Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Complete The Circle. 5/31/2022


Good Morning,

Tuesday is here to begin a shortened week. I have a long drive ahead of me and I am looking forward to a sunny day with the radio playing as I drive. 

Today I have chosen 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 as our text for today's blog. Rejoice always. 17. Pray without ceasing. 18. In everything, give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

If you ever wanted to know what God wants you to do daily 1Thessalonians 5:16-17 explains it pretty clearly. In every day, in all things, we are to rejoice, pray, and be thankful. In my way of thinking, it is the circle of life. There is no shortcut and until each step is completed the circle is broken. 

On many days I just don't feel like rejoicing, but the happiness meter is not a gauge of anyone's joy. True joy , despite circumstances comes from having a close personal relationship with God. Rejoicing is putting that joy into action. As we choose to rejoice, prayer and gratitude follow naturally. God does not expect us to thank Him for having a tornado blow down our home or losing a loved one to death. Yet He provides reasons to be joyful despite going through rough times. Responding with joy to those reasons brings us full circle to rejoicing, prayer and gratitude. 

Have a great day. Rejoice always. 


Monday, May 30, 2022

In Flanders Field. A Day To Remember.

 Good Morning,

I wrote this a few years ago and have decided to resurrect it for today. I wish everyone a great day of peace and harmony. God Bless. 

I can hear a train coming in the distance, it's horn sounding at crossings. The sound is familiar, but for some reason today it sounds lonely. My cup of Door County Dublins Delight Coffee is at my side as well as our faithful dog Gibbs. Sometimes I think he is my second shadow.

John 15:13King James Version (KJV)
13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends


Today in the United States we are remembering our men and women who have fought for our freedom and gave the supreme sacrifice of losing their life on the battle field. Around the world soldiers have fought for freedom against those who would have them and us oppressed. It is very important to remember today. It is not a day to kick off the summer. It is not just a day off of work. It is a day to remember their sacrifice and if possible comfort their families. It is a day to be quiet in the cemeteries and allow those who grieve, to do so in peace and privately. It is a day to be thankful for those men and women who gave it their all and are still doing so today.

This day and every day should also serve as a reminder of the One who died on Calvary that we might live free for eternity. Jesus paid the price that we might have victory over sin and death.

John 3:16King James Version (KJV)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

It would be nice if we did not have to observe a day when men and women were killed in battle for us. But that would be a dream and one I would not want to wake up from. So say a little prayer for peace and understanding. At the end of our chat I have attached a poem written in 1915. That one sound lonely too.

God bless,


In Flanders Fields

Flanders Poppy on the First World War battlefields.
by John McCrae, May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Inspiration for “In Flanders Fields”

Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, 1st Brigade Canadian Field Artillery. (1)
Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, 1st Brigade Canadian Field Artillery (source: A Crown of Life)
During the early days of the Second Battle of Ypres a young Canadian artillery officer, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, was killed on 2nd May, 1915 in the gun positions near Ypres. An exploding German artillery shell landed near him. He was serving in the same Canadian artillery unit as a friend of his, the Canadian military doctor and artillery commander Major John McCrae.
As the brigade doctor, John McCrae was asked to conduct the burial service for Alexis because the chaplain had been called away somewhere else on duty that evening. It is believed that later that evening, after the burial, John began the draft for his now famous poem “In Flanders Fields”.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sitting Outside And Taking In The Morning.

 Good Morning,

Nothing like a hot mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee to help you wake up. It's a beautiful morning to be here. 

Yesterday morning and this morning has me writing from our back yard. The weather is so nice that it would be a shame not to be having my coffee outside. 

Mark 1:35 And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went to a desolate place, and there he prayed. 

Here is what I observed while sitting here. The grass is heavy laden with dew. Two rabbits seemed to be enjoying their breakfast on our lawn. Our two dogs wanted to chase them away, but I made the dogs sit and  let the two furry bunnies dine in peace.  The sun is coming up and it is a beautiful sunrise. Two mallards flew out of the creek and are going somewhere for breakfast. A dozen or more geese can be heard close by and will be getting up from their night time resting spot. I can hear them as they get restless and are preparing to move. There is no breeze at all and the small fire I made in the firepit has the cherry wood smoke going straight up and it smells so so good. 

From my view point you wouldn't think there are any problems in the world at all. But I know differently. Somewhere a mother mourns the loss of her child. Another day finds a war in Europe still raging. The cancer wards, are still without a cure, and some poor soul is sitting in a home for memory loss trying to remember their own name. Covid issues just don't seem to be going away and now peanut butter isn't safe to eat. Last but not least, there isn't enough baby formula to go around. Families are still being torn apart because of anger and hurt feelings. 

So for an hour I just decided to enjoy the peace of watching the sun come up and I retreated from the problems of the world and took in a morning that has my name written all over it. And once this blog is written I will finish my coffee and pray for every one of these issues. If the beauty of a morning like this and the quiet does not bring a person to prayer for a world that seems out of control I wonder what would?

So if you find that for an hour you have nothing to complain about, take it in and pray for those who need peace, supplies and hope. Be thankful that the sun rose on your face and enjoy your coffee. Even Jesus took time early in the morning to find a place to pray. 

God bless, you all. You are loved.


Saturday, May 28, 2022

A Heart Transplant 5/28/2022

 Good Morning,

It feels good not to be getting dressed for work today and having the time to sit and enjoy a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. sometimes I feel like a rush through my days, and today I am not is a rush. 

Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you and new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

This is a beautiful metaphor given to us in Ezekiel to show us what really happens when we let God transplant a new heart within us. In America we take a lot of pills to keep our hearts healthy and yet we do not alter our potato chip eating lifestyle. We count on a drug to keep our hearts and arteries from hardening. Today's verse is a metaphor for that of an unhealthy way of thinking. As we rely on pills to keep us healthier we really are not living healthy.  

Now comes my point. Many people rely on church attendance or listening to a sermon on television to give us a peace about eternity or daily living. Both sources are good food for spiritual growth, but unless the heart of a man or woman has been softened by God the other two sources are really just placebos that we assume are all we need to have a heart that is right with God.

Only God can spiritually transplant  a new heart into a man or woman where there is a heart of stone. Trying to become more loving, generous and kind through self-effort can never bring a heart of stone to life. Only God's gift of His presence can jump start a heart into a permanent change. God's spirit within you allows you or enables you to hear Him through His word as He leads you through decisions. You begin to see Him at work  and His hand upon you as He moves through circumstances and to fulfill His plans for you. You begin to strive with Him to become the person He created you to be. 

This transformation only takes place when we surrender our hearts to God through Jesus Christ and invite Him in and let Him change our hearts. 

As pills mask the truth and we think we are living healthy when we just rely on the pills without making changes, we too are fooling ourselves if we think church attendance and listening to the radio or television can heal a heart of stone. The stone needs a heart transplant and then it beats best. 

God bless,


Friday, May 27, 2022

Suicide Is Not The Answer 5/27/2022

 Good Morning,

I wish for your day to be one of peace and happiness. It is a great day to be pouring a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee and imbibing on a piece of banana bread. 

A friend of mine called for prayer for another friend's family. It seems as if their estranged brother was found dead from having committed suicide. I guess this note today went right to the point. I am often way too busy to notice things that are going on around me. I have a close circle of friends and a small family. I have a lot of acquaintances/ friends and there are times that I cannot tell you what is going on in their lives. 

Romans 15:7 Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. 

I am convinced that some of the problems we see in this world are caused because we spend too much time not noticing and including others. Do you know that the neighbor kid dropped out of high school? Do you know why? Do you even know the neighbor kid's name? Just to be included in a coffee clutch or a cookout could be the start of saving a life or lives. When you look at your calendar and you have two tickets to a ball game do you reach out to the 'loner" and take him or her to the ball game? People long for inclusion. Your friendship might just be the action that makes them feel included, wanted and needed.  It could stop a suicide. 

Author Leo Tolstoy was never a rich man. But one day while walking home Tolstoy encountered a beggar on the side of the road. The man asked Tolstoy if he had any money to spare. Tolstoy reached into his pockets and turned them inside out and said, "Brother I myself have nothing to give. I am sorry". The beggar replied "That is ok, you gave me something worth a lot more. You called me Brother".  You see my friends a sincere conversation might mean a lot to someone today. Make a difference by reaching out to others today. Your circle of close friends might just grow. Save a life, wake up and notice those around you.


Thursday, May 26, 2022

No Power And In The Dark 5/26/2022

 Good Morning,

This morning finds me ready for the day to begin. I have a hot cup of coffee with me at the desk and it is time to write. 

Some storms rolled through last night. They weren't too strong and the rain was needed to keep thing green and looking good.  My wife and I were talking about some storms that occurred back in 1996. We had two days of storms that knocked out the power to our  home. We made it through with a portable generator and flashlights or candles at night. The biggest issue actually was a toe of mine. While walking in the dark without shoes on I stubbed my big toe on my right foot. To this very day that toe gives me a little grief from time to time. I learned my lesson to always wear shoes during stormy weather. 

It wasn't easy at first when the power went out and we had to work in the dark until the flashlights were found and the generator was started. We learned quite a bit and are much more organized now and ready for bad weather. 

Each day that we live we need to navigate the storms of life and we might feel like we are traveling through them alone and in the dark. Like we needed a light to guide us through the house which was familiar to us, we also need guidance for everyday to make it to the next day and beyond. I rely on my time spent reading God's word. My Bible is my directions for every day living and those times of hardships or emergencies. 

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 

Why walk in the dark? When the alternative is a well lit pathway through life. Spend time in the Bible and know not only the way but Who is holding the lamp.


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

A Special Day For Her 5/25/2022

 Good Morning,

The old alarm clock beckoned to me this morning a rude but much needed wake up call. I just poured a hot cup of some coffee that our daughter gave me as a gift called "Monkey Butt". It's pretty tasty and has worked to warm me up. It's time to write. 

May 25th is a day that I wake up and my first prayer is to be thankful to God that my wife Rene and I have had another May 25th together. My second prayer is to ask God for more May 25th's for us to be together. My third prayer is to ask for good health, strength to give another year a go, and to ask for special blessings for Rene. 

Psalm 65:11 You crown the year with Your goodness. Your paths are filled with abundance. 

Today is my wife's birthday and for this day to begin without being thankful for the partner God had in store for me would be totally wrong. I recall the first May 25th we spent together and were able to celebrate. It consisted of pizza and of course a trip to a place named Leon's for custard. I purchased a new Bible for her that lasted for 30 years before it fell apart. Today she will receive some sugar free chocolates and a card. When you ask her how old she is her immediate answer will be "29!" I usually laugh and say "are you sure you aren't 30 now."  In my mind and hers, she will be forever 29.She still loves to laugh and she sounds more and more like her Dad when she laughs. 

So today when I think of her I will remember that first birthday together and I bet you can guess where we are going tonight! Right now she is sleeping and it is a rest that she needs but here's hoping this May 25th will lead to more birthdays. 

Have a great day. Celebrate each day. Every day together is a bonus.


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

A Sharper Edge 5/24/2022

 Good Morning,

I am looking forward to my drive to central Wisconsin for work today. I packed a little extra Door County Cherry Creme Coffee for the drive. Let's write. 

Photo credit Wikipedia 

My good friend is a wizard when it comes to sharpening knives and other implements. When he returns a knife to you it is fit for shaving. There is nothing worse than a dull knife. I carry a knife with me daily and very seldom do you find me without one in my pocket. 

I also like to carry something that is sharper than any knife, cleaver or razor I own. I carry a few Bible verses in my memory vault, because you just never know when you might need one. God's Word comes in handy when you are fighting off temptation or spiritual attacks. I find at times it cuts right to my soul and convicts me of issues I need to deal with. I have a license to conceal and carry God's Word and use it as needed and have it carve me up when I need it. 

John 1;12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed on his name, He gave the right to become children of God. 

I like the way God has described His own words.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than a double edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 

How about you? Are you armed with the sharpest thing this side of heaven? Why go into today with a dull spiritual knife?

Food for thought.


Monday, May 23, 2022

Plenty Of Chances 5/23/2022

 Good Morning,

Monday is here and I am surprised at how cool it is outside. I gladly reached for my hot mug of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee . I have a lot going on this week, so let's get it started. 

When possible you can find my radio tuned into the AM radio station that carries the local baseball games. I enjoy going to games in person but when I am not able to go to the game I prefer to listen to the games on the radio. Television is ok for me, but not as good as listening to the game called out by my favorite announcer Bob Uecker . Yesterday while listening to the game our local team was not doing so well. They failed to bring to home plate several base runners. They had plenty of chances to score some runs but they failed to do so. 

I hate to say this but at times life is like a baseball game. The game ran out of innings to score and win. The team missed the boat to say the least. 

Job 4:4 Your words have upheld him who was stumbling, and you have made firm the feeble knees. 

Each day we have the opportunity to engage with others and we miss our chance to score a smile when fail to engage or be supportive. Someone in your life might need a kind word or some encouragement. Three words like I love you might be a grand slam in their life. 

When we miss the chance to score by putting kindness into play, there comes a time when it becomes too late and we struck out in life, to be very blunt. 

You might be one who has good intentions but like a batter who takes a half a swing, you have no follow through. People don't care about your good intentions until they actually see you care. 

Friends, it's time to step up to that plate, and take a swing. You can't get a hit without taking a swing. Send a card of encouragement. Make a phone call. Let someone know you care. People often  say to others, "call me if you need anything".  True friends and family perceive needs and are there before people call for help. 

Be a winner and hit some homeruns today. 


Sunday, May 22, 2022

A Wedding To Remember 5/22/2022

 Good Morning, 

Oh boy it sure feels good this morning to be drinking a cup of door County Churro Coffee and writing from the comfort of our den. I needed a little more sleep but the alarm clock and two feisty dogs just would not cooperate.

Yesterday my wife Rene and I had the honor to be invited to the wedding of a long time friend. The ceremony was one of the best I have ever attended. Their story was told of what happened prior to their lives becoming one. Their individual walks with God led them to each other. Their walk with God now as a couple was the center theme of the pastor's message to them and a challenge to the rest of us. 

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

I am not a big wedding guy but this one made me have a hay fever attack. As I have stated before, real men don't cry. If their eyes are wet it is a hay fever attack. I know in my heart that the story we heard is just part one to the story of what God has planned for them as a couple. So today before writing I spent some time in prayer for them and thanked God for both of them. I asked God to continue to bless them with health and happiness. But I also prayed that He would illuminate their path and continue to use them to bless others. 

We have more weddings coming up and the next two are with much younger couples. I have committed to pray for my friends from yesterday and the two couples who are on deck. I have their names in my journal and I will be praying for them weekly for a year. With every wedding we always like to give a gift to the bride and groom. Yesterday was no exception. Praying for them is not a gift. I feel when you are invited to a wedding you also have a responsibility to the couple to be in prayer for them. They have each other to battle the world together. But as someone who is invited to share in their big day we must do more than warm up a seat in a sanctuary and dance the Hokey Pokey later. I hope all of you will remember what I said today and make a commitment to those getting married around you. Pray early and pray often. 

Love to all. 


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Sometimes You Just Need Nothing 5/21/2022

 Good Morning,

The coffee mug has two purposes this morning. Number one it to be filled with Door County Churro Coffee and the other is to be held in my arthritic hands and let the warmth of coffee soothe soothe them. 

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God. 

Life changes when you least expect it to. I have been watching my wife Rene deal with the changes her mother is going through. Mom is 94 years old and a few months ago she was able to perform like she was 84. She was still driving and living on her own. One fall changed all that and she is now barely able to function in an assisted living residence. All of a sudden Mom is old. 

The byproduct of her disabling accident is watching my wife go through this with Mom and her siblings. It has been hard to watch. I can read my wife's face like the back of my hand and almost know what she is thinking. Rene isn't a very vocal person as it is and she is getting quieter by the day. She has settled to the fact that Mom might improve a little and that would be great, but she will probably never return home. Rene's dad has been gone for a long time now. He suffered from cancer and you knew that it would take him and it did. They as a family were prepared for that outcome. But to see this woman who a few months ago would go and visit the elderly in nursing homes, is now being visited in one herself is harder for my wife and family than I thought. 

Last night, I asked Rene if she would like to go to her favorite place for some custard. Usually that question is answered with her grabbing her jacket and standing next to the truck, waiting for it to start up. But she replied with "not tonight, I just want to sit and rest awhile and do nothing." 

I didn't ask twice, I could see in her face that this lesson in mortality has her tired and worn. So I dropped the subject and asked if there was anything that I could get for her. She just said "no thanks, but just sit with me for awhile." Sit I did and our two dogs seemed to know that they should join in. We just sat in silence until I heard some easy snoring coming from Rene. She didn't need anything except to sit and rest. 

Friends, sometimes we don't really need anything but to sit and be silent. An hour later she woke up, we prayed and both went to bed. Silence is golden. 

Have a great day!


Friday, May 20, 2022

A Marriage That Lasted. 5/20/2022

 Good Morning,

Friday arrived and it was right on time. I am embracing the day with the opportunity to work and earn some pay. I am saluting this day with a hot mug of Door County Churro Coffee and a bowl of Cheerios.

A very long time ago, just after the dinosaurs stopped roaming the Earth I asked my grandmother a question and she gave me an answer that I will never forget. 

Genesis 2;24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 

I had been fishing the day before with my grandfather and he told me something I never knew. I was about 10 years old at the time. We were fishing and he handed me a cold 7up soda. It was quite hot outside that evening and he opened one for himself as well. I had never ever seen my grandfather drink anything but iced tea, water, and 7up as a beverage outside of hot coffee. I asked him about the 7up and why he always drank that one on special occasions. He replied, "I used to drink a lot of beer and whiskey and was known as one of the town drunks. I wasn't a good man to your Grandma, your Aunty and your Dad. I screwed up real bad one day and almost killed your cousin. I was drunk and once I made that mistake I swore that I would never drink liquor again.  And I haven't. Your cousin is 18 now and I never have regretted quitting drinking." I didn't say much after that for the rest of the night. I didn't sleep well at all. I just couldn't imagine that hard working, kind man as the mean town drunk. 

The next morning while drying the dishes from breakfast  Grandma asked me what was wrong with me. I told her what Grandpa had said and asked her if it was true. I knew it was, because the old man had never once lied to me. But I just did not believe it. Grandma confirmed the story and asked me what I thought? I asked this. If he was as bad as he and you said, why didn't you leave him? Her reply was straight and to the point. " Because I loved him then and I love him now. He was a good man in bad shape. I prayed many nights and days for something to happen that would change him. I married for better or worse and divorce to me is a sin. But I believe that God answered my prayer when Grandpa lost your cousin in a snow bank when she was a baby. He had been pulling the child home on a sled in the dead of winter and she fell off. Grandpa never knew she was missing until he got home. Of course he was drunk and that baby could have froze to death on that day. But she didn't. God kept her warm. A marriage is something that now and then needs some divine help" 

Too much for a ten year old to fathom. She went on and this stuck! "I knew God would change him and the man you know is the one I knew was there. Divorce never occurred to me. We just needed lots of prayer and some answers to it."

I was speechless and on the next day we were fishing again. Grandpa handed me a 7up and smiled. I am smiling as I write this and I smile every time I see a bottle of 7up.

So today if the marriage sucks, are you willing to pray night and day or are you just going to walk? 



Thursday, May 19, 2022

Building Community 5/19/2022

 Good Morning,

The alarm clock said hello to me this morning and announced the start of my day. The sound of the Door County Jingle Bell Java brewing, seconded the emotion to get moving. 

I chose to title today's thought with "Building Community". I long for the types of neighborhoods we had around us as kids. I was in kindergarten when my mother would send me to the store with a note. I could pull my coaster wagon one block with my sister sitting in it and pick up some type of groceries. I would initial the receipt and Dad would pay the bill on Saturday. My credit score as a 5 year old was perfect! As kids we were allowed to be entrepreneurs. Soda bottles and beer bottles had a deposit on them and lots of people just threw them away. Off my sister and I would go and snatch up a few and then bring them to the pool hall to redeem them for cash and buy two orange sherbet cones. Yes the two of us went into the pool hall. No one bothered us and Joe the proprietor always packed our two cones to the max. Our neighborhood was safe. 

We had a strong community back then. I believe the sense of community is missing today and to restore it will take some work and a desire to do so. 

James 3:18 (The Message) You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and respect. 

The key to this is the fact that people have to want this and if wanted bad enough, you have to work at it. The violence that occurred in the city closest to where I live saw 21 people shot the other night. Instead of community, people chose violence. I have listened to the jargon being thrown about and I am convinced that a lot of people would like to have a sense of community, but they don't think it can happen. Thus, the cycle continues until people want it bad enough and are willing to get involved. Or you lose another city to thugs. Like roaches once given a free run, thugs multiply and good people give up and leave if possible. 

The solutions are many, but the key link is a community that prays together. 

1 Thessalonians 5;17 Pray without ceasing.  Matthew 18:20 For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am among them.

Food for thought!  


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Feedback Taken Well 5/18/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began early for me and as always I will be busy and already looking forward to the weekend. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee. I had some Christmas coffee handy and thought to myself, "why not"?

Proverbs 29:15 The rod and reproof give wisdom. But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. 

I received some feedback on a post I wrote on 5/8/2022 regarding my mother and her wooden spoon. The feedback is and was taken well. In the post I mentioned that as a deterrent and punishment to bad behavior my mother had a wooden spoon that was used on our rear ends to remind us to behave. Now to address the concerns. At no time were my siblings and I beaten in an abusive way. We were spanked and at all times we had it coming. I do support spanking young children in a way that they get the point and yet not bruised or bloody. In my mind a swat with that wooden spoon on the butt never hurt anything. 

We might disagree on this approach but that is my take on it. So we can agree to disagree hopefully. 

A little discipline just might be what this world needs.


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Controlling The Weeds Means Getting Rid Of Them. 5/17/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began a little later for me today. My body needed a serious recharge and so I slept a little bit longer today and then spent some time with our two dogs outside drinking a cup of Door County S'mores Coffee and watching the cars go by. 

Last night, before calling it quits for the day I had to tackle a project that should have been done weeks ago. A spot in our back yard was being over populated with thistles. I had tried pulling them out, but yet they just seemed to keep coming back. I would pull out a dozen and 15 more would return. This actually started last summer and I thought I had beaten the issue until this spring "There They Were Again" and stronger than ever. I don't like to use pesticides because of our two dogs. I had tried all of the so called tame solutions to no avail. So after running the dogs last night, I had to break out an "eco friendly pesticide" and give it a whirl. Time will tell if it works or not. But no matter what, the thistles have to go!

James 4:17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is a sin. 

However this does remind me of a lesson. People at times are too kind and do not see that they can be a detriment to others by not stamping out others in their lives who they continue to enable. For instance, knowing that a family member has a drug habit and then always giving them money "for food" instead of giving them the groceries enables the drug abuser or alcoholic money to support their habit. Having a teen in the house and not making them hold down a small job to have their own spending money, enables them to be lazy and learn to expect handouts. Now if that teen is struggling in school, but is devoting that time to studies it could be another story. That one example is a close call. No matter the studies though, home chores should be a must. And accountability goes with it. If you always jump into assist with the chores you are enabling laziness. Now and then when the teen is doing their best and life is swamping them and you want to help, do the chores with them and spend that time talking and showing them your love. 

Sometimes the best way to show love is the ability, desire and determination to say no. 

If not cut off, the promises made to the kind enablers just are like dust in the wind. It blows a lot and accomplishes nothing. The dust, becomes dirt and messes up a whole lot of area.  Knowing that you have to do this and not doing it is wrong. You are part of the problem and you are perpetuating a bad behavior that impacts others. It takes a strong family member, friend or coworker to take a stand and say "that's enough, no more" . You have to control the weeds before they take over and make things continually worse. 

So today if you need to cut off and destroy some "weeds taking root" in your circle of impact, learn to say no and mean it. You could be making things worse by enabling!

Food for thought. 


Monday, May 16, 2022

Rejoicing For A Friend 5/16/2022

 Good Morning,

Monday showed up and I wish the weekend had been three days long. I really feel the need for a "Three Dayer! We have one coming up soon and it will be wonderful. My mug is filled with Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and it is time to write. 


First picnic of the year.

Two weeks ago my friend informed me that his quest to find a job had come to an end. A little short story on this. My friend went through two bad bouts of covid. Two surgeries were mixed in and numerous other procedures. The covid attacked an already damaged neck from years of arthritis and hard work. He also suffers from an immune disorder and crippling migraines. So to say the least his last three years have been more down than up. At times it seemed that he lived in bed. Many people have been praying for the day to come that the pain, headaches, and nausea will be controlled and my friend is now working at a job within ten minutes from home . He will be able to use his people skills once more. 

So here is the thought for today. As friends my wife and I have been praying hard and non stop for three years. What are the next steps?

1. We need to be thankful for God's timing and His answers to our prayers.

Ephesians 5:20 Giving thanks always and for everything to God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

2. We need to continue to pray against spiritual attacks of future pain discouragement, and discomfort. 

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over the present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 

3. We need to rejoice with our friend and celebrate his good fortune. To not celebrate what God has brought he and his wife through, would be utter folly on our part. 

Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep. 

Food for thought!


Sunday, May 15, 2022

One More Time Please 5/15/2022

 Good Morning,

It's good to be here this fine day enjoying the sunrise and sipping on a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffle Coffee.

Psalm 52:8 But as for me , I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the loving kindness for ever and ever. 

Friday afternoon into Friday night found me outside in our yard catching up on some much needed yardwork. I have been very busy lately and mowing the grass was way overdue. In fact I really hadn't had an eye on our property at all. But when you go outside to cut the grass and it's going to be a few hours pacing back and forth with behind the lawn mower  you notice more things, One of the annual joys in my life is when the apple blossoms and the flowering trees in our yard open up their buds and create a picture perfect scene for me to see and enjoy. 

It just so happened this year that all the trees budded out as well as the lilacs in the past couple of days, The last couple of years have been tough not only with covid as a downer to the world and poor economies, not to mention violence and war. For two years straight, things barely blossomed at all and for us apples were scarce at best. Last year due to freezing and storms our trees only produced one apple. The blossoms were torn down by frost and and storms. It seemed as if God just took his eyes off of our land. Rene and I dry a lot of apple chips and usually give away a a good portion of the apples. I didn't have any apple chips to munch on in the duck blind and we had to look people in the eye and say "no apples this year". A severe drought finished the doom and gloom. We actually lost one tree to the mayhem. 

But when I took the time to look up on Friday, I saw trees loaded with blossoms, and lilacs that were producing the best smell ever. It was breath taking to say the least. For me it meant that God has given me at least one more spring show to enjoy. I recall planting every one of those trees and bushes just like it was yesterday. I remember praying for a good harvest and beautiful scenery as I watered them for the first time. I know I am supposed to be this tough guy who hunts ducks and fords through swamps and the thought of lilacs and apple blossoms making their way to my daily blog seems to be the opposite of my demeanor. But the scene let's me know that we aren't forgotten and God saw us through two pretty dark years and is sitting on His throne. He took the time to stop me heart long enough to breathe in those lilacs one more time. He painted a picture of His majestic self in the blossoms to be seen and enjoyed. I just had to take the time to look and see His presence all around me. 

I hope to be writing about the apple harvest this fall, But for now I rest in the fact that God has visited our yard one more time. 


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Angels Around You 5/14/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with a hot cup of Door County Blueberry Coffee at my side, two dogs sleeping at my feet and some things on my mind. 

Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for those who ill inherit salvation?

Have you ever considered that an angel is more than an ornament that sits on a Christmas tree? Or snow sculptures that children make in the winter.  Sometimes I picture in my mind that angels are like small children, playing harps and smiling over us all the time. In studying angels a little in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament we can see that at times angels are are used as messengers, guardians, comforters, and fierce warriors. God mentions angels enough throughout Scripture for us to know that they are real. And at God's command they are helping you in ways you may not be aware of. 

They were created to be servants to God and the people who believe in Him. But only God is to be worshipped. Although angels are powerful, the power they have is given to them by God. 

So as you go through your day, know this, There are angels watching over you and they are more than chubby cherubs, in gossamer gowns, with white wings and harps. They are there to fight for you. 

2Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

Just some thoughts today on God's plan of security for each day.

Have a great day!


Friday, May 13, 2022

Father Knows Best 5/13/2022

 Good Morning.

Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee came to my rescue today. Friday let's have at it! 

Back in 1954 a popular radio show came to life on television. The sitcom ran for 6 years. Father Knows Best was about a wise family man, Jim Anderson, his common-sense wife Margaret and their children Betty, Bud, and Kathy. 

Photo Credit Wikipedia 

I still enjoy watching that show from time to time. It is wholesome entertainment and it still makes me chuckle. But every now and then as I watch, I see that Jim's family would get the best of him and he was taught a few lessons. This wise man was always willing to learn. 

Matthew 6:7-8 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like the pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them. For your Father knows what you need before you ask.

Friends, we have a Heavenly Father who truly does know best. We should consult Him in all things and bend to His will. We can never go wrong with this formula for success. 

Have a blessed weekend. 


Thursday, May 12, 2022

Nothing Random About You 5/12/2022

 Good Morning,

My day will begin with prayer and have some hard work ahead of me today. Time to drink some of the Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee that is ready to wake me up in the kitchen. 

Before you tune me out today, please read the following passage of Scripture. 

Psalm 139:13-14 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. 14. I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works. And that my soul knows well.

You are not random at all. You weren't a random egg that was randomly fertilized. You were known to God long before you were created. You are a child of God and He does not believe that there is anything random about you. You are special and no one but you is you. You are a miracle of life. A walking talking miracle. Think about just how intricate the workings of your body are. That thought alone is mind bending.  So, take some time to thank God for creating you and having a purpose for your life. 

Celebrate yourself today. You are Designer Made!


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Close The Door Ding a Ling 5/11/2022

 Good Morning,

Later this morning I will be in part three of a root canal and then back to work. I am enjoying a great cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee before the tooth work. 

Last night we brought home our new truck. And as it usually goes, there just isn't enough time in a day to be efficient at anything. I had a lot of things to do last night besides bring home a new vehicle. Much to our surprise the garage will now need some minor remodeling just to help the truck fit into the garage a little better. Right now it is a tight fit to say the least.

I did have time to take my wife for spin in the new truck and then have her guide me safely into the garage. I was in a hurry and should not have been trying to figure out all the new workings of the truck. I should have been happy to have it parked, but no, I had to play around with every button. Much more to my surprise when I stepped out of the truck the cargo lights in back stayed on. I jumped back into the truck and hit every switch available but no luck at all!!! Next the owners manual came out and I read every line that had anything to do with lights and especially cargo lights. It seemed to me that I already was headed for warranty work! I kept looking at my watch and knew it was going to be a late night. 

In moving things around I had to go to the passenger side of the truck and when I looked at the door I saw that it was left ajar. From a distance you could not tell that it was open. If I had taken the time to start the truck I would have received a notice that a door was not closed. Argh. Once the door was closed my lighting issues were gone. 

Here is where I went wrong. I had planned on Rene and I praying inside the truck and asking God to bless our new Buddy. I was so busy and unfocused, that I forgot to pray. Thus the "door was left open" and Satan walked in and life just became a frustration. 

Is one ever really too busy to pray? I had to learn the hard way. 

Have a great day!


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Turn On The Siren. I Am In A Rush. 5/10/2022

 Good Morning.

The night traveled by quickly and before I knew it I was at the desk with a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and you to write to.

Matthew 6:21  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Our security system is linked to the smoke detectors in our home and if a fire started producing smoke the alarms would go off and a text would be sent to my phone. If at all possible I would be rushing home to make sure my wife and our dogs were safe . I would be in one big hurry. 

If I were to be pulled over by the police while rushing home I would tell them what was going on and hope that they would escort me home in a hurry. Because of the danger to my family I would be in a super rush to get home. I think we can all agree that we feel the same way and would react the same. 

So my question is this. If I love my wife and our two dogs and they are a great source of happiness for me, how come I don't rush home more often just to be with them? Our churches are another source of family and love and many of us show up late for church. There is no sense of urgency to be on time. For some, there is no sense of urgency to be there at all. 

Think about it. Where are your priorities? Do we take church and family for granted? When God and family become one of our options, they are  really is no option at all, 


Monday, May 9, 2022

Let's Play Nice Today 5/9/2022

 Good Morning,

Monday arrived and that's ok with me. I have some things to get done today and then come home to a homemade meatloaf dinner. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

Last night before going to bed I listened to the nightly news on television. I live near a large city and it was reported that within the city there were 13 shootings over the weekend. Of course there is a call for gun control as there usually is and I have my view on that. However I do believe that violence is out of control. And all the laws in the world will not change what is happening. There seems to be no regard for life anymore. Two people disagree and they get so angry that they stab or shoot each other. 

Yesterday afternoon I was almost run off of the road by someone who knowingly blew through a stop sign and then sped off. We were inches away from a crash. In all honesty my anger meter pegged to red hot anger. But it never occurred to me to chase that vehicle and catch up to them and place a few 9mm rounds into their SUV. Yes I was angry and if we had crashed I might have verbally lit up that speed demon. But to break the law and go to jail myself out of anger would be a crime in itself. 

Once I calmed down, I sat back and was thankful that there wasn't a crash. I prayed for anyone who might come in the path of this driver who doesn't deserve to be on the road. 

I am not sure that globally there is an answer for this except to point others to a God driven life. The world can change, one person at a time. Until then and until God calls me home I will try to do this one person at a time. 

Matthew 28:18-20 Then Jesus came to them and said, " All authority in heaven and Earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded  you. And surely I am with you always, even to the very end of the age. 

Have a good day. Make a difference in this world and give peace a chance. 


Sunday, May 8, 2022

A Lesson From Mom And The Wooden Spoon 5/8/2022

 Good Morning,

I am glad to be here today and enjoying a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee. It will be nice and warm today and I will be enjoying the day immensely. 

Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long. 

James 5:9 Do not grumble against one another, so that you may not be judged. 

Today being Mothers Day I thought I would pass on a lesson my mother tried to instill in us and I am not so sure we listened enough. I am grateful for my mom and miss her dearly. I am also grateful for all the women who mothered me over the years. I had some wonderful aunts and grandmothers who played valuable roles in my life and I enjoyed many years of good times with them. In their own way they impacted me and I learned from them some lessons for life.

Back to a lesson from Mom.  She would often correct me with this phrase. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all".  This phrase applied to many things. It could be that I was talking poorly about someone else or just plain old complaining about something.  Her special phrase was a warning shot, because the next phrase was full of business. "Stop it or I will give you something to talk and complain about". This was usually accompanied by the wooden spoon coming out of the drawer and placed strategically in a spot where my "Wooden Spoon Gun  Fighter could draw it like Wyatt Earp would draw his six shooter and silence what she also called a sassy mouth. 

So in thinking this through today, I have to admit that as of late, I haven't been too positive with my words to and about others and I have been complaining too much. It's time for me follow some great advice from Mom and from another guy who coined the phrase, "Take A Big Drink Of Shut Up Juice". Better yet, I need to be looking for things that are good about all people and acknowledge those things with words of respect and love. I need to remember that I have many blessings and complaining about everything is just not a way to be heard in this world. 

So Mom, you spoke wisely and when we meet again some day I just want you to know that I listened. It just took a long time to hear! Mom liked lilac bushes and I see some that are ready to blossom.

Have a great day.


Saturday, May 7, 2022

He Carried Me And I Carried Him 5/7/2022

 Good Morning,

It is a good morning to be alive and kicking. I  just poured a hot cup of door County Irish Cream Coffee and now it is time to write.

Galatians 6:2 Carry each other's burdens. In this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 

I promised yesterday that I had one more roller coaster story in me. I have been reluctant to share this one.  I recall one summer when I was probably in the second grade. My grandparents were visiting and my aunt and her family as well as my folks and my sister were treated to a day at the amusement park. This park had many rides to go on, But on the east end of the park was an old wooden type beach rollercoaster. Back then, if your parents said you could go on a ride you went. No one measured you to see if you were tall enough. This coaster was a monster for it's time. I had avoided the chiding to go on that stupid coaster all day. But then toward the evening I finally gave in and surrendered to the constant barrage of "It's not scary, You will love it." My Aunt and two cousins were riding me kind of hard so off I went. I was afraid as afraid could be. In fact I was terrified. Of course we had to ride in the front car, because that was "more fun". My grandpa said to me just before I got in line "hang on. It only lasts three minutes" 

Three minutes felt like three hours and on the first drop that seemed to be from Mount Everest my bladder let loose and I wet my pants.  Rest assured, I have overcome my fears of heights and speed. 

I was so embarrassed, and did not know how I could hide wet pants. As we exited the ride and were walking out to those waiting for us, grandpa walked toward me and spilled his 7up all over me and especially my pants area. He faked that he had tripped. He apologized profusely for his mistake. He leaned over and said in my ear. "I carried you today". He had saved me from embarrassment and shame. He never once kidded me about that moment or said anything to anyone.

Many years later I stood on the steps of a church and grabbed hold of a cold metal rail, I lifted with 5 other men and we carried a coffin to a waiting hearse. As I walked and carried, I whispered, "I carried you".

I could not help but recall the day Grandpa carried me. Today's lesson, never turn down the chance to carry someone and keep it quiet. Your action just might save a person from embarrassment and shame,

God bless,



Friday, May 6, 2022

Amusement Parks And The Roller Coaster 5/6/2022

 Good Morning,

Time to get serious about this cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee in front of me and then it is time to write. 

Psalm 121:1-2 I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

I have always been fond of amusement parks and especially the roller coaster type of rides. I can vouch for this experience. When I was a kid we had an amusement park in Muskego Wisconsin. Before they started charging for an all day, all rides pass, they used to issue tickets to gain entrance to a ride. Certain rides needed more tickets to allow for you to be a passenger on the ride of fear. 

So when I say that the large roller coaster took more tickets than any other ride for the passengers, I know what I am talking about. Basically the roller coaster was the most expensive. People would stand in line to travel high up in the air and then come screaming down. People still do pay good money to be shaken up. I for one am guilty as charged. 

But when our lives are like a roller coaster ride we squawk like no tomorrow. When we are going up we anticipate the excitement of reaching the top. But soon after we reach the top we come flying down to the pit below. We forget that to head up we must be at the bottom first. And when we are at the bottom of the ride, we look up. 

When we reach the bottom in the ride of life we must have faith to know that God will be with us on the ride and take us up time and time again. Seeing God at work in our lives, makes those valleys seem more bearable and shorter in time. 

I will share another roller coater thought tomorrow. Have a great day. 


Thursday, May 5, 2022

A Survey Of The Heart 5/5/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and some bones creaking at the first sound of the alarm clock. All is well now as I write and sip on a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee.

You can't turn around these days without someone polling you on your thoughts or surveying you to see what you buy and why. 

First I want it to be known that I do not trust polls whatsoever. I believe they can be manipulated and often produce so called facts that aren't the true pulse of the world. If I want to show an opinion of people on a hot topic, I would call those in the demographics of support or non support depending on what I am trying to stir up. 

What really matters is the survey you can take of your heart to see where you sit with God. Are you with Him in all things or just half way. It's easy to know your true standing with God. Just ask Him to show you. If you are really serious about it, He will show you. 

Psalm 139:23-24. Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts. 24 And see if there be any wicked way within me. Lead me In the way everlasting. 

You might not like the answer you get. It might challenge you to change a way or two. If you find yourself challenged in the way you act or think, and you won't change, you definitely know where you stand with God. 

Romans 8:7 For the mind that is set on the flesh, is hostile to God. For it does not submit to God's law, indeed, it cannot. 

Food for thought. God wrote the playbook, Have you altered in your mind, what it says?


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

If You Say You Can't. You Won't. 5/4/2022

 Good Morning,

My cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee is making this house smell pretty nice. I think I will have another cup!

My mother in law is still recovering from a fall she took over a month ago. Whenever I chat with her or visit with her I try to speak positive affirmations to her. At 94 years old she is not healing very fast and it is discouraging for her. Last week I started to notice some negativity coming from her. She was telling me that she wasn't keeping her legs elevated as per the doctor's instructions because it wasn't comfortable. 

"I can't do it" was becoming her favorite expression. I reminded her that she was her biggest cheerleader, or her own personal discourager. "If you say you can't, you won't. If you say you can, you will." Satan doesn't even have to work hard or use others to discourage us. At times we do it ourselves with a poor attitude when things get tough. With God all things are possible and in our minds we like to think. "Not really". 

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue., and those who love it will eat its fruits. 

It did me good to hear her tell me last night that she was elevating her legs and "It was working". 

So if you are discouraged today, don't lie to yourself and convince yourself that whatever it is you can't do it. Cheer yourself on to move forward. 


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

If You Have A Chance 5/3/2022

 Good Morning. 

Just a note to say that you all are loved and I wish we were sitting down to breakfast together and enjoying a large cup of door County Mocha Mint Coffee.

1 Corinthians 2:9 But, as it is written, What no ear has heard, nor eye has seen, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.

There comes a time in everyone's life when a shot at something comes up and stares you right in the face. For instance a new job offer comes right out of the blue and it is better than what you have now. You prayed about it and God has given you some peace about taking it, yet you don't because of the million excuses you make up and shoot yourself in the foot with them.

If God puts a blessing in front of you and there is no immoral reason for not taking it, and the opportunity aligns with Scripture "TAKE IT". If your beliefs are not violated by the chance, go for it. If it is good for you and your family Take It, before you can't. 

God blesses us for two reasons. 1 Because he loves us. 2. He blesses us so we can bless others. So if God is giving you a chance at something, reach out and take it. End of today's thoughts!

Love to all,


Monday, May 2, 2022

The Tractor Is Ready 5/2/2022

 Good Morning,

My day is beginning with a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and prayer. Monday here I come. 

Titus 3:2 To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. 

This April was a little colder than normal and so not much yard work has been done in our little portion of the world. However the grass has begun to grow a little and is looking kind of shaggy. Let it be known that I have a wife that likes to drive the lawn tractor and keep the grass groomed. She always says that she enjoys listening to her music while she cuts the grass and the time on the tractor relaxes her.

So yesterday I went over the tractor and did some maintenance on it. The lawn implement is ready to roll. Now what does this have to do with a daily devotional or anything motivational whatsoever?  Here it goes. Just the other day Rene asked me if the tractor was ready to use. That was her way of letting me know she wanted to get going outside and that she really wanted to tackle the lawn. Note, she never said, "when will the tractor be ready." Or "Hey I want to cut the grass. Please get that tractor ready". 

There was no demanding time frame for me to get it done and no pressure at all. Yet, knowing that she has been stressed lately I could take a gentle hint that she needs a tractor ride. In return to her nice hint, she received what she needed and before she had to hint twice. 

I believe that part of the love languages is listening and filling in the blanks as needed. Too many times in life a blow up occurs when we don't ask for things politely or respond to a need in good time. The reply to a question or a need should also be polite. Kind words without being demanding or snarky make a relationship spin a lot better. Please and thank you go a long way. Not setting your partner's schedule for them is also a great way to keep peace. 

Last night, there is no doubt that Rene heard the tractor start up. I walked into the house and she was smiling and I received a heartfelt thank you. 

Have a great day. Be nice and considerate. 


Sunday, May 1, 2022

You Are With Me 5/1/2022

 Good Morning,

I am sure that this hot mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee will need to be refilled soon. It is very tasty and feels good as it warms me up today. 

Last night, while at church for our Saturday service we had some powerful storms move across our state. For a short time we actually moved within the building to a place that was more secure against storms. All ended well and eventually we went home. I couldn't help but think about what I would be writing today' Today will be the last day of our venture into the 23rd Psalm and it's message of hope and security. 

Psalm 23:r Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For You are with me. Your rod and staff, they comfort me. 

I have had to cling to this verse more than a few times in my life. One week many years ago, while serving on a short term mission trip in a foreign country, I was very uneasy about the safety for myself and the team I was leading. A civil disturbance had broken out and martial law was declared in the area we were serving in. Rioting was the norm for the day and the military was dispatched to the area. The air was sharp with the impact of tear gas and burning vehicles. I recall that just two days before this, I was reading the 23rd Psalm. I have the experience underlined in my Bible. 

That night after we returned from our work in the field we were greeted by the military and given instructions as to what our boundaries were for our safety. God had provided for our safety. Now the military was well armed and looked fierce enough to do the job, although I was thinking about some of the weapons I owned back in my vault at home and wishing one or two of them were with me. I opened my Bible once more and read Psalm 23:4 and felt the warmth of security that it brought to me. It meant so much to know that God was with us. I especially took comfort in the the words "You are with me". It was a long night, yet I was able to sleep some and we continued our work in a refugee camp the next day. 

You might be walking a tough road yourself today. But rest assured you are not walking it alone. Never alone.

Food for thought. 
