. If they only knew right now what I am thinking about possible ways to minister to this home, basically right in the back yard of our church. I have been part of our church since 1994 and did not even know this home existed. Recall, I only go home in the same direction 99% of the time and the other 1% would not take me near the assisted living dwelling either. My friend filled me in on what he knew about that site, but God sent a cripple to show me the way. 

Be part of a team, that you know was sanctioned to exist by God. You will never be bored or lonely. I value these two with a place in my heart. I knew for sure that when they saw me pulling over I had my wing man and his wife right there. To think about it, I believe God sent some wing men also. I just couldn't see them, but they were there. I will be using this Scripture passage again tomorrow as there is one more message found within. 

Have a great day.
