Monday, November 30, 2020

Looking For Answers 11/30/2020

 Good Morning, 

There is a hot cup of Door County Irish Crème Coffee waiting for me in the kitchen. After a time of prayer, it is now time to write. 

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. 

Yesterday I received a call from a young man asking for prayer and some advice. The prayer was an automatic yes answer and I was happy to do it. At the same time he let me know that he was struggling with a decision and explained to me what it was. I had already begun silently praying for wisdom as to what to tell him. The answer seemed pretty straight forward to me, but during our conversation I was led by God to be quiet and instruct this fine young man to pray and ask God for himself for directions on what to do. 

Psalm 71:18 So even to old age and gray hairs, O God do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come. 

The young man did as I requested and later said that God directed him to read Ecclesiastes and there he found the answer that gave him some peace. We conversed later and we talked it through and the decision was clear, yet it was going to be hard to deliver what he had to do. I had no doubt that he would carry through and follow instructions.

Friends, we must always be willing to let someone younger consult with us. But in our desire to help we at times forget to teach. We love to solve problems for others. But it was better to turn him to God for the answer and teach him that for the future. 

So my thought is this. When asked for an opinion or an answer, pray before you speak and see if God wants you to answer or turn the requestor over to Him so faith and trust in God can be built. Teach instead of preach. 

Have a great day,


Sunday, November 29, 2020

Here's What I Want To Do. Please Bless It 11/29/2020

 Good Morning.

Great day to be alive and I sure would like to get back to the days where I can sit down and share a cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee with someone. I look forward to that day.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I believe that society at times rewrites the Bible to fit it's needs or cuts out verses that really should be followed. It's a shame and I believe that church's can often times be the biggest offenders of this slice and dice to fit attitude. 

Very often we people come up with an idea to do something and to be honest most ideas are easy enough to gather support. Then we put it into action. Somewhere along the way we decide that we should now pray and ask God to bless something that He may or may not agree with. Instead of sharing our idea with God and asking Him to show us if this is the path, we launch into "I'll drive this bus myself with or without God's input." Many a failed enterprise would not have failed if it never began. 

We should always consult God before we hit the launch button. In today's society of supersized and super speeds we tend to launch and then ask everyone to pray about something that was never sanctioned by God in the first place. Instead of seeing a smooth decision or project start and finish we spend a lot of time swimming for the life boats and adjusting way too much later. 

So today before you build, hire, requisition, or tear down something, how about prayer and fasting before you decide to drive a bus never intended for the road?

The point of today is. God is still in charge. He speaks and still is capable of directing lives, businesses and churches. It is important we seek Him first and His righteousness.


Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Perfect Way To Live 11/28/2020

 Good Morning, 

A hot cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee awaits me when I get to the duck blind today. Here's hoping and praying we come home with some game today.

In my Bible readings for today I discovered a passage that I believe offers advice on how to have a perfect way to live. Now mind you it does call for you to grow up and let things slide off of you now and then, biting your tongue instead of having it lash out. We might find that living out these verses might be difficult, because our own humanness gets in the way. It will require us to think before we speak and learn to count to ten instead of blowing up at someone. 

Micah 6:* The Message     But He has already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It is very simple. Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don't take yourself too seriously- take God seriously.

God is never wrong and He says this is the best way to live.  Making these little changes in the way we behave and react can bring about a better life style. Imagine if we all did this!! What a wonderful world it would be. 


Friday, November 27, 2020

Looking Ahead To December 11/27/2020

Good Morning,

The house is cold today and I decided to wait a little longer before I  make a fire and warm this place up. Right now a hot cup of Door County Blackberry Short Cake Coffee is holding it's own with the cold. I believe it is time to write. 

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like sifting shadows.

The December "look ahead" has promised that a vaccine for Covid 19 would be coming out. The debate on getting the vaccine or not getting one has started. My opinion either way will not be fodder for this blog. We just celebrated Thanksgiving and some folks heeded the advice of the authorities and stayed home keeping the dinners small and private. Some did not, and it was travel and large gatherings as usual, Again my views on this will remain my own and not part of the debate. 

From the title of the blog today one would assume it is a plug for receiving the vaccine. That would be an untruth. What I am looking forward to is my wife and I transforming the inside of the house into the "Christmas Mode" We have a couple of new ideas we want to try and maybe they will work and maybe they won't . I am pretty sure there will still be restrictions in place on travel and gatherings. 

But there won't be any restrictions on decorating as usual and hoping for better days to come. So that's my thought for today. Place Hope on tomorrow! It doesn't cost anything to hope. My hope is that many, many, many  people will look to find God again and grow closer to Him in December.

That is my prayer and the gift I am asking God for. That type of December will live on for eternity.

What's on your wish list?


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thankful For The One Who Died For Me 11/26/2020

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Morning Sunrise Coffee. The blend is a little stronger than my usual morning liquids, but it is just what I need.

I have been during my life to be able to meet a few celebrities. The few I have been able to meet and greet have mostly been sports figures. But my life mixed in a couple movie stars and a few television actors. And when I say meet I mean I was able to say hello, get an autograph or at least have them say hello back. It's not like I sat down and had a cup of coffee with any of them. Although one NFL player ate my box of popcorn and then bought another one for me. So you could say that  my experiences with stars were brief to say the least.

I do have a small list of some I would like to meet in this lifetime. On July 7th 1981 I made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as My Lord and My Savior. I have never regretted that choice and by faith I know that when I die I will be in heaven. 

Romans 10:9 Because if you confess with your mouth, that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him up from the grave, you shall be saved.

2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, yes, well pleased to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

I wonder what those first moments will be like. There are family members there that I want to see again. I have a question or two for Moses and Peter. But most of all I want someone to take me to meet the One who died for me. I want to say thank you in person for the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrated His own love  for us, in this. That while we were yet sinners Christ Jesus died for us.

I want to see Jesus and I will. So on this Thanksgiving day I definitely have something to be thankful for.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thankful For What I Don't Have 11/25/2020

 Good Morning,

This day needs to dry out a little. If the rain we received yesterday were snow, we would have a mountain of it. I just grabbed my mug filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Psalm 106:1 Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. 

As we travel down the road of things to be thankful for this week, I want to take a look at things I don't have and give thanks for them. I want to look at what God has spared us from.

I am sitting upright and will walk downstairs soon. I am grateful that I don't have a wheelchair. My kidneys worked fine this morning. I don't have kidney disease. We have had a lot of rain the last two days and I don't have buckets catching the rain from a leaky roof. I had a bowl of chicken stew last night. I don't have hunger. I dressed to go to work today I am grateful I didn't have to borrow some clothes. I am grateful for vehicles with heat. I didn't have to freeze in my car. I woke up and spoke to my wife this morning. I don't have loneliness. There are no empty booze bottles next to me. I am grateful that I didn't need to drink. 

I will play with our dogs tonight. I don't have to wonder what love feels like. I can see what I am writing. I don't have blindness. I can smell the coffee aroma in the house. I don't have covid and can smell things. 

There are a lot of things I don't have and should be grateful that I don't have them. I believe we can all make a list of the things we don't have and are happy to say we don't. Many years ago our aunt lost her son on this day. I can't imagine what she felt like. For the first time in my life death really hit home. I think it was just because he was a teen. I never had to experience that with my own child and I hope I never do. I am happy to say, that experience is one I hope to miss every day. I am grateful for that.

So today if you are feeling a little sorry for yourself count all the things that you don't have and feel blessed. 


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Thankful For Family 11/24/2020

 Good Morning,

I am off to work in about 30 minutes and I am ready for a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and some prayer before leave.

Yesterday I wrote about being thankful for friends. Today I want to write about family.

Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are a crown to the aged and parents are the pride of their children. 

All of us were given life from a woman and to do so there had to be a father. Not all families experience the ideal family life. Things go wrong, and there are divorces, abandonments, or deaths that break up the family dynamics. I wish this wasn't a true statement. But it is. If you have had the experience of having both parents to raise you and life's problems were minor and you miss your siblings when they aren't around be grateful and thank God for the experience. Cherish what you have or had. 

Now if you had a step parent or two and they helped to mold you be grateful and thank God for the stranger that grew to love you. If you find that your family has been to say the least a flaming dud but you have an aunt or uncle that filled in, be grateful to God for the extra parents He gave you. Maybe you had to live with grandma and grandpa. You had loving substitutes. Maybe you were an only child, but you had cousins that you still are close to. Be grateful. Maybe someone took you under their wing and although labeled as a friend they were more family to you than your real family. Be grateful. 

Families come in different packages and sizes. Not all are even close to being the same. Look for the good in what you have. If possible live at peace with what God gave you. But cherish whatever it is you call family. Most of all be grateful for the invitation from God to join His family for eternity. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life. 

Jesus showed you the adoption papers by saying this. "when you pray, pray like this. Our Father!"

Some food for thought! We are family!


Monday, November 23, 2020

Thankful For You 11/23/2020

 Good Morning,

The old mug was just filled with Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. It won't be long until I will be pouring some of their Christmas flavors into this mug. December is almost here.

Today as we approach Thanksgiving I want to stress the importance of being thankful for family and friends. It is a very sad thing to be without any family and not have any friends. I can't imagine that. I could see people running out of family, but not to have any friends is another story in itself . Some people just outlive their families and end up alone. 

I think we are charged with the task of having friends. Yes some might outlive their friends but shouldn't we always be making new friends along life's journey. Sure, some friends will be closer to us than others. Some come and some go, but we are always meeting people who God places on our path. I worry about those who cannot find friends and have become friendless.

God instructs us as to how we can obtain friends. 

Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly. But there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

To attract and keep friends we must be friendly. What is friendly? We should..........

1. Put others first.

2 Love our neighbors as ourselves.

3. Be there in times of trouble. 

4 . Be willing to share.

5. Be able to listen without judging.

6. Be humble and kind.

7. Be approachable 24/7 Contact them. Don't wait to be contacted. 

8. Be willing to laugh and cry with a friend.

9. Be supportive in a friend's endeavors.

10. Pray for your friends during good times and bad. 

11. Thank God daily for your friends.

Don't go through life losing or not having friends. Practice being friendly and see how your list grows or maintains itself. I will be talking more about family tomorrow.

God bless,


Sunday, November 22, 2020

God And The Firewood. 11/22/2020

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee. Our dogs are busy chewing a rawhide treat and not it is time to write. 

On Friday night I received a call from my brother and he told me about an opportunity for me to get a pick up truck full of free firewood. It sounded too good to be true. This was an answer to prayer. My sources for wood just weren't as plentiful as they have been in the past. He explained to me that his workplace had to remove a bunch of trees and that the wood was dry. All I needed to do was to show up, load my truck and then go home and cut it into the proper length. Once that was done it could be split. 

Well it went exactly they way he said it would go. Most of the logs were too big to lift into the truck by myself. My brother and I picked out some that were just perfect in size for two guys to lift and we filled the truck. I went home, sharpened the saw, and had it. It now is all cut and a third of it was split yesterday afternoon. During the process my mind wandered to days of old when I would cut and split firewood with my dad and brother. I had a good afternoon of memories. 

Luke 12:6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God.

I had been praying about firewood believe it or not. Rene and I have enough to get through the cold season. And I will start on next year's wood in January. But I wanted to have some to give  to our neighbors who do so much for us. I had decided to just take some off of our stacks of wood and  share that. I had been praying for dry wood for about two weeks and I haven't been feeling very good either. Once the wood was home I prayed to be able to have at it. I felt good and was able to deliver what I had cut before I began to feel rough again. God knew my limit and shut me down. The rst will be cut and split as I feel good enough to do it. 

I wasn't worried about sharing firewood but I placed it in God's hands. My plan was not His plan. He blessed us with some really nice dry hardwood for them to burn. It just amazes me that with all that is going on in the world God took the time to answer the prayer of a simple man. Today and yesterday as I thanked Him for the the gift of wood, He recalled to my mind a verse that just touched my heart.

Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 

Pray my friends, big and small. His plan was better than mine,'


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Lesson From Proverbs 2 The Benefit Of Wisdom 11/21/2020

 Good Morning,

My den is very quiet as I pray and prepare to write. Our two dogs are asleep and my Door County Caramel Apple Coffee is heated to the maximum. It is time to write.

Yesterday I wrote about wisdom given by God is to be considered more valuable than silver or gold. It directs us to fear God, discernment, and discretion. Today I would like to point out another benefit wisdom provides. 

There is a protection that walking with God brings as God keeps us from falling for evil and from the destructive forces that accompany it. 

Proverbs 2:11-12   11. Discretion will guard you, Understanding will watch over you, 12. To deliver you from the way of evil, From the man who speaks perverse things. '

This doesn't mean that the righteous won't have trials in this life. ( John 16:33) but it does mean that God will only allow into our lives what He will cause to work for our good. (Romans 8:28). This is done to grow a legacy of His goodness and mercy and that it can be seen. (Psalm 23:6) He does not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. 1 Corinthians 10:13.

I went back and recalled all the times I fell for evil by giving into temptation. Not one time did I not have a way of escape and should not have put myself into those situations. Wisdom always told me to avoid it and gave me a way out. But I desired what I was advised not to do. I suffered the consequences. 

I think all believers would share that same testimony with me. To leave the road of wisdom is to leave the highway and travel a bumpy dark path of destruction.

So today my friends I recommend that all of you read the entire chapter of Proverbs 2 and look up the extra verses I added. 

Have a great day!!


Friday, November 20, 2020

Lesson From Proverbs 2 Discernment 11/20/2020

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee. It is now time to write.

In our Men's Bible Study we have begun a study of the Book Of Proverbs. This last Tuesday we discussed chapter 2 verse by verse. In verse three we are challenged to cry out for discernment. In other words to know right from wrong and the consequences. In talking with a few people this week I am truly convinced that people do want to know what is right and what is wrong until it doesn't fit their desires. When faced with a decision that is right and Biblical but it doesn't satisfy the needs of the flesh they will seek a work around. This includes acting dumb as they try to twist Scripture. I have actually had someone many years ago tell me that a blatant act of sin was condoned by God because she wasn't happy and God wants us all to be happy. 

Along with discernment we are also to walk in integrity. You see Friends there is always another part to the story. Actually there are three parts that are woven tightly in this chapter.

Proverbs 2:1-7   1.  My son, if you will receive my words. And treasure my commandments within you. 2. Make your ear attentive to wisdom. Incline your heart to understanding; 3. For if you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding, 4. If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; 5. Then you will discern the fear of The Lord and discover the knowledge of God.

God clearly puts the responsibility on man to choose the fear of God and seek after wisdom.

Proverbs 2:6-7  6. For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. 7. He stores up sound wisdom for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk in integrity.

These verses are often thrown out of the windows of our hearts when they conflict with our own desires. We are shown the right path but when it battles with our desires of anger, pride, greed, laziness, lust or stubbornness we lose the fear of God and move forward into calamity and sin. We lose our integrity among others because we don't choose discernment and the responsibility to walk with both. Discernement without integrity is nothing. But the first step in obtaining wisdom is to fear God and the consequences that come from not walking with discernment and integrity. (Verse 5)

So my friends, this was a little deep for a Friday but so much needed in the world today.

God bless,


Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Gift You Take Away. Quit Being A Crab 11/19/2020

Good Morning, 

I started today with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Wisconsin Harvest Blend Coffee

 Rene and I have family in Florida. One of the things we like to treat ourselves to while visiting is to go to the local eatery called The Crab Shack. Of course their specialty is seafood. One thing I notice though is that even because the name on the sign says "Crab Shack" not every customer eats crab. I see people eating lobster, shrimp, scallops, fish, and even "heaven forbid" beef at the crab shack. I for one do not even eat a little bit of crab. I really don't care for it at all. But give me a plate of shrimp and scallops and I am very happy. 

1 Corinthians 13:5New King James Version (NKJV)
does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

The same thing goes for cranky, crabby people. Every now and then you can handle a little dose of crabbiness or a case of cranky from people. But after awhile you lose your taste for getting your butt chewed on by that person and well, you tend to avoid them and eventually they are left alone to crab at people captive (usually family) in their life. Love is not crabby!

Now we are to love all people. But those with terminal crabbiness tend to get loved as needed or from a distance. It seems then that their crabbiness gets worse. 

Now even crabby cranks tend to give Christmas presents. So if this applies to you, here's an idea for this year. Why not give those around you the gift of peace. Take a box, pray over it and wrap it like a gift, Ask God to help you to get rid of your rude behavior. Place it under the tree as a reminder that you have given up being Mr. or Mrs. McCrabby. But on the gift tag write the following verse. 

Philippians 4:13New King James Version (NKJV)
13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

You might find that the life you save is yours. You can be a new person. I am sure you have a lot to offer. But the sin of not loving others the way you should has crept in and gotten a foothold in your heart. 

We tend to justify being a crank in several ways. "That's the way I am, You'd be cranky if you had my life, or I don't care what people think of me." Scripturally that way of thinking is foolishness. 

I have also noticed that there are several different ways to prepare crab. But for me, whatever you do to it, crab is always crab. 

Proverbs 16:25

25 There is a way that seems right to a man and appears straight before him, but at the end of it is the way of death.

Crab meat makes a pretty good dip, I have been told. But is that what you want to be called? Here comes the crab? 

Have a great day and let's all take the crabbiness out of Christmas.

God bless,


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Learning To Be Content 11/18/2020

 Good Morning,

I hope this day finds you in good health and spirit. I started this day with a hot cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee and prayer. 

One thing that I believe men struggle with more than women do is contentment. Ladies correct me if you disagree. But I truly believe that men are more willing to seek the next thing that is better in life. For instance I used to hunt ducks from a canoe but was always looking forward having a small skiff with a small motor. Then I needed a bass boat and a larger duck boat. I got rid of the small skiff and then later picked up another one. 

Really how many decoys are truly needed? And what was adequate before wasn't a year later and now there are too many and no one uses the motorized ones, but hang on to it just in case. Does a new shotgun actually make you a better shooter? This is just one hobby reporting. Just think what it would be like if I added golf, cars or home sizes to my point for today. Oh no I could add tools to this! 

In this time of grief and strife I have actually honed my contentment levels a little. I reached the bottom of the freezer before I purchased meat and ate what was there instead of running out to purchase more. I needed to be content with what was in the house. Our trips have been curtailed and we really don't go anywhere. I rediscovered the fire pit and the fireplace. 

If you find yourself whining about the restrictions and inconveniences that go with it, go back to 1942 when the world was at war and there were curfews, food, tires, gasoline, fuel oil, wood, coal, fabric,  and other items were rationed. They even rationed coffee. ( Heaven forbid!)  Homes were minus a person or two due to war service. Mothers learned how to rivet ships and all service people really wanted was to go home. Home would make them content and happy. 

The Bible gives us some Scripture on contentment to ponder. 

Philippians 4:12-13 I know what it is to be in need and i know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in want or in plenty. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said. "I will never leave you nor forsake you.

1 Timothy 6:6-7  But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing out of it.

So look around you and count your blessings. There will always be someone with more. Someone will have something you desire and covet. But contentment with gratitude is godly behavior. There is great peace and rest in contentment.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Stronger Than Me Is We 1/17/2020

 Good Morning,

A beautiful sunrise started my day off and I actually thought it would be nice if the day could stall for an hour or two in sunrise mode. I filled a mug with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Yesterday my wife and I experienced the delivery of the Christmas wreath we ordered from one of the kids in the neighborhood. It looked a lot better than I expected. It is actually a beauty. Next Friday iIwill be putting it out. With all the Covid stuff, deaths in the family, and the never ending election going on right now, and travel snuffed, I thought I would mention to my wife my idea to scale back on the Christmas decorations since no one but us will be able to enjoy them this year due to restrictions. Her reply was "NO. We need to carry on as best as we can and light up this place even if it is just the two of us." 

I am not used to her shooting down my ideas with a flaming arrow. So I gave it some more thought and concluded that we would decorate like we always do, because we should celebrate the birth of Jesus and the fact that we weathered through 2020 thus far together. Some people have lost their spouses and more family members than we have. Instead of whining I should be grateful that there are two of us to battle through to better days. 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12   9Two are better than on, for they have a good return for their labor.  10. If either of them falls down one can help the other up. But pity one who falls and has no one to help them up. 11. Also if tow lie down together they will keep warm. How can one stay warm alone? 12. Though one may be overpowered  two can defend themselves, A cord of three strands is not easily broken.

My mind tends to forget the verses above and how blessed we are to be together and yet have our bond be stronger because of a home built by God at the center of us two. 

So today thank your spouse if you have one for making you a bond of two. Look around if you don't have a spouse and see the friend or friends God has provided for you. Together we are stronger than me, because we are we. Thank God for joining you in your life's walk  and walk on. Don't shut down. Celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving in a responsible way even if you are alone. Zoom in with someone, call someone do whatever it takes to to be a WE in the life of others. 

God bless,


Monday, November 16, 2020

Deer Season. It's More Than A Hunt 11/16/2020

 Good Morning,

This morning I was greeted with the aroma of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee, and two dogs who wanted to be fed. What a way to wake up!

Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up like wings of eagles, they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

It was just a few years ago that I quit hunting deer and tried it again last year for a couple of days. If I could be true to my old self once more I would be in Michigan's Upper Peninsula hunting with my Dad. I would be sitting in the woods right now writing to all of you from my phone. Looking at the temperatures up there it would be fairly cold this morning. I would already have one day into the hunt if I hadn't been blessed with a deer on opening day. As usual, once the blog was written I would pour myself a hot cup of coffee, pull out two cookies from my bag and start praying from my prayer list of people and issues to pray for. Eventually I would decide whether or not to go in for lunch or stay out all day. It all depended on how cold I would be. By 3 PM my mind would wander to what we might be dining on for dinner. We usually celebrated deer season with one night of prime rib or large ribeye steaks. The second day usually was chili and tacos. Writing this brings back some very fond memories. Dad always went in a little earlier to stoke the fire up. When I pulled into the driveway I could smell the hardwood fire. We were usually blessed to not have to hunt too many days in a row without shooting some deer. 

Friends it wasn't the taste of venison that drove me to hunt. Nor was it the thrill of shooting a deer. It was the other things, like Mom's bread rolls. Falling asleep by 8PM on the floor, just exhausted from the day. Seeing my folks and the look of pride on my mothers face when she shot a deer with my wife holding her next bullet. (We only let her load one bullet at a time) She couldn't wait for us to come in from the woods so we could go get hers and drag it in. She shot the biggest deer that year and she let us guys know about it. 

Those were great times and can't be repeated. I sit here writing and my eyes are wet. I am grateful for those days and am truly a blessed man. So today if you are quarantined or observing a no travel break. Pull out some old pictures and let your mind walk you down memory lane. Look up and thank God for those days and remember who gave you the days of old. Better days are coming. Hang in there. You never walk alone. 


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Because You Can. Show Someone You Care 11/15/2020

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer today for those of my circle who have serious ailments. The cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee next to me is keeping me warm this morning. It is time to write.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever you sow, you shall also reap. 

When I looked at my prayer list today it almost had me in tears. I have friends that are in a battle with Covid 19, ALS. Cancer, loss of sight, and brain shunt issues. It is a long list. Some of the folks on that list live near me and some live far away. It is easy to do things for those who live close by. For those far away I try to stay in contact with and send encouragement through emails or social media. 

I am seeing that this covid thing has many people depressed. It will end some day my friends. But what we need to do is to keep our eyes and our hearts open to those God places in our physical paths and our social paths. If we can make a difference for someone with a kind word or deed now is the time. Rene and I broke out the soup pot and have distributed some soup to help brighten the day of  a couple. That special pot sits on a shelf in our kitchen. I looked at it yesterday and just knew what had to be done.

At anytime the table could turn and it could be you in need of encouragement. Be an encourager, just because you can. When you do, you show that you care. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you who needs prayer or help. Send a note via mail, email, or social media. If I see anything good coming from this confining circumstance we are in, is that people have a little more time to be kind. There seems to be a few more please and thank you's floating around now. When your heart starts adding some extra beats for others it beats stronger. Be thankful to God that you can help others. Be happy you are not in need of help yourself. Approach the throne of God in prayer with an attitude of gratitude.

God bless,


Saturday, November 14, 2020

What Are You Building? 11/14/2020

 Good Morning,

The sun is very bright now and the morning air is crisp. I am blessed to have a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Coffee steaming in the cup next to me. It is time to write and share my thoughts.

In 1993 we started the process of building a house on our property that we had purchased the year before. The process took 7 months to complete. We were hoping for 4-5 months from start to completion but a severe winter with many major snow and ice storms slowed down the process. There was a fire in the shell of the building caused by two kids who were up to mischief and one of them was injured trying to get away. Of course we were sued for not having the structure contained better, even though they were trespassing. Perfect example of justice gone backwards. 

Rene, our daughter Kristy and I removed 7 snow storms from the inside of the house and I was thinking that we should just sell the place once completed and call it a huge mistake. During the process we ran into every snag a home building adventure could run into. 

I however noticed that because of doing a lot of work ourselves to save money the three of us were spending more time together. We would work and clean up and many times Kristy who was in high school at the time would do her homework by lantern light. Tacos were eaten by the fireplace hearth. I can still see her sitting there studying without a fire. Every time I start that fireplace now I can see her there. 

I came to the conclusion that the building process was doing more than putting a roof over our heads.We were building a home. The building difficulties caused us to pray more. We were spending more time together and I recall spending four solid days staining and varnishing oak trim together. Soon we were looking forward to moving in. 

We prayed for God to make the construction process go smooth, but we didn't realize that He was busy building the family. We were taught to persevere and stick it out. We were taught to be patient. We were taught to value time spent together. We were taught to do good work that will last. We were taught to place great value on friends who had to move us twice because we needed to move out of our old house before the new on was finished. We were taught to never trust driving on loose gravel. That one is kind of a private joke that only Rene, Kristy and I will understand. 

We are still in the house we built and with no intentions of moving or building another, for now. Sitting back now and looking at the long drawn out process I can say this. 

Proverbs 3:4 For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. 

Including families.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Just A Little Smile Please (With A Recipe) 11/13/2020

 Good Morning,

The heat is on and I am grateful for a warm house on this cold damp day in Wisconsin. The cup sitting next to me was filled with very hot Door County Chocolate Raspberry Coffee. And now it is time to write.

One thing I truly miss during this pandemic are smiles that people greet one another with. The wearing of masks  has put a damper on being able to see those beautiful smiles that adorn peoples face as they see loved ones or friends. Where we live it is very customary for people to greet one another ( even strangers) with a smile. I can tell when my wife is smiling under her mask by looking into her eyes. But I can't see the grin that has been there for so many years. Fortunately we live together and I can see the smile unmasked. Yes we can zoom into a meeting and maybe see a smile or two but the in person smile is the best. 

Today I thought I would share some Scripture Verses on reasons to smile and a verse or two on smiling. A smile is one thing we can enjoy at no cost to us or others.

Psalm 144:15 Happy are the people whose God is the Lord. 

Proverbs 10:28 The hope of the righteous will be gladness, but the expectation of the wicked will perish.

Ecclesiastes 9:7 "Go and eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart: for God has already accepted your works."

Romans 15:13 "Now may the God of hope fill you, with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 34:5 Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed. 

Job 9:27 If I say "I will forget my complaint, I will put off my sad face and be of good cheer. 

So my friends please give the gift of a smile when you can, you might just receive that same gift in return. As I promised I have attached a recipe below that I intend to use tomorrow. We have a lot of cook books in our kitchen library. Taste Of Home seems to be the majority of them. This recipe  credit is from Taste Of Home

God bless, 


Taste Of Home. Biscuits and Gravy


  • 1 tube (16.3 ounces) large refrigerated flaky biscuits
  • 1 pound bulk pork sausage
  • 1 cup chopped sweet onion
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 envelope country gravy mix
  • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • Dash each biscuit with garlic 
  • powder, 
  • Italian seasoning, onion powder 
  • and 
  • pepper
  • 1-1/2 cups 2% milk
  • 1 cup reduced-sodium chicken 
  • broth.


  • Bake biscuits according to package directions.
  • Meanwhile, in a large skillet, cook sausage and onion over medium heat until sausage is no longer pink; drain. Add butter; cook until melted. Stir in the gravy mix, flour and seasonings until blended. Gradually add milk and broth. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 1 minute or until thickened. Serve with biscuits.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Some People Just Have To Bark 11/12/2020

 Good Morning,

Thanks for waking up with me and reading today. I pray for you all. I am really enjoying my hot cup of Door County Vanilla Creme Coffee this morning. 

Psalm 141:3 Set a guard over my mouth O Lord. Keep watch over the door of my lips. 

Our youngest dog Leo is a little over a year old now and s still quite the puppy to say the least. He is a joy, a clown, a hard worker in the field, and part of the family. We have a pretty good morning routine going with the two dogs and we do it in the same order every day. I wake up to the alarm or the dogs wake me up and the day begins. I let them outside to do their "dog business". When they come inside they both sit by the cupboard and wait for their food. I fill the bowls and the happy crunching and munching begins. Once the dining is done Leo picks up his dish and returns it every time. The older dog has a stationary dish and it stays in place.

After I am dressed we head outside for about twenty minutes of training and running around. When we come inside and the dogs have caught their breath I dole out two vitamins each, one dog biscuit and when those are done I give them each one rawhide strip to chew on.

This is where it gets weird. They both take the rawhide and Gibbs the older dog goes under our bed and chews his. Leo takes his and runs anywhere with it in his mouth and barks 3 or 4 times. We thought he did this to let Gibbs know he had one and to stay away. But my wife tested that theory. While Gibbs and I were away for a week she would give Leo the rawhide and he would still bark as he ran off. His behavior had nothing to do with Gibbs and his territory.

I guess we will never know why he does this but here is my point for today. Some people just have to growl or "bark" at others or to themselves. They just have to be heard and let people know that they are around by being loud or a little threatening with their voices. 

Even  nice things in life causes them to react differently than others do. For some this behavior is a shield they put on and people just ignore the bark because no one ever is bitten. We find Leo's behavior funny and I have actually walked up to him and asked for the rawhide. He gives it to me with his tail wagging. He just has to announce what he has and where he is.

But with people it is different. Bark at the same person day after day and sooner or later they avoid you or just tune you out. People do not like being talked to with a gruff voice or just having to listen to gruff complaints all day.

So, friends, if you are one who barks to be heard, noticed, or just like to verbally complain in a gruff fashion, be prepared to be alone. You will seem un-aproachable and crabby even if you aren't. 

So if you find yourself having to talk to yourself too much check your verbal demeanor. Do you bark at people, things, or just plain old life? Listen to your words and consider a change before you have to pay people to attend your birthday party.

Food for thought,


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day Blessings. 11/11/2020


Good Morning,

The sun came up this day shining brightly. I surveyed our property for storm damage from last night's severe storm. There were some large branches ripped from a tree in the backyard. That tree will need to come down yet this year. So I came inside and poured myself a large cup of Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Romans 13:7 Pay all which is owed to them: taxes to who taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, and honor to whom honor is owed.

Today in the United States and a few other countries we remember our veterans who served our country and for those serving now. I am grateful for each and every one of them. They deserve our gratitude and respect for their service to our nation. 

My dad was a veteran who was proud of his service and before he passed away could be seen on Veteran's Day speaking in the public school of his town telling the kids in the assembly about this day, what it meant, and why we celebrate. He mixed in a war story or two with his speech. 

This day is an important day, but shouldn't every day be Veterans Day? We should take every opportunity to express our pride and gratitude for those who serve and are serving. I thank them as I see them. My favorite way to do this is to purchase Girl Scout cookies from a young lady and then ask her to give them to a veteran. It is an act of kindness and a civic lesson all in one.

So today if you are able. Thank a veteran or two. They will accept it, but usually they smile and say thank you very humbly. 

God bless,


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Believer And Pride 11/10/2020

 Good Morning,

My day is beginning early and I will be on the road soon. It is time to write as I sip on some Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee. 

Pride can be looked at two ways. One is good and one is not so good. For instance. " He takes pride in his work" would be an example of good pride. "He refuses to ask a question and learn because of his pride" would be a not so good example of pride. This could be seen as vanity,

Proverbs 29:23 One's pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.

Vanity vs. Pride

People often turn to the dictionary in search of the minute and subtle differences between two similar words. The closely related duo of vanity and pride, which overlap significantly in some respects yet differ in others, offer one such example. Putting aside such uses as pride referring to “a company of lions” and vanity meaning “a dressing table,” each of these words may refer to a state of excessive self-esteem. However, pride may also signify a feeling of satisfaction or happiness (either in oneself or on behalf of others) based on something that is well done; vanity is unlikely to be used in this manner. For a well-worded explanation of this distinction, we might look to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, in which the character Mary opines: “Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.

So be sure to be proud of our accomplishments, but not to the point of vanity.

God bless,


Monday, November 9, 2020

Barbecue Sauce Justs Gets All Over 11/9/2020

 Good Morning,

The morning greeted me with a sprinkle of rain as I was outdoors watching our two dogs Gibbs and Leo run around this morning. I was glad that I had a hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee with me. It is not time to write.

Luke 11:28 But he said, Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it. 

Last night my wife Rene and I split a rack of baby back ribs for dinner. We had a couple of side dishes to go with the meat. I marinated the ribs in Coke and slow cooked them a 225 degrees for three hours. Then at dinner time I slathered them with barbecue sauce and slapped them on the hot grill. In 15-20 minutes we had ourselves a barbecued delight. We have one sauce that we love to use. I have it pictured in the photo today. It has become the go to for barbecue.

Here's the thought of the day. No matter  how hard I tried to be polite, dignified, full of etiquette, and just plain careful there just didn't seem like we were going to have enough napkins. It seemed that the minute I touched my portion of ribs, whether it be with the fork or my hands that barbecue sauce could jump from the ribs to my shirt, to my side dishes, and the table. I didn't feel too bad about it, because I looked across the table and Rene had some sauce on her chin. We both laughed it off and she decided to just have at the ribs, clean up and then eat the side dishes. 

My point is this. That barbecue sauce was delicious and it just got all over everything. There was no stopping it. You just had to enjoy it and go with it.

Yesterday if you attended church in person or if you watched it via pod casts you heard a message from the preacher. Somewhere in that message from God's leader for you, there was something you needed to do. Maybe it was to trust more in God. Or maybe it was to give to a project, get involved, love your neighbor, feed the needy, pray more. straighten up, forgive.  I don't know what you heard but obviously you do. So why not treat it like barbecue sauce, get that message all over you and enjoy what God challenged you to do? 

I would never prepare a beautiful rack of ribs just to look at them. I wouldn't save them for a rainy day and forget that they were in the refrigerator deteriorating. Nope, fresh form the grill or the oven I am all over those delights. So why wait to get into the message you heard and put to practice or use the desired impact God wanted you to experience? Get going. If you didn't attend church this past weekend you missed out on a bounty intended for you. 

Just a thought to start a Monday. 


Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Prison Walls Of My Mind 11/8/2020

 Good Morning,

The sun is coming up and it seems to be brighter than ever today. It is very rare that we see the warm days like we have been treated to lately. Very odd for November. 

I woke up this morning to some Door County Wisconsin Harvest Blend Coffee brewing in the kitchen. My mind turned to prayer for some loved ones who are ill with the Corona Virus. I recall days when I would go to prayer and covid 19 wasn't on my mind at all. But it seems that now no matter what you are doing, sooner or later you are reminded that this pandemic is raging. You shop and people are wearing masks. You don't go to too many places and if you do venture out you wonder if it is safe. You begin to judge others for wearing masks or not wearing masks. My mind feels like it is in prison and I am being told what to think about. This is not healthy for the mind. I sought wisdom from the Good Book and the Holy Spirit quickly directed me to a passage to help free me from the prison walls of my mind. I was reminded that God has also planned things to keep our minds from being captured by doom, gloom, and despair. 

Philippians 4:8-9 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

9. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

Friends, we have the formula for clearing the mind of covid thoughts. Yes we still need to wash our hands more and practice safety but it doesn't have to rule our minds.

I took God's advice and I went back in the archives of my mind while enjoying the sunrise and recalled a birthday celebration for my Dad a few years back. It was one great time, I will never forget. I enjoyed the memory so much that if it were possible I would do that weekend all over again. It brought a smile to my face and it lifted the burden of my mind. I broke down the prison walls of my mind.

Have a better day. Love you all.


Saturday, November 7, 2020

A Constant In The Home. 11/7/2020

 Good Morning,

The sunrise was spectacular again this morning. I am blessed to have been able to see it. I just poured a hot cup of Wisconsin Harvest Blend Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Proverbs 3:5-6   5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; 6. in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. 

The other day my best buddy and I were talking and it was very apparent that he had a severe case of "different opinions" with other people. I listened to him and actually it was easy to see that he was angry. It wasn't too long into the conversation that I found myself agreeing to the point that only a tongue thrashing or even a punch in the nose was in order for these two guys.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp my feet and a light to my path. 

I was able to talk us both down and we prayed about it. But the prayer was as I would call it, fake. We weren't very sincere and wanted our own way. Later when I arrived home with a knot in my gut I knew exactly why it was there. I needed to seek out God in His Word and give my buddy the correct plan. After praying for wisdom and not for fleas to infest their armpits, God honored my humble and sincere prayer by leading me to the correct way to sort things out in Matthew 18. 

Now I shared this plan with him and at first he resisted a little. I stood firm and said that it was God's Word and that was the only way we could move forward. Until we admit it and move forward properly in love, the rest of our prayer time for other things will just be a waste of time and we would be in sin. Boy O boy did we agree on that. We saw the error in our ways. 

Friends, in these times of uncertainty and strife the Word of God has to be a constant in the home. It should be there through thick and thin anyway. It should be the one thing that the family can count on being shared daily and gone to for the answers to issues. It's always been that way before and my train just slipped off of the tracks for a moment. 

I got a little too big for my britches and gave way to my knowledge, instead of seeking God's knowledge. We tend to make God small and enlarge ourselves in our own minds. This is a form of idolatry. Harsh words for a Saturday morning, but the facts are the facts. 

So, now we are on the right track and I plan on staying there. 


Friday, November 6, 2020

Blessed Are The Peacemakers 11/6/2020

 Good Morning,

I am watching the sun come up from the window in our den. It is beautiful to see. My Door County Irish Creme Coffee has to wait for a couple of hours. I need to have some lab work done for my annual physical and it requires fasting. So with the coffee on hold for awhile it is time to write.

The world is still fighting a life and death battle with Covid 19. Every day more people are coming down with this dreaded epidemic. In the United States we have been polarized with no real solutions in sight at least for months. That dangling carrot of a vaccine just does not seem to be happening. It is out there but with no solid timeline. 

There are two beliefs fighting one another. Wear a mask. Don't wear a mask. Socially distance. Or not to socially distance. Herd immunity or more restrictions. Then there are those looking at every new rule and figuring a way around it, just to accommodate their own comfort.

Cooperation is not happening with people believing their rights are being infringed upon. 

Friends it is very confusing and I won't even try and attempt to say what I believe is on God's mind. I do believe He is watching us and our reaction to this plague. 

I think the first step is to unite in this battle against this dang sickness and seek a solution. Here is why I am saying this. We would all like to feel blessed. God clearly states that we have a way to be blessed. And maybe if the world would reach across it's pride and offer to work together we just might find a way to curb this pandemic.

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.

I am not trying to mix politics into my daily spiritual blog. Just stating the Word as it is written.

It's time to reach across lines, pray, and find a solution to this. It might just start with peace first.


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Ice Packs To Soothe The Body. Next The Soul 11/5/2020

 Good Morning,

What a beautiful night of sleep I received last night. It is a shame that the alarm clock had other ideas. I can smell the Door County Irish Creme Coffee brewing in the kitchen. It is time to write.

Our nephew tore up his shoulder at work a few weeks ago. Last Friday they repaired his shoulder and from one who has had shoulder repairs I can tell you I would rather have my two knees replaced again instead of having one shoulder repair. I can just feel the pain. So when he said it was hurting I could identify with him. I found that a way to control the pain was with ice. I stumbled on to some great ice packs when I had my shoulder surgery. I was blessed to be able to find some more and get them over to him. Hopefully they are helping like they did for me.

Now sometimes we need to not only soothe the pain we are in, but we also need to calm and soothe the soul. I found some Scripture passages that help me soothe my soul. It is like ice on a sore shoulder.

Job 6:10 This would be my comfort; I would even exult in pain unsparing, for I have not denied the words of the Holy One.

Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Psalm 34:18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Jeremiah 17:14  Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise

So today uncle to nephew. Read these and soothe your soul.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Sun Will Come Up 11/4/2020

 Good Morning,

I am writing this while sipping on a hot cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee, A prayer is on my lips and will be there for the rest of the day.

Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end.; They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness. 

Yesterday was election day for the United States.  I went to bed without knowing the election results and I haven't turned on the television to see what happened in our presidential and local elections. It's not that I don't care. Regardless who wins we will have a president. I will pray for whoever it is and I will treat him with the respect due to the office.

One thing I am sure of is that the sun will come up this morning and God is on His throne. Each day will be new no matter who is the president. So for my part I will do my part by praying for our country. I will continue to exercise my freedom to vote in all elections and I will continue to vote after prayer and checking platforms biblically. 

Have a great day.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Generosity Deserved? 11/3/2020

 Good Morning,

A hearty, hot and tasty cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee is waiting for me when I am done writing. So let's go!

I am preparing my sermons for our Saturday Night Church Services in November. Each week I am focusing on something to be thankful for. 

Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

There are times when I look at pictures of the feasts we have had in our dining room that I am truly in awe as to how much we have been blessed. There were also times in my life when things were very lean and bills were paid with the least amount needed and noodles were the meal. But I never starved. I also think of the times that I should have been physically hurt or hurt others and it didn't happen. I am blessed to have family and friends. I am blessed to have had great teachers and mentors. 

In each of these examples I did nothing to deserve the blessings and certainly could never pay back the blessings. If I received what I deserved I would be starving, crippled up and alone. But God's generosity is unfathomable and hard to explain, But I know this, I am grateful.

Being grateful to God in all things is a step towards wisdom.

Have a great day. 


Monday, November 2, 2020

We Choose To Continue 11/2/2020

 Good Morning,

Oh Monday why do we have to see you so early today? I just poured a cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java and it is steaming away next to me. It's time for me to write. 

Hebrews 10:39 But we are not like those who turn away from God to their own destruction. We are faithful ones whose souls shall be saved. 

Life can be difficult at times to say the least for those in Christ and those in the world. But for those in Christ they have hope and comfort during difficult times. Christians who trust in the Lord know that He will  help when things get rough and tough, 

We do not quit and we move on through the times of difficulty knowing that God is with us and we will be victorious.  We have a true hope that keeps our souls alive unto eternity when God is our strength. He leads us through and we have the promise of heaven with peace and tranquility for eternity . Nothing can steal that victory away. 

So despite the circumstances keep moving forward and follow God as He leads. In the long run He always leads us home.


Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Oldies Channel 11/1/2020

 Good Morning,

I have Door County Autumn Spice Coffee on my tongue, a song in my heart, and a prayer to be said. This is a great way to wake up.

I love listening to old music from the forties through the sixties. I have said many times before that I was born too late. I really would have fit in with malt shops, hot rod cars and girls wearing poodle skirts. I love the old Gospel hymns and find myself surfing Pandora from station to station creating a mix of both genres. Mix in a little Country Western tunes and we have music Xanadu for me.

Last night while driving home from church one of my favorite Oldie Doo Wop tunes came on. In the lyrics a young man is singing about his undying love for some girl. He promises to adore her till the tropic sun goes cold, which implies always and forever. 

I was pondering these lyrics and thought about God's love for us. He loved us before we were born and will love us through eternity. The sun that beats down on a hot day and never seems to cool off will long be cold and God will still love us. The thought of someone loving me so much that He can put up with me for that long shows me what heaven will be like. It is permanent love at all times. This gives me hope that what awaits me is perfect. This thought is backed up by Scripture. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to die on the cross that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

I like to take the word world out of this passage and substitute my name. For God so loved Marty or I add the word me. It makes it so much more personal and gives me hope of love and life eternal. 

Try it. Add your name. Say it out loud. What a feeling it is!

Love you all!
