Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Owl In The Mix 11/30/2019

Good Morning,

I started this day with prayer and I am looking ahead to tonight when our church has a prayer meeting. But to kick off the morning  after prayer I poured a large cup of Door County Turtles In A Cup Coffee.

Proverbs 22:3 The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. 

I took my coffee and our two dogs outside for some training in the dark. The dogs are then instructed to find some canvas training dummies scented with a pheasant wing. This makes them use their nose instead of just relying on their sight.  It went very well and it was just a refresher for the older dog. But for the young one who is going to be 6 months old tomorrow it was a very valuable lesson.

The wind had a little bite to it and I soon noticed that I wasn't dressed warm enough to be gallivanting in the yard at 5:AM. The coffee mug became my best buddy as it warmed me up from the inside out.

The wind found the corner of the house that when blown upon gives a soft howl. This tells me that the wind speed was picking up a little. But then came a sound I haven't heard in a long time in this location. The distinct hoot of an owl softly rang out but very clearly. I didn't have my head lamp but as the owl continued to hoot I easily located the intruder perched in a large maple tree on the North side of our property. He was a good sized owl and I believe he was looking for something to eat. The stooge festival of myself and our two dogs must have interrupted his hunt. I did not feel bad about disturbing the intruder at all. Now, some owls will attack dogs and dine on them, but my research shows that they tend to pick on small dogs under 20 pounds. It didn't take long for the owl to know that our two dogs aren't small enough for the him/her to mess with. So the owl left after he realized that he had been located and was in more perceived danger than anything he represented.

But now I will pay closer attention over the next few days to see if the intruder/thief returns to make our maple tree his home.

Friends the lesson here is this. The predator warned me of his presence by not being able to keep his mouth shut. I am not worried about him being able to carry our dogs away, but if the owl nests and feels that it's own young are threatened we could have some scratched up dogs.

In our families we tend to get warnings of trouble before it hits. We need to listen and watch for signs of trouble, especially with kids around. When a child spends too much time alone in their room, it might just be that they want to be anti social or it could be that the Internet has lured them to trouble. Pain pills are another source of trouble and should always be counted and kept under lock and key.  Addiction to pain killers has many warning signs and the easiest one to show that there is a problem is to count the pills.  A straight A student who now has grades falling into the toilet of life is just not having a bad grading quarter, but something is wrong. Heed the sign and dig deeper. Track the bank accounts if the teen earns money. Where is it going?  Are they spending too much time communicating on social media or for some reason did they just give up? Once the signs are there we need to take action or better yet be preemptive and take stock of the pills, Internet time, who is who on their social media accounts and who they hang out with. This can apply to yourself and the other adults in the house. Look at the credit card statements are you impulse buying and spending too much? If one of the legitimate pain pills works fine do you justify taking two instead? The pills were meant for pain not as a sleep aid.  Is the flirting at work becoming an obsession? Warning signs, warning signs!!!

Like the owl who gave away his location kids will tell you everything you need to know if you watch and listen for the signs they spill out. And remember, not too long ago you were trying some of your own shenanigans and you should be smart enough to know how to figure out what they are trying. Adults will do the same thing. Sooner or later they present the warning signs of trouble.

So give a hoot and get going on watching for troubles. Pray for your families, there is a lot of stuff out there that just isn't good for them or yourself.


Friday, November 29, 2019

The Sound Of Silence 11/29/2019

Good Morning,

This day started with prayer, and a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee. I had the pleasure of drinking that first cup outside on the patio today. The cold weather wasn't  too bad on this Friday.

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.

While I was out in the yard long before sunrise and our two dogs were roaming around the silence was awesome. Quiet never sounded so good to me. I could pray and at the same time I swear it was so quiet that I could hear my heart beat.

Quiet is one thing that rejuvenates me in a way that I cannot describe. I guess that's why I like the early mornings and hunting so much. The business of the world doesn't cloud my brain when I am in silence. My prayer time is much better and satisfying.

Friends we can't always find silence and tranquility, but when we do, take advantage of the time to pray and soak in the sounds of silence. We all know that peace and quiet only last so long. And it is never long enough. Want some peace in your life today? Shut off the radio and television. Take a walk alone and pray.  Take advantage of your ability to manufacture quiet and enjoy a walk away from the hustle and bustle of life for an hour.

God bless,


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful For You 11/28/2019

Good Morning,

As I write our two English Springer Spaniels are sound asleep. We were out early doing some heavy dog field training. They both have a full belly now and they drank plenty of water. I see contentment on their faces.  I am warm and also content with a hot mug of Door County Autumn Harvest Coffee sitting next to me.

So in America today it is our national holiday of Thanksgiving. I have a long list of those to be thankful for, family, friends, our brave men and women of the armed forces. our healthcare workers, pastors, police and fire departments, elected officials and the list goes on.

I want to tell all of you that as my feet hit the floor this morning and I lifted up my first prayer, God spoke and said to pray for all of you who will read this.  I personally know some of the readers, but to be honest there are readers from many nations. some of us will never meet until God calls us home. Some of you are going through flooding and earthquakes right now. War is visiting some. The ugly word cancer has called upon some of you. This holiday and the next holiday in line will be a first for many who have had life changes this year. The first year without a job, or now a new one. The first year celebrating a holiday without someone who has always been at your table. You were prayed for with thankfulness

Luke 12:7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; 

We have a great God who knows the number of hairs on your head. When a sparrow falls. God knows it, So when God said to pray and ask for the readers to be blessed I want you to know that I was obedient and did as asked. He knows when and where you will read this. My blanket prayer asked for you to be blessed from above with what God knows you need. I asked for Him to bless as He sees fit, in His time and in only a way that He can do. This prayer was not too much to ask from our Almighty God. What He is going to do is up to Him. Right after I prayed, I prayed again but my words came from Scripture. I believe these words captured the essence of the prayer and the holiday. Readers you are loved and I want you to know that. Here is what God led me to in my second prayer.

Numbers 6:24-26 

24  The Lord bless you and keep you.  25  The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. 26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. 

Have A Wonderful Day


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Stress Of A Holiday. Keep The Train On The Tracks 11/27/2019

Good Morning,

This day finds me with many chores to accomplish so I actually had to set up a schedule for me to get them all completed. The first thing on my list was my prayer time and then my time with a cup of Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee. I think my list is in order.

Psalm 19:14 May theses words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. 

Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving in this part of the world. It is a national holiday dedicated to being thankful. People will travel many miles to visit with friends or relatives. Elaborate dinners are planned and eaten. Some will enjoy a football game or three as well as huge slices of pie.

People will put a lot of effort into this day, especially the planners and the doers. Events like this are a lot of work and the perfectionists in the group will see to it that every last detail is correct and in place and on time. I can tell you that my wife worries about dust and the fact that even places that no one will visit while in our home has to be dusted. If I set the dinner table which I have done every year since we were married a thousand years ago, she will rearrange it a little.

There have been a couple of times in this life where I just wanted to take those plates and send them on a flying saucer ride. When Rene moved them around for the third time I almost lost it. It's then that it came to me that these holidays can be too stressful and what was about to come out of my mouth would ruin the day. It was best to humble my ego and drink a huge glass of shut up juice. Satan wanted a family day ruined and was going to use my mouth, temper and ego to do it. I almost opened the door for him.

I have heard of many holidays that have been looked forward to, but in the end people can't wait to forget them. Some even have said that it was so bad that they will never forget them. You see a day can be ruined by a slip of the tongue, loosened by a little wine perhaps, and then the downfall of the day begins. Kids get a little hyper and the lamp tumbles. Mom or Dad loses their temper and too much is said in front of the company. You should not have fed the little dudes all of that sugared pecan pie. Or the subject of politics creeps in and the two sides argue over anything or everything. The perfectionists drive the non conformists crazy and the non conformists drive the perfectionists to convulsions. But usually the the whole thing could be avoided if we guarded our tongues and worked to provide language in all settings that honors God. Or better yet refrain from speaking without thinking about the consequences of your inability to drink a cup of shut up juice.

Holidays are meant to be enjoyed, not to be annoying. Plan ahead. Don't be in a rush. Strive for perfect without being obnoxious. Play nice in the political sand box or better yet avoid politics at all cost. Cheer on your team without dancing on the table. Correct your kids in a way that they will remember what they did, but are not totally humiliated if front of others. Eat what is in front of you and don't complain. Complainers should do the cooking next year. You know the buttons that when pushed can cause a nuclear reaction, so don't push.

There are my instructions for keeping things from going insane. But the easiest of these is to season our language with a shake of "What Would Jesus Say"

God bless. Don't put the fork on the wrong side of the plate.


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Venice Italy Flooding 11/26/2019

Good Morning,

I am truly enjoying this morning's cup of Door County  Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee as well as some orange slices. My prayer is that we all have victory over discontentment. Let's count our blessings.

Photo credit Reuters News

Later today I have some small home repairs to do. Nothing all that important or too drastic. just annoying. These are things needing to be done and are more irritating than difficult. But they need to get done and they will. I can't complain, our home is warm and dry.

James 4:17 So whoever knows to do right and does not do it, to him it is a sin. 

In the news we see that the city of Venice Italy has flooded and the floods are devastating. The water levels are at a record high and don't seem to be going away. Scientists and engineers will all have ideas as to the causes that contributed to this disaster. Homes and businesses all have been flooded for quite some time. I will not venture into the why, or how  this occurred.  I have watched television and the internet for news and what I have witnessed is a deliberate will for the city to be saved and that the people of Venice are going about life as much as they can. I admire and encourage their strong resolve to battle this disaster. In the news I see people helping one another. There might be issues not seen on the news, but what I did not hear or see are gangs of lawless people taking advantage of this situation by looting and robbing. It wasn't reported as an issue. I can't say that doesn't happen elsewhere during loss of electrical power or when the Earth shakes and quakes.

So as it has been on my heart lately I will continue to pray, support recovery efforts if I can and yet admire a city with such strength while the world watches them. Disasters arrive all too often, but when they do, it does not give anyone the right to become lawless. Those who loot, riot, steal and burn during times of distress are lawless and are a shame to their families, their cities, their nation and to God. It is at these times of death and destruction that we are to rise up and show the love of God to others by assisting if we can and praying for them.

Pray on my friends and help whenever or wherever you can.


Monday, November 25, 2019

More Today Than Yesterday 11/25/2019

Good Morning,

Let's face Monday together and make this day a day to be a blessing to others. I just sat down to write after spending the first half hour of the morning outside with a cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Coffee in my hand. I watched our two canine clowns run around and sniff rabbit trails. Now they are asleep and my day really now has begun. Later today i will hopefully tread in the woods in search of venison for our table.

Romans 5:8 But God showed his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us.  

Back in 1981 I first met Jesus when He entered my heart as Lord and Savior of my life. I experienced a forgiving love and our relationship began.

Last Saturday I was driving to a duck hunting spot at 4:AM. When I take those longer drives I ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in prayer. The prayer time was intense and yet sweet.  It is customary for me to listen to a Gospel s radio station as I drive. At that time of the morning their program "Music Until Dawn" was on. This music is quiet and smooth in tempo. A song came on that I haven't heard before. It went like this. I love Jesus more today. More today than yesterday. I love Jesus more today, but not as much as tomorrow. That tune has been stuck in my head now for three days. Of course it has me thinking and I went back to that first day when God whispered to me and my name was written into the Lambs Book Of Life. A love relationship began it is true and the song also speaks powerfully to me. Each year my love for Jesus is stronger than the year before. Serving Him is no longer a duty but a pleasure and a calling. But the statement "But not as much as tomorrow" is etched in my heart. How can it be more tomorrow? What I see that has changed in my life is that it is easier to love others every day as I get older, It is easier to see the foolishness of my days gone by. So now as I admit that I can and will love Jesus more tomorrow it is easier to look forward to each new day.

This came from my heart and is my prayer for you. If the flames have died down on your love for Jesus, rekindle the fire  box of your heart knowing He loved you so much even with all of our inadequacies that while we were yet sinners outside of the family of God He died for us. Cherish that thought and you will see others differently. It is a sign that your love for Jesus is growing.

God bless,


Sunday, November 24, 2019

Fell Asleep On The Floor 11/242019

Good Morning,

I am awake but it seems as if my brain and body don't want to cooperate this morning. They have unionized against being up early today. I will combat their stubborn attitudes with some hot Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. There will be victory over this insurrection!

Matthew 25:40  The King will reply: "Truly I tell you. Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.

For the last two nights I have gotten down on to our living room floor with the intentions of playing with our two dogs Leo and Gibbs. After about 30 minutes of wrestling around and playing tug of war with some rope toys, Gibbs and I are all played out. Leo the 5 month old puppy still wants to keep going. So we give him a few more minutes and soon after he decides to join us in the cool down mode and all three of us water up and relax on the floor. The problem with this is that for the last two nights I have fallen sound asleep on the floor. My wife Rene knows that I am a light sleeper and  if I wake up there is a good chance that my day will begin right there and now. So she covered me with a blanket for the last two nights and left me to enjoy some deep sleep.

I can tell you for a fact that the floor however is not as comfortable as our bed is. The two dogs leave me and walk over to their respective beds and get nice and comfortable. I woke up to the puppy nibbling on my ear this morning which was his way of telling me to get up " I want to eat". Getting up wasn't as easy as it normally is. My body ached and I had to think about it for a minute or two. That's when my brain rejected the thought process of moving and starting my day. Eventually the show started and I woke up and took the dogs outside, coffee in hand.

While sitting out in the cold damp air I came too from my semi unconscious state from by night on the floor. I gave it some thought. There was no need for me to sleep on the floor, but a lesson was in there somewhere. While praying, God reminded me of a hard cold fact. We have a floor. It is carpeted and warm. There is a roof over it and it is dry. I have a blanket and when I fell asleep my stomach was full from a good meal we had consumed a couple of hours earlier. If it were colder I could have had more blankets. The fireplace had a warm fire in it and the heat was still evident this morning as I poked at a few glowing embers.The doors were locked on the house and I was safe.

God literally showed me the simple blessings that I enjoy but others might not have. Many do not have a safe, warm place to lay down and sleep in. They might not have a blanket or a meal. The shelter they may go to barely has enough money to offer meager meals. The shelter has calling in life  to help the needy. They know how to do it best. My good friend knows of such a place and he has a heart for their work. Earlier this month he just simply asked if others would join he and his wife in donating $2.19 to pay for a Thanksgiving meal for someone. My friends donated the first $100. It wasn't too long before they had collected much, much more than that. They too have captured the essence of what this upcoming holiday should stand for. It is the essence of being thankful for what we have and sharing it with others. My friends made a difference just by stepping up themselves and then leading others to help.

So as we prepare for Thanksgiving this week and we shop and purchase the groceries for a feast, can we maybe purchase a couple more items and take them to a food pantry or shelter for those who need some help? Can we open our tables to someone in need of companionship and a place to eat where they can be loved and treated as if they were a dignitary in our homes? Share that bacon wrapped turkey. Let's capture the essence of this holiday.  Throughout the next few weeks I will be watching for moments like these and share how others have captured the essence of Thanksgiving and Christmas, You watch also, God may be inviting you to join Him in some of His work. Be a blessing to others.

Have a great day! god bless.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pizza Was Easy To Do 11/23/2019

Good Morning,

I will be headed out this morning for some duck hunting and next week I will be doing some deer hunting. I filled my Thermos Bottle with very hot Door County Maple Coffee and now it is time to write.

Genesis 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become on flesh.

Yesterday my wife Rene went to visit her mom and take her to the doctor. Rene has been more quiet than usual and I could tell that she is worried about her mother. So Rene armed herself with to quarts of fresh chicken soup and two baked fish dinners for Mom. Mom still cooks but hasn't been feeling too well. Cooking meals is about the only talent I have so it was a honor to whip up some soup and the fish plates.

When she came home last night I could tell that the round trip back home and the long day had taken a toll on Rene. I had prepared a beef dinner and was just waiting to hear that she was ready to eat. I took one look at her and knew that my wife needed an ear to listen and some comfort food. Rene is a fan of pizza and I just put the beef dinners into the refrigerator and told her I would be back in thirty minutes. I went for her favorite pizza, returned home, and then poured her a cold Dr. Pepper. She took a plate and her drink and sat in front of the television which isn't normal for us. I followed her lead and joined her. It was quiet and then as I would have predicted she started to tell me about her concerns. I just listened, agreed when it was a good idea and avoided disagreeing if at all possible.

Soon after, you could see her disposition change and it was less worried. We prayed for Mom and then talked about how good the pizza was. I knew my wife needed to rest and talk when she was ready. We all need to invest in stopping plans and adjusting to meeting the needs of our spouses. This was needed and in a bad way.  Friends, our spouses will often send a signal of distress, we need to react if possible and be there for support. I learned this lesson well from a great teacher. Yes that teacher is my wife.

Have a great day. Be there for your spouse.


Friday, November 22, 2019

The Red Bucket And The Bell Ringer 11/22/2019

Good Morning,

I headed out early this morning to hunt geese with some friends. I filled my Thermos Bottle with Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee and I believe Peanut Butter Cookies will be my breakfast today.

Matthew 9:19 Honor your mother and your father. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Yesterday I did some grocery shopping and as I was approaching the store I heard a familiar sound of
Christmas. The Salvation Army has placed the red donation buckets out and they are manned by volunteers who ring a bell. The money gathered goes toward many things that the Salvation Army funds and operates. Here is the story.

Red Kettle History

In 1891, Salvation Army Captain Joseph McFee was distraught because so many
poor individuals in San Francisco were going hungry. During the holiday season, he resolved to provide a free Christmas dinner for the destitute and poverty-stricken. He only had one major hurdle to overcome -- funding the project.
Where would the money come from, he wondered. He lay awake nights, worrying, thinking, praying about how he could find the funds to fulfill his commitment of feeding 1,000 of the city's poorest individuals on Christmas Day. As he pondered the issue, his thoughts drifted back to his sailor days in Liverpool, England. He remembered how at Stage Landing, where the boats came in, there was a large, iron kettle called "Simpson's Pot" into which passers-by tossed a coin or two to help the poor.
The next day Captain McFee placed a similar pot at the Oakland Ferry Landing at the foot of Market Street. Beside the pot, he placed a sign that read, "Keep the Pot Boiling." He soon had the money to see that the needy people were properly fed at Christmas.

Six years later, the kettle idea spread from the west coast to the Boston area. That year, the combined effort nationwide resulted in 150,000 Christmas dinners for the needy. In 1901, kettle contributions in New York City provided funds for the first mammoth sit-down dinner in Madison Square Garden, a custom that continued for many years. Today in the U.S., The Salvation Army assists more than four-and-a-half million people during the Thanksgiving and Christmas time periods.
Captain McFee's kettle idea launched a tradition that has spread not only throughout the United States, but all across the world. Kettles are now used in such distant lands as Korea, Japan, Chile and many European countries. Everywhere, public contributions to Salvation Army kettles enable the organization to continue its year-round efforts at helping those who would otherwise be forgotten

I threw a couple of dollars in change that I had into the bucket as I passed by. The fella ringing the bell and manning the bucket was about 80 years old. He thanked me for my donation and said "God bless you." I am not asking you to donate to the Salvation Army, but as I pondered a tradition that I have enjoyed seeing every year since I was a little boy I had to say this.

"I admire his commitment to humanity. In his eighties this man still works to gather donations for those who might be forgotten during the year.  I believe he captures the essence of Christmas with his service." How about you? Will you serve others unselfishly this Christmas?

Have a great day,


Thursday, November 21, 2019

You'll Never Walk Alone 11/21/2019

Good Morning,

The day began with prayer and a large mug of extra hot Door County Caramel Apple Coffee. The morning looks to be a busy one for me today. Time to write.

I awoke to the sound of a pretty heavy rain hitting the roof and I could actually hear it hitting the sidewalk as I opened the door to let our two dogs outside for their morning business. Our property is not totally fenced in and from time to time we have some coyotes who like to pass through our yard on their way to mischief.

As the dogs stepped out it just so happened that a coyote was crossing the street in front of the house. Our newest puppy spotted Mr. Nasty first and he back pedaled onto the porch. Our older guy did the same. The combination of the rain and the coyote did not appeal to our dogs and they would not leave the porch and they needed to. I always walk outside with them drinking my hot coffee. Today would not be any different. I led the way and both dogs followed. I had lit up the yard as usual but they were going to wait for their Master to accompany them as they ventured out.

Today someone reading this will be facing something that will cause them some fear. Today this was written for you. As long as I am alive our dogs will not face the rainy and somewhat dangerous night alone. And for those facing some of their biggest fears or struggles today and tomorrow, this is an assurance for you. You'll never walk alone.  God is with you. He will hold you by the hand as you face each hour of the day.

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you; Yes I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

This was short and to the point. There was nothing amusing to write about today. But know this my friends. You are loved and are never alone.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pulling The Tape Off 11/20/2019

Good Morning,

My day began with awhile ago with the alarm clock disturbing a very deep sleep. Then next thing that led me to "Alert and Awakeville" was the aroma of the Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffle Coffee coming from our kitchen.  Now it is time to write.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you,  not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

I recently had eye surgery and this step was the last one in an adventure that started in March. It has been a slow process to restore my vision. I praise God for providing skilled surgeons, nurses and technicians who accompanied me through this journey. Through each step, it was important to protect my eye after the surgeries from being bumped or scratched. With this last surgery the precautions included wearing a metal eye patch/shield at night so that anything I did in my sleep would not harm the repairs. For instance rubbing my eye is still a big no no.

So each night before going to bed my wife Rene takes the shield and washes it. Once it is dry I hold it in place and she applies tape to it keeping my eye covered and protected for the night. Once I have stumbled to the kitchen for my first cup of coffee in the morning the shield needs to come off and the first in a series of 12 eye drops starts. One of the eye drops has a bite to it but all in all this procedure is pretty easy to follow. 

Rene purchased some medical adhesive tape that is supposed to be sturdy yet easy to remove and kind to the facial area. I have news for the company who made this tape. They should have their CEO try a little on his or her face at night and then have the joy of removing it. I will volunteer to help them with the removal. The process is not life threatening but the tape could be used to ship packages around the world without them opening.  I won't be doing this much longer than another couple of weeks or less and to be honest it is bearable. I tried two approaches to the tape coming off. I tried slowly peeling it away and reminding my wife that less is best with this stuff. Slowly just seemed to take  too long and had the same sunburn like impact and sting. So I tried the "man up" approach and went at removing the tape with one swift tug. That resulted in a "waxing effect" on my eyebrow. 

What does this mean to us and what application can we find for life here?  In order to add the drops each day that shield has to come off in the morning. Yes there is some aggravation and a little sting to it. But it has to be removed. In life we find that things come and go and some things have to be removed from us for us to move on and be blessings to others. For instance, losing a job. I have a friend who just had her job eliminated from the corporate structure. This is a painful event. But for many years she has been a blessing to many, many, people in the same place. I can tell you with complete honesty that she is the type of person that you want to see at work. But I also believe that she is needed elsewhere so she can be a blessing to a whole new group. Someone else needs to meet my friend and as painful as this job loss is she will be a blessing to someone she hasn't met yet.

Each day as I remove the tape I am one day closer to being fully recovered and in this journey I have met many new people who have blessed me in many ways. I also have been in the waiting room of a clinic when someone needed a kind word or encouragement and God placed me there at that time to be able to pass on that word of encouragement or a little assistance. Had I not needed help from a medical team I would have missed a few experiences along the way where I was used to be a blessing and be a sounding block for someone who just needed a listener.

We don't always see what God is doing during each step of the day, week or year but we must trust that He knows the journey He sent us on. And if we allow it and embrace the change, He will show us the path to take. So remove the tape that holds you back from whatever God has planned for you. His plans are best. If you are sitting in a clinic today, my prayers are with you. But you are there and you might just be there at the right time to be a blessing to others. Do you pray for your caregivers? Do you greet them with a smile and kind word? Are you looking for work to not only have a pay check or also to be a blessing to others?


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Who Do You Hang With? 11/19/2019

Good Morning,

It's nice and quiet this morning. Both dogs were fed and exercised and now they are just watching me write to all of you. I just poured a large mug of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee for myself and I plan on enjoying every drop.

Today I want to discuss my thoughts on the following passage from the Bible

2 Corinthians 6:14-15 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? (angel of lawlessness) 

In most instances this passage is used to ward of marriages between believers in Jesus as Lord and Savior with unbelievers. It is difficult for two strong faiths of major differences to marry and survive. God is clear that this is not His plan.  Some people take this passage in a different direction and segregate themselves from the world and they try not to be social with non believers in Christ Jesus. This is contrary to the teaching of Jesus who said we are to be lights to the world. However I do recommend for accountability that your best friend believe as you do.

But still that is not where I am headed. People, we often spend much time alone or away from our best friend and accountability. My question for us to ponder in our hearts is this. Who do you hang with when no one is around? Who are you when your church friends are not with you? All to often we are two different people. We are the holier than thou dove and then when we interact with family or  just ourselves we are different animal. That animal may be likened to a grizzly bear or a viper who is intolerable. That old grizzly walks through the house growling at others , using language that would make people blush, or we just stay put like a viper waiting to strike out and lay into someone over petty things. We become unpredictable and others are not sure who they will encounter when they interact with you. The dove or the bear? The lamb or the viper? Are we the baby who looks so cute but is wearing boxing gloves?

Friends it is at these time when I want to say that we are "Unequally yoked". We are not walking with God, but have decided to hang out with the dark side of Satan and his lawlessness. We momentarily divorce ourselves from God and become the person most people don't see everyday. We are no longer the light house of love and compassion that we are expected to be to the world because we hang with darkness in our own homes and daily walk when others do not see us. We have no excuse for becoming what we shouldn't be. Lack of wealth is no excuse. Lack of health is no excuse. Jealousy of status is no excuse.  None of these are excuses for becoming a bear or a viper to anyone.

Who do you hang with when no one is around to hold you accountable? There's a heavy thought for the day.



Monday, November 18, 2019

Slippery Sidewalks Don't Discriminate 11/18/2019

Good Morning,

This writing comes from the safe and comfortable den in our home where I am enjoying a cup of Door County  Autumn Spice Coffee. It won't be long until I break out the Christmas Season Flavors.

Our weather has been like a yo yo, up and down. Warm then cold, then colder with snow and then some drizzle and fog decide to invade our roads and sidewalks. This morning found me stepping outside with a cup of coffee to accompany one of our dogs while he visited the outdoors. Last night we entertained some sleet, then drizzle, then some fog. As always, I turned on the lights to the yard to scare away any coyotes that wander in and then Gibbs our oldest Springer Spaniel and I stepped out on to the sidewalk. I watched as my four legged buddy stepped off of the porch. His first step into the morning was greeted by a slide of all four legs. He recovered his direction immediately and proceeded slower. As Gibbs was stepping off of the porch I had placed my first foot onto an ice that couldn't even be seen. It was very thin and really wasn't visible. But I had a warning by witnessing the small slip from Gibbs. I stepped out gingerly and tested the walk. Had I been moving quickly I might has slipped and experienced a backside bruise. A little salt on the sidewalk solved that problem. Our puppy is visiting friends this week as I recover from eye surgery. ( All is going well) I could only imagine him with his puppy exuberance flying from the porch on to the sidewalk. It would have looked like Bambi on the ice.

All three of us are different. For one I am not a dog. There is a difference of two legs and four legs. Weight, height, and age are factors that make us different. Here is my point for the day. The slippery ice did not discriminate by age, ability, or race. It was dangerous to all of us. And friends I will say this again, it wasn't easy to see it at all. It crept right up on you.

Sin and bad attitudes which are the same thing, creep in on us and we really don't see it until it's too late. The two don't discriminate and they attack all of us equally, regardless of stature and rank. Before you know it, you are sliding into deeper messes and in some instances you fall before you change course. The fall from grace can hurt you and others. What seems like such a "not so bad thing' just gets more slippery and more slippery until you are in a free fall headed to nowhere good. For instance  just missing church for really no good reason might impact the kids in the family. We show them by experience that church attendance can be opted out of and then they begin to justify their "not needing to go," by what you have OK'd for whatever reason.  Or the two drinks after work and then driving home successfully under the limit of sobriety many times. But then just that one time, it seems OK to have the third drink which puts you over the sobriety limit. You are driving fine until someone else hits you car. Oops big fine, insurance issues and guilty written all over your face. Maybe you are crabby all the time and before you know it you have hurt others feelings and you wonder why you have to organize fun just to see people. If you didn't organize it, would they call you?

A slippery slope? You get my drift here. We all need to be aware of the hidden ice of sin and bad attitudes toward them. These same things can ruin a holiday faster than a dirty diaper at the dinner table.

So my friends we all are cable to be tempted and what seems harmless and easy to avoid, lingers until is causes issues. So follow this advice.

 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out that you so that you can endure it.

Seems easy???? Don't be lazy. Go to church. Learn to say no. Take a taxi. Pray for protection from our own foolishness. God gives us many ways out of the potential fall. It's best to follow the advice.

Be careful out there. It is slippery.


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Good For You 11/17/2019

Good Afternoon,

I am way behind in my writing to all of you. I enjoyed a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee this morning with a great breakfast and good company.  Let's go.

Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice! Weep with those who weep.

Today I want to chat about congratulating others on their accomplishments. People often excel in areas of life or are promoted to a lofty position at work. People work hard to achieve goals and as friends or family we need to practice passing on positive support to those who have achieved a "life moment". It really means a lot when we tell people how proud we are of their labor to succeed.

We need to be happy for people and let them know it. All too often petty jealousies clog our vision and we seem less than happy for those who have something to celebrate. This is not a good way to function. We need to show true happiness for others.  Lets work at that tomorrow and cheer our friends and family on!

God Bless,


Friday, November 15, 2019

Never Turn Your Back On A Rattlesnake 11/15/2019

Good Morning,

I have copied and pasted something I wrote in 2015. I am having a little difficulty writing today after eye surgery yesterday. The excerpt I chose is appropriate for today. I should be back to writing tomorrow. God bless.


Never Turn Your Back On A Rattlesnake 4/26/2015

Good Morning,

The sun has just come up in my part of the world and the weather looks to be dry today. However it is pretty cold this morning so I am using an insulated mug to keep my Door County Cherry Crème Coffee warm. I couldn't resist the sunrise and decided to write  from the patio all bundled up in warm clothes. The fresh air is so rejuvenating today.

I like to watch old classic Western television shows now and then especially in the winter. I can recite several quotes that were written for some of the heroes to proclaim.  One has stuck with me for many years. It was from an old show called Bat Masterson.  In it, Bat had just disarmed a bad guy and had taken his gun away very quickly with a cane he carried. This was done in a fast move and then Bat walked away as he said "I never turn my back on a rattlesnake unless it's fangs are removed".  The fangs were this man's gun.

I always knew that I would fit this into a devotional and today is the day.

Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places

We who love Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior know that there are spiritual battles going on in the world and personally each day. We are in the middle of those battles all the time. Satan uses every tool he can to persecute Christians or to make them stumble in their walk. God clearly warns us of this within Scripture. Even Jesus was tempted by Satan. Yet Jesus disarmed him and Satan had no power to harm him. God has given us that same power and knowledge. Yet too often we don't use it. Instead we tend to walk right into the snake's path hoping that he won't bite. We travel in the land of evil one and aren't ready to smash it or disarm it.  Now let's look at the rest of this passage.

Ephesians 6:10-18New International Version (NIV)

The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Next step! Remember to fight with might, you are armed also.

James 4:7New International Version (NIV)
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Memorize Scripture, use it when tempted or battling Satan. Pull the trigger on that loaded gun and let him have it right between the eyes. No need to be bitten and defeated.
Isaiah 55:11King James Version (KJV)
11 So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Have a wonderful day. Don't let the snake ruin it.
God bless,

Thursday, November 14, 2019

I Need, I Want 11/14/2019

Good Morning,

I will be having my Door County Peanut Butter Crunch later today. I have an appointment very early this morning and a cup of coffee is not part of that meeting.  I will embrace a cup this afternoon.

Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. 

My wife always questions my statement "I need this" with a question. "Do you really need this or is it just something you want"? She knows me very well. When there have been some new items that would make duck hunting easier or possibly better I always said "I need this". It seems to win her over to saying "then get it". I once said that I needed another shotgun and one day while I was cleaning my shotguns she asked a question. "How many shotguns can you shoot at one time"? I replied "one". She went on. "So if you go hunting and you take two shotguns with you and one is a spare just in case, heaven forbid, something goes wrong with one, when do the other ones get fired?" She had me into a corner and I explained that the others were gifts and some had been inherited. Some were for other special purposes. She was on to me and the fact was that I owned some things out of want and not from need. When I truly needed a new hunting coat and hag dropped a million hints near my birthday about my need of a new coat, I heard this. "Why don't you sell or trade one of those "needed shotguns for a new coat"? She smiled and walked away.

Friends we all too often purchase out of want verses a need. When I decided that I needed to change my bad habit of just buying things I wanted, the check book seemed to grow in financial favor. I found myself finding better deals on our needs, such as groceries. We had more to share with others. What I had read in my Bible now became alive to me. I forgot that God supplies our needs according to His riches and when He does so it is expected that we share with others. Who better than God knows exactly what we need? As the currency I use says "In God We Trust" I also need to place my needs in His hands and let Him decide what we need instead of wanting.

Enjoy a great day!!!


my bad habit

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

When You Are Sick 11/13/2019

Good Morning,

The Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee is hot and this morning, the hotter the better! I have seen this before when November brings a deep freeze. It sure puts a damper on duck hunting as the water sources freeze up and forces the ducks to go South.  No pun intended her, but I have to "weather" it out and make the best of it.

Over the last two months I have been told of more and more serious illnesses from leukemia, cancer, to heart failures and spinal injuries which will need major repairs. There are more knee injuries and joint replacements needed by friends of mine than ever before.

As a Christian I have seen many miracles of healing and I have seen them come in many ways. I have witnessed t healings that were not able to be explained by science at all. I have seen them take place before my own eyes. I have seen plenty of times when God used physicians, nurses and technicians to bring about healing. But where does a person start with treatment whether it is natural, medical or spiritual?

Here is my reasoning and thoughts on illness.

1. When I start to notice something wrong with my health I personally pray and seek peace  knowing I went to God with the issue. If it is serious right at the start for instance like experiencing chest pains. I would pray as I am heading to the hospital. God blesses us with physicians to help us. He works through them. If my woes are just a cold or the flu, I treat myself with over the counter remedies and household natural cures after I pray for relief.

2. If it seems to need medical attention I seek help from a clinic and my personal physician. Chicken soup does wonders for me with plenty of water and tea. I ask my friends and family to pray for me.

3. But when I am facing something more serious I follow Scripture and medical treatment. So for instance, tomorrow I am having eye surgery again. The surgeon is top notch and two other things will happen and one will take place tomorrow and the other has taken place. Before the anesthesia is administered and I am sent off to la la land. I will stop the surgery crew and pray for them to be able to use their skills to the best of their abilities. I will ask God to bless them and I will thank all of them all for treating me.  The other thing needing to be done was to be prayed over and that took place last night.

James 5:14-15 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing  him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. 

Friends God heals in many ways, uses physicians and home remedies  or just plain whispers your name and it is done. You are all thinking , "sure but the funeral directors  are awful busy when He doesn't heal". Yes God is God and He calls all of us home some day. Those who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will experience heaven and no one knows when their time will come. But I can tell you this. There isn't any cancer or pain in heaven. The ultimate healing once and for all is completed there, never to be experienced again.

This is what I believe and what I follow in my life. I pray for many people and their infirmities. I go as an elder and anoint the sick when they call. I will pray in surgery tomorrow just as I said I would.  I follow Biblical principles when ill. I use the physicians God has given us.

I just wrote a statement of my faith for you and a little advice for peace and hope. If you are ill and need prayer just leave a comment with very few details. God knows who you are and what you need when I pray for you and you will be prayed for.

God bless,


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Deer Tracks Right Outside The Window 11/12/2019

Good Morning,

Door County Maple Coffee is warming me up this morning and it is working overtime. I will be headed out to hunt in a few minutes and after some prayer, it is time to write.

Genesis 5:20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about  that many should be fed, and kept alive, as they are today. 

Last night before going to bed I turned the flood lights for our back yard on just to look outside for a few minutes. I couldn't help but see that we had a set of deer tracks about 5 feet from our patio doors. They weren't there earlier in the day so we had to assume that a deer walked by our window after 5 PM and before 9 PM. I showed the tracks to my wife and she wondered how we didn't see the deer. I pointed out the obvious and said. At 5 PM it is dark outside and the deer was looking to eat, and it never rang the door bell. I had noticed that Sunday night our puppy Leo had picked up a couple apples from our neighbor's yard which had fallen from their tree and he left them on our patio. The deer came in quietly like deer do, ate the two apples and went on his or her way.

Leo fed one of the "neighbors". I found this to be amusing and put it back in my mind. This winter hit early and hard. Some animals will be looking to eat and ice and snow will rob them of some of their food sources. Deer like to eat apples and our yard is secluded. This deer found some food thanks to Leo being mischievous. What Leo did might be funny to some, but he violated his boundaries. Those apples could only have come from the neighbor's yard. God took his ill gotten treasure and fed the deer from Leo's pirated booty.

God does that from time to time and teaches us a lesson or two. What we mean to do as evil God uses for  good. Usually when our motives are pointed out to the world and we are proven guilty God shows us that only He can take our evil actions and do something good with them, further ostracizing us. So my friends drop the evil thoughts and actions. God knows what you are thinking and doing, Getting caught is embarrassing and learning an object lesson from God can be painful.

Be nice today, practice kindness and love big. You can;t go wrong there,


Monday, November 11, 2019

A History Lesson On Veterans Day 11/11/2019

Good Morning,

 We have quite the snow storm going on outside on the fine November morning. I am enjoying a cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee while sitting at my desk. Both of our dogs are busy chewing on a rawhide strip this morning. It's time to write.

John 15:13 Great love has no one than this, but to lay down one's life for his friends.

Our Dad was a proud veteran who served in the Korean War as a United States Marine. He always made sure to explain to us the history of the different wars the United States had been involved in and the importance of each one. In the last few years of his life he was invited to come to the local school in his small home town and deliver a speech/lesson from a veterans point of view on a fact about service to our country, a specific battle or war. Each year around the middle of October he would start piecing it together/ On November 11th he would arrive at the school assembly and deliver his message. He felt that knowing our history and meeting someone who fought for it was important for the kids to learn.

He would always say that "its important that we know our history and remember those who fought that we might have a history. It would have been easy for this little beginning nation to just fold up in it's beginning days. But yet they fought for their freedom and ours. It's important to help others when their freedom is threatened by evil, especially if they are unable to help themselves."

He would tell us about a family he encountered in Korea. Dad was fresh out of high school and in the middle of a war. The father of this family had been killed and a young mother with three kids had nowhere to go. The family hung around the Marine base camp in what Dad said was a "hot zone". The family was found one day scraping and eating the remaining lard from cans thrown outside from the cook tent. Dad kind of adopted this family and would give them some money for doing some laundry for him. A few Marines also did the same.

One day when I was a young boy and cleaning up after dinner I started to pour some bacon grease from a pan into a can that was to be saved and the grease used later for something else. Some of you young folks can't fathom this one. My dad made me look into the can and he asked me if I thought that a can of grease would be a good meal. My answer was a solid no and I will never forget what Dad said. "That's why I fought so that you and others wouldn't have to eat left over grease because someone wanted to take our country or theirs."

So today we honor our veterans and I just want to thank each and everyone of them for their sacrifice of service. I salute you with love and respect. I will have a tear in my eye as I eat my breakfast of cereal and dried fruit. Someone fought for me not to eat lard from a can.

God bless,


Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sleep Well My Friends 11/10/2019

Good Evening,

I purposely skipped writing this morning for a reason. I did however drink a big cup of Door County Hazelnut Creme Coffee around 3:AM today.

As many of you read this it won't be too long before you will be headed to bed, seeking sleep and rest so you can face tomorrow. But some of us might struggle a little when we try to sleep. Our minds are often spinning like a whirlwind before bed time and they keep cycling from subject to subject stealing our sleep.

When that happens to me. I pick up my Bible and read a passage or a few chapters. I then pray for those who have needs, including myself. I always read Psalm 127 and I am reminded that no amount of worrying or extra planning should steal my rest.  God tells us that He gives us sleep and we should let Him run our house.

So sleep my friends. Sleep knowing that God is watching over you.


Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Whole World Smiles With You. 11/9/2019

Good Morning,

Saturday it is and I am resting a little today from hunting. Tomorrow will be a different story and my blog just might be a little later in the day. My mug was just filled with Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee and it is time to write.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 

Yesterday I hunted pheasants instead of ducks. Our dog Gibbs, me and a buddy of mine went hunting "ditch chickens". We were blessed to see some and actually shot our two bird per man limit.  I have kept a diary for all of our dogs and it brought a smile to my face to know that Gibbs retrieved his 1200th bird yesterday. Now for my dogs that isn't a lot compared to the others. But given the fact that I hunt a little less now with age, I believe it is something to celebrate.

A good hunt with good company always puts me in a good mood. I had some errands to run after our hunting adventure and our good fortune kept me in a more jovial mood than normal. As I entered a grocery store I made eye contact with one of the store employees, smiled and received a huge smile back in return. I took note of that blessing. I then traveled the aisles of the store filling my shopping cart with our needs and greeting people with a hello and a smile. 100% of the people smiled back and acknowledged my greeting.

My travels took me elsewhere and at each stop I greeted people with a smile and a good afternoon.
I was greeted in return 100% of the time with a friendly smile and a verbal acknowledgement. 

This has not always been the case I have experienced. So I pondered this during my prayer time this morning. Lately in the surrounding communities where we live the news has been focused on crime, hit and run automobile tragedies causing the deaths of children. Random shootings on the freeway are more normal than ever. Locally and nationally people are divided on their politics and at times both sides are quite nasty. I believe I received more smiles and nice greetings yesterday because the world is " Nice Starved". People are hungering to see or hear something nice. My wife Rene just pointed out a television commercial that reminded her of the old days when most of the Christmas commercials were cute and uplifting. As I child I enjoyed seeing Santa riding on a Norelco electric razor. But now most of our commercials are from drug companies selling their latest cures with the warnings of seizures or death if the cure doesn't work. These commercials are followed up by attorneys who want to help you sue the drug companies. I know more about women's monthly needs supplies and men's personal intimacy problems than ever before and so do the little kids watching the commercials. Not nice!!!

So I believe the world is starving for "NICE". Try extending NICE today. The whole world needs some and the whole world just might smile with you.


Friday, November 8, 2019

Frozen Doors 11/8/2019

Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and next to me is a large cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee. At my feet are two sleeping dogs. I started this day with prayer and my hopes are to end it the same way.

Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Yesterday morning I had the luxury of cleaning the snow from our driveway. It wasn't a large amount. Most of the mess was frozen ice pellets. This time of the year finds us parking one of our vehicles outside. This is due to the piles of duck and goose hunting equipment that takes up one stall in the garage. Soon it will be put away until next year.

This left our Jeep outside for the day. I had cleared the snow from the Jeep in the morning and ran it until it warmed up. But I never took it anywhere until last night. So as I was going to go and fill the gas tank so my wife would have a full tank for her travels tomorrow, I remembered that there was some thing in the back of the Jeep that I wanted to remove. I went to open the back hatch and found that it was frozen shut and I mean frozen. No coaxing or pulling was going to open that hatch.

After praying about it, my weak mind reminded me that the only thing ice doesn't like is heat. So I stretched out a cord and plugged in a heat gun. I slowly applied some heat to the frozen gasket areas sing out load "Let It Go! Let It Go! The warmth melted the ice and soon I was emptying the Jeep.

When I came into the house, Rene asked me if I was practicing my rendition of Let It Go from the Disney movie Frozen. I assured her that Frozen isn't my cup of tea. I did however tell her that if they ever need people to be one of the 7 dwarfs in a remake of Snow White I could be the man for the job. Her answer was "you bet Dopey".

Here is the point of the day. Some people can be stubborn and unwilling to budge from the throne of being crabby. But instead of fighting the ice of their hearts with a cold shoulder of our own, we should gently apply the warmth of love and patience. A kind word goes a long way. A kind deed done from a warm heart melts icy hearts.

So today you have the power to add to an iceberg heart or the power to melt it with love. Your choice!


Thursday, November 7, 2019

When The News Makes You Go Numb 11/7/2019

Good Morning,

I just poured a cup Of Door County Maple Coffee and it is gong to make this morning a lot warmer. My prayer time was sweet and the oatmeal will be done soon.

Today I am feeling a little melancholy. If my Dad were still alive we would be celebrating his birthday. It was just a few years ago when the telephone rang and I was notified that Dad had an accident at home and had passed away. I remember just feeling numb. I had to inform other family members of the news and had to start thinking about "what do I do next?"  I was pretty much useless for a couple hours and soon the numbness turned to emotional pain.

Psalm 112:6-7   6. For the righteous shall never be moved; he will be remembered forever. 7 He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting In God. 

God intervened the next day by having us surrounded by the immediate family, cousins and friends. I could feel the prayer lifting us up and sustaining us through the worst. We had intended to celebrate Dad's birthday, but he missed that by a few days. We did however go out and celebrate for him and relived some memories. Cousins of ours joined us and soon the pain of loss, at least for a little while was gone.

Friends, that dang telephone can deliver some awful news at times and you just never know when. But in those darkest of times you will find that God sends friends, family and some strangers just to comfort you and at times listen. It is OK to take advantage of the offers they make. A struggle is always easier when it is shared. So if today some experience has you numb ask God for help. You just never know who He will send.


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Cleaning The Carpets There Is A Lesson Here. 11/6/2019

Good Morning,

Some honey Crisp apple slices are simmering slowly in a buttered pan with some cinnamon sprinkled on top. This will be my breakfast and it will be accompanied by a big mug of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee. What a blessing!

Last night Rene and I tackled a chore that does not make me jump for joy. We did a deep cleaning of the carpeting on the stairs to the second floor of our home as well as the rest of the second floor. It really isn't all that bad. We have a carpet cleaning machine that does a pretty good job. It just takes some time and effort to run it around the floors and the stairs. I walked on the carpeting this morning and it is dry already. Next week the first floor!

I noticed that the rinse water that was collected last night was a little dirtier than normal. We have some major road construction  going on near our home and all summer  long the dust has been horrendous to deal with. As often as we dusted the house and vacuumed the carpeting it still had some pretty muddy rinse water. We actually, to be on the "clean side" went over the carpeting twice.

The carpeting looks great this morning and I am proud of the job we did, So here is the lesson, What we thought was clean, wasn't. It needed a deeper look and when we discovered what we had, a more arduous cleaning needed to take place.

Friends we go through life and don't even realize that some bad habits have crept into our lives. A little sin  such as an impure thought, rough language, or little lies creeps in and becomes normal. They are so small that we don't realize that we picked up a habit which in all reality is sin. We need to examine our hearts and our lives with a deep look. And who better to look into the heart for us than the Holy Spirit. Ask and you will be given.

Psalm 138:23-24 Search me o Lord and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 Show me any wicked ways within me and lead me and lead me in the way everlasting. 

Food for thought. How clean is the carpeting of your heart?


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Sweet Treat. 11/5/2019

Good Morning,

Peace and joy to all who read this today is my prayer for you. A hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee went with me outside when I did a little dog training this morning. Our youngest  puppy is coming along and really has discovered his nose. Some day he will be ready to hunt.

My wife Rene is diabetic and it bothers me when she has to pass on sweet treats while others can eat them. She doesn't complain and is very regimented in her care for herself. I discovered a small candy shop in the city of West Allis Wisconsin where they make sugar free chocolates. I can actually get them wrapped in a heart shaped box for my sweetheart. As far as sugar free goes, Rene says that these are awesome. So now and then when I am in the area I will stop and bring her home a treat.

Proverbs 17:9 Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it will separate close friends. 

I for one, prefer hard candy with strong flavors. I found some hard candy that is sugar free and Rene tried one that I like the best. She spit it out, claiming that it was bitter.

The point that I want to make is this. Just as we would spit out a candy that was not pleasant to us and relieve ourselves of the foul taste, we also should remove the bitter taste of not forgiving people. We can give ourselves a sweet treat and lessen the burden of our hearts by forgiving someone today. Someone will always work to offend us or cause us grief. When we harbor our anger, hatred or plain dislike we become bitter within our hearts like a candy that just doesn't taste good.

Our hearts harden and we back away from trying forgive and then we miss out on many of the blessings of life. I know of people who won't attend a church function because someone else will be there who offended them years and years ago, Their hard hearts rob them of the blessings of the event.

So today treat yourself to the sweet release of the burden of carrying a grudge or hurt. It will make today a better one and like a good candy will last for along time.


Monday, November 4, 2019

Robbing Grandma 11/4/2019

Good Morning,

This morning finds me leaning on my cup of Door County Black and Tan Coffee with a breakfast of apple slices and dried cherries. The house is warm and quiet.

This last weekend crime struck our family. My mother in law who is 92 years old was scammed into believing that one of her children was in trouble. The solution to the trouble was for her to send by express delivery a large sum of cash. Being the loving mother she is and not wise to the world, she fell for the scam. The next morning it clicked in that something didn't add up and she should notify one of her sons. Within minutes of him finding out, most of the family was able to spring into action and pursue help from the county sheriff and the express delivery company. But it was too late.

You have to know this lady. At 92 she still volunteers and visits the old age home. She bakes delicious goodies for all of us. She does work at local food pantry. At an age when she could sit back and have others wait on her she still gives of herself. And yet, not being wise to the evil in this world and wanting to help one of her children she was scammed and her trust in this world violated.

Now steps have been taken that this can't happen again and the initial shock is wearing off. I can't tell you how much I wished I could have intercepted that delivery of the money to the criminal who was waiting for it. I am not sure what would have happened. I was as angry as a wild boar protecting their young.

So as I prayed about this I saw a silver lining. Mother had also paid extra to have this delivered early. She sent it via a package and did not deliver it herself and then be placed in a position of personal danger. The package was delivered long before her vigilante son in law could do anything about it, thus maybe saving my bacon or the criminal. I was saved from my own ego and anger.

Romans 12:19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay" says the Lord.

While praying God spoke to me and reminded me that we are not to repay evil with evil, and that He has this situation. I was once again reminded just how much she loves this family and how far she will go to sacrifice for us.

Friends, protect your older family members and help them to be wise to this evil world. Protect the younger ones from thinking they know everything. It is evil out there and this could have been avoided.

God bless your day.
