Thursday, October 31, 2019

Something New? Find The Good 10/31/2019

Good Morning,

I just poured myself a cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee and it is warming this body up very quickly. Now to warm my soul with some written thoughts.

This morning we awoke to a blanket of snow on the ground. It was the first measurable snowfall for our area this year.  I have witnessed snow like this in October before. Flurries are common but snow like this doesn't happen all that often. November is usually the month that really starts off winter for us.

Philippians 4:8 Finally brothers,, what ever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, if there is anything praiseworthy think on these things.

So once again I am writing about our new puppy Leo. When I went to take him outside this morning Leo encountered snow on his feet and a cold welcome to the morning. He didn't quite know what to make of the snowy tundra and he was a little confused. It only took a moment for his mind to be blown away with the snow. For the next ten minutes he ran and jumped around like a grasshopper on steroids. I let him just fly around the yard and enjoy something that soon will become the new normal until spring arrives. He really enjoyed the run time and his first snow.

Friends my point is short today. Sometimes we have to experience something new in our lives. For instance, different weather, a new job, or how about be married after being single all your life? A new neighbor moves in after your old pals moved to Arizona to be free of the snow. At first the new experiences can be a little odd to deal with. But given time, you become used to them and they become the new normal. Today Leo rolled around in the snow. I brought him in and brushed his coat, which he needed. I found the good in the snow fall. Today you might be experiencing something new and it might not be comfortable at first. Give it a chance to grow on you and look for the good in it.

When we were first married, my wife Rene asked me if I would like some toast for breakfast. I answered with a yes please and soon after I had a plate of two pieces of warm bread. I looked on both sides for anything that was toasted brown. I basically had warm bread "without butter". She was eating hers and smiling at me. My thoughts were this. " I will never last eating warm bread and calling it toast".  But a couple of days later I was home with a day off from work and Rene had gone to work. I knew then that I had missed the point. I had someone to eat breakfast with yesterday and now I was reminded that I was alone a month ago and how much better breakfast was when I had someone to eat it with.

We solved my toast issue just by talking and stating my preferences.  It has been happy toast ever since!

Find the good and the adjustment is that much easier.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Afraid Of The Shadows 10/30/2019

Good Morning,

It is still dark outside as I write. I am accompanied this morning by our two dogs Gibbs and Leo. It seems as if the puppy has now figured out the morning ritual of sleeping by my feet while I write. One dog is on each of my feet like a furry slipper. My mug was just filled with Door County Autumn Spice Coffee and it is time to put a pen to my thoughts.

Last night before I went to bed I thought I had a pretty good idea of what I would write this morning. But that all changed about 45 minutes ago. As usual I bundled up with a warm coat and hat to go outside to let our two dogs run and do their morning dog business. Our property is not completely fenced in and we do have problems with coyotes from time to time. So I stand watch over our two canine sidekicks.

We have some powerful spotlights that when turned on, illuminate the back yard very well. I had them turned on for our morning venture to the cold, dark, back yard. I had noticed this before, but did not really make much of it. When our dogs approach the fence to our South the bright lights cast the dogs shadow on to the white fence. Our new puppy Leo noticed his shadow on the fence and was quite mesmerized by this dark figure that was following him. This was too funny. Our older dog Gibbs was not to far away and was watching the shadow puppet display on the fence also. I decided to get into the fun. I stood in a way that the flood lights caught my shadow and projected the display onto the new found "fence theater". I loomed pretty large next to Leo's shadow.  This perplexed the little fellow and he proceeded to growl. I then started to move toward the fence and the shadow moved with me. I then raised my arms like Frankenstein and started waving them. Leo started to bark and Gibbs chimed in also. Not wanting to wake up the neighborhood I gently called the boys over and stooped down minimizing the shadow. I called them to me and they came running to me. After petting them and reassuring them that I was there and they weren't battling the monsters  hidden deep within our yard, they were just fine. These two fine specimens of hunting dogs showed the fear of encountering something without the Master. I chuckled and stood up. The shadow reappeared they noticed it, but I just continued to speak to them and we then finished our morning play time. The shadow never left the yard as long as the light was shining. But they never noticed it again nor did it seem to bother them at all. They knew my voice and they know I have their backs covered against harm. They just needed reassurance that all is OK from the master .

Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For You are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me.

Friends we all walk in the dark shadows of life and the unknown can be scary and intimidating. But we have a God who is with us and walks us through each step of the way. Today if the shadows in your life have you cowering in fear call out to the Faithful One and let Him walk you through it. If He brought you to it, He will lead you through it. No need to fear the Master is with you.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

MY Wife And My Coffee 10/29/2019

Good Morning,

I just came in from a short walk outside. I needed some cold air and sometime walking to unscramble my head. I took a cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee with me. The walk and some prayer time took me out of a place that I didn't like in my soul. 

Proverbs 5:18 May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice with the wife of your youth.

The other day a friend of mine asked me where he could get some of The Door County Coffee that I drink daily and write about. I have been drinking their coffee for many years now.  This link should take you to their web page.

Let me tell you the story as to how I met my coffee company. Probably about 12 years ago now maybe more I was being pulled in 100 different directions at work, church and home. I needed three of me to keep up. That fall I was able to duck hunt a couple of times and sleep at that time wasn't a luxury I afforded myself. A couple days after a duck hunt I picked up a tickle in my throat with a slight cough. It wasn't anything too big to worry about. By January this cough had turned ugly and it started weighing me down. I had no time for doctors and thought I could cure this with vitamins and cough medicine. Within another month I was finding it hard to climb one flight of stairs. While working one day I experienced chest pains that were frightening. I found out later that day when I visited an emergency room that I had an infection around my heart. I now had to spend a few days in intensive care. I really was afraid and so was my wife. Upon leaving the ICU Rene informed me that she had made arrangements though our Health Care System to have IV therapy administered in Door County Wisconsin. She advised me to find us a place to stay for the next five days. My boss met me on the way out of the hospital and told me to get better and he did not want to see me until the doctor cleared me to work.

Off we went to a land that for the most part closes up right after Christmas. I complained that there would be nothing to do. That was her plan. "Read, watch television, sleep, eat, and rest. " were her orders. After the third day of resting, and reading a lot We decided to go out for breakfast and try this "Coffee Company" we had heard about. They also serve a small menu of food there. I recall ordering baked oatmeal and Rene having scrambled eggs and toast. I also ordered a cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee. While drinking the best coffee I had ever tasted I looked across the table and saw what my illness had done to her. She was extremely worried and it showed physically. It was there and then that I realized just what a blessing she is to me. While eating she made me promise not to do this again and start taking better care of myself. I still struggle doing that and I get so busy that I forget to rest enough and relax. I am doing better with that bad habit, but I still struggle with it.

On that day sitting in the coffee shop I fell in love with her all over again. I haven't brewed another brand of coffee ever since that day.  When I pour that first cup of java in the morning and enjoy the flavor and aroma I am reminded of the gift of a wife God gave to me.

So that's the story of my wife, my coffee and me. Take care of yourself. Someone is counting on you.


Monday, October 28, 2019

Some People Just Aren't Easy To Love 10/28/2019

Good Morning,

I just poured a cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee, walked upstairs and now it is time to write. I apologize for not writing to all of you yesterday. Due to some unforeseen issues I was unable to get things done in an orderly way which was entirely my fault. Today, I made the corrections and now we should be back to normal.

We can just face the fact that we all know someone who is in our normal path of life who isn't all that easy to love. I am not speaking about that random person who steals your parking space after you have been waiting for it. ( Although that is another subject for another day). I am writing about the person who you have to encounter frequently who just is an irritation to you and if possible you would avoid encountering them all together.

It could be a coworker, church member, neighbor, vendor, or a family member. There are those who adopted you as their best friend and you really had no say in that process and don't have the same feelings of affection for them as they have for you,

But, friends we are commanded by a very serious God to love everyone, I struggle in this area of having very little patience for those who drive me to Crazy Town on a rocket ship going a million miles an hour.  Yet God commands us to love everyone. So since I have been dealing with myself on this issue I thought I would share the 1-800 help line for dealing with those who you don't find easy to love. It is God The Holy Spirit who is here to assist us when loving becomes difficult.

1 Corinthians 12:11 All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions help to all , individually as He wills.

We all pray for a lot of things, but do we pray for help in loving the hard to love? Sometimes it is in us where the problem dwells. We can ask the Holy Spirit to examine us and show us the evil within us and to help us fix it. On the other hand we can  ask for strength and wisdom to see the good in others, especially those who drive us to Crazy Town.  We really have no excuse in not overcoming this lack within us. We have to ask for the strength, power, wisdom and the will to deal with these people and learn how to love them.

Heavy food for thought on this Monday.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

The First Cup Of Coffee 10/26/2019

Good Morning,

I am ready to write to all of you.  I can smell the Door County Highlander Grog brewing in the kitchen and it should be finished very soon. I am looking forward to that first cup. I will be doing a little pheasant hunting later today.

I found myself waking up a few times during the night and during those times I was led to pray for some people and as soon as I was finished praying I went back to sleep. It was a sleep that was interrupted a few times but is was a very good rest.

Psalm 121:2-3 My Help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved.  He who keeps you will not slumber. 

Why did the Holy Spirit wake me up? I am not sure as why I needed to pray at that time of night. But I did recall a lesson in it. Before I went to bed I asked God to show me what to write in the morning. I see it now. In waking to pray for others I was reassured myself. We have a 24/7 365 days per year God who does not slumber. He is there in our darkest hours anytime day or night. We can call on Him when we can't sleep or life has us tossing and turning.

So as you go through this day remember our lesson. When you need Him, He is always there. And it is a privilege to be called on by God to talk and pray no matter what the time is. It is a honor to be called and time spent with God should never be considered a burden. He doesn't see us as a burden. He loves to hear from us.

Love you all,


Friday, October 25, 2019

Seeing Old Friends 10/25/2019

Good Morning,

Friday arrived right on time and  I salute it with a large cup of door County Caramel Apple Coffee. My day started very early this morning and I must admit I am a little groggy as I write to all of you.

Yesterday I needed to refill a prescription so I took the trip to the medical center out patient pharmacy. This pharmacy is located in the medical center where I worked before retiring. I went later in the day to avoid the busiest time at the pharmacy.

While there I was blessed to see some of my old co-workers and visit for a minute or two. It was very nice to see them and I only stayed for two minutes, maybe three so as not to keep them from their work. I remember the long hours and wanting to go home as soon as possible.

My point is this. Once I left the medical center yesterday I stopped long enough in the parking lot to pray for those I chatted with. One has a nasty, nasty cold and the others looked tired. I never mentioned that I would pray for them, I just was led to do so.

When we feel that little push or nudge to pray or act on behalf of another we are being prompted by the Holy Spirit to do so. When you get that urge to intercede in prayer for others do not delay to do so.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 

Pray on friends.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Puppy Came Home 10/24/2019

Good Morning,

My mug is overflowing with Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee and that is a joy. Yet my heart is concerned for friends battling depression and lack of directions. I am deep in prayer for them.

For the last month I have been laid up with illness and then a foot injury. In order for our new puppy Leo to continue with training and not be ignored while I was incapacitated we sent him off to be kenneled and trained at the same time. Our future hunting retriever went to camp. Feeling much better now we took the trip to "retrieve Leo". While there I spent time with Jeff our friend and trainer. He brought Leo out and after giving me a quick sniff Leo proceeded to run and show us what he has learned. He ran and acted just like a hunting puppy. He wants to find birds and he knows what they are and where they might be. For a few minutes he covered ground without rhyme or reason and he was a little bit out of control. Jeff reassured me that Leo was just being a puppy and that once he was done airing out we would see what he does while in a controlled setting. He did not want to squash his excitement. At the same time Jeff was developing a plan to start working Leo in closer to the master and not charge ahead.  The first few minutes observing Leo showed what we needed to work on.

So the "Springer Whisperer" got Leo's attention and we both started working with Leo giving him simple hunting commands and a lot of encouragement. Lots and lots of encouragement and praise was given. I know he is my dog and I am partial to him, but I think he did great.

Last night I repeated some of the training at home, keeping with the praise and not getting disturbed by puppy antics that creep in. Leo responded again with a great performance. He was encouraged with every step and rewarded with a small treat. He was one happy dog in both training sessions.

Friends, I am positive that if we applied this technique to people who just need encouragement in a somewhat structured setting we will see them achieve more for themselves and others. There are times when we need to be stern, but those times will be less if the folks are trying to please God, themselves and others. They learn to trust the teacher who has their best interest at heart when the teacher/friend encourages them and leads them toward success. In a year or so Leo will become the leader. He will let me take him hunting and set a direction. But it will be Leo that leads me to the downed ducks or to the pheasant waiting to be flushed.  I will learn to trust his nose and his desire to please me.

Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in a mans heart causes depression. But a good word makes it glad. 

You see when we invest in others and encourage them they often will lead others to success as they were taught. But as Jeff did with Leo he observed for a few minutes and knew what needed to be encouraged/taught. A good encourager observes and listens so as not to encourage the wrong behaviors.

Today, encourage someone who just needs some positive attention or a push to keep going.  You never know how close someone might be to quitting on themselves. A little nudge in the right direction and some encouragement to keep going will go a long way.

God bless,


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Preparing The Car For Winter 10/23/2019

Good Morning,

I was up early today and the smell of the Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee led me right to the kitchen. I always like to hear the sound of the coffee brewing and the aroma it lifts into the air. It is the best alarm clock ever made.

Psalm 5:3 O Lord in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare for you and listen.

Yesterday I wrote about cleaning out the garage. I tend to acquire clutter throughout the year or years and then it makes for one nice ride to the dump. During my garage cleaning my eyes spotted the snow brushes / ice scrapers  that had been removed from our vehicles for the summer. They will be needed once winter starts to decorate the windshields again.

I took the hint as a nudge to return them to the vehicles, along with the small snow shovels and containers of sand used for traction if stuck in the snow.  We are prepared for the inevitable now.

Friends, we prepare for winter and in some parts of the world, people prepare for the rainy seasons, or dry seasons. Some have to prepare for wild fire seasons. But do we prepare to meet each day before we venture into it?

I suggest that many leave the house and forget to start their day with prayer.  We go out and try to tackle the day, and when all else fails we pray. Prayer should be like underwear. The first thing we put on and never leave home without them. Remember what your mommy taught you. Prayer is essential to greet the day and acknowledge the need for God's presence in our day.  You wouldn't leave home without clothes. Why leave home without asking for directions for the day, protection, and a dose of love? Hopefully this caught you early enough to make a difference.

God bless,


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cleaning Out The Garage 10/22/2019

Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and some banana bread fro my breakfast. This is being sent to you from my small duck boat this morning. I am experiencing the brisk October wind today and this coffee is much needed.

Yesterday I needed and I emphasize the word "Needed" to clean out our garage a little, ( A lot) . I heated the garage and went about tossing out things that were there and definitely not needed. At one time it was thought that they were worth saving. But to be honest that pile of clutter would never be used by me or anyone else. It was time to go and make more room for the vehicles when the snow and icy weather hit very soon.

James 1:14-15 But each person is tempted when lured and enticed by his own desire.Then desire when it has been conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown, leads to death.

There is one more large item that needs to go. It is an old antique gas stove/oven that dates back to 1939. It was intended to be restored and placed in a kitchen that I was building in our basement. We found out that the stove weighs a ton and it will not make the turn in the 1st floor hallway into the basement. We are lucky to get a washer or dryer down those stairs. But we have hung onto that thing for about twenty years thinking we would do something with it somehow.  Someway or somehow never showed their heads around the stove.

Friends it was foolish to keep that stove in a garage that could always use more space. It was always in the way and it did keep me from using other things in the garage at times because I just didn't want to move things around the stove. This weekend it will be gone. It has held us back too many times.

I am going to equate this old "stove anchor" to forgiveness. When we hang on to the bitterness of not forgiving ourselves or others we carry a weight that holds us back from many things which would be good for us. One of the main things that carrying this weight does, is it hold us back from really experiencing God's love. When we hold a grudge we are in sin and God often holds back His blessings since we are truly not loving our neighbor. We are not loving our enemies and if we aren't forgiving ourselves we are not loving His creation as He commands us to do. We find ourselves spiritually dead an unable to serve God.

So I am asking for you to search your soul today ad if you are harboring the inability to forgive, ask the Holy Spirit to help you with the strength to do so. That grudge you are carrying is a weight to your soul and it is time for it to go.

Go ahead and live the full life today. Forgive! You forgive as much as you desire to. It's up to you. Go all the way.


Monday, October 21, 2019

Only One Answer Please 10/21 2019

Good Morning,

Monday arrived as promised and my prayer plate is full today as well as my cup. My cup was just filled with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee. I finished praying for now and it is time to write.

Matthew 5:37. Let your yes be yes and your no, no. And for whatever is more than these comes from the evil one.

I find these days of political correctness at times to be very confusing. Often when, I ask a question and want a specific answer I get multiple answers that could all be considered correct and I am left to decide what is the correct answer for me. I recently took a test where the any of the three answers are correct. Yet my answer although correct was not the same as the teachers answer, so I was marked as incorrect. The teacher based his answer on feelings instead of the facts. I left there confused. Four things that should never be confused are right and wrong and the other two are yes and no.

Micah 6:8 He has told you what is good, and what does the Lord require of you.  But to do justice and to love kindness and walk humbly with your God.

If something is morally wrong or illegal it is wrong. If it is legal and morally correct then it is right. It is simple as that. We have created too many "Grey Areas".  Then if you say yes is yes let it be. People say one thing and it can be completely understood and then others interpret it this way. " It's not what he or she meant" . No should mean no and that is easily understood. Society has become lawyers who can present any view as correct for "the moment" or the situation, placing no importance on morality or legality,

I recently heard a woman defending graffiti bandits as artists who are expressing free speech in the only way they know how. So taking spray paint and defacing a private building with their thoughts was being accepted even though it is illegal and the art work would be considered vulgar. What are we doing here?

We need to get back to the basics of wrong and right and yes means yes and no means no.

Food for thought,


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Polish Food And Accordion Music

Good Morning,

My day started hours ago and I am behind in my writing. The old Door County Autumn Spice Coffee hit the spot while sitting in the dark waiting for some geese to fly.

Psalm 57:7 My heart,  O God, is steadfast. I will sing and make music.

Last night my wife Rene and I were asked to accompany to other couples for dinner. We went to a restaurant who's specialty is Polish Food. The dinner hall also had a very experienced accordion player/ singer for entertainment. The food was delicious and the music was superb. It reminded me of days gone by when polka bands weren't uncommon on our side of town. The music brought back some memories of seeing my parents, aunts and uncles as well as my grandparents dance. The music was so good that I felt a little light on my toes but I don't think the restaurant would have appreciated my polka moves. But I was ready to bust them out. I was able to control my enthusiasm pretty well by singing along with some of the tunes. Anyway Rene reminded me that she never read anything about my knee joint replacements having a damage warranty because someone took over the Polka Emporium like one of the worst dancers who ever competed for Dancing With The Stars 

Now for five of us at the table the music and the food was not foreign to us. But for my wife this was a new adventure for her. She ate cautiously and asked me a lot of questions about blood soup and if the meatballs were made from duck blood also. She had only heard about duck blood soup and had formed an inedible opinion of Polish food. I was patient with her and before I knew it she had ventured to a couple of other items in the Polish buffet. Rene is a retired grandma now and she was so proud of herself for trying something for the first time. I asked her if she would return to for another try at some more Polish food and she replied with an emphatic "YES"

Friends, young and old alike! Hear me when I say, you should try things for the first time every now and then. If it really is something that won't hurt you, is legal, and is within a good moral compass, try it. God put it out there and it is a diverse world with many treats out there to be enjoyed. If you end up not liking it, then it's just not for you. As for me Sushi gets one more try and if it tastes anything like my last try I will be moving on to something else. But at least try it. I never thought I would appreciate antiques until I tried shopping for them with Rene. I found a talent that I never knew I had or wanted. I really enjoy re-purposing things and restoring them.

So live big or stay home. As for me and my house we will be trying Brazilian food next. 

God bless,


Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Birch Tree Has To Go. 10/19/2019

Good Morning,

Sunrise is about 30 minutes away give or take a few. I welcome the day with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee. Today is the first time in a long time that I made a full pot for myself. I feel the need for an insulated bottle of hot coffee to travel with me on my errands today.

Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seats of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by a stream of water that yields it's fruit in season and his leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

Back in 1994 we planted a white birch tree in the middle of our front yard, It was a pathetic looking twig when we planted it and I never gave it much of a chance to be anything. It proved me wrong. When we purchased the sapling for $19 it was all we could afford. Times were tight and planting more mature trees was not an option for us. Through the years the young tree grew and became the centerpiece of the front yard. It grew a lot larger than expected and provided beauty as well as shade to our home. Over the last three years it was apparent that old age had crept into the limbs of that faithful tree, Leaves were falling off in July branches were drying out and falling off. Last winter we went into a sub zero deep freeze and I believe it finally was too much for the old tree. It barely budded this spring and the new leaves started to fall in June, We tried everything we could do to revive our old friend, but nothing worked. A tree expert was hired for one last ditch effort and he basically pronounced our tree as deceased. In a couple of weeks the tree will be cut down and one good pile of firewood will be made out of the wood. In it's loss it will serve us one more time with heat.  He did say to us that with the loss of the white birch our other trees will reap the benefit of more sun. Only time will tell if this will hold true.

I did learn something from that tree though. Remember I said that I didn't see much hope for it in the beginning. It was the sorriest looking thing I ever planted. But with some nurturing and lots of sunshine that tree flourished. It stood proud and tall, beautified the yard, wore some Christmas lights now and then, and provided shade to us.

We all know someone like that tree. They don't stand out in a crowd and many people pass them by thinking they might not have something to offer as far as work, opinions, ideas, or talents. But I am here to say that we often make a huge mistake by pigeon holing people. I don't believe that my career while working was too much to brag about. But one accomplishment for me stands out. While working at a large medical center many years ago, I would receive packages sent to me and one of my departments daily. They would be ushered in from the shipping and receiving department by a young man. The order was already checked by him and he would pile the boxes neatly and come in and ask for a signature. He always smiled at me and said please and thank you. After I would sign for the shipments he would leave and rush off to his next delivery. I watched this guy for a year. Consistent and hard working is how I would describe him. After a year went by I had an opening in one of my departments. My daily delivery arrived as usual, but before Speedy could rush out of the door I asked him a question.  "Why haven't you asked me for a job in my department"? His reply was honest. "Your team is skilled at what they do. I could never do this, but I am flattered that you would ask the question. I wish I could ask you but I wouldn't want to let you down."  I had been praying about asking this hard worker this question. I told him what I saw in him every day, He was surprised that I noticed his work ethics. I explained to him that I would like for him to apply for an entry level position. Our employer would pay for any schooling he might need. He jumped at the chance, shook my hand and said " I hope I never let you down."  He didn't. While my career kept me there for a couple more years this man excelled in everything that was given to him to do. His schooling took him to a more skilled position and beyond. My career kept me in the same organization but led to different positions and then retirement. I watched his career grow over the years and whenever his name came up  during a discussion, whoever he was reporting to at the time would just spew forth praises about him. All he needed was a chance. Like that little tree he grew where he was planted and reached onward and upward. I just received a thank you card in the mail. It was from this fella I speak of. He congratulated me on my retirement and thanked me for the opportunity to step up many years ago.

This was not written to blow my horn but to remind all of us to watch for someone who just needs a chance and then get behind them. You  just never know what can happen. In his note to me, he too announced that he would be retiring soon. I can only imagine what he will accomplish now.

God bless,


Friday, October 18, 2019

I Went Down To The River To Pray

Good  Morning,

My dog Gibbs, a cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee, and a small ham sandwich are sitting next to me.

Today finds me for the first time duck hunting this year. I have been quite ill for about 30 days. I am not 100% yet but I was able to float down a river without too much of an issue. To be honest I am not very far from my truck.

Jeremiah 33:3 Call out to Me and I will answer you.

But the draw of the river and time spent with God won out and I am writing from the shore right now.

There isn't much to speak of as far as ducks flying around. But it has been a great time of prayer. Some of you reading this were prayed for this morning. I feel refreshed by not only a dose of duck water. But most of all because of a quiet time in prayer.

Friends, prayer is vital to our communication with God.  It is important that during your prayer time you allow some allowance for listening to God as well as speaking to Him. To truly communicate takes two parts. Speaking and listening. So today as you pray, take time to listen and then obey. It makes your prayer time that much sweeter.

God bless.


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Christmas Ornaments Already? 10/17/2019

Good Morning,

My chilled body is embracing another cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee as a I write today, My first one was enjoyed while sitting outside with our older dog Gibbs. Once he chased all the rabbits away it was time to come inside. For some reason the cool air chilled \me to the bone this morning.

Psalm 100:4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him and praise His name.

Last night Rene and Iwent to a local store to have pictures printed from our camera and telephones. We, I should say I avoid this task like it is a deadly plague . One reason is this. We already have a pile of pictures that need to be cataloged. I hardly ever go back and look a old pictures anyway. I am always looking forward to new memories. But we did it and out of the hundreds of pictures printed I agreed to two of them being enlarged for framing. I don't mind at all that Rene changes up the photos in our home which are displayed where I can see them almost every day.

One of our customs we practice is to choose a photo of each of of the dogs who joined our family and have it installed on a Christmas ornament. Each year the ornaments are placed on the Christmas tree in our home. Last night we ordered one for the new puppy Leo and it arrive in a couple of weeks. Leo's ornament will join the others on the tree in December. Our Christmas tree is not an organized piece of work at all. Each ornament is a memory of a family member, a trip somewhere, things grandchildren constructed for us or crafty things my wife Rene made.. In plain language it is a tree of memories. Nothing on the tree matches anything else and is when viewed 'hodge podge" at best. The best part of Christmas for me is putting up the tree. I have some somber moments as I recall family members that have been laid to rest  or the dogs that loved us and served us so well. I find myself being thankful for having experiences with family past and present. It feels good.

What does our Christmas tree and my memory lane have to do with all of you? Not too much except to say that the photos attached are memories God gave us to recall and enjoy. We need to always remember to say thank you for the family, friends, dogs, jobs, or vacations we have been blessed with. Thankfulness is what I am asking you all to experience today. You might be very busy. You might be tired today. You might be frustrated today or anxious over something. Take a moment to be thankful for something or someone in the present or from the past and see if it doesn't warm your heart or soften it just a little bit.

Have a great day. You are loved.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

When God Becomes An Option 10/16/2019

Good Morning,

My cup of Door County Country Morning Coffee is hot and strong today and it was just what I needed to kick start this day. The wind is blowing hard and it has a bite to it. My thoughts go out to my friends duck hunting on the Mississippi River today. I have prayed for their safety and for them to be able to harvest some ducks.

Today I want to talk about a short conversation that took place at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus was crucified on hill named Golgotha. He wasn't alone. As a matter of fact he was crucified with two others. The two were convicted criminals and whether or not the punishment was equal to their crime we don't know. That part is not important for the point I am trying to make. Jesus was not guilty of any crimes, yet was still being crucified.

Renderings done by artists show a criminal on either side of Jesus. The positioning can be debated and it really is not important today. One criminal was taunting Jesus while for a time the other one was silent. All three had to be in excruciating pain. All three knew that death awaited them. For the point of my message let's just say the one hurling abuse at Jesus was on His left side and the other was on the right side of Jesus.

Luke 23:39 One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying "Are you not the Christ? Save us and yourself?The other criminal answered, rebuking him saying  Luke 23:40-43 "Do you not even fear God? Since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed are suffering justly , for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong." And he was saying " Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom!" 43. And He said to him. "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in Paradise."

For today I want to look at the criminal who rebuked the other and his statement closely. In his statement he wasn't asking to be let down from the cross, healed and returned to society. He was requesting that he be remembered when Jesus entered heaven and would be in the presence of the Father. Just to be remembered was his final and most important request. For him the pain was not keeping him from asking to be remembered. He didn't request "please Lord one more poker game" or a shopping trip.

Today I often see our commitments we make at church corporately take a back seat to some inconvenience, some pain or just something else we want to do. When God becomes an option, He usually is the option thrown aside. Until the "OPTION" becomes more convenient or is drastically needed. Back and I mean way back I was dating my wife and her relationship with God was meager to say the least. The church I attended had a Sunday evening service as well as the morning one. It was customary for me to attend both. On one Sunday she had invited me to a picnic for her volleyball team. She had attended church in the morning with me. The picnic was a great time, yet the food was not going to be served until later, well past the time for the PM church service. Rene came up to me and said that she was going to get me a plate of something to eat. I had already decided in my weak mind that I was going to skip the Sunday night service and stay at the picnic. I asked her why she was rounding up some food.  The answer ripped out my heart. "It will be time for you to go to church soon and. I know how much you love it. I don't want you there on an empty stomach"

Friends, she had been watching me for consistency. To blow off the service and and stay at the picnic instead would have made the wrong statement to her. I ate some chips and dip and went to church just as they were throwing some big juicy burgers on the grill. That Sunday was a turning point in her faith.

God has become an option for too many people. He has become a choice and is really then no choice at all.  Our desires and weakness for God to sustain us become our own little idols. Instead of arranging our schedules around God, we arrange Him around our schedules and He usually gets bumped. Just watch how many people continually are late for church. Sunday or Saturday must be a complete surprise to them.  We should be busting our butts to be there. Like for me, someone was watching me to see if I was real. And is watching you.

What we do as far as consistency is watched by those in our circle of influence. When a child sees us cave to schedules they too may start to tell you where they will attend church and when. Spouses on the edge with there faith won't see yours as your priority and as something important to you.

On his death platform the criminal just wanted to be remembered by Jesus. What statement would apply to you? The one from the criminal on the left or the right? I had to examine my own priorities this week as well.

A heavy diet of real food for thought.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Thinking Alike, Hayrides And Chili 10/15/2019

Good Morning,

Today began with prayer for many people battling serious infirmities. The list before me is longer than I have seen it in a long time.  My mug of Door County Country Morning Coffee seems to be lonely. I think is needs the company of some Cheerios and dried cherries.

Psalm 71:18 Even when I am old and gray, O God do not forsake me, Until I declare your strength to this generation, Your power to all who are to come. 

Not very long ago my best friend and I were talking about our church which we often do. He had been asked by someone at the church if a big trailer of his could be used for a hayride event. Unfortunately his trailer has seen better days and is not in a good enough condition to be used. He and I started to reminisce about days gone by when the two of us used to organize a large hayride on a Friday night in October for many years. We would travel to a ranch not all that far away where they specialized in events like hayrides and bonfires. We would include a "chili dump" along with the hayride and bonfire. We always had a time of song and a little devotional. For many years it was attended very well. Then for two years straight the weather dampened the event in a big way. We took that as a sign to just stop doing the event and it has been a long time since we even thought about it.

Now two old guys like to chew the fat and remember days gone by. I personally know this man to be a "man of prayer" and I consider myself to be no stranger to the prayer process. October tends to be a very busy month for both of us. It leads us to the first Friday of November when the Men's Ministry which we head up at our church sponsors a steak feed for the guys  at church. The men invite friends and family to the meal and a we always have a "Key Speaker" there to address the men with a word from above. This is a huge event and is always well attended. We seem to be on pace now for the event to be quite large this next month.  A week or so ago I was worried about the low figures that had signed up. It looked bleak. Sometimes I worry too much.

As we remembered days gone by both of us said to each other "we need to pray about bringing that hayride back next year, God willing" There was silence and I could tell what he was thinking because my thoughts were the same. " We aren't spring chickens anymore, two events a month apart and can we do this?"  I have been praying ever since and have peace about doing it. The steak feed is a monster of a project to get our arms around and it is always well received and blessed by God. The hayride on the other hand is not that big of a deal and is a good opportunity for us to teach a couple other men or women how to do it and take some responsibility for serving God as well as others. This is exactly what a few men and women need. We would equip them and guide them through the process as well as help them with the event, but not take on all the work.  I believe we need to start training our replacements which is completely Biblical.

Friends, we need to engage others in the Lord's work and train the next generation to take responsibility for reaching others for God.  We are long overdue in the process of teaching them to lead within the walls of our churches and homes.

My friend and I are on the same page with God and we need for Him to work out the details for next year. I am sure He will provide the leaders we need as we continue in prayer.

How about you? Are you in the position of leadership? You sure are! If you have children or grandchildren, are you teaching them to take over for you and lead the family? Are you training new leaders within your church? Part of leadership is to foster growth in your circle of influence.

Food for thought.


Monday, October 14, 2019

The First Frost Strikes Again. 10/14/2019

Good Morning,

The mug sitting next to me is full of Door County Innkeepers Blend Coffee and my goal is to have an empty mug very soon. I pray that all who read this blog will be filled with love from above.

I went outside this morning with our dog and saw graffiti on the windshield of my truck and I wasn't all that upset about it. The white paint on the window will easily be removed by some sunshine later this morning. Yes I am talking about frost. We received our first frost and it painted the grass and cars pretty well. My charismatic side made me look to see if God had left a message written in the icy sign on the glass. Much to my surprise He did. He said in an unwritten and unspoken word. "It's cold outside. Where is your hat and coat? Why are you wearing gym shorts?

Yes my attire was not meant for the cold and it didn't take me too long to realize my foolishness and return to the house and warm up.

Friends, God gave us "Common Sense" and we are to use it. Our bodies have warning signs. When it's cold we shiver and shake. When it's hot we sweat. Each bodily function whether it is cold or hot needs to be acknowledged and action taken. But we will talk about the cold for a minute. Everyone does have common sense. Not everyone has a coat, hat or gloves. Some people do not even possess socks. Here is a simple ask. Go through your closets and look to see what hasn't been worn for a long time and probably never will. Take it to the clothing recycle center near you. Or if need be give it directly to someone. Call a school and tell them what sizes you might have. They will know of a kid who needs a coat. Purchase a pair of socks and put them in the pockets of the coats. What a nice surprise for the person who gets the coat and now receives a new pair of socks.

Matthew 25:40  And the King will say, "Whatever you did for the least of my brothers you did for Me.

We are to share from the bounty given to us and make a difference in the lives of others. Stay warm or cool, whatever the climate brings you and have a great day.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

The First Fire Of The Year and Cancer 10/13/2019

Good Morning,

My mug was just filled with Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. My heart was filled with prayer and kind thoughts for all of you who will read this today. May God's face shine upon you.

Matthew 6:9-13 
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. 
Forgive us our debts and we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power
and the glory forever. Amen

Earlier this morning I took my first cup of coffee outside while I let our older dog run around a little. I was sitting in the dark in my pajamas and it is a little cold outside this morning. Before heading outside I started the first fire of the year in our fireplace. It was needed to take the chill out of the house. It was so nice sitting outside. The smoke coming from the chimney was headed straight up as it should. The dry oak and maple wood were burning just fine. But it did permeate the air with a smokey flavor. Just enough to let me know that the cold days are coming and this will be the first of many fires to heat the house. The smoke alone that brought me some fond memories today.

I stayed outside until a slight rain started to wash my bald head. My mother didn't raise a fool and that was the signal to come inside and write. The heat coming from the hearth felt good. I am supposed to be somewhere else today but it's not going to happen and the duck hunt will have to wait for me. While sitting outside I was reminded to pray for my buddies who are headed out for a week of duck hunting adventures. God willing I might be able to join them later this week.

After that prayer left my lips I found myself in the Spirit and those with serious cancer who I am aware of came into my mind. Right now there are a lot of people with this dreaded disease on my prayer list as well as others with different infirmities. No one ever wants to hear the dreaded word "cancer", or the word that leads up to it. "Tumor"  Once that word enters the room there is usually silence for a minute and then the questions begin.  Then on the drive home thoughts that no one ever wants, start rumbling through minds that were entertaining happier thoughts just a few days before.
Then you look at your family and you can already see that the dreaded word impacted them in a way that is full of fear of the unknown.

Friends I have seen cancer go two ways. There have been many instances of healing and then I have watched the long battles and the bad outcome in the end. The only thing I could do for this long list of mine was to recall all of them and pray for healing and leave the rest up to God. His will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.

Here is where you come in. This is a frightening time for your friends and family who are experiencing this. Your job is to stay positive despite what you see. Be there in any way you can for them and pray like you have never prayed before. Let God show them His love through you. Walk the extra mile with them and their families. Celebrate recovery when and if God wills a recovery.

Food for thought today. God bless.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sometimes You Just Need To Untangle Your Mind 0/12/2019

Good Morning,

The old alarm clock woke me up this morning and I could hear the call of the Door County Maple Coffee directing me to the kitchen. It's time to write.

Every now and then we all need to just sit down and talk with someone. It might be that we have some things we want to get off of our chest like a string of bad days that just seem to be like skunk juice. The days are over but they still leave a putrid smell that won't go away.  Sometimes the cares of life just seem to tangle our minds.

There are those times when a change in our lives needs to happen or it is coming and you just have to deal with it. It;s times like these that you just need a sounding board, You need to chat with someone who cares about you. I always recommend that you pursue God during these times. But we also need to remember that God does provide others who we can trust to sit with us, listen, offer advice if it is requested and if needed tell us what we don't want to hear. There are two Bible verses that come to mind this morning that back up my thoughts.

Proverbs 27:17 As Iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another.

We might just need a few minutes with a trusted friend to sharpen the edges of our mind with advice, correction or just plain old friendship.

Proverbs 18:24  A man who has friends, must himself be friendly. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. 

Today you might need to be the listener for someone, or you might be the one who needs to chat. So give thanks to God. He either gave you to be the listener or He gave you someone to listen to you.

Stay sharp!


Friday, October 11, 2019

Celebrating Clean Underwear 10/11/2019

Good Morning,

I feel so blessed to be drinking a cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee today. I made it a little stronger than normal and heated it up to the boiling point, It just seemed to pour itself all over me from the inside out.

James 1:17  All good things come from God and are a perfect gift from above. They come down from the Father who created all the lights of heaven.

Tomorrow night after our Saturday evening service we will be holding a potluck dinner. We will be celebrating just being together and dining on casseroles and soup. Rene and I will be working on a dish of pheasant and goose today. We will be celebrating a great goose hunting season thus far. At this time I am still undecided as to what soup we will make. It might be cream of wild rice soup or vegetable beef. Just not sure at all as to what will be in the pot.

What does this have to do with a devotional except to make you hungry? My quick point is this. Who celebrates a great goose hunting season? Not too many people is the answer. But life has been a little bit of a downer lately with some health issues sidelining me from just about everything. So I find that it is important to celebrate, and be grateful for the good, as well as the trials. Friends, we just don't celebrate enough.

Maybe this has been a tough week at work and now it is over. Celebrate! It could be that for one of your children or grandchildren a better grade in some class where they struggle showed up this week. Celebrate! A friend or family member received some good health news Celebrate!  You have family and friends.  Imagine telling them that you are celebrating them!! Celebrate. The washing machine died after twenty years of service. Celebrate getting twenty years out of a mechanical piece of equipment and the fact that your underwear will be cleaner with a new washer. Maybe all the bills are paid for the month now and there is enough money left over for a pizza. Celebrate. You woke up today and that one is never guaranteed. Celebrate. The new puppy did not pee in the house for two weeks. Celebrate and clean the carpeting. 

Friends, celebrate often. Look for things to celebrate. We spend too much time giving heed to the rough things of life. Take time to give thanks to God for the good and celebrate. Look for any silver lining in the bad and celebrate.  I once read about a mother who had just lost her six year old daughter to heaven.  She smiled and said that she was celebrating her daughter's life. She explained that for her, the silver lining was that she had her daughter for six years and she couldn't imagine life without those six years.
She was celebrating during what will be one of the hardest days of her life and she was comforting others. 

So put a smile on that face and celebrate something today. If it is really hard for you to find something to celebrate, be thankful that you don't have to live with me and feel sorry for my wife.

God bless,


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Bracing For The Cold Weather Decisions. Decisions. 10/10/2019

Good Morning,

A cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee had my attention for a little while this morning. In a little bit I will be making my wife and I some breakfast. But for now it is time to write.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

I  watched the sun come up this morning and by all indications it will be a nice fall day for us to enjoy in our part of the world. But from what has been predicted for the weather in the next couple of days my attire and habits will have to change quickly. Snow brushes will be placed in the car and truck and warmer clothes will be a must. We play a little game each year to see how long we go before firing up the furnace in the cold weather. I think we will try it for another day or so, but I believe we will cheat a little and light up the fireplace. The firewood I worked on so diligently all spring will come in handy over the next few days. Our menu will start to include more soups and stews as they seem to provide comfort and warmth once the weather brings a chill to us.

My point is this. I can't stop the weather from changing and for me I wouldn't want to anyway. I enjoy the cold and and at times frigid weather. Contentment is key to be less of a "complainer." When we fail to even try being content we open ourselves up for trouble. For instance, you might want a new vehicle because the new model came out and you think you would look pretty good behind the wheel of that flashy new sedan. But then you live where we do and snow is not an option. It is a reality. You might not be able to afford two vehicles and the sports car you purchased goes really fast on dry pavement but doesn't travel too well in snow. The flashy sedan doesn't make much sense when you have to get to work in a snow storm and it introduces you to the ditch along the highway. Contentment and common sense run hand in hand. A flashy four wheel drive SUV would have been a better choice. Or if the flashiness causes you to have to eat stew without meat or vegetables because of the cost, well, a stripped down version would be best.

Lack of contentment has broken up many a family just by wanting someone else to be with. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. But the grass needs to be mowed and tended to just like any other lawn. And what looks like green grass from a distance might have weeds that choke the life from the lawn.

I can give examples of the cause and effects of lack of contentment all day long. I believe you all get the picture. We need to examine our needs against our wants and ask ourselves "is this best for us?" But there is one more step I want to recommend.

Before you leap into decisions that can impact you for a long time, ask God to show you the best choice. He hands out free advice, no appointment necessary, and it is always in your best interest. He will show you desires verses needs and give you peace of mind which seems to be lacking for many people.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Finding Your Way In The Dark 10/9/2019

Good Morning,

A cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee is steaming next to me and I have a Springer Spaniel at my feet. It is very quiet in the house and now it is time to write.

Did you know that the top two accidents within a home are #1. falling objects, followed up by trips and falls at #2?

I was not surprised to find this fact out. As one who travels through swamps and forests in the dark on my hunting excursions I can see this as a reality. I actually fell a lot more and was introduced to a splash down in icy cold water when I was younger compared to now. The difference I believe is this. Headlamps and flashlights have come a long way especially since the LED lights came on the scene. I have a headlamp that can illuminate a river like a big spotlight.

But where do I stub my toe or stumble the most? In my own home, because I tend to travel at night through the house without turning on any lights. I rely on my memory of where things are or were in our home. Recently Rene put out some decorations to have the house look more like Fall than summer. She likes to do this. She likes to do this after I go to bed. She didn't finish her project and left a small ladder out in the middle of the walk from the bedroom to the kitchen. No! I did not have another accident in the home. I did however want a drink of water at about 2 AM. Naturally I am spoiled and just had to have ice in the water. Learning from my past experiences told me to turn on a light as I crossed the arid desert of our home to soothe my parched throat at the well known as the kitchen. Sure as shooting there was the short ladder in my pathway. Without lights there would have been a small collision near the kitchen sink.

Friends, life was never meant to be navigated without the light of God leading us through it. We need not travel through wondering which way to turn or how we will get through the dark times. Much better than any LED floodlight is God's Word to guide us. I have an old railroad lantern in my garage. It was my grandfather's when he worked for the railroad many years ago. It still works. The lantern was used to signal the train engineers at crossings or to notify them of a change in the tracks as well as for the track man to be able to see at night. They relied on the lantern's signals and the one holding the light to guide them correctly.  In the 23rd Psalm,  David states that God leads us like a shepherd leads sheep by still waters and makes us to lay down in green grass.  God also has given us His word to direct our paths, especially when things look grim or dark to us.

Psalm 119:105 Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. 

Friend,s don't stumble through life. Lean on God to direct you, guide you, and keep you from causing harm to yourself in mind and deed. Experience a daily devotion time and spend it in prayer and reading your Bible.

God bless,


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Clobbered From Above 10/8/2019

Good Morning,

My day began with watching the sunshine peer onto our  property  awhile ago. A great cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee awaits me after I finish writing. I would like to share a humorous adventure with all of you and then make a short point before closing today.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

Last  Sunday afternoon my wife Rene let me know that somehow she had plugged the laundry chute while dropping bed sheets and towels through it to the basement. Her chores were on the second floor and when you include the basement it is a three story linen subway to the washer and dryer.

She explained that she had tried everything she could to retrieve the dirty sheets and towels. " I guess I should not have sent them down bundled together" was her statement of the day. So I assessed the situation and devised a plan that would make any man proud. The way the chute is constructed, the only way to do this if the objects are not within arms reach is to push them back up from the bottom. We have lived here since 1994 and this has only occurred  one other time. It happened right after we moved in and it was a construction miscue where the carpenter accidentally installed a screw into the metal of the chute. Clothing was snagged on the screw and it held up the laundry from making it to the basement. It caused quite a ruckus last time and had three of us trying to figure out where the cheerleader uniform could be hiding.  That problem was corrected by the contractor under the new home warranty and it has been fine ever since.

So from what Rene told me I figured out that the the laundry plug was between the 1st and second floor out of arms reach from the chute door on the first floor. So I went to the basement armed with PVC pipe that I had in the garage for another project. Working from the basement allowed me to shove ten feet at a time into the plugged artery of soiled linen. I had just added a another length of pipe to my laundry ram rod when I heard Rene exclaim that she could see the linen.

Then it happened. While I began to remove the pipe the stoppage started to drop to the basement like a cannon ball. Expecting to only get bombed with sheets and towels I looked up to quickly grab things. But nope!!! I was hit with something hard and heavy, right square on the head. It was a good pop on the old bean.  Rene forgot to tell me that her last attempt at fixing the situation was to throw a super heavy, very large book at the stoppage form three stories away from me. The book hit me like a wrecking ball.

The point I am making is this. In my long ramble did you hear or read that I said I prayed before tackling this mess? No you didn't, and I sit here ashamed to even be writing about this. I should have prayed before I started and asked for wisdom and safety. Rene should have joined me in prayer. This could have been worse if that book bomb had it me in the eye. I wasn't expecting it and I sure was not covered by prayer and wisdom. Safety should always be prayed for. Prayer is the first step in safety.

So friends, we are to be praying people. Learn from my mistakes. It is a lot safer for you!


Monday, October 7, 2019

Breathing Air That Hasn't Been Breathed Before 10/7/2019

Good Morning,

Fall hit this morning and the season is most welcome by this guy. A cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee helped me to welcome in some nice cool crisp weather today.

Psalm 23:1-2 The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. 

There were days while I was working at the medical center that I couldn't tell you what it was like outside for up to ten hours. I didn't have the time or a reason to go outside. The climate and air flow inside the buildings was controlled at all times for the safety and comfort of the patients and staff. But with hundreds of people inhabiting the space it was easy to understand that the mechanical systems that brought in fresh air and circulated it were just that, They were mechanical systems. Not a cool fresh breeze coming in off of a lake. In some departments where there were many desks I used to think to myself, "I am probably breathing some air that has already been used once."

So when I would get home one of the first things I would do is to take our dog out and let him run in the yard and have a hot or cold drink at the patio which ever one was most appropriate for the climate of the day. It was a luxury to be outside "Breathing air that hadn't been breathed before". Most weekend mornings  find me at the table outside with a mug of coffee or in my truck headed to an outdoor activity. Fresh air just seems to be chicken soup for my soul.

I have read where being outdoors helps to improve the immune system, is heart healthy, good for the blood pressure and supposedly helps in digesting food. So here is my point. It's nice to be at home. We all find comfort in being there, But get outside and see what God has given you to see. Take notice of things, Breath air that is fresh and expand your lungs a little. Let a little sunshine warm your nose or let the snow fall on your face for a minute. Being able to get outside is a gift. Do it while you can.  Enjoy!!


Sunday, October 6, 2019

Apple Syrup Instead 10/6/2019

Good Morning,

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you; and be gracious to you. I was thinking about how to address all of you this morning while drinking my cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and I recalled this verse from Numbers 6:24-25. There is no better way to say good morning than to ask God to bless all of you.

Isaiah 30:21 Your ears hall hear a word behind you, saying; "This is the way. Walk in it."

Our apple harvest started a few weeks ago and to describe it as poor would be very accurate. The apple trees endured a super bad winter last year. The blossoms were pounded with frost in the spring and the baby apples had to fight off another frost later. Then came the heat waves that baked the apples before they ever hit the pie tin.  The end result showed us some very poor apples and there weren't as many as we are used to harvesting.

We made a couple of pies so far and were able to also salvage some applesauce to eat later this year. We shared one box of the apples which is usually multiple boxes with a friend of ours. Yesterday while picking that box full I began to pray because throwing out the apples just seemed to hurt. I asked God if there was anything we could do.

Well, a thousand years ago God gave to me my wife. My help mate and partner often hears from God and she suggested we try making apple juice out of the poor battered apples. Rene said "you like apple juice and cider, maybe this is a juice year." That sounded like a way not to be wasteful so my spirit was renewed and picking the apples was easier.

Last night I was poking around on the internet and prayed about the apples again. Besides a pie which is Rene's favorite what could I surprise her with out of the apples. I was led to try making apple syrup. Now if you ever want to see a happy lady, watch my wife's face light up when I make and serve her some apple pancakes or some French Toast. So I went to work last night juicing and starting my first ever batch of apple syrup. To thicken it I needed to boil it off slowly. I placed the mixture in a small crock pot and let it cook down through the night. I awoke to the awesome aroma of hot apple syrup this morning and can't tell you how much better it makes me feel that the apples can be used. My relatives and family used to make maple syrup out in the woods when they were younger. My little syrup production made me recall those loved ones I miss so much. My next batch will be made outside over a fire, just to honor them and make me feel good.

Two things happened here. My wife and partner was used by God to suggest an alternative. The alternative led to another alternative. Not wanting to be selfish God gave us the ability to have something we can share and my wife will have a treat that will last until the fall harvest next year, Lord willing there is one. God took a poor harvest and helped us to make something out of it. I guess the trees needed a break.

In January I will prune the apple trees heavily and I will save the apple wood trimmings to smoke meat with. The whole time I am doing this I will see those spring blossoms in my mind and hope I see them again in the spring like I have for that last 25 years.

So the lesson learned is this. Listen to your spouse. God uses them to direct you. And when things don't work out as planned, turn to the Great Planner and ask "what do we do now?"

Have a great day.


Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Quiet House. Something Isn't Right. Or is it? 10/5/2019

Good Morning,

I just came in from our patio. I had a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee outside today. It was a bit chilly out there this morning. The fresh air did me good as I heal up from illness and injury.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. 

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. 

This morning our home is unusually quiet.  And as much as I like peace and quiet, it is almost a painful silence. I have to put the finishing touches on a sermon for tonight and the quiet will help.

A month ago we brought home a new English Springer Spaniel Puppy "Leo". Our mornings since then have been charged with puppy chaos and high energy. There has been the need to house break (Potty Train) the puppy which is going quite well.  But there have been some mad rushes to get him outside to avoid a "situation" or three.  Now there are two dogs in the home and the playing that goes on is very noisy now and then. But even that is going much better. They are bonding!

I have been down with an illness which had to get worse before it got better.  During this time I also twisted my foot which has me walking more than gingerly. So the puppy training for hunting and obedience has been set back a little too long. We needed some help. Our good friend and kennel owner was able to squeeze Leo in for a two week boarding and training camp experience. We took him up to the kennel which is located North of where we live. Leo was born there and it didn't take much for him to run to the other dogs on the grounds. He didn't realize yet that he was staying there. He looked back and it hit him that we were going to leave. He back pedaled but was encouraged by our friend to go into the shelter. Needless to say that our drive home was very quiet. We have grown attached to the little guy and he is now "family"

Once we were back in the house our older dog Gibbs greeted us but he was looking for Leo. He looked and looked. Now the older guy is somewhat depressed today and is walking around like his world ended. He must not remember the little guy pouncing on him and disturbing his sleep all the time. He has no one to fight  and play with.

Now, we have kenneled dogs before, but as we grow older I have become painfully aware that I am getting soft and sappy. Leo is in good hands and will be better for having had a lot of training attention. But I found myself saying a small prayer for the little guy last night, that he will adapt to his temporary surroundings. I had to spend more time with the older guy last night and actually play with him like Leo would.

Friends don't leave me here. The point of the day is this. As hard as it was to admit that I needed some help and as hard as it was to leave Leo for two weeks, it had to be done. There are times when a decision is difficult to make because of emotions or old age sappiness. But the decision and right one at that, has to be made and followed through on. God will and does help us with the knowledge of what decision to make.

Children are the same way. As much as people love their kids and sacrifice for them there are times when more is needed. Private schools are expensive and at times they are the only choice in an attempt to set a child on the correct path. Summer church camps or short term mission trips are expensive but might be just what a child needs. In some instances it requires some time away from home. Single parents working their butts off to make it go, just might need some help but the thought of the child being away just eats at their heart. But before a child goes too far astray a decision or choice might have to be made for the good of the child. The consequences of doing nothing has too many parents claiming their child's body from the morgue after a suicide, drug overdose, or an accident that could have been avoided.

Leo has been bred to hunt. I can see that within him already. He loves to chase the birds in our yard. But if I took him to a field with pheasants he would chase them and think that he could catch them. Birds tend to flush near roads. If a bird came up and I missed the shot, Leo would follow it and head right across a road. You get the picture. Our older dog stops on command and waits for instructions. So as uncomfortable as this quiet house is today, it is for his and our own good that we conceded to needing some help.

There is just a little more here and I will close. Friends, some of these single parents need help financially and if you can help send a kid to school, camp or a mission trip please pray as to how God can use you. Our friend is very busy with many puppies, but he agreed without hesitation to help provide us with a safe and great hunting dog. He made accommodations for us.  You might need to volunteer to help a family with your time.

Pray today for your children and grand kids. They are worth more than you know.


Friday, October 4, 2019

When The Job Gets To You 10/4/2019

Good Morning,

The day began a little while ago for me and I see the sun is pushing the clouds away like someone peeling an orange. My mug was just filled with some Door County Black and Tan Coffee. It is time to write.

I just retired from work at the medical center a a few weeks ago and to be honest with you I do miss heading in every morning. Most of all I miss seeing the people I worked with. Retirement I hope doesn't last too long. I am convinced that I will find some type of job that is less stressful and less demanding of my time. A steady 40 hour job will still be a retirement for me. I decided that the intensity and the long hours were just too much after 36 years. But I am grateful for every moment I spent serving others and providing my share of a healing environment to those in need of care.

There were plenty of days when the job seemed to be more than I could handle. The days seemed to be 30 hours long and all packed into 16 if you can get my drift here.  Yesterday a very dear friend of mine was having one of those days. On a break he notified me that he needed prayer to sustain him through the day. I prayed immediately as well as his wife. I have news for him though. That prayer started long before he went to work. I was able to petition God for some wisdom and He pointed me in the direction of Scripture. I was led to send my friend some verses he could read at lunch. Later he told me that they helped to sustain him through the long and arduous day. Thanks to God, he made it.

My thoughts took me in this direction. If I had days like that over 36 years of employment and my friend is having them, it it a safe guess to say that other people have stressful jobs that from time to time seem like more than one can handle.

So today I want to share some verses for the working men and women who might need them today or next week.

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, But in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous to be moved. 

Proverbs 12;25 Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

Psalm 118:5-6 Out of my distress I called on the Lord. the lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is on my side, I will not fear. What can man do to me?

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Friends, I trust in God's Word to soothe souls and ease the pains of a work life. If you know someone who's job has them beat down and tired, Pass this on. Keep it for yourself in a safe place. You just might need it some day yourself.

God bless,
