Tuesday, December 31, 2019

One Last Day 12/31/2019

Good Morning,

My Cup Of Door County White Christmas Coffee is hot and it is ready to drink. It is time to write.

I found that when I opened the front door of our home it had snowed a measurable amount overnight and I have the chore of cleaning the driveway and sidewalks after I write. The snow seems more natural to me than the rain and mud we have had for the last few weeks. I for one prefer fall and winter to any other times of the year.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me. 

Tonight we will usher out a decade and the last day of 2019. We will welcome in 2020 whether we want to or not. For many of you 2019 has been a tough year. Those who are fighting serious illnesses. my prayers are sent up for you daily. Some of you lost friends and family to death and my heart is with you also. Some have skated through 2019 and have prospered. Praise God for your blessings.

Today I want to have us think about the baggage we can and should leave behind in 2019. It might be the foul mouth you owned in 2019 and without knowing it you will carry it into 2020 and be the cuss you were last year. It might be the lack of a positive attitude that holds you back and makes you a bummer to be around. Everything is black for you and you see no light in anything. Or it could be the position of resentment and anger that will travel with you from 2019 into 2020. Let it go. Why be as miserable as you were last year in the new year? If you procrastinated last year you will wait three weeks to admit it is 2020 and miss out on some opportunity. The blame game of it is someone else's fault is baggage best left behind also.

Some real heavy baggage that needs to be dumped are the addictions. These can range from being an alcoholic or drug addict as well as not telling the truth. Not telling the truth and lying to others often perpetuates itself within you and soon you start believing your own lies. It also cause others to sin. They work hard to catch you in a lie and you make it too easy for them. You are laughed at behind your back. 

Friends, you all know what doesn't need to be carried from 2019 into 2020 in your own lives. You have tried dumping it before and have not been successful. So here is my advice. Call on God to help. Tell someone what you are trying to do, Ask them to hold you accountable for your actions. Celebrate the victories and find a way to truly scold yourself when you fail.

Enough said. Make your own list and don't read this and develop a list for someone else. You aren't God. Tend to your own garden. Leave others faults to them and God.

God bless,


Monday, December 30, 2019

Land Mines In Your Own Yard 12/30/2019

Good Morning,

I am awake and that's about all I can say. For some reason my sleep was at best a hit and miss sporadic event instead of a deep rest. I just prayed and then poured myself a cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee. I am ready to write.

1 Thessalonians 4:11   You should aspire to live quietly and mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands as we instructed you,

My wife Rene and I have two English Springer Spaniels that are part of our family. They are most of the time a great joy to have with us. Having two dogs is a big responsibility and at times a lot of work. Our weather has been wet, not really cold, but wet. Yesterday is a perfect example. Because of the rain and lack of freezing temperatures I really needed to take the dogs for a hunt or a run. I did both and I knew that once they were in the field I would need to remove burrs, bathe and dry both dogs when I brought them home. It is just part of hunting. I usually do this with one dog at a time. But due to more impending rain I hunted them and trained them both. When we returned they were both a mess of epic proportions. The clean up was done and it was a chore. Both dogs were clean and happy from their big run.

Then while it was still daylight I was going to go outside into the yard and clean up their droppings (poop) or as I call them "land mines: which seem to chase me and attach themselves to my shoes. I got distracted and before too long it was too dark to have an impact of any good on the needed clean up. Later I noticed that Rene had taken both dogs out and when she came into the house I could smell the land mine that had attached itself to one of her shoes. DOG POOP had invaded our home. Rene was careful and removed her shoe. Then she disappeared into the laundry area and cleaned her shoe.

Here is the point. Right now our yard needs to be cleaned up. I know it and it will be done as quickly as can be once this weather freezes up again and it stops raining, But it is our mess. We own it and it needs to be cleaned up.  Now I am sure a neighbor or two is suffering the same plight. They need a yard clean up. By now you know where this is going. I should never point out the faults of a neighbor's yard if mine is in worse shape. I need to have a clean yard before I point out the land mines in other yards. Better yet, I need to mind my own business.

All too often people like to point out the issues of of others without owning their own and doing something about them. We all need a clean up now and then. We really need to examine our own lives before instructing or damning others.

Today's point is simple. Don;t be a busy body. Be a body that is busy tending his her own life.

Love to all.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

You Own Your Marriage 100% 12/29/2019

Good Morning,

I can hear the wind outside of the window as I write this morning. It has been raining, with the wind howling as it blows by the corner of the house where I sit. If it were cold enough for this to be snow, I would be writing a whole different scenario today. I just started drinking a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee. It is satisfying my urge for something sweet this morning.

I hear people say "Marriage is a 50/50 deal and both sides own half of the marriage". For me, that statement is utterly bull dinky. Each person has their own relationship with God which is never 50/50. It is 100% of the time owned by you. I will get right to my point. Marriage should be forged in love for the Lord which is each party's responsibility to do so. A sour marriage is a direct reflection on ones love for the Lord. And it could be that one of the two is functioning at giving it less than 100%. That is between them and God. Each party in a marriage owns 100% of the union and should strive to maintain their perfect relationship with God. Functioning on less stops His blessings from being poured out on both the husband and wife.

Whether the marriage has been alive for a short time or as my wife Rene would say "Married for 1000 years" I find that when there are struggles within, one or both of the people when they look outside of their own sphere and start to play the blame game. The minute this happens it becomes a "he did, she did, he said, she said, circus of matrimony best left for the clowns to play. It is no longer a personal spirit filled union that is blessed by God. It is a self centered play that if it were on Broadway would die from lack of interest and be laid to rest with the other "wonders" that only lasted two weeks. A couple cannot become one when they are not a whole number of 100% accountable in their relationship with God.

Here is a simple test to take. Now calm down and take the test, not looking across the table at your spouse judging what they are or aren't. This is for YOU  to do. You own 100% of the marriage and can't cop out by letting the 50% of it be someone else's fault. This is a mind game and you will see very soon that your heart and mind are not in check with God's standards.  This can be done by reading and experiencing 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and asking yourself how you are doing in each quality of love.

BUT we are not going there today. Today we are going to gauge or measure ourselves on our spiritual life and see if our walk with God is running on all cylinders. The engine of our walk when not running right, directly reflects itself in our marriages.  Last analogy for a minute. When my Ford truck is not running right I can't go into the garage and blame my Jeep for the issues. It is the Ford with the problem. So this little test is for you and only you.

Galatians 5:22-23 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love.  Check yourself here. Is God always number one on your list of priorities? How much time is spent in His Word and then applying what you read? Where do you spend your money. Can your spouse see Jesus in you? Don'lie to yourself here, Be honest. If it is a low score go back to this and renew your love for God or find it for the first time. 

Joy. Do you show your love for God to others by the joy you emulate?  Is it your goal to extend joy to your spouse daily despite circumstances? Thus honoring God? Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth.

Peace. Are you totally at peace with God? If you are it should show. Ask Him if you are. He won't lie to you. Where does it show? The fruits of the Spirit should be evident and you own your own vineyard. 

Patient. Oh, here we go. How patient are you? Can you fly into a rage in seconds? If so go back to LOVE and start over. Are you a nag that promotes rage in others hoping for different results? This one is utter foolishness. In either of these cases lack of patience is a lack of love for God and  and will never produce a solid marriage. The sin here is selfishness. If we continue in this way we are sinning and our walk is not Spirit filled thus the marriage lacks sustainability.

Kindness. This goes without saying, Many couples can be kind to one another. But then will shoot the kindness down by not being patient, extolling peace, and not bringing joy into the marriage. This shows a sincere lack of fear of God and is the first sign of being a fool. Go back to LOVE and start over.

Goodness. This one is simple but if not preceded by the first of the fruits listed above is impossible to attain. Do you always look for the good in others or do you see the not so good and proclaim yourself to be God by judging their inabilities in GOODNESS and ignoring your own faults?

Faithfulness. Who are you when no one else is around? Who are you when it is just you and your spouse? Can they count on you? Or do you have two personalities? Remember God knows and sees the real you? If this is true, you have been unfaithful in your marriage by inviting the other you to the dance. Go back to LOVE and start over. Three people are not to be in a marriage? You cheat on your spouse when you become the other person. I suggest that the bad you is the real you. Go back to LOVE and start over.

Gentleness.  Are you gentle with others and not your spouse? Check you language. Is it abrasive or foul or both? This too is showing a lack of love for God by singing His praises in church and then opening your mouth with filth and complaints that go unchecked? Here is a perfect gauge of your relationship with God. A marriage now becomes a piece of paper and not a Holy union.

Self Control. I would need five more hours to write on just this one alone. If you cannot take this little test and only grade yourself not your spouse and take it honestly you have a serious lack of self control. You really need to go back and check how much you love God and desire to please Him with your life. 

Against such things there is no law. Paraphrased. There is nothing on Earth that can stop you from walking in the Spirit except you. Not your spouse, not Satan only you!!! You are as close to God as you choose to be. Your part of the marriage consists of your 100% walk with God. You cannot possess the fruits of the Spirit without walking in the Spirit. Your Spiritual walk is your own.

Friends this was a long one. But one that was overdue. If you are in a marriage that is not hitting on all cylinders you need to look within. If you still have the same issues you had in your walk with God that you had many years ago. It was best said by an old preacher. "If you is where you was. maybe you ain't." Maybe you are confused with the highs of attending and serving in a church. Maybe you have been part of good works. Don't confuse any of that with having a true relationship God. Surrender your heart today, or renew that relationship with God. Only you can do it. The lack of fruit in your marriage is a direct reflection of your walk with God and you own 100% of it. 

In closing some of you are looking at the other person across the table from you. You are taking the test for them and not for yourself. You want your own way and you just went down the road of being selfish once more. You just failed the test and fooled yourself again. Your heart should be breaking right now.

This was harsh, but we will all stand and give an account to God one day. I have way too many things to account for and a marriage that does not reflect my love for God. well, just shouldn't be one of those items. 

Love one another as God loves you.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Wives Love Your Husbands 12/28/2019

Good Morning,

My first cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee was with me when I took our dogs outside for a run about 30 minutes ago. It was a warm friend to me on this damp morning.  The two dogs are back to sleeping and the youngest one is snoring like  the steady chug of a steam locomotive. It is time to write.

Yesterday I wrote about husbands treating their wives right. The response to the blog was anything but positive. It did exactly what I thought it might do, Some men read it and gleaned a little from it. Some wives read though and used it as a hammer to pound on their husbands, who probably do need to read the God given advice. But it did help me to know what to write today. In many instances the sweet wives turned into nagging nightmares and I heard about it. Which now has me convicted to write for a third day on the "State Of Marriage" tomorrow.

There is only so much you can write about wives and the expectations God  has for them as well as for husbands. A smart person takes the hint and gleans something from the Word of God and then goes and digs for more on their own to improve themselves. I will take a snippet from Proverbs 31 to show what a loving wife is and should be. Women, please  read the rest on your own.

Thee following two verses struck me hard and I believe I have found the wife for whom the verses describe.

Proverbs 31:30-31  
30. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 
31. Honor her for the works of her hands and let her works bring her praise at the city gates. 

Wives there is a lot to say about you as well as husbands in the Bible and both can be described as "Fools" for not fearing God. What I have seen while sitting at the counseling table listening to the woes of marriages is the ability of some ladies to believe that they are perfect and they should be followed as well as their desires right to the T.  Ladies this is nagging and we all know that women don't nag, they just suggest. In many instances the young girls within the family adopt this habit and perpetuate it into their own homes later in life. Or they rebel against the nagging mother and life becomes a quagmire of battles between mom and the daughters.  The Bible has lots to say about the nagging wife who sees everyone else's faults but her own.

Titus 2:4 
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, and to love their children. 

Proverbs 19:13
A foolish child is a father's ruin, and a quarrelsome wife is like the constant dripping of a leaky roof. 

These are two powerful verses laid upon the ladies here. Ladies if you are nagging and quarrelsome there is a very good chance that you really don't fear God. Now yes, men and our habits and at times our drive or lack of drive can drive women crazy. But many of a nagging self proclaimed perfect lady has done little to teach their children about marriage and loving one another. Nagging about things and pointing out the faults of others is really like a toothache that won't go away.

I asked permission to tell this one. As most of you know we are not the picture of perfection either. We have our quirks but have chosen to work them out when needed or just decide that it really isn't a big deal and we overlook imperfections in each other.

After dinner or any meal we both take our plates to the sink, scrape them and give them a quick rinse before placing them in the dishwasher. This is what Rene asked me to do many years ago, Very often we will do this for the other person as just being courteous. After I do this chore, about two minutes after I leave the room Rene would go into the dishwasher and rearranges the way I placed the dishes. So after awhile of being insulted and nagged without words being spoken I just stopped putting the dishes into the dishwasher. Note both of us were being childish and selfish. Neither of us communicated until I noticed that my plate was being left by the sink.  This turned into a major incident of anger because we hadn't communicated in a Godly manner and resolved an issue. It caused me to sin when I said "What Is YOUR problem?" placing the ownership of the whole issue on Rene. She told me that she wanted things arranged in the dish washer according to the type of dish or glass to make sure the dishes were thoroughly cleaned. But it didn't stop there. Everything that had been bugging her came out and it ended up being very quiet around our house for two days. Now the dishes are arranged as requested and I will joke and ask if they should be sorted by color. Rene did not communicate her desires but she will admit that she had started nagging just by mumbling while rearranging the dishes. Now this incident added to world peace and isn't an issue anymore. Had Rene approached me with a dish in her hand reminding me of my inadequacies and with a sarcastic tone it would have been worse. I would have dug in and we would still be eating off of paper plates to this day.

Ladies some of you nag and you don't see it that way. You have placed yourself on the perfection pedestal where you judge your world as you see fit.

So to love each other COMMUNICATE WITH LOVE.  Keep the criticism out of it, Show your family the true heart of love you have for God by fearing Him.

There will be one last day of this. But it will be a day of self reflection and healing.

God bless,


Friday, December 27, 2019

Husbands Treat Your Wives Right.12/27/2019

Good Morning,

I wish you could be here for breakfast with me. I will be dining on biscuits and gravy, a small bowl of pineapple and some eggs. We would be sipping on some very hot Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee as well as with some orange juice. Some of you I have never met. What a way that would be to meet one another. One can dream.

We are headed into a New Year next week and for the next two days I will be writing on the subject of husbands and wives. I find this to be a good reminder for all of us who are married or who plan to marry.

Colossians 3:19 Husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

Men, lets chat about being harsh. It is not appropriate to expect that our wives blindly follow someone who is a tyrant and expels potty mouth talk in the home or public. I have noticed of late that vulgar mouths are the norm in public settings. Now at my age I can't punch everyone in the face when F bombs come out of a mouth in front of my wife. Which I feel is most inappropriate and an insult to all those around, especially the ladies and children. This year we surrendered our season tickets to the baseball games and moved our seats to another area known as the family area so as to avoid the same clowns that populated where we sat last year. I would be writing to all of you from jail if I stayed in those seats. This language should never be used in the home even if it isn't directed at your wife. Men love your wives. Loving her is to show her respect with our language.

Men, Jesus washed the feet of His apostles and set the example for us. We are to serve our wives when we need to and when it is not needed. We are to have our wives see Jesus in us. Our kids should see us lead by example. Children just learning to talk are perfect examples of our homes. They repeat what they hear. If a kid learns to swear before learning to say please, you are an idiot.

Loving our wives  requires us to watch for when our wives need a hand and we need to pitch in. In our home we switched chores many years ago, I do all of the cooking because I like to cook. But if the roles were reversed I would have at least 5 things that I could prepare and serve the family for those days when the wife was called back to the medical center and had to stay there for another 5 hours or more. Not loving your wife would be to say, " Do you have anything made for us to eat"? That is harsh and cruel. She is working to pay the bills as well as you are. "Suck it up Buttercup" and ask her if you can make her a sandwich to eat while she drives back to work. Make something to eat for yourself and possibly the kids if you have children. Don't leave the dishes in the sink for her to do. And if she didn't get a sandwich on the way out, there should be a plate of something for her to eat when she comes home. And she shouldn't come home to you whining on how tough it was to bathe the kids.

The little things that she asks you to do that just drive you nuts or you don't agree with, be like Nike and "Just Do It".  Rene has this thing about wrapping your dirty socks together tucking them into one sock. I think it is utterly silly to do this. For years I just ignored her request until I saw her shaking her head over the laundry pile. I still don't get the reason for doing this, but I realized that tucking my socks together took all of two seconds and that I was honoring her simple request. Thus for her this was harsh and irritating. I wasn't loving my wife. I wasn't respecting her.

I could write on this subject for a month. We all know what I am talking about as we appointed ourselves generals over our own little army barking out orders and at times humiliating our wives and kids in the process. This is a huge "No Way!!"  The biggest "NO WAY EVER" is to  use our wives as a punching bag physically or emotionally. Guys if you think you are tough and you call yourself a man, your wife should know that she is safe with you. Your kids should not have to fear a beating or watch their mother be slapped around. If you are this type of man. you are no man at all. You need help from a professional and should seek it. Most of all, you need a Savior in Jesus Christ who transforms bullies into real men. Seek out a Bible believing church. Tell the pastor your problem and join a men's group where you can be held accountable. As an elder in our church I have sat across the table from some men who just couldn't control their anger. It was evident when they tried to bully me while counseling. That is another story for another time. The long lasting impact of their harsh actions without repenting and truly having a heart for God eventually caved in the family.

So enough said for one day.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Shine Through It 12/26/2019

Good Morning,

We are back at it for  few more days until we take off again to celebrate the New Year. I just poured a cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java and it is tasting very good right now.

I was thinking about  a simple subject and then found that I needed to scold myself. So I believe the lesson I was striving to write was more for me that anyone else.  I really took a good look at my circle of influence and when I looked, I found that in one area I am failing most of the time.

Philippians 2:14-15
14.  Do everything without grumbling or complaining, 15. so that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them as stars. 

I realized that all too often when I have the opportunity to lead my family, ministry or friends I let them down by complaining about anything or everything. This does not promote an attitude of assurance in my leadership. All too often, complaining when it is allowed to fester leads to arguments. Being a complainer or a grumbler lowers the opinion that others have of us. When we complain and grumble we promote negativity in ourselves and those around us. We are not good leaders.  I visited a young lady in the hospital on Tuesday. She has suffered with major ailments for years and years. She was a pleasure to visit. Her attitude was positive and if anyone has the right to complain she does. Yet she smiled at me and asked how I was doing. Never once did she complain. There was so much strength in her silence that I was immediately ashamed when I complained about the dampness I was experiencing.

Friends, we need to curb our whining and complaining. Check the grumbling at the door and don't carry it with you. Shine like a star and pull through it giving light to others instead of the darkness of despair and grumbling.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Day Thought 12/25/2019

Good Morning,

I am looking forward to a day filled with relatives and friends. Some of my family will still be far away but my heart is with them. I will be serving Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee later this morning at brunch. So let's  write.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world , that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have ever lasting life. 

My goal for today is to say Merry Christmas to all of you who take the time to read my blog either daily or from time to time. I also want to remind you that you are loved and it just might be that some of you need to hear this today. I pray for the readers often and just heard from one who received the news of good health for his wife. Without details being given out, this is a Christmas miracle. Praise God!

So my friends, remember you are loved, by this old writer and more so by God Our Father In Heaven.

God bless,


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Let There Be Peace On Earth. Let It Begin With Me. 12/24/2019

Good Morning.

Wow! Today is Christmas Eve. December seems to have already come and gone. I am looking forward to a ministry call today and some time in the kitchen preparing a feast for tomorrow. I am sitting at my desk with a large mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee. Both of our dogs are sound asleep as well as my wife. It is time to write.

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, and good will toward men.

Credit Wkipedia 
Below I have copied some historical information from World War 1. It is the recount of the Christmas Truce of 1914. Two things are noteworthy here. In 1914 it doesn't really tell us which side of the battle initiated the truce. Both sides were sick of the fighting. Whoever made the first contact of peace is not known. But whoever it was made the first step. The second  noteworthy item is that the peace didn't last. Those desiring more war moved on and the war became more fierce with huge atrocities occurring. I have studied this truce for many years and I find hope in knowing that within hearts at war there is still a desire for peace. For some they have hardened their hearts.

My point is this. Many families and friends are split these days with battles over who knows what. Each day that the battles go on the intensity rises and rage becomes more common and all too often over nonsense and small irritations. I am suggesting a Christmas present that you can give yourself . If you are in a personal war with your family or friends, declare a truce. Come together and pray. Ask God to be the thread in your garment of peace. Be the first to specifically own your part whether the other party does also or not.  Cross the trench of your battle and embrace your enemy. You might just see that you were fighting over things that really don't matter.

In the article below, some chose to fight on and not participate in a truce. Let me suggest this. Knowing war and it's outcomes, someone was wounded or killed on Christmas day 1914 and never celebrated Christmas that year or ever again. Now hopefully your battle does not lead to atrocities. But if you insist on being a family or friend warmonger it will wound hearts for a long time and this is a Christmas you will miss. No matter what circumstances cause you to fuel your anger, rage or plain old nastiness, they don't justify being at war with family, friends or your yourself.

Give the gift of peace today or tomorrow and let it begin with you!

God Bless,


Christmas truce

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Soldiers from both sides(the French and the Germans)exchange cheerful conversation
An artist's impression from The Illustrated London News of 9 January 1915: "British and German Soldiers Arm-in-Arm Exchanging Headgear: A Christmas Truce between Opposing Trenches"

A cross, left in Saint-Yves (Saint-Yvon – Ploegsteert; Comines-Warneton in Belgium) in 1999, to commemorate the site of the Christmas Truce. The text reads:
"1914 – The Khaki Chum's Christmas Truce – 1999 – 85 Years – Lest We Forget"
The Christmas truce (GermanWeihnachtsfriedenFrenchTrêve de Noël) was a series of widespread unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front of World War I around Christmas 1914.
The truce occurred during the relatively early period of the war (month 5 of 51). Hostilities had lulled as leadership on both sides reconsidered their strategies following the stalemate of the Race to the Sea and the indecisive result of the First Battle of Ypres. In the week leading up to the 25th, FrenchGerman, and British soldiers crossed trenches to exchange seasonal greetings and talk. In some areas, men from both sides ventured into no man's land on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to mingle and exchange food and souvenirs. There were joint burial ceremonies and prisoner swaps, while several meetings ended in carol-singing. Men played games of football with one another,[1] creating one of the most memorable images of the truce. Fighting continued in some sectors, while in others the sides settled on little more than arrangements to recover bodies.
The following year, a few units arranged ceasefires but the truces were not nearly as widespread as in 1914; this was, in part, due to strongly worded orders from the high commands of both sides prohibiting truces. Soldiers were no longer amenable to truce by 1916. The war had become increasingly bitter after devastating human losses suffered during the battles of the Somme and Verdun, and the use of poison gas.
The truces were not unique to the Christmas period, and reflected a mood of "live and let live", where infantry close together would stop overtly aggressive behaviour and often engage in small-scale fraternisation, engaging in conversation or bartering for cigarettes. In some sectors, there were occasional ceasefires to allow soldiers to go between the lines and recover wounded or dead comrades; in others, there was a tacit agreement not to shoot while men rested, exercised or worked in view of the enemy. The Christmas truces were particularly significant due to the number of men involved and the level of their participation—even in very peaceful sectors, dozens of men openly congregating in daylight was remarkable—and are often seen as a symbolic moment of peace and humanity amidst one of the most violent events of human history

Monday, December 23, 2019

No Blue Christmas For Me 12/23/2019

Good Morning,

Morning came and I wasn't shocked to see that it came early for me. I am embracing some serious prayer time this morning and enjoying a large cup of Door County Christmas Coffee. I have some thoughts to share on this fine day, so let's begin.

Luke 2:16  And they went with haste, and found Mary and Joseph and the Baby Jesus lying in a manager. 

Christmas is just about here. If you are still shopping for that perfect gift I do not envy you. We only have a few to shop for so it was easy to be done by December 1st. Tomorrow night being Christmas Eve in this part of the world will do a few of things to us. Don't stop reading here!

#1. Some people will get stressed out over the gathering in their home because something as trivial as a few lights burned out on the tree and now there is an "illumination bald spot" that everyone will see.  Big deal!!! It can be the conversation subject and a memory. Don't stress.

#2 Some will be surrounded by people and yet seem to be lonely. It could be that they are missing someone dear to them who cannot be there this year or will never be here again. This can bring anyone down. Friends engage the living, while you can. A fond memory of past Christmas gatherings is fine, but don't let it ruin this one and turn your day blue. Love those who are here.

#3 Some will decide to be a "poop" a pile of steaming dog do do and hang on to a grudge and ruin the celebration for everyone. This is a selfish attitude and is basically a self inflicted pity party. This is wrong in so many ways.

#4 Some will take the easy but sleazy way out and imbibe on too much alcohol to forget the past or to over to celebrate, or just be a lush. They will forget Christmas while they nurse a hangover. Wrong. They just lost a Christmas and probably ruined someone else's day.

#5 Some will attend church for various reasons. Some out of tradition, some just to keep up their semi annual perfect attendance of twice a year. Some will attend church wanting to keep Christ in Christmas and worship on this holy day. You choose, but the latter is best.

As for me. I choose to embrace some special time with God at church and in prayer. I will celebrate the living and hug those around me. I will call those who are far away.  I will remember those who can't or never will be here in moderation. I will eat a little too much. My goal is to make Christmas special to those I am with. I will surprise my wife with a gift that she is dying to know what it is. I will forgive those who have been a pain in the rear end  this year and enjoy a day given to us by God to celebrate His gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.  I will not have a blue Christmas! I will have a blue Christmas if I make it all about me. This would be the wrong way to go,

Praying for all of you. No blue Christmas for you either.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Flag, A Package, The Essence Of Christmas 12/22/2019

Good Morning,

My day began quite awhile ago. Both of our dogs could hear the coyotes outside and they became a little nervous. Despite my reassurance of safety  they were awake and there was no return to the sound sleep I was enjoying. But that's life. Once the threat of harm was removed we spent a good 30 minutes outside. I can tell you this, my cup of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee sure tasted good while I was sitting in the cold damp yard watching the dogs run around.

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest heavens, and on Earth, peace to those on whom His favor rests.

I have been searching all month for people expressing the "Essence Of Christmas" . I have been blessed to see some real random acts of kindness. I have been the receiver of a cup of coffee that someone paid for and I did not even get a chance to thank them.

Yesterday was my turn to take the initiative to do such a thing. It wasn't planned but I found that it would be contagious. I had to make some copies at the local printing shop, which is also the place you would go to ship out a package or send overnight mail. Some people have packages sent there and they pick them up, because of people stealing packages from their porch. We call this "porch pirates" which will be a subject for another day. Argh!

There I was making my copies when all of a sudden the copy machine broke. There was only one customer service representative  (CSR)working in the store at that early hour. I started to wait patiently as he attended to another customer. This customer was clutching an American flag. The flag was folded in a manner that you just knew it had served to lay across a casket for an Armed Forces Veteran. It wasn't really folded correctly anymore. The customer was a lady I would guess to be a little older than my 62 years of age. She was small in stature. She explained to the CSR  that she needed to send the flag to her daughter in New York. The flag was from her husbands funeral who had served in our Air Force for thirty years. Her daughter was facing some critical and scary times within the next few days. She wanted her daughter to have something of her Dad's hoping it would provide some comfort. She asked the rep how much it would cost to get the flag to New York ASAP. The amount is not important. The CSR told her how much it would be and that he had just the right box for the job.  This little lady then said to go ahead and pack it up. By this time more customers had fallen into line. She also mentioned that she wished she knew how to properly fold the flag so her daughter would receive it as it was given to them at the funeral.

God was tugging at my heart to do something. He is all about the "Essence Of Christmas." I asked her if I could have the flag for a minute. I just happen to know how to fold one for presentation. The CSR came from behind the counter and said "It takes two and I know how to help". The flag was folded right and tight in the store and the place was dead silent as we folded our flag. Two people behind me saluted and then thanked this lady for her husbands service. I told the CSR on the side to tell her that the package bill was paid for. He nodded and said that the sturdy box and packaging that is normally charged for would be free. The CSR told this lady that her package would be on the next truck out. She started to pay the bill and she was told that the amount had been paid. Her eyes sprung a leak and she turned to everyone while shedding some sobs and tears and said. "Thank you. Merry Christmas Everyone." As she left, the crowd of about 6 or 7 applauded this widow, her love for her family, and her husbands sacrifice of service.

There must have been something wrong with the air in that place because everyone's eyes were leaking including mine. I believe the "Essence Of Christmas" is contagious. Go ahead friends and do whatever God shows you to do. He knows how to touch your heart.  I have not recovered from my contagious experience just yet. As I am writing  my eyes sprung leaks again. They are leaking! Because we all know, real men do not cry!

God bless,


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Advice For Christmas 12/21/2019

Good Morning,

I am enjoying a large mug of Door County Jungle Bell Java Coffee. The coffee not only tastes good, but it feels good too. I just came inside after running our two dogs Gibbs and Leo. It isn't too cold at all, but the dampness set into my body, Thus the coffee feels good.

I read my Bible daily and as I was looking for some Scripture that I could pass on to all of you, that you all might glean at least one thing from,  I read Romans 12:9-13. There is a little something for everyone in this passage. A statement or two might be there just for you. I call this passage "Advice For A  Nice Christmas." I can't take any credit for the words but my belief is that the Bible is God's Inspired Word to us. So if part of these next verses speaks to you, just know that It was God speaking to your heart. What a way to start or end a day!!!

Romans 12:9-13 
9. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good. 10. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

To summarize this text. Don't be phony with love.  Don't smile at someone in one minute and run them down when they turn their back, Stay away from evil with all the energy and faith you can muster. Whatever is good, cherish it and share it.  Expend some energy to celebrating Christmas making it the best you can for others. Don't forget to keep serving the Lord through the holiday.  Be joyful that you have hope never count God out of a situation. If you are suffering, do so in a way that shows you have hope! Wait on the Lord with patience and humility, Pray for yourself and those around you. Don't get so busy that you have no time to pray.  Share with others as you are able and open you heart and homes to hospitality.

That was a lot to say for an early Saturday morning, But for me Romans 12:9-13 captures the "Essence Of Christmas". We would all do well to mine some gold for ourselves out of this passage,

So if you still need to shop. Get going. If you need to do a little extra cleaning. Get going. If God has asked you to do something for others., what are you waiting for? Get going.

May your day be merry and bright!


Friday, December 20, 2019

Don't Invite Me To That Party 12/20/2019

Good Morning,

A huge cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee is next to me. Two tired dogs are on my feet and it is time to write.

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

It's that time of year when the Christmas parties and gatherings take place. I find most all of those that I can be part of to be a nice time. But there is a party that I prefer not to be invited to. It is a party that however hard you try to not be invited to, you get sucked in like a small feather is whisked away by a large carpet cleaner. Once inside the dust chamber you are stuck.

The party I speak of are the pity parties people throw for themselves out of selfishness. They choose to be miserable and lonely. They wallow in self pity, avoid going anywhere or complain about everything.  They don't realize that someone cares for them and is impacted when they choose to throw a party that no one wants to be a part of. Their absence from family or friend gatherings often makes them the subject of the day. It is not a happy chat that takes place. So in a round about way they received attention but through the misery of others. Then there is the party of anger that can't be let go of ,so instead of having a party of reconciliation the selfish one decides to not heal the wounds and once again all it does is to invite everyone to the pity party.

Friends, there are truly times when such despair is warranted like grieving the recent loss of a loved one. This is a hard time for that person and those not grieving will understand the time needed to heal. What I am speaking of is the self inflicted need to be the center of attention by throwing your own pity party. I have a friend battling cancer in a big way. Every exchange of conversation is uplifting to not only him but more so to me. He works hard right now taking time from his pain and suffering to be a family man of sacrifice. He could easily wallow in the pit of pity but chooses to celebrate each day.  He is an inspiration. He doesn't wear the "Oh Woe Is Me Banner" on his chest and hide from interactions with family and friends. If anyone truly deserved to throw a pity party it would be this man.  He suffers and no one can tell. Wow!

On the other hand when we choose to self inflict suffering of pity for ourselves and withdraw from the world, we suck in the innocent bystanders around us so they worry, fret, miss us, or get angry. The pity party boy or girl wins and gets attention even if it is bad attention, This helps them to enlarge the misery around them. We then find a substitute to assist us in our mind misery like alcohol or pills. This enhances our ability to be miserable and invite more people to a sick party.

As for me I choose not to be invited to those self inflicted pity parties except when truly needed. Those times are not self centered acts of attention grabbing but are  needed and we are to respond with love and kindness. Sometimes your party is to reach out in love to someone who is really hurting. You can tell what is real and needs attention and you can discern what is just plain foolishness. Be there for those in need. Avoid the others.

So today if it is your goal to throw a party of pity for yourself, don't. It only harms others and it is a party best avoided. Join in on life and get off the pity train. You just might make Christmas better for those around you.

God bless,


Thursday, December 19, 2019

One Year Anniversary 12/19/2019

Good Morning,

I am starting today very early and this will probably get published later today. My travel mug was just filled with Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee for my day trip.

Psalm 118:19 I will extol the Lord at all times, His praise will always be on my lips

Exactly a year ago today I had my two knee joints replaced. I am happy to say that I am glad I had it done and the knees are doing well. So today I celebrate how God used the surgeon, nurses,  physical therapists, friends and family to get me on my feet again. Without all of them I am afraid the results might not have been so good.

This year I gave my knees several good workouts, including some hiking around waterfalls in Hawaii. I never thought I would be able to do something like that again.

Friends I am not writing to boast because I did nothing special and would not be walking without God's help and the team He placed in my life. He is the Divine Healer and today I pray He celebrates with me.
 So when God comes through be sure to say "Thank You". We don't want to take His blessings for granted.

God bless.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

When God Wants Groceries Delivered 12/18/2019

Good Morning,

I apologize for running late this morning. I was awake for most of the night and my sleep came at around 5 AM. My prayer time included lifting up some missionary friends that I am seriously praying for their safety. I however have treated myself to a large mug of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and it is tasting very good right now.

Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that By this kind of work, remembering the words of Jesus. " It is more blessed to give than to receive."

I have a friend who prays a lot and God speaks to him now and then. Not long ago this friend was telling me that God laid a family on his heart who needed groceries, especially meat. Right after his encounter with God my friend has become very ill. Just before our Men's Ministry Bible Study started a Christmas break my friend called me while in great pain and reminded me of what God had told him, It was the last night of Bible study and he wanted me to mention to the guys of the need God had told him about. So I did as he requested and that night and a nice amount of cash was given to me by these prayerful men to purchase meat. Later in the week I was given more money and a large amount of meat that was already purchased for me to deliver. One of the men went home and mentioned the need to his wife. These two are people of action so it did not surprise me when the meat showed up at church. I made some more purchases and we were ready to deliver!

Last night my wife Rene and I had the privilege of delivering the groceries to this wonderful family. I told them how we came about the gifts and they were gracious and thankful. Both of us were very quiet on the way home and my thoughts went back to the 1960s when a young family was struggling to make a go of it. Times were tough and Christmas was coming. There was a knock on the door at this home one cold Saturday morning and the oldest boy who was in second grade at the time opened it to see 5 or six men standing outside. His dad invited them in. Behind them came more men loaded with groceries for the family. There was a Christmas ham and much much more. These men were from the local VFW where dad was a member.  The young boy was told that he should remember this and whenever the call came in his future and he was able to help someone he should remember this day and do whatever he can. He was also told that the men coming through the door were good men and it was a good idea to be a member of an organization where good men meet.

Friends, I will never forget that day for as long as I live. It was the first of two times when I saw my father shed tears.  Those men from the 60's captured the Essence Of Christmas. Last night a different bunch of men captured the Essence Of Christmas for a young family and the old man and his wife who delivered the goods. I not only saw a stirring of hearts, I knew God moved and spoke to my friend. This made Christmas beautiful. But I also got to relive a Christmas from a long time ago that means more to me today than it did on a cold day in December 1960 something. By the way, there was a Christmas ham delivered last night!

God bless,


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Thinking Back to 1978 12/17/2019

Good Morning,

Our property was smitten by heavy frost last night and as I took our to Hunting Springer Spaniels outside for a walk you could hear the crunch of the grass as they ran around. Those two were very happy to be running and playing around.  I watched for about thirty minutes enjoying a cup of Door County Caramel Pecan Scones Coffee and enjoying the cold myself.

Psalm 127:3-4  
3. Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. 4. Like arrows in  the hand of a warrior are children born in one's youth.

On this date in 1978 I was with my dad rabbit hunting and it was cold and snowy. It was so cold that my dad decided to that we should quit hunting early, I drove him home and my mother met me at the door and told me to call home. When I called home my wife let me know that she was in labor and that we needed to get to the hospital. I replied "that's impossible the doctor told us the baby arrival would be in about two more weeks". Man was he wrong! I went home and we took off in a snow storm to get to the hospital. We made it safely to the hospital but were politely turned away. The nursing staff told us that the Labor and Delivery department was on diversion due to being jammed full and since the labor only started a couple of hours we needed to drive to another hospital who would be waiting for us. They assured us that we had plenty of time. In the snow storm it took about an hour to get there. About 45 minutes after arriving to the hospital we received a Christmas present wrapped in a blanket. Our daughter was born that afternoon. 

As we were driving to the second hospital I noticed a small barn next to the county road. I remember thinking to myself that this situation reminded me of how Mary and Joseph could not find a place to stay except for a manger with straw and animals, I pictured us in that barn delivering a baby. I didn't say a word to my wife about my strange thoughts as it might of put her over the edge. The contractions of labor were speeding up their frequency about then. I just drove faster.

I am writing about this experience to say that on that day I became a Dad. I was totally not prepared for it. I was young and still had a wild side to me. But in all the excitement of the day, I knew that my Christmas present was a little girl who came to bless us and still does.  Children are a blessing and we need to remember that no matter how old they get, they are a blessing and we need to be thankful to God for them. Thank the kids for being a part of your life.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Looking Through A Microscope 12/16/2019

Good Morning,

Monday arrived right on time and it is as expected going to be a busy one for me. I just finished praying and took my mug of Door County Candy Cane Coffee to the den and now it is time to write.

Today I want to talk about microscopes. I have attached the definition . Credit Wikipedia

  1. an optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as mineral samples or animal or plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.

Microscopes are very useful pieces of equipment in industry, health care and science.  They can expose the composition of molecules and assist in diagnosing disease etc,

But today I want to talk about the microscopes we have in our eyes that are attached to our hearts. Some of us tend to over examine other people and their motives in life. We look through the lens of pettiness, which has us unable to overlook small things of no consequence in others. We make a big deal over nothing and often hold others to standards we do not expect of ourselves. Parents need to  pay particular attention to not over scrutinizing our children comparing them to others. We expect what they cannot deliver at times and then criticize them for their inabilities.

Matthew 7:1  Judge not, that you be not judged.

I hate to blow up your minds here but somethings just aren't that important. The battery in the car does not run dead when left on and the car is turned off. There are bigger things to make a huge deal out of. Put away the microscopes unless you want to be judged through one yourself.

So for today, let's all be real. It will make for a better Monday.
