Thursday, December 31, 2020

That One Stung For Sure 12/31/2020

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Gingerbread Spice Latte is doing it's best to wake me up, warm me up and set my feet on the trail of 12/31/20.  I wish we could all be together for a cup of coffee with a side order of biscuits and honey.

Romans, 8:38-39 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come  38. nor height nor depth nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Well, we will say goodbye to the year 2020 tonight and for many it will not be a fond farewell. Much has happened in the world this year including the pandemic outbreak that still has us pretty much paralyzed and looking over our shoulders. My wife Rene and I have decided to carry on on our New Years Eve tradition of  eating Italian food. There will be pasta sauce made from the tomatoes that last summer's garden produced. The sauce will smother some meatballs, homemade gnocchi, and some Italian sausages made from pheasant that was shot earlier this year. 

As I sit and write this morning, my mind has wandered to those my family lost this year, one due to covid and another to a horrendous battle with cancer. I miss them both and have found myself picking up my telephone to call them just to remember that I can't do that anymore. I am sure, I am not the only one this happens to. Some of you are nodding your heads in agreement right now. 

I was going to write a total review of the year 2020 this morning and discuss the pandemic, politics, the economy, world tension, race relations, and global warming. But really, haven't we hashed over that stuff enough? 

In the beginning of today's blog, I mentioned a tomato harvest from last summer. Dessert tonight will be apple pie, with apples harvested not to far from the tomatoes. The pasta sauce will have a little crushed red pepper in it harvested from the garden next to the tomatoes. Today as we head into 2021 I want to celebrate another year of life, the fact that I haven't lost more family, a wife despite all my faults loves me, friends that despite suffering are still here,  and My God who hasn't and will not forsake me. He will lead me into next year. So as I compare the list of hurts, and illness of 2021 I know my God lives and will lead me on. I will celebrate that tonight. Way back in February when Rene started the seedlings for our garden, God knew that the flowers would bring great joy in hard times. The vegetables would sustain us and would be considered special. He brought me to some pheasants and the garlic from the garden would be used to season them. 

If I were to review 2020 I would see God with me and my family and He was there in the storm with us. 

God bless. May our days be seasoned with Faith, Hope, and Love.


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Why Return To Vomit? 12/30/2020

 Good Morning,

It looks like we finally received enough snow to call it a storm. It looks so quiet and serene after a snow storm that you don't want to disturb it. But sooner or later someone makes the first prints in the snow. For us it was our two furry dogs who were enjoying some snow and running around. My cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee sure tastes good on this snow day.

1 Peter 1:14-16 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written. Be holy because I am holy.

I can't speak for everyone but as for me my desire to keep bad things I have done, in the past and leave them there is a good idea. What I thought was fun, funny or enticing in the past seems sickening to me now. It is best to leave them in the past and not even think about them just in case a memory would tempt me to sin. Dredging up memories of past folly and stupidity often makes us want to try them one more time. Sometimes this temptation actually brings us to the point of participating in what actually would make us want to vomit now. We like dogs, return to our vomit out of temptation and weakness. Many times I drove drunk and somehow made it home without crashing or getting arrested. Why would I want to do that again? Those were not the good old days. 

We need to take caution when reliving the old days in our minds. In order to do that we might need to take drastic action. Like leaving your job if your weakness was lust at work. We might need to have someone take us to work and bring us home if the temptation is too much to keep us from not drinking our way home. We might need to drop our circle of friends where the disgusting ideas of ours are acceptable. If you really want to conquer a bad habit and sin in your life, how far will you go to avoid it? Some glasses should remain empty.

Food for thought!


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

When The Dog Growls 12/29/2020

 Good Morning,

My work day started early this morning and my Door County White Christmas Coffee is playing "catch up" to my rush to get on the road.

Colossians 4:2 Continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it, with thanksgiving.

A couple nights ago just after midnight one of our dogs began to growl. He didn't bark. The growl was coming from deep within and it was a warning sign to me of danger. The second dog was starting to do the same. They both moved to the front door where they can see out. That growl meant business and I intended to see what that business was. I hit the lights to the driveway and front yard just to find three young men standing next to my truck. I asked them what they were up to and why they would be on our property. They just started to walk away and I let the dogs growl and bark. I am sure they were not coming to our door to ask for assistance. They were up to no good. They dogs escorted the trio to the road and stayed within their boundaries. One of the young men was easy to recognize if I ever saw them again. His coat was expensive and was a coat with labeling. 

Yesterday we needed some items from the grocery store. When I pulled up to the store there were three police squad cars there with their emergency lights on and they had three young men in hand cuffs ,sitting on the ground. You know the rest of this story. Yes one of them was the kid in our driveway. I can only assume the other two were his buddies from the night before. In the distance was a car with a broken side window. I can only imagine that my three visitors were responsible for that damage and possibly were looking for something to steal from the car or take the car.

They had been caught doing something. I assessed them for an age and decided that they were much younger than I thought. I would say that they were about 13 or 14 years old. They had at an early age discovered a life of crime. I decided to get on with my shopping and get away from the scene. But once I parked, I decided to pray for these three bandits and hope that they can straighten out. 

My point today is this. Friends we all need to pray for the teens growing up in this society. I guess in many instances we haven't as communities set good examples for them to follow. Pray for the social workers, youth pastors and parents who are trying to set these kids on the right path of life. 

So please, join me today in the prayer for the youth of our communities. 

God bless,


Monday, December 28, 2020

Seasoning The Skillet 12/28/2020

 Good Morning,

Monday arrived once more and I find myself enjoying a very hot cup of  Door County Churro Coffee in two different ways. The liquid in the cup is warming up my insides and the heat from the hot cup feels good on an arthritic old hand. 

This Christmas blessed me with a gift of cast iron skillets of different sizes. It was a thoughtful gift from our nephews. There is nothing like fried potatoes and onions that come from a cast iron pan. Follow that up with bacon and some sunny side up eggs and you have a breakfast, lunch, or dinner fit for a king. 

There is one problem with cast iron cookware though. They can acquire rust in a heartbeat. When I opened the gift and saw the skillets I was thrilled to see what it was. But I also knew that the minute I got home I was going to "season" those pans asap. Each and every time a cast iron product is used it needs to be cleaned and seasoned so it stays rust free and is ready to use on the next go around on the stove. It is important to care for your pans. 

So the thought of the day is this. I want you to liken yourselves to cast iron skillets. We need to stay away from the rust in our lives. Given a foothold on a pan, rust will spread and eventually it will cause damage to the pan or require much, much abrasion to get down to good metal. The rust just eats the cast iron. Now, rust for us is anything ungodly that clings to us in a bad way. Instead of rust, let's call it what it is. It is those sins that we like to keep around. Some of these sins are not known to others, but sooner or later, like rust, they can be seen. It could be filthy talk, porn, lust, drinking too much, greed or anger. This could be a long list that I could write but you get the idea. So as I protect my skillets by seasoning them, I must also (we) must also season our will against sin. The best way to do this is to be in the Word of God daily and to memorize some scripture to help us fight off the temptation when it comes.

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.

I have a permit to conceal and carry a gun for protection. I suggest we all conceal some Scripture to fight off the evil one when he attacks and seeks to "rust up our lives" .

Food for thought ,and by the way. Eggs anyone? 


How To Season Your Cast-Iron Skillet:
  1. Scrub skillet well in hot soapy water.
  2. Dry thoroughly.
  3. Spread a thin layer of melted shortening or vegetable oil over the skillet.
  4. Place it upside down on a middle oven rack at 375°. (Place foil on a lower rack to catch drips.)
  5. Bake 1 hour; let cool in the oven

Sunday, December 27, 2020

When The New Wears Off 12/27/2020

 Good Morning,

The day began a little while ago with our two Springer Spaniels announcing their need to go outside and their desire to eat. I chose to brew a a pot of Door County Vanilla Cappuccino Coffee for my morning kick start. I have something on my mind to share this fine morning. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1There is a time  and season for every purpose under heaven.

When I was a young boy Christmas would come and go and I was blessed to receive presents well thought out and were usually things that I hoped for. I would disappear with my new toy and it would consume my time endlessly for a month or so. But eventually I would return to my faithful Sears and Roebuck BB gun the rest of the year as well as my football, basketball and some baseball equipment.  Even my new transistor radio I was given and listened to WOKY radio all night lost it's attraction soon. The new always seemed to wear off.

The one constant that was at every Christmas or big celebration was family. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins joined our family every year until one by one they were all gone Some passed away and moved away. This year as covid seclusion was in order, I missed seeing those that are left. Rene and I did our best to celebrate Christmas, but it just wasn't the same without seeing those that still make up this small family now. 

I thought about some of my childhood presents and including my BB gun, they are all gone now. The BB gun didn't work anymore. But if I still had all of the gifts given to me over the years I would gladly trade them all in for one more family get together. I would trade a night filled with music from a transistor radio and return to the room where my relatives were gathered and sit there and just listen to their voices. I would trade my beloved BB gun for just one more gathering. 

So, maybe you received some new golf clubs this year and will start to golf soon. I have a set in the garage that haven't been out in a few years. The new wore off and what I wouldn't give to take my fishing poles and join my dad on a lake one more time for some bass fishing. 

My point is this. Many new items are nice and no one begrudges us from having a good time. But make sure to make wise time with the old standard before the clock tolls again and the family dynamics change. I found that reliving just a few memories as I was writing this today, made a lot of the things I own seem of less worth.  I wasted a lot of time in the basement with a chemistry set and a microscope. What I miss is having my sister sit still while I extracted a little hair from her head to see what hair looked like under the microscope. I wish I could reach over right now and take a couple, just to have her smack me one.

So today when you have the chance, spend more time with family and cherish the blessing. The new never wears off.


Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Day After Christmas Now What? 12/26/2020

 Good Morning,

Saturday it is and my day is already filled with things to do. I just sat down with a hot cup of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with your whole heart.

The day after Christmas. There are leftovers to eat. Presents will probably be put away today. Some will go shopping today to find bargains that are marked down as stores get ready for spring. Some people might even take down their Christmas trees.

I often thought about the years after Christmas day for the boy Jesus. Not much is written in the Bible about him growing up, except for when He was teaching in the temple around the age of 12. God the Father was not recorded as saying anything at all until Jesus was baptized 30 years later.

That time period where God was quiet had to be terrible. I am afraid that the day after Christmas has many people self inducing a quiet period without God every year or at least until Easter and then allowing the silence to last again until Christmas. 

Christmas signals the birth of Christ and people seek a spiritual flavor for Christmas. They might even attend church for one of the two times per year that they go. This year due to covid the temptation to not go to church due to safety concerns was a new excuse, But as usual many will lose the Christmas hype and go into hibernation and avoid anything to do with God, church, and spiritual growth. It happens the same way at Easter. 

My goal today is for those who will turn to back to a life without God with self induced quiet and for those on the fence and could go either way. Why can't every day be like Christmas? Why can't we devote time daily to seek God in all that we do and make it a lifestyle? A change that allows God into our hearts so that we want more of Him, is needed. I can't imagine not hearing from Him for 30 years or for thirty days. If you ask me what is wrong with the world, well it is the fact that we bring Jesus out for a day and then we put Him away with the presents and decorations until Easter.

Friends don't allow Heaven to go silent until you schedule a coming out party for God. He is there now and is waiting on you every day.


Friday, December 25, 2020

How To Be Satisfied Year Round. Part 5. Merry Christmas. 12/25/2020

 Good Morning,

I just poured myself a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java on this fine Christmas morning. I wish this large world were small enough for all of us to have breakfast and coffee together today.  

Today we will conclude this 5 part series on the Holy Spirit. If you missed  any of the previous blog notes you can catch up at 

I have enjoyed sharing my thoughts on this subject with all of you, I pray that it was beneficial to some. We talked all week about the Holy Spirit within us coming forth like a fountain. But what does that look like in a person? What does it sound like? 

John 4:14 But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him, will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up to everlasting life. 

The answer to the questions can be found in 

Galatians 5:22-23    22. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  23 gentleness, self control. Against such there is no law. 

Evidence of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of all Biblical Christians  should be seen and heard. Christians who possess these fruits are able to effectively witness to God's love and righteousness,


When a Christian has the fruit of love in his or her life, it's not the kind, sunny weather love that abandons others when times get tough. Instead they show real love by standing along side those they love and encourage them to be the best they can be, This kind of love also forgives wrong and holds no grudges. 


Joy happens when the Christian recognizes that no matter how dark their trials get in life, they can still remain content and not be fearful because God is in control.


Real peace is when you're no longer under a burden of guilt and shame because God has forgiven all of your sins and because you trusted in Christ's death, burial, and resurrection as your only way to eternal life. You have eternal peace that you can never lose.


When you find yourself dealing with difficult authorities, spouses, children, or co-workers having patience and kindness is important, because anger only adds to the intensity of the situation, As you allow the Holy Spirit to develop patience and kindness, you will notice your ability to forgive increase.


Goodness is when you stand for the right thing when others are doing wrong. Gentleness is the ability to remain calm in tough situations, refraining from anger or disappointment. Faithfulness, is staying loyal to God's Word and Self-Control means having discipline in your life and applying it to your lifestyle. 

Friends. Merry Christmas. May your day be merry and bright. 


Thursday, December 24, 2020

How To Be Satisfied Year Round Part 4 12/24/2020

 Good Morning,

The weather took a 30 degree turn to the cold side yesterday. Our small fire is warming the house and assisting my hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee in warming me up.

As I promised yesterday we will see what the Holy Spirit's job isn't.

John 4:14 But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him, will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. 

The primary job of the Holy Spirit is to point out our need for a Savior and that Savior is Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can save. The Holy Spirit leads us to that point of regeneration, Once that happens we have the Holy Spirit within us. When we then ask God to show what the Holy Spirit wants to equip us for. . We also can draw on the fountain of the Holy Spirit to calm, direct, and sustain us daily through the good and bad times. Notice I did not say take the bad times away but I said sustain. 

Here is what the Holy Spirit does not do. 

The primary purpose after a regenerated heart of the Holy Spirit is then to equip us for service. Service??? We all need the Holy Spirit to direct us in service. Not all are pastors, elders, Sunday school teachers or youth leaders. This equipping is not just for church service. We should desire to live a Spirit filled life at work and at home.  Imagine a Spirit led family or business. There would probably be a lot less company pens going home with it's workers. We would realize that it is stealing. 

THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT TO MAKE US HAPPY. I did not say that receiving the Holy Spirit will not make us happy. We will have a new heart and a wonderful joy, peace and desire to know more about God as well as to walk with Him. That does produce happiness.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart. 

This is an often misunderstood verse. Delighting in the Lord does not give us the car we want or the new house. Although God may bless you with a home or car, delighting in the Lord causes Him to become the Desire of your heart.

In closing today, you should want a Spirit filled ministry, family, marriage, business, or hobby. Today would be a good day to start . Surrender your will to God and let the Holy Spirit within you lead you. Besides the impact on yourself you might just look at others differently, notice the God given talents you have, find contentment, see lost souls and a desire to reach out to them. You might surrender to the call to preach, teach or serve God differently. You might find that you will pray more, love stronger and forgive easier. You will still grieve, but you will grieve with hope. 

What do you say? Can Christmas Eve be the day you surrender your will?


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How To Be Satisfied Year Round Part 3

 Good morning Dear Friends,

Coffee this morning is Door County Candy Cane Coffee. Enjoying a little breakfast of fruit and fresh banana bread.


John 4:14 But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him, will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

Yesterday I wrote of the water from my home town and how I miss it when I travel. The analogy to the Holy Spirit was that He goes with us as a fountain that springs forth within,  as a source of water from my faucet cannot.

Today I start with a question. What stops the fountain ( Holy Spirit) within your heart? Do you even know? I know what stops me from drinking my home town water when I am in Haiti or elsewhere.  It's not there.
Again do you know? If you do know, put it away and discard it from your life.
But it might be that you do not know what it is. You know that you once held that joy and have lost it. You can know what has stopped your joy. Ask God to show you what hinders your life, your family, your ministry, your work, and your joy in God.  Then promise Him that if He shows you what it is, you will be obedient and give it up!!!!!! He will show you if you are being sincere and truthful.

But some of you have never known the joy of the Holy Spirit. You can today! Jesus stands before you today. You are at the well!!!! Unseen, yet here as I write. He says

John 4:14 But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him, will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

Will you drink? Jesus also in this chapter told the woman of her past and her sins. Today you can be forgiven of your sins by asking for forgiveness. Repent from them and make changes to your life. Ask Jesus to come in and be your Lord and Savior.

Revelation 3:20
Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door I will come into him.

What are you waiting for? Friends, readers, pastors, flock, family! What are you waiting for? Ask others. What are they waiting for.

Part four tomorrow. The job of the Holy Spirit is not???????

God bless,


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

How To Be Satisfied Year Round Part 2 12/22/2020


Good morning,
Door County Candy Cane Coffee for me this morning. It just makes me want to sing "White Christmas"

Yesterday we looked into the passage regarding Jesus meeting a woman at the well.

John 4:14 But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him, will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

Today I want to look mainly at the word fountain.

There does come times in all lives that we face great trials and sorrow. At these times, do we rush to anything that would make it worse? No. Much of the things we could turn to, drugs, alcohol, wrong decisions, anger, sin, would only add to our sorrow and problems.

But! From this fountain within us, ( the Holy Spirit) which is indwelling gushes up at such a time as that
"Joy unspeakable and full of glory"
1 Peter 1:8

I do travel abroad on short term mission trips. One of our main goals is to provide safe water for those that are traveling on the trips with me.
Where I live we have access to great drinking water. Our little suburb has been rated as having some of the best water in the world.  I turn on the faucet and clear pure refreshing water pours forth.
But, when I travel I cannot take much more than a bottle with me. There have been days on these trips where the temperatures reach in excess of 100 degrees. It causes me to think about my home town water so cool and refreshing, as I drink a warm gulp of water from a canteen that I still have from the day before. Not fresh at all!

Where is this going?  You see, life brings trials. Life brings the loss of loved ones. Life brings arguments. Life brings disappointment.  But we have a fountain within  us that we can draw on for peace, love, joy, hope, and perfect direction despite what we see. Unlike the faucet I cannot draw from when I am in a foreign land. This fountain travels with us.

The Holy Spirit never leads us to sin or satisfaction in worldly choices. In that, we are on God's page and can find satisfaction with Him. This is available to gush forth.
Thus happiness even during sorrow. Thus happiness with contentment with what we have.
Thus happiness as God leads our direction even during darkest times, we have hope. .
God bless, part three tomorrow.


Monday, December 21, 2020

How To Be Satisfied Year Round Part 1 12/21/2020


Good Morning,

My coffee for the today will be Door County Candy Cane. It will assist in getting me more into the winter mood.

 Monday through Thursday we will explore a theme series. I usually do not do this, but the Spirit has led me in that direction after a long night of prayer.

Our Lord Jesus himself tells how each one of us can be fully satisfied and satisfied forever. This is a "musical symphony for the heart and soul."

John 4:14 But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him, will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

Let's look at the story. Jesus had put in a long day. The others had gone into town to obtain food. He was too tired and decided to sit at a well. Along came a woman with a checkered past and life. So thus started the conversation between the two. Jesus was not really concerned about a drink of water. (He really probably was thirsty). But He put that aside to discuss matters of the soul, and issues of life. His goal was to save a soul and restore a life.

The water He speaks of is the Holy Spirit poured into our hearts given to those who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

He tells us in this passage that we might drink of all the world may have to offer, the fountains of wealth, possessions, fame, knowledge, or our environment. Yet when our environment, and  possessions are where we would like it to be we are happy.  But if our joy is in these, we cannot by any way be happy for sometimes these change.

But if our source of joy is in our own hearts. The fountain springing up within us, then we are entirely independent of worldly pleasures, circumstances, surroundings or possessions.  We rejoice and are joyful with what we have, not what it "could be".

God bless,
Part two tomorrow.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Back To The Basics For Us 12/20/2020

 Good Morning,

I just started to feel the impact of the small fire I made. I call the heat I am receiving this morning an "easy fire". It was east to start because there were coals left over from last night. So it didn't take much for the maple hardwood to take off and start producing some heat. My wife Rene and I stayed up late to watch It's a Wonderful Life. Yet our two dogs didn't care and they let me know when 6AM rolled around. So with a hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee, I will begin to write. 

Psalm 139:14 I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works. And that my soul knows very well.

During this covid challenge we have been forced to curtail some of our activities for safety's sake and out of respect for others. It's the respect for others that we have always cherished as a core value for our family. I give people their six foot space. We cooperate with the mandate to wear a mask and we don't sidestep the rules by figuring a way out of them. I just performed a funeral service for a man who was full of life the other day, who ten days ago was full of life. He came down with the dreaded corona virus. I watched a family grieve and hurt. So Rene and I will continue to cooperate just in case it saves one family from making a visit to the undertaker. We respect the health of others. 

Now for the rest of my thoughts on back to the basics. Respecting others and putting them first is just loving your neighbor. Part two is my job in our family. We used to go out to eat before the pandemic almost every Saturday night. We still purchase take out and support our local restaurants. We want to do our part to keep them afloat. But I took stock lately  of our eating habits at home. It seemed as if "easy" has crept into our lives. I asked Rene what she missed most during this pandemic and she said " the church fellowships "Pot Luck" dinners. She said that it was always nice to eat a little of what others brought. Both of us just about at the same time said "I wish we had the recipe for Joyce's potato casserole." Joyce was a lady we attended church with many years ago. She made the best potato and corn flake dish that you ever tasted. Joyce has since passed on and we miss her and her husband Paul. They were two you always wanted to see every Sunday. 

My point here is that we allowed this virus to start to impact the way we approached cooking. I own many cook books and haven't used one in a year. We have become stagnant in our approach to the daily life. We lost respect for ourselves and that is just as important as having respect for others. I pulled a couple cook books out and started to go through them looking for some items to make and enjoy. Guess what I found? I believe it was the recipe Joyce used. We will be using it on Christmas day. 

So look in the cupboard, freezer, or refrigerator. Are you paying respect to yourself? I plan on using this cook book just to bring back some memories and to create some new ones. Are you respecting others? Are you respecting yourself?

Food for thought. 


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Christmas A Celebration Of Life 12/19/2020

 Good Morning. I am moving slow on this cold, damp Saturday. I am taking some time to warm up by the fire while writing and drinking a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee.

I was thinking about Christmas today and some of the different ways we have joined in on Christmas parties and celebrations in the past. My wife Rene and I have caroled, eaten at different homes, traveled for Christmas and decorated beyond what is considered normal. Being in health care we worked plenty of Christmas days and were happy to do so. We have taken part in cookie exchanges, (probably my favorite). I have hunted on Christmas day with our dogs. We have never participated in an ugly sweater day and probably never will. But we have dressed the part with Christmas themed socks and I have a Christmas tie or two. 

But after all is said and done you could remove all of those customs and celebrations and Christmas would come down to one thing and one thing only, a celebration of life. And that celebration is really what Christmas is all about. We celebrate the arrival of the Savior to the world. We tend to get so busy looking for a new ugly sweater or baking cookies that we miss out on the true meaning of Christmas. 

Isaiah 9:6-7 For unto us a Child is born. Unto to us a Child is given. And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God. Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Matthew 1:23 Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,. His name shall be called Immanuel , (which means God with us)

So slow down a little, and take time to carve out space in your Holidays for a time of worship on a daily basis and find the true meaning of Christmas. 

God bless,


Friday, December 18, 2020

The Last Word 12/18/2020

 Good Morning,

A busy day is ahead of me and I look forward to the challenge. My hope is that I can be a blessing to someone today. The mug of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee sitting next to me is a blessing to me. It is time to write. 

Proverbs 16:24. Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Last night we placed a video call to our daughter in Florida. We wanted to wish her a happy birthday and chat for awhile. The call was great and we shared some thoughts. memories and some laughs. But as with all good things, the call had to end. She had to go to work today very early and we could see plainly that she was tired and worn out. It has been a busy week for her.

Here's the problem. None of us wanted to end the call. Due to covid we haven't been able to visit by going to Florida nor has our daughter been able to pop up here for a fast visit. She, through no fault of her own even missed funerals for people important to her. So for a few minutes we kept dodging the inevitable and none of us wanted to say goodbye for now or "lets get some sleep". It was the last word we wanted to hear last night.

Friends, none of us are guaranteed anything in life and we never know when the last word will become the final word for one of us. For Christmas, I believe we should give ourselves a gift. If there is someone you need to forgive or have them forgive you, make the call. You might be thinking about it, but haven't gotten the push to do it. Maybe the last word you had with each other was harsh. Make it right. The last word might really be the last word.

In addition make sure to tell those close to you that they are loved and season your words with kindness and love. Tell them if you are proud of them. Let them know how important they are to you. I can't wait until we can safely visit our daughter. There are people that we love who live close to us and socializing just hasn't happened. Make sure the last word you had with them is kind and supportive. You never know when the last word will be the final word.

Give yourself a gift and cherish those meetings, calls and chats.


Thursday, December 17, 2020

A Great Day For Me No Room At The Inn 12/17/2020

 Good Morning,

What a nice morning to have a fire glowing in the fireplace and to be sipping on a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee. My wife is still sleeping and my two English Springer sidekicks are resting below the desk as I write.

On this morning in 1978 it was cold and snowy, I was rabbit hunting with my dad and it didn't take too long for us to get cold and decide it was time to quit. I drove dad home and was going to head to my home and eat breakfast. We did get a couple of rabbits and my dad declined the invitation to clean them and each take one of them. So I still had the chore of skinning rabbits and cleaning them up for the freezer. As I was saying goodbye to dad, my mother came outside and said that she had a message from my wife and I was supposed to call home before I left. Mind you, this was well before the age of cell phones. I was15 minutes from home and almost decided not to call preferring just to get home and get cleaned up. But something told me to call. I was informed by the Mrs. that the baby she was carrying within her was arriving that day and soon. We were just told two days earlier that it looked like the baby would be two weeks late.  I really did not panic at All. the roads were slippery and I had to drive slowly. I was going through all we were told about the first baby and that we probably had hours and hours of labor time ahead of us. So what's the rush??? 

I arrived home to see that we really had to get going. I showered quickly to get the rabbit fur and blood off of me, much to the disdain of my wife. We headed for the hospital and guess what? We were turned away because they were too full in the labor and delivery area. They assured us that we had time to get to the next hospital about thirty minutes away and that the would be waiting for us. Man were they wrong! Well that was one slippery ride with the snow and the screaming woman next to me didn't help things as I navigated the roads. 

Once we arrived  to the hospital and they whisked the Mrs. away I settled in to watch a football game in the waiting area. I just poured myself a bad cup of hospital coffee and wondered how things were going. I was preparing for the long haul. Just then the swinging doors opened and I was told that if I wanted to be there for the birth I had to move and move quickly. It was a few minutes later that our bundle of joy cried out after a slap on her bottom and we were blessed to welcome her into the world and I was now a dad. 

Revelation 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me.

My point other than to relive a great day in my mind is also to share my thoughts on the birth of Jesus. His parents were traveling to take part in a census. They had to travel to Bethlehem by donkey. Mary the mother of Jesus needed a place to stay and deliver her child. They were refused  places to stay because everything was filled up. NO Vacancy would be the term used today and now hospitals can't refuse to take you in despite being full. Jesus was coming to save the world and he started his life in a stable. He died on the cross for the sins of the world. His parents searched for a place to stay. Although Jesus is now in heaven, He still searches for places to stay. He looks to find homes and reside in the hearts of mankind. Is your no vacancy sign up? Is your heart filled with the things of the world? Can you find room for the Savior to make a home within your heart? It is the best Christmas present you could give yourself. That little daughter of ours stole my heart away. Jesus just wants you to share yours with Him.

Love to all.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Truth Is The Best At All Times. 12/15/2020

 Hey it's Wednesday and we won't complain today. Good Morning

My day is starting with a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee.

My Grandfather worked for the Chicago Northwestern Railroad. He retired as a section foreman. He and his crew repaired and installed track and railroad crossings. He was very proud of what he did. I used to spend some summers with my grandparents in Watersmeet Michigan. After he retired we did a lot of fishing. He preferred live bait. Minnows were his choice. We did not purchase bait. We dug our worms and trapped our minnows. The minnow ponds were in marshy areas along the same railroad tracks that he traveled and worked on for years. We would walk down the tracks to check our traps. He would tell me stories of snow storms, beaver dams, washed out tracks and rail gradients. He said he was always proud to see the tracks run straight and true. He told me that tracks were like a man. They should run straight and true. God has something to say about that also. 

Proverbs 12:19          
Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. 

A man like a train will get off track if he relies on lies and untruths to travel through life.  Keep your train on track by being truthful. Here's to you Grandpa

God bless,

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Don't Let Debt Ruin Christmas 12/15/2020

 Good Morning,

This morning is filled with sunshine and my mug is filled with Door County White Christmas Coffee. 

We will probably be able to enjoy the outdoors a little more today. I am looking forward to that.

Luke 14:28 ESV     
For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? 

One way to ruin Christmas for sure is to run up a pile of debt buying Christmas presents. Please do not name me the new Scrooge of 2020. What starts out as a feel good moment, with the best of intentions always has to be paid for in January. What was a good deal in December isn't a deal anymore when interest is added to monthly payments. I enjoy Christmas presents as much as the next person. But we have to be real. The Christmas spirit should last all year, not the debt.

Here is a simple plan. Start a Christmas budget in January, and put away the dollars each month that you can afford and plan on spending on Christmas. Do not waiver from the budget except to spend less. In our early ears of marriage we had some pretty lean Christmas's. One year we went over budget and regretted it big time. Rene lost her job, the car needed replacing. I ended up missing most
 of the summer doing plumbing jobs on the side to pay for our mistakes. 

So set a realistic budget, and stick to it. If money is tight, consider giving the gift of your time. A home made gift certificate giving that person a service, like raking leaves, window washing or a meal are very nice gifts.

God Bless,


Monday, December 14, 2020

The Thief At the Door Part Two 12/14/2010


Good Morning,

I am looking at two tough days ahead with a lot to do. It is good to be busy and I really enjoy working even if it is just part time. Door County Gingerbread Spice Latte goes good with early mornings. 

Galatians 3:26 For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.

Last week I wrote about a gift that was ordered for our daughter and was missing. It was perishable goodies from Wisconsin sent for her birthday. The box was supposedly delivered to the correct address but was missing in action, assumed stolen. We were disheartened to say the least. 

What a surprise yesterday when our daughter called and the box was brought to her by another family who accidentally received it at their home. The ham, bacon, and sausages were intact and were not harmed. 

This did so much to restore my faith in humanity. Later she sent a picture of some ham cooking and we were so happy to be a part of a meal she would enjoy. 

I won't mention her age but as many of you will agree, no matter how old a child gets, they are still your child. I am 63 years old and if my parents were still alive I am sure that they would still worry about me and still give me advice and encouragement .

Even though they are gone I still, like a child seek out my Heavenly Father in good and in bad times. I like to share my blessings with Him and say thank you, And when this old man gets tired, confused, or worried I run to Him for comfort and advice. I guess in God's eyes we never grow up and are always one of His children.

For this I am grateful.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

I Saw Goodness Come Down 12/13/2020

 Good Morning,

My day started with prayer, a warm fire, and a cup of Door County Christmas Coffee. Our two dogs are a little lazy today and not begging to run around and play. I will take advantage of the quiet and write.

My personal beliefs tell me that God is omnipresent and I truly believe that. I find great comfort in knowing that I am never alone.

Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe what I have commanded you. And behold I am with you always.

Last night some of our neighbors and the two of us visited the home for the aged in our neighborhood to sing Christmas Carols and leave the residents with some small gifts. We wore our masks for safety and sang outdoors from their patio. The residents joined us from inside their dining room and we in all reality sang through the windows. This Covid Christmas has many people staying close to home. The normal Christmas parties and social activities have been curtailed. Usually my wife and I are in Florida for a week of family time. Not this year.  Our normal December Calendar is filled with tons of busyness and by the time New Years arrives we are beat. 

You can't imagine what our experience was like last night. It was short. I am not sure we sang on key all the time. If you wore glasses, they fogged up from the masks and I know I couldn't see the words on the music sheets. Yet when I looked into the home, I saw smiles. The residents and their attendant were smiling and trying to sing along with us. Under our masks I know we were smiling.

Psalm 84:10 Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than a king elsewhere.

As I surveyed the choir assembled on the patio, my belief in God being everywhere filled me with joy. God saw our intent. He was with us and might have joined in on the singing. Last night God allowed us to see goodness during a time of fear and confusion in the world. I won't forget that small group and the residents who were so happy. Although the time was short I knew for sure that Rene and I were in the right place at the right time. Even though we were a small group, we were not alone! I for one was chilled a little, but my heart was warm.

Merry Christmas,


Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Caroling Must Go On. 12/12/2020

Good Morning,

The wind is really blowing this morning and it is raining. The much forecasted snow hasn't hit my part of the world yet. We will see what happens later today. In the meantime I will write and sip on a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee. 

Mark 12:30-31 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your mind and strength. 31 You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandments than these two. 

Every year for the last 20 years my wife Rene and I have sponsored Christmas caroling for a home for the elderly. We used to bring the kids from our church youth group to the home on a Tuesday night in December with songs and gifts for the elderly. When we decided that we didn't have enough energy for teenagers, we concentrated on other ministries within our church. It was then that I took the call as an elder for the church and my main ministries now are the Men's Group and the preaching duties on Saturday nights. We wanted to continue caroling for the old folks. Access to the assisted living home is easy. It is right next door to us. So I threw out the idea to the people who attend our church. Rene decided that it was too long of drive from church to just sing a few songs and hand out some gifts. 

That's when it turned into an open house in our home with hot cider, coffee, and hot chocolate for the carolers. Then she mentioned that it was a Saturday night and that we should feed everyone, but keep it simple. That's how it turned into the "Soup Night". As this caught on the crowd of 15 turned into more and one night we had 45 people. Others would bring baked goods, some would bring soup pots filled with their specialty soup. We would make two or three large cauldrons of our own special soup. Whatever was leftover went home with those attending. The fellowship often lasted until midnight. 

This Covid year sent the harsh message that we probably couldn't do this, especially the large indoor gathering. We thought about caroling from outside of the home, ( we had always gone inside) and that was an option. It just didn't seem like it would work.

Then one day last month on our Subdivision Face Book Page a question was raised as to if we as a group could have the kids in the neighborhood make some cards, or do something to brighten Christmas for an elderly residence and we had one in our neighborhood. I responded and explained what we had been doing in the past and that the church would not be coming this year. 

Friends it will take place tonight. Gifts have poured in, song sheets are ready and we will sing for the elderly. They will be inside and we will be outside braving the weather. 

If I see one good thing about covid is that we have gotten to know a few neighbors now. I see them sharing and caring for our "neighborhood family" more than ever before. I am proud to live here. We might not be able to dine together tonight, but we will next year Lord willing. Our friends at church will be praying for the event and will join with our neighbors next year for "Soup Night"

It is a wonderful world after all.


Friday, December 11, 2020

The Thief At The Door 12/11/2020

 Good Morning,

The weather forecast is showing some snow in our immediate future. The amount of snow expected to drop on us varies due to some pressure system. So we really have no idea what to expect. But I for one would like to see some snow. So today I cast my vote for a fluffy Christmas in this part of the world by drinking a large cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee.

Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. 

Our daughter resides in Florida and due to the covid travel restrictions in 2020 we have canceled a trip twice to visit her. We had planned on being there for her birthday next week. Now since we decided to heed the warnings and not risk going we decided that a gift of Wisconsin specialties would be a great way to say we love you and here is something for you from home. I will give the shop a plug today. We enjoy their products. Neuskes Smoked meats . Wittenberg Wisconsin

The shop  specializes in smoked meats. We ordered a box with ham, bacon and sausages to be shipped to Florida. They have a proven process that guarantees the meat stays cold and delivered on time. We had to ruin the surprise and let our daughter know when and what was going to arrive. The goods were delivered to her door and before they could be taken in, someone came and stole the birthday gift. I mentioned yesterday that something happened to family members and this was one of the instances. I spent the whole day torn between attitudes going through my mind. Part of me wanted to send another box marked perishable but filled with dog poop to get revenge on the porch thief. The other side of me was hoping that it was someone in real need of food and now they would be fed.  I was experiencing a war within myself.

I spoke with our daughter last night and though disappointed she had already moved to "maybe someone really needed some food." Friends, I don't condone stealing or looting but I also feel there is a time when we need to help. I prefer to donate food to hunger shelters and distribute it to the needy. Maybe this package we sent was sold for money. We will never know.  So instead of dwelling upon a lost ham, I will spend some time praying for the person who took it. God knows if they are hungry enough to steal or fighting an addiction and needed money. I will pray for this person to meet someone today that will point them in the right direction to God. Just maybe, just maybe this will be a turning point in their life.

Merry Christmas,


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Keep The Faith. Your Legacy 12/10/2020

 Good Morning,

It is supposed to be a pleasant, fairly warm day today with the harsh bite of winter showing up on this coming Friday and Saturday. It might be good for some late season goose hunting. Just maybe it will be a great weekend for hunting.  I am drinking some Door County White Christmas Coffee this morning and then headed out to work very soon.  It is time to write.

I watched two family members and one friend deal with disappointments yesterday and it wasn't easy to hear about what they experienced. I won't go into details on the three situations. But after hearing what the world is trying to do to them or did to them, I personally had a head of steam and wanted to open a 5 pound can of whoop butt on those who were responsible for my loved ones bad day.

I had to take a respite from it all and actually pounded some fire wood into kindling for an hour last night. My neighbors must have thought I flipped out. But while taking stock of the day I realized that what I needed was to rest, not on anger, but on faith. There is nothing I can do to fix all three situations and I wasn't much support to them when they needed to be heard and understood. If anyone needed to vent, it was those three. I want my faith to be my legacy some day but what I really saw in myself was that anger trumped my faith and I was useless to those I care about. After all these years I still have a long way to go. But the goal is good and worth pursuing. I will keep running the race.  What would you want others to say about you? 

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.

Have a great day. 


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Brownie Teaser 12/9/2020

 Good Morning,

I just woke up to the sound of Door County Gingerbread Spice Latte Coffee brewing in the kitchen. Our two dogs have been outside and have been fed. It's time to write and start my day. 

Micah 6:8 MSG Be He's already made it plain on how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It is quite simple. Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love. Do not take yourself too seriously. Take God seriously.

Last night we held our Bible study on Zoom so as to try and keep everyone healthy. Zoom works well for those things and for now it is the way to go. My prayer is that we will be able to resume in person studies in a month or so. 

At the end of the study and after prayer we usually spend a few minutes socializing and having a laugh or two. It is no secret within our church that one of my favorite treats is a big pan of brownies. I like my brownies frosted with about a half of an inch of frosting on them. A big glass of milk and I am in my own personal happy place. Just a few nights ago I had the blessing to be able to deliver some meals to a family in our congregation. This family was hit by the covid bomb and some prepared meals were in order. Last night the husband and dad was in the Bible study and afterwards my nosey self just had to ask him a question. I wanted to know what was in one of the food pans I delivered because whatever it was sure smelled good. This guy grinned with a huge smile and held up a a brownie for me to see. It looked good enough to eat right from the video screen. We all shared in that laugh and I am still getting a chuckle from his response. 

I did not feel hurt or ashamed for the little joke to be on me. My wife and I laughed about it later and she enjoyed the chuckle immensely. 

Friends, it is important that we don't take ourselves too seriously. We need to be able to laugh together and enjoy some comedy now and then. It vital to be able to laugh at yourself and with others. My buddy meant no harm and I did not take any ill feelings away from the experience. My heart had some Jingle Bells inside just because we had some fun. If I could do something daily that would make people smile, I sure would be the blessed one. When we take ourselves too seriously we can lose out on great times of fun and laughter. We only cause ourselves harm by not having a merry heart. I often tell people that I believe there is a huge television screen in heaven and they have access to the Heavenly Comedy Channel. I think that throughout the day my family members in heaven tune in and I am the star of the show. They might be saying, "Let's see what the family clown is up to today". God replies and says, "You won't believe it." 

Of course this isn't my real beliefs on what heaven is like. But I wouldn't mind it at all if it was. I like to laugh too!

Marry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Little Apple Cider For Christmas 12/8/2020

 Good Morning,

Tuesday is upon us and it's looking more like Christmas in our home every day. Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee is doing it's best to wake me up and warm me up.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not His benefits.

Last night we worked pretty late on adding all the ornaments to our Christmas tree. The ornaments have no rhyme nor reason to them.  They are a hodge podge collection of memories and gifts. I placed one on the tree that was from our first married Christmas together. We purchased it 1000 years ago.

During the process last night my wife suggested we take a cookie break and have some hot apple cider to wash down the cookie. I am all for a cookie break anytime. We made the cider especially sharp with extra mulling spices. It opened our nostrils in a big way and warmed us up at the same time.

During our break, Rene remarked how blessed we were. I asked her what we were blessed with or was she making a comment in general. She replied. "A lot of people would love to have a cookie and apple cider tonight and they don't have any. We were blessed with a great apple harvest." Then she got sappy and said "And we still have two of us to eat a cookie and drink cider with. We are blessed to be together".

I agreed with her and all of a sudden the tree decorating wasn't a chore but more of an act of togetherness. Last night in a mess of a living room, I counted our blessings and Christmas came early to my heart.

Take time to be grateful and count all your blessings. Make sure if you can, tell the blessings of people in your life that they are a blessing. Let Christmas come early to your heart and to the hearts of others. 

You all are a blessing to me!


Monday, December 7, 2020

The Freedom We Enjoy Wasn't Free 12/7/2020

 Good Morning,

I hope this note finds you in a good place physically and spiritually today. My mug is filled with Door County Candy Cane Coffee and I am ready to write.

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born. Unto us a Son is given. And the government will be on His shoulder. And His name will be called, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince Of peace.

This year my wife Rene and I have not been in a rush to decorate for Christmas. We are taking it slow and actually enjoying the process more. We have been decorating this home since 1994 and haven't really wavered in how we do it. You could say we have a style and routine. We did however decide to make a couple small changes this year which required more lights. But overall it wasn't anything drastic. We will be placing the ornaments on the tree within the next day or two and then adding the garland made from buttons as the final touch. Last night we worked until midnight placing lights on the tree. I went to bed and I see that Rene put just a few ornaments on already. I am sure there were some tears as she set the ornaments with picture s of our three parents who are not with us anymore. We have ornaments with pictures of our dogs who are gone also. She does this every year and I give her that private time of remembrance.

But while we were working last night and drinking apple cider made from the apples we harvested a couple months ago and enjoying the warmth of our fireplace I couldn't help but be grateful for those who in the past fought to keep us free and I prayed for those who are serving in our military to still keep us free. We are free to decorate the way we want and do not have to hide our Christmas joy.

Today we remember the attack on Pearl Harbor December 7th 9141 and how devastating it was to our country. It sent our country into battle for years and in beginning it looked bleak. We as a country rallied and the war was eventually won. I was reminded that we are free to celebrate Christmas, take our time to do it, or rush, just because we can. But I am also reminded that the freedoms we enjoy were paid for by lives given in service. I salute that generation for setting an example for us. An example of unity, hard work and sacrifice. So today as we prepare to celebrate Christmas and the joy of  Jesus pray for those who cannot celebrate they way they would desire because of rulers who have taken those freedoms away. Let's pray for peace for all mankind.

God bless,


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday Morning Snowflakes. There Is A Message In The Snow 12/6/2020

 Good Morning,

The fire in the hearth feels especially good this morning. The fire in my heart feels even better. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha for myself and it is time to write. 

Matthew 1:20-21 But as Joseph considered these things, and angel of the Lord came to him in a dream and said. "Joseph son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21. She shall bear a son and you shall call His name Jesus for He will save His people from their sins.  

I was outside with our two dogs Gibbs and Leo about 30 minutes ago and could feel the snowflakes falling on to my unprotected head. The flakes turned into a little bit more now but I don't think the snowfall is going to last very long. I see from the window in our den that the roof tops on our neighbor's homes are white. For me it is a beautiful sight to take in. Science tells us that no two snowflakes are alike. I don't own a microscope and would never sit in the cold to study snowflakes anyway so I will take the word of the scientists who have studied and observed the frozen precipitation. But I do know one fact. I love to watch it snow.

Now I want to get to the point of today's ramblings. No two people are alike either. I don't go out and look at the snowflakes and sort them out to get just one size on our property. But yet as humans we still have a tendency to do that with people. What I am trying to say is that we are really not all inclusive with people. We sort people by their differences and decide which ones we will keep close to us and let into our lives. I am not sure if that bad habit will ever change. 

But I am so glad that God doesn't work that way. When God sent Jesus from heaven to Earth born of a woman. He sent Him to die for the sins of all. Yes it is true that some day God will sort us into two categories, those who have believed on the name of Jesus and called upon Him for salvation unto eternity. Then there will be those who haven't professed the name of Jesus as Lord and Savior and rejected His sacrificial gift of love.  In those two categories there will be every race of mankind in the mix. We all have the opportunity to follow Christ. 

So this isn't a message on unity and brotherhood although that makes good fodder for preaching anytime. This is a message aimed at putting some urgency into the churches to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ this Christmas. This is a message to all of us to do the same. There will be two camps some day and one will go to heaven and live with God and the other won't. There is no crossing over once the sentence of hell has been proclaimed. We say we love our neighbor and all people, but do we love them enough to take some time and tell them the truth about the love of Jesus and His message of repenting and salvation? Or do we wait until we meet people we prefer that look like us and act like us.?  The Gospel message is for all and you shouldn't keep it to yourself. Share the reason for Christmas.

God bless,


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Christmas Customs 12/5/2020

 Good Morning,

It is quiet in our home and the fireplace is glowing sending some heat right to the den where I am sitting. My mug is filled with Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee and now it is time to write.

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday and forever. 

The year 2020 is just about over and it has been one for the memory banks or as some have said, "one to forget". It seems as if Covid 19 will put the damper on Christmas with social distancing, stay at home orders, masks, and all the arguing of whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. 

So I looked back at my blogs for the last few weeks and I decided that there was way too much of my time spent writing about the doom and gloom and not enough on joy, peace, hope and love. Today I seek to remedy that. I was talking with our daughter yesterday and she was telling me what she is doing for a Christmas gift for her son. I can't tell you what it is, because he reads this blog now and then and I will not spoil the surprise. The effort she is putting into this gift is huge. But you can tell that her gift comes from the heart. It inspired me to not cut short on traditions that Rene and I grew up with and have carried on for many years. Although our gathering will be just the two of us we will celebrate, put up a tree, read the Christmas story from our Bible, if allowed, we will attend church on Christmas Eve and then feast together on just what we used to eat when I was a boy. Christmas morning, I will be out with our two dogs and a shotgun. I will hunt for a couple of hours and then come home and prepare a Christmas brunch with hot baked ham. 

The Christmas Eve feast will be later in the evening and my thoughts will turn to memories of being a kid and watching, my parents and my aunt and uncle get ready for both days. We lived next door to each other and one would host Christmas Eve and the other would host Christmas day. My grandparents from that side of the family would always be there . My favorite was Christmas Eve when we would have the nice spicy Italian Sausages, potato salad, and relishes with everything from radishes to pickled pork hocks. Of course there were cookies that were piled up high, much to the delight of this cookie monster. 

I don't know about you and what you are thinking right now, but my hope was to cause you to go back and have a fond memory. As I write I am smiling and my eyes are wet, recalling those old days. My goal this year is to find the happy place in my heart and cherish the old and deal with everything some how in a positive way celebrating what we have and not whining about what it isn't. Oh yes, I foresee a small bottle of pickled pork hocks making it's way to our house. You see friends, all though the world dynamics have changed, the Christmas story of Jesus hasn't. I won't let us forget why we celebrate December 25th!!

God bless, Christmas is coming, it is all a state of mind and heart. We can do this!
