Friday, January 31, 2020

Who Do You Say God Is? 1-31-2020

Good Morning,

Friday came right on time for me and we are looking to spend some quality  time with good friends this weekend. I.just poured myself  a very hot cup of Door County White Christmas  Coffee. It is time to write.

We started a study in our Men's Group at church this week
We are studying the Majesty of God.
It isn't  a surprise to me that God cannot be fully understood and we find it hard to describe Him.

Psalm 145:3  Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable.

Some call Him Father. The Great Provider. The Great I Am. So many attributes and so many possible  names. Yet we cannot fathom His wonders.

I am not disappointed in the fact that I will never fully understand or comprehend  God. If I could fathom and understand God it would mean He's not all that great. That would be disappointing. So for me I will call Him Loving Father and say lead me. Who do you say He is?

Have a great day.


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Out The Door They Go! 1/30/2020

Good Morning,

Might I say that my Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee is just what I needed to go along with my prayer time.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and He shall direct your paths

Our two Springer Spaniels Leo and Gibbs are to say the least "full of energy" , They love to attempt to run out of any door when it opens. This is dangerous and is not what is a desired behavior. So we have been working on having them sit while the door is open and they are not allowed to leave or move until their name is called. The last thing I would want them to do is to bolt from the door and run into the street. Both of them have learned their boundaries pretty well and now we just need to conquer the invitation from an open door.

Friends, all of us do the same thing as our dogs do. We see the opening and we jump through it in life. Some openings are not the best for us and should be avoided. We jump at the chance for instant happiness. All too often we see people marrying the wrong person just because the door of attention opened up.

We need to practice like our dogs do. When something comes our way we should stop and pray before jumping in. If it is dangerous or immoral we can rule it out right away as not for us!

The more we learn to rely on prayer and God's Word the safer we are and we find it easier to not stray down the wrong road.

Good advice for that moment when you have to choose!

Have a great day.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A Great Start. How Will We Finish?

Good Morning,

I just sat down to a cup of  Door  County  Jamaican  Me Crazy Coffee and some Cheerios.

Today I want to talk about our Men's  Bible Study. We started a new study this week and everyone was gung ho to get going on it. Enthusiasm  was high and I believe the study we chose will be phenomenal.

But I have seen this before and I can tell you that not everyone will complete the study fully.  Then there will be those who complete the study but will fail to apply it in their lives.

Those who earnestly work at it and complete it will be evident. You will see the fruit of spending more time in God's  Word seeking a closer relationship with him. These men will be better husbands, fathers, workers and disciples for the Kingdom of God.

James 1:22 Be doers of the Word and not hearers only, decieving yourselves.

Knowledge attained and not applied is a waste of time. We soon forget what we learned and then we move on seeking another 12 week spiritual high. We satisfy the mind temporarily and never fulfill the soul by seeing the good fruit of application.

I am praying for each of the men so that the fire that is ignited now burns long after this study is over.

If you aren't  studying God's  Word and then applying it to your life you are like many. Just along for the ride. When the ride gets bumpy you aren't  prepared and life can drag you down in a heartbeat.

Men. Study on. Pray for those in your study and stay true.


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Wondrous Things 1/28/2020

Good Morning,

This is an unusual day for me
 My Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee tastes great, smells delicious, but it doesn't  seem  to be warming up this body of mine..

I was looking outside at the snow covered flower bed and my mind wandered back to last summer when most everything in the garden was blooming.

Job 5:9 God does unsearchable things, wonders without numbers.

I recalled the color and the beauty. I switched to the fall and again my world was painted with the trees in color.

Each day I breathe in air that I could not manufacture. Babies are born and their first breath is given to them..

The ocean tides move on a daily basis. When I think about how many movements God orchestrates  in a day and how perfect they are I am amazed beyond comprehension.

So my goal for today is to take your mind off of the issues of the day and remind you of just how awesome  God is.

God bless,


Monday, January 27, 2020

Keep Moving 1/27/2020

Good  Morning,

This day started with some dreary weather and a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee. I finished my prayer time for now and it is time to write.

Recently, I had the son of a friend tell me that he was quitting school and not finishing the last year and a half needed for his degree in engineering. I asked why and his answer was admirable but not well thought out. He told me that he heard his parents talking to someone  and they were turning down an offer for a vacation  with other couples. They said they couldn't  afford the expense at this time.

Their son dug a little deeper into this situation, knowing his parents  income and wondered why they couldn't  go. He persisted in his search for an answer and found something out that caused him to make his decision to quit.

His parents were saving money to help him pay off his student loans when he graduated. Then it happened. Satan sent him on a guilt trip and he felt terrible about their sacrifice they were making. So without discussing this with his parents he quit school hoping to finish some day later.

His announcement to quit without a discussion has left his parents devastated. I had advised him to seek out and discuss this with his parents before doing anything. I really thought he would do so. But then it happened
 Satan not only sent him on a guilt trip, he took him down the road of pride and mixed with unrighteous guilt it caused a huge mistake.

Think about this. If he had accepted the gift of his parents he would be in school working his way to a good job. The good job would let him pay his loans. The good job could also let him send his parents on a vacation or pay them back. He is an only child and his parents were sharing a blessing on him. They wonder why a heartfelt gift would cause harm. Our young friend in what he thinks is wisdom hurt his parents. He couldn't see that God was behind the gift. God is the giver of all good things.

Philippians 4:19 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have. 

When we act on what we don't  know or understand we open the door to advice from evil. I am hoping this can be turned around and I think it can. But it is a perfect example as to how pride and guilt accompanied  by what we don't  know can sink a person or a family. It would have been best to have sat down with his parents, pray, talk it out and stay on course.

We all do this when we don't  know what we don't  know about any situation that comes along. We look for a way to stop it and quitting on someone or something  is often an option.

So if you are faced with a situation that is causing you to think about quitting  on something you have strived and worked for, don't.  You just might regret it for a long time. Keep moving forward.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Dealing With Set Backs 1/26/27

Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and an ice pack. It seems as if I put a crease in my left foot when I slipped on some frozen snow. So it's  an ice pack and elevation of the foot for me
I can say this. I will still have a hot cup of Door County  Brownie  Batter  Coffee to wake me up.

So it seems as if My wife Rene and I suffered a set back in life.  It isn't a big deal but it has been painful and has me just plain old laid up.  This is just one of those things that just happens  to folks now and then. Inconvenient? YES Great timing? NO

So I have two choices here
 One would be to get mad at the world, be crabby, and lash out  at God with a big Why Me?

The second way to approach this is to say. It could be worse. Accept what happend as a bump in my life and trust that God knows what happened. It could be that taking me out of life's  mainstream  is saving me from something  worse. I don't  know and might not  ever know. So my choice is this. I need to trust God and know that He is incontrol.
 I will pray to be healed and do what I am told to do in order to heal. Complaining  would just a form of lacking in trust and weak faith.

So for all of us facing a bump in the road,
 here is a  Bible verse to soothe our souls.

Psalm 112:7 He is not afraid of bad news, his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.

Have a great day. Be a blessing to


Saturday, January 25, 2020

Disagree But Be Nice About It 1/25/2020

Good Morning,

This morning finds us blanketed in snow once more and my cup of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee is my companion for the morning. I think some apples and peanut butter will make for a fine breakfast. That being said, it's time to write.

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. 

There comes a time and I mean many times that a married couple will have to discuss something that isn't comfortable. The number one thing that can turn ugly is a discussion on finances. Sex and the kids are the next two in line that can cause heated discussions.  So for simplicity, let's talk finances, because there are many topics under the sun which we could choose.

Usually the discussion under finances is about the fact that there might not be enough "do re mi" to go around.  Next it might be the fact that a large purchase has to be made or some spending habits need to change. I don't have the answers to the issues, but we have developed a system that works.

1. The discussion is announced and a time to talk is established with the subject matter clearly stated. The time is never after dinner or before bed unless it is an emergency. Usually our discussions or debates take place on a Saturday morning over my coffee and my wife's glass of Diet Dr, Pepper. We avoid going to bed angry or staying awake with anger or worry.

2.  We decide to pray for the discussion together until Saturday arrives. I know that both of us will pray also on our own.

3. If the outcome isn't needed right away and we both disagree we go back to the prayer time and think about our decision and pray that we can get on the same page. We pick a meeting time again and hash it out once more. Every meeting begins with prayer and ends with prayer.

4. When tempers flare up a little we walk away and cool off. We have agreed that bringing sin into our discussion will not allow the decision to be blessed. So we try very hard not to be mean, self centered, or stubborn. Once the verbal tones rise or we say something we shouldn't have the discussion is over and we both walk away and pray for a change of attitude and heart.

5,. If we both disagree and it can wait, we wait until one of us or both of us change our minds. Usually we both change our minds because we found a better solution. Now if the situation is more immediate and we disagree Rene bends and submits to my leadership choice. Now that isn't always popular ladies, I know. But she trusts my prayer life and track record. I also do not like this because the responsibility for the action rests right on my shoulders. Guys, when it comes down to this you really have to pray and take any self centered thoughts out of your head. You better be up for this and don't go asking for it if you aren't steady in your prayer life and track record on decisions. The resistance you are meeting might be your own fault.

6. Large purchases should always be discussed. Example, many years ago our finances were very tight and I could foresee cutbacks coming in the health care job market where we both worked . Wouldn't you know that our old Jeep just decided not to produce heat and the cost to fix it back then was about $2000 dollars which we did not have at the time. We discussed buying a new car and making payments, which neither of us was comfortable with. We decided that I would dress up warm through the winter and a little heater/ fan would bought to help me defrost the windshield. Again, it was one of the coldest and snow laden winters we had in a long time. But somehow I made it through that dreadful winter. As I figured. there were cutbacks in the health care arena and Rene lost her job in the spring. Within days she actually was hired by another hospital with a substantial raise in pay.

A few weeks later I was driving the Jeep home from work on a hot day. I forgot to mention that since the heat didn't work, neither did the air conditioning. I stopped a the freeway entrance, waiting my turn and I could see and smell smoke. Our Jeep was on fire and within minutes it was a ball of flames.  Well things had advanced in our finances and not having a car payment had allowed for us to save some money. We knew the Jeep wouldn't last. So after having it towed away we prayed about what to purchase for an auto. Rene's car was fairly new and in great shape, but we still decided after some prayer to go shopping. We knew what we could spend, found an affordable solution although not attractive or flashy, it was sufficient for the next few years.

Friends I still say a prayer of thanks every day for a warm vehicle. Rene did not like the idea of me driving in a freezing car. But she agreed with it after prayer and it took about three meetings. Those meetings were intense but we "weathered" through them putting each other first and not reacting without guidance from God.

So to close. Disagree, argue a little if you must, but be nice and put each other first . The decisions might be difficult but they should never cause you to sin.  Those decisions, once sin creeps in will never be blessed.  Our little purchase served us very well and we were able to save up some cash for the next vehicle needed. And in the middle of all that, God blessed Rene with a better job.


Friday, January 24, 2020

Amen 1/24/2020

Good Morning,

I just sat down to a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and two warm Springer Spaniels sitting on my feet.

I always like to say "Amen" at the end of my prayers and I guess it is just out of habit. I never gave it much thought until lately. I examined the definition of  the word amen. I found that it means "I agree, so be it, and truly". So when I thought about this and pondered it, as usual, like many things it fell off of my radar screen. Yesterday however while driving I listened to a message on the word Amen. It was powerful to say the least and Preacher Allan Kearns filled in the blanks for me. Here is what I was missing in my knowledge.

James 5:16 The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

When we say amen at the end of our prayers we are adding our signature to an agreement with God. Much like signing a contract or a personal check. When we say amen we are agreeing with the statements made in the prayer and agree to do our part, whatever it is to honor our request. So someone who asks God for something or to do something and prays eloquently or not so eloquently and adds their signature at the end of the prayer agrees to live a life worthy of honoring the request. Really, should we pray with beauty and eloquence and then curse those around us? It is as if you just wrote a bad check with insufficient funds. That check will bounce a sure as I am old.

Our statement to God is one we own and we need to lead and live a life worthy of His response. When we do just the opposite I would say our prayer becomes ugly and it is like putting lipstick on a pig. We glamour it up with our words and our hearts are still ugly.

Just saying AMEN to this blog!

Have a great day.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Basketball Brawl 1/23/2020

Good Morning,

I just wanted to sleep in a little longer today, but common sense got me going so I don't have to rush out of the door to work. I just poured a small cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee for myself and not it is time to write.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. 

The other day the news was full of reports about a college basketball game that ended in a huge fight between the two teams.  It was an atrocity that took place. One player was wielding a chair or stool as a weapon. Fortunately someone stopped him from using it. I don't know what started it, but what happened shouldn't have. Some game suspensions were handed out, but end before tournament time. I know these players can't be fined but the coaches should also be suspended. They lost control of their teams. I am sure the schools have an athletic code of ethics, but it didn't look like it to me. The schools both should be suspended from tournaments this year.

I sound harsh, but here is the reality. If the penalties were much harsher the financial cost to the schools would be large. Friends proper discipline was undermined because of money. What lesson did these athletes learn from this?  I am not sure they learned anything.

I call this one the shame of the week.


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

I Shall Not Want. 1/22/2020

Good Morning,

Some day I do believe that some of us will somehow share a cup of Door County Chocolate Covered Strawberry Coffee and pray together. I don't know how it will happen, but it is a prayer of mine.

Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.

I have spent way too much time in life thinking about what I don't have. Sure, there are things that I would like to have, but when I really think about it, I surely do not lack for anything.

I ate yesterday and I will eat today. My wife Rene and I have a roof over our heads and we are warm. We are safe and are blessed to have each other. I can still walk and hunt, but Dancing With The Stars is not in my future. When I think about what we have, I realized  just how much God has blessed us. Most of all God sent His Son to pay the price for my sins. Our Great Shepherd saved me from eternity in Hell. So today instead of counting what I don't have, I will count my blessings and say thank you Dear God,

How about you? Does counting what you don't have keep you awake at night? Maybe try counting your blessings. Counting sheep just makes me hungry. When I count mine, all of you who read this are counted as precious gifts to me.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Create In Me A Clean Heart 1/21/2020

Good Morning,

I have two Springer Spaniels at my feet and they are a welcome attraction this morning. I just returned from letting them run outside for few minutes. It is very cold out there today and having them snuggle on my feet is warming me up quickly. My mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is helping with the heat project also.

Psalm 51:10-12    10. Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11. Do not cast me from your presence, or take your Holy Spirit from me. 12. Restore to me the joy of your salvation,  and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

To keep the roads from being icy and slippery where we live, the city, state and county apply salt to the surfaces. The salt melts the snow and ice and soon after you have a wet brine that attaches itself to your automobile or truck. It whitewashes the surface of a car and we all know that unless it is rinsed off  it starts an erosion process and eats away at the metal of the automobile. In addition, if you brush up against one of these brine laden vehicles the white powder attaches itself to your clothes. Many people walk around with a dark coat painted white with what looks to be chalk dust.

In life we find that all too often we get a little salty ourselves. We accept things into our lives that we know are wrong. We rationalize doing the wrong things with "it won't hurt this one time" or "it was just a little bit". For instance some might imbibe on an alcohol cocktail now and then without impacting their lives. But then there are some who should never have a drink because of the impact the drinks have on them and others around them. So one drink, leads to another, which might spawn heartache, lies, and deceit.  You see, the salt attached itself and started to erode your frame, your body, and the minds and hearts of others.

Friends we all do this from time to time by letting a little salt (sin) into our lives. We forget that it just accumulates more and more until we can't remember the lies we told, our shame is before us, and the sins we like to keep hurt others.

We need to wash our cars to get rid of the salt brine in the winter. We as well need to have a heart to heart talk with God and ask Him to wash out our hearts and minds. This starts by being honest and open to correction.  You can see the impact these sins we like to keep have. You just have to open your eyes. The first sign of erosion is when God is not your number one priority.

So take a look inside. Do you need to spend some time in God's car wash?

Have a great day!!


Monday, January 20, 2020

What Every Parent Knows Or Should Know 1/20/2020

Good Morning.

I am awake and will be on the road very early today. It will be somewhat of a long day for me. I am enjoying a large  cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee as I write.

Every parent knows or should know that when a child begins to walk it isn't very long at all before those little legs are running at full speed. At the same time the child really starts developing opinions and ideas. When they see something that they want to experience, their little feet accelerate and their decision to explore goes into motion. Unfortunately they haven't developed the sense to know what is harmful or not. They also try to eat everything and many a child has accidentally poisoned their little self.

My point is this. Immediately after the walking begins more education needs to take place than ever before. We can't expect little ones to know the difference. To ruin a family the devil will entice kids to demand their own way and run off to danger. A vibrant color is beautiful and must be good, yet it is a strong detergent meant to cut grease and grime. Teach, teach, teach ahead of time instead of having to react. Remember these kids are easily tempted.

Then up your prayer intensity, You owe it to your kids to pray for their safety. Also ask for more energy and eyes that can see ahead of the child.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful.He will guard you and protect you from the evil one.

Grandparents, conserve your energy, If you are watching the little speedy ones, devote your full attention to it. As we get older we can't run fast enough to stop them from going into the street in the direction of oncoming cars.

Food for thought.


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Weed Protection 1/19/2020

Good Morning,

I just poured a cup of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee for myself. The last half hour was spent outside with our dogs. It is pretty cold here today. While watching the dogs run and play the wind was blowing right up the back of my coat. Needless to say that once I was inside a "small easy fire" was lit in the fireplace. All is warm and content now in this house. It is time to write.

I for one am enjoying the cold weather. I like wearing warm clothes, drinking hot chocolate or coffee, eating soup, and a hot fireplace. But now and then I find myself letting my mind wander into spring. Yesterday while doing a few things in our garage I spied the bag of weed protection and fertilizer stacked in the corner. It reminded me that I need to apply it first thing right after it starts to warm up around here. Having it in the garage and not applying it doesn't make any sense at all. The weeds will start to grow and then take hold and spread. Very soon I will have a mess that will be a battle to fix.

Hosea 10:12  Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your  fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord. 

Friends, the Holy Spirit is here to point out the dangers and sin in our lives. God made sure the Holy Spirit to us to lead us to all truth. Now the Holy Spirit can point out all the right ways and illuminate the wrong steps and flash warnings all over the place. But unless we apply the wisdom of His work to our lives in the gardens of our hearts and minds, they can soon be choked off from the truth and lead us astray.

If we have a consistent walk with God that includes time in His word, prayer, and obedience we have applied weed prevention. Once the Holy Spirit points out weed growth in our lives, we need to apply weed killer. The weed killer is repentance, more time in the Word of God, more prayer and some form of accountability, so the weeds don't return.

I know it is winter right now and fresh vegetables aren't in focus yet.  But how is the garden of your heart and mind. Do some weeds need to be killed? Are you preventing weed growth? Those weeds creep in slowly but grow so fast that before you know it they kill off a lot of heart and mind, Once that happens the heart becomes like hardened ground that hasn't been tilled or fed.  Useless and barren except for the weeds.

Friends, tend to your gardens.

God bless,


Saturday, January 18, 2020

You Just Have To Ask The Question 1/18/2020

Good Morning,

It won't be long until I am outside moving a heavy blanket of snow from our driveway and the neighbor's. So while I am still dry and awake I will enjoy my cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and write.

There comes a time when we all screw up, someway, somehow, and we offend someone. Maybe you just checked out on me right here because you are perfect and never offend anyone. Maybe you are never late or forget to attend something or you control your mouth perfectly as you meet every deadline. Maybe you have never been tempted to do something wrong and then did it. Well, read this anyway and pass it on to someone who has offended you.

We all know how to say these three little words. "I am sorry." Those three words spew forth from our cake traps (mouths) too easily and really show a lack of sincerity. When apologizing for harming or doing wrong to another person the first step is to start with God. When we go down a wrong path and offend someone we also offend Him with our sin. Go to God, confess the wrong with a sincere heart ask to be forgiven. He is just and faithful and will forgive a sincere heart.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

The next step if at all possible is to go to the person and  and say you are sorry, but add this phrase "Can you forgive me please? " Now we all know that we might not receive the forgiveness we seek and in many instances only time will tell. I would recommend that whatever we did is presented with a plan of correction before we ask to be forgiven. The plan should have some type of accountability to make sure it doesn't happen again. The proof is "in the pudding" . Pudding is just muddy milk until it sets for awhile. Apologies are often accepted but proof of change and a rebuilding of trust takes some time. But the question " would you , could you, can you, forgive me please? needs to be asked, You might not get the answer you desire, so the next step it to accept it, go home and pray for the person or persons to have a change of heart. This now is an issue between God and them. Your actions brought them to sin now so the least you can do is to sincerely pray for them, stay clean of your own wrong doings and walk with God.

Stop handing out the cheap "I am sorry" statements and learn to sincerely apologize. It is a sign of spiritual growth and maturity.

This was kind of long for a Saturday but I don't feel the need to apologize!

God bless,


Friday, January 17, 2020

Heart To Heart You Are Loved 1/17/2020

Good Morning,

As I sit in our den waiting for the Door County Highlander Coffee to finish brewing I took the time to pray and now it is time to write.

1 Corinthians 10:31  So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

A very nice lady commented on my blog  a day ago and said that it touched her heart and asked if I minded if she shared it with someone else. Let me explain the purpose of this blog and why it is written. A long time ago this started as an idea within our church that all of our elders would take a week and write a thought for the day. Every week we would rotate bloggers. I started us off and within weeks the wheels came off of the blog bus and there wasn't much interest in continuing. To honor the lady who came up with the idea I continued and it became an every day thing. I asked God if He wanted me to continue and the answer came the next day in a blog comment. Some one asked me to keep writing because she was reading one day and the message spoke to her and she was able to escape from a deep depression she was in. I explained to her that it wasn't me that should get any credit, but it was God who told me what to write that day and He reached out to her through Scripture and a few words He let me add. Thus I write every day until God says to stop.

So in short. This daily blog is free to share with whoever you desire to share it with. God is the Founder and Author. There are no royalty fees involved and you don't need permission to share it. This daily blog is from God's heart, to my heart and then to yours.  I consider it a labor of love and I know that each day the message is written and it might touch the heart of someone and not always everyone. That is up to God.

Today I want to say that a global prayer went up for all who read this. You are family to me and I want you to know that you are loved.

God bless,


Thursday, January 16, 2020

A Recipe For A Happy Marriage 1/16/2020

Good Morning,

I started this day early and I am hoping to obtain a a bit of time to go to the gym tonight and sweat in a sauna. My mug was just filled with Door County Maple Coffee and it tastes as good as it smells.

My wife Rene and I have been married for a little over 1000 years now and someone asked us recently how we made it that long? A long time ago we discovered that in order to survive in marriage we needed to not take ourselves so seriously. We found that we both carried a chip on our shoulder and wore our hearts on our arms. We easily became offended and hurt over the dumbest things. In all reality we were both selfish.

We both had to admit that we were not the specimens of perfection we thought we were. And most of all, since neither of us is perfect, it isn't fair to expect perfection from each other.

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, as in Christ, God has forgiven you. 

Amazingly we found out that neither of us is a mind reader and failure to communicate can make any marriage suffer. Of course God needs to be at the head of every marriage and since He is the ultimate example of forgiving, we also concluded that in order to maintain the bliss, we need to be a forgiving couple.

 Just a few thoughts on how we made it so far. I attached a recipe that is a favorite of ours. Oh by the way. Eat together!


Grilled Flank Steak with Garlic & Rosemary By Jennifer Segal, adapted from Cooks Illustrated

Easy and full of flavor, this grilled flank steak is one of my favorite summer grilling recipes.
Servings: 4
Total Time: 30 Minutes


  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons fresh chopped rosemary
  • cloves garlic, roughly chopped
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 - 2-1/2 lb flank steak

    1. Make the marinade by combining the olive oil, rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper in a blender. Blitz for a few minutes, until garlic and rosemary are pulverized.
    2. Place the flank steak in a medium baking dish. Using a fork, poke meat about 10 times on each side. Pour the marinade over top and turn the steak a few times to coat evenly. Cover with saran wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour or overnight.
    3. Grease grill with oil and preheat to high. When grill is hot, grill flank steak covered for about 5 minutes. Turn and cook covered for about 3-4 minutes more. Let meat rest on cutting board, covered with aluminum foil, for about 15 minutes. Slice very thin against the grain.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Be Still 1/15/2020

Good Morning,

The night went by quickly and now it is time to write. I am hoping that my mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee warms me up real fast and wakes up my brain.

I worked too late last night, well after the time I should have been in bed. I had a lot on my mind and I was planning my work day in my head when I should have been sleeping. I looked up Psalm 46:10 very late when I realized that I was working myself into a sleepless night,

Psalm 46:10    He says, Be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the Earth.

I thought to myself if I could only be still and not have my mind going a million miles an hour that sure would be nice. Being still these days is not all that easy to do. I think many of you will agree with me. This world is loud and moves very fast. Slowing down and being still is almost impossible. I gave in and said, " Lord help me to slow down". It was soon after that, when my eyes became heavy and I headed to bed. God literally told me to be still and then honored my request to help me. Nothing I was going to do last night with my head spinning will have one impact on today. Today is here and I will deal with any issues one at a time.

Friends, take some time today to just find a quiet place and be still. It feels so good to steal time back from the craziness of life. And know this. God knew just what you needed.  The key to a good day is to unlock the door on some rest the night before
Be still and praise Him.

God bless,



Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Girl Scout Cookies 1/14/2020

Good Morning,

I woke up and I wasn't in hell. So that is surely more than I deserve. On top of that I was blessed to pour a large mug of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee for myself . Now it is time to write.

The annual Girl Scout Cookie campaign has begun. My wife Rene and I have already been petitioned by a couple of girls to purchase some cookies. I forgot to place one order correctly. Each year Rene orders extra and asks the girl scouts to give the extra cookies to a veteran. She was quick to remind me to correct my mistake. Eventually the girls will set up a table and sell their cookies from a spot near the entrance to stores. We will do the same thing there. We will purchase a box of cookies and ask the girls to give it to the next veteran they see or know.

This teaches the girls to appreciate our veterans. They see us smile when we leave them with the cookies, which for us is biblical. They can experience our happiness in being able to give.

2 Corinthians 9:7 So let each one of you give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. 

So it is OK to purchase some cookies and treat yourself to a sweet delight. But consider sharing a box with a veteran and teach a young girl or two the thrill of being able to give a box away to someone who truly deserves our thanks.

God bless.


Monday, January 13, 2020

While We Are Here Let's Make A Difference 1/13/2020

Good Morning,

This old man is waiting on the Door County Maple Coffee to finish brewing and I am looking forward to that first cup in a big way.

Proverbs 11:14 For a lack of guidance a nation falls. But victory is won through many advisers. 

I have lived most of my life already and now that I am older I don't take each day for granted. I am not ancient yet and hopefully still have some good years left in me. I had an encounter with a young man yesterday that I would have to say was very nice. I was able to give him a little sound advice and after receiving it he replied, "Thanks for looking out for me. That is a good idea and I will follow through on it." He was polite and appreciated the nudge toward a direction in life.

Now it wasn't anything Earth shattering that spewed out of my mouth, but it came from experience and from my heart, one man to another man. The age difference between us is about 43 years and during our encounter we both shared from the heart.

Friends this will be short and to the point today. You were given experiences in life and for the time being you are still here on this Earth. Your experience is yours. You went through something and might have been just placed in a situation where your experience can benefit someone else. It is your God given duty to share the knowledge with compassion and love. If not, you have to question "why am I here"?  Whether you experienced good fortune or bad, you have gone through it and have knowledge to share.

Go ahead and share. You will never really know the impact you made on another life.  And if you are in the middle of an experience you never navigated before, and someone comes along who has, navigated the issue, it just might be the help you were praying for.

Have a great day. Share, share, and then share some more. Receive advice with respect and thankfulness.


Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Thief Comes To Steal. 1/12/2020

Good Morning,

We ended up with just a small snow storm last night. It won't take too much to clean it up. But I will wait for daylight to get this chore done. It will also let my wife and our neighbors enjoy some much needed sleep. The snow blower isn't exactly quiet! I am truly appreciating this hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee sitting next to me. It is time to write.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest. 

Rene and I have a burglar alarm system that also is connected to our smoke alarms. It is also interfaced to a portable button that you can attach to your clothes for instant help. We have this button for Rene who has diabetes. She wears this button when I am out of town and has the ability to signal that she needs help. First Responders are called for her aid.

All of this is well and good. But we still have the responsibility to turn the system on when we leave or go to bed at night. Except for the fire alarms being active 24/7 we have to activate the system for burglars and illness emergencies. Then it monitors the house in many ways and from many angles. It would be foolish on our part to pay for this service and not use it.

It was a long time ago that we agreed to install a system like this and use it. I recall our conversation when we made the decision to go down the burglar alarm road. We both agreed that anyone coming into our home uninvited was coming to cause harm, destroy, and steal. They weren't coming in for coffee and a piece of pie. Our two dogs are also furry alarms and the one can be aggressive when he feels the need to protect the house or us. I make sure those two are fed and happy.

Friends the point I am making today is this. We all have access to a Spiritual alarm system that can keep the old Devil out of the house.  It is our Bible. When we are in the Word daily, we are reminded that Satan is out there seeking to destroy families. He sneaks in when we let our guard down. This happens when we become selfish, lazy, and forget his purpose. It doesn't take much of an opening for Satan to enter in. Our mouths when left unfiltered open the door to anger, and filth. Satan sees the alarm system is being turned off and comes right in. When a family is argumentative with each other he sees that the alarm covering the peace of a family is turned off and then he arrives and agitates the situation.  Our Bibles remind us to love one another, fear God, love the Lord and stay away from the sins that we hang on to.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you peace and hope.

Our Bibles and time in them keep us on the right track of life. Once you realize that love, life and family are fragile like antique dishes you want to take action to protect them. When you don't you are telling God that you really don't care about the family, friends, and possessions He has given you, You tell God that you really don't love and respect Him either as He only has good plans for you. In your selfish disobedience you choose the path of destruction and open the door to the thief. You don't care about God's plans.

Get on it people. The thief comes only to destroy and you leave the window open.


Saturday, January 11, 2020

Music And The Soul 1/11/2020

Good Morning,

My cup of Door County Christmas Coffee is ready to be refilled very soon. I am writing from our den. My hideout is on the second floor with windows facing two directions. I am watching the trees bend in the wind and I can hear the wind howling as it blows along the house. I am grateful for the new windows we put on the house two years ago. I have a small fire in the fireplace and the house is toasty warm. If I don't leave this den all day I am content to be here.

Psalm 92:1 It is good to praise the Lord and make music to you name, O Most High!

In our church congregation we are so blessed to have many musicians and singers. I for one cannot be counted within the group of the talented. When God handed out talents I must have been sleeping and I missed the talent train. But that is OK with me. I get to sit and listen to the beautiful music others play sing or compose. Today I want to say thank you to all of those who lead me every week in worship with their talents. It is a sacrifice to spend time practicing, writing music, or teaching others. They are using their God given talents to praise God and bless others.

Here is the challenge to all of you. What talent or gift has God given to you and you aren't using? Can you teach? You should be teaching. Are you good at working with children or teens, then you should be doing that. Are you a clean freak? Then clean the church . Are you gifted with a strong back. Help the elderly move into a new residence when they need to. Can you bake or cook? Many hands make short work of a church breakfast. Some people with a ton of kids could use a break. Bring them or the sickly a meal.

Take your talents on the road. Play your guitar in a home for the elderly. Babysit for the single mother who needs to grocery shop. I see these moms all the time with three kids tagging along in the store, destroying the store aisle by aisle. Are you able to write and were gifted with good penmanship? Write letters to our military service men and women. Send your pastor an encouraging note.

What ever gift or talent you possess, use it to praise God and give Him the glory before it is too late. That guitar will never make any music from the grave!

God bless,


Friday, January 10, 2020

Hunkering Down For The Storm 1/10/2020

Good Morning,
 I have a cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java sitting next to me and it is not at rest. The brew is steaming away and giving me a wonderful aroma to enjoy while I sip, and write this morning.

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.

The weather is always a subject that is discussed in our part of the world. We enjoy four distinct seasons and within each of those seasons weather can vary quite a bit. Yesterday it was fifty degrees outside and this morning the temperature has dropped almost twenty degrees over night. The television weather people are super stoked about a massive snow, ice and sleet storm headed our way for the next two days.

What I admire about the "weather people" is that they take their job seriously despite knowing that God can change the weather and at times their forecast is wrong. Most of the time they are pretty much spot on and use their knowledge to keep us informed and safe. They news channel I prefer to watch has their weather team all over this storm like a big hungry man would be on a doughnut. I listened to the forecast this morning and they not only warned us of what is going to happen in the next few days they also gave us some common sense advice to follow.

For instance this snow is probably going to be a heavy wet type of snow. It was advised for us to shovel it in small amounts. I will remove the snow after a couple inches come down and do it several times to avoid moving an amount that is too heavy and cumbersome. The gas tanks will be filled on our vehicles for two reasons. 1. You don't want to run out of gas in a storm. 2. The additional weight of the gasoline adds to the traction over the wheels and offers a little more stability.

My point is this. We received great advice and whether we use it, is our our choice. Good advice given, and then not taken is on us and no one else. If I run out of milk during this storm, well I was advised to purchase some ahead of time and I will have to eat my cereal without milk.

God sends us people to care about us and give us warnings all the time. We receive advice from the weather teams, news agencies, church sermons, authorities over us, and friends. God is at work 24 hours a day and will often us others to give us some good advice.  If we are told to evacuate an area because an imminent danger and we stay, well that might be you sitting on the top of your house waiting for a boat to pick you up. Right about then you are saying to yourself "should have evacuated".

So friends, I believe that no one wakes up in the morning and gives advice to hurt anyone, especially if it is their job to forewarn us. We might find it annoying to listen and follow the advice. But better to be safe than to have to pray "God please send a boat. I should have left in my truck".

Have a safe, great day.


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Modern Idolatry 1/9/2019

Good Morning,

I just came inside from the cold and I literally armed myself with a cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee. I plan on attacking the chill in my bones with a massive cup of that delicious brew.

I was reading in my Bible about idolatry and I wasn't surprised to find many verses on the subject. The more I studied the more it became apparent that God knows His creations very well. The Bible warns, and scolds against man's inherent desire to be worshiped. We are advised to die to self. Dying to self  is part of being born again. The old self dies and the new self comes to life ( John 3:3-7) 
As a matter of fact most forms of modern idolatry have self at the center of their core. We see this in our desire for stuff. This materialism idol pushes us to bigger houses, newer cars and other purchases that have a built in obsolescence. We don't stop purchasing stuff. This is the idol of self indulgences. 

Then there is the altar of pride and ego. On this altar we sacrifice our willingness to be teachable. We know everything and often our pride gets in the way of a learning moment. Once we "know every thing" we become consumed with ourselves which often leads to overwork and trying to advance further in life. 

There might be less actual idol (statue) type people, but I believe we we have more ego worshipers filled with pride than ever before.

So my friends, I have uncovered for us the sin of ego and self. Here is what God has to say about it.

1 Peter 5;5 Likewise you who are younger , be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves all of you, with humility to one another, for God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble.

Maybe today we all take a big drink of humble juice and come down off of the pedestals we perch on.

God bless,


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

GPS For Directions 1/8/2020

Good Morning,

I just finished running our two dogs outside on a very cold day. So as I sit and write to all of you my cup of very Hot Door County Christmas Coffee is at my side and is doing an admirable job of warming me up.

Today I will be traveling to a site that I am not familiar with and will need some guidance getting there. In the old days we would pull out a paper map and plot our way to and from our destination. Some of you will remember those days. Now, we can talk to our telephone or the on board navigation system in our vehicles, describe where we want to go and in the quickest way and it plots our directions for us. Then as we travel it speaks to us and tells us where to turn and how soon. I have to admit it though. There are times when I wonder if the GPS unit has all of it's marbles. They often take me on the craziest of paths ( quicker yes) and I wonder if they actually know where we are going. To be very honest I haven't had one let me down yet. The only times I got lost was when I doubted them and took over the way finding.  But it has cost me some unexpected toll money to go quicker.

When it comes to traveling through our life and being in the right spot at the right time, making the best decisions for me and my family I have learned not to trust myself or my gut feelings. When I have totally relied on my own guidance and knowledge, are the times I have made big mistakes. When I put choices, decisions or need solutions to problems in the hands of God and wait on His directions I have never gone wrong. Have I doubted? Yes. And then I took control and created a mess. God does not force His opinions and directions on us. He offers them to us. I realized a long time ago that God loves us so much that He would never send us in the wrong direction. His name is at sake as being honest, true and loving.

So if today, you are facing a choice or lack direction, pray, read your Bible and wait on God to tell you what to do and where to turn. Don't place trust in yourselves. Look back and see how many times you screwed up in life when not on God's path. Never trust feelings or emotions, trust in the Word of God.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge Him. and He shall direct thy paths. 

Enough said for one morning.


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

When The Battles Rage On 1/7/2020

Good Morning,

I was greeted this morning by two playful dogs who both wanted attention immediately. Since I was the only human awake in the house at that time, it was safe to assume that they were happy to see me. A hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee is sitting next to me and is a soothing comfort to a body that needed to pray on and off through the night.

Psalm 18:16 He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters.

Have you ever had to wrestle with an idea or thought you knew was from God and it didn't appeal to you? Have you ever come to a crossroad in life and weren't sure of the direction to take? Has the surroundings in your life or the people in your life just made you want to get into a kayak and paddle away until you can't. Have you ever been to the point where work or ministry seems to be a weight around your neck? I think we have all experienced seasons like that.

Fortunately we serve a God who understands that we can get overloaded and the joy of life seems to be swallowed up by not the biggest issues in the world but a pile of smaller ones that just seem to be there to drag us under.

God give us a place to turn to at times like these.

First we turn to Him and ask Him to adjust the load, remove it or to help us carry it. God is faithful and will do as He promises each and every time.

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. 

Once this is done we can never forget that God knew that there would be days like we are experiencing . So to have a battle ax, spiritual bandages, soothing words of assurance, discipline, and just plain old support. God gave us His written word filled with what we need for the day.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God Breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, training and correcting in righteousness, so that the man of God is fully equipped for every good work.

God knew that our spiritual gas tanks would run empty now and then. So He gave us a place to stop, take off the dented battle helmet, soothe our wounds, sharpen the dull sword, and prepare to get back into the battle of life. It is His word. I am grateful to God who knows our thoughts from afar. I am grateful to God for not giving up on any of us. I am grateful to God for making us weak enough that we need Him and He can be strong for us. I am grateful to God who knows when we had enough and calls us to rest. But with every rest there comes a time to wake up and get back into life and the work He calls us to. Then again through His word we read another promise.

Deuteronomy 31:5 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you. And He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Friends, I hope this helped some of you today. it was an exercise that probably did more for me than it did for you.

God bless,


Monday, January 6, 2020

The First Step To Wisdom 1/6/2020

Good Morning,

May The Fruits Of The Spirit be on your heart today, especially joy. There just doesn't seem to be enough joy in the world anymore.
I will pass on my usual cup of Door County Coffee as I fight off a flu bug. Going easy on the stomach the last few days. It is time for me to write.

I have an old Bible with the pages and covers well worn. My wife Rene says that the my Bible has seen better days. I argue that it's best days are yet to come. Within my old Bible are many notes, dates and things that are underlined or highlighted. Some of the noted passages  are special memories or passages where God or a pastor taught me something I want to remember.

As I was reading in my trusted Bible the other day I came across some notes in Proverbs. Our long time pastor preached a message on wisdom. It was a message I will never forget. As I was reading through my notes on the side of my Bible I decided to pass on to all of us the main point I derived from his sermon from many years ago.

We all can absorb a lot of wisdom into our brains now, especially since the internet can unload it in seconds. I haven't found anything that I have searched for that isn't covered. If I were to be able to have a mind that possessed all the knowledge that the internet can unload, I would still be lacking. The internet will not tell you this. They seem to leave out the most important thing and many people do not seek the first step in wisdom.

Proverbs 9: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One Is understanding. 

That first step is to Fear God. To fear and respect the One who made you and holds your next breath in His hands is understanding.  Many people have not grasped this step of faith and all the knowledge in the world will not be enough to add one more day to the life that God has planned out.

But to fear God and have Him show us how to use our knowledge for good and not evil is a wise choice. For when we lack wisdom and ask in faith for more, He will bless us with more so that it might be used for His Kingdom here on Earth. When we fear God and He is leading us, we really have nothing else to fear.  And we would only desire more knowledge to be able to perfom good things.

That sermon has done me well and has been passed on to others many times. Friends, slow down today and ask yourself, do I really fear the Lord? Review your actions for the last few days. They will be direct reflection of your fear and love for God. You will know by the actions or words from your mouth. Then we all wonder why our prayers are not answered.

That's enough for this  day,


Sunday, January 5, 2020

Jumping To Conclusions . The Jump Of No Return 1/5/2020

Good Morning,

It has been a long night for me and I welcome the morning with joy. I woke up for one more day that God has given me and I will rejoice in it. I will pour a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee later, sit down and ponder my day. I don't foresee a very busy day at all.

Proverbs 25:8 Do not hastily bring others to court, for what will you do when your neighbor brings you to shame. 

A sad situation takes place when something happens and we decide to react, judge or lose faith in God and people who might know all of the facts. People tend to jump into the situation reacting to what they think they know,. They judge intent which is easy to do but in 9 out of 10 times they misjudge the intent. Then we suffer the blow ups.

For instance when something bad happens to us many Christians  will say "Satan is attacking me". This might be true. But it might also be true that God is sifting us and rooting out things in our lives that really shouldn't be there. We jump to the conclusion that whatever is happening it has to be from Satan. For instance. The loss of a job is painful, but is it from Satan or God? Do we forget that we belong to God and He might be using this loss to make us stronger? Or it might be that He needs us elsewhere. Possibly, did we lose the job because He has something better for us and we need to trust Him?

This applies to people also. We jump to conclusions when Satan removes all filters from our eyes and a person's history. We jump to the conclusion that a person acted in a way to cause harm to us or inconvenience us. For instance while working in the past I have had to rearrange the hours of people or stall on a project for financial reasons. We in management were told to trim without cutting hours and find ways to utilize our work force differently until finances picked up. Inevitably before we could explain the situation the rumor mill took over and it was now doom and gloom, the institution was closing or "They" did this just to ensure a larger bonus for the big shots. I could always predict who would be in my office first. My track record of always taking care of my staff in the best way I could was tossed aside and not remembered. Jumping to those ill informed conclusions caused way too much anxiety. Now if we didn't make the easy changes finances might not improve and the drastic changes would loom ahead. Jumping to conclusions did not give me the benefit of the doubt.

We do this in our homes, work settings, relationships, and churches. We act before we know all the facts and worse yet we act without trusting the other person and their track record.

Once we jump to conclusions we can insult God, others and cause harm that might not be able to be repaired.  We add to our anxiety and the anxiety of others. We see that within ourselves we have a selfish spirit that in a moments notice can conjure up conspiracy theories, ill will, and Satanic attack theories.

I really like to think and hope that I am not this type of person and I work hard to stay on an even keel. I do however try to avoid the "Constant Jumpers". They are poison for the soul and hard to love. The best advice I can give on this subject is to "know your audience". If at all possible get out in front of anything that will have a backlash or if you have to, just stay away from the "Jumpers".

In all things pray!


Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Snare Is A Trap That Can Be Avoided 1/4/2020

Good Morning,

I woke up to the sound of the Door County Vanilla Creme Coffee brewing in the kitchen and the sounds of two hungry dogs wanting to be let outside. There are many things on my list to accomplish this fine day. So now it is time to write.

I have hunted for wild game most all of my life or for at least 55 years worth. When I was about seven years old one of the older boys in our neighborhood showed me how to loop some wire together and place it in a pathway securing it to something sturdy. Then when it was secured, you would place some carrot peels near the wire on the ground. You then had a rabbit snare. It didn't take me very long to find out that this style of hunting might include hitting a rabbit on the head to put it out of it's misery. I decided that this just wasn't how I wanted to hunt. The word snare has never been a word in my vocabulary that I try to use. Every time I think about the word it gives me chills to the bone and I see the hang mans noose and a body from watching to many B Western films.

But the word snare or snared is in the Bible and it is called upon to make my point today.

Proverbs 6:2 You are snared by the words of your mouth. You are taken by the words of your mouth. 

All too often we pray with the same mouth we curse with. The same mouth that lavishes God with praise can turn foul and ugly in an instant. We stand before God beseeching Him to answer prayers for days, months and sometimes years. Then we wonder why our prayers are not answered. We wonder why the calamities of life breach our walls.

From what I know of plumbing I can tell you this. The hot and cold water water come from one source . The hot water is then heated and the cold water remains cold.  When you combine the two you have cooled the hot and warmed the cold water. This is known as tepid. They are neither hot nor cold anymore. If you truly wanted hot water you would keep the cold water from mixing with it.

We choke off , snare or hang our unanswered prayers for the world to see when we cuss, swear, use the Lord's name in vain . We are snared by the words that come out of our mouths. I have never  witnessed or seen anyone that I offended really willing to do me a favor after I insulted them. But yet we treat God this way. It becomes Spiritual abuse when it has perpetuated into a life long habit that we don't kick.

Having you prayer life and Spiritual life impacted by a small tongue with a big mouth can be avoided. Treat yourself like a child and train yourself to fear God. Your inability to curb your mouth is a direct reflection of your time in God's Word and your fear of Him. Your love for God is reflected in your desire to choose foul language over His love for you and His desire to bless you within His will. Penalize yourself by taking something away when you lose your mouth control. The evidence of what you have taken away or paid to a money jar is totally convicting of where you stand with God. Let you shame yourself.

God  Bless,


Friday, January 3, 2020

New Glasses Same Picture 1/3/2020

Good Morning,

The morning slipped in on me right in the middle of the best sleep I have had in a week. I tried extending the rest period but the morning had a grip on me like a locking pliers. It was time to get up and get moving. I could hear and smell the Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee brewing in the kitchen. In all honesty that aroma is the best alarm clock around.

Today I will pick up me new eye glasses as well as new sunglasses. It will be a year in March that my eyesight started acting up in the right eye. Surgery and plenty of other procedures dotted my calendar in 2019. It was a long road to recovery. God was with me through every step and provided support for me through my family, friends, and my employer.

So today the cloudiness of sight will be gone and the vision should be normal when I place the glasses on my face. I am looking forward to it. Yet it just seems futile to put new glasses on an antique face.

But what will be the first thing I see. I would guess it will be a vision chart of some type or the technician fitting my glasses to my face. I will walk out of the vision emporium and even be happy to see the road construction signs clearly with both eyes.

But there will be some things that I will see that I won't be happy to embrace. The news from the Middle East is not good. Once again we are on the brink of war.  The first homicide of 2020 in our area of the world was a small baby.  The politicians will be back at each others throats and doing nothing but arguing. I would advise anyone considering politics as a career who has strong morals, a will to help people and a backbone of honesty to go find another career. The snake pit of politics will suck you in and ruin you for life. Australia is burning out of control with wild fires. The world cannot stop it's bickering long enough to rally and save that beautiful land. When was Australia part of your prayers or your prayer team?  Well it's time for the new glasses to be picked up today.

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others as more significant than yourself. 

1 Corinthians 10:24  Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.

How am I going to change my vision of the world?  The world just keeps spinning faster and there is nothing I can do to stop it. However to keep my chin up and my sanity within reach I am going to seriously look for more good in the world, pray more for the bad things to cease and live my day for others. In order to see the good and not focus on the bad, I have to look and watch for God at work in and through others. This plan is a good one and it will work. I hope that I am man enough to follow through and also lead others to see the good, pray against the bad and live for others.

Pray on friends. Pray on.


Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Day After 1/2/2020

Good Morning,

I am staring at a cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee to the right of me and the sun is pouring through the window in our den. I think I need to do more than stare at the cup. It is time to write.

I stepped away from writing for 48 hours to rest and contemplate the year 2019. For us it was a year that was filled with changes. My wife Rene retired and soon there after I joined her in retirement. I lost the vision in my right eye for months and It is now finally good enough for me to pick up some glasses to assist with my reading. We found that retirement doesn't work for me and I returned to the work force in December.  We were blessed to make a trip to Hawaii in August and it was one we will never forget. What a great time it was. 

Then my thoughts turned the world. 2019 was filled with shootings, stabbings, wild fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, wars, political unrest, marriages splitting in two, as well as a pain medications being the drug of choice and their addictive problems that led to many deaths.

Then I watched 2020 come in and there were shootings to welcome the year, war, wild fires, and and other atrocities were in the news.. Nothing has changed from one year to the next. I decided that evil is evil and it is going to keep trying to hold the Earth in it's hands until Jesus comes back again and sets this world straight.  He will and that can be counted on. So for us two, we will look for the beauty in this world. We will try to avoid evil and it's attached calamities and hold to the promise that this world is not our home. We are traveling through. Out goal is to make life better for those we encounter if we can.

Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  

That is and will be our only resolution for the year.
