Sunday, December 31, 2023

Don't Smoke A Cigar If You Are Sneaking 12/31/2023

 Good Morning, 

It is the last day of 2023 and I started this day with a hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee and prayer. It is time to write.

Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Romans 12:2 Don not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal  of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect. 

I will get to the point today quickly and it is pretty easy to make this one hit home for all of us. If you were to be sneaking up on someone you wouldn't want anything to announce your whereabouts or give you away as you tried to move in a stealthy manor. So to be smoking a big cigar would let someone know that they are being stalked. The smoke and odor from the cigar would eliminate any surprise and take away your advantage. 

Quite often, Satan moves to attack us and get us off of the right path in life. Everyone likes to give the nasty rat a lot of credit for being clever, sneaking up on us and laying down a surprise attack that causes mayhem.  This is quite contrary to the truth. Satan always comes at us smoking a big cigar! He gives his position away and we fall for it. But, we do not have to. 

Every situation is a situation that should be examined and prayed through. One sure way to expose Satan at work is to examine all choices and certain situations to see if they are Biblically sound. For instance calling in sick to work, when you just want a day off. When tested, and the result is that to obtain some time off, you told a lie to your employer, you fell for a simple trick.  Taking a tax deduction that you really didn't do, but can't be proven either way is also a lie. In addition to that, it is stealing. 

What you watch on television is usually announced with a rating prior to viewing, but one or two minutes into any show usually gives the content away and you now have a choice as to what you are going to do. Watch the mild porn and say it is only entertainment or switch to something else. Biblically we are not to pollute or hearts and minds. Whenever we have to compromise morality which always can be tested against Biblical standards, Satan gives his presence known and it is not a sneak attack. 

Satan will help you form excuses and justifications to not attend church. Not a sneak attack, but when we forsake to gather together and keep the Sabbath in the right perspective we fall for the attack and we should acknowledge that we fell to Satan's scheme but he gave it away like a nasty cigar odor. 

We are in a spiritual battle, every day. But our enemy is stupid and gives his position away, which makes us even more stupid when we fall for it.

Just some advice for 2024. Don't be stupid and naïve. 


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Last Goose Hunt For 2023

 Good Morning,

I had my Door County Vanilla Cream Brulee Coffee very early this morning.

I left the house very early for my last goose hunt for 2023. We had some success, but not a red letter day for sure. It was crisp and cold outside this morning and the coffee worked it's trick to warm me up. 

I am writing late today. It was pretty quiet in the goose blind and my intentions were to write my blog while hunting. As I said the blind was pretty quiet and the guys were not too talkative. I prayed for each guy there this morning and then spent a good amount of time reflecting on 2023 and where 2024 might take us. 

Here is my quick conclusion. I don't know the future but I know Who holds the future. 

Deuteronomy 10:17 For the Lord your God, is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, is not partial and takes no bribes. 

That makes life worth living just to know the future is in God's hands.

Have a great day!


Friday, December 29, 2023

The Heavy Load 12/29/2023

 Good Morning,

Sitting at my feet are our two Springer Spaniels and in front of me is a hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee. I think it is time to write.

Last week we were visiting in Georgia and our daughter who always plans some great things for us to do, once again did an outstanding job when she took us to a place called Rock City on Lookout Mountain. The scenery was breath taking and some photo opportunities we always just around the next corner. As usual, my mind wandered and I am always looking for a photo to match my thoughts for my daily dribble. I was not let down at all and the one fI have for today fits the message perfectly. 

There is one spot in the hike that has a large slab of stone that is supported by other rock formations. It is not attached to the mountain. It's weight was mentioned and it was in the thousands of tons. I have a photo attached that shows me acting like I am holding it up. If I really were in need of holding that slab up, I would be crushed in an instant. 

Sometimes my friends we all feel like we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders and as you can see in my photo their isn't a crowd of people there offering help. No one is cheering me on. Life sometimes has us feeling deserted and alone in our struggles. One thing after another seems to be piling up and making that weight heavier. 

There just comes a time to realize a couple of things. 

1. You aren't alone in your battle.

2. It is time to ask God for help and follow His lead instead of yours. Many times it is our own fault when we are buried in life's rock slides. And many times it isn't our fault. 

If we look at the resume of our lives that we have written for ourselves we can ask God to show us where we went wrong and what the next steps should be. But when we ask in faith we must act on the answer with that same faith. Let God write the resume of our choices from here on forward. 

Lastly cast these cares to the Lord and wait on Him. He can handle the load when we can't.

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. 

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. 

Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall rune and not be weary. 

God bless,


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Don't Imprison Yourself 12/28/2023

 Good Morning,

The day is beginning early and it beholds a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java. It is time to write.

As we head into the New Year and look ahead to the unknown, I want to take a moment to challenge us all to be real in 2024. Things will go wrong and sometimes are within our control and we actually could have stopped that bus of despair and agony. Or by chance something bad happens, outside of our control. They happen! But the answer is not to withdraw from family, friends or God. To self imprison yourself in withdrawal  is very often more hurtful to those around you than it is to you. 

Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. 

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. 

1. If at all possible, mend relationships. Never say never.

2. Your self worth is valued at so much, that God sent His son to die for your sins. 

3. Be a blessing to yourself. Treat yourself well and treat others the same way. 

4. Whatever is in the past is most of the time best left in the past. 

5. Let situations be a spring board to new opportunities and grow where you are planted.

6. Saying your sorry goes a long way in mending fences of separation.

7. Accept apologies and don't hold grudges. 

8. Last but not least forgive, even if there isn't an apology. 

Start the New Year by breaking out of the jail of despair and anxiety. Make the best of bad situations and do not retreat from being a blessing to those around you. 

God Bless,


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Fixing A Broken Glass 12/27/2023

 Good Morning,

One last day before we are home to a pot of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and it is time to write. The hotel we stayed in for the night was a little too cold for my liking. But soon we will be on the road and headed for home. 

My wife Rene collects antiques. She has a full set of Pink Cherry Blossom depression glass dishes. We never use them, but they are displayed as a collector item in our home. Last week while we were driving to Georgia to celebrate Christmas, we stopped at an antique shop. We stretched our legs and Rene browsed through the antique displays. It was very soon into our rest stop, that I saw her walking to the front desk with some water tumblers which were Pink Cherry Blossom. I was curious as to why we needed more when we have a full set. Rene explained that she was no acquiring some spares, just in case one broke somehow. Recently she had dropped another dish of no value except a sentimental memory. I tried fixing the dish with epoxy. There were just too many pieces to be able to glue it back together. It couldn't be fixed. 

Some of you might be going through a very tough time with a relationship or two. It might feel like the relationship has shattered like a broken antique dish. It seems impossible that it can ever be fixed. Too many pieces have been destroyed. Maybe the relationship cannot be fixed, as you desire it to be, but God cares about you and you will make it with His help. Sometimes He is preparing you for your next relationship. 

Life is fragile for sure. But it is not a glass. Yet the main glue in a relationship  is God. He is able to repair shattered lives and put them back into usefulness within the lives of others. God is able to heal broken hearts and set them on the right path.

Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said; "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

But, we must wait on the Lord and be patient. Let God have His perfect work done in you. Follow all instructions from God perfectly and without wavering. 

Food for thought!


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Back To The Grind 12/26/2023

 Good Morning,

Today has begun with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee. It is time to write. 

Philippians 4:8 Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever is noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things. 

We have enjoyed a nice visit for a few days with our daughter and grandson. And as always there comes a time when you have to pack up and head back home. Today is that day for us. So in an hour or so we will have to say farewell for now and I for one will be planning our next visit in my head. 

It is always nice to visit and so the disappointment of leaving and heading home is a sour taste that doesn't feel good at all. To curb the hurt, I always start planning our return or the family's visit to Wisconsin. Having something to look forward to eases the pain. My plan is not complete at all but has me thinking it through just a little. Each day ahead will have me remembering this last trip as I tell friends about it. But in my heart the next trip will be assembling itself.

My point for the day is this. Visit when you can, those whom you love and make memories to last you through to the next time. Say I love you often and pray for your family. We can't always count on the future visit, but plan ahead and keep those memories fresh and handy.

God bless,


Sunday, December 24, 2023

From Us To You. Merry Christmas. 12/24/2023

 Good Morning,

I am a little late today in publishing my blog. I have in front of me a hot cup of Blueberry coffee and it is time to write. Tomorrow 12/25/2023 will be Christmas Day and I will not be publishing my blog. I will be taking a break and enjoying family time and getting some rest. We will be back to normal on 12/26/2023

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand, that we should walk in them. 

For today my family and I wish to extend to you right from our hearts a big "Merry Christmas". Many of you will be very very busy today and some of you won't be. Lots of food will be consumed, presents might be exchanged today or tomorrow. During today or tomorrow you might encounter someone who needs a hug or a kind word. Don't be too busy to reach out in peace and love to brighten their day. You might even stop to pray with them. My challenge to you is to reach out when God leads you to someone who just needs a little push of love to get them through today and tomorrow. The best gift to give is to be a blessing to someone today. 

Merry Christmas,


Saturday, December 23, 2023

God Watching Over You 12/23/2022

 Good Morning.

I am waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. We are visiting our daughter and my coffee is something other than Door County, but it has a sweet aroma and is soothing to the body. It is time to write. 

Jeremiah 23:24 Can a man hide himself in secret places that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.

Yesterday we were able to tour a place called Rock City near Chattanooga Tennessee. Our family walked the beautiful scenery and enjoyed ourselves immensely. There were several opportunities for us to stop and take pictures. We took a time to stop for lunch and I was able to view the photos that our daughter and grandson took. It was a photo of my wife Rene and  me that was a reminder that God is always watching over us. In a shadowed area, and from a good distance, the sun broke through as the photo was taken. To me it looked like heaven opened up and was shining down on us. 

Now, heaven really hadn't opened up, but God knew just where we were and at that moment the sunshine broke through the shadows. I think when we return home, we will have that photo made into a keepsake, like a coffee mug or an enlarged picture and framed, so we can remember that smile God showed us. I said heaven really hadn't opened up, but did it?

Go about your day and remember God is watching over you and stop long enough to thank Him. Be well my friends and have a great day.


Friday, December 22, 2023

You Can't Help But Have A Great Time 12-22-23

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee and now it is time to write.

I awoke to being in a bedroom that isn't familiar to us. For the next few days we will be staying with our daughter and grandson. The room we are staying in is luxury to the maximum.. But enough about the accommodations. 

Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. 

Last night our family had a great dinner and then just sat around and watched two movies together. I can't tell you how nice that was. I was relaxed and at peace as we bantered back and forth about the movie plot.

We live about ten hours away from our family so watching a movie or two together is a treat and a luxury. We have plans to see some sites today, together. The key word is "together". My point for today is this. I really don't care about what we will do. I care about being together.

I might be just a simple person. But all the beautiful sites we will see don't compare to being together.

God bless.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

It Can Be Easy To Get Lost In The Busyness Of The World 12/21/2023

 Good Morning,

My wife Rene and I woke up in Franklin Kentucky this morning and I am without my hot mug of Door County Candy Cane Coffee. We are taking a short trip to visit our daughter in Georgia. Travel plans did not work out exactly like we had planned, but we are safe and sound and will arrive on time today.

I am going right to the root of this blog today. It can be very easy for a person to draw away from life, God, family, church, work, or friends. When invited to attend a function they tell you thank you, but "I have to work". So they miss out on whatever you asked them to do with you. Next they stop attending family functions and they have a decent excuse for their absence. They come to work, but aren't seen at lunch or any after work gatherings. They start missing church regularly and they certainly don't come to prayer meetings. 

1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient and kind, love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant. 

Soon after these behaviors start, the person is seen less and less and it seems as if the world has hidden them and they can't be found. They decide to hide from the world and go it alone. Worst of all, hiding from the world can be done very easily. 

When we see this happening, we should never dawdle or procrastinate on reaching out to them. We should move quickly and offset the battle of depression they are exhibiting. Don't wait for things to get better on their own. Act immediately and reach out and challenge the person who feels they are fighting alone. 

You should never trim the importance of reaching out to someone who is depressed. Depression can be a stealth opponent and can be deadly. If you know the person impacted by these bouts of depression, act quickly and act out of love. 

God bless,


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A Much Needed Trip 12/20/2023

 Good Morning,

It took a long time to get to this day and I am starting it with prayer and a hot mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee. It is time to write. 

We will be making a Christmas trip to Georgia to visit our family for a few days. Our Nephew Nick is house sitting. Thus our dogs don't need to be kenneled for the next week. This morning we leave and our goal is to stop along the way so my wife Rene can shop for antiques. all I ask is for one stop at the Waffle House for some smothered hash browns. 

This trip is overdo and hopefully our prayers for a safe and fun journey will be granted. We will attend church while we are out of town and I am counting on being spiritually fed by whichever preacher is there. I am counting on some chicken soup for my soul. 

My point for the day is this. When you travel, make time to attend church and see what another town and their churches have on the spiritual menu. I have found that when I make a sincere effort to feed my soul while away from my home church God meets me where I am, and even though 11 hours from home, the message from the pulpit is always worth the drive. So make a trek to another land, but go to the land that God shows you and meet Him there,.

Psalm 145:18 The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.

Psalm 27:4 One thing have I asked of the Lord, that I will seek after. That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.

James 4:8 Draw close to the Lord and He will draw close to you.

Food for thought!'


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

I Don't Believe In A Coincidence 12/19/2023

 Good Morning,

I am headed out shortly for a busy day. My Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee will be working overtime today. It is time to write. 

Have you ever had something occur that you just can't explain. For instance you are on the phone and the conversation you are having with someone is just not going good. In fact it is unpleasant. Yet, just when you are ready to lie and make an excuse to leave the conversation, another call comes in and you can take the call without lying, thus ending the torture of the first call. 

You say to yourself, "that was lucky'. Later you realize that the person who called you has been praying for you and for some reason they knew God wanted them to call you. And they did! Was it a coincidence?

No! God protected you because He watches over you. The Holy Spirit nudged someone else to call and rescue you. 

Psalm 121:3 He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. 

God protects 24/7 He knows what you need, when you need it, and before you need it. 

Matthew 6:8 For your father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him

When you are in prayer and others are praying for you, nothing is ever a coincidence.

Have a great day!


Monday, December 18, 2023

The Sound Of Music 12/18/2023

 Good Morning,

My day started with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee. It is time to write.

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.

Last night one of the television networks was airing in entirety the musical The Sound Of Music. My wife Rene let me know earlier in the day that our television would be viewing this "classic". We do have another television in the house and can stream via the computer. But the announcement was made that if you are to be anywhere near our living room you will be watching "The Sound Of Music" . This classic actually beat out the Hallmark channel, which is a feat in itself. 

What amazed me was this. My wife could sing along with all the songs and knew all of the words. She knew most of the lines from the screen play by heart. 

My point is this. The musical has survived for many years and was considered wholesome entertainment in 1965 and it is still wholesome entertainment today.  In our lives we will encounter good and wholesome things that are for entertainment or instruction. There are also foods that are good for us and some that are not so good for us. It is up to us to choose what we view, eat and listen to. If garbage goes into the brain and the heart, only garbage can come out. Fill your life with good and it will last a lifetime. 

God bless,

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Stand By Me 12/17/2023

 Good Morning,

I just sat down with a large, very hot cup of Door County Christmas Coffee and it is now time to write. 

Isiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great will be the peace of your children.

On today in 1978 I was received a blessing that came wrapped in a blanket. It was a snowy December day when my wife went into labor and then a short time later our daughter was born. I was handed this small bundle of joy for me to hold and I could not help but wonder what she would look like later in life. What will she do and accomplish? Basically what would the future hold for our child.

I think, every parent has those thoughts run through their heads on the day their child is born or soon there after. 

Here's what I will say about the many things that have passed and that have gone on in her life. If I were ever in the battle of my life and needed a friend or relative to stand by me through thick or thin. I would want our daughter to be the there. She is loyal, compassionate and can be counted on when the road of life gets muddy. She has the heart of a warrior and at the same time that same heart beats like a puppy dog waiting on others and handing out love.

Yesterday I hunted with a young man named Mario and it is always nice to see the younger generation embracing the sport I love, willing to learn the tricks of the hunting and folklore. Our daughter never caught on to the love of hunting, she would be the one to take my hunted game to the veterinarian because it had been shot. She is a person who when you are down, regardless of who you are she is there to lend a hand. And in all she does she is a hard working soul.

So today as I think about her, I thank God for the daughter who is a blessing to me and to others. I think God did a great job with my gift in 1978! and will continue to work through her for as long as she has a breath to take. 

God Bless,


Saturday, December 16, 2023

I Remember When 12/16/2023

 Good Morning,

Hey I am drinking a hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee and as always it tastes better while drinking it outside. and that's just where you will find me this morning. 

Matthew 18:20  For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am among them. 

A few years ago when the Covid crud took the world by storm many churches closed and went to video services, or limited seating or you sat with five miles in between your friends and families. It was the was the approach at that time to limit the spread of the contagious virus. Oh my did I hear a lot of people whining about not being able to attend church and gather with friends and family, especially at Christmas. It was inconvenient and certainly was not a lot of fun visiting nursing homes and standing outside in the cold while you spoke through a screen to your loved ones. 

Truly that virus was something that caused a lot of inconvenience and hardships. I am not sure the world has yet to recover from the totality of the event. We certainly see it in the inability to find our work force and get back to what was normal in productivity and supply issues. 

Back to the church and Christmas. Are there plans in your life to attend church to celebrate Christmas? We are traveling and the first thing I asked was where can we attend church in the town, we will be staying in. I did not like the isolation that Covid brought to my world and it was one of the happiest days for me when we could gather again. Sometimes you just don't appreciate what you have until it is gone.  

I also want to say that you can't cure loneliness through a video. Not all folks have a family to be with with on Christmas. If you know someone who will be alone for Christmas , open your home and add one more to the table. Don't go back into isolations tactics. I remember those days and they weren't very nice.


Friday, December 15, 2023

I Say Merry Christmas 12/15/2023

 Good Morning,

I just sat down with a hot mug of Door County Naughty Or Nice Grog Coffee. It is a new flavor to their lineup this year and I must say that I am enjoying it immensely. It is time to write. 

Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 

Most new trends that become popular start with the youngest generation at the present time. I have observed some trends come and go throughout my 66 years on this planet. What is funny is when you see the new trend and you remember it from fifty years ago. For instance, bell bottom pants. I never thought I would see those again, but I am seeing them once more. 

But here is one that I noticed making a return and I am glad to say it can return and I hope it stays. I am hearing more young people saying "Merry Christmas" once more. I always thank the folks who work in the grocery store who are checking me out at the payment line or packing my groceries. Lately they say you are welcome with a big smile and "Merry Christmas". I walk out of the store and there are some teens manning the red bucket for the Salvation Army and as I dropped a couple dollars in they greeted me with "Thank you and Merry Christmas Sir". 

I needed to purchase some gasoline and I cannot resist going into the fuel emporium to purchase a breakfast sandwich when I am on the road. I was thanked for my purchase by a young fella and again I heard "Merry Christmas". I always smile back and give them a big old Merry Christmas in return. 

Not one to be a trend setter, but this trend I will support forever. I find myself saying "Merry Christmas' as a greeting more than I have before. Those kids are rubbing off on me. Does that make me a groupie? Ha!

Once Christmas is over I hope to see this upturn in pleasantries stay on and then return to Merry Christmas next December. In the last few years it has been said that to say Merry Christmas to folks is not politically correct. I fought that trend and was actually corrected by a few folks who said "You must say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. Well, too bad. I want to smile and enjoy exchanging greetings, If someone said to me a greeting with their observed holiday like Happy Hanukah they would receive "Happy Hanukah" in return. I feel that one should be polite and greet each other with a smile. They are sharing a greeting important to them and I in return could and should acknowledge kindness. 

So as for me, it is "Merry Christmas" from this old man who wears a funny hat and who has been called unapproachable. 

God bless,


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Is God In the House? 12/14/2023

 Good Morning,

I am up early this fine morning and my mug is filled with Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee. It is time to write.

As we celebrate Christmas through the next 11 days, my thoughts go to the baby Jesus being born in a stable or manger because there were no rooms available for his family. Our Savior Emmanuel had nowhere to lay His head.

Matthew 22:37 And he said, "You shall love the lord your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and all your might.


I wonder if the innkeeper had known that the baby to be born in his manger was God Himself, if he would have made room or given up his own bed for Jesus. 

I wonder what we would have done? I wonder what I would have done? There are times that my life is so busy and our home has so many Christmas decorations, I wonder if I make room for Jesus in my home, heart, and my Christmas? Or do we give Jesus what is left over in time, resources, and faith? Does He reside in a manger within us or a clean and pure heart. Is He first in our Christmas or is He an afterthought? 

Food to chew on today?


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Please Daddy Don't Get Drunk This Christmas 12/13/2023

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer, will need more prayer and will end in prayer. I am sipping slowly on a cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee and it is time to write. 

Isaiah 5:11 Woe to those who rise early in the morning,. That they may follow intoxicating drink; Who continue until night, till wine inflames them. 

I was checking out at the grocery store just s few days ago, when I noticed the many carts of alcohol being purchased. Now I am not heading down the path of prohibition. I am going to give a little advice to all of us. Christmas is a time of parties, dinners, and other social gatherings. It is at these gatherings one will find some adult beverages being consumed. Again I have nothing heavy handed to say on drinking.

I do caution that getting drunk repeatedly in the name of a good time might be evidence that you have a drinking problem. Do a simple budget sheet and see how much you spend on drinks. If it is as much as a week of groceries, it might be that you have a problem. 

I recall a friend of mine from childhood who when asked what he would like for Christmas, he would reply "For my dad to be sober" .

Some of the best gifts are ones when you take something away. Stop drinking or swearing at your family and see if this isn't a great Christmas. How about not gambling away the bread money? Bring that paycheck home instead of losing it to the casino. How can we look at our kids when their presents went up our nose or into our arm? 

The best Christmas present might just be what you take away and give up.

Love to all,


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Coffee In A Christmas Mug 12/12/2023

 Good Morning,

My day started very early this morning. I will be on the road with a coworker this morning. I always enjoy our time when we work together. I will be bringing a Thermos bottle filled with Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee to share and also keep us awake.

I Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain, faith. hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

I have said over the years that the one person I know who decorates for Christmas to the extreme is my wife Rene. Everywhere you look in our home is a Christmas theme. I mean everywhere! Sitting next to me is a coffee mug and it is decorated for Christmas. 

The day after Thanksgiving Rene starts transforming our home into a Christmas display. The usual coffee mugs are stored away and they will return at the end of January. 

You can't help but catch Christmas fever if you live here. Rene loves to wrap Christmas presents and she doesn't moan about receiving a gift either. So if you were to visit us during the Christmas season you would really see her heart on display. She has the heart of Christmas. 

The heart of Christmas also has the Spirit of Christmas within. Faith, hope, and love goes into all she does at Christmas. So as I close out the blog for the day. I pray that those who read this will catch the fever of a God centered and God honoring Christmas of Faith, Hope and Love. I raise my cup to my wife! These three attributes bring Peace and Joy to our home.


Monday, December 11, 2023

Favorite Christmas Gift 12/11/2023

 Good Morning,

The day began with a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee and it is time to write.

I have so many fond memories of Christmas Past  and I could make a list of gifts that I have been given over time that made my heart feel special and light. 

Proverbs 11:25 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. 

One memory I recall goes back to 1979 and our daughter was just one year old at Christmas. By this time she was moving about pretty well and jabbering even better. We had a modest Christmas and most of it revolved around our toddler and family. We had  an end table and it had a candy dish filled with Hershey Kisses. The candy was accessible to the little lady. The lesson was to have her ask for things and not just to take them.  They were wrapped in holiday colors. I said that our daughter was jabbering a pretty good amount of words at this time, which in reality only her mom understood. I was a foreigner to toddler gibberish. But I could understand the "Wee Ones heart. She never bothered that table without asking for a chocolate first. If the answer was no, she accepted the answer with a pouty lip, but left the candy alone. This particular Christmas day our child reached into the dish and took two chocolate candies into her hand. She crawled over to me and then sat on the floor. I picked her up thinking she wanted me to unwrap a chocolate for her. Being the easy going dad and that it was Christmas I obliged her simple plan and there wasn't any scolding.  But that was not the plan. I gave her the chocolate and she proceeded to try and put it in my mouth. I was simply known as Da Da then and she would say Da Da and try to give me the chocolate. I let her place it into my mouth and she smiled and handed me the second one. I unwrapped it and she popped that one into her own little mouth. I can still see that smile. 

Every year since then when I purchase some candy for Christmas I recall the first gift our daughter gave to me and the pureness of the thought. I bet you can't figure out what candy I purchase?

God bless,


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Don't Get Lost In The Forest Of Christmas 12/10/2023

 Good Morning,

The sky is gloomy as I sit down to write. The sun is taking it's sweet time rising this morning. I have a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee at my side and it is time to write. 

Photo Credit Max McCoy

Making plans for Christmas is now full speed ahead and I just want to share a thought or two on making those plans. We can get very caught up in the "Forest Of Christmas' that we can lose sight of what is important. There are work parties to attend, church gatherings, last minute presents to buy, food to purchase, decorations to be put in place and then you can add family photo appointments, cookies to bake and more items than I can list. 

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. 

I have hunted some very thick woodlands in Wisconsin and Michigan in my life. And there were times when during the middle of the day I was in such thick forests that it seemed that daytime was closer to nightfall at 11:am then the actual mid morning. The trees just seemed to block out the light. 

We can get caught up in the Forest of Christmas and then later wonder, "Did I celebrate Christmas". Friends, we need to be careful not to let the world interfere with what is really important at Christmas. Look at your to do list for Christmas. Look it over closely. Set the calendar  next to your list. If the two combined together make you sigh in despair and you see nothing but rushing around ahead of you, you are already lost in the world's Christmas Forest and not one of true meaning. Family time is most important, yet families can have so many intertwined families that Christmas and getting everywhere becomes a hassle and the joy is lost in the forest. Be careful not to grow a Christmas Forest where you are so tired that Christmas becomes a chore. Pick and choose the obligations that need to take place. 

I have decided to not attend a work Christmas party. I love my coworkers , but attending the party would require a total travel time of 4 to five hours, an overnight stay and time away from getting our own personal Christmas things done. My employer knows how to throw a party, but on my list of to dos, it just had to be cut. The forest was getting too thick

It is ok to cut a few things out of the forest just to make time for the more important things. So make this Christmas a time to Celebrate the birth of Jesus, give some gifts and take some other things away. 

God bless,


Saturday, December 9, 2023

Wow No Power! 12/9/2023

 Good Morning,

I believe there is only one thing that tastes better than that first cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java and that is the second cup. It is time to write.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord , O my soul and never forget all His benefits. 

Early around 1:30 am this morning our electricity went into the off position. I am not sure what caused the power outage. I was sound asleep when it occurred, but was awakened by the sound of our generator starting up. It is a little loud while running. We are blessed to have an automatic source of electricity from a generator attached to our home. A few seconds after the power goes out the generator starts up and supplies power to our home. It does not power up everything, but covers a couple lights, refrigerators, freezer, furnace, garage door and most of all the outlet to the coffee maker. There is still a little power source left over to assist a neighbor if needed. 

A few years ago we started saving some money and actually skipped a vacation and a couple other items that year so we could afford to have this generator installed. It has been worth the effort. 

The outage did not last that long and for the two of us there was no inconvenience. I doubt if any of our neighbors were in peril from the cold last night either. 

While I was sitting in our kitchen looking at basically nothing, I thought about those people who experience outages and shortages every day. My thoughts went to a global prayer for those who have no water, power, heat, shelter, and food. I humbly counted our blessings and became very grateful for what God has given us. I say we saved money to purchase a generator, but really it was God who gave us two good jobs at the time. It was His money, and it is His generator. 

Today is a day to be grateful for all of our blessings and let God know just how thankful we are. All of our blessings are never permanent and can be lost in one tornado, fire or flood. 


Friday, December 8, 2023

Making The Dip For A Party 12/8/2023

 Good Morning,

Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee is steaming in the mug next to me and it is time to write. 

Proverbs 24:13 My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste. 

Tonight my wife Rene and I will be attending a Christmas get together. We asked what we could bring and we were asked to bring some fresh fruit. Rene helped me to decide what we would bring  that could be somewhat festive. So last night I made a bowl of dried strawberry dip. It will be accompanied by fresh strawberries that can be dipped into the mixture. It was so funny when my wife came into the kitchen to survey the mess I had made. I cook and she cleans up the mess. I hadn't really made too much of a mess, which is not always the case. I was placing the final touches on this sweet and aromatic dip. Rene let me know three times just how good the kitchen smelled. I knew then and there that it was a hint for her to lick the mixer beaters when I was finished. I handed Rene her prize and I was told that she couldn't wait for the next day, when she would dip a couple strawberries into the concoction. I asked her if she hung around the kitchen as a kid waiting for her mother to hand out cookie dough samples. There was a big affirmative grin on her face. 

My point for today is this. Sometimes you just have to be a kid again and relive memories of old. I say go for it. There will never be another December 8th 2023 so go ahead and lick the beaters. Share some samples with the kids or grandkids. Take time to enjoy life!


Thursday, December 7, 2023

A Day We Remember 12/7/2023

 Good Morning,

I just sat down and the desk and next to me is a hot mug of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee. Our two dogs have been fed and it is time to write. 

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 

I will always remember the day my dad sat me down to talk about war and the ugliness of it. I was in second grade when we had about a three hour chat on a December Saturday night. I had asked him where Pearl Harbor was and I did not now that after dinner we would have a history lesson on world war two. I had heard it addressed on the television that day. 

Dad started like this. "Always and I mean always, remember this date December 7th 1941. and never forget it." Dad when on to explain how the United States was attacked by Japan and took a severe beat down that day on our navy. The attack was a surprise and it brought America into World War 2. 

Dad went on to talk about Nazi Germany in Europe and the battles there and how many men and women died there from many countries. He then went back to talk more about Pearl Harbor and December 7th. He said that he remembered being glued to the radio at home listening to the news and how just about everything stopped. Franklin D Roosevelt was the president. Television hadn't been developed yet. The radio and newspapers were it for communication. 

Dad talked about some of my uncles who fought in World War 2 and I never knew their stories until that night. Dad was too young for WW2 but Korea introduced him to war some years later. 

I heard about rationing and stamps.  I heard about the USS Arizona, Bataan, Wake Island, Iwo Jima, and D-day. I listened as Dad talked about General Patton and General MacArthur. My head was spinning and the next day I found myself (Sunday) in my bedroom browsing an encyclopedia and looking at pictures of  Pearl Harbor and the attack on the Unites States. I could barely read at that time and words like infamy, holocaust, nuclear bombs, and sea rations were new and  puzzling to me. The pictures told the story. 

My dad is long gone now and If I could chat with him I would tell him that I never forgot 12/7/1941 all these years. I have visited the USS Arizona, at Pearl Harbor and toured other WW 2 ships along the way of this life. I went to church with a man that was on the Arizona the day of the attack and survived. His story amazed me. 

So my friends in the United States and my friends across this world. Spend some time on the history of your country. I will never forget that night my Dad told me all about Pearl Harbor and the attack on the United States, and how WW2 started and ended. Today my thanks goes to all those who fought, riveted, and sacrificed to keep our country free.

God bless,


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Prayer From Afar 12/6/2023

 Good Morning.

The world slowed down a little bit this morning just long enough for me to drink a cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee and I must say I am enjoying it. 

I started December full of gusto and joy. I was embracing December like none other before. But then I woke up from the captivating dream and the world was still one hot mess. Now it seems that our authorities are worried about terrorist attacks on a level that has them actually telling us to be on the look out. I opened my eyes to see families in turmoil and for no good reason. Selfish attitudes, lack of respect for right and wrong seem to be the constant carol I hear. 

Last night a buddy of mine and I were traveling home from a Bible Study and three cars  traveling at least 100 mph were on the highway and I saw them coming up from behind me. They were weaving in and out of traffic in reckless manners that I haven't seen in a very long time. One of them swerved in front of me, causing me to have to go to the far right , up against a concrete wall. Both of us said "Too close for comfort". 

This morning finds me grateful that we weren't in a tangled mess of steel and tires. 

My point for the day is this. Do what you can to enjoy Christmas. Be careful to protect your families and friends. Protect them from imploding, exploding, and any internal turmoil they are going through. If you are a person of prayer, the best gift you can give to this world and your personal world is to be in prayer. I will be praying for many near and far. 

Colossians 4:2 Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

God bless,


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Messiah Came Equipped 12/5/2023

 Good Morning,

A fine day has started with prayer and a hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee and I am ready to write. 

We placed our nativity set in the living room a few days ago. My wife Rene always makes that scene the first to come out of the box and then displayed front and center. As a child I always wanted to be the one who placed Jesus into the manger. There was just something about the Christmas Story of Jesus being born that has always intrigued me. 

As I think about how God sent his Son to the world to save us from the penalty of sin and to die to save the souls who call upon Him, I am even more amazed now, than I was when I was younger. 

Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.

Not only did Jesus defeat the sting of death for us by dying on the cross, He came equipped to do for us even more and more.

Isaiah 11;2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him.- the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord. 

Jesus is my Savior, but He is also so much more and I can count on Him at all times. 

Baby yes, Savior yes, but also so much more.

We serve an awesome God.


Monday, December 4, 2023

Two Ways To Look At Everything. 12/4/2023

 Good Morning,

I am under way for the day and stopped long enough to write and have a hot mug of Door County White Christmas  Coffee. 

Yesterday morning I went through my morning ritual and not much ever, if at all, is different about what I do. One of the first things I do is to let our dogs Leo and Gibbs outside for their morning antics. As I opened the door to let them out, I always turn on the floodlight that has illuminated our yard since 1994. 99% of the time I am awake before the sun rises. 

Yesterday as I flipped the switch on the wall, the light blinked and died. I won't go into the process as to what it took to make sure we had lights this morning. But here is the lesson I learned. My reaction to the light failure was this." Really, the dang light let me down" I wasn't exactly happy. Then comes along my wife who said." wow that light sure has lasted a long time. 29 years exactly. That is awesome." I really wasn't in the mood for little miss sunshine. My reaction was totally opposite from hers. Neither reaction was right or wrong. They were just both different. Rene was correct in seeing the positive. She also knew that I would not rest well and be comfortable without that light for the yard. 

We need to place value in the different views that people bring to our "buffet of the day". Rene was totally opposite of my reaction. She was praising the service of 29 years and I on the other hand was disappointed in the fact that the light did not last longer. I did not scold her for seeing it her way. She did not make any comments about me being cheap and not looking forward to a ladder job in nasty weather. She did say this. "Let me know what I can do to help". 

The difference in what our reactions to the situation was this. Rene felt fine with the failure and saw it as an opportunity to praise. I however let my reaction frustrate me. Again I wasn't wrong because I knew what was ahead of me.  She wasn't wrong but we each accommodated each others opinions. Her opinion later rubbed off on me. Take time to listen to others. Never shut down their opinion. Their opinion might be just what you need.


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Not Finished Yet 12/3/2023

 Good Morning,

It is always nice to wake up in the winter and have a hot cup of Door County Naughty or Nice Grog Coffee to warm you up from the inside out. Today is one of those days!

1 Corinthians 10:31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 

Last night after we came home from church my wife Rene and I started to hang the lights on our Christmas tree. The lighting project went smoothly and I was pleased as to how the tree looks. We then started in on the ornaments. That is another project. All of our ornaments are non matching. They are a collection of things we have picked up as life goes by for us. Just about everyone of them as a little story or they have a picture on the ornament. The photo is of someone who is important to us and has passed on from this life. We have a few with pictures of the two of us as we traveled here and there. The dogs in our lives past and present are there. We have one of kids from our youth work years. I could go on and on about the ornaments on the tree, but I won't. Rene stayed up late and added ornaments way into the night. I went to bed and got some much needed sleep. Today I will hang strings of buttons on the tree and it will be finished. 

My point for the day is this. Are those buttons important? Not really. But the tree is not complete until that last chore is done. I can't put the ladder away until this project is done. God has given you your life and what you do with it is all up to you. You aren't finished until your final day. Later today we will finish the tree, as to all the ornaments and buttons. We will sit back and say to each other "Nice Job". 

Matthew 25:23 His lord said to him, "well done, good and faithful servant."

What has God shown you to do? Maybe your assignment is or was to raise a brood of children. Maybe you are to use your home as a place of welcome to others. Whatever the task, you aren't finished until all is complete. In the photo I took this morning, you can see the ladder is still out and needs to be put away and stored. Once all the work is done I can do that. But there is another small chore waiting for me to do and I am sure you have a chore list also. Whatever you do, do it so the Lord can look down at you and smile. After all He is not finished with you either.


Saturday, December 2, 2023

Don't Let That Battle Begin 12/2/2023

 Good Morning,

I will be enjoying some Naughty Or Nice Grog Coffee this morning as I try to hunt for some geese. I pray for God's blessing on our efforts. 

1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around as a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 

December 2nd is upon us and I am sending out a warning to those who don't believe that petty arguments can be made into battles that can carry on well after Christmas. If you pay attention to the fact that Christmas is supposed to be a day, week and month of happiness. You will see that petty arguments and hurt feelings can grow into a lifetime of anger, hurt and pain, especially at Christmas. 

You might think these things are caused by human mistakes, laziness, and disrespect. But my friends, Satan takes our weaknesses and magnifies differences into mega issues. He seeks to destroy Christmas in your hearts forever. He is very effective at doing so. He first breaks down any attempt of understanding others just by shutting down communications. Then he adds opinions to emotions and once the emotions take over by being fed with opinions and lack of open and honest communications, he seals the deal on this Christmas and every Christmas to come. 

Once this goes on for too long a grudge grows and then it takes a movement of heaven and earth to heal the emotions and hurt that carrying a grudge brings about.

My point for today is this. If you are in a position to heal relationships do so. If you want to be spiritually dead, carry a grudge. If you decide that Satan wins this one, he will win others as well. 

Food for thought.


Friday, December 1, 2023

The First Day Of December 12/1/2023

 Good Morning,

The aroma of Door County Candy Cane Coffee is permeating our home and I am just enjoying my first cup of Christmas coffee. 

Last night I took some time to recall some of my 66 Christmas seasons and after enjoying the review in my mind, I came to this conclusion. Every Christmas moment that was special to me was because family was present and such a great time we had. The Christmas days that weren't as wonderful were because of the fact that someone wasn't there. Or I could not be with them. 

John 1:14  And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son, from the Father, full of grace and truth.

We celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas, but it was His birthday that brought all of my family together. One little baby boy still has people assembling and enjoying family time. If I were to ask for a gift this year for Christmas, it would be this. That all families would be able to assemble, forget wrongs and enjoy the gift of family and friends. 

I am dreaming of a great Christmas!


Thursday, November 30, 2023

It Makes Sense To Me 11/30/2023

 Good Morning,

I am heading out early once more this week and I am embracing a hot mug of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee. It is time to write. 

Photo Credit

In just about every home there is a drawer or closet filled with junk. My wife Rene and I have a drawer in the kitchen known as the "junk drawer". Pens,  pencils, thumb tacks, nails, screws, flashlights, string, batteries, measuring tapes, small tools, paper clips, tape, glue and many other assorted items. We do from time to time go into that drawer and look for different things. It is a chore to find anything in that drawer. Rene straightens it out twice a year, but no matter what she does it is still a drawer filled with things I can't find in a hurry.

So, not long ago I mentioned the idea to organize our junk receptacle and we tried, but once it was organized we could not get all the junk to fit back in the drawer. So then we purged some stuff and wouldn't you know, the next item I needed had been thrown away in the purge. I do believe we need to resolve the clutter in the drawer so it makes sense to us and we will be more organized. 

Sometimes our lives get cluttered with too many things to do or handle at one time. It's then that we need to call a time out and purge things that are just weighing us down and holding us hostage. In other words we need to organize by importance and if needed, step away from those things that could actually be harmful and cause us to lose sleep for no good reason. 

1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace as in all the churches of the saints. 

Organize and purge if needed.


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Middle Of The Week 11/29/2023

 Good Morning,

I just sat down with a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

Today is Wednesday and I refer to it as the "Middle Of The Week" . Just a few more days and it will be the weekend once more. But we must make it to Friday and for me it has been a busy week. More than busy. 

So there is an urge or desire to slack off a little and not push it too hard. I know I started this week with gusto but it seems like I am already running out of energy, desire, and drive. 

So let's pray for one another. We all know someone else who is tired, worn and weary. It could be health issues, worries, and just plain old being tired. Pray and intercede for those you know who are burning the candle on both ends and need to keep going.

Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.

If you are reading this, you were prayed for. Keep moving forward. 


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Priorities Please 11/28/2023

 Good Morning,

I am off to work very early this morning. I have a tough week ahead. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Toasted Praline Coffee and it is time to write. 

I want to start this Tuesday with a thought or two about priorities. The number one priority for all should be  walking with God in our own personal life. That relationship needs to be strong and unobstructed by anything. Excuses are not to be tolerated. 

Deuteronomy 5:33 You shall walk in the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you shall live long in the land that you shall possess. 

The second priority is to have a healthy relationship with our families and our spouses. This takes time and is not something done very easily. Time is an investment for contentment and joy.

Note that both priorities take time and effort. If one of them is shortened of effort and commitment, you will see that the other is in failure mode as well. They go hand in hand. If the personal walk with God is not where it needs to be, and kept holy, there is no chance that the other relationships. won't fail as well. Sooner or later the ugliness of the world and our own ambitions will ruin the family love and functionality. 

Colossians 2:6 Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him. 

Let's make these two priorities a "must do" set of things to take into the last month of the year and hopefully they can be carried over into 2024.


Monday, November 27, 2023

Faith Fit Test 11/27/2023

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee and it is time to write. 

Come January 1st, many people vow to get back into shape and they start off slowly, working off a few pounds and adding a wholesome diet to their daily routine. It makes us wonder why we just don't do that all year long and why do we wait for the first of the year to start anew.

Today I want to look in a different direction and say this. Maybe we should examine our walk of faith with God and see if there is anything we could improve. A simple test is to assess yourself against Scripture.

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such there is no law.

1. Love, do we love others unconditionally? Is our love for God number one in our lives?

2. Joy, is the joy of our love for God visible to others. Do we exhibit joy for the supplies God gives us? 

3. Longsuffering, do we quit too easily or are we there for the long haul? Do we place conditions on our faith? Do we barter with God?

4. Kindness, Can kindness be seen in our actions when people are present and when no one is there to give us credit and acknowledge our kindness? 

5. Goodness, do we practice being good and actually produce goodness in bad situations?

6. Faithfulness, are we faithful to our spouses, families, employers and our church? Our we faithful to God or is He just there when we need something?  Can we be counted on?

7. Gentleness, do we handle others folks emotions with gentleness? Are we one who builds up others one brick at a time or are we impatient? 

8. Self control. How is our ability to say no to temptation? How long does it take you to go from angry to ballistic?

Take the test my friends. Adjust where necessary and prepare yourself for the best Christmas ever.


Sunday, November 26, 2023

There Is A Time To Share Traditions 11/26/2023

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at my desk drinking some Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and it is time to write. 

Yesterday our daughter called and was inquiring about making a big pot of chili. She had Googled a recipe and was well on her way to making it, when she had a few questions about onions and such. It then dawned on me that my own kid did not have my chili recipe. My recipe is a version of the one my grandmother made. Over the years I have changed a couple of things and my version has actually won a couple chili cookoffs. Now I have tasted the chili other folks make and some are really good. I have enjoyed and consumed many bowls of chili in this lifetime of mine. 

2 Thessalonians 2:14-15 To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15. So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions, that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter. 

Here is my point. Just like money and possessions can't be taken with you when you die neither can a recipe. It is a good idea to pass on to others the things you know and share the secret recipes before they wonder, "Now how did he or she make that". I wrote about this a few days ago also. 

I have a few guns and they are all labeled as to who gets them when I am no longer here. But each label has a story as to what I did with that particular gun or how I came to own it. Family history is a big part of things that need to be shared. 

The one most important thing I hope to pass on to those who I leave behind is this. My faith in God is number one and my love for Him. I want them to know of my belief in the power of prayer. My love for family comes second behind my love for God. That might hurt some feelings. But, my love for God has taught me how to love my family. God created the family and when we obey His commands and teachings on family we show our love and respect for God. In turn God shows us how to love others as He loves us. 

So, think it through. I don't make as much chili as I used to. It is time to pass on one of my kettles to our daughter. It was one that belonged to my great grandmother. I already sent the recipe. 

Love to all. 


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Out, And In The Cold 11/25/2023

 Good Morning,

I am out along the riverbank this morning doing a little duck hunting. I have an insulated bottle filled with Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee to keep me warm and I am in good company with a nephew and our dog Leo. It is time to write.

Luke 3:11 Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do the same. 

I apologize for not getting out a blog yesterday. I took a break to enjoy some time with friends and gather some thoughts. 

Duck hunting in Wisconsin is usually the best in the last two weeks of the season. That brings us to hunting in colder weather. Being prepared and dressed for the cold is a must. Playing with the cold is not advisable. Taking on the cold with the right equipment and clothing is the way to do it. I hunted the other day with 3 friends. One of my compadres took a minor dip in the water. Spare gloves were offered and whatever we had that could be shared was offered. 

My point for the day is this. If you see someone in the cold and you can help with a blanket or a coat, do so. If you can spare a cup of coffee to warm someone up, do so. If a pot of soup is needed on a cold day and you can help, do so. 

My second point for this day is this. If you need to travel in the cold, don't be fashionable. Be warm! Be wise, make sure your automobile is ready for the cold. Carry a shovel inside the truck or car, not just for you, but to help someone else stuck in the snow. Gloves, hand warmers and a bottle of water can make the difference in a cold lonely ditch. 

Be kind. Help others, and use the common sense your mother taught you.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Be Grateful For Yourself 11/23/2023

 Good Morning,

The oven is filled with a ham that is baking already. The aroma of cloves is filling the house. I have with me our two dogs Leo and Gibbs and a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee  and I am ready to write. 

Psalm 139:13-16 For you formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb. 14. I will praise You. For I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 15. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 16. Your eye's saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet, there was none of them. 

Today in America we are observing or you could say celebrating Thanksgiving Day. It is set aside each year as time to be thankful. There will be the opportunity to be thankful for family and friends, jobs, homes, food, health and all sorts of reasons to be thankful. We thank God for Jesus, His Son and how He blessed us with Him and His plan to save souls for eternity. This is the number one reason to be grateful. 

These are all noble things to be thankful for and I cannot dispute them at all. My challenge for the day is for all who read this is to be humbly grateful for yourself. Usually you are on the list of others who are grateful for you. Have you ever considered a world without you ever being in it. Your family wouldn't exist. Or there would be one less at the table. You were made by God and you are a blessing to others. If, in your life you only performed one nice gesture for someone, it would not have happened if you weren't here. You were made to be you and there is none other like you. So thank God for creating you. You make a difference.   Be thankful for you. I know I am glad to be here!

God bless,


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Never The Right Words 11/22/2023

 Good Morning,

I am at my desk drinking a large and very hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Coffee and I think it is time to write. 

1 Corinthians 13:13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 

I received a message early this morning that our friend and fellow church member had passed away. She suffered for years and incurred intense pain with dignity and grace. When her husband messaged me and I called him. I struggled with the correct and best thing to say. At times like these the words that come forth are always hard to find. There never seems that the right words are even enough.

But I do know this. Our friend was ready to go. Her faith in Jesus Christ as her Lord and her Savior carried her to heaven. She is healed now and is not in pain. Her husband of course is resting in his faith, yet he mourns her loss. Her husband and I had a time of prayer this morning and now the coffee is bittersweet. I rejoice in her homecoming, yet I feel for her husband. So as I ponder this day and what I can glean from this, I say to you all, hug your loved ones. Tell them you love them. Look them in the eye and be grateful for them. A look in the eye and those three little words "I love you" are never the wrong words, but are always the right words. 

God bless,
