Sunday, January 31, 2021

Good Ole Mountain Dew? 1/31/2021

 Good Morning,

This Sunday morning arrived with a large snow storm. It started last night and it is still coming down. I will treat this day like any other Sunday. The radio is playing softly and the fireplace is heating us up nicely.

Back and I mean way back, I became interested in making moonshine. A friend of mine and I built a small still and could turn out a quart of "Marty's Mountain Dew" every day. It was a novelty that lasted about a year. I am not really proud of that accomplishment and the still is long gone. That white lightning could set you on your backside and it never took prisoners. 

You are wondering where this is headed and what on Earth this has to do with a daily blog of inspiration? Hang with me as I get to the point. 

This world is filled with a million ways that a man or woman can find to screw up. Most people can't say that their downfall was from making moonshine. That stuff almost killed me one night after I finished off a jar with a few buddies. I had no business driving a vehicle while all "moonshined up" and I damaged my car bad enough that it wasn't able to be fixed. Worse yet, I somehow drove it home. I woke up the next morning and saw a wrecked car and I didn't remember a thing. I could have killed someone on the way home. The still was gone the next day. 

Friends, it just goes to show that things you shouldn't do, or shouldn't possess will always seek to ruin you. I thank God for preserving this idiot that night. I learned my lesson the hard way. It could have been worse. The Good Ole Mountain Dew wasn't so good. 

Isaiah 30:21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it." Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.

Proverbs 3:12 The Lord disciplines those He loves, as the father who loves his son. 

While building that still, there were several times that my conscience ( The Holy Spirit) warned me that this was not a good idea. I did not listen and I could have saved myself from suffering the consequences of my sin.

I believe God speaks to us and we have some choices when He does. Stop or keep going. Correction or not needing to be corrected. Avoid suffering or suffer needlessly . God corrects those He loves and sometimes it is just a scolding or it's out to the woodshed for a whooping. Most of my corrections have been the latter. 

Today if you are going to step across a line that you already know is not right. Listen to that small voice directing you in the right direction. My mason jars now hold coffee, or vegetables. 


Saturday, January 30, 2021

Fighting Your Way Back 1/30/2021

 Good Morning,

Our home is very quiet this morning as I write today. I was up early with our two dogs Gibbs and Leo. They are nestled on their beds right now after after running around outside. I just poured a very hot cup of Door County Churro Coffee and now it is time to get serious.

Romans 12:9 Let love be genuine, abhor evil and cling to what is good. 

I used to take a turn at bringing an elderly man to church on Sundays. We had a pool of people that would take turns driving this nice man to church. He was a pleasure to have as a friend and a passenger.  This fella was a World War Two veteran and served in the United States Army. He was in several large war battles and would tell you about it if you asked. He was in some pretty tough spots during the war. I asked him one Sunday morning what kept him going during one particular battle. He said this. "It was simple. The enemy was shooting at me to end my life. I either fought back or died or became a prisoner. Neither one of those seemed like a good option. And all I wanted to do was fight harder to end the war so I could go back home to my family. That's what kept me going every day, every hour." He passed away a few years ago and I still miss him. 

I admired his honest answer and think about it often. He wanted to be with his family and had to fight his way back home. That war was ugly like all wars and the battles were fierce. My friend made it back home, and raised his family. He was a loving man. 

I think about what it took to fight like that with one goal in mind, and it was family.

Let me ask you this today. Are you a family person? Do you work hard all day and then dawdle on the way home, claiming for yourself some "Me Time". Or do you fight your way home to let those gathered there know how important they are to you? Do they know that after God, they are your top priority and all you want to do is get right back home to them? Do you fight off the enemy that tempts you to stop for a beer first? Do you fight off the temptation to work longer just so you might get a promotion? We have come up with so many reasons why we need to not go straight home that it isn't funny. 

So how about letting our family know that they are worth fighting for, by showing them they are a priority for you. 

God bless,


Friday, January 29, 2021

Cleaning Up A Spill. 1/29/2021

 Good Morning,

Not much time is left until I leave for work so my Door County Turtles In A Cup Coffee is going to travel with me. But for mow it is time to write.

Proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals his transgressions, will not prosper. But he who forsakes them will prosper.

Have you ever watched a glass of sweet iced tea get bumped and then proceed to spill out all over the table. It then finds the edge of the table, which leads to the floor, splashes a wall, and then runs under the refrigerator. In order to properly clean up the mess, you might need to move the refrigerator, wipe down the legs of the chair, and look closely to see where else the messy, sticky liquid has hidden itself. If not cleaned up properly the sweet liquid might eventually attract ants. Let's change liquids and make it a big glass of cold milk. Spilled milk that doesn't get mopped up might begin to smell and leaves the kitchen with a foul odor. 

Point for the day. When we hold back on removing the sins in our lives that we like to keep, we leave the stain of sin hidden, most likely to show itself sooner or later leaving an attractant to other sin, or just puts a foul smell into our lives. 

I know this was a poor analogy. Friends when we clean up the sin in our life, there is no reason to hang on to some of it. We need to ask ourselves, do we keep that sin in our lives because we like it?

Time to clean up the spills! And look under the frig and the table.  


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Keeping Your Drawers To Yourself 1/28/2021

 Good Morning,

This week reached Thursday and what a day it will be. Busy, busy, busy. I needed to warm up fast this morning and my cup of Door County Turtles In A Cup is doing a great job and bringing the dead back to life.

Proverbs 20:19 Whoever goes about slandering, reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a simple babbler. 

My mother used an expression now and then usually when she was addressing me. "Keep your dirty laundry to yourself. Or no need to air your laundry in public" 

I have included a definition on this quote. If you say that someone airs their dirty laundry in public, you disapprove of their discussing or arguing about unpleasant or private things in front of other people.

Mom always objected to public arguments and often said that to do so brings shame on the family or yourself. She said "most arguments should be kept private". 

I tend to agree with her. All too often there is the temptation to take a private argument and make it public just to gain support for a personal opinion or to gain folks on one side of the argument or the other. Others might choose to bad mouth a spouse out of anger. The listener then forms an opinion of the dis-functional spouse which probably is only a snapshot of the life of the accused sluggard. It really isn't a fait portrayal of the whole person. So when we air our laundry in public, opinions are formed on a moment in time , not on the lifetime the accused person. 

So friends, we all have disagreements that are personal. Do they belong on social media or at the office water cooler as fodder for donut time? Think before you speak. Is this private? In my sharing, am I hurting anyone? If the answer is yes. Best to leave it private.

Have a blessed day.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Driving In The Snow Storm 1/27/2021

 Good Morning,

Another morning arrived and I am glad to be here. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha and soon I will be heading out of the door.

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to ruin.

Yesterday morning my commute to a clinic where I was working took me 23 miles from home in a rough snow storm. There was on vehicle spin out that started when the person behind me pulled into the next lane to pass me. I guess I wasn't traveling fast enough for his taste. His lane change took him into the freeway wall on the right and then his little sports car came back across the lanes. His path was headed at me and one other vehicle. We missed a crash y just a foot or two. It was very close. 

I chalked the incident up to a few things. 1 the roads were really bad. they were slippery beyond slippery. The snow hadn't been plowed yet. The driver was definitely traveling too fast for conditions, It could be possible that he was new to the area and did not know how to drive in snow. Anyway two of us were spared any damage or dirty underwear. The hasty traveler did not do so well. His car bounced off the wall and actually spun to the backside to match the front and then rested on a guard rail that bent pretty well,

I can't judge if his rush was so legitimate that he needed to drive like he was on a dry track at Daytona or not. All I know is this. The high speed for the conditions, the wrong car for the conditions were too much for his day to survive a hurried drive. 

The point of the day is to take the storm and the driving into consideration. When we hurry through anything we are likely to make a careless mistake. We need to plan ahead if possible and give what needs to be done the proper time and attention it requires.

Rushing only adds to the frustration of an already rough day.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Oops You Did It Again 1/26/2021

 Good Morning,

My cup of Door County Vanilla Creme Coffee is cutting right through the fog of my brain and has awakened this bear from a good night of hibernation. It is now time to write.

Proverbs 10:8 The wise of heart will receive commandments and knowledge, but a babbling fool will come to ruin.

My dad always used to tell us kids that talking to us was like talking to the wall. He felt that he could instruct us, guide us and preach to us and we still didn't hear or were just plain stupid at times when we refused to follow good guidance.  Funny thing about that. I found out that most of the time good old dad was right on. And out of my own foolishness I not only screwed up once but would often do it again expecting different outcomes. Albert Einstein is credited with this quote. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Go back over your recent choices and see if you haven't made that choice before, which didn't work and acknowledge that you did an "OOPS I Did It Again".  This often can be seen in spending habits and relationships. You rushed to make a purchase of a car just to regret it, but OOPS You Did It Again". You rushed into a relationship before and it was disastrous. But you are ready to jump in again with all guns blazing.  Our you take a job that looks good yet you know you aren't qualified for it and Oops You did it again. Your resume now just added your 45th job. 

We pray and God sends His advice, but since we all know better that God, we don't listen. I was being factious here friends. That's really when we become our own idol. We think we know better. Usually convincing ourselves that God would never deny us happiness. 

Enough said. I think we should all examine the patterns of our lives and review the mistakes we made. I bet there was someone telling you "Not A Good Idea". See if you aren't at the altar of "Oops I am going to do it again.!

Have a great day.


Monday, January 25, 2021

Time For Soup For The Soul 1/25/2021

 Good Morning,

The day is going to be the start of a busy week. Snow is in the forecast this week and that always makes life interesting. I am looking forward to the challenge. Game on! I will be filling a traveling cup with very hot Door County Autumn Spice Coffee to keep me company while I am on the road.

There have been books out on the shelves for sometime called "Chicken Soup For The Soul". I found them to be a good read and inspiring. Many of the stories inside are ones that touch the heart and generate a smile on the reader. We own a couple and from time to time I look them up.

I am also a fan of chicken soup. I like the way it hits the spot on a cold day or seems to make me feel better when a virus or cold attacks me. To tell you the truth I am a loyal fan to most soups. Tonight we will be dining on some soup I made the other day and saved for tonight. The soup I chose to make was split pea with bacon. Pea soup would be my wife's choice of a comfort soup. I do most of the cooking and can read my wife pretty well also. This covid thing has her blue and stressed out. The vaccination roll out which is best called a circus is also adding to her down turn in emotions. I tried some flowers and that really didn't help. I know the pea soup will be only a few moments of comfort and peace. 

I decided that what was needed was something that would last and could not be killed off. There is only one thing I know of that is able to be permanent. I left some scripture verses on her pillow. 

( Food For The Soul) I typed them out for her to have. They are personal so I won't be sharing what I left her. But I will post two that are reminders  of the power in the Word of God. 

Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to me void, but shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. 

Friends, you know the signs of family stress or fatigue, especially your own families. You know them and could send them a Scripture verse of encouragement. It lasts forever and goes out to do what God wants.

God bless, 


Split Pea and bacon soup recipe.


  • 1 pound slab bacon in 1/4-inch-thick slices
    • 1 medium potato chopped
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 1 stalk celery, chopped
  • 1 head garlic, cloves peeled and sliced thin or mince garlic
  •  Salt and black pepper
  • 1 pound dried green split peas, rinsed and picked over
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 2 to 3 quarts chicken stock  or ham bone stock
  • ½ bunch fresh thyme leaves, stripped from stems or powdered thyme
  •         I add a cup of sour cream
    • before serving. Wisk well.


  1. Dice bacon into 1/4-inch cubes. Place in a heavy 6-quart pot over medium-low heat. Cook until fat is rendered and translucent. Add onion, carrot, celery and garlic. Cook until onion and garlic are soft and translucent. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Add split peas, stir to coat with fat, and add bay leaves and 2 quarts stock. Increase heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat so soup simmers. Skim foam that rises to the surface for about 10 minutes, until no more appears. Add thyme leaves. Simmer uncovered about 1 hour or longer, until peas are soft and starting to fall apart. Add more stock, as needed.
  3. Remove soup from heat. Add salt and pepper to taste. Purée soup in a food processor in several batches, short of perfect smoothness; you should be able to spoon up some texture. Reheat soup, skimming off any foam. Stir from the bottom to mix well, then ladle into bowls and serve.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Heartbreak The Heroin Brings 1/24/2021

 Good Morning,

I am writing late today and I apologize for doing so. I know some of you read my blog early in the morning. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Spice Coffee  and now it is time to write.

Acts 20:35 In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak. We must remember the Lord's words it is more blessed to give than receive. 

The reason for being late is simple but sad. I was called late last night or you cold call it early in the morning. Friends of ours gave us a ring to ask for prayer for their son. He is 18 and had been missing for a few days. We already had been praying for him. When the phone rings at 2:AM I never look forward to good news as I answer the call.  The call had good news and bad news. Their son had been found in a large city about 5 hours away. The bad news is he had overdosed on heroin and was in the hospital on life support and it wasn't looking good for him. As of this morning the latest update is that there hasn't been any improvement in his condition.

Our friends asked if we could pray together and talk for awhile as they drove to their sad destination. I listened, we prayed and talked for abut an hour. They both cried at times, showed some anger, and were running the gauntlet of heartbreak. Prior to experimenting with drugs their son was a very good student, athlete, and son. But along came the breakup with a girlfriend as often happens in life. I asked if I could write about this and have been granted permission. It seems as if the short relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend ceased and is no one's fault. In high school those things happen.

But here is the lesson. To our young friend this was more than a high school crush, puppy love or adolescent love. He was in love and this nice young girl was his everything. My friends really had no idea how he felt about this young lady. They thought he would be over it and move on to someone new. They had no idea how heartbroken he was.  The point is this. No matter the age15, 18, or 92 a break up hurts and we can never take that lightly. Before a person can turn to despair and have despair win we need to understand what hurts some hurts others more. That's the thing my friends want me to point out to all.  Covid and politics now consume the spotlight. In the rubble of these two things there are drugs, pain, and hurt still out there. It's time to restart the fight on the  drugs that kill and the causes for their use. 

Recognize that hurt, hurts, no matter the age. We need to respond to those who's hurts we would classify as little.  To them they are big. We need to respond and not judge. We need to be there for them before heroin calls and brings more heartache.

God Bless,


Saturday, January 23, 2021

If It Were Easy 1/23/2021

 Good Morning,

Happy Saturday to all and may the peace of God be yours today. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Black and Tan Coffee for myself.  A little earlier I removed some freshly baked rolls from the oven and between the coffee and the rolls, this place smells great. Now it is time to write

I want to talk about something today that many of us struggle with from time to time and that is the moment we know we are wrong in a given situation and have to swallow our pride to admit it, possibly confess it or make it right.

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before the fall. 

2 Timothy 2:23 Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies ; you know they breed quarrels. 

You know that feeling, that comes over us when no matter how we justify, argue or dig in, we were just plain old wrong and have to admit. The feeling starts in your gut, moves to your head changing that nice pink flesh tone you own to a paint chart of reds to choose from. 

Most people find it is harder to admit your wrong to those closest to you. I believe it is because you see that person more often and you care about their opinion of you, and they just might remind you of the times you were wrong later. If you voiced an opinion or did something wrong to a stranger admitting your wrong to someone you very seldom see is easier to do. Although they know you are wrong their opinion isn't valued enough to make you embarrassed enough to stay red in the face for much longer than a few minutes. 

Too often the desire to be right all the time leads us to the point of not wanting to admit it and that's when we turn into the president of our own debate team. We begin to go from embarrassed to angry, interjecting the word but into the debate so often we sound like a small motor boat. But, but, but.

Swallowing our pride is never easy, but the sooner it is done, the sooner we can leave the quicksand of folly we landed in because of our pride. 

So today if you are opinionizing, debating, or arguing, and the epiphany occurs that sheds light on the fact you are wrong, admit it, move on and seek to live peacefully with others. 

Have a great day. By the way, this is not open for debate!! LOL


Friday, January 22, 2021

The Sound Of The Train 1/22/2021

 Good Morning,

I am still having a hard time remembering to write 2021 instead of 2020. Maybe 2020 just won't go away yet. I am enjoying some very hot Door County Bourbon Vanilla Creme Coffee this morning. The coffee woke up my taste buds and my mind. 

2 Corinthians 5:8 Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

Just East of our home are some railroad tracks that run North and South. We don't have as many trains running on the tracks as there used to be. I think once this covid thing settles down, people will be traveling more and the trains between Milwaukee and Chicago will be more frequent. The track also provide rails for supply trains. 

I always enjoy hearing the horn on the train on a cold night as it approaches a road crossing. From where we are located I  can see the huge spotlight on the engine car cut through the darkness. The horn is a warning to drivers of automobiles to make sure they are off of the tracks and to anyone else that might be walking the tracks for whatever reason. I am not much of a railroad buff, and I never owned a model train. But I am fascinated with the power of a locomotive and the sound of the horn. 

Trains take people to and from a given point. Once you are comfortable in your seat while taking the train somewhere you can sit back, read a book or listen to music using ear buds and if it is daylight you can look out the window and enjoy the scenery. 

The train can only run on the tracks it is set on. The engineer can stop the train and restart travel, but can't take a left or right turn at will . I watch the trains now and then and think about not being able to turn and I wonder how often trains only run one set of tracks never being able to go beyond boundaries of two cities and never running all the way to the South, East, North, or West of this great land? By now you are probably thinking that I spend too much time thinking. That might be true. 

Here's the point. When we were created, God gave us a gift of free will. He didn't create a bunch of robots who just were made to do everything He said. He gave us freedom to choose.  He wanted us to choose Him out of love for a perfect God and our need to belong to a family that lasts. 

I think that is one of His greatest examples of showing His love is that we have a choice to turn it down. I for one chose the path of being forgiven, assurance of being welcomed into the Family and life with Jesus Christ for eternity in 1981. I was never forced into anything. I found God to love me as I am and with Him I was able to get myself set straight on the tracks of life. 

So when I hear that horn I am reminded who the Engineer is on my life's train. He knows when the train will stop someday and then I will be home never to wander again.

God bless.  Is your train on the right tracks? Have you jumped on the train to heaven with an Engineer who runs straight and true? 

Listen for the horn. He's calling you for a free ride. Don't miss the train.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Watching The Dedication And Love 1/21/2021

 Good Morning,

Looking forward to a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha in a few minutes. The wind is pretty cold this morning. Looking forward to that first cup. 

In our subdivision and next to our home is a small residence built for housing the elderly. They only have 8 people at the most housed there. Due to Covid 19 precautions visiting is not allowed except for very special circumstances. I would have to say that 99% of the time visitors do not enter. What my wife and I have been watching is a set of sisters who visit their mother through the window in her room. They talk safely through the window screen keeping a six foot distance from Mom at all times. They rarely miss a day. 

Yesterday it was extremely cold and low and behold the two of them were there, all bundled up and they visited for about 20 minutes while standing in a heavy wind.

Rene and I happened to be outside with our dogs and both of us remarked about the dedication these two sisters had and the love they showed for their mother. It is very impressive. You see love in action as they sacrifice to be there regardless of the weather. 

I pondered this for awhile and came to the conclusion that obviously Mom  taught the two sisters well. she was probably always there when the girls needed her. Mom taught them how to love and probably did so by example.

1 John 3:18 Children, let us not love in word or in talk, but in deed and truth. 

We can talk about loving others but it's true meaning is seen by the actions we take for others. 

Food for thought. Who do you know that just might need to see love in action today?


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Payment In Full 1/20/2021

 Good Morning,

I hear a train approaching from the South as it's horn sounds through the dark and cold morning. I love to listen to it and it will be the subject of my blog tomorrow. I just poured  a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee and now it is time to write. 

1 Peter 3:9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with  blessing, because to this you were called, so that you may inherit a blessing.

Today is inauguration day for the president and vice president of the United States. Friends, tensions are high as this has been a country divided for a long time. Social media is no longer any fun and in some ways become nothing but a platform to hurl insults and bash political views. I see the insults being exchanged causing friends to insult friends openly. Many friendships have not weathered the storm of the political climate. 

Scripture gives us some great advice with the promise of a blessing. I think we would all do well across the world if we would take seriously the directions from Above. One of the byproducts of not responding to insults with an insult is to be able to face God knowing you did as He expects us to. 

Another byproduct is the fact that you avoid receiving another insult or other form of evil in return. You can pray for others who insult you or send evil your way and let God deal with their sin or possibly your own sin. 

It only takes the wrong reaction to an insult to fan the flames of hatred and beguilement. We often pray in the Lord's prayer "and deliver us from evil". God has shown us a way to respond to insults and evil. Let's do it world wide and have a peaceful day. 

God bless,


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

More Isn't Always A Choice 1/19/2021

 Good Morning,

I found my way to the kitchen via the aroma of the Door County Cherry Creme Coffee pulling at my nose. It's a very nice way to wake up. This day started very early and will run long into the evening. 

Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made. Lets be glad and rejoice in it. 

I am only speaking for myself and want that to be clearly known. My next statement will cause some of you to stop reading right away. My own selfishness would like to see more snow and a couple good snowstorms. I can see some of you grabbing your snow shovels right now just to beat me with them. 

The point today is this. I can want more snow and piles of it, but I have no control over the temperature, moisture, and wind. I am going to get as much snow as God desires to send my way. He also could send enough to make me sick of it and that too is out of my control. 

Life is like the weather. You just never know exactly what you are going to get. And we can't always have snow for some, we can't always have sunshine for others. We can't always get more rain or more time to swim. Especially where we live, if you don't like the weather, wait a day or two and it will change. More of anything isn't always an option. Less or none sometimes is the option. What is sheer delight for others might not be your cup of tea. I have had plenty of snowy days and although I like them, maybe God doesn't think others can sustain a lot of blizzards right now. 

We have to accept the days that just aren't exactly the way we would like them and know that they too will change and maybe to our liking. 

So give others a chance to enjoy what God has placed on all of us and wait for changes to come along. 


Monday, January 18, 2021

I 'm Not Going Anywhere 1/18/2021

 Good Morning,

The day began before I was ready for it today. The mug next to me filled with Door County Christmas Coffee seems to be telling me to hurry up today. So I will do so.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. 

One of the local large health care systems has produced a new commercial for advertisement. I have to say as far as television commercials go this one appeals to my compassion and emotions. It shows care givers holding a patients hand or sitting with them while a song in the back ground tells the patient "I am not going anywhere". It is sending the reassurance message that while you are in a rough spot your caregiver is there for you and is not going anywhere. In other words they are there to see you through your health issue. It is a catchy tune and has stuck in my head for a few days. 

Today as every day goes I do not know who will read this, but it might apply to one person or many. I will never know. But there is that one person who is contemplating packing up and leaving the family today. Leaving in their path children who will wonder what tomorrow will bring. Perhaps a spouse that will wonder the same. These are rough times. Kids in school, no school, parents not working or the home is in turmoil just because we need to spend more time there. Today it is important more than ever for us to stay the God given course, hug your kids and reassure them that you are there for them and you are not going anywhere. Don't walk out on the family for selfish reasons. Get back there and  make it work, Obtain help if necessary. forgive if you need to. Ask to be forgiven. Whatever it takes tell them "I am Not Going Anywhere."

I spoke my heart today. Someone needed this message and they also needed to hear that they are not alone. God is with them and is not going anywhere.


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Them Dry Bones 1/17/2021

 Good Morning,

The Sunday morning ritual began awhile ago. Soft music, hot Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and the fireplace alive with crackling hardwood logs. This is nice. It is time to write.

Tonight my wife Rene and I will be dining on some dry rubbed baby back ribs. The process of rubbing those ribs down with seasoning and then placing them back into the refrigerator for 8 hours got me to thinking. Within that pan there is the potential for a great meal. Later today they will be slow cooked in the smoker for three hours. They will receive more seasoning after the three hours of heat and then cooked for another hour before they hit the table and finally they will be useful. I use a seasoning I trust to produce the best rib results. 

My thinking took me to some Scripture passages. In Ezekiel we read how God took the prophet to a valley full of dry bones and asked him if the bones could live. Later the bones were reunited with flesh and life after God breathed life into them.

Ezekiel 37:1-3  The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit Of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2. Then he caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were many in the open valley, and indeed they were very dry. 3. And He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" So I answered, "O Lord God You know."

The ribs in our smoker needed seasoning, time, and heat to become useful to us tonight. I look at the world today and I see lots of dry bones. I see people who have just let their faith wither and are content with just attending church or not attend at all. They allow political opinions to stimulate their hate for others and are quick to, to be blunt, be rude, selfish and demeaning to others. Their spiritual lives are dry and have no seasoning anymore. There needs to be a fresh wind of faith to blow through this land, where people can disagree but yet see the point of the other side. There needs to be a fresh wind of faith to cause once vibrant, caring people to care and serve others again. The fresh wind does not track time and when it calls you to be kind, show compassion, and put others first it doesn't give you stop and start time.

This fresh wind is Jesus Christ and a fresh revival of faith that produces selfless love is what will get the dry bones of uselessness, lack of compassion full of the decay of selfishness to move and be the people we can and should be. 

John 14:6 Jesus answered," I am the Way, the Truth, and the life. No man comes unto the Father except through Me."

Jesus is the One who can reignite a faith that flounders and restore life to the dry bones of your life. He is the seasoning, of faith, hope, and love. Will you respond to His call and come alive once more?


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Don't Overlook A Diamond 1/16/2021

 Good Morning,

Saturday it is and it is time to write as I sip easily on a very hot cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee. 

Today I want to talk about not judging everyone according to some preset standards that are to be a fit for everyone. Those of you who might be in a position to hire people often rely on a standard set of questions given to you to use. Working at a large medical center many years ago I often watched the loading dock/delivery person bring things to my office that were ordered for our department. He was dressed neatly, and was very personable. The department I ran was a department with skilled positions. Now they were not medical positions so I had some freedom to try a few more things than other departments could. This man always straightened his delivery or stacked things in a orderly fashion. He always was polite in his greetings and worked efficiently. 

1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, " Do not look look on his appearance nor the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as a man sees: Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

I had an open position and it wasn't being filled all that quickly. I reached out to this steady delivery man and asked him to come into my office. My question was point blank. "Why haven't you ever approached me for a job in this department?' His response was just what I expected. "I could never do what these people do." I fired right back and said, "Not right now you can't. But I would be willing to train you and our company pays for schooling. You could be making a lot more money even starting at the lowest pay grade in this department. I like your work ethic and I that ethic will carry you a long way." He said he would think about it and the very next day he was in my office to let me know he had applied for the job.  I did weather some resistance from Human Resources, my boss, and a few within the department itself. The man hired on and was a human sponge soaking up knowledge. He enrolled in night school and soon there after I left the medical center for a promotion I received. 

I had business to attend to one day and it took me to the old medical center. I wasn't surprised to hear that this man had completed school, received a promotion, and was enrolled in more classes. I found a diamond in the rough. He did very well for himself and is still doing so. 

My point is this. In some fields certain education is required as a condition of hiring by law. But you can still look at the potential employee beyond appearances and try to see the heart. Don't be fooled by appearances. In doing so many a person lived to regret that mistake. They passed on a diamond in the rough. 

Have a great day.


Friday, January 15, 2021

Following Isn't Always Easy 1/15/2021

 Good Morning,

My desk is a little cluttered as I write today and that is needs to change later today, My cup of Door County Creme Coffee has a secure place on the desk and now it is time to write.

I have been watching a middle aged man make changes in his life that are for the good. He has decided to give a better effort in following the Lord. But as he tries to align himself with the Word of God some of the changes he is attempting to make are at times painful. Yet they are much needed. When this man, like many of us also do, reaches a fork in the road and has to make a choice, he often tends to choose the road easiest to take and the one most to his liking. He will endure the hardships the wrong choice of his brings with it. He fails to see the importance of total surrender to God and living for His will and not his own. 

This has been painful to watch and has caused me to look back on my life and see that some of the calamity I endured was brought on by myself. I think we can all point to a time or forty when we did the same thing. You could call it our "days of rebellion". In some instances we choose to shirk responsibility because it brings some discomfort, pain, or irritation. 

Have you ever considered that you are worth a whole lot to God? And that you deserve the best. The best is the road traveled with Him directing your way.  Yet He allows us to choose the path we want to take and waits on us to come back filled with guilt, frustration and despair. He cleans us up and forgives our rebellion, then sets us on the path we should have taken to begin with. The "I told you so" comes from within our hearts through our own repentance, shame and guilt. 

I want to look at two passages today that are often spoke of but the burning intent is often brushed off.

Matthew 6:10 They Kingdom come, They will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. 

This is often said while reciting or praying the Lord's Prayer. Although said often, it is easily not taken seriously. Heaven is a perfect place with no pain or sorrow. Only the perfect will of God is observed there. That is how it remains perfect and peaceful. Several angels decided to try and impose their will in heaven and were booted out never to return. To observe and practice "Thy will be done" takes patience, love for the Father, and discipline to surrender to His leadership. 

Matthew 16:24-25 Then Jesus told His disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it,  but whoever loses it for my sake will find it. 

In this passage we see that those choosing to lead our own life, often has us spending  much time on the wrong path and could actually say that we have lost a portion of our lives to our own folly. Yet those on the path led by God, find life's choices blessed with God's attention, direction and peace even during trying circumstances. And either way there will always be trying times. But we can have a Guide through those times. 

Not following God and His will sure can help us to waste a lot of time. 

Friday, food for thought. 


Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Temperature Was Just Right 1/14/2021

 Good Morning,

I greeted this day with prayer and some very hot Door County Creme Coffee and now it is time for me to write.

Proverbs 9:9 Give instruction to a wise man and he will be wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning. 

Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly. 

In my opening statement I said that my coffee was very hot. It was the kind of hot that when you put the mug near your mouth the heat/steam from the mug fogs up your glasses. That was exactly what was happening to me.  I like my coffee super hot and I also enjoy the warmth of the mug on my hands. The heat soothes some of the arthritis in my hands. So for me the temperature of the coffee was just right.

There was one thing though that could have been a little dangerous with that plan. I poured the coffee and headed upstairs to the den to pray and then write. While on about the fourth step up the stairs I decided to take a sip of my coffee. My glasses fogged up and going ahead had to wait until the glasses cleared which was only a few seconds. The coffee mug in my hand was just a little too hot to hold on to. I needed to get moving so I could set the hot mug down. Everything worked out just fine. No spills occurred and neither dog was scalded and my feet did not get a hot bath. We made it just fine but a little smarter for tomorrow. 

At one point in my morning ritual I could not see where I was going very well. Our two dogs are always following us (me) around and I couldn't see where they were. So I just stopped and didn't go any further until the momentary self induced blindness was over. The mug I used has a very meager handle and it won't be used when a trip upstairs is needed. We have others with more substantial handles. My hand was burning.

I didn't like the experience this morning, but it taught me a lesson. For a few seconds I was kind of stranded in the "what do I do now" mode.  So it was a small mistake, but my point for today is this. We all make small mistakes or big ones. But with every mistake there is a lesson to be learned. That mug is confined to the kitchen and won't be traveling with me. This is a simple example of how surviving a mistake should be handled. Learn from our mistakes, admit the mistake and put a plan in place so as not to do it again. I used this as an example not to shame myself or beat myself up. Think about this. When you share a secret with someone and they repeat it to others, forgive them, but I wouldn't share a secret with them again. If you run out of fuel in your vehicle and you passed several fuel stops and had to walk back in the cold for a gallon or a few liters of gas, will you ignore the fuel gauge again? Or will you keep a reasonable amount of fuel in the tank and fill up before you get too low? 

I could make a list of mistakes we all make and even though we get through the consequences we don't heed the lesson learned and go ahead and repeat the mistake.

So what did you learn lately and are you doing it again? 

Food for thought.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Keep The Instructions Close A Lesson From Proverbs 1/13/2021

 Good Morning,

A new day began for me an hour ago with our two dogs wanting to go outside. Once they were outside they were bound and determined to come back inside and eat. I made them wait until my Door County Autumn Spice Coffee finished brewing. They decided to be patient and wait.

Proverbs 1:8 Hear my son your father's instruction and heed your mother's teachings.

In our Men's Bible Study, we have been studying the Book Of Proverbs and are close to finishing chapter 6.  There sure is a lot of godly advice and much of it is laced with common sense. The one thing that reads loud and clear to me is that the instructions given in the 31 chapters of Proverbs are also to be taught by the parents and grandparents. Collectively they are to point the younger generation to the instructions of God as well as how to live day by day with ordinary instructions. An example would be on how to safely cross the street being taught to a youngster. 

One of the lessons taught to us from Proverbs so far is about debt and to protect yourself from incurring the debts of others. In other words be careful for what you cosign for, you could end up ruining your own credit. The second thing that reads loud and clear is that we are to heed the instructions, and keep them near and dear to us. As a young man I watched my dad work two jobs so he could pay things away without owing people anything. He died with the best credit score you can obtain. I saw him pay cash for the things he needed, instructing me to do the same so as to stay clear of debt. As I grew older and used a credit card to pay for gasoline,(it made tracking my fuel expenses easier) he saw me use the credit card. His advice was this. "Pay that off as soon as possible so you don't owe anything else." His advice was valid and even though I was forty years old I still listened and heeded the advice. We are never too old to be taught by our parents and our parents are never too old to be considered valid. 

I see myself doing a lot of things taught to me by my father, who had them taught to him by my grandfather. I rub down my axes and splitting mall with a light coat of oil when I am finished using them. I never see any rust on the chopping implements and have yet to need to replace any in 45 years.

Friends you are still responsible for teaching your kids and grandkids, despite your age and theirs. People! You are to heed the directions they give you re: God and life in general. Cherish the directions and keep them close. 

God bless,


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Thinking About The Garden 1/12/2021

 Good Morning,

I awoke this morning and I had several people on my mind to pray for. So I am late in my writing to all of you today. My mug was filled with Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee and it is going down very well this morning. 

Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up like wings of eagles; they shall mount up and not be weary; they shall walk and not be faint.

Psalm 27:13-14 I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord; in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage, wait for the Lord.

Yesterday as my wife Rene was transforming our house from Christmas back to winter normalcy the two of us were discussing the flower and vegetable gardens and the need to purchase some seeds and to start them indoors. She leaves the vegetable garden to me. Rene asked me what I thought we might be planting out there. I didn't answer as my mind was elsewhere. I was thinking about what might be pleasing to eat and what we enjoy canning and then using it later in the winter. 

Rene reached over and knocked on my forehead just as if she were knocking on a door and asked "is anyone home"?  I replied to her, "I was trying to think and nothing happened". My mind was stalled like a run down car at the busy intersection. My brain kicked in and I told her that I needed a day or two to pray, think and decide. It's not that I am unable to decide it's just whether or not I want to plant anything this year. Maybe we should give the ground a rest.

These last few months of pandemics, elections, and riots have taken their toll on my desire to plant anything or plan anything. Last year the garden produced a lot of tomatoes, squash, peppers, onions and garlic. Everything was pretty nice except for the garlic, which was my fault. I just didn't have the drying technique down. I guess, planning things ahead seems to be a waste of time these days. I would hate for the garden to be a huge disappointment. And a garden is always a gamble.

It is not very often that I feel this way. I am the one who usually looks to the future and it is not a "classic sign of depression" going on here. I will snap out of this with more Bible time and prayer. 

I just am going to follow my own advice and wait on the Lord to instill in me the desire to plant or not. 

God bless,


Monday, January 11, 2021

Sometimes You Just Wonder1/11/2021

 Good Morning,

The dawn broke through the night to bring us Monday. So I will embrace dawn's hard work with a cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee, prayer and a smile.

I have a dear friend who attempts to help every person that even mentions they are having a challenge, some difficulty, or started a project they can't finish. His service to others is sometime volunteered for him because he never says no. I watched him while being bedridden with Covid still trying to assist others from his telephone. You truly have to admire someone like that.

But there are those who prey on his kindness and willingness to help. He dives in and meets their immediate needs then low and behold they abandon his advice and instructions until they are in a crisis again. He is very tolerant and forgiving. 

He follows Scripture and at times to do so is painful. Yet he keeps helping those who have no intention of  growing, succeeding, or fully listening. 

Luke 6:35 But love your enemies and do good, lend and expect nothing in return, and your reward will be great., and you will be the sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. 

Friends, I never said that Christianity makes sense in light of the world's opinions. I am glad to have a friend that follows God and not the opinions of the world.

Have a great day!


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Writing Outside Today 1/10/2021

 Good Morning,

I pray this day finds you well, physically and spiritually. I have an insulated mug with me this morning filled with Door County Gingerbread Spice Latte Coffee. And it is very accommodating to my surroundings this morning. 

I have the flood lights on in the back yard, my coffee, a dry place to sit at the picnic table and our two dogs are playing a little as I write. Why am I writing from outdoors today? I just longed to be outside this morning and breathe some air that hasn't been breathed before. I guess at times I am just at my best when I am outside. It is quiet here this morning, one rabbit introduced himself to the dogs and the short chase was on! It didn't take but a few seconds to make our boys look foolish. 

The air this morning is crisp and fresh and it feels good for some reason. The smoke from our chimney is going straight up. The fire in the fireplace is warming the inside of our home. 

Most of all it is peaceful out here. I am content. Out here I don't allow myself to listen to the news. My phone is turned off. My Bible is open and has been read. There is no one to talk to but God and today I just took some time to converse with Him. I talked about my concern for the world and asked for His intervention. I prayed for the leaders of our country, the outgoing and the incoming. I prayed for those sick with the virus that has plagued us. I prayed for my family, neighbors and friends and asked for their protection. I was very thankful for knowing that He loves me and how He spared my elderly friend who was very ill with covid .  This serenity will be replaced with being busy today but I will cherish the time well spent with God. He listened and He only spoke once during my peaceful time of solace. In His word I read the following passage.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.

I can't change the world and not sure I could even try. But I can tell you this. I can control my own heart, and mind. As for our home we will serve the Lord. I guess that is why I can say I am content. 

I pray that this morning you can find some peace and contentment wherever you are. But that peace and contentment starts and ends with spending time with God. 

God bless,


Saturday, January 9, 2021

Stoking The Fire 1/9/2021

 Good Morning, 

My cup overflows with door County Irish Cream Coffee. Literally! I over filled the mug and thought I could walk steady enough without spilling any. Foolish me. 

My wife Rene and I enjoy our fireplace (or any fireplace) and the heat it brings in the fall, winter and early spring. I usually make the fire and I haul in some firewood to refill the hearth when it burns down. We take turns stoking the fire and adding wood as necessary. Every now and then we both get preoccupied with other things that we let the fire burn down too far. Throwing logs on to a fire that doesn't have many glowing embers left just doesn't work all that well. So it is best to tend the fire and keep it going at a steady rate.

I believe people do the same thing with their Christianity. They become slack with keeping a quiet time, prayer time and their Bible study. Soon what was a hot fire within the soul starts to smolder and in many instances goes out for awhile. Now, unlike firewood, when we call upon Jesus and desire to spend  time with Him, He always shows up and seeks to rekindle that fire within. 

James 4:8 Come near to God and He will draw near to you.

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized they had been with Jesus.

The only way to be on fire for Jesus is to spend time with Him. Make it a priority, Be consistent. Be flexible. If He schedules the meeting and it doesn't align with your schedule be willing to change your schedule.

Food for thought!


Friday, January 8, 2021

A Broccoli Day 1/8/2021

 Good Morning,

Friday arrived right on time as I knew it would and I am glad to see it. I just poured a cup of Door County English Toffee Coffee and now it is time to write.

Not all the time but quite often my wife Rene and I will plan out our meals at the beginning of the week or before that. We both talk about some things we might want to eat at our evening meals. Rene is easy to please and I know her "I don't like that" items so I try to avoid making them or I will make two smaller portions of two items. But making two dining choices is done rarely. 

James 1:3-4 For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have it's full effect , that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. 

This last week Rene lobbied heavily for ham and broccoli melts. Which is really chopped ham, and chopped broccoli on an English Muffin covered with Swiss cheese. The one problem is that broccoli is not one of my favorite veggies. To be honest, it is my least favorite. Rene has bombarded me with health facts about broccoli and that it really does taste good. Health facts set aside I really don't like the taste of broccoli. I don't argue the point with her. Her taste is different than mine. I could make two different meals tonight but that would start something that I would not want to continue on the days when we have green peppers in our eggs. 

My point is this. I don't have to like it but I do need to respect her choice and tonight I will eat the broccoli laden ham and muffins without complaining or making comments like "I would rather eat cold hot dogs." So out of respect and wanting to keep our table a place where two people can gather to eat in peace I will make the meal, eat the meal, and know that more broccoli will be in my life throughout whatever years we have left. It is important that I don't plan a revenge meal of stuffed green peppers for tomorrow. That would be petty and not showing respect for others. Rene will easily endure some green peppers later if it is seen as something I really like and not a way of fighting the broccoli.

My point is this. We all will have our broccoli days with opinions, wants, and desires. You might not like them but you and I need to respect people who do. It is Biblical and that is how we should roll. Now that is not saying we should condone lawlessness. I was asked once not knowing all the facts on a subject at hand, what would cause that young person to steal? I found out that the person was heavily addicted to drugs and for many reasons had chosen that path. I went to visit this person in jail and found out why  the life choice was made. I didn't condone the action of stealing, but could respect the reason for the choice and understood the thought process. Healing from many years of problems needed to take place. (and it did)

So today might be a broccoli kind of day for some. You have to swallow something that doesn't align with your life taste. God knows what you are dealing with and broccoli days are just where He has you right now. He knows what is best and He is watching you grow as He feeds you day by day. Everyday can't be cake and ice cream, we would surely have a problem with that diet. We learn to respect others when we don't always get our way. It is how we handle the broccoli in our life that He is looking for.


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Bible Verses For Uncertain Times 1/7/2021

 Good Morning,

I have a cup of Door County Irish Creme Coffee steaming next to me and prayer in my heart. 

I was asked yesterday about the state of the world, and the state of the United States. This election turmoil and threats of violence on top of this pandemic has people getting crazier then a bunch of bed bugs. Someone asked me if I was going to build a bunker and live inside with my family and a bunch of guns. My answer to them was this. Any bunker I can build won't withstand the large bombs people could hurl at it. 

I calmly said that I will go about life and deal with each day, one at a time. I did say however that do have some Bible verses that I like to read during uncertain times. Somethings I just can't control. But I can control my faith in God and I have His Word to soothe my soul. I thought it was time to share some of these. 

In times of uncertainty I turn to Psalm 121 and place my faith in the sweet words from God.

Psalm 121 1. I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? 2. My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

3. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. 4. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

5. The Lord is your keeper, the Lord is your shade on your right hand. 6. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.

7. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. 8. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.

Psalm 55:2 Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you, he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Rest in the Lord my friends and let the peace that surpasses all understanding refresh you today.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Penny Candy Was A Hard Decision 1/6/2020

 Good Morning,

The day is a little dreary outside this morning and my cup of Door County Christmas Coffee is at my side. Our two dogs are resting after being fed and i feel like the area where we live just needs some sunshine or some more snow. I am not sure which one is needed the most.

Back when I was a child, big grocery store chains were outnumbered by the local Mom and Pop stores located within neighborhoods. For the longest time my parents shopped at a small store filled right to the ceiling with items for sale. That little place had everything. The store was named Richard's after the owner and butcher. You actually had to place orders for things like a ham for Easter or a turkey for Thanksgiving. He usually had one or two on hand for people, but when the rush for a ham would be great you had to order one. Richard would write down your name on some paper that hung on the wall and ask what day you would want it and the order was complete. Since many of his patrons lived close by, the special order was delivered sometimes. It was probably because he needed cooler space.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. and it will be given to you. 

For me, going with my dad to the store would sometimes provide the treat of "Penny Candy". In the front of the store at the one and only check out counter was a display of candy. Each piece of the many different kinds were sold for one penny. The problem was this. Dad would hand you two or three cents to buy your own candy. But since the candy display was at the one and only check out counter you had to know what you wanted before it was your turn to spend your pennies. There were so many items to choose from that believe it or not I would get so confused as to what I wanted that Dad would just move me out of the way so others could check out and pay for their groceries. A few times he just said "let's go" and we would leave and I hadn't purchased a thing. Now that did not mean I could save my pennies and double up on the next trip and purchase 6 pennies worth of candy. It meant that I wasn't prepared to make my decision and I lost out. I was allowed to keep the three cents and that is what I could spend the next time we went to the store. You were in deep trouble if you lost your three pennies before you could spend them. I kept mine in my room at all times until it was time to shop. 

My point is this. I knew every item that was on those candy shelves. I just had to make the decision as to what to buy. Friends, wouldn't that be nice if for one, you could still get candy for a penny and if choosing which candy was the biggest decision you had to make?

As with every year, every month, and every day we will need to make decisions. Some of our decisions have lasting impacts on us and others. I didn't rush the candy sale and lived through it. Not every decision has to be rushed into and made on the spot. What seems to be the correct decision today might show to be flawed tomorrow. Think and pray before making decisions. Ask for wisdom from above.

You might find that waiting prevents calamity. I recall waiting on a candy decision and the next time I went to the store they were trying to get rid of some of the candy stock because of age and I was able to get two pieces of cavity material for 1 penny. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

That's Amore 1/5/2020

 Good Morning,

The last couple of days have been a short respite for me and much appreciated.  I am waiting for the Door County Highlander Grog Coffee to finish brewing. I will drink the coffee in the car while I drive to my appointment for the day and munch on some orange slices. Mix in some Gospel Music and I would say that I have found a great way to wake up. 

1 Corinthians 16:14 Do everything in love.

I do a lot of the grocery shopping and you can observe a lot of things about people while you shop. I was watching a lady and her five children yesterday evening as I shopped. Since they called her mom, my assumption that they were her kids was true. I think in the middle of the brood was a set of twins and the oldest was about 8 or 9 years old. The youngest was sitting in the cart while three held onto it and the oldest boy was helping retrieve grocery items for mom as she read off of her list. I came into the checkout line and there was the "Family Five" standing by their cart. Mom had just pulled out a large super sized candy bar from one of the bags and was telling the children how proud she was of their behavior in the store. I must say for a family of five youngsters they were really well behaved. She broke the candy bar into five equal pieces and handed one out to each of the kids one at a time. She started with the baby and worked her way up to the oldest. 

That baby gobbled that piece of chocolate up like a whirlwind.  He had a big smile on his face and was looking at his older brother and his piece of candy bar with puppy eyes that were saying "more please"!

Then the older brother broke his piece into two pieces and gave one to the baby. The baby smiled at him and the older brother patted him on the head. Now if that isn't love then the oceans are dry. 

While driving home my music mix playing in my truck started up a new song. A song I am quite fond of. That's Amore sung by Dean Martin just topped off my day. The bond between two brothers was amore at it's best. One sacrificed half of  his portion of the candy bar to please the little one. 

Friends, what are you willing to share with someone today and experience sacrificial love at it's best?


"That's Amore" is a 1953 song by composer Harry Warren and lyricist Jack Brooks. It became a major hit and signature song for Dean Martin in 1953. Amore (pronounced [aˈmoːre]) means "love" in Italian

Monday, January 4, 2021

Prayer For Howard 1/4/2021

 Good Morning,

The day began with a hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee, prayer laced with hope.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18  16.Rejoice always,  17. pray without ceasing,  18.give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.

God answered a prayer for many of us last Saturday. Many of us have been praying for our dear old friend Howard. He is in his eighties and 2020 dealt him some severe blows. Howard lost an eye a few years back and in 2020 he lost the vision in his other eye. Then when covid hit  the community he was basically isolated from his many friends. Low and behold covid found it's way to our friend and recently Howard was hospitalized fighting off this nasty virus. We as a church body began praying for Howard and to be honest it did not look good. No one stopped praying and yesterday we were told that Howard was pronounced COVID Free. He still has some hurdles to get through to get home and in a more comfortable lifestyle. 

Here's the thought for the day. Friends, I believe in prayer. I believe we are to pray and petition God as well as believe He hears. He has the answers to the prayers. Sometimes the answer is no. We need to be content with yes or no answers. In the answers that are no there is an opportunity to grow, by trusting God to know best and for His will to be done, not ours.  This answer to our prayer for Howard was a "vaccine" of faith for a group who prayed so hard. We were worried about him. You can't help but admire and love this guy. We saw what I would say is a miracle and we saw God's power.

So friends never give up on prayer.  Consider it a blessing just to be able to pray. I spoke with Howard in the hospital and as weak as he was he asked me if he could pray for me. Howard is God's man, when he despite suffering can pray for others. How about you? Are you a prayer warrior?

Have a blessed day. Someone might be praying for you.
