Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Testing The Chair. 1/5/2022

 Good Morning,

I don't mind saying this at all. My hot mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee tastes great this morning. With snow coming in later this morning I can appreciate the warmth of the house and the temperature of the coffee. I promised I would take my wife for lunch today. Can you guess where she wants to go?

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence of what we hope for, and assurance about what we don't see.

I want you to use your imagination and ask yourself these two questions. Before you sat down this morning to eat your breakfast did you pick up the chair and examine it thoroughly before you sat on it? Did you make sure that every glued or screwed joint was intact? Prior to that when you went to turn on the light did you insulate your hand from potential shock and flip the light switch on with a piece of wood? 

I highly doubt that you did any of those. You trusted that the light wouldn't kill you or at least knock you on your back side. You trusted the chair to hold you up and never gave it a second thought before you sat down. You trusted once more. 

This analogy can be applied to our faith. There are many things we can't see like distant galaxies with the naked eye but we know they are their. We can't see gravity but we know it is there. God expects us to have that kind of faith in Him. We are to be sure of Him working in us and around us without seeing Him. We can see His good works and and influence all around us. Faith should be, sure, unwavering and certain as  we travel this sod knowing God is working in our lives. 

Travel with faith in God today and every day.

God bless.


  1. Marty, I rest in what the LORD Jesus said to Thomas in John 20:29 "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.
