Saturday, April 30, 2016

Cast Your Cares. Then Wait. 4/30/2016

Good Morning,

Saturday is upon us and I need to take a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee with me and head off to work. We are really busy right now. Good to be needed!

I like to fish for bass. My favorite lure is  a top water floater.  Once I place my lure where I want it by casting the bait, I find that I have the most success when I let the lure sit still after it splashes down. The bass knows that it is there while it decides what to do. If the lure moves too soon it usually gets no attention from the lunker below.

I know a lot of people who are struggling through issues right now. They need to cast their cares to the right place and wait. The right spot is God. Once the cast has been made we must sit still and wait for directions. Once we twitch and start moving on our own, we walk away from the attention our cares need. Fishing takes patience as well as waiting on the Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. 

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. 

Hang in there.


Friday, April 29, 2016

A Dreary Night 4-29-2016

Good Morning,

Friday is here and for once I am not ready for it. I could use one more week day to accomplish all that needs to be done.  So with my Door County Raspberry Butter Crunch Coffee at my side and my big boy pants on we face the day.

As I was listening to the evening news last night, the anchor person said "tonight can only be described as dreary". I decided at that moment to go outside and experience the dreary evening.  Drizzle and cold winds greeted me. It was at that time that I remembered my friend who was watching his brother on life support after a massive heart attack.  Now that is a dreary moment.  When I think about what the family is going through, I am sure the last thing on their minds is the dreary weather.
So with that in mind I took a picture in the dreary evening. I was with my dog and he was playing and training.  Rene was off getting her hair cut. My dinner was good and I wasn't watching a loved one on life support.

I said "thank you Lord.  It's only a dreary night for me"

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

God bless.


Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Prayers Include Grilled Brats 4-28-2026

Good Morning,

I heated my Door County Cherry Creme Coffee a little hotter than usual this morning.  I can't seem to warm up today.  I will bet the coffee does the trick.

A good friend of ours suffered an accident with her dog and the basement stairs 17 months  ago. It was a severe accident which has caused her a lot of pain and surgeries. Her activities have been curtailed to say the least. Just a week ago she underwent more surgery  to replace her knee joint. I have known this lady since grade school.  I remember walking home from school with her.

Of course she has been in our prayers and we hope for a full recovery.  My prayer is to see her walk into our yard for a picnic. But that is a selfish prayer on my part. Here is what really matters.  This little lady and her husband both have served the Lord passionately for years. This accident has pretty much removed them from ministry.  My friends cannot follow their passion and I know they miss it.

How does this impact you? We all know someone who needs prayer.  Can they count on you to pray for them? After a set back or four, do you continue to pray? Never quit praying for others or for yourself. The answer might just be one more day away. We need to be persistent in our prayer life. To be persistent we need to be consistent.  A good way to do that is to pick a time and a place to have your prayer time. A place that makes you comfortable. Pick a time that allows you to spend as much time as you  need. Someone is counting on you to pray.

Mark 14:32 They came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples,  "sit here while I pray".

God bless,


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Real Deal 4-27-16

Good Morning,

Colossians 2: 4 Now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words.

I started this day with hope in my heart, prayer on my lips and a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee in my mug.

Last weekend I was competing in the National Olympics of channel surfing when I came across a tv preacher. Now I have to tell you that there are many great television preachers doing a very good job. But this one I stumbled on was preaching up a storm and it wasn't fire and brimstone. It was a a bunch of manure. This fella had a flashy smile, luxurious suit, and an ego bigger than I have witnessed in a long time. He was very short on Scripture, lacked humility and was eager to tell how you could support him financially.The word I advised way too often and no glory and honor ws s given to God. The only way you could assist in God's work was with money.

The guy had a voice that any commentator would love to possess. Although he delivered an entertaining message. The message was totally off base Biblically.  I could see how many people would fall for this. He was really just entertaining people not being a shepherd to God's flock. He was a fake.

I relate this to designer fragrances. The real thing carries the name of the fragrance. Then someone comes along and makes a cheap imitation of the fragrance. Although it has an aroma it's not the real thing. The imitation is often advertised " just like". The imitation is cheaper but really it is still a fake or a lie. Be careful who and what you listen to. Check the message against Scripture.  Watch to see if they glorify God  or themselves.  Don't be fooled.

God bless.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Hauling Dirt 4-26-2016

Good Morning,

Let's start this day off right with a cup of coffee and some prayer. My mug will be filled with Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee.

Last night after work I made a stop at the local garden supply. We need a large amount of top soil to make some landscape repairs. Sunday I brought home 20 bags in the Old Ford. The weather accommodated me laying out the soil in the worst of the low spots.  Everything cooperated.

Now yesterday was a little different.  They garden supply center only had four bags of dirt. I purchased all four. Just as I paid for the soil it started raining like the skies had burst. After waiting 20 minutes the rain slowed down long enough to load the truck and scoot home.  Once I got home the clouds dumped again.  Every time I started to unload the dirt it poured buckets of water from the sky.

So this morning I will head off to work with a load of dirt in the Old Ford.

A lot of people carry a load of  dirt because they haven't unloaded their truck . I am talking about carrying a hurt or a grudge. My Old Ford could carry more Items today if I had unloaded the dirt. Instead, my truck bed is limited.  When we use heart space to harbor hurt and pain we limit our ability to have our hearts filled with peace and love.

Isn't it time to unload your heart and make room for love, peace and joy?

Proverbs 19:11. The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger.  And his glory is to overlook a transgression.

I can vouch for the dirt in my truck. It is heavy. But a load of flowers will be a lot lighter.

Lighten your load today.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Moving On Up To A Mansion 4-25-2016

Good Morning,

I hope today finds you content with life and yourself. My wish for today would be that we could sit and share a pot of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee together.  Now that would-be so nice.

John 14:1-3 Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in God,  believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not true,  I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you. 

Every day I look at this old world and wonder what is in store for the future. Despite everything I see, I know this world is not my home. I am just passing through.

Hebrews 13:14 This world is not our home.  We look forward to the one to come.

To live in a mansion designed by God is too much to fathom.  Yet even greater, to be welcomed into it by Jesus is even more awesome. Anything man can make woild be like an outdoor bathroom, compared to what God has ready for His children.

Moving on up? Yes that's me.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

April Showers And Seeing God 4-24-2016

Good Morning,

What a perfect day for a cup of Door County Cinnamon Sugar Biscotti Coffee! One now and then the travel mug will be filled for a trip to church. I will be visiting with an old friend today for a awhile. Sunday is always special but seeing an old friend just makes the coffee sweeter.

April has delivered it's share of rain to many areas of the world. Our area has been blessed with plenty.  I know some parts of Texas would like to see a little less rain. Houston for sure would like to see the flood waters recede.

I don't always understand the reasons God has behind floods or severe weather. But what I do know is this. I enjoy flowers in our yard and especially the wild flowers growing in the front yard. In order for the flowers to grow they need rain. Despite where it happens and how, God is replenishing the Earth with the water it needs.

So when I see hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees in our garden I am reminded that God provided the sun and the rain that fed the garden.

Job 5:10 He gives rain on the Earth and sends waters on the fields.

Yesterday I saw the first of the wild flowers starting to peek out from the soil. I said to myself " thank you Lord. You are alive and well.  In you I can trust.

God bless.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sharp Knife 4-23-2016

Good Morning,

Saturday at last. My cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee will soon be brewed and going down smoothly in just a few minutes.  Then it's outside to haul brush to the dump.

Most everyone who knows me would call me "Old School". I like to wear Old Spice After Shave, drink my coffee black, and believe in saying yes sir or yes mam as appropriate.

As long as I can remember my pants pocket has been the home to my pocket knife.  Every day when my keys are dropped into my right pocket, the left pocket has my knife placed inside. My knife is sharpened weekly. I use it to clean pheasants, ducks, geese, open letters, cut rope or card board. If I don't sharpen it regularly I can't use it effectively.  I believe every boy should have a pocket knife and should be taught to use it responsibly. I had that knife with me every day in grade school and the only time it came out was to cut an apple or sharpen a pencil.  Never, ever was it considered to be a weapon.  I remember cutting open an orange for one of my teachers.

But today kids can't carry a pocket knife to school because it is considered to be a weapon. It is  considered to be a weapon because they have been used as weapons. What's missing here with the kids of today? Discipline is missing.  If I had pulled an unsafe stunt with my pocket knife my rear end would have been sore from my meeting with my Dad. Oh but that is spanking. We can't do that anymore because liberal idiots frown on that. Howb is a kid supposed to cut his fishing line without a knife? Oh that's right we have them video fish instead.  Let's bring back common sense.  Let's prove that we are not the dullest knives in the drawer. Can I get an amen on this one?

Proverbs 29:15 The rod and rebuke give wisdom.  But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. 

Have a great day.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Spoken Like A Fool. 4-22-2016

Good Morning,

Friday is here and I welcome it to the beginning of my weekend.  I toast Friday with a hot cup of Door County Cinnamon Sugar Biscotti Coffee.

Last weekend we spent some quality time with our family.  Although very fulfillng, I feel a little empty this week.  All that fun and love packed into one weekend made me realize how much I miss my family members who live in other states.  So last night I booked some visits for this spring and next winter. Our grandson will be coming in a month so that breaks it up a little. I am looking forward to some bonding with him. Fishing and taking in 3 movies in one day are just two of the things on the bucket list.

Last weekend was a blessing. The upcoming trips (God willing) are more memories  that will be cherished. The trips no matter where they are will be great just because we will be with family. Family and friends are gifts from God.

This summer I hope to experience a short term trip to Haiti joining God in His work. I will return home and soon after head out duck hunting with dear friends.  More blessings from God. Another duck season!!!! Friends, nephew, grandson and my dog.

When I think of all that and all the things I will see, I know I am blessed by a living God. Just to think that I can join Him in in His work.

The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God". Psalm 14:1

Count your blessings.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Green Green Grass 4-21-2016

Good Morning,

Thursday once again and if I look a little bit ovet the top of my glasses I can see Friday coming.  My cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee tastes heavenly.  It's way too good.

Last night I pulled out the tractor for the first time this year.

Ephesians 4:32 And be kind to one another tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

 I mowed half of the yard and applied some fertilizer and then swept up. I took a little time to survey the yard and I took note of the damage done by winter in Wisconsin.

We did not have a lot of snow but we did see more than a share of ice. This really caused a lot of damage to the grass. It can be repaired but it will take a lot of work.  It will be some time before green grass will take the place of the dead dry grass and the bare dirt. All of that caused by the ice and the cold.

Life can be like that especially in relationships. We at times will all disagree or have differences with someone. Many times things are said and soon after, people decide to write each other off. Instead of working their differences out, they let their relationships run cold and ice over. Once this takes place, some relationships never recover. What could have been fixed with a little work earlier, now needs major work and time. Why? Because like grass that is not repaired, weeds crept in and choked off any chance of grass starting. When we let relationships ice over and die off, the weeds of imagination and embellishments move in and choke off the chances of restoration. What ever caused the rift becomes worse with time if allowed to continue icing the hearts involved. The best remedy for the ice of hearts is the fertilizer of forgiveness, the rain of love and the sunshine of understanding.

Don't ice your hearts toward anyone. Even a short time of the silent treatment can start the frostbite of a heartache.

Have a great Thursday.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bible Reading Plans 4-20-2016

Good Morning,

Our kitchen is torn apart so my Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee will have to wait until we have just a little more progress on this project. So far so good.

Back in January many churches handed out different ways for a person to read through the Bible. I am a true believer in Bible study and reading through the entire book. A lot of people made committments to read their Bibles according to a plan.  This is actually a good way to do it. But many have already run aground with good intentions,  a good plan, but failed anyway. Here are some ideas for success.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword,  piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 

1. Love the Author. When you love the Author you can't wait to get into the next book. Thereafter are 66 books in tthe Bible. The more you read the deeper your love grows.

2. Expect God's Word to impact you. The Word is alive and is the number one way God speaks to us. Pray before you read.

3. Be consistently hungry for more. Satisfy your hunger. It is impossible to over eat.

If you have already broken your vow to read and study, pick up where you left off. Don't quit.

God Bless.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Empty Cupboards 4/19/2016

Good Morning,

The java machine is spewing out the Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee at a fast pace this morning.  This day has a lot for me to do already.

John 6:12 So when they were filled,  He said to His disciples, " Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.

Today our kitchen remodel begins. Last night we had to move things and empty all of the cupboards.  It seemed so odd to see every cupboard empty and bare. Rene and I have always been blessed to have full or almost full shelves.

I sat down and prayed and thanked God for all He blessed us with over the years.When I sat and looked into those empty cabinets I knew that all we have is a gift from God.

What really bothered me was this. While emptying the shelves I found some food that was in the back and it had expired.  To me that meant we had not been good stewards of our gifts. We try never to waste anything.  In our abundance we should have shared and put these items to good use. We devised to take stock when the new cupboards are installed and only purchase what we need after the stock has been checked. We will plan our meals around what needs to be used or we will give those items to others to use.

Waste not want not.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Time For Romance 4-18-2016

Good Morning,

Monday is here. Where did the weekend go? What a nice weekend our family had. God is good.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. 

This morning I write to those who are married or dating. This is a reminder to make sure that both parties work to keep romance alive within the relationship.  I used the term work. That really doesn't sound romantic. But when you are doing something you love for someone you love, it isn't work any longer. It becomes a labor of love.
What happens to many is that we forget how to be romantic. We then try to overdo the romance by planning weekends that have too much expectations and end up a bust.  If we keep the small things in romance alive, the more lavish times are even better.

An example of a romantic gesture would be to leave a note for your loved one on their pillow or windshield.

For people like me I use a romance idea book just like some who need cook books. I am about as romantic as a mushroom. So I gladly take the help.

Romance is a gift from God. We should embrace it while we can. Do your best to keep the romance alive.

God bless,


Sunday, April 17, 2016

When The Last Tear Drop Falls 4-17- 2016

Good Morning,

Just sitting here looking out of the kitchen, window sipping on a cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and reviewing the events of yesterday in my mind.

Yesterday my Dad took part in the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight  with many other veterans who were honored for their service to our country. These veterans are up there in years. Those honored were from World War Two and the Korean War.

As would be expected,  the evening was filled with cheering and plenty of tears. It was a touching event to experience. The tears  were of two varieties, happiness and sorrow. None the less, there were tears.

I got caught up in the moment and my mind started to wander which is quite normal for me.
My mind took me ahead in time, to the day when all wars would cease, pain would not exist, sorrow would vanish, and there would be no more tears.

In every life there are days of joy and there are days of sorrow. In every life there are days of hurt and there are days of laughter. But some day when Jesus returns He will keep a promise once more. Those who have nested their faith in Jesus as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords will have every tear wiped from their eyes.

Revelation 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.  There shall be no more pain, for former things have all passed away. 

Now there is a day worth looking forward to.

Enjoy your Sunday. God bless.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Long Time Coming 4/16/2016

Good Morning,

Saturday started early with a cup of Door County Caramel Pecan Scone Coffee.  I was up early sending my Dad and younger brother off to the airport. Dad is partaking in the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight as a veteran. They will be home tonight after their day in Washington DC.

Joshua 1:9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever uou go.

We will be at the airport to welcome them home. We have waited a long time for this day.

Last night we had a big dinner and the night was more than I had hoped for. It was a very nice evening.

It was time to show Dad how much he is loved and how proud we areb of his service and sacrifice.
Thank a veteran today. Buy them a cup of coffee. Tell them you are proud of them.

God bless.


Friday, April 15, 2016

Put Your Love To The Test 4-15-2016

Good Morning,

Friday sure took it's time getting here. There is nothing like celebrating a new day with a big cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. So with my cup close by I write from the heart.

Matthew 25:40  "And the King will answer and say to them,  Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, My brothers, you did it to me. 

I noticed on social media recently that there are more and more quizzes and personality tests than ever before. Take this quiz and find out what you would do on a deserted island. More of these are available every day.

I haven't seen one yet that asks anyone to test their love for God. So I developed one for all of us. Everyone loves elderly people. Many people perform wonderful kind acts for these older saints. Christmas is especially the time of year when people visit nursing homes.  They get "their feel good on" and come back the following year for their annual dose of Christmas Spirit.

How many people would go because of their love for God and wash the feet of these old folks and then rub those tired wrinkled limbs with lotion each week for a month where no one would know they were doing it? Could you do that and never complain? How would you respond in love for some old feet? Can God count on you? God never asks us to do something He wouldn't do.

Go ahead. Test your love.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Broken Brake Line 4/14/16

Good Morning,

Today the java machine is brewing some Door County Frosted Cinnamon Buns Coffee.  This is a new flavor from them. I really like this one. Dessert for breakfast!

Yesterday on my way to work I knew that I needed to pray for my wife Rene. So I did and prayed for her safety. It did not surprise me later when she called me at work and left a message that did not sound good.  It seems as if the brake line on her car had broken.  Rene explained that she was home and the car was in the driveway.  When I got home  I could see that the brake line was ruptured.  A pool of brake fluid was next to the front wheel.  God had taken care of her and she was safe. She said the brakes failed right in the driveway and she was able to apply the emergency brake.

Some people would call that "good luck". I call it answered prayer. We need to pray when the Holy Spirit prompts us to. We need to pray for those we love. So glad to not be writing a different story.
Jeremiah. 33:3. Call out to me and I will answer you.  I will show you great and mighty things. 

God bless,


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

My Cup Runneth Over And Then I Spilled. 4-13-16

Good Morning.

Wednesday is in the batters box ready to take a swing.  This day deserves a big cup of Door County Harvest Blend Coffee.  That will contribute to a few home runs today!!!

Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;  You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

When our nephew Matt was little we would do a family pizza night with my parents. Matt would always fill his glass with Mountain Dew. The glass was usually the largest size available. We would all brace ourselves for what would come eventually. Despite being as cautious as he could be our table would get a Mountain Dew bath. We would clean up the table and the restaurant.  Matt would feel bad and stare at the empty glass which we adults should never have let be filled to the top. We then would refill it half way and pray that the soda would find it's way to his mouth.

There are times in life that we are blessed beyond measure. We forget to slow down and save for a rainy day. Or we forget to share with others.  When the cup of life runs over with good things we need to be good stewards of the blessings and capture the abundance to save it and share. To squander blessings or to lose them to carelessness is like giving a five year old a cup too big and filled to the rim. Once it is spilled it is gone and it doesn't feel so good. You stare at a glass that is empty, not knowing if it will be refilled.

So save some of those blessings. Make sure to protect them and share with others.

God bless.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Part Of The World 4-12-2016

Good Morning,

Maybe today the sun will shine again like yesterday.  It was nice to feel a little warmth.
My mug is filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee to start the day.

You can gather around the lunch table just about anywhere in the world and sooner or later you will hear someone comment on how screwed up the world is. I think most of us will agree that the world we live in has some major issues.

But as much as we complain about the world the one true fact is this. We all are part of this world. We owe it to ourselves and the rest of the world to make our little part of this planet  the best it can be

How do we accomplish that? We follow Scripture.

Galatians 5:25-26  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited provoking one another, envying one another. 

I might not be able to impact a neighborhood a thousand miles away from here. But I can impact my part of this planet by how I treat others. We all are responsible for our own actions. We all can improve the world 2 square feet at a time. You can pray wwherever you are.
Go ahead. Make a difference.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Chicken And Dumplings 4-11-2016

Good Morning,

Monday arrived, although I asked it not too. Some things just don't change. So to kick off the start of the day which ends with vaccinations for my mission trip, I am pouring myself a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee.

Today I am remembering my mother. She passed away a few years ago. Mom is deeply missed. One thing that Mom did for us was to always make a big pot of chicken and dumplings when we visited. The meal was made better by downing a couple of what we called "Nana Buns". I would bet that there arre some grand kids thinking about those buns today also. It was a tradition we all enjoyed. I plan on making some of those rolls this week when we all get together.

It's good to have fond memories.  It is ok to look back on the pictures taken along life's journey.  But now it is important to make new memories and enjoy those still with us. Mom taught us to enjoy traditions. Make new memories while enjoying the old ones.
nnointing es.
Proverbs 1:8 My son hear the instructions of your father. And do not forsake the law of your mother.

God bless,


Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Syrup Jar and a Visit 4-10-2016

Good Morning,

I am running late today. We woke up to ice pellets falling out of the heavens this morning.  So my Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee is appropriate for the day. It is the last of my Christmas holiday flavors until I break out a little in July. Something to look forward to.

If you then, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
Matthew 7:11.

Next weekend we are looking forward to having some visitors.  My dad will be here to take part in the Stars and Stripes Honor Flight for his service in the Korean War.

Our daughter Kristy is flying in from Florida to be with the family and celebrate.  I was hoping to have a pancake breakfast with her. She does a lot for others and although she is not a veteran she too could use some TLC from time to time. I was discussing this with a friend. I was explaining what type of pancakes I was hoping to make. It looks like pumpkin will be the plated delight. My friend said that she knew just what I needed to make the pancakes the perfect breakfast.  The next day there was a gift package on my desk. It contained a freshly made jar of maple syrup.  It came right from the woods of Wisconsin. She and some other ladies make syrup together every year.

I am not writing about this to make you hungry but to tell you how special I want this weekend to be. The weekend has been the subject of much prayer. If the flight never takes off we will all be together. God cares about even the little things. I have asked Him to be near and watch over all the travel. He will be here and I guess He knew that good pancakes are always better with great syrup. My friend made the syrup and delivered it. But who really provided it? All good comes from above. Those mature maple trees were growing a long time ago. But God knew ahead that some of their sweet sap would grace our table.

So today, acknowledge the small things and be thankful.  By the way. God provided real butter also. But that's another day.


Saturday, April 9, 2016

You're Not A Kid Anymore 4-9-2016

Good Morning.

I am just sitting at the kitchen table looking at the snow covered ground and drinking a nice cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee. It seems to be a good morning to ponder, read and pray.

1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

As I get older it seems that I have found a little more patience in my well of gifts. I am going to admit though that I have very little patience for men and women who are continually stucohk in a rut needing attention, getting it but yet do not follow through. You point them to God's Word which clearly spells out directions and yet they don't listen and follow through. I met with a lady who was asking for prayer. She obviously was struggling with body weight.  She wanted God to help her lose weight.  What I did not tell you yet is that she asked this at lunch where she had just finished a monster burger, fries and three Cokes.  This was to be followed up with dessert.  I gently suggested that maybe a soup and salad would have been better. "I will do that tomorrow. I want to enjoy the day". I never again prayed about her weight. I did however pray that she would grow up and not in bulk, but spiritually.

Whining people drain my patience well very fast. There are those who want others to change yet react childishly in response to the other person when things do not go as they see fit. I call these folks "Fast Food Junkies". They want life their way. They refuse to grow where they are planted, stuck with a children's view of life's menu.

They refuse to look at the adult menu for life found in God's Word and follow it. Their love for God is reflected in their actions. They are self centered babes who refuse to follow God's directions. I find that especially amusing when they continue to tell God how it should be. Obviously they haven't read the book of Job.

Very little patience here for that. Sometimes I could scream! But then that would be reverting to where I don't want to go. So I pray instead, for God to do what He needs to do and I leave that up to Him.

If you ask. God will tell you if you are a Whiney little brat that needs a spanking. But most brats are afraid to ask. If you know someone like this, it's building up your well of patience.

Have some oat meal and coffee. Let's get this day started.


Friday, April 8, 2016

Because He Lives . We Can Experience Him 4-8-2016

Good Morning

Friday at last has arrived and I pray that yours is an encounter with God today. One that lets you know it was Him.  As I write my steaming cup of Door County Harvest Blend Coffee is steaming away with little swirls reaching out and upward.

Psalm 46:10. Be still and know that I am God. 

The above verse is a simple one but all too often not taken seriously enough.  Today many people will go through trials and tribulations.  They struggle through situations and circumstances that they just can't fix. They work harder and harder and sink further and further into despair. They pray and it seems that there is no answer when they cry out.

Most of the time after we pray we turn to the one who seems to be able to do the most for us. We call on ourselves. We go right back to the person who just couldn't help in the first place. We take control as soon as God does not move fast enough or in the way we desire.

We tell God that we don't need Him. Look again at our verse. Imagine waiting at the feet of God and asking for help and then walking away. Wouldn't sitting with God just waiting on Him be awesome in itself?  When we pray, we are sitting with Him and having an encounter with God.

Take more time in prayer, but listen, obey,  and cherish the time.

God  bless.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Don't Keep Score 4/7/2016.

Good Morning,

Today is Thursday and I have Friday in my sight. I spent a long time in prayer last night. I think we all have had those nights.
My cup is filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. Can't wait to down one. So let's go!

I have played enough sports in my life to know that at the end of the game the score will always indicate who the winner is. That's how sports go. Always a winner and when there is a winner, there has to be a loser. In life someone gets the job and someone doesn't.

That is not how God wants us to treat our relationships. We should never keep score of rights and wrongs.  Whenever we keep score of transgressions or the good things we did for the other person there will be a loser and I must say there is never a winner. Jesus gave us the example of not keeping score. We are to do good without ceasing.  We are to forgive beyond measure.

Matthew 18:3-21. Then Peter came to Him and said,  "Lord how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" 
Jesus said to him, I do not say up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.

Seventy times seven means an immeasurable amount.  A game needs a winner. Relationships are best when scores are not kept.  Everyone wins when the ultimate goal is to live to love and be the best we can be for others.

Let's practice what Jesus taught. When we forgive, we all win.

God bless. 


God's Not Dead. Here's Why.

Good Morning.

This day has, as always, a lot in store and so my Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee needs to be a little stronger than usual.

Last night I attended the movie God's Not Dead 2. I highly recommend this one. I went to the theater with a few friends from church.  I have full faith in God but He showed me last night that He is alive and well. Which is always welcome.

Here's how I know. I sat next to a family of four. The family has two parents and two teenagers.  The movie was a religious theme. It was not the latest and greatest hit. But this family attended together.  The teens were truly happy to take in a flick with their parents. You could just see the love of God within that family. Two teenagers with busy social lives were there because they love their parents and each other.  When I see a family that prays together and is whole, I know for certain that God is alive.

Luke 9:20. He said to them. "But who do you say that I am? " Peter replied and said, " the Christ of God".

Who do you claim Him to be? He is not dead.

God bless,


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Empty Chair 4/4/2016

Good Morning.

Time for a change. Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee is brewing as I write. It is time to embrace  spring and it all starts with the lighter flavor. If it snows again today I will be drinking Door County Jingle Bell Java tomorrow.

Lately I have been looking at an old rocking chair that has graced our living room for thirty years. Except for when we have people into our home the chair sits empty most every night.   But when I close my eyes I can see some of the people who have sat in that chair and rocked. Some are gone now on to heaven. Some still come by for a visit or a special occasion.

We have been talking about replacing the chair. Both of us decided against it. Too many memories wrapped up in that chair. We talked about those folks who sat in the rocker. What we concluded is this. Those who sat there blessed us by being there. We say this. Dear Lord, thanks for the memories.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect thing is from above and comes down from the Father of lights.

If you are in the neighborhood the chair is open and we will leave the light on.

God bless,


Monday, April 4, 2016

Easy To Love

Good Morning.

Monday came and I could swear it came a day early.  My cup will soon be filled with Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. Time to man up and face the day.

1John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us.

Have you ever heard someone say "to know me, is to love me?".
 And then you think to yourself, "really? You wonder how anyone could love that person. But yet after you get to know them they aren't so bad. Many a love relationships have started with annoyances at first. I have listened to people say that they would never date a certain person and twenty years later that pair is still married.

God never falls into that category. He is easy to love. He loved us first. He provides for us. He protects us. He wants to spend eternity with us. He gives us each breath. He never sleeps. He loves us so much that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. He calls us His children.

What's not to love? Could anyone love us more? The answer is NO!

Go ahead. Fall in love like never before. Say it out loud. Tell God He is loved.

Have a great day.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Chicken Wings And Hot Sauce 4-3-2016

Good Morning.

Today I sit at the table with my hot cup of Door County Harvest Blend Coffee pondering and praying. I have some plumbing work to do later today and it isn't a project I am looking forward to.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

I am attempting to empty our freezer a little these days assuring nothing has stayed in there too long.  Last night chicken wings were pulled out and I started the thawing process. Now they are seasoned and in the oven. Chicken wings are a very popular treat to eat in the United States. Many restaurants serve them and people can choose from a variety of flavors and spices to have their wings be even more of a delight. Once a year we go with some friends of ours for a wing ding outing. When we order our wings each person usually orders a different flavor. It seems as if we all have one flavor we are fond of. Some like their wings very hot while others like a barbecue flavor. I for one like a variety but today I prefer these wings with some hot sauce.

So where am I going with this?  If you ask people this question you will get many differant answers.
The question is this. "What is your favorite verse in the Bible"? Why is that?

Here is a simple answer. At one time while reading or listening somewhere this verse stood out and impacted them one way or another. It is at that moment the person actually had an encounter with God. They probably have had more than one, hopefully many. But this one stands out. The day or night is not important. But the fact is, God spoke through His Word and it had an impact. Friends, God still speaks and his number one way of speaking today is through His word. Open the Good Book and encounter God. Dust it off. Journal the next verse that stands out. See what God wants to say to you. Or see what He wants you to do.

But like wings in the freezer have no taste yet, a Bible on a book shelf is just a book until opened and used to change hearts.

Have a great day.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Camping And Coffee 4/2/2016

Good Morning,

My day has started with you, our dog Gibbs and a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee.

My mind is just about 1100 miles away. My daughter and son in law are hosting a camping weekend for our grandson and his friends. They are celebrating Dominick's birthday.

At my age I consider it camping if the hotel does not have a Jacuzzi. I admire these two for sacrificing their sleep and bodies to provide a special day for Dom.

That's what parents do. They are setting the example  for Dom.
I already see him sacrifice for others. He has learned to put others first. He only learned this by example.

What I wouldn't give to be able to show up this morning with my bigThermos bottle and some cups. Those two deserve some hot coffee.

Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he us old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Rest up kids.You deserve it. 

Have a great day World! God loves you.


Friday, April 1, 2016

The Red Phone 4-1-16

Good Morning,

Friday arrived right on time. I knew it would.  For some reason my coffee always tastes better Friday through Sunday. Today I chose Door County Cherry Creme  to fill my mug.

In many hospitals they have a designated emergency phone for crisis communications that is a last ditch effort during loss of communications. These phones are tied to back up systems that provide a sense of security and connectivity.

They only get used when the normal telephone system is down. Normally they just sit there and get tested every so often.

Many people will tell others to "call us if you need something" when they don't really mean it.  Those types are good to talk to but really are not available in an emergency or a crisis.
They are just like the red phones. They are there but seldom ever used.  What would others say about us? Is our telephone a 911 for others to call?  How do we reply? Do others know they can call you and count on you?

Proverbs 18:24. NIV.
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,  but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. 

Enjoy your weekend.

God bless.
