Sunday, October 31, 2021

Trick Or Treat 10/31/2021

 Good Morning. 

I will be leaving very soon for my spot in a field to hunt geese. An insulated bottle of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee will be traveling with me for sure. 

Credit CNBC.COM for the photo

Matthew 7:12 So whatever you wish others to do unto you, do also for them. 

Today in the United States, in most towns we will be holding the annual Trick or Treat event. I am looking forward to seeing this year's array of costumes that will be walking up our driveway. I am the one who usually hands out the candy to the kids who come to knock on the door and say Trick or Treat in hopes of receiving some candy. We always participate in this event, in hopes that the kids can experience the same things we did as children. 

I will have some tissues for the snotty noses that show up and I will greet the kids at the bottom of the driveway so they don't have to walk so far. I am not telling or even asking anyone to hand out candy if you aren't led to do so. I also know that the streets are not as safe as they used to be. So I am asking everyone to be vigilant and to be on the lookout for problems or danger. That doesn't take too much effort. I am also asking this, if you believe in prayer, pray for the safety of all the children, so they all return home safely after seeking out a mountain of candy. 

Let's make them feel important today. Try to recall what it was like to be a little imp and approach an adult and knock on their door and beg for a treat. Be kind and turn the lights on for these kiddos.

God bless,


Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Prayer Of A Hypocrite

 Good Morning,

I started this day in prayer and in need. I needed a large cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee to kick in and warm me up. Our two dogs are looking kind of lazy this morning and they aren't moving around much. It's time to write. 

Mark 11:25 And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father In heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

Proverbs 6:2 You are snared by the the words of your mouth. You are taken by the words of your mouth. 

I know of many people who are considered to be "Prayer Warriors". You can call on them 24 hours a day and they will begin praying and beseeching heaven on your behalf. I have never had anyone of them say, "call me back later, I am in no position to pray. I am not right with a person or two and I need to get right with them before I pray for you." This could mean seeking forgiveness as well as bestowing forgiveness. To pray for someone else when there is sin in your own camp makes the prayer of a hypocrite and you own it. 

I say this because, if your life reflects a life of sin behind the scenes, your prayer is not one of a righteous person.  

James 5:16 Confess your your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 

I will be leading a prayer meeting tonight after our Saturday church service. I would rather be alone and having people getting right with others or with God, than having a full room of those who's prayers are just a lot of words. I would rather have someone say, I cannot be here tonight. I need to go and get right with a family member, friend, or coworker. This message goes for me as well.

Food for thought on a Saturday!


Friday, October 29, 2021

Biblical Physics? 10/29/2021

 Good Morning,

I needed one more hour to complete the sleep I actually needed. But the alarm clock signaled the start to a new day and I am off to the grind.  A cup of Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffle Coffee is at my side. 

Do physics and the Bible actually work together. I believe they actually can be used today for this blog.

Formally stated, Newtons third law of motion For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object, equals the size of the force on the second object.

When one person says something harsh, they can almost instantly encounter a reply of equal nastiness, Biblical Physics. But with every algebraic problem there is a solution.

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Want to have the last word? Supply a kind answer! 

Food for thought. 


Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Heart Of The Psalm 10/28/2019

 Good Morning, 

I am awake and that is quite an accomplishment today. I have been burning the candle at both ends for a few days. A hot cup of Door County Perfectly Pistachio Coffee is calling on me right now. It is time to write. 

Psalm 23 might be familiar to many. Although for some reason people seem to confuse it with the Lord's Prayer or The, Our Father. The first time I remember hearing Psalm 23 was at a funeral many years ago when I was a young boy. It has stood out to me as the "Funeral Psalm" for a long time. I bet some of you are nodding your heads in agreement right now.

Though most of the Psalm paints peaceful descriptions of our Lord as a shepherd and provider, green pastures, slow quiet streams, banquets or buffets, verse 4 is what I believe to be the heart of the psalm. 

Psalm 23:4 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For You are with me. Behold your rod and your staff, they comfort me. In the original Hebrew language, the valley of the shadow of death translates to "the valley of deep darkness.

Death is only one type of deep darkness. There are a lot of deep darkness events that we fear to pass through, illness, rejection, loss of employment are just some of them.  Being afraid of passing through these dark times, can mire you down in misery and sorrow, causing you to stay in the dark valley too long. Depression and anxiety only add more darkness. It prevents you from getting through to the other side. 

The key to putting a beat down on this type of fear is to remember that you are not in this alone. God is in it with you. His rod and staff are there to protect you (His sheep) from predators. He uses the staff to push us along. During the passage through a dark valley, we need to stay close to Him, Then we discover peace and courage, which is COMFORT.

So today, please read the 23rd Psalm and know, you never, ever walk alone. 

God bless,


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Be The Miracle Of Change 10/27/2021

 Good Morning,

What can I say about my day already? I woke up and I am not in Hell, it's more than I deserve. I salute today with gusto and a hot cup of Door County Perfectly Pistachio Coffee.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not on your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God with your body.

I think we all pray from time to time for people to change their habits or their bad ways. We hope and we pray for things to change in this world. Yet, hoping and praying is all we do. There comes a time when we need to do more, especially if we are the object of prayers lifted up on our behalf. You might be a drunkard and you know it. You also know that people are praying for you to change.  You know what you need to do to quit, so you try and try again on your own. You fail time and time again. Have you thought of asking God to help you? He will, and you have a better chance of becoming a miracle by giving God all the honor and glory every sober day. 

You have within you the ability to say yes to change, especially when you involve God. 

We might want changes in the world, but do we become part of the solution? You might desire to stamp out world hunger. Do you volunteer to collect food for others? Do you donate time and food to help? 

Be The Miracle Of Change!!!

Don't just talk and hope. Get in there and let God use you. Be A Miracle!


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Grandma Is Hurting 10/26/21

 Good Morning,

I woke up early today to a cup of Door County 100% Colombian and a prayer.  

Yesterday my wife called me while I was working which is very unlike her to do. I could tell from her voice that something was wrong. She started by telling me that her sister was called by a medical examiner and the examiner told her that someone had found their brother dead in his apartment. It seemed like natural causes and he had passed away a few days ago. 

Proverbs 27;1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day will bring. 

The main question I asked was "does your mother know yet". No one had told her and it was decided that it needed to be done in person. My wife jumped in the car and headed to her hometown an hour away. She was met there by her other brother and they went in to break the news to their 94 year old mother. Later they decided to bring mother in to stay with us for a few days. I happened to look into the kitchen later, after they arrived home,, and my mother in law was holding onto the countertop and she was sobbing. It was hard to watch. I went downstairs and sat with her and held her hand. She said, "I always said I never wanted to bury my children before I die". I believe we could all say that. 

My point is this. The last time we saw their brother and son, was in September. Mother talked to him every weekend. She last saw him in September. Whenever you have the chance to speak with a sibling or visit them, do so. No one saw this coming. Never take the next time for granted. 

God bless,


Monday, October 25, 2021

An Eternal Perspective 10/25/2021

 Good Morning,

I always look forward to writing a small bit of something to all of you in the morning. As I sit here and think, I have a cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee next to me. 

I have heard mentors and preachers say to me, early in my walk with God that I needed to develop an Eternal Perspective. They never really nailed it down for me. As I grow older I have begun to ponder that thought more and more. I found the answer for me.  

This is not my home. I am just passing through. Hebrews 13:14 This world is not my home, I am just passing through. Although I am here for now, I look forward to an eternal home. Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it, we await a Savior, Jesus Christ Our Lord.

So, my quest is to look at things with an eternal perspective, I want to try and act like I know where I am going. I want to be able to elevate my gaze from earthly trivialities to true eternal principals of life. To do this we need to drown or saturate ourselves in Scripture. We need to look no further than Jesus who modeled, daily devotion to the Word of God.  He even used the sword of the Word in battle with Satan and his temptations. He had mined, meditated and put to memory Scripture. 

Then we begin to view this world with an eye on eternity. But we need more, so then when we focus on the needs of others and we take our eyes off of ourselves.  Jesus sacrificed Himself for the sins of the world.  At the judgement, those who fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty, clothed those needing clothes, and cared for the sick will be rewarded. 

In the quest to develop an eternal perspective I found the need to withdraw from time to time to quiet places away from the battle for my attention and pray.  Jesus also modeled this behavior. Luke 5:16 Jesus would withdraw to desolate places and pray.

Matthew 6:19-21 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Some deep thoughts for a Monday. I guess life is how you look at it. 

God bless,


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Better Late Than Never 10/24/2021

 Good Morning,

Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee did it's job today, by keeping me awake and warm. 

My early morning found me on the river and in a duck blind with my two dogs and two hunting partners. It was my first real blast of colder air and I appreciated a hot cup of Coffee. It was a little too early for me to compose a blog at 3:AM. 

So this one is late, but better late the never. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.

Truly there is a time for everything. But there comes a time when time itself runs out. Sometimes folks count on tomorrow and there isn't a tomorrow for them to count on. I invite a lot of people to church and more than that I ask them to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. More often than not I hear, "yes I will be there" whether it is for Bible study, a church service, or a special event, but they never show up.

Sometimes I hear this. "I will come to church as soon as I get my life in order." That doesn't happen either. They don't realize that without the Lord, you don't get your life in order. 

But yet, turning to the Lord later is fine, but you can't do it after you die. It's too late. The season to receive Jesus is now before time is no more for you.

Revelation 20:15 And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. 

Isaiah 55:6 So you should  look for the Lord, before it's too late. You should call to Him while He is near.

Just my thought for the day.


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Foot Prints In The Snow 10/22/2021

 Good Morning,

Wow, that Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee is going down pretty well and another cup is in order this morning. 

Ezekiel 34:11 For thus says the Lord God, I, I myself will search for my sheep, and will seek them out. 

Many years ago during a very snowy deer hunting season, I was probably right around 13 years old, my Dad and I ventured North to hunt with relatives. There was a lot of snow on the ground and it was pretty cold outside. My uncle, my dad, my two cousins and myself were hunting tall timber, toward the end of the day. My cousin and I were on stand and both of us saw a wounded deer in the distance and decide to follow it. Her and I partnered up and thought we would track the wounded deer and be the heroes of the day. So we started stalking our prey and before we knew it the blood trail disappeared. It was getting dark and we decided to stop and go back to the vehicles and regroup. First off, we were told to stay on our stands and not move. We violated the first rule. Instead of following our tracks out, I thought we could make it easier by taking a short cut. I did get us out to a snowy fire lane and just came up short of about 75 yards from our vehicles. If I had just gone further down the lane, we would have been safe and sound. Instead, we broke rule number two and went back into the woods. Darkness came quicker that day for some reason, and before we knew it we could not follow our tracks anymore. Back then, flashlights were a d-cell joke. Neither of us had one anyway. We did pop out on another fire lane filled with snow. Together we decided that we had a better chance of being found if we stayed on an open lane. We knew that we had less of a chance to slip and fall also. 

We took stock of what we had between us, should we have to stay out all night. Matches, toilet paper and two candy bars were going to save the day for us. I started to round up some birch bark and twigs to get a fire going. It was really getting cold. My cousin asked me if I was scared and I lied and said no. It seemed like the manly thing to say. I was scared silly and  the thought of getting chewed out for making too many mistakes, I was terrified of the berating we would take. At that point I actually preferred being lost. I asked her if she was afraid and I am guessing she was, by her answer. She had some tears coming down her face and she said, "at least there are two of us and we aren't alone"

Not much later after we had a small fire going we saw headlights coming toward us on the fire lane. Two fellas pulled up and asked if we were lost. What a dumb question! They knew that our family was looking for us. They were just be some wise guys. They left us there and said they would send our family to get us. We had already decided that we weren't riding with anyone we didn't know. Very soon more headlights were on the way. My dad, my uncle and her brother stopped and asked us if we wanted a ride. Right about then I was in no mood for stupid remarks. I stayed silent and waited for the lecture and threats. It didn't happen. Instead they asked us where we went wrong and made suggestions as to what we could have done differently or better. They did say, "Never Forget This".  Actually they never did let us forget it. A few years ago when my mother passed away, and there was a lot of family around, my cousin and I lived through the story once more. We all had a good laugh on that one. Dad forgot to mention that we knew they would be looking for us, if it took all night. 

My point for the day is for all of us to turn mistakes into learning opportunities, especially with the young ones. I learned to purchase a good head lamp, just in case. I take plenty of toilet paper. I have more than just a candy bar along to eat and some matches at all times. That day I also learned to exhibit patience and not panic.  A lesson well learned. 

God exhibits patience with us when we walk off the trail and head in the wrong direction in life. He comes looking for us and hopes we will stop and regroup. He then desires to show us the different path.  He is patient and kind, never rubbing our noses in the mess we made. 

Have a great day.


Friday, October 22, 2021

Planning For Christmas? 10/22/21

 Good Morning,

The air is crisp today and I feel the need for some warmer clothes. My pot of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee is just about ready to drink. It can wait for a little while.

I saw my first commercial for Christmas two days ago, it was for a toy sale. Only October and Christmas commercials!!!!! In addition, this coming Friday at 7:00 pm the Hallmark Channel is starting "Countdown To Christmas" with their annual barrage of Christmas movies.

I used to think that it was just because of dollars and cents that Christmas starts earlier and earlier. That could be true. My thought is this. I believe people are searching more and more for that Christmas feeling. Think about it. Inflation is out of control. Little dictators are launching missiles. The Covid plague continues. California is still burning. A drought is not letting go. Many still aren't working. Murders are up in just about everywhere. Oil slicks are killing the West coast of America. 

People want a break! They are looking for the happiness of Christmas. They are fooled into thinking Christmas trees, lights, ham, stockings hung from the chimney, reindeer, cookies, gatherings with friends and family, are what Christmas is about. These are all wonderful things. But remember Christmas has the name Christ in it. With a daily walk with Him, prayer and devotion you experience Christmas every day.

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a child is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince Of Peace.

Start with Christmas every day. It starts with that walk with Jesus.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Some Crab Is Good. Others? With A recipe10/21/2021

 Good Morning,

What a lightning show we had last night. And the storm produced some rain which is much needed. I believe I will enjoy my cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee, just a little longer this morning. 

I am not a big lover of  seafood. There are only a few dishes that I actually like. I actually like to eat a little crab now and then, especially if it is made in a crab cake form. So you could say, I actually like a little crab. 

Proverbs 29:11 A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back. 

But when it comes to people, a person who is crabby more than 50% of the time will wear on me like a wet shirt when it is below zero. You wouldn't wear a wet shirt very long in a polar vortex. I can tolerate a little crabbiness and ignore it for awhile. But once it becomes a constant trait, meeting with that person becomes a chore. After five minutes of snapping, bickering, or just plain being crabby I will be late for the door. 

So I ask all of us today. Did you wake up crabby? Does everyone have to tolerate your bad mood? I can put up with a little crab, but I don't want a full hour or day of it from anyone. 

Friends, some of you owe it to yourselves and your families to drop the crabbiness and learn to be pleasant, despite circumstances. 

I have attached my favorite recipe for crab cakes below.  Have A Great Day. 


Thanks to Taste Of Home. 

Taste Of Home Crab cakes


  • 1 cup seasoned bread crumbs, divided
  • 2 green onions, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped sweet red pepper
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1/4 cup reduced-fat mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 2 cans (6 ounces each) crabmeat, drained, flaked and cartilage removed
  • 1 tablespoon butter


  1. In a large bowl, combine 1/3 cup bread crumbs, green onions, red pepper, egg, mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic powder and cayenne; fold in crab.
  2. Place remaining bread crumbs in a shallow bowl. Divide mixture into eight portions; shape into 2-in. balls. Gently coat in bread crumbs and shape into 1/2-in.-thick patties.
  3. In a large nonstick skillet, heat butter over medium-high heat. Add crab cakes; cook until golden brown, 3-4 minutes on each side.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Meeting With The Game Warden 10/20/21

 Good Morning, 

A big cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee awaits me when I finish writing today. The trip to the kitchen will be a short jaunt and well worth every step.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to take our two dogs out for some, pheasant hunting. The weather was just a little on the warm side. My two furry companions gave it a good run, but were soon worn out from the warm weather. 

Romans 13:1-3 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement. 3. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval. 

I returned to my vehicle and watered down the boys and had them jump into the truck. Another truck pulled in behind mine and blocked mine from moving. I knew just what was happening. I was going to be checked out by the local conservation officer "Game Warden". He was very polite as he asked to see my hunting license, my gun, my shells, and my vest. Each request was met with my cooperation and a yes or no sir, depending on the question asked.  After he completed his routine and found everything of mine in order, he stopped to chat and talk about bird dogs. He was glad to see that I pulled out of the field and was cooling off my two dogs. He complimented me for caring for my dogs. The whole thing took about 15-20 minutes and I found this young man easy to cooperate with, and he was very informative. 

I usually get checked out by the conservation officers 2-3 times per hunting season. I have two under my belt already. I realize he was just doing his job to keep people from illegally harvesting game or being unsafe. My point today is this. I really wanted to get home, so this check stop was a little inconvenient. But, I respected his authority. He respected me. I was legally okie dokie, so life went on. I knew I would be.  Doing things legally never causes one to worry. 

So, respect the authorities, be kind and respectful. If you operate legally, there is nothing to worry about.  

God bless,


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Refresh Some Hearts Today 10/19/2021

 Good Morning,

It is the start of a new day and the air is crisp in this part of the world. My large mug of Door County Lighthouse Blend Coffee is a welcomed treat this morning. 

Philemon 1:7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people.

I cherish those who, whenever you see them, especially at church are able to give you a pick me up, just by being there. Their demeanor is one that is always uplifting and positive. They are a joy to be around. You will often see them praying with others, and volunteering to help.  I know a few folks that even in the midst of hardships, they are able to lift up those who have called on them, in an attempt to cheer up these miraculous souls. Despite their own issues they cheer up those around them. 

My one and only thought for the day is this. I wish more people were like that. To have the ability and desire to serve than be served is a trait that blesses those around you. 

So today, be the light in the room. Put others first. Point them towards God, because they see Him in you. This should be your goal, every day. 

Have a great day. 


Monday, October 18, 2021

New Day. New Week. Commit To Having A Good One.

 Good Morning,

It is a little chilly out there this morning and my hot cup of Door County Lighthouse Coffee is doing double duty. I appreciate the warmth and the flavor. Both are very satisfying this fine chilly morning.

I can only assume that some things will go wrong for some of us this week. An automobile might give us grief, or someone might fall ill. This week might be filled with some minor life irritations. Or some major ones could set us back on our rear ends. So how do we have a good week even when we are not?

1. God is with you and you are not alone.

2. Some of my trials have taught me some valuable lessons. We can learn from them and possibly avoid another calamity.

3. Despite my trials I can still be nice and somehow bless others.

4. People watching me can see God at work if I handle my troubles with grace and dignity.

5. I can pray more and fine tune my relationship with God.

This little list of how to handle the week does work. I have had some bad weeks and when I handled them in a wrong way, I made them worse. 

Philippians 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. 5. Let your moderation be made known to all men. The Lord is at hand. 6. Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 

Go for it! Make this week and new one that you handle differently than before. And haul in some firewood. It's getting cold out there. 


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Soup For The Soul Does Not Contain Bitterness. 10/17/2021

 Good Morning,

The sweet smell of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee was coming from the kitchen and it overcame me to the point that I had to get this day started. 

Our home is kind of cold this morning. The temperatures dropped and we haven't given in and started to heat the house just yet. I dressed a little warmer this morning and I am ready to write. 

As the one who does most of the cooking in our family I have quite a collection of spices and seasonings. Each one in the cupboard has a purpose and at times, when mixed together a few spices become a blended seasoning. The seasoning when added to food makes for a delicious meal. I have noticed through the years that when I am preparing a sweet dish or a roasted meat that mixing in the spice of a bitter root is not going to help the flavor of what I hope to produce. 

I would say that my wife and I make a pretty good team and like a sweet dish, there is no room in this relationship for bitterness. Now each of us has messed up and said things to each other that we wish we could take back. We are always sure to go back and heal the miscue. Bitterness could creep in and once that happens, it's like when you accidentally add ground bitter root to a soup, and it gets into the stock, you can't get it out. The soup stock is ruined. 

When we go around with bitterness in our hearts we fall short of God's grace and we fail to extend grace to others. Bitterness can ruin a dish, and to call it what it is, once embedded in our hearts it becomes a cancer to our souls. We cannot and should not live with bitterness toward others. Like a soup with the wrong spices, you can tell when someone is full of bitterness, and lacking in grace, just by their speech and actions. They become like a snake, ready launch out and bite. They are unpredictable. Those who are filled with bitterness forget God's grace toward them and become their own judge and jury toward others. They walk about blaming others for everything and accept no willingness to take responsibility for their own actions. 

God clearly has something to say about that. Hebrews 12:15 See to it  that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.  

If this is you. Stop the root of bitterness from growing in your heart today. The weed killer needed is a come to Jesus meeting and emptying your soul of all bitterness and wrath. If this has been a pattern of your life, and you call yourself a loving Christian, I hate to say this but " If you is where you was, maybe you ain't". This behavior if worsening is a problem and will ruin those closest to you and as with all cancers that go unchecked, it spreads to those further and further in your circle of influence. 

Let this Sunday be a new day with a fresh pot of soup for the soul. But don't add the bitterness.


Saturday, October 16, 2021

A Guy To Be Counted On. God Does Work In Mysterious Ways. 10/16/2021

 Good Morning,

The Door County Highlander Grog Coffee is warming me up as I write and this Saturday has begun. 

I believe everyone knows that the phrase "God works in mysterious ways" is not found in the Bible. The idea comes from the Bible, but actually came from a hymn written by the poet William Cowper in 1774. The idea for the statement probably came from Psalm 77:19

Psalm 77:19 Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen. 

I believe that God does work in ways that cannot be explained. Let me tell you about a "Guy". 

Yesterday our Men's ministry held a chili feed and a hayride event. I want to commend all of those who made chili, and those who attended. I had plenty of help cleaning up afterwards. As with most events we do, I always find out that I missed something or needed something. Yesterday was a perfect example. We had planned that two of us men would go out and set up the food and get it started to  be hot at serving time. Hot chocolate, apple cider and chili needed to be heated up. Earlier in the week, my usual right hand man was laid ill and then he received a job interview for yesterday.  This job interview is an answer to long standing prayers. God was a at work. Between the two of us we decided that I should be able to plug in some electric roasters and boil water and cider. God knew better. 

I received a text message from a man asking if I could use some help setting up. My pride almost got in the way and I was going to say no thanks. But for some reason I said "sure" . This guy showed up, and began to work immediately. Then we had an electrical issue or forty and our electric roasters were too much for the power system and it looked like we were going to have to heat the stuff on a camp stove. This guy worked with the ranch staff tirelessly and solved the problem and things went into motion and no one knew the real story. God was working on what I would need before I even knew I needed it. This was God's event, not mine. Many people prayed about the event, but without this one guy, I would have been in the middle of a disaster. 

Let me tell you this. God knew the right guy. God knew I would need the guy. The guy answered God's call.  Most of you will never meet this guy. But this guy stood in the gap. And I am thankful God sent this guy, named Ray! He also sent a lady named Karen. 

God does work in mysterious ways. 


Friday, October 15, 2021

When Does The Village Stop? 10/15/2021

 Good Morning,

Friday came in roaring like a lion and I is a welcome sight. I just started drinking my hot cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee and I am headed into the day head on. 

You've heard the expression "it takes a village to raise a child". Yes I truly believe that to be the case. We are all responsible in some way or fashion to watch out for children, ours, yours, and strangers. We should be providing a safe environment for the kids in our neighborhood. This means we need to drive slowly, protect,  and keep an eye out for kids that need something. We have the responsibility to teach in limited fashion at times to our own and others not living with us. It does take a village.

But not the point of the day. What happens when the child becomes an adult who has failed to learn to love and fear the Lord? Despite great potential to be a leaders (he or she) they cannot function as an adult should and need constant attention to keep their train on the tracks. You see this type of behavior worsen over time and have a trickle effect on the whole family. I find this often to be the case with highly intelligent people. Somewhere along the way the village did not equip these poor folks with the basic skills of relationships, honesty and integrity. So my question is this. When it starts to harm the village around them, when is enough, enough?

I petitioned God and here is what I found. John 15:1-2 I am the true vine and My Father is the vineyard keeper, Every branch in me that does not produce fruit, He removes, and He prunes every branch that produces fruit so it will produce more fruit.

It is not unbiblical to prune toxic relationships from your life. God does that Himself. Although the Scripture refers to "produces fruit". If there is any fruit being produced He keeps pruning. This will be painful at times to the one being pruned.  

But when does the village stop? Answer, when the actions of the person or persons begin and continue to impact the village and the health of the village, spiritually and mentally. 

God is clear on that.  2 Timothy 3:1-5 But understand this, in the last days there will be times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self control, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying it's power. Avoid such people.

Friends, these are harsh words, taken right from Scripture. So before avoiding people, pray and be certain to be following God's leading. It is a terrible thing to have to do this. You might also have to return to the task when you see signs of lasting fruit. 

Here is a warning for all of us.  Love and fear the Lord. True love and fear produces lasting fruit, not dung. Beware, even God has limits on how much is enough and He begins removing those who cannot produce, love, fear and respect for Him and others. 


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Stop! Thief 10/14/2021

 Good Morning,

Thursday arrived, and if I look over the top of my glasses I can see Friday coming in like a runaway train. Here's to you Thursday! I just poured a big mug of Door County Perfectly Pistachio Coffee and as soon as I am done writing I am headed out to the Jeep for a good day of work.

John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and they may have it more abundantly.

As I look at these words from our Lord and I think about the abundant life I can envision a teenager shaking his head and saying "God has too many rules". I can understand that type of thinking. Jesus came that we might have eternal life someday if we place our faith in Him. But yet as we are here on earth we look for the abundant life filled with things, trips, riches, spouses or plenty of dates. If we do not experience these things we think we have been cheated. "Short Changed". 

Yet living a Christ filled life and following the rules leads us away from alcoholism, divorce, drug addictions, over spending, and needless debt. This list could be a mile long.  One of the other benefits of a Christ filled life is that we always have someone to go to when life takes a turn for the worse, like the loss of a loved one. The Thief on the other hand desires to steal your life away, to perish in doom and gloom and ensnare us in a life of self induced misery. 

So rules are rules, and God might seem boring to some. But doesn't the abundant life of having a clean conscience sound much better? No looking over your shoulder, no need to steal to support a drug habit. 

When we walk with God, we walk in freedom from the Thief.

Have a great day. Live with abundant gusto!


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Chili And Hayride 10/13/2021

 Good Morning,

It is time to write and hit the road. I will be grabbing a cup of Door County Perfectly Pistachio Coffee and running to the Jeep this morning.

Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends, must himself be friendly.

I am looking forward to Friday, when our Men's Ministry Group from our church will be sponsoring a chili feed and and a hayride. It looks like it will be well attended. It has been a long time since we have done this, and in my mind it is overdue. 

What's so special about it? For one, I like chili and I like apple cider. Both will be served and I believe it will be much needed as the weather turns a little colder for Friday. We will have a bonfire and I like a good hot fire, with people gathered around the fire. Our Senior Pastor will give us a few words of inspiration and we might sing a couple songs. I like both of those ideas.

What's my point for today. 82 people plan on attending. They chose to spend their Friday night with a large group. I don't know everyone and I plan on meeting a few new people. I plan on eating some chili. But in order to do that I had to agree to attend. I said yes to meeting new people and enjoying time with many that I already know. You are as lonely as you choose to be. If you are turning down invitations to do things with others, and enjoy some wholesome company, let go and get going.

Why be bored? Make new friends and enjoy the old ones. Take home some heartburn! But have a good time doing so. Life is too short, not to gather around the bonfire.

God bless,


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Not Good 10/12/2021

 Good Morning,

I am beginning this day with a heavy heart, prayer and some Door County Morning Blend Coffee. 

Isaiah 33:3 Call out to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, that you do not know. 

In my travels recently, I encountered a very ill little boy and I was made aware of his story and it hit me hard. The little boy is suffering from cancer and is full of infection. Worse yet, he was abandoned by any family at all. I was made aware by a friend that he does have foster care. Foster care is all he has and my hat goes off to those who volunteer to do these acts of kindness to the least of these. He will snuggle a replacement mom, yet not feel his own mother's arms around him. 

This bothered me all last night and I found very little peace about the situation. I asked God if there was anything we could do. I am reaching out to the foster family today to see if they need any help with this little guy. I am sure politics and red tape will keep us from assisting. My wife Rene seconded the idea with "do whatever God leads you to do". Right now we are praying for his health and for the foster family. I will see what God has in store. 

I have no point to share today except this. Do what you can, when you can, for others. Don't let your mind set limits. Dream big and pray big. Let your heart destroy the limits of your mind. 

God bless,


Monday, October 11, 2021

Running Against The Wind 10/11/2021

 Good Morning,

Monday arrived just as I thought it would and I am ready to tackle it with gusto. My mug is filled with Door County Morning Blend Coffee and now it is time to write. 

I have never been much of a runner, and as I get older 50 yards seems like a mile to me. I do know this. Running into and against the wind does add resistance to the effort it takes to run. That is just elementary physics at it's best, speed and resistance. 

At times in life we might feel like we are constantly running against the wind. Things are just difficult day after day. When things like that bog me down and really get to me, I have to look inward and figure out why I am running against the winds.

I usually figure it out and it all comes down to me and my strong will to want to move ahead faster. I want to control the situation. It's not something I should be involved in anyway. Or it's just not meant to be and I keep pursuing it. And there is nothing I can do and I won't admit it.

Where I fail is an epic example of how one person can twist his own life until his brain and heart curdles.

Instead, I need to slow down, Breathe, pray and wait on God to show the way, or provide the solution. If I am smart enough, I will accept God's answer and lessen the resistance on my life. God promises to lift us up, if we wait on Him. 

Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.

I am sharing this hoping it benefits some of you. Feel free to pass it on to someone who just needs less wind resistance. 

God bless,


Sunday, October 10, 2021

It Is Really Simple 10/10.2021

 Good Morning,

I hit the road early to meet some friends and partake in a goose hunt. Traveling with me is a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Coffee and our youngest dog Leo. I am hoping Leo can retrieve his first goose this morning.

Someone once asked me, "What does God expect from us"? I believe there is an answer to every question within the Bible that man could be contemplating. Earlier this year I underlined this passage while I was preparing a sermon for our Saturday Evening service. I was excited to find what I believe is the prefect answer to that question. 

Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. 

In this passage we see that God has taught us right from wrong. God desires of us to walk according to right and wrong and act like like we know the difference. We are to humble ourselves and put God in the highest honor in our lives and walk with Him abiding in obedience, which is humbling ourselves.

The answer is simple and we hold the key to walk with God and live His requirements. It's up to us. We are as close to God as we choose to be.


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Forever Young 10/9/2021

 Good Morning,

This day started late for me and it felt good to get some extra sleep. When I arise after 5AM I sometimes feel like I am late for school or work. This was not the case today. I am enjoying a large cup of Door County  Wisconsin Harvest Blend Coffee and a biscuit as I write.

Philippians 1:3 I thank God upon every remembrance of you.

My parents have been gone now for a few years and when I recall them and enjoy a memory or two it seems that I picture them in their forties. I do the same with my aunts and uncles. I picture my grandparents in their early sixties. My memory takes me back to when the clan was at it's fullest, healthiest and happiest. For my cousins and myself all the parents are gone, grandparents as well and now with age some of the cousins are gone. 

I am not trying to be morbid this morning, so here is the point. When I stop and have a memory I will forever see the clan as young. One of my cousins used to drive a red Volkswagen Beetle back in the day. She was and still is a happy go lucky person. But when I think of her I see the kid and her Volkswagen, not the grandma who lives on the corner of  a street I rode my bicycle down. 

My point is this today. I miss those days and the people associated with them. It is a shock when I see my cousins and they look old. I look in the mirror and I ask that guy if he knows where Marty is. 

I can't go to the lake for a reunion and see my parents, or my aunts and uncles in their prime anymore. Yes we all grow old, but as long as we have or memories we can go back for a visit to times when people were still with us and that way they are forever young. I do however say this. Don't let memories be your constant companion. Whether you like it or not, we are still building memories for our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Be a part of their lives. Show up and enjoy the party! One day, they too will be remembering you. Let them enjoy the happy moments you shared. Not the last one of your hospital bed.  Live large and be forever young in their minds.

God bless,


Friday, October 8, 2021

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow 10/8/2021

 Good Morning,

The morning is filled with fog not only outside but my mind is fogged up with prayer requests and concerns for friends of mine. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Wisconsin Harvest Blend Coffee and now I will write. 

I was discussing politics, yesterday with a man and you could say that we had very specific differences in our beliefs on the subject.  The one thing we agreed upon was that the way people conduct themselves in the political arena, not only elected officials but the plain old folks like him and me is alarming. We agreed that behaviors have become sickening and respect for one another has been lost. 

We switched subjects and moved on to churches. He made the statement, "even churches have changed". I asked what he meant by that comment and he went on to explain. "Churches are so different from when I was a young boy. There seems to be a lack of reverence and people seem to crave more gimmicks and it is more like a show with manufactured worship. I don't care for it and I am not seeing the churches as I once saw them. I have lost some respect for what they supposedly stand for." Once again we did find some common ground in our thoughts on churches. 

I decided that we had discussed things and found common ground on a few thoughts. I did not like ending our time with all that negativity. I took the opportunity to remind Him that one thing does not change and will not change. 

Hebrews 13:6-8 6. So we may boldly say; The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me? 7. Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct. 8. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

Again, although we disagreed on many political fronts, we conducted ourselves with dignity and respect for each other. We found that we agreed on many things. But most of all we agreed that Jesus does not change and that His love for us will last forever. 

Just that thought alone was like a cold glass of sweet peach tea on a hot day. It was refreshing to have a least one thing that you can count on and won't be distorted by man.

I hope these thoughts help to refresh you today.

God bless.


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Why Do I Go To Church ?

 Good Morning,

It is a great day to be alive. I am happy to have poured a large cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee for myself and now it is time to write.

Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 

People ask me why I attend church and they are usually surprised by my answer. A standard answer from many people might be that they come to worship with others. They might say that church attendance fulfills a sense of belonging. Some come for the music and the preaching. They long to be fed the Word. Some will remind us that gathering together is Scriptural. 

I usually try to avoid answering the question on why I attend church, or belong to a church. I learned a long time ago that if I were to attend, join, or worship in a particular church I had to drop the words I and me from my vocabulary. The reason I walk into the doors of our church has nothing to do with me. I come to serve wherever I can. For instance if someone else is preaching and I am in attendance I pray during the sermon for the speaker. There is nothing worse than going blank when you are about to say something. Trust me, it happens. I look around the auditorium or sanctuary and pray for those sitting alone. I listen to others and pray with them before and after the service. And while I am sitting there praying for others to find what they need if I am warmed or touched by the message, it is a bonus. I never attend anywhere demanding in my heart and mind to be spiritually fed. It just cannot be made to be about me. I take part in the fellowship but am always willing to do my part that others might enjoy. 

I am not bragging on what I do. Don't go there. I am saying that many folks come to church expecting the sermon to be just what they needed. They don't care that the message was for someone else. There have been times when I finished listening to a sermon that I thanked God and said "thank You. I am glad I didn't need that one". What happens when we make it all about ourselves, we become unhappy and growl about the lighting, music or the sermon. You then find, sooner or later that you have attended more churches than you realize and you have become a " "church hopper." If it isn't your way you complain until you hit the highway and go elsewhere. 

Food for thought!


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Warmth Of The Kitchen 10/6/2021

 Good Morning,

I just ended the lack of Door County Coffee this morning. I am brewing a hot pot of their Irish Creme flavor and it is going way too slow for me. 

Isaiah 55:2 Why spend money on what is not bread and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good and you will d3light in the richest of fare. 

This morning I am writing from the kitchen instead of sitting in my den. When I think of our kitchen from my childhood years I recall it as being more than a place to cook and eat. Most business, like school permission notes were written there and I can remember my dad writing checks at the table for the monthly bills. You ate your birthday cake there and school report cards were discussed at the kitchen table. Discipline was measured out in the kitchen also. The table was used by my sister and me as a desk for homework. More people smoked cigarettes back then and the kitchen was often the coffee shop and the smoking parlor. 

I often wonder this. If God had a kitchen what would he serve up? I believe God prepares each day and the day serves things for us to experience a grow by. My mother made the best chicken and dumplings and I could eat them in a heartbeat. They were great. But a steady diet of dumplings was not going to be had. Mom balanced out the family diet with other things that might have been good for us yet they certainly weren't my favorites. There were those broccoli days and I still do not like to eat broccoli. Just not my favorite thing to eat. 

If God were to serve us chicken and dumpling kind of days all the time, we might not ever experience spiritual growth. It is the days of broccoli and turnips ( flat tires, vomiting children, illnesses, or other calamity) that cause us to pause, look up and pray for help. We need to plow through those days of strife and learn what we can from the lesson of the moment. If every day were chicken and dumplings kind of days, we would become self satisfied and not need God.  It is our own human nature to call on Him less when things are good. We reach out to Him when the day brings a big helping of broccoli and we can't handle the stress and strife. 

So today if you are faced with a plate of issues, look up, and reach out to God for help. If today finds you facing a plate full of blessings, look up and reach out to God just to say thank you.


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Headed Home. 10/5/2021

 Good Morning,

No Door County Coffee for me again today. Last day in the coffee drought for me. As I write I am surrounded by sleeping Labradors and it is time to get going.

Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.

The hunt is over and it wasn't spectacular to say the least. However it does humble you and make you appreciate the hunts that were spectacular. I am happy to say we are headed home and are only about 7 hours away. I look forward to seeing my wife and getting a ruckus of a greeting from our two dogs when I hit the garage. 

The guns will need a cleaning and a pile of dirty laundry is going to get washed. But I will be home and will get ready to go back to work as soon as possible. But I will be looking forward to the next outing and all the planning that goes with it. There is just something about planning a trip, especially a hunting or fishing trip and then there is the memories of the trip that will be shared verbally for years. The middle of the trip just fills in the space between the planning and the end. 

But being able to come home to a clean bed, a home cooked meal and all the love of my family makes me want to get there sooner. 

Ladies and gentlemen there is no place like home. Especially a home built by God and love.


Monday, October 4, 2021

The Wrong Spot At The Wrong Time Or Was it? 10/4/2021

 Good Morning,

Still missing a hot cup of Door County Coffee. A couple more days and I will be home. It's early and it is time to write.

Psalm 104: 24-25 How many are your works Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.

I have been with a group of friends in North Dakota duck hunting. I have had no success so far but somehow I am content being with the guys and having the potential to shoot some ducks. Yesterday morning, we were in a spot and to give a rough estimate I would say we saw over 600 ducks come in at just before dawn. The flocks sounded like jets as the blew through. If you duck hunt you know what I am speaking of. Yet none of the ducks came close to us except for two and my buddy bagged them.

The ducks went to the other side of the large pond that we were hunting. One could say we were in the wrong spot at the wrong time. Or as I look at it, I was in the right spot at the right time. What I saw with all those ducks zooming in, calling out to one another was a thing that takes the breath away of an avid duck hunter. It was a thing of beauty. I love the Lord, and I have to say that He painted a beautiful scene for us to see. 

I don't know when I will hear and see a scene like that again. I felt blessed. I might not be eating duck, but as I eat a cheese burger I will have a memory to ponder.

God bless,


Sunday, October 3, 2021

Taking Care Of The Dogs 10/3/2021

 Good Morning,

Another day without Door County Coffee to drink and write about. My tolerance for hotel coffee is wearing thin. 

I have the pleasure to be duck hunting in North Dakota with a great group of guys and their dogs. I left our two at home and I miss them for sure. But I am also kind of carefree here and can get some good rest after hunting. Traveling with hunting dogs is a lot of work, 

You can also tell a lot about a man by the way he cares for his furry hunting companions, They care for their dogs and help each other making sure the animals are taken care of before they do anything for their own care. They appreciate the hard work the dogs put in retrieving ducks, geese, and pheasants. 

Proverbs 12:10 Whoever is righteous has regard for his animal, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.

I am happy to say that I am among some great guys full of kindness for their dogs.

God bless,


Saturday, October 2, 2021

Stuck In The Mud 10/2/2021

Good Morning,

Opening day of duck season has arrived. Another day without a hot cup of Door County Coffee, but I will get by until next Wednesday.

Yesterday while scouting for a spot to duck hunt sent out two boats to look for the best spot. The area we are hunting has been stricken with drought this year. Needless to say that the water levels are low and hunters run the risk of getting stuck in the mud while riding in their boats.  Well that happened to one of our boats and the guys had to bust their butts to get that boat out of the mud and back to safer water. The key thought is, they busted their butts. 

In life, people get stuck in a rut or mud hole with habits. They decide that staying in the rut and being content to not retreat or move forward is the way to go. They never know what good lies ahead if they would just break loose from the rut they are in.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil. to give you future and a hope. 

Make today the day you get out of the rut. 


Friday, October 1, 2021

Wake Me Up When It's Over 10/1/2021

 Good Morning,

My next few days will not have any Door County Coffee for me to drink in the morning. I wasn't sure if I would be able to brew coffee in the hotels we are staying in while we duck hunt for a few days. I should have brought some along.

There are times in life when stress is laid upon a family. I can think of some times that have hit our family that were stressful to say the least. Lack of finances for one stressed us to the limit at times. Health issues had their turn at us. Building a home and issue after issue at one time stole the joy away from building the house. A teenage driver and a couple of car accidents were trying on the patience. Loss of employment wasn't a thrill either. Parents becoming ill and then passing away wore us thin. Identity theft wasn't any fun either. 

James 4:17 So whoever knows the right thing to do, and fails to do it, for him it is sin. 

This is an abbreviated list of what my wife and I have been through over the years.  The list could be a lot longer. Here is what we didn't do when these irritations attacked. We never retreated from the issues. If it took working two or three jobs to pay the bills, we did it. We did  more of the building management of our house even though we were paying a contractor to oversee the construction. We met the health issues head on and we took care of each other. We were there for others as we buried parents. We met the challenges of selling off property and settling estates. 

There were times when we just wanted to crawl into bed, hide and hope that all these problems would go away. We never adopted the idea of "wake me up when it is over". Of course we prayed through everything and God saw us through. But He also expected me to put on my big boy pants and my wife her big girl pants and get to work. Excuses for lack of performance on our part were not tolerated. 

I hear some pretty lame excuses these day as I hear "I know, I will," but it never happens because the sun is shining, or the sun isn't shining. A million excuses can be concocted to prevent action toward a positive outcome. Knowing what needs to be done and not doing it is a sin, 

So today if this is you or someone you know, be ready for a boot in the backside if God decides to correct your laziness. Sometimes making progress hurts, But if I were to add anything to that I would say that there are times when--- you have to "suck it up buttercup"

Have a great day. 
