Monday, August 31, 2020

He Wept 8/31/2020

Good Morning,

Door County Orange Creme Coffee filled my empty cup this morning and it is doing it's best to wake me up and start off the day.

Yesterday my brother and I made a long round trip journey to visit our sister. She lives a good three hours away by car. We are making our last visits with her now as she has battled pancreatic liver cancer for over a year and has lost the battle. Our visit was nice and she even joked about dying a little. Seeing her gaunt and wasted away, just skin and bones was a hard to see. Me being the oldest sibling in our family and my brother being the baby could not do what brothers are supposed to do. We are supposed to protect our sister from harm. That's what dad taught us. But as we traveled home together I believe my brother and I conceded that the battle was lost and now we are in a support role of the surrender.

I struggled with how I felt and wondered what Jesus would do in this situation. The answer came to me this morning while reading Scripture. Jesus was informed that His good friend was ill and needed Him.  Lazarus died before Jesus reached him. When Jesus saw the sorrow of his sisters, He wept. Now as the account goes on Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.  Our sister will be raised up to heaven soon because of her faith In Jesus Christ. She will be healed in heaven.

But what meant the most to me this morning is that Jesus felt the sorrow and pain of his friends and wept. I want to thank Jesus for being a God that knows our emotions  and having sorrow for us and the rest of our family. I want to thank Him for weeping, laughing and for loving us.

Have a great day. Jesus is sharing that day with you.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Just A Little Push Please 8/30/2020

Good Morning,

I sure can see the sun coming up this morning and I am enjoying a cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee as it comes is starting to brighten the Eastern sky.

Hebrews 10:24-25 Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward  love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Some people ask why I attend church in person, especially now during this covid crisis and the service is readily available via the internet. Let me explain. We practice social distancing during our Saturday night service and wash our hands and those that are physically able wear masks. I could have eliminated the Saturday night service since I do 90% of the preaching and just told everyone who attends that it is now Sunday or nothing. That was not an option for me.

God does not need us to praise Him. He needs nothing from us. But this small Saturday night flock has needs. The need to praise together. The need to be encouraged during dark times like these and the ability to encourage others. The need to learn more about God. And the need to feel loved. After the church service we held a prayer gathering and from the prayer requests I gleaned that there was a true need for the group to be encouraged. The prayers shared showed hearts that are worried, concerned, and confused.

So as many people do, they go to church to be spiritually fed and that is ok. But have you ever considered that everyone has the ability to encourage someone, love others, and teach others. When I say everyone, I say YOU. I understand not gathering in public and utilizing media for now. But pull yourself away from the computer screen and do something for those you used to sit next to in church. Call them and encourage them. Pray for the day that you can meet safely in person. Did you know that the faithful old fellow that you saw every week is now laid up with an injury and could use a call. I see how Satan has used this pandemic event to break up the family of God with using the pandemic and substituting the internet to convince us that this is the way to go. We must pray to defeat this disease. During the battle let's still do our best, not just the pastors, elders and teachers to encourage, but you also jump in and encourage just as if we were in person. Be that cup of hot soup to an ailing church family. Reach out to someone today and spur them on.

Food for thought today.


Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Windows Are Open 8/29/2020

Good Morning,

The day is beginning with a blast of sunshine coming from the East. I just poured a cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee and it is time to write.

I am sitting in our den on the second story of our home. I would be outside if it weren't for the downpour of rain we experienced last night which has all the outdoor furniture wet.  Our heat wave also disappeared last night. The air conditioning is turned off and several windows have been opened up and a cool breeze is coming into the house. I don't know what smells better, my cup of coffee or the fresh air.

Genesis 8:6-12 After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark.

Friends, today I opened a window to receive fresh air into the home. I did not open it to give anything to the morning glory I see through the window. The fresh air is soothing to my lungs, mind and my soul. I know that all good things come from God and I consider this beautiful morning one of those good things.

Our hearts are like windows and we can shut them up for periods of time and not allow anything in. Physically our hearts rely on oxygen to survive. Cut off the oxygen supply and you soon cut off life. In the recount of creation God breathed life into man.  That God Breath is still necessary to all of us. When we close the window of our hearts and just say "enough of this world is enough" we become stagnant. We miss opportunities to see God at work. Our hearts become hardened.  We miss the simple things like praying for others. We lose our feelings of empathy and life soon just become a life without "fresh air".

I think a lot of the problems of the world are caused from closed windows of the heart.  Today as I gaze out of this window, I see more than just our property. I can see the neighbors property and one needs a fence repair that I can do from my side of the fence for them. When we open the window of our hearts we might be able to see the view point of others and if they do the same thing they might see the viewpoint of your heart, not the one they perceive. Perception is not always reality.

So notice, God instructed Noah on how to build the ark and in the construction documents He designed a window. Not a window to stay closed, but one that opened. The window was used to send out birds in search of the waters of the great flood receding. The window wasn't used for bad, but for good. And though there was a time that it had to be closed, there also was a time for it to open

Food for thought. Is it time to open your heart's window.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Time To Hunt 8/28/2020

Good Morning,

The day began very early today with a cup of Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee and an apple from one of our trees.

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.

I have been watching things unfold in the United States and around the world, The latest being civil unrest where I live and then some major hurricane action down South. The civil unrest has tempers short and opinions of what caused it, how to fix it, and how one should feel, listen or act are many on top of many.

In the mean time others are battling flooding and storm damage of epic proportions. Both of these events have received my prayer attention and the hurricane survivors will get monetary help or supplies sent by my wife and I. We will see what venue can be trusted to deliver on their promises and then choose our level of help as God wills.

For now I will be content to listen for God and His direction for me and my family. This will take some increased prayer time and some fasting. Hunting season will begin next week and I will be chasing some geese for the freezer. I am going to relax my mind and get away from opinions, chaos, yet more than likely to pay close attention to the needs of the hurricane victims.

I will ask God to fix the civil problems and let me know if He wants me to do anything about them.  I will find my favorite verse once more while deep within the marsh or field. God's will be done.

Something in your world needs prayer and your attention. Ask God what ones you should devote time to.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

When It Rains It Pours 8/27/2020

Good Morning,

I just sat down with a hot cup of Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee. I have two sleepy dogs at my feet and it is time to write.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 

My mother always would exclaim "When it rains it pours." whenever troubles or problems would come in bunches. The other day when I was talking with someone about all the stuff going on in my family, they used that same expression.

A few storms have come up on the radar of my life in the last few days and you could say it is pouring out problems. Covid has struck within the family again and it is seriously working hard to claim a life. Cancer is wreaking havoc and will soon claim a life in the family. One car is giving us grief just because of new tires. Public unrest, with rioting and looting is just South of us and has many people here unwilling to trust others at all. A hurricane is bearing down on dear friends of ours. My mother in law and my wife attended a funeral for a family member killed in a car crash. My mother in law didn't weather this heat too well and introduced herself to the floor. She made it through some pretty scary moments.

This story could be and probably is the same for many, many people. As hard as I try to not worry about it I will honestly say that I am worried. It's hard to concentrate on normal life. But I know this.  I am not alone, and I am not stating this just because others are in the same boat. I am stating, claiming, and declaring that this ship of mine is not sailing alone. I know that God will carry me through the storms and despite the outcomes He will never leave my side. In that I find peace and strength.

My thoughts are this. Pray for one another. Lean on the Lord. Seek peace when you can.  Today is only a snap shot in time. Run to God and let Him be your shelter.


Thank you for the outpouring of prayers. Remember too look in your own arena of influence. There are many others hurting that you could help. Look also beyond your own eyes and boldly pray for others you haven't met yet.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

A New Taste 8/26/2020

Good Morning,

This morning my cup is filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee.

2 Corinthians 5;17 
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold, all things are become a new.

As a young boy coffee was not what I preferred to drink in the morning. It seemed that it was bitter and just not as good as grape juice or cola products.  As I got older I found that working outside presented some difficulties like "cold weather". Hunting seemed better with a warm cup of something. I became a coffee drinker. You see my taste started over.

You see, those Born again in Christ experience a regeneration that becomes evident in a "change of taste".
R. A. Torrey writes.
"We get new tastes instead of the old tastes, new loves instead of the old loves. Instead of loving any longer the things that displease God, we now love the things that please God. The things we once hated, we now love, and the things we once hated we now love". (The Holy Spirit , Who he is and What He does.)

The first step to a "taste change" is to listen to the call of the Holy Spirit who leads you to salvation in Jesus.
The second step is two admit that we are all sinners and Jesus is the only way unto  God the Father.
Third step. Ask for forgiveness of our sins.
Fourth step. Accepting the free gift of forgiveness.

Then watch your tastes change. You may have thought the Bible was foolish like I did for many years. Now I cannot wait to read it every day.
Drugs may have ruled your life but now you desire fresh air and a fresh body.

But first, you have to start. Pray to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.

If you are already there and find that some of your old preferences are coming back. Well renew and get someone to hold you accountable for your "change of taste". Pray often and read the Word of God. Join a Bible Teaching Church.

As my mother used to say when teaching me to eat new foods. "Just try it"

God bless,


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Marriage That Survives. 8/25/2020

Good Morning,

Time to wake up and down that first cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and then head to work.

Rene and I have two good friends who were blessed to celebrate 50 years of marriage a few years ago. Our church, Faith Bible Church Greenfield Wisconsin, along with their family celebrated with them.

Ephesians 5:22-33                  
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,

Ephesians 5:31         

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

They don't know this but I have been watching them for a long time. It did not take very long for me to figure out that this was a couple that would last. Here is what I observed,

1. They attend church.
2. They publicly express a love for Jesus Christ as a couple and individually.
3. God is the ultimate leader of the home.
4. Gary loves his wife as Jesus loves the church.
5. Penny is a strong woman yet submissive to the leadership of Gary and God.
6. They still hold hands and use endearing names for each other.
7. They both serve the Lord and the church.
8. They never talk down about each other or to each other.

I guess that is their secret. They must be a special couple. We know God was there that night and they also had a guest appearance who highly endorses this couple.

God bless,

Monday, August 24, 2020

A Different Use For A Sausage 8/24/2020

Good Morning,

I woke up to the sound of Door County Creme Coffee brewing very early and when the aroma it my nostrils I knew it was time to get up and start the day.

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility, count others as more significant than yourselves.

My wife Rene likes a grilled bratwurst for dinner and she always has it on a bun with ketchup. I have never seen her have one any other way. Yesterday as I was thawing out some bratwurst for dinner she walked by and remarked "brats sound good for tonight". I just smiled. I had no intention to grill brats and serve them on a bun. I do 90% of the cooking in our home. So to mix it up now and then I will take something that is normally used one way and find a different way for it to be cooked and served.

My wonderful wife doesn't like changes much at all. She is a middle of the road type of gal and doesn't like to stray or try new things. So when I showed up with a couple of  grilled skewers strung with sausage pieces, mushrooms, zucchini, mini potatoes, and green peppers marinated with Italian Salad dressing she was shocked. "What did you do to the brats"? was her greeting. My reply was "I tried something new. Try it you will like it."

After she completed eating dinner she acknowledged that the shish kebabs were pretty good.

My point in all of this is that at times we should embrace change and look at things through other's eyes. I am all "brated out" for the summer and a change was needed. Now if Rene had her way we would forever be eating charcoal grilled brats when brats are on the menu. She admitted later to being stubborn and unwilling to try something different.

So long story short. When changes come along, if they don't hurt anyone and aren't immoral, can't you just say "lets try it your way which is different"  instead of always having things your own way.

Later Rene said that we should have shish kebabs more often. But just "let me know if you are messing with the brats. I can prepare my mind ahead of time" . She also gets in the last word.

The woman cracks me up.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Retired? 8/23/2020

Good Morning,

Sunday morning, and I just finished watching the sun come up with a cup of Door County Almond Toffee Coffee next to me.

Well it is a true fact that my wife and I have approached the retirement season of our lives. We have talked and prayed about what we might do for the future. Many years ago we adopted a Bible verse for our home.

Joshua 24:15
New King James Version (NKJV)
15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

During different times in our lives we were more active within our church than others. But I cannot remember a time in our marriage when we were not serving the Lord and church in some way or another.

What is nice to know is that we might retire from secular work we can still be used by God and He does not have a retirement age. There is always something we can do.

Promises to Abram

12 Now the Lord had said to Abram:
“Get out of your country,
From your family
And from your father’s house,
To a land that I will show you.
I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.

You see 75 years old and God still had a plan to use Abraham. When God looks at us He does not see old men and women. He sees His children. You are only as old as you choose to feel. God still has a plan for you. Now you young ones. Don't wait until life slows down to serve the Lord. As we grow older, Rene and I often recall the service we took part in and smile as we recall the many memories. Make some memories with God.

Have a great day.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hang In There. After All They Are People Too 8/22/2020

Good Morning,

It's a true pleasure to be watching the sun come up today. It is quiet, except for a few geese honking on a pond near by. I expect them to come flying over our home in about 20 minutes or less. So I will write, listen and drink my Door County Cherry Creme Coffee here on the patio.

Now and then I just get fed up with telling the same people the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ and how to turn from their way of life. They are always willing to call for prayer or ask for help, yet never seem to catch on to the basic theme that everyone needs Jesus and they need to turn away from some of the things they do which constantly pull them down.

It gives support to the old theory "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink".

So as I examined this thought going through my head this morning, I determined through reading my own Bible earlier that I need an attitude adjustment myself.

I was confronted by Scripture, which is not always pleasant to endure, that I am here until God calls me home and I have no choice but to minister to those He sends my way, despite their inability to listen or put action behind the advice given.

Jude 1:22-23 Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching these from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear , hating even the clothing  stained by corrupted flesh.

In other words, don't give up on people.

God bless,


Friday, August 21, 2020

Partners Around The World 8/21/2020

Good Morning,

I need to skip my cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee this morning for awhile. But later today I will enjoy a cup and get some work done.

Yesterday I was reading a blog post from a young friend of mine. She joined me on a mission trip to Haiti a few years ago and since then has become quite the missionary. She is a tiny lady with a beautiful smile and a heart that just shines for God. She knows no boundaries and is fearless as she ministers to Africa. I follow her travels via the internet and email.

2 Corinthians 1:11 You are also joining to help us when you pray for us. 

A couple days ago I was praying for her and asked God to bless her day. The next day she wrote how someone who makes two dollars a day and has a family with children gave her the gift of a chicken. There she was, walking down the street with a chicken. Most of all, she was humbled to know just how much her work was appreciated by this family. They expressed their love with a huge financial gift of a chicken. This was a big sacrifice and they put her, before their own needs.

Friends, I think that all too often we might just take prayer for others for granted. I saw first hand how my prayer in Wisconsin can have an impact in Kenya. We didn't have a prayer meeting or I didn't send out prayer requests to a couple hundred people. I just "partnered" with someone way over in Africa via prayer. Believe it or not, that call to God is faster than the internet. He already knew what I wanted before I prayed.

Matthew 6:7-9 And when you pray , do not heap up empty phrases as some do. For they think they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. 

We can be partners in the ministries of others, just through prayer. And we should be. The Covid 19 pandemic is also in Africa and my friend doesn't have access to health care. Yet she is there, loving people, serving their needs and presenting the love of Jesus to many people.

So today, someone you know, far away from you needs prayer. They could be ill, or depressed, lonely or in need of a chicken. How about stepping up and out in faith and praying for that person?

You can't go wrong in prayer. And remember it is toll free. You pay for the internet.

God bless,


Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Ground Rules For Teen Dating 8/20/20

Good Morning,

Starting my day with a big cup of Door County Cherry Crème Coffee.

I am often asked the question "at what age should I let my child start dating"? Well in most cases the parents have already determined the age they think is appropriate for their child. What has happened that causes them to ask me is that they have just told the child when he or she could date and they now disagree. In most cases the dating has begun in secret and now the battle has begun.

Proverbs 22:6New King James Version
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

So here is my point. Why wait until just before they would start to like the opposite gender to inform them of the rules? Begin communicating rules and expectations at an early age. Define dating. Don't fall for the old "we just hang out together". Spell it out clearly and have the teen repeat it back to you and tell you what it means to date. Your view and theirs might not line up. Repeat the process until fully understood by you and the teen.

Here's a hint. If they are going to date at a specific age. Spend as much time with the young couple as possible. Date with them once in awhile. Have the other person be comfortable with the parents. Meet with his or her parents and go over the ground rules and expectations and have the kids there.

Now. If when explaining to your child what time to be home, you have to say " I want you home when the big hand is on twelve and the little hand is on nine". They are way too young and you are crazy.

Communicate at home.

God bless,


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How To start A Day 8/19/2020

Good Morning,

Had a quick cup of coffee this morning. Now I am off to meet some buddies for an early, early breakfast and then it is off to work.  My coffee today is Door County Apple Cobbler.

Each person is different from everyone else. We might enjoy some of the same things in life but we are all uniquely different. So for me to say to you that in order to enjoy your Saturday start by having breakfast with your friends would not work too well for some. Or for me to say that in order to enjoy your Saturday you all should get up early. That would not work for my sleep in late wife or friends.

But I can tell you that each day is a blessing from God.

Psalm 118:24 New King James Version (NKJV)

24 This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

I can also tell you that a good way to enjoy the day is to pray early.

Mark 1:35 New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place

35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

So with that in mind, start by rejoicing that when you woke up today you weren't in hell. Pray early and read your Bible for awhile. When you start the day on holy ground it just has to be a day you will enjoy.

God bless,


I have used this recipe for camping . I call it Corned Beef Hash In a Tin with Eggs


1 (15 1/2 ounce) can corn beef hash  

6 eggs

salt and pepper       

1 (8 1/2 ounce) box
Jiffy corn muffin mix
(or other corn bread or muffin mix)

1 egg

1/3 cup  milk


   1 Heat oven to 400 degrees.

2 Grease 12 muffin cups well and press about 2 tablespoons of hash in 6 muffin cups.

3 Make a deep indentation in center of hash.

4 Break an egg into eash hash cup and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

5 Prepare corn bread mix according to package directions using the egg and 1/3 cup of milk.

6 Fill remaining 6 muffins cups with batter; about 2/3 full.

7 Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until muffins are golden brown and eggs are a desired donene

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Do Over 8/18/2020

Good Morning,

I wrote this back in 2014. I found myself thinking about the old neighborhood last night, I thought I would share it once more.

Photo Credit Wikipedia

Drinking my cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee slowly today. I am taking in the aroma and the taste.

I was driving through the old neighborhood where I grew up yesterday. It was 7 below zero and everything was frozen to the maximum. The streets are the same but very few of the old businesses remain. The houses are a lot older now and the neighborhood is well worn. I stopped for a moment to look into a vacant lot that actually was vacant when I grew up. It was the 35th street Field of Dreams. It is where the kids in the neighborhood played pick up games of baseball or kickball. Hank Aaron played there, Babe Ruth knocked home runs out toward the water tower. Eddie Matthews made an appearance or two. Of course this was all in our minds. These were the guys we claimed to imitate when we played. As I sat there my mind went back and I could see all my friends in my memory. I could hear us all yelling and arguing with each other over a disputed bad call. "He was out". "No he wasn't". This would go on for awhile and then someone would say "Do Over!" Then everyone would return to their spot before the play and the pitch would be thrown and however the play ended was how it ended. 99% of the time the do over or our version of instant replay was the final verdict. Very seldom did we need two do overs. It was simple back then. We were just there to have fun. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all stopped being so serious and realize that sometimes the best of friends get it wrong and all you need is a do over and then go on.

Ephesians 4:32 (ESV)
32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

I still keep in touch with some of baseball's greatest from the 35th street Field of Dreams. You see none of us took ourselves that seriously on that field. An argument never lasted. It wasn't part of our game.

God bless,

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Hungry Dog 8/17/2020

Good Morning,

What a great day here to take in some fresh air! The window is open and the cool fresh air is rinsing my lungs this morning. My Door County Cherry Creme Coffee is very hot and as it cools just a little, it is time to write.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare, and not for evil. To give you a future and a hope.

We feed our two dogs twice a day. The recommended amount of food for their weight is divided into two separate feeding times. You can know what time it is just by watching the dogs. In the afternoon they are fed between 4:30 PM and 5:00 PM. Both dogs will find my wife or myself and sit in front of us, staring at us around 4:30 PM. They want their food.

I am sure that their antics are not uncommon to people and their dogs. The only difference in the way we feed the two dogs is that the older dog has a stationary bowl that never moves. We can remove it from the water and food stand to clean it, but for the most part it doesn't move. Now the younger dog has a stainless steel bowl that gets filled and then set on the floor. He eats his food slowly enjoying each mouthful and when he is finished he picks up the bowl in his mouth and brings the dish to you, no matter where you are. We aren't sure why he does this. We can't tell if he just wants, more food, or he wants to make sure his bowl gets refilled at the next feeding, or if he is just a neat freak.  But what is funny is how he brings it back. About 50% of the time he holds the dish in a manor that covers his eyes . He wanders about by sound looking for us to take the dish. He bounces off of walls, chairs and at time our shins. Once we take the dish ,we thank him and praise him for bringing it to us. He nods and then walks away.

So here's the point for the day. Sometimes the things we want so badly can blind us to the path best followed. We carry this want and desire which maybe should just sit and wait for awhile with us and we can't see the route to take in life. Our dog wants that dish refilled either right now or later. If I fed him more and when he wanted it, our hunting dog would be so fat that he would not hunt much longer than 15 minutes. Sometimes we have to let go of a desire to see the path God wants us to take.

Are your desires blinding you to the truth? Can you wait for a clear path? Do you have the correct grip on the desire? Is it a want or a need? Are you willing to set it down for awhile to get the correct grip before you bounce from issue to issue that needn't be there, just to obtain a desire? I know what is best for our dogs. God' knows what is best for you. The dogs have to wait until 4:30 PM. We need to wait on God to show us the way and what He wants for us. He knows best.

Food for thought.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

We Should Have Read The Package 8/16/2020

Good Morning,

The sun is pouring down on our property this morning. It is shining on the apple trees giving me a view of the fruit laden trees. In about three weeks we will start the apple harvest. I foresee some juicy pies coming from the oven, partnered with a hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee.

Last fall my wife Rene and I were given several packages of seeds from a friend at church. She explained that someone had dropped off a bunch of seed packets at church and she knew we liked to garden.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober minded; be watchful. Your adversary , the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking out who he can devour and destroy.

In March Rene began the process of planting the seeds in trays. Onions, tomatoes, and squash were the vegetables chosen to be transplanted later in the spring to the garden. They all took off in the warmth of the sun coming through our window until they could make it to the garden. They flourished normally and we have been eating some of the fruits of her labor. We are getting ready to start putting up salsa, pasta sauce and spaghetti squash for the winter.

I want to talk today about the Marigolds. Rene likes to have an overstuffed garden of color. Within the seed packet gift were some marigold seeds. Rene planted them just the same way she did with the vegetables. They soon took off and outgrew their spring compartments,. She replanted them into bigger pots. It was too early for the garden at this time because of frost fears.

Once it was time to replant them into the garden they were already almost a foot tall with no sign of budding anywhere. They looked like huge marijuana plants. We began to think that someone pulled a joke on the church or something like that. I asked Rene if she had saved any seeds so I might be able to read the package. These things grew like crazy.  She hadn't saved any of the seeds for next year and had thrown the packages away. We were just about ready to pull them out, when Rene came in from watering and said that she saw flower buds forming and now she was in for the long haul just to see what we ended up with.

Well I am happy to say that we didn't end up with marijuana plants, but we ended up with giant marigolds that just took over the garden. A few nights ago we tied them up so that the rest of the flowers had a chance to see some sunshine.

My point is this. We should have read the description on the packages. We didn't. It turned out OK and the marigolds are something to see. The lesson should be applied to our homes. Be careful of what you try in life. Somethings can get out of hand quickly and consume most of your time, resources and begin to choke the life out of your family. For instance when a hobby grows into a an obsession. When the experience of gambling becomes addictive and you are throwing away money that you need elsewhere.  Before starting something look at how it is packaged and ask yourself if this is worth losing a family for. Recognize when it is time to cut back or trim the amount of time and money you are spending on the choice you made. Before the attractive package chokes the life out of your family remove it, trim it down or tie it up a little. If those marigolds had been something bad for the garden they would have been pulled out.

So I rambled a little today. Your life is your garden. Read the packages of what you are planting in the one and only life you get before you plant. You might not like the harvest of consequences.


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Forgiveness Doesn't Make Sense 8/15/2020

Good Morning,

I just returned from being outside with our two dogs. What a nice morning to be outdoors. I refilled my cup with Door County Lemon Shortbread Cookie Coffee and now it is time to write.

The one subject I cover more in one year than any other topic is the one of forgiving others. Clearly it is a difficult subject for people because it usually, if not always comes with emotional pain and just plain old anger. Forgiveness does't make sense. The picture above is of me as a baby, giving the photographer that look of "take one more picture fool and see where that camera ends up". I forgave him many years ago. He lived to annoy some other kid.

Luke 6:37  Judge not and you will not be judged, condemn not and you will not be condemned , forgive and you will be forgiven.

I pondered forgiving someone for hurting me. The way I am wired, my natural reaction when physically slapped is to open up a 5 pound can of whoop butt on the person who slapped me. I always say "I don't get even. I get more". Stop right here and take note. That is not what God desires and expects from us.  I will say it again. Naturally, forgiveness doesn't make sense.

For instance, take a cheating spouse who has defiled the marriage bed. According to the New Testament they violated partner has grounds for a divorce. I have seen scorned people draw the line right there and go for a divorce which they have Biblical support to do so. Yet I have asked those who seek counsel with me to not seek that route, but to go they high road of forgiving. They look at me full of dismay and anger and say " That doesn't make sense". No, to the natural man or woman it doesn't make sense, but to the spiritual man or woman it should make sense.

I have actually witnessed forgiving a cheating spouse and reuniting a family work if the one who is seeking forgiveness is contrite and fully honest. It takes a humble and contrite heart before the Lord to seek lasting peace with the partner who was wronged. It takes a long time to earn that trust back.

Now for the one who was asked to forgive . It just doesn't make sense. They want justice and pain to be metered out with flogging and public shame. To them and many others this makes all the sense in the world. They want to cut ties and load up their heart with hate and just wait for the world to crash down on the one who cheated. Makes sense to me, but then I am the village idiot at times. Recall, that at the age of one I needed counseling to be able to deal with those who took a picture of me in my diaper. Just kidding, a little levity on a difficult subject.

Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts. Nor are my ways your ways declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher that the Earth, so are my  thoughts higher than your thoughts and my ways higher that your ways.  

It doesn't make sense to God. You see my friends God has no sin. He cannot sin. He won't sin and He hates sin. We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Yet while we were sinners Jesus died for our sins that we might be atoned. When we ask to be forgiven, we are. If you counted up all the sins of your life, yes stealing some candy as a kid was a sin, the list wold be very long. God wipes away those sins when we in the name of Jesus ask to be forgiven. We present ourselves humbly and with broken hearts to God. God expects us to forgive others as He forgives us.

I told you that it doesn't make sense. But God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. If He can forgive all the sins that put His Son on a cross of crucifixion, we should be able to forgive others and take that higher road.

This is a lot to think about this morning. But there is someone out there that you need to forgive today. It doesn't make sense to us. But neither does carrying a heart loaded with pain and anger. If you are the one who needs to be forgiven, get right with God first and then seek forgiveness from the one you offended. But don't do it unless you mean it. Humble and contrite is one who approaches another to be forgiven.

Have a forgiven day!'


Friday, August 14, 2020

That One Awful Sound 8/14/2020

Good Morning,

This day is promising to be a sunny one with lots for me to do. I am grateful for the hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee steaming next to me, reviving my taste buds and opening my eye lids.

Most all of you will know what I am talking about today. That one sound that can turn even this old guy into an Olympic hurdler, pole vaulter, and a world record sprinter. It's that unmistakable sound that comes from deep within the stomach of your child, grandchild, or dog that no matter how sound asleep you are causes you to fly out of bed and into action within nanoseconds. Yes the stomach volcano of a child or dog throwing up. I have experienced both human and canine stomach distress in my lifetime .

Psalm 103:3  It is God who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases.

No matter the species you are called to action. You run with towels, trash cans, bowls  or whatever is handy to avoid the projectile from be tossed about a room or a bed. You make a mad dash for the door with the dog, hoping to make it outside only to slip on the snow laden sidewalk and thus create another catastrophe.

You all know what I am talking about. Right now you are reliving some of those memories in your mind.

Where I am going with this today is to compare these vomit nightmares to our world today. Friends our world has an upset stomach. It has been hurling with covid, civil unrest, natural disasters and outright hatred. The world is puking. Like a child in the middle of the night is not going to stop before the vile spray hits, just because you want to sleep, the world needs immediate attention. Ignoring the sounds of that child or animal is not going to make it go away. The same with the world.

I am suggesting that every Christian take a knee for God and pray today and through this weekend. Fast if you are able and lift this world up for healing. The only healing and peace that can be found in Jesus Christ. I wonder how many will share this post? I wonder how many will not pray and just let the world vomit without trying to a least hold the hair back for a world we should love?

Sorry to ruin your breakfast, but it is time to spring up, pray and pray some more.


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Road Construction And Detours 8/13/2020

Good Morning .

I hope today finds you all well physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I am always available by comment for prayer if you need it.

Today my morning is beginning with a hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee.

As I traveled around this summer and fall in my car I could not help but notice (and at times be perturbed) all the road construction. Traffic jams were hard to avoid, long highway detours with not enough signs for directions.
In one detour that I experienced I started to follow the orange detour sign and then 5 miles later I started to wonder if I was going the wrong way. I hadn't seen another sign in five miles. I back tracked only to find out that where I started my back track from was only a mile away from the end of the detour.

Life is a lot like highway construction. It is full of bumps, weird turns, lane changes and detours. What should we do when life puts a bump in our road or a major detour?

Maybe the road of life you’re traveling seems off track from your desired destination. It may even look like you are going in the wrong direction. But, do not be concerned when God takes you on His detours because you will always arrive at the correct location.
In another Biblical example, Paul and Silas were two men in the New Testament who traveled around preaching the gospel. Both of these men held true to the path of righteousness and went wherever the Lord guided them. On two occasions in Acts 16, the Holy Spirit blocked them from going where they had planned.
Acts 16:6-10 tells us,
“They went to Phrygia, and then on through the region of Galatia. Their plan was to turn west into Asia province, but the Holy Spirit blocked that route. So they went to Mysia and tried to go north to Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus wouldn’t let them go there either. Proceeding on through Mysia, they went down to the seaport Troas. That night Paul had a dream: A Macedonian stood on the far shore and called across the sea, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us!’ The dream gave Paul his map. We went to work at once getting things ready to cross over to Macedonia. All the pieces had come together. We knew now for sure that God had called us to preach the good news to the Europeans." (MSG)
If Paul would have gone the way he and Silas were planning, God knows what could’ve happened. Wisely, they chose to heed the inner guidance of the Holy Spirit and because of their obedience, God revealed to Paul the correct path for them to follow. Paul knew the importance of making time to seek God in prayer. I’m certain that he called out to the Lord and asked Him for confirmation on the next move to make

Proverbs 16:9 says,
“The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord shows him what to do." (NLV)
It’s easy to become irritated with God when you hit a  detour. But, that isn’t fair because God only wants to keep you on the right path. He is not there to hinder you; He is there to assist you in knowing what avenue to take. So, the next time you’re faced with a detour, turn to your personal tour guide, God, and He will direct you on the rest of your journey.

Maybe your detour will become a blessing!

Have a great day.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

There Is No My In We 8/12/2020

Good Morning,

I am wide awake and it is time to write. I feel like taking a cup of Door County Mint Mocha Coffee with me in the Jeep and sipping on it while I drive to work.

I listened to a young couple a few years back as we prepared for their wedding. I was conducting the marriage service and as part of my agreeing to do so, they in turn agreed to meet 6 times for premarital counseling.

Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one.

What I remember most in the counseling sessions was their constant use of the word my. My car. My house, My Children. My wedding. My family. My my my!

During the second meeting I had already counted at least 5 sentences that used the word my in the first ten minutes. I stopped and asked them if they ever desired to become a "We"? They both  said yes.  So I changed their statements into questions. I asked things like is your house hers, yours, or ours. I asked will the future children be hers, his, or ours? Is this wedding hers, his or ours? They got the point and I let them know that every time they used the word my in a context like "My House"instead of saying our home, I would be correcting them. There is no MY IN WE.

Friends, when we use the word my when the term we should be used. It often leaves a bad taste with the other person in the relationship. Our home is much more inclusive than my home . Kids begin to think they have two different parents when they hear things like "My Kids" instead of our kids. Marriage is a partnership not a dictatorship. Once these words of selfishness enter in, they tend to creep into every circumstance and the bonds of unity begin to fray,

Check yourself and your words. Very often your words are a direct reflection of your heart and all too often we have selfish hearts.

Food for thought.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I Believe In Angels 8/11/2020

Good Morning,

It feels good to be at my desk this morning after a night of stormy weather. The temperature outside is much cooler today and  my cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee is soothing my bones and warming me up.

I haven't ever said much in my writing about angels. But I want to make this statement today. I believe in angels. The number one reason I can make that statement is that I believe the Bible and all 66 books of it to be the Inspired Word of God. And there within the pages of His Word it says there are angels and so I believe that to be the truth.

Matthew 25:31 When the Son of man comes in His glory, and all the angels with him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.

I don't believe that when a human dies and they go to heaven that they become angels. That would be contrary to the Word of God.

I do believe that we have angels around us that do the bidding of God and at times will be seen in bodily form and blend in with our comings and goings. There are too many times that danger has been coming my way and I cannot explain why or how it was averted. There have been times when my water bottle in a parched land just never seemed to run dry. Who filled it? I have been given directions by someone and then turned around for a moment and they were gone, never to be seen again. This happened one time that I will never forget. While on a mission trip we were praying as to where God wanted us to go. Literally we wanted directions from Him. We looked up and about one block away a lady was waving for us to come her way. When we reached her she said "I am here to show you the way". She took us to a street where there were many homes. She told us to go in where they would let us . Most of that street was stricken with a fever. Those homes where we were allowed to enter let us  pray for them. One by one as we left that street people were telling us that those we prayed for did not have the fever. Once we arrived on that street, the lady was gone and we never saw her again.

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.

 This study could go on for hours and days. I just wanted to say that this grown man knows that angels are more than an ornament on a Christmas tree. They are real and they are among us.

How about thanking God today for just another way He cares for you and me?

Have a great day.


Monday, August 10, 2020

The Right Hand Of God 8/10/2020

Good Morning.

This morning I hope you are well physically and spiritually. I have chosen a hot cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee to start my day.

Isaiah 41:9-10
I took you from the ends of the earth,
    from its farthest corners I called you.
I said, ‘You are my servant’;
    I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Many of us this year will hear a call from God to get involved in something that represents a charity, family, or ministry. Many of us will doubt that we are equipped for such a calling or experience. The truth is that when God calls upon us we really are not equipped or ready to handle what He has called us to, without His help. But God promises those whom He calls His right hand to hold us. God never calls if He is not into what He calls us to.  With God to help us how can we fail?

So when He calls, drop the excuses of inadequacy, timing, and fear. Join in and do not be dismayed at what God can do through and with you.

God bless,

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday And Fried Chicken 8/9/2020

Good Morning,

This day began a couple of hours ago for me. I was wide awake at 4 AM and prayed for a couple of hours. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Creme Coffee and now it is time to write.

Psalm 84:10 Better is one day in your court, than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a door keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of the wicked. 

As I was praying this morning my mind wandered to some happy memories of years gone by. I was thankful and told God I was more than appreciative for the memories. My mother could really fry chicken and make potato salad. She would make the potato salad on Saturday for the next day. She liked to let it sit for a day. She claimed it would taste better that way. On Sunday after attending church, that big frying pan would come out and she would make beer batter fried chicken. There was always a large salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions with a vinegar and oil dressing, drowning the fresh veggies. We would all gather at the table around 1 PM and dine together. We didn't have a big family. Just the five of us. But we were all there.

As I sit here the memory vault of my mind took me back and I swear I can still smell that chicken frying. Now you might wonder why I am writing about this. It isn't my goal to make you hungry this morning. If you recall the statement above you will see that all this took place after attending church. We would attend a very early church service. Dad would treat us to some doughnuts made by the Fathers Club at church. It was hard to pay attention in church sometimes when you could smell those delicious doughnuts coming out of the fryer A glass of milk and a sugared doughnut was breakfast. Some of my friends from grade school will recall those doughnuts. My job was to pick the onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers for the salad. Dad would cut the lettuce and clean it.

This didn't happen before church, it happened after we attended.  We didn't eat fried chicken every Sunday. But I can tell you this. Attending church was not an option unless you were laid flat with an illness.

It's funny how my fondest memories included going to church. We did not have sports tournaments or club sports that took us away from church attendance and family dinners. The day wasn't Sunday if church wasn't attended as a family.

I see more and more people with more and more excuses for skipping out on church attendance. I also see a decline in the value of the family within the world. I think we need to drop the tofu and get back to basics. Fry some chicken, eat some potato salad, but most of all don't forget to worship the Lord together on Sunday.  Those baseball and soccer trophies will be tossed away someday, but a day in the house of the Lord will pay dividends much longer.


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Camping 101 8/8/2020

Good Morning,

It's a good time for me to begin writing today. The dogs are fed and happy and my cup of Door County Creme Coffee is hot and is right next to me.

Nahum 1:7 The lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble. he knows those who take refuge in Him.

Our church is holding a "Family Camping Night" on the church grounds tonight and there are a lot of people coming to the event. Someone asked my wife Rene and I if we were going to camp out with the group. We both looked at each other and in unison politely replied "No".

We have never been too enthused to camp out, even in our younger days. It holds no great thrill for us. But I am all for those who want to camp out under the stars and wake up with dew on their noses. I love a bonfire and marshmallows as much as the next person. But there is just something about a hot shower and a nice bed that attracts my body much more. I have been on several short term mission trips where a mattress on a floor was a luxury. One time our tents were pitched on top of the roofs just to be safer.

So camping for me is not having hot water at home for some reason or another?

But when we did try camping the one thing we did was when we purchased equipment, we purchased good stuff. I learned a long time ago, "you get what you pay for".  Our tent purchase was researched very well and we found one that was easy to assemble, large enough to stand up in, had two shields for rain protection and a secure way to stake the tent that would enable it to withstand some wind. Now mind you that a tent isn't meant to withstand hurricane force winds.

Our first use of the tent proved that it was a worthy purchase. I took a bunch of teens on a youth group camping and horseback riding weekend. This was long before cell phones and instant weather reports were even thought of.  The first day led into the first night and you could just feel the upcoming weather activity in the air. Soon after dinner the clouds appeared and you just knew that a storm was going to arrive. I took a kid count and then instructed all of them to retire into their respective tents and stay there. They actually listened and obeyed. 

Then the high winds and hail came with some minor mud slides, which started wiping out the tents one by one. I had all the kids and leaders retreat to the camp restrooms which were constructed out of concrete.  They were large enough to hold a lot of campers.  I had them all grab some dry clothes and towels for later and we ended up sleeping on the hard floor all night.

Once daylight came about and the sun was shining I ventured out to see what we could still rustle up for grub and then devise a plan to get these kids home a day early. I observed the storm damage and could see tents strewn about on the camping area as well as equipment. What was amazing was that my tent was still standing, and in good shape, dry inside as well as all of my gear. It had withstood the storm!

Friends, life is filled with a lot of "personal storms" and some of them are fierce. But with a firm foundation of faith in God, we are well anchored and can withstand the storms. When other lives without that foundation are crumbling against the raging winds of life, we can stand tall and come through them at times bruised and battered, yet able to survive the storm.

You see, the answer to this long story is to trust in God and not ourselves. He will carry us through. All other attempts are just cheap tents in the wind.  Are you battling a storm today? Are you relying on faith and God or trying to stand up alone?

Turn to God instead.


Friday, August 7, 2020

Cheerios And Dried Cherries 8/7/2020

Good Morning,

I am writing today from the patio and enjoying the weather surrounding me on this early Friday morning. My mug was filled with Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and my heart was filled with prayer.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 

I titled today's blog by the name of my breakfast. Note there isn't anything spectacular in this breakfast. Cheerios is my go to healthy breakfast and I always add some type of fruit to my bowl of cereal. Today it just happens to be a favorite fruit of mine. I like unsweetened dried cherries.

The point behind this today is that I could have had biscuits and gravy or steak and eggs. I chose to go back and eat something good for me and something I have been eating since I was old enough to pick up Cheerios off of a tray. I just went back to the basics and found out that the basics are still good and provide a sturdy foundation for the day.

I believe when we go back to the basics of the life God desires for us we find that we are to love Him first with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. We are to be a people of prayer and good works. We are to trust in Jesus for our salvation from sin and accept His gift of redemption by faith. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves and trust that all 66 books of the Bible are the inspired Word of God.

Sometimes we like to add or detract from the basics, We become lazy in our prayer and Bible time. We substitute busyness or a higher level of service, forgetting that the basics set the foundation for the higher callings. You don't build a skyscraper without a firm foundation. Then once the skyscraper is completed remove the structural foundation and hope for the skyscraper to stand. The skyscraper is only as good as the consistency of the foundation.

Feeling like you need to go back to the basics before you take on more? If you feel that you have left the basics behind, you have actually stalled your progress Christian growth.  All the hype in the world cannot be a substitute for faith, the Word, prayer time, and following God's lead.

Have a Cheerio kind of day.


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Sending Smoke Signals 8/6/2020

Good Morning,

This morning finds me back at the comfort of my old desk, surrounded by memorabilia of days gone by and being nudged by two rambunctious dogs who want to be outside running. I just poured myself a cup of Door County Chocolate  Cherry Coffee and not it is time to write.

1 Corinthians 10:24 Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.

My blog has been down for a few days for maintenance. Friends, the maintenance was to allow me to take a break, you could say my heart was just not in the right place for awhile and writing became difficult for me. So the maintenance was just some time away to sort out things of the heart, soul, and mind. Sometimes you just have to be silent and listen.

I arrived back home on Tuesday night after a short sabbatical and I was happy to smell the neighborhood. You might think after that statement that I need to go back to resting my mind a little more. But not really. I do mean I was happy to smell the neighborhood. I can always tell when our neighbors are grilling meat, or if they are enjoying a bonfire. Just enough smoke will make it to our property to let me take in the aroma of some apple wood or thick charcoal. I really enjoy the smell of a hot fireplace sending the smoke into the air near our home at night while I am outside in the winter. One neighbor has been burning some hard maple wood . That was the type of wood my father used to heat his home with and when you pulled up to the house in the dead of winter it was the first thing you smelled. That always signaled that you would be coming into a warm, welcoming environment. Then when mom was still alive the next aroma to embrace your sense of smell was some hot coffee and freshly baked rolls.

So when I took in the smells of the neighborhood my neighbors not knowing it, were sending me smoke signals indicating that they were happy, or well fed, or just content. This morning, the familiar aroma of fresh home made pasta sauce simmering in our kitchen was barely present in our back yard as I enjoyed a cup of coffee at the picnic table. All of our windows were open and the smell of oregano, garlic and bay leaves just touched my nostrils a little.

Friends what I am trying to say is this. Our neighbors send smoke signals our way and I enjoy them. But the signals unintentional on their part remind me that God has blessed us with good people to live near and that now and then without them even knowing it the smoke reminds me to pray for them and ask God to bless the gift of good neighbors.  A peaceful neighborhood is a blessing and should be treated as such. I just might smoke some meat tomorrow to signal that I am alive and well.

God bless your day. Go ahead and send some smoke signals.


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Blog Maintenance 8/4/2020

Good Morning,

Dear Friends. My blog will be down for a day or two while  we concentrate on some repairs needing to be done. We are hoping to be up and running by Friday 8/7/2020

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

My prayers are with all those who read my daily posts. God bless.


Monday, August 3, 2020

Automobile Accidents 8/3/2020

Good Morning,

Monday arrived as was promised to us. I choose to greet the day with some gusto and energy. My mug of Door County Mistletoe Mocha is steaming next to me and now it is time to write.

Psalm 46:2 God is our strength and refuge. A very present help in the time of trouble.

Photo Credit Wikipedia 

I will never forget the sound of my first car accident. The metal of the car as it twisted and the sound of the crash itself is one I will never forget. I have had a few more over the years and fortunately for me none were very serious. There weren't any injuries or loss of life.

That can't be said for all car accidents. All too often car crashes result in loss of life or very serious injuries. A bad accident can often shut down roads and definitely causes people to be late. We see the emergency res ponder lights ahead of us and traffic slows down to a standstill or a crawl. The first thing we usually do is to look at our watch or the clock in our car. We decide whether to wait it out or try to find an alternate route to our destination.

But what should we do? In a few instances when I was on the scene first, I tried to render aid by pulling over and assisting. Once I pulled over at night just to find a pregnant woman who was very confused wandering around the twisted wreckage of her car and a truck. I did what I could to keep her calm, provided a bottle of water and let her sit in my warm truck. She was awfully afraid for her baby. I asked her if we could pray together and she said yes. It was at that time that I called on God to assist in the welfare of those involved in the crash.

Most of the time I am just another delayed commuter in the one open lane and probably going to be late for something. There is no excuse for sitting there in my car feeling sorry for myself. Someone up ahead is having a very bad day or could be in great pain,. Their car is trashed and their life just changed for the immediate future or forever. What should we do? We should immediately pray for all of those involved and call upon God for help. I usually include the emergency res-ponders in my prayer also,

It is never too late to pray for the people experiencing grief. Prayer is always appropriate and is on time every time. So if I pass by you and you've just experienced a car crash, you know at least one person is praying for you.

Pray on!'


Sunday, August 2, 2020

Stuck In The Middle Of The Road 8/2/2020

Good Morning,

The day began with some prayer and a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. Very soon the smoker will be cranked up and not too long after that the savory smell of smoking pork will be wafting up in the air around our home.

Genesis 1:29 And God said, " Behold I have given you every plant yielding seed on all the face of the Earth, and every tree with seed in it's fruit. You shall have them for food. 

A lot of people like to take an escape on the weekends and drive some of the beautiful country roads in our state. We sure have some beautiful landscape here in this state and the rest of the country. The world has many country roads to travel  and view the beauty and majesty of God's creation.

In our state however and I believe in many areas in the United States your Sunday drive can be slowed down drastically during harvest time on the farms. The huge combines take up both sides of the small country roads when they are moving from a field to a new field, or returning to the barns. Traffic just can't move until they can find a spot to pull over or they turn into the field they are going to harvest. I witnessed this same occurrence in a different country while traveling abroad. A big cart being pulled by a horse took over the road and held up buses, cars and trucks. I am sure these farmers have experienced their share of road rage sent their way from impatient drivers and their passengers.

I have a different view on this. Bear with me for a moment. When I see the combine ahead I see a dedicated worker going to the field. That worker is feeding people through the dedication to his or her calling. I try to remember to say a prayer of thanks for the farmer and I thank God for a crop that he or she is harvesting. They could be harvesting beans, wheat, or corn. Some of this might be used to feed livestock such as beef cattle. And who doesn't like a nice piece of beef on the plate now and then.

Photo Credit Wikipedia

I also see this travel interruption as a sign to slow down and take in the view at a slower speed. If I wanted to travel fast I could have stayed on the highway. When I think deeper and if you know me at all you wouldn't classify me as a "person with deep thoughts", it might seem that I am stuck in the middle of the road going nowhere fast.  But I am in the middle of seeing God at work through the combine. He slows me down to take time to appreciate the food on my table.

I know we get frustrated at times when the road is backed up. But God is just showing you what He has done for you. Tomorrow we will talk about automobile accidents. We will put a dent into that subject.

God bless,


Saturday, August 1, 2020

Sitting It Out For Awhile 8/1/2020

Good Morning,

The windows are open and the fresh air is filling the house. A cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee is steaming next to me and now it is time to share a thought or two.

I was looking through some keepsakes of mine in the last few weeks taking some time to just relax and put together some thoughts.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. 

When my grandfather passed away many of his belongings were dispersed among the family members. My dad one day handed me a little book that had been stuck between larger books in my grandparents book case. It was a memo book from the Chicago North Western Railroad. Our grandfather worked for them from the time he was a kid until he retired in his 60's. He was very proud of his accomplishments and the company he worked for.

I said thanks to my Dad for the little book. But then he asked me if I saw anything peculiar in it. I opened it and saw that it had never been used. My dad told me to look closer. I did as he requested and then discovered that the calendar within the book was from 1957. That just happens to be the year I was born.  Not a thing was written in it and why it was there in the house I will never know.

But for now I am content to just look at it now and then as it sits on my desk. The only thing I see is that I was born on a Tuesday. However it did make me wonder what went through his head when he placed it on the shelf. Again I will never know.

The point of today is that I could wallow away the hours and get lost in yesterdays gone by. That book has a calendar with a beginning for me and is nice to look at as well as many of the family treasures in my little den. But today is another day in the calendar of my life and although it was nice to sit it out for a moment or two, it is more important to focus on today and what that will bring. We never get to repeat a day and in some cases I wouldn't want to. So after a little time spent going back in my mind I will move on and try to capture the good in this day and bring some kindness or good will to the day.

So, friends. Take time to remember and sit it our for awhile. But don't let the past rule the day. Get going on enjoying this day.

God bless,
