Friday, September 30, 2022

Prayer For Florida 9/30/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee

Hurricane Ian has struck Florida with all it's might and is now directing itself to the Georgia and South Carolina shores. Florida will be in a state of rebuilding for a long time. I still have several relational connections with Florida and have been praying for the people living there and for others in Ian's path. 

Soon emergency supplies will be heading there by the truck loads. Do what you can to help. Every little bit adds up to a lot cumulatively. This is a time when all Americans should rally together and do what they can. 

Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. 

Have a great day!


Thursday, September 29, 2022

God's Escape Plan 9/29/2022

 Good Morning,

My mug was just filled with Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. There is a song on my heart and a smile on my face. 

1 Corinthians 10"13 No temptation has overtaken you, except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with that temptation will also make the way of escape, that you mat be able to bear it. 

Every time we are tempted to go down the wrong path in life, we are also provided a way to escape from the temptation. The first exit route that comes to mind is something we learned while beginning to speak as a toddler. We learn to say NO!!!! as one of the first words in our vocabulary. 

But as promised God always provides an exit plan to temptation. If you were one who suffers from alcoholism but still enjoys a Wisconsin Fish fry, you don't have to purchase your fish fry from a tavern. There are plenty of places that serve food and not alcohol. 

So what does 1 Corinthians 10:13 do for us? It takes away every excuse we can come up with as to why we succumbed to temptation.  

So when tempted look for the escape plan and you will find it.


Tuesday, September 27, 2022

On Our Way Home 9/28/2022

 Good Morning,

I just filled a cup with Door County Maple Coffee and the day has started. 

Yesterday was our wedding anniversary and the two of us slipped away for a day in Door County Wisconsin. I was uneasy about going for some reason and I actually cut the trip short from three days to one day. I should have followed my gut and not have gone at all.

Leviticus 19:34 You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you. And you shall love him as yourself., for you also were once stranger in the land. 

Yesterday after breakfast Rene and I went to see an old lighthouse and enjoy some picture taking and history. The first sign we should have stayed home was that it was raining a little. We donned rain gear and went on the tour. Half way through the tour I could tell that Rene wasn't doing well. She asked me to help her walk to the truck and said she needed some rest. 

By the time we arrived at the truck it was evident that we needed medical help. She was very lethargic and crying. The closest hospital was 35 miles away. We made the trip in 40 minutes and were greeted at the emergency entrance.  Rene was whisked away while I parked the truck and did some of the paperwork. I called family and friends and requested prayer for her. Rene is a Type 1 Diabetic and her blood sugar was super high and her insulin pump was not delivering insulin to her. It took all day to get that blood sugar under control. The hospital staff were not just good, they were great and her care was an answer to my prayer. 

So we will head home and have one more experience under our belts and an anniversary we will never forget. My point for the day is this. We were strangers visiting in a land far from home. Yet the nurses and doctors treated us like we lived there or were family members. Will you do the same today if needed? If someone needs you can you treat them like family? I left that hospital feeling like I had just been treated to the best they could do!


Hey Hon. Another Year. 9/27/2022

 Good Morning,

A hot mug of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee is sitting next to me as I write today. I have a lot of plans for today. 

Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield, in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped, and with my song, I give thanks to Him.

Many, many years ago on September 27th I received the blessing of my wife joining with me in marriage. I knew on our first date that she was special and I wanted to explore where that first date would take us. Our first date was on August 11th and just before Valentines Day 7 months after that first date  I asked her to marry me. We wouldn't finalize that deal until September almost two years later. 

We bought our first modest home the same month right after our wedding and established a plan to purchase some land and build a home some day. Our goal was to be five years, but we had to wait 8 years to see that dream come true. 

I almost lost her one time to a waterborne pathogen that placed her in a coma for three days. What I am trying to say here is this. Although some things had to wait and not all days were filled with sunshine and roses we endured the good and the bad together. The main thing is that our faith in God, although tested quite often sustained this couple through thick and thin. I remember praying at her hospital bedside and not knowing what the next morning would bring or if we were to have another morning together. I found myself thanking God for the seven years we had. I could not imagine those seven years without her. Of course I was praying for her to be healed, but yet I knew that God had blessed me with more than I deserved. 

Today I am thankful for the extended years he has blessed us with, I want to say publicly Thank You Lord I am blessed beyond measure. 


Monday, September 26, 2022

Just A Short Walk 9/26/2022

 Good Morning,

I can't help but enjoy a hot cup of Door County Vanilla Cream Brulee Coffee and some biscuits with honey. It is time to write. 

I took our two dogs out for a short walk this morning and it did not take long for me to know that I was going to be wet from the damp grass. The two dogs hit that wet grass at full throttle and were soon soaked.

Lesson learned was this. Days like these require water proof footwear. But in the quiet of the early morning, I concluded that God had made this morning and I was blessed to have time to reflect. There is nothing like an early morning to take advantage of the quiet and time spent with God. 

Psalm 46:1-2  10 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the Earth be removed. And thought the mountains are carried into the sea. 10. Be still and know that I am God. 

So today if you are emotionally stressed, God's clear and very pointed answer is this. Stop, be still and remember who is on your side. 


Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Only One. 9/25/2022

 Good Morning,

The house is nice and quiet, just the way I like it on a Sunday morning. I filled a special mug of mine with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and it is super hot. Cherry Creme was the first coffee I tasted from the Door County Coffee Company many years ago. It has a special place in my heart.

Exodus 34:14 For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. 

When it comes to your heart, mind and souls, God does not like to share. When God issued the Ten Commandments to Moses and He shared them with the Israelites, they were His instructions for life. They are just as important today as they were many years ago. 

Exodus 34;14 tells us just how serious God is about His personal relationship with each person. God makes no room for idol worship within our lives. He doesn't need us to stroke His ego with worship. However he doesn't want us to worship anything but Him. Worshipping Him is the best thing you can encounter on a daily basis. 

When I at first think of idol worship, I picture a golden calf like statue and people bowing and praying to it.  But idol worship can be much more subtle. An idol is anything for which you have a deeper devotion than for God.  This can be another person, your house, job, power, hobby, money and the one that most people do not consider, Yourself! 

We have a tendency to promote ourselves into the role of Chief Commander of our lives and we make ourselves into our own little idols. We decide what is best for us, and go outside of God's will and His commandments. We justify our sins in our minds and forgive ourselves through our own self serving  justifications. The Ten Commandments aren't a list of recommendations, they are just what they are,  Commandments. They are not to be debated, but lived. Here is a little test, that you might call extreme. But it makes my point. Look into the junk drawer or pen and pencil cup in your home. How many pens might be in that cup or drawer that belong to the company you work for? Yes. it is just a pen, but it was supposed to be a promotion used for the customers. Not for you to take home. When you pass a sign on the grocery store and it says to take ONE for a sample and try it. Do you take two? Yes, a little legalistic here but I made my point. Two commandments were broken. One, you decided that God did not know best and you chose to break another commandment of "Thou shall not steal". Thus you made yourself the "Idol Of The Moment" 

So today, put yourself in the right place and God in His and see of your part of the world seems clearer in your head. You are not God!

Have a great day. 


Saturday, September 24, 2022

At The End Of Your Arm 9/24/2022

 Good Afternoon,

I am way, way late with my blog today due to some work  and a little hunting. I did however enjoy a great Thermos Bottle full of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. 

Proverbs 11:25 Whoever brings blessings will be enriched, and one who waters will he himself be watered. 

My mother had a saying that seemed to be directed mostly at me instead of my siblings. I would ask her for help with something and she would tell me to look at the end of my right arm. "If you are looking for a helping hand you have one on your right arm". 

She explained to me that she never wanted me to be helpless and if I was ever going to learn anything I should try to do it by myself and not to depend on other. She was correct in her thinking and it drove me to try things and learn from my experiences. If she saw me working hard at it and not succeeding she would then offer help and teach me what she knew. The whole teaching lesson was usually hands on for me and was remembered much longer that way. 

I practice that with others now and I will show them how to succeed at a task and teach whenever it is called for. I push them to become self sufficient  and to have pride in doing things for themselves. 

All too often we think that we are helping by doing everything for those who need some guidance and instruction. This causes people to be dependent upon you and in the long run, you haven't helped them at all. So teach when you can. Help if necessary, but let people be independent instead of depending on others. They will be more in line and ready for the future. 


Friday, September 23, 2022

Three Simple Words. Don't Give Up 9/23/2022

 Good Morning,

What a contrast in weather we are seeing today. It is a clear morning and I can still see the stars on this chilly morning. My cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee is doing double duty as it wakes me up and warms me up. 

Genesis 18:14 Is anything to hard for the Lord to do? 

We come to many crossroads on our journey through life. I see my life as a road that had a start, and it will have an end some day. The road of life is not always a straight one and we have many detours to navigate. I usually find that with actual travels, whenever I come to a detour there just doesn't seem to be enough signs to convince you that you are on the correct road. There always is the temptation to change course and go another route. In many instances for me, all that happens then is that I get lost. I find out that I was just another mile away from getting back on the highway if I had kept going. 

We need to not give up or give in too soon. I have missed out on God's answer to my prayers by giving up and choosing a new route. In one case the answer for a new job, was just days away. I did not know that and I moved on to a secondary choice which was a huge mistake. 

I once was going to take out a loan to cover some debt and make payments easier. I had made an appointment to do so. I agonized about it and was miserable. I did not know that a bonus was coming from an investment I made years before and it arrived just in time. I was able to back out from the loan without any harm. 

Today if your road has health issues in it, don't quit. If today's road finds you lonely, don't quit. If the road seems dark and the nights are too long, don't quit. You might just miss God's answer. 


Thursday, September 22, 2022

A Man Named Marcus 9/22/2022

 Good Morning,

I wish we could all sit down this morning to a cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee with bacon and eggs. I bet the world could get along better if we all ate breakfast together.

Romans 2:13 For it is not hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but doers of the law who will be justified. 

Tuesday evening I was in a hurry to get to our Men's Bible study at church and I was running a couple minutes late. As I pulled out of the driveway toward the city road I could see that a car was limping down the road at the intersection. It was obvious that the left front tire was definitely in need of air. I was ready to turn left and get around this car and head to church but a voice in my head said "what is wrong with you'? I stopped and let the window down on my truck. I waved to the driver and he got out of his car and walked to me. I had him follow me to our house just 100 yards away to our garage and our air compressor.  We introduced ourselves and soon the tire was filled. The young man was named Marcus. He was very surprised to have received help. The closest air compressor at a gas station is one mile away. He would not have made it. Marcus let me know quickly that he had just prayed and asked to be able to make it to the gas station. I laughed and said " I guess He brought the air to you!"

There is a lesson learned here and I am ashamed that I was the one that had to learn it. It didn't say much for me that I was going to drive around someone in distress and especially with something I could help with just to get to church on time. Is it more important to study the Bible or do what it says to do? I do believe the Bible teaches to love thy neighbor, not drive by them while in distress and go to church. 

The lesson was learned. The compressor was put away and I actually still made it on time to church. Marcus and I prayed together in the driveway and shook hands. 

Have a great day. Spread a little kindness. 


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Waiting For Frost 9/21/2022

 Good Morning.

The morning mug is filled with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee and my heart is full of ambition. Let's see how far I can get on coffee and ambition.

Job 37:9-10 From it's chamber comes the whirlwind, and cold from the scattering winds. 10. For by the breath of God Ice is given and broad waters frozen fast. 

The one thing that cures my fall allergies is a hard frost. So each year I eagerly await for the morning that brings some frozen grass for me to walk on. Shortly after that first frost the sneezing, itchy eyes, and runny nose are gone. The leaves begin to fall more rapidly after that frost. The colder weather is the lead horse in drawing us into winter. 

Our yard once green and full of life goes to sleep and hibernates until spring. It has completed a full circle once more. 

So as I await the annual cure, I ponder what might be in store for the winter. Lot's of snow? Below zero temperatures? Unusual warm weather? Only God knows and it will be revealed soon enough. But it is gladdening to be able to see God paint the leaves with color, and let the Earth rest in this part of the land.  Bring on the winter. It always leads to spring.


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Holding Down Too Many Jobs 9/20/2022

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee awaits me once I am finished writing this morning. 

Many people hold down one, two, and three jobs to make ends meet and pay their bills. I for one have had to do that a time or two myself. But there are some jobs that we hold down that we could easily abandon and by abandoning one of them we actually can improve our health an disposition.

We can get awfully worn out by playing God. We self appoint ourselves to be the judge, jury and executioner for those who have harmed us. The world spins every day without our input or balancing abilities. Somethings are best left up to God and we are less tired and cranky when we do so. 

Romans 12:19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine. I will repay, says the Lord"!

So take a break from the job you work to hard at and aren't qualified to do anyway. It is one less thing on your plate. Stop the heavy lifting and burden of playing God.


Monday, September 19, 2022

Let The Sun Shine And You Smile. 9/19/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with an early start and a hot cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and a lot of tasks to do. 

Proverbs 13-14 A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is crushed. 

Yesterday our church held it's annual picnic/anniversary celebration. It was well attended and I for one liked seeing a lot of people enjoying a day of sunshine and pleasant weather with family and friends. All week long prior to the day the weather forecasters warned us of the threat of rain on Sunday. When I woke up yesterday it was spitting some rain at our house. My spirit was a little damp when I saw that. 

We had been praying all week long that we would not have the picnic rained out. God granted our request and it did not rain and the sun came out and was shining through the trees. 

We had a small group of folks assembled and our task was to roast the corn, and grill the burgers and hot dogs. A couple of our team members helped to serve the food. They were awesome to work with and they too saw many of the same smiling faces I witnessed. I guess for me, it was the best part just to see the problems and concerns of people stop long enough to gather together and celebrate another year of our church being together. Our church is a non denominational Christian assembly and although financially afloat, not a rich church. But yesterday I saw riches that cannot be measured. I guess you could say I measured the love by the smiling faces. 

So today as you walk about your part of this world, a smile on your face just might be the blessing to another person's day. 

God bless,


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Just So You Know. You Are Special 9/18/2022

 Good Morning,

I am siting comfortably at my desk in our den and sipping on a hot mug of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. As usual. it is very quiet here on a Sunday morning. 

It's time to just admit that we aren't perfect all the time and probably most of the time. Think about the last time you snapped at someone, or threw yourself a pity party and invited everyone to take part in your misery. How about the last time you shared some gossip with someone? There might have been a day last week when just a little lie was told. or you took a twenty minute break at work instead of the allotted 10 minute one. 

We aren't perfect and we fall off of the proverbial horse of righteousness all too often. But one nice and beautiful thing to know is a hard cold fact. Despite our bad attitudes and selfish behaviors, God still loves us and nothing can separate us from that love. 

Romans 8:39. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, can separate us from the love of God which is found in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 

Take some time to enjoy your coffee and munch on some biscuits with honey and know just how special you are! Get out that biscuit cutter and have at it!


Saturday, September 17, 2022

Being Content. It's One Of the Hardest Things To Do. 9/17/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began slowly and it is picking up some steam as I write and sip on a hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee. Moving slow seems like a good idea today.

Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in regard to need , for I have learned that whatever state I am, to be content.

Contentment! I believe contentment to be just one of those elusive traits that we need, but just don't seem to be able to wrap our arms around it. For instance, We have an automobile and it runs just fine, but age is beginning to show more dents and rust than when it was new. A snappy version of a new car catches our eye and soon we desire that car and are no longer content to have a paid for, reliable ride.

Our spiritual lives can be looked at the same way. If God were only to do the one and most important thing we need and that is His saving grace, would we be content with Him? You see he has already laid out the plan of wiping away our sins through the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ His Son. The whosever would call upon His name shall be saved. The ultimate gift of His grace is ours for the taking. If that were it, and only it, would that be enough? Would we be content? 

Yet we come before His throne with request upon request. I need a new job. Help me! I desire to find a spouse. Help me!. I was introduced to my ailment named Cancer. Rid me of it! And yes oh yes, God does tell us to make our requests known to Him. But how do we react when the answer is no, or we have to wait for what seems to be forever? Do we start to dine on the pill of bitterness, disappointment, or anger? Do we start our own "whiner of the month club"?

Having been given the grace of forgiveness, pardon, and then eternal life in heaven, dare we grumble about a car or and aching body? If you are sitting down and are reading this today via the internet, drinking a cup of coffee, with a full belly, you have been extended grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing. What if His answer is, My Grace of forgiveness is sufficient, can you be content?

Some food for thought. God bless,


Friday, September 16, 2022

Fear Just Isn't On The Menu 9/16/2022

 Good Morning,

I have just sat down to write and I only have a few minutes before I leave to go hunting. My coffee will be imbibed upon in my goose blind this morning. I am looking forward to a stiff cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend.

When God created us He wired us to experience fear, but not to be ruled by it. It makes sense that the God of everything would also be able to walk us through the fears that come our way. Yet many folks let fear rule them and dictate their every move. They often become depressed by situations that arise.

When we accept fear as the norm,  and we examine why it is part of our reactions to life, it is probably that our walk with God is not where it should be. There is some sin in our lives that prevents us from bowing to Him and letting Him walk us through the dark valleys. We are afraid that because of our sin there is no way He is there for us. We put limits on the love of God for us. Yes, it is always best to deal with the sin in our lives and with a clean slate we hold our head high in trials, never fearing. 

Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things. If God be for us. who can be against us? 

2 Timothy 1:17 For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, love and self control.

1John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer, with supplication and thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7.And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

If you are in the grips of fear and worries, start with the basics and check to see if you are walking with God. If not, correct your heart and watch the fear dwindle. 


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Making The Same Mistake Over And Over Again 9/15/2022

 Good Morning,

Today I broke in the new coffee maker with some Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. It's good to be drinking this one today!

I don't know about you, but there have been times in my life where I make a mistake and for some goofy reason, instead of learning from it, I make the mistake again. I believe there are a few reasons for repeating mistakes.

1. We just aren't too bright in the brain department.

2. We actually think we won't make the same mistake by traveling on the same road of destruction.

3. We do the same thing over and over again hoping for different results.

4. We are just too stubborn to admit we made a mistake.

5. We like misery.

Whatever the reason for making repeated mistakes it just boils down to being foolish. I will go on the record as saying, "I believe mistakes are valuable life lessons". But only if we learn from them. 

A mistake that has taught us a lesson in no lesson at all if we don't heed and put the knowledge to use.  Compounded this way. A Mistake without applying the knowledge learned is just another mistake. 

So today my friends. Out with the old and in with the new. Ask God to lead you away from repeating mistakes. 

Amos 3:7 " For the Lord does nothing without revealing His secret to his servants. "

Have a great day. 


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

There Comes A Time When You Just Have To Give Up 9/14/2022

 Good Morning,

A little different experience with my coffee this morning. Last night my wife had an accident that broke the glass pot on our coffee maker. I had to resort to days of old and use the antique percolator on the stove. I believe this is a lost art! So as I spit out some coffee grounds, it is time to write.

A wise pastor once asked me who I spend most of my time assisting with my ministries at church. I told him about how much time some families were consuming and he asked me if I see any progress with them. I told him that I saw progress with three out of four people. He asked me which one I spent the most time with. I told him "the one with no change or progress" He went on to counsel me and say "only God can tell you when to quit. But don't let pride cause you to stick it out when it is hopeless until this person or persons  want to change. Leave them to their sin and wait to see how they will be broken by the weight of their own foolishness." 

I never really took that message too seriously until just lately when I am constantly losing sleep and much time to people who don't desire to live Biblically and without selfishness within their lives. The wise pastor read to me these verses.  

1 John 3:9-10 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him. and he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil. Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. 

Romans 1:21-22, 24  For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise they became fools. 24. Then God gave them up to their evil desires. 

Food for thought. Invest your time where you see a return on your efforts. 


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

How High Is The Water Man? 9/13/2022

 Good Morning,

I am awake and ready to start the day. My choice of beverage for the morning is Door County Cream Brulee Coffee. It is time to write. 

My day began with prayer and thankfulness. We have been in a severe rain for a couple of days and the small creek behind us is quite swollen and definitely is a hazard to avoid. So far so good with no damage I know of. But areas around us are flooded . We have witnessed this before and I recall one time when we were at the ready to leave our home. We moved all the valuables that we could to the second floor to at least try and save them. As soon as we moved the items, the sun came out and within an hour or so the water started to recede a half of an inch and continued to go down for a day.

We have an extra sump pump on the shelf and we test the other two quite often. I for one would evacuate if told to do so. 

Proverbs 3:21 My child, don't lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them. 

The point I am making here today is that we all know what is common to our region and the potential for natural disasters. I would be a fool to not have a snow shovel in our vehicles while living in a region that can and has had large snowfalls. So take one of the blessings God has wired within all of us and use it. That blessing would be "Common Sense" . You can't prepare for everything but you can be prepared for what you know could happen. My wife and I have practiced tornado drills and fire evacuations together. We keep some food on the shelves and can weather out a snow storm if needed. Extra water and some warm blankets in the car for winter are great insurance while winter traveling. There are so many good ways to be prepared for the what if's in life. If you look them up you could go to the extreme in being prepared real easy. But use common sense. It is the gift we all possess and for some, rarely use. One of my pet peeves is to see folks with fancy sportscars as their only mode of transportation. Not too bright if you live in a state that gets ravaged with snow and ice. Usually I see them in the ditch or as the cause of a pile up on the highway in the first snowstorm. Lovely vehicle, but useless in the snow. 

God made us to think and many times the Holy Spirit warns us of the potential for danger and then leads us to a choice on how to act. It is a fool who does not listen and prepare if possible.

Think it through and be prepared if you can.


Monday, September 12, 2022

A Little Comfort Food And Some Time 9/12/2022

 Good Morning,

Monday snuck up on me today and I need a hot cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee to push me toward being productive this morning.  

I have mentioned before that I do over 90% of the cooking in our marriage and it doesn't bother me to do so. I find cooking to be a little relaxing. At times I struggle like many do to keep a variety of meals without getting stuck in a rut and eating the same thing over and over again. I am also sure that the cooks in the family also experience the same answers that I get when I ask my wife what she would like to eat for the week. "Whatever you make will be fine with me". is the answer I receive, which doesn't really help. But last week Rene asked me if I could remember the last time we ate meatloaf and I had to admit that I didn't know. That is her way of saying that she would like some meatloaf. So when I announced that meatloaf was on the menu for last night she was all smiles. Her next question did not surprise me either. She inquired sweetly asking me if I would be staying home to watch the Green Bay Packer football Game. I knew right then and there that something was wrong and she desired her best beloved comfort food  and some of my time needed to be spent with her. 

1st. Corinthians 9:22 I have become all things to all people said Paul, that I might by all means save some. 

I asked her later last night if she was doing ok and she replied that she was ok, but worried about family members who are struggling a little right now. She told me her fears and and just asked that we pray together. She did not want to talk it out, but to pray it out together. To be honest, I am not sure if all that made much difference. I did see her sound asleep in a chair catching up on her rest. She also has had some trouble sleeping. 

So my point for today is this. Know the signals that are sent your way by family or friends. Take time to honor their needs if you can do so. I never thought that a pan of meatloaf combined with prayer could be a sedative for the soul. But in all honesty, know the signals that are sent when people are too proud to just say what is on their minds. Don't be afraid to ask. The flood gates of knowledge just might open and illuminate the thoughts on their heart. 

God bless,


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Love In Action 9/11/2022

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and there is a a hot cup of Door County Black And Tan Coffee warming me up on this rainy Sunday morning. 

Today I will do two things with my writing today and the first one is to remember what happened on September 11th 2001. Commonly known a 9/11 . Four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks were carried out by the militant Islamic extremist network al-Qaeda against the United States. There were 2996 deaths from that terrible attack. To this day people are still dying from injuries and dust related to the attack. My prayers are with those who survived and for those who lost loved ones on that fateful day. 

We will never forget.

My second thought of the day is to write about a friend of ours named Howard. This 89 year old guy is a member of our church and is a bundle of energy to this day. Howard is now confined to a wheel chair and has lost his sight in both eyes. But let me tell you a little bit about him. He receives a ride to church service on Saturdays and to Bible study from another loving couple who have befriended him and watch out for him. Howard still sings with a few men who lead worship at our Saturday night service. He also attends and contributes to our monthly prayer meeting. Some of you reading this were prayed for by Howard and you will never know it. He is still very lively and enjoys a good steak dinner. 

Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 

What I admire most about Howard took place over many years. Howard was married to his wife Mary for over fifty years. Mary has gone on to be with the Lord  now for several years. Howard was himself a lot healthier back then. His lovely wife was crippled up and also confined to a wheel chair. Howard made sure to dress her up and bring her to church every week. As her health became worse and she needed more care than Howard could give, Mary went to live in a nursing home facility. Howard was there to visit with her every day for several years. Through good weather and bad weather he was there for her. Now and then we would all go out to a small diner and for awhile Mary could still do that. Howard was there to cut up her food and clean her face with a napkin. 

If you would spend five minutes with Howard you would know that He loves God and is a good man. Despite being blind and at the mercy of caregivers, family and friends, he still has a joke on  his lips and kind words come from him. He still builds up those he encounters. When I see Howard I see years of devotion and love when I recall how he took care of Mary.

Men, we could all learn a lot from Howard about faithfulness and attitude. When I think of all the men who influenced my life I will always have a soft spot for this image of love in action.


Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Good Man With A Tough Job 9/10/2022

Good Morning,

My morning found me in the goose blind hunting with family. I was able to share one cup of my Door County Black and Tan Coffee with my soon to be niece in law. No geese were taken, but a good time was still had by all of us. 


Genesis 6:9 this is the account of Noah and his family.  Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God. 

God had finally had enough with the wicked of the world at the time of Noah. God decided to send a rain that would flood the world and kill off the wicked except for Noah and his family and two of every creature. Noah was told to construct an ark that would be able to withstand the flood and save the animals and Noah's family. 

Noah did as he was told and God did exactly what He said he would do. Can you imagine the ridicule Noah experienced when he was asked by everyone else "just what are you doing Noah"? His family had to experience the ridicule as well. It takes a strong man to withstand ridicule for standing on God's promises and going ahead living on the Word of  God.

I ask you this as food for thought. When it comes to living the life of a Godly person and when it comes to making a choice between the world and God are you strong enough to always do the right thing and choose the narrow road instead of choosing the easy highway of life? What can keep you from attending church? What lame excuse do you have this week? 

Food for thought. Wouldn't you like to be known as someone who walks with God?


Friday, September 9, 2022

The World Watches And A Nation Hurts 9/9/2022

 Good Morning,

Our two Springer Spaniels are just full of themselves this morning and I am sipping on a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. It must be time to write. 

Yesterday Queen Elizabeth of England passed away and the whole world took notice of the death of this leader from the UK. My deepest sympathy goes out to her family and the citizens of the United Kingdom. Leaders from around the world are observing her death and placing honor on her life. In the United States the flag at the white house is at half staff. And as many in this world are mourning, collectively millions upon millions, even if they all united in one body together they cannot bring her back. There already is a new King and Queen Elizabeth will be remembered for a long time by many. 

I for one will probably never see another person who's life and death will be honored as much as this fine lady's will. She will be honored as a queen should be and the royal reign will be passed on to her son as King. 

My point for today is this. As much as the world pays their respect to her only one other will ever have the whole world on their knees. And that is because of His return. 

Isaiah 45:23 By myself I have sworn, from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: To me every knee shall bow and every tongue swear allegiance. 

Philippians 2:10-11 So at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesu Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the father. 

Revelation 1:7 Behold, he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, and all tribes of the earth will wail, on account of Him. 

Only One has risen from the grave and we will all  see the return of the King of Kings. 

Food for thought. Are you ready to see Him?


Thursday, September 8, 2022

A Sweater To Remember 9/8/2022

 Good Morning,

This day began with a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and some Cheerios smothered in yogurt for breakfast . Come Saturday my breakfast will be a little less boring. 

Yesterday I wrote about how my mother in law at 95 years old won three ribbons in the county fair with her crochet work. I mentioned also that she had constructed a blaze orange sweater for me many years ago so I would be warm while deer hunting. The blaze orange color really stands out in the woods like an orange beacon. that sweater not only keeps me warm but it also keeps me from being shot accidentally. No one could mistake this orange covered hunter for a deer. 

The needle work is quite intricate and once you put that sweater on, you had better be outside in the cold. 

I often do some of my deepest thinking while out in the duck or deer blind. This sweater is actually heavy and the weight is noticeable. But when that wind kicks up and some sleet is in the air I am wrapped in warmth and protection. 

This sweater has reminded me that during some rough times in my life God's arms are wrapped around me and he covers me with His majesty and despite the ravaging storms He stands with me and doesn't leave. 

Psalms 91:4 The Passion Translation  His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under His covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm. 

Something to make you think!


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Always Amazing 9/7/2022

 Good Morning,

It is really a great way to wake up just by smelling the Door County Chocolate Cherry brewing in the kitchen. There is just a faint residual odor of the apples that were dried yesterday as well. Some people like the aroma of flowers and I guess that is ok as well. But as for me, give me the smell of morning coffee.

1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift use it to serve on another. 

Those of you who follow my blog, will know that for the last few months we have been nursing my mother in law back to health after she experienced a fall on the stairs as she was headed to church. It has been a long haul and  her leg is looking much better, but not quite fully healed. Different living arrangements had to be made for her well being and safety. She is now residing in an assisted living facility. That change has been a slow process, because in her mind as anyone of us would feel, "There is no place like home". Her new home has not been fully adopted into her mind and heart. But that too is coming along. I Thank everyone for the prayers for her and our family. 

One of the things that has always amazed me about her is the talent she possesses to crochet beautiful items of usefulness or clothing. I am sitting next to one of the quits she made as a gift for me. Mother always liked to enter some of her crafts, which also were  also baked goods or canned goods into the annual Walworth County Fair competitions. I recall one year when she had entered over 130 items for judging and came home with many award ribbons. This year however, our 95 year old patriarch was laid up during what would be her "season of production." She did manage to have five items completed and was able to enter them right at the deadline. I am here to brag on her a little bit. Three out of the five entries placed in the competition and she took home another three ribbons. 

Very soon it will be getting colder in this part of the world and I will once again need to dress warmer  as I go out to hunt. Mother has equipped me with items of blaze orange or camouflage in color to keep my neck, head and feet warm. I was looking at some of them yesterday and thanked the Lord for the one who made them. One year she made a sweater for me to deer hunt in and I wore it a few times. But I always felt guilty wearing it because of all the hard work and the beauty of the needle work. I was afraid it would receive stains from spilled coffee or deer blood if I was blessed to have harvested one. I will make it a goal to show a photo of the sweater this week. Featured today is the quilt that adorns an old rocking chair. It has been known to leave that chair and warm me up during times of illness and very cold days as I sit in the den writing. 

My point for the day is this. If you possess a talent, share it with others. Very soon when that cold wind is tossing my duck decoys around, my neck, head, and hands will be warm. My heart will be warm also with the thought of the hands that made these beautiful items. Take time to warm some hearts.

God bless,


Tuesday, September 6, 2022

It Gets Paid Back Someday 9/6/2022

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is next to me and it is time to write. 

I have many mistakes in my life that I can learn from and I do believe what goes around comes around. In my past I have been consumed by my vocation and work just seemed to interfere with life, such as family, rest and church. I am not condemning anyone for working hard. I am just letting you know that when you leave the family to entertain themselves because you "just have to work" they do learn how to live without you. Later, when you have time to live life, they learned by watching you to overwork and put life on hold until "a better time". 

2 Corinthians 9/6/2022 The point is this. Whoever sows sparingly, will also reap sparingly. But whoever sows bountifully will reap bountifully. 

Friends I have news for you. No one on their death bed ever said "I wish I would have worked more hours". Yes, do a good job, pay your bills, and work to live, not live to work.  Place this in the back of your mind. "You reap what you sow". It might take some time, but what you have sown will return to you in one form or another. 

Food for thought.


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Headed To The Field. 9/5/2022

 Good Morning,

What a nice day we had yesterday. A small family get together with my wife's side of the family was held in our home and it was very nice. So today as I write and drink some Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee I will ponder the happenings of yesterday. 

This morning finds me ready to hunt and I will be headed out to meet some good friends and pursue some geese together. It is a fall ritual that I hope I never out grow tired of or get too old to participate. My youngest dog Leo will be going out with me and it will be hard to leave the older one behind. But Leo needs the experience and Gibbs has plenty of that. 

So my goal for today is to enjoy myself, and time with my friends. I will look at this day as a blessing from God and see his handiwork within nature. It's hard to go out and see the things I have seen from the goose blind and not know that there is a God who is greater than all of His creation, The geese honking in the distance is a great reminder as to how great God is. And then to be able to gather with some guys that I have known for a long time is always more than a blessing. 

You see, for me this trip is more than a jaunt into a field and shooting some geese. It is quality time spent in prayer and time spent with my hunting family. 

That coffee in the blind is sure going to taste good. 


Late Night Song Dedications 9/4/2022

 Good Morning,

This is my kind of morning for sure. It' s nice and cool outside and that makes the Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee taste even better. It is warmth for the body and for me it is a comfort that soothes my soul. 

I am just old enough to recall the AM radio  being our biggest source of music. I owned a small transistor radio and would often be listening to it through an ear phone, late at night when I should have been sleeping. 

Romans 12"15 Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep. 

Back in the day the late night disc jockeys would give out the phone number that you could call and actually talk with them. They would listen to you for a few seconds and let you pour out your heartaches and then they would either play the song you requested or you could request a song for someone else. Many a person who wanted to express their love for someone did it on these radio shows. Back then the Vietnam war  was in full motion and girls would pledge their undying love over the radio for their soldier. It was probably one in a million chance that the person who was the recipient of the dedication would actually be listening at the same time  and hear the love message. 

Other requests were made many times for the caller because that song would help them through a break up experience  that was tearing them up on the inside. I did sneak to the phone one night and call a radio station in Chicago and request a song for a girl I had a crush on. I wanted the world to know that I had feelings for this sweetheart.  It kind of backfired, because back then they did not give out toll free telephone numbers and long distance calls were not free. I remember my dad looking through the itemized phone bill and saying "Who in the heck is calling Chicago"? I kept my calls from that time forward to only the local stations. 

Now if you are reading this today and you can recall those radio request times and speaking to a disc jockey who seemed to care about your heartaches or your love life, then you are pretty old just like me. 

My point I am driving home for today is this. It is so easy to communicate now days. Email, phone calls, ZOOM video meetings, score boards at the ball game, social media,  and many other ways including snail mail. I see many announcements and proclamations of love on Face Book and I think it is a great thing to do so. 

So why would anyone not know how you are doing, or you wonder how someone else is doing?  Communicate to those you love and care about, but I still believe the best way to express your love if at all possible is to do it in person . There is nothing sweeter than saying to your spouse while driving somewhere with the radio playing, " Every time I hear this song I think of you". You can make your own song dedications and if by chance you are hurting within your heart, let someone know and hopefully that one person will respond and say "I know. How can I help"? 

Friends be that disc jockey your friends or family can call 24/7 to share their heartache or needs. Be willing to pray with them.  Share a Bible verse or two or with them or share a song that soothes the heart and soul. Join God's radio station. WLFY With Love For You. 


Saturday, September 3, 2022

Words Cannot Always Express How We Feel 9/3/2022

 Good Morning,

Wow! The sound of the Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee brewing in the kitchen woke me up this morning and the aroma has my nose on high alert. I am ready to write. 

Numbers 6:24 -26 The Lord bless you and keep you. 25.Thr Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. 26. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. 

Have you ever had to say goodbye to someone and just before you speak your eyes start to leak and it becomes hard to swallow. You know that feeling and it is the feeling of sadness. You look the other person in the eye and they are experiencing the same trauma of the heart and words just don't seem to fit the occasion. 

I used to get angry with myself for not being able to say something brilliant or meaningful. I avoided saying goodbye to people and just got busy with leaving. As I ponder life today I am convinced that those tough goodbyes  should not be avoided and no one really expects any brilliance during a time of a hurt in the heart. Make the goodbyes count and make plans for a return if possible. Pass on a hug or a squeeze of the hand. Remember this, your loved one or dear friend is feeling the same way, But don't avoid it that promise of "we will see you soon or again" means a lot to both parties. Try to etch the next visit into the calendar as soon as possible. Once it hits the calendar it is more likely to happen. 

Food for thought.


Friday, September 2, 2022

Hutspot To Eat 9/2/2022

 Good Morning,

Friday came in like a lamb today and I can tell you this for sure. I wish I was hunting instead of working today. I would love to be in the field today and sipping on a hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee.

I am thinking about having a get together pot luck style. The attendees would agree before hand to reach into a hat and pull out a note with the name of a country on it. Then they would make a dish native to that country. 

While doing some research on what some different countries eat, I looked up some food from the Netherlands, Basically Dutch cuisine. One particular dish stood out as something I would like. I would bet anything that it would really hit the spot on a cold day,

 Hutspot is a dish made from mashed potatoes, carrots and onions that is one of the staples of traditional Dutch cuisine.

I think this could be fun and also serve to broaden our horizons and add diversity to our meals. Each person would share copies of the recipe they use.

Why am I writing about this today? One reason is this. I can. My second reason is to give folks and idea for a simple, yet good time. I believe friends should gather together and possibly invite some people that you don't know very well. A new neighbor is a friend you just haven't made yet. My goal today is to encourage you all to reach out and extend a hand of friendship to someone today and be nice!

Everyone likes to be included and at times we hold the key to their inclusion. Think about it and reach out to the new family on the block, You can bet that I will make this dish in my cast iron Dutch oven,

Have a great day, 

Hutspot Recipe 


  • 2 lb potatoes  peeled and cut into large pieces
  •  lb carrots cut into large chunks.  Any color will do.
  • 1 lb white onions thinly sliced. Maybe Vidalia Onions?
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter. Right from Wisconsin.
  • ½ cup milk hot. Whole milk
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg freshly grated
  • Salt
  • Pepper freshly ground


  • Place the potatoes, carrots, bay leaf and onions in a Dutch oven and cover with water to level. Season with salt and mix.
  • Bring to a boil and cook, covered, over medium heat for 25 minutes.
  • Drain, remove the bay leaf and add all the rest into a large bowl.
  • Using a potato masher, coarsely mash all of the mixture.
  • Add the butter, milk, nutmeg and pepper. Mix.
  • Adjust the seasoning if necessary and serve.
  • You can serve Hutspot with a sausage such as a ring bologna. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Good Ideas And Practices Were Shared 9/1/2022

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and next to me is one hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee, Our two Springer Spaniels are on the floor at my feet with full bellies  and one is snoring. It is time to write. 

Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the Lord saying, "whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said. "Here am I send me."

Last night I attended a short meeting at our church for those who lead small group ministries /studies. It was pretty well attended and  I believe the goal of the meeting was met. We were encouraged by one of our pastors who has the small groups on his platter of ministries. He gave us a pep talk, and thanks. In addition he shared some thoughts on what leaders of the groups should do. It was great advice and can be used to enhance our time with the members of the mall groups. I took it all in and was quite pleased and content to have been there. 

Toward the end of the meeting the attendees shared ideas and knowledge with each other for a good fifteen minutes. There were within this group many personality styles and some shared knowledge, some shared goals, and others asked for some solutions to minor issues. I walked away last night smiling because I had picked up one idea I will try in my group and consider trying two more, but one at a time. I felt everyone was heard and made to feel real comfortable sharing thoughts. I drove home in awe of God. Once again He has assembled a great team of people who love Him and want to serve Him. 

I look forward to this year of service within our church and I will wait see how God works through all of those small groups. 

My point of the day is this. Can your church count on you to fill the gap and serve within the body? Can you be considered to be one who cares about others? If you are on the sidelines and attend a group, can you be counted on to faithfully assist? This world is busy and we all have lots on our plates. A good group has a few workers filling roles to take the pressure off of the leader. 

A heart beats best, when it beats for others. 
