Thursday, August 31, 2023

Just Some Verses To Encourage You This Morning. 8/31/2023

 Good Morning,

My day began with a hot cup of Door County Vanilla Cappuccino and a bowl of Cheerios. It is time to write. 

I was thinking about life and how at times it can be a drag. I have compiled a short list of encouraging Bible verses to help sustain you in your journey today. 

When I am stepping into a new venture in life I read Joshua1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. 

When the world has worn me down and I am tired, I read Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. 

When I cannot find peace I read. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

When I don't feel loved I read. Jeremiah 31:3-4 The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying. "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. I will build you up again. 

If anyone needed these today I know they will help. 

God bless,


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Final Word 8/30/2023

 Good Morning,

This day started with prayer for family members. Our daughter is hunkered down in Tampa while a hurricane is pounding that state. I just poured a large, and hot cup of Door County Vanilla Cappuccino Coffee and it is time to write. 

Proverbs 12:18 There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. 

More and more people are being risk takers. I have never been one to take too much of a risk on anything. I prefer to know that the outcome will be good and I have a good chance of seeing that outcome. People are risking a lot these days, especially in relationships. 

We tend to be our own home made idols when it comes to getting the last word in and pretending or predicting the future. With marriages, and other family relationships we may expend some harsh words during a moment of heated exchanges, The word of the day, might have been intended to hurt someone and make our selfish selves feel better at the moment. But, we gamble that we know the future. No one does know the future. You don't know if when you leave your home or a family member leaves, if you or they will return. Your death or the death of a family member can happen in a nanosecond. Then your last words, were actually your last words. You departed this earth and left someone with a foul memory of you. Or they left and you can only recall the last nasty exchange of verbs and nouns. 

Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. 

Treat each day as a gift from God. Thank Him for it and for all of those in your life. Once you truly see the gifts He has given you, and if you are right with God, you will then not want to leave this world without being right with His gifts either. That last word can carry a lifetime of love, or it can carry a lifetime of hurt. Only you can control your last words to anyone!

Food for thought. 


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Sad Day On The Radio. 8/29/2023

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at my desk and I am ready to write. My cup is filled with Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee and it is doing a great job on this damp day. 

My alarm clock is the type that has either a radio station for an alarm or a loud buzzer. My choice for my wake up noise is the radio. My choice of stations for the wake up duty is an AM all talk and news broadcast. 

This morning when the alarm sounded off the first thing I heard was that an eleven year old boy was clinging to life after being run down on the street by a speeding, reckless driver. Not the best news for a wake up message. Imagine what his family is going through this morning waiting for the boy to move ahead in the healing process, or not make it at all. 

To be struck down while walking, by an automobile that was being driven out of control did not have to happen. Should this young boy die, I would have to call this murder, not an accident. 

Proverbs 14:16 One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless.

A choice was made to drive in a reckless manner, just the same as the choice someone makes to shoot another person. It is the wrong choice and should carry a heavy penalty. I am not writing an editorial on crime today, but pointing out what this world has turned to. I can't imagine another night of prayer in any church, or gathering place that doesn't include the poor choices of those impacting our streets. If this were a rare incident, it would still be sad and appalling. But it has become somewhat of a daily occurrence. People are choosing lawlessness and recklessness over living within the law and not being reckless. In short, they are denying that God exists and wrong is right. 

I am not sure of the answer to this mess on the streets, but I know when I don't have the answer it is a call for prayer. Make this day a day of prayer and pray for the lawlessness to be curbed and the appeal of evil to be overcome. 

Sad day, But it is what we have today.


Monday, August 28, 2023

Back To Normal 8/28/2023

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee . It is time to write. 

Psalm 102:27 But you are the same, and you years have no end.

Lamentations 3:22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. 

Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. 

Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. 

For the last few days my wife Rene and I have been away getting some rest and relaxation with family. Three days outside of our usual routine was much needed and proved to be beneficial for all who participated. It has been a long time since I ate breakfast that was cooked outside. During the weekend we had some time to sit by a fire and chat. We planned our next day and there was no rush to do anything. As a family we had time wo watch a little football  on television and well, I just can't say enough good things about our weekend. 

So for today in our home, we are somewhat back to normal. The grass needs to be mowed. I have some work to do for my employer, but I can do it from home. So the computer will be fired back up. We are a little low on groceries, so that chore is back. The bird feeder was filled after being empty for a couple of days. The tomatoes and peppers need to be picked. Rene said that there is a pile of laundry that will get attention today and a doctor appointment is in the mix for tomorrow. 

It is always nice to get away. But when that get away ends, there is always the return to normal. Friends, normal isn't always a bad thing. Returning to normal, makes you cherish the last outing and time away. Most important, "God willing" is that it makes you want to plan the next escape from normal. 

I found  one thing that stayed the same, and didn't change was my time spent in quiet with God. I was up early each day, with prayer, I wrote my daily blog and found my time with God to be normal. Each day I enjoy my routine, no matter where I am. God never changes and His door is always open, no matter where I am or what my day brings. 

Now that is a good normal!


Sunday, August 27, 2023

Be Real With Others And Yourself. 8/27/2023

 Good Morning,

Today is Sunday and the coffee is hot and I am ready to write. 

Being the Sabbath for many,  lots of people will be in a hurry to get to church and maybe after that some fried chicken, I have just a short message. 

Photo credit. The Organic Kitchen

Leviticus 19:18 You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, you you shall love your neighbor as yourself.: I am the Lord.

All too often we go through life setting high expectations for others and how they interact with us. And when they don't meet the bar or exceed it, we let them know it. So today go into a room with a mirror and ask yourself if you are perfect? If you answer yes, you are a liar and incapable of being real. If you can't be real with yourself, you will never be real with others.

No one is perfect and in all honesty they really don't have to live up to unreal expectations. To be real with other people, we must be ready to have them let us down as we let others down. Once we get the hard cold fact into our heads that we are not perfect and no one else is, we can live a life of relative peace and contentment. Most people really do not change when confronted with the need to change. They might do pretty well and some really do, but remember what has become a life long habit is something hard to break. Don't set expectations lest some be set for you. Be real!

So for today, seek peace without conditions. Love without expecting anything in return. 

Have a great day,


Saturday, August 26, 2023

A Walk To Remember 8/26/2023

 Good Morning,

My coffee is hot and ready to be consumed. It is time to write. I am spending time with family this weekend and coffee never hurts when starting a busy day.

Ecclesiastes 7:14 When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad , consider this; God has made one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future. 

Pictured is the church where my parents were married back in the 1950's. The church is rarely used now and the property is overgrown with foliage. Of course I wasn't there ,but have a few photos of the young couple and some of my relatives. They did not know what life would bring nor how long it would last. I know the rest of the story. Mom died due to sepsis from strep throat. Dad fell off of his roof some years later and died next to the ladder. I was blessed with two siblings and we have said good bye to one of them already. 

But here I am to say that during that time span there were both good times and bad times. I have many memories of both. I firmly can say that I wouldn't have missed it for anything. So as we travel around today where my ancestors trod, I will choose the good memories and avoid any bad ones. 

I believe I will have an ice cream cone if possible where there are even more memories upon memories.

Choose this day to remember the good and leave the bad in a box that is best left unopened. 

God bless, 


Friday, August 25, 2023

Friday Thoughts 8/25/2023

 Good Morning,

I am happy to say that my cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee is hot and ready to drink. It is time to write. 

Proverbs 27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. 

As we close out this week and head into the weekend I would like to pass on just a thought or two on learning from mishaps.  

On Wednesday evening, my lovely wife came upstairs from the basement and asked me to look at the sump pump downstairs. "It is running and not stopping" she said. Now for those of you that are wondering what a sump pump is. Here you go. 

A sump pump is device used to remove water from basements and crawl spaces to prevent flooding. The pump is usually located at the lowest point of the crawl space or basement floor and collects water via drain pipes connected to the foundation walls or floor of your home. The collected water is then is pumped out of the basement or crawl space through a discharge pipe which typically leads outside away from your home's foundation. 

In our home the sump pump system is needed when we have heavy rains or large snow melts. They typically last anywhere from 2-4 years. Since it is hard to tell when one will decide not to work any more, I installed a secondary back up pump that will kick in if the first one fails. Now knowing that we have a back up if needed is just peace of mind. They are on two separate electrical circuits and backed up with power by an automatic generator. When we were a single pump only home, our pump failed and we came home to a flooded basement. Now, everything is automatic and makes for peace of mind. In addition to the back up pump inside the crock we have a new spare pump and all the plumbing fittings on a shelf.

The spare pump has been given to friends and neighbors on occasions when their pump has failed and the hardware store was closed.  It has saved a few folks from having a wet basement. 

My point is this. Not to have learned from one wet basement and the loss of a few belongings would totally make me a fool beyond being a fool. Then to not think it through and know that in a power failure the pump doesn't pump and a battery back up might not last long enough since we have gone without power for a day. A portable generator is great if you are home to start it. Ask my wife what it is was like trying to pull start that generator on a cold November night. As well as adding gasoline to it every three hours. So to not use the knowledge granted to me and asking some very important questions would again make me a fool among fools. 

So when I diagnosed the problem the other night, both of us were like a well oiled machine. Rene covered the work area with a tarp. She knows I cannot fix anything without making a mess. She anticipated the area getting a little wet. I started changing out the defective pump and within 30 minutes we filled the sump crock and tested the new pump. All was good and we cleaned up our small mess and headed for some ice cream.

The last thing in owning a home is to prepare for problems and talk the potential for calamity through with your family. Everyone should know the plan and talk it over enough so that it is familiar to all in the home. If I were gone, Rene could have talked a friend or neighbor through this process if needed or just rely on the back up pump. 

Friends you are all thinking that we run around with flashlights and hard hats practicing for emergencies. Not really. We have just learned from experience what can happen and we learn also from others experiences. 

So closing out. It never hurts to be prepared! God Bless,


Thursday, August 24, 2023

Problems With Google 8/24/2023

 Good Morning,

My day started with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. It is time to write.

I was up and out of bed very early this morning and when I logged into my lap top I could not access my blog. I waited and rebooted several times and nothing seemed to help. I was frustrated to say the least and just assume that the outage was temporary. It seems as if the site is running again at about 50% so here goes my shot at not wasting my morning.

A heat wave has much of our nation in it's grip and I saw a three digit temperature yesterday, which I cannot remember participating in for many years or if ever. The forecast for today is the same, with relief coming tonight. 

We are blessed to have power and air conditioning in our home, so the only real issues for us is when we go outside. We just aren't used to this type of heat. 

My point for today is this. If you are in this heat, be careful, stay hydrated and avoid over exertion. Water is always your friend! And what did I learn form this Google outage and the heat?

PATIENCE! Ecclesiastes 7:8 The end of something is better than it's beginning. Patience Is Better than pride. 

I cannot change the weather and if this blog works out, it will or won't. I just have to wait and see. 

Patience my friends. patience. 


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Mike Spoke And We Listened. 8/23/2023

 Good Morning,

I am excited to get this work day started and I am saluting this day with gusto and a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee.

John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble,. But take heart! I have overcome the world!

Last night at our Men's Bible Study a guy named Mike asked if he could share a word while we were discussing a chapter from the book of Acts. What makes this extraordinary is that Mike suffered a stroke some years back and he struggles to speak. Physically he walks ok, but his arms are crippled up. He rides with me to Bible study. His assisted living home is in our neighborhood. I have been picking him up for awhile now and he goes with us to church. Mike has become comfortable around us and also one of our dear neighbors. Mike has become "one of the guys" on Tuesday nights and now and then he does have something to say. And when he does, we all listen. Mike speaks straight from the heart and you can just tell that is where his words come from. 

Last night he spoke on how God led him to pray once and how it all worked out even though times were dark and tough. Here was a guy who by all means is handicapped, yet he was praising God for getting him through tough times. Mike never complains, and always has a positive thought and kind words (although sparingly )for those around him. 

My point is this. Here is a guy who could have lots to complain about. Yet he asks if he can help out, always is thankful, and builds people up. He praises God openly and loves to go to church activities. Yet I was whining about the weather and a few bug bites the other day. Are your complaints worth complaining about?

Food for thought!


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Cell Phone Store 8/22/2023

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to write with a hot mug of  Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee and I think I might have two cups this morning. 

Yesterday I noticed that the impact screen for my cell phone had cracked. Once I arrived at home I could see that it was more than the screen protector. The glass screen inside was broken also. I had to make the trip I always dread. I had to purchase a new cell phone. This always entails new passwords, transferring data, and a whole lot of mind boggling nonsense. I knew a few weeks ago that the inevitable nightmare was coming. Finally the cellphone dropped one last time and off to the store I went. 

Romans 8:25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. 

I had hives all over me dreading the task ahead as well as the expense. The manger of the store introduced me to Felipe a tech in the store and this young man listened to what I liked in a phone and what I did not like, Notice what I said. He listened and he heard. He suggested a phone that was to my liking, He had looked at my old phone and saw some of the pictures on display. He asked if I took a lot of pictures and I replied yes.  I had already decided that the phone he first showed me would be fine. That's when he told me that the phone I had chosen had the number 1 camera in it. I thought at first he was going to suggest an upgrade for and a bigger expense. I was starting to jump to conclusions of greed. But he did not and started right in on transferring my applications and data from the old phone to the new one. We chatted during the process and he asked about the pictures of my dogs on my old phone. I told him that they were two hunting dogs. He asked some questions about hunting. He took me out of my stress and had me talking about things I like. 

The data transfer took about 30 minutes and during that time he offered me a seat and asked if I had any questions. This young man took this dreaded visit to the cell phone store and made it a pleasant experience. I had prayed before I went to the store and God answered that prayer. I asked that He get me home at a reasonable hour and that I would have a phone to use the next day. This young man was technically sound and had a decent personality for dealing with old perplexed guys.

My point is this. Pray before heading into a perplexing task and ask for God to get you through it. And secondly never jump to conclusions!

Have a great day. Protect that cell phone!


Monday, August 21, 2023

You Should Decrease In Order For God To Increase

 Good Morning, 

A busy day is ahead of me and I will start it off with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee. It is time to write. 

A habit that many people have adopted is to trust more in themselves than to trust in God. They actually promote themselves into their own little god. They minimize in their minds God's ability, power, strength, love, compassion and the fact that He created all things including us. God becomes smaller and smaller in their lives. 

Micah 5:13 And I will cut off your carved images, and your pillars from among you, and you shall bow down no more to the work of your hands. 

When we take stock of our own abilities, strength, power, love and compassion we find that we really don't match up to God at all. He forgives when we can't. He can create life, planets, humans, all while making the sun rise and set. He created gravity and can command legions of angels to do His bidding. Again we fall short in all reality except in that space we call our mind. We are not God and when we start climbing His throne, we make the mistake of becoming our own little idol.

Take your place among the family of God and admit to yourself that Dad knows best and lose your ego trip. 

Start the week off right and follow the One who never fails.


Sunday, August 20, 2023

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying A hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee as I write this morning. It really is hitting the spot and it is convincing me to have a second cup

Psalm 145:4 One generation, commends your works to another, they tell of your mighty acts. 

My wife Rene and I (mostly me) have taken some old photos and had them placed on to coffee mugs. The one pictured above is of three men and a crabby little boy. These three would be my Dad, Grandfather and Great Grandfather. The little boy was me. We all had the same first name and someone thought we should pose for a picture. Now that photo op caused me to have to stop playing out back in the old mine shafts behind my great grand parents home. Yes, mine shafts! They were an attraction any young boy would welcome. So you can see I wasn't a happy camper, nor did I realize what I truly had there. 

I am drinking my coffee from that mug while I am writing this morning. The mug gives me a reminder of where I came from. But it also gives me a little angst as I say to myself. "I wish I could be drinking coffee with those three this morning." I would be an adult who sat and listened to every word they had to say. I can still recall the day the picture was taken, but not one word of what was said. All I wanted to do was to get back to playing in the hazards! But to be honest, I really wish it had been a different experience now. 

My point for the day is this. Teach the young to gather and sit with the elderly and their forefathers. Glean from them while they can. All three of them are gone now and their wisdom is just what I can recall and as I age, lots of it as been erased from my memory. What I have now is just a picture on a mug. 

God bless,


Saturday, August 19, 2023

A Larger Cup Of Coffee, Treat Yourself Nicely 8/19/2023

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. There is a haze in the air today caused by the wild fires in Canada so the sunrise seems to have been muted. 

Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, a holy nd acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good  and acceptable and perfect.

Psalm 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters.

On the weekend I usually have more time to enjoy my cup of hot coffee unless I am hurrying out the door to go hunting. Since I have more time I fill a larger cup and it is a real blessing to enjoy the quiet and the coffee. 

I gave my nephew some advice when he was working away from home. He would sometimes be in one spot living in motel rooms for a few months at a time. His work would require long hours and sometimes be seven days a week. My advice to him was this. Remember to read your Bible, pray, and once a week do something nice for yourself. There were times that I wasn't sure he listened to me, but then one day he sent me a photo of a small grill he built. He used the grill to cook nice dinners once or maybe more times in a week. He always did this with the other crew members. I recall him being in a picturesque part of our country. He took an extra couple of days and checked out the scenery and enjoyed himself. 

My point for the day is this. I always tell people to help others, share when you can, pray, read your Bible and love your family. Today I want you to know that you are important and you need to do something nice for yourself now and then. For me, it is a larger cup of coffee on the weekends and a little more time to enjoy it. 

God Bless,


Friday, August 18, 2023

Avoiding The Trap 8/18/2023

 Good Morning,

My choice for my morning coffee is Door County Cherry Creme and I must say it was the correct choice for the day.

I have been trying to trap a chipmunk in a live trap for about two months now. My goal is to take the little rascal about five miles from our house and place him in the wild. But for every attempt at catching him, there has also been a clever escape. 

My wisdom for today is this. We are easily ensnared by making the wrong choices in or lives by not realizing that each day brings choices and we need to react to them in a good way or a bad way. We also need to admit that there the devil exists and he desires to trip us up at every turn in the day. 

1Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 

The old devil likes to take some of the most simple things, tempt us to do them, and then closes the trap on us, causing us grief, or despair. 

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such is common to man.; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation, will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 

Like I said it can be the smallest of temptations, but wrong is wrong and it is never right. Here is a simple one. School has already begun or will begin within a few days. Your child reminds you that he or she needs some number 2 lead pencils. You tell the child not to worry, you will grab some from work and won't have to go to the store. 

Here is just what happened. The pencils are there for work purposes. The company spent money on them for just that purpose, not to equip each employee with pencils for their kids. It is a small thing, but you are guilty of stealing and you just taught your child to do so and think it is ok. So what happens next, the child is with other kids and they stop in a convenience store and your kid gets arrested for shop lifting. "But Dad it was only a bag of chips, everyone does it." Where did they learn that one? 

The escape that was provided was to acknowledge the need for pencils. Look through the house and see if there isn't a few in all the drawers of the home. Then if there aren't any, take the child with you and only purchase the exact amount of pencils required to meet the year ahead. The main way of escape is to say NO to yourself and not allow yourself to be led into the trap of larceny. 

I could give you many, many examples of little temptations that have majorly bad outcomes. I will let you drum up the rest in your own mind. 

Have a great day,


Thursday, August 17, 2023

A Loss And A Gain 8/17/2023

 Good Morning,

I am happy to say that I am drinking a hot cup of Door County Raspberry Almond Coffee and munching on a piece of dried mango this fine day. It is time to write.

Job 1;21 And He said. " Naked I came from my mothers womb. And naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord". 

Our part of the world has been experiencing a drought and to be honest I have been praying tor rain. On Monday we received some rain and a good amount at that. With the rain came a few good bursts of wind that shook the trees. The wind blew apples right off of the trees and 75% of our apples were damaged in the storm. Now to lose some apples does not compare to the disaster in Maui or those out East reeling from worse storms and flooding. The rain was much needed and it fed the dry rivers and ponds that were drying up. 

I cannot control the rain or the wind. What I can control is my trust that God knows we need the rain and He has a plan for the apples we still do have. If He is willing, I am already looking forward to next year and the apple blossoms of spring. I might just plant another apple tree also. 

Trust God in all things and He will make His plans known. 

Have a great day!


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

It Takes Effort On Our Part. 8/16/2023

 Good Morning,

I am running very late today for various reasons. I just sat down to write and next to me is a hot cup of Door County Raspberry Almond Coffee. 

2 Kings 5:14 So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.

Naaman was the commander of the Syrian army, who was healed of leprosy by the prophet Elisha. 

Now that the little bit of history is done with, I can make my point of the day. We often ask God to intervene in our problems. And with just a glance God could make all of our problems disappear. We pray and we plead for results and very often the solutions have us getting involved and putting in some effort.

Naaman had to go to the Jordan river and dip himself in seven times. He had to be obedient to the command given to him. 

I like fresh tomatoes and I like to preserve some for the long winters also. I prayed about having tomatoes. But in order to have some in the garden I had to turn over the soil, plant seeds inside the house in March and then transfer the seedings to the cultivated soil. Due to the drought, we had to water the tomatoes more often this year. We are harvesting many tomatoes now. But I had to put in the effort. The lawn needs to be mowed. God did not send a herd of goats to chew down the grass. He blessed us with a tractor and if the lawn is going to get mowed one of us will be riding that tractor. 

Relationships, jobs, home repairs, raising children, and our walk with God, all require effort on our part. God does many miracles, but sometimes He requests effort from us. Once we have some of our own work in the game, we tend to get more serious about our request. It also shows others that we mean what we pray. In many situations we get a return equal to our efforts. You desire to have a peaceful relationship at home or the workplace, but what do you bring to the table to make it that way? You get what you plant in my garden. I planted tomatoes and worked the soil, I am getting tomatoes, by the grace of God. You bring anger and strife into your home and guess what? You never find the peace you pray for. You want to have a good paying job? Well you might have to start on the low end and be the best employee you can be and possibly an advance or higher wages will follow. You might be required to obtain additional training or schooling before advancing. Talking about it, isn't effort. Effort requires doing more than mere talking.  Firewood doesn't cut itself, and I have never seen it stack itself either. 

True effort is not an obscene word, it is one that builds and shows character. 

God bless,


Tuesday, August 15, 2023

How To Lose Your Selfishness 8/15/2023.

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Cream Coffee. And it is time to write. 

I promised that we would look at solving being selfish. This only works when we have the right mindset and our heart desires change. I believe we all have at least a little bit of selfishness within our hearts. It all starts with humility and realizing the world could spin without you. Always put others first.

Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you. not to think of himself more highly than he out to think. but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. 

Friends. I shared below some thoughts on how to conquer a selfish heart. I hope this helps.


Hot to stop being selfish

1. Recognize whether you are greedy or selfish. Be real and ask others to show you your selfish ways. This might hurt a little. Just listen and don't defend.

2. Find what drives your wants and needs. JOURNAL YOUR DAYS.

3. Slow down your consumption. Start by saying no to yourself.

4. Try replacing goods with experiences. Serve at your church, or in the community. Join the Red Cross. Do disaster relief.

5. Develop habits to alleviate selfishness. Capture your thoughts and think them through before you speak. Ask yourself. Is this a selfish statement? Is there a lot of me, mine and I in your speech.

6. Adopt an abundance mind set and be generous. Give to a good cause, either money, or time or both. 

7. Practice gratitude. Be thankful and content. 

8. Self reflection. Read your journal. Be honest in your writings. Correct yourself for any selfish actions. Make right any wrongs that were committed. 

9. Specifically pray for help against greed and selfishness. 

Monday, August 14, 2023

A Selfish Person 8/14/2023

 Good Morning,

I started this day fairly early and I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Cream Coffee as I write.

I promised yesterday that we would talk about selfishness which I believe attacks the heart and souls of many men and women. The Bible has a few things to say about being selfish and the writings are pretty harsh. Many disputes are started because of selfishness that lives within the hearts of men and women. The disputes fester and progress into feelings of despair, anger and hatred. Unchecked the emotions that go along with being selfish can actually impact physical health due to the anxiety felt by those involved. 

First I would like to say this. A selfish person is hard to live with. They want things their way, on their time and are sometimes unpredictable. A selfish person gets very upset when they miss a chance to be selfish. They turn up the fire when they think they could have had something their way and they missed out on that chance. Secondly the act of being selfish often leads to mistruths being told, so as to justify the need to have things on their schedule and their way. 

James 3:16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

2 Timothy 3:2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. 

Romans 2:8 But for those who are self-seeking, and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 

Proverbs 18:1 An unfriendly person pursues selfish ends and against all sound judgement starts quarrels. 

One way to check to see if you have selfish traits is to listen to yourself. In your speech do you often say my, mine, me or I when referring to items. You are married and you might say "my house, my car, my kids," and you rarely refer to the home as "our home, our kids, our car". Do you rarely accept blame for issues within the marriage, or are you quick to point out the faults of others, deferring issues to their shoulders? You might be a selfish person with a selfish heart. 

Tomorrow we will explore the solution to a selfish heart. For today, do some soul searching and see if there be any of it in you. How do you measure up?


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Matters Of The Heart 8/13/2023

 Good Morning,

There is nothing like waking up to a pot of Door County Coffee brewing in the kitchen. Today my flavor is Candy Cane  and it is more than fine with me. 

My wife Rene does a major house cleaning twice a year. Once in the spring, and once in late fall, just before Christmas. In between those to she does her weekly cleaning. She feels good about our home and she likes it that way. 

My lesson for today is that people seem to put more effort into charades of the heart than they do just acknowledging the fact that their heart needs a good cleaning now and then. They work hard at disguising the fact that they have some issues in their life that need not be there. They go from one lie to the next instead of just doing a cleansing of the heart. 

The Bible has a lot to say about a clean and pure heart. The heart is where our thoughts and emotions originate. A clean heart is most important in having a right relationship with God. He desires to cleanse our hearts when we repent and turn to Him. He washes away our sins and gives us a new heart, one that is full of love for Him and others. 

Psalm 24:3-4 Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart., who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. 

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. 

So today if your are spending time covering your the tracks of your heart instead of letting it beat for God, ask Him to clean you up and set you straight on a path of living for Him and others. Tomorrow we will talk about a selfish heart. God sees the heart of very man and woman. The only one who believes the lies of the heart is you.

God bless,


Saturday, August 12, 2023

Peace With More Peace 8/12/2023

 Good Morning,

I am sipping on a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee as I sit at the desk in our den. I am ready to write. 

Better a dry crust with peace and quiet, than a house full of feasting with strife. 

My wife Rene and I have an unwritten rule that we follow and pretty much with no exceptions. I am still working part time and when I get home from a day at work we prepare something for dinner if it wasn't prepared ahead of time. When the food is ready, we both fill our plates and take them to the kitchen table and sit down together,. We say a prayer of thanks for the food and sometimes we add another thought or to and pray for something or someone else. Then we eat. We don't take our food and run to a different room away from each other. We don't sit in front of the television and watch it while we eat. Our meal consists of time talking to each other, verbally sharing our stories from the day and discussing just about anything under the sun. Very often our schedules for the week are discussed as well as the agenda for the rest of the evening. We find this time to be most pleasant and very important to the health of our marriage. What isn't allowed is for either of us to bring and argument or contentious thoughts to the table. But it is never acceptable to dine in separate rooms unless you are sick. 

Basically folks that is my advice for the day, whether you have children or not. Make that 1 hour or maybe less, be more than just a time to fill your stomach. Talk, pray, plan and discuss things with each other or with the rest of the family.

God bless,


Friday, August 11, 2023

When The Work Stopped It Was Our Fault 8/11/2023

 Good Morning,

Another day where we will be hoping for some rain. So, I just poured a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee and I am ready to write. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always. 176. Pray without ceasing. 18. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

I  am very comfortable this morning sitting in our den, and thinking about this last week. I was supposed to be helping a friend this morning haul brush from his property to the dump. It has been a long project and one that was interrupted by an attack from an ant colony. The other day we were loading up another truck load of brush from one of a few large piles. I grabbed an arm load full of debris just to find myself covered in ants that actually bite. My friend was wiping them off of me with his hands and I was doing the same thing. Within a minute they were inside my shirt and pants. In helping me, my friend transferred the little warriors on to himself. It had to be a sight watching to old men hop around. We completed our run to the dump and I went home to a shower, cortisone ointment and a bruised ego.

Unfortunately my friend did not recover as well as I did and the bites took more of a toll on him than we first expected. He will recover soon. What is bothering me is that we have an unfinished project. I looked at my upcoming schedule as well as his and we only have a short window of opportunity to complete this work. I noticed that one of my not so nice traits has surfaced. I do not like to start a project and then not finish it. And sometimes I can get ugly when faced with what I see is a failure to finish. Now I get even uglier when I see that the mishap could have possibly been prevented. In our hurry to succeed at our task, we did not start that day at the pile of irritation and pray for ourselves and our task. I have been kicking myself in the butt for the last two days. We prayed later. Too Late!!!!!

Any task, big or small should be prayed for. I learned once more a lesson that actually had my skin in the game. Of all people the two of us should have known better.  So my friends, once more a failure of mine becomes fodder for the daily blog. So to avoid having to undress in your garage, spray your clothes with ant killer and then swab your body with ointments, pray in all circumstances. 

Don't do as I do. Do as I say!


Thursday, August 10, 2023

I Always Feel Better When? 8/9/2023

 Good Morning, 

I am headed out today to help a dear friend with a plumbing issue so my coffee will wait until later. No water in the house, no toilet available! So no coffee. 

What makes you automatically feel better? What is one of the things that makes you breathe a sigh of relief or clap your hands with joy? Our daughter has to travel now and then for her work and for some reason I always feel better when I know she made it home safely and is in her own house. That always makes me feel good to think of her secure and happy. That call or text that says, "I am home" completes my day. I don't feel at ease when she is traveling and is not with her son or dog. She is a big girl and takes care of herself very well, but Dad likes to know that his little one is safe and sound. 

Some time spent in God's word always makes my day complete and has put me safely to sleep many times. I could make a list of all the things that make me feel good or better and the list would be lengthy. So why is it that the smallest of things can make us feel lousy, ready for war , depressed, and crabby? Why is it that if we have a list of things that make us happy, we tend to allow the most minuscule issue to make us boil over?

My friends you choose to be miserable sometimes and just how much misery is also your choice. We can choose to travel the road of good feelings or not.

Philippians 4:8 Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things.

Have a great day! Choose happiness. 


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Training Day For Leo 8/9/2023

 Good Morning,

There is a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee next to me and now it is time to write. 

I took our youngest dog Leo to the river bank yesterday for some additional training for two upcoming hunt tests in a few weeks. The weather was perfect for a dog to be splashing around in the water. It cooled us both off and I was pleased with the results of our work together. Leo has come a long way from the puppy he was and now is in the prime of his life. I have enjoyed all of our dogs we have had the pleasure to call family , and each one of them have been unique in their own way. Leo by far is the fastest one we have familied and I would have to say that he always has been the most amiable and easiest to train. He still remains trainable and teachable. 

Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.

My point for today is that in God's eyes we are His children, and no matter our age we should always be willing and easy to train when it comes to things of the heart, mind and soul. We should be teachable until God calls us home to heaven. There is always something new under the sun to learn and apply. 

We have a small flock of people who attend our Saturday night church service of which I am the shepherd for that flock. As I grow older I sense more of the need for these folks to gather and be more like a family than ever before. This hasn't always been a priority of mine nor did I feel the need to do more gatherings of community. But in the last two years I am seeing that the need is there for more fellowship and sharing time with each other. I had to change my way of thinking and what that took was a commitment to remain teachable. I guess you are never too old to learn. God does not see us as anything but His children and in order to be used by Him, being teachable is the one requirement to qualify us to be used by God. Never consider yourself too old to be used for the good of others.

God bless,


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Making A Dream Come True 8/8/2023

 Good Morning,

The aroma of my Door County Cream Coffee is heavy in the house this morning. and I will say this, it tastes as good as it smells. It is time to write.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding. 6. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. 

Many people have dreams and aspirations that are engraved in their minds, or written down in journals. There is that one thing that is on their accomplishment goal or bucket list. The problem is this. They have yet to do something about it. They have the plan memorized to the smallest detail and it is still nothing but a plan. It hasn't become a reality. Dreams are nice but they are only dreams until you move on them. Better to have tried and failed than not try at all. 

Most dream come true stories show that extra work had to be put into making the dream come true. Then comes dedication to finish what you have started. Determination to finish, over rides road blocks and only makes the finish sweeter. With most dreams comes the need to sacrifice. Olympic athletes who make it to the podium have put in countless hours of practice and at times some pain. You can't obtain a scholastic dream without studying. Something else like pizza night with friends has no place in the weekly itinerary.

A goal to stop drinking or partaking in drugs takes a decision to quit, obtain help, and a plan for success. But first you have to take a step toward sobriety. 

In any situation no matter what it is, an accountability partner, coach, or mentor is an important factor. Although it is your dream, a good accountability partner makes your success their priority also. 

Lastly, but most important make your dream known to God and as you walk to it ask Him to bring you through it. He provides inner strength and guidance. 

Have a great day.


Monday, August 7, 2023

Pruning The Rose Bushes 8/7/2023

 Good Morning,

The day began awhile ago with a hot cup of Door County Bourbon Vanilla Cream Coffee and a Nana Bun for breakfast. 

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

Yesterday was decorated with small chores that needed to be done. One of the chores, which I do not like is to prune the rose bushes. Each year I swear that I am removing those rose bushes from the South side of our home, but my threats have just been a lot of hot air with no action. These rose bushes have some of the sharpest and thickest thorns you have ever seen. If they stick me once in a summer season they stick me 10-15 times. Well, my wife and I both noticed that the bushes needed to be pruned down. They were growing wildly and beginning to become an eye sore. As beautiful as they can be, neither my wife nor I wanted to be around those bushes and their thorns. As far as I was concerned they could grow wild all summer and then hopefully the winter would kill them off. I have a bad attitude toward things that stab me. 

Now let me apply this to all of us. As much as I detest those thorns it reminds me of a lesson to live by. Yesterday while pruning the thorny nightmare, as careful as I was, and my wife was, we both still felt the thorn pierce some anatomy parts on us. 

Some people in our lives can be like the thorn on a rose bush. You have to tiptoe around them always wondering if an interaction with them will bring hurt and the sting of their thorny like verbiage. Even when you think that you have navigated a safe day from them, out of the blue comes a barb from the look they give you or they say something that hurts. You find yourself wishing that they fall in the snow on a below zero day and freeze to death. They take you to a place of hatred in your own heart. 

What can you do about it? First off pray for the thorn birds in your life. Not for them to die, but for God to pierce their heart and turn it from evil to good. Pray for wisdom on how to handle those who are the thorns in your life. Ask God to give you the words you need when dealing with them. If you are the thorn to someone else, it's time to be pruned and have your thorns removed. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Ask God to remove your heart of stone as well as theirs and replace it with one that beats for others and for God.

Have a great day!


Sunday, August 6, 2023

It's Never The Answer 8/6/2023

 Good Morning,

I am just sitting at me desk looking at my cup of Door County Bourbon Vanilla Cream Coffee and thinking about drinking some. The aroma is good enough for me. I poured the coffee into a mug that was given to me by a family from our church. I am in a serious mood today and my heart is heavy for another family from our church. The mug is my comfort mug. I don't use it often because it is quite intricate and I don't want it to break. But when I am in moods like this I take it out and it makes me feel better. I know this family prays for me and they are there when ever I need some help with a project at church.

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves the crushed spirit. 

My heart is heavy because I have been praying for the brother of another church member. Her brother had gone missing for a few days and he  had a very heavy heart due to family issues. The issues became too much for him and yesterday I received word that he was found and he had taken his life. His family was devastated by the news and I found myself struggling with the right words to say to his sister who is a dear friend of ours. 

My message today is short and not so sweet. My friends, suicide is never the answer. As a matter of fact it can be considered mean to leave those behind with the bitter taste of death, wondering if they could have done more, to help. So many questions of why, and what did they do wrong fill every moment of their minds. It does punish those left behind with guilt and anger. 

But worse yet your life ended and you will never know just how much people miss you. If you are struggling from the pain of frustration, hurts of the heart, disappointments, and you feel no one cares or understands, reach out now. Call a crisis hot line, a church, or another family member, and tell them the truth. Tell them you are at a point of ending it all. Ask for help. Don't take that next step. You are loved and you are a blessing to others. I have added an aid as a resource to those in need of help. It lists many of the countries where my blog is read. If you are at that point that suicide seems to be the answer please use this information. 

God bless,


CountryHotline organizationWebsitePhone number
ArgentinaCentro de Asistencia al 5275-1135
AustraliaLifeline Australiawww.lifeline.org13 11 14
AustriaTelefonSeelsorge Österreichwww.telefonseelsorge.at142
BelgiumCentre de Prévention du Suicidewww.preventionsuicide.be0800 32 123
BelgiumCHS Helplinewww.chsbelgium.org02 648 40 14
BelgiumZelfmoord 1813www.zelfmoord1813.be1813
BrazilCentro de Valorização da Vidawww.cvv.org188
CanadaCrisis Services Canadacrisisservicescanada.ca833-456-4566
ChileMinistry of Health of Chilewww.hospitaldigital.gob6003607777
ChinaBeijing Suicide Research and Prevention Centerwww.crisis.org800-810-1117
Costa RicaColegio de Profesionales en Psicología de Costa
FranceSOS Amitiéwww.sos-amitie.org09 72 39 40 50
GermanyTelefonSeelsorge Deutschlandwww.telefonseelsorge.de0800 1110111
Hong KongSuicide Prevention Serviceswww.sps.org2382 0000
IndiaiCall Helplineicallhelpline.org9152987821
IrelandSamaritans 123
Israel[Eran] ער"ןwww.eran.org1201
ItalySamaritans Onluswww.samaritansonlus.org06 77208977
JapanMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologywww.mext.go.jp81-0120-0-78310
JapanMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japanwww.mhlw.go0570-064-556
MalaysiaBefrienders KLwww.befrienders.org03-76272929
New ZealandLifeline Aotearoa Incorporatedwww.lifeline.org0800 543 354
NorwayMental Helsementalhelse.no116 123
PeruLinea 113
PhilippinesDepartment of Health - Republic of the
PortugalSOS Voz

213 544 545

963 524 660

912 802 669

RussiaФонд поддержки детей, находящихся в трудной жизненной ситуации [Fund to Support Children in Difficult Life Situations]www.ya-roditel.ru8-800-2000-122
SingaporeSamaritans of Singaporewww.sos.org1-767
South AfricaSouth African Depression and Anxiety Groupwww.sadag.org0800 567 567
South Korea중앙자살예방센터[Korea Suicide Prevention Center]www.spckorea.or1393
SpainTeléfono de la Esperanzawww.telefonodelaesperanza.org717 003 717
SwitzerlandDie Dargebotene Handwww.143.ch143
Taiwan国际生命线台湾总会 [International Lifeline Taiwan Association]www.life1995.org1995
UkraineLifeline Ukrainelifelineukraine.com7333
United 123
United States988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline988lifeline.org988

Research on connecting

When you’re in crisis, research suggests that it may be helpful to reach out to others. When you connect with others, it can help you feel supported and give you a sense of belonging.

Pre-written texts

Search results include messages written by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). You can use these messages to start a conversation with someone you trust.

You’re not alone

If you don’t have someone you feel like you can contact about your mental health, that doesn’t mean you’re alone. Remember that counselors are available 24/7 at the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline