Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sweet Hour Of Prayer 1/30/2022

 Good Morning,

The day is soon to be started. I am in a great position within our home to greet the sunrise. The mug next to me was filled with Door County Coconut Cupcakes Coffee ad it is time to write. 

Both of our dogs are very uneasy this morning and that is unusual for them. Maybe time will tell me why.

Last night after the Saturday evening church service we held our monthly prayer gathering. It is a smaller group who get together and devote an hour or two, just to prayer. Requests for prayer are taken and whatever the Holy Spirit lays on the hearts of those who are participating get's prayed for. 

Newborn children with health issues, wayward teens, those who are ill and hurting, people grieving from the loss of a loved one,  the examples are too many to list, But in that hour or two God is petitioned by this small group for many requests. I can rarely remember any the participants asking for prayer for themselves. And out of the clear, someone will pray for a person in the group. The prayer is right on target and is always needed. The group is very unselfish and just does not spend much time on themselves but they devote this sweet hour to others. What is said there, stays there and the prayer time is very confidential. The information shared there might be shared back to someone who requested prayer in this way. " We did remember to pray for your request and some in the group will keep praying". 

The main thing is this, people and situations receive prayer. Some will never know that they were prayed for. The Holy Spirit is in charge of this gathering and leads the group to pray for different things and many people. 

Matthew 18:20 For where tow or more are gathered in my name, I am there with them. 

A young boy who none of us know is being prayed for due to massive burns sustained in an automobile accident. Someone asked us to pray for him and we will never meet him, but pray we did, and praying we are. A young couple who visited the church last night and are setting a wedding date were prayed for.  

Some folks say that Christianity is boring and too restricted. I say, come and join us once a month and take a walk on the wild side. If you are able to attend a corporate style of prayer gathering do so. Take notes and see what happens, when God's people stop for a sweet hour of prayer. 


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