Monday, September 30, 2019

When God Paints A Picture 9/30/2019

Good Morning,

Fog and dreariness seem to have a hold on our part of the world today. I am cutting the fog in my head with a cup of Door County Caramel Latte Coffee.

Today I was led to talk about opening your spiritual eyes to what God does around you. If you have been blessed with sight and good vision you are able to see the Great Painter at work.

Psalm 139:7-10  7. Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
8. If I ascend to heaven you are there. If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. 9.If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the see, 10. even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will hold me.

Each time you see something from where you are positioned only you see it from that view. If there is a person next to you they see it from about one foot differently right or left of you. Our Father In Heaven, knows exactly what you saw and at what moment. He painted the canvas of that moment just for you.

So for instance I like to see the sun rise and then set later in the day. God knows where I will be and just how it will look for only me. What you might see is different from what I see. It might be equally beautiful, but from my vantage point only I saw what He painted.

It could be the moment you saw your first and only child come into the world. It could be the gift of a grand baby and grandma embracing him or her. It might be the gift of seeing that puppy finally flush and retrieve his first bird.

We were supposed to get away with two other couples this coming weekend and see the Fall colors in Door County Wisconsin. Circumstances will keep us from joining our dear friends. I can only imagine what they will see when the venture North and take in God's brush strokes of Fall.  He will paint a glorious picture for them to see and each one of them will know that they are special and He created a scene that even a photo will not do justice to.

Friends, you might be in the scenes of life that are not all that beautiful right now. War, loss of a loved one, lack of a job, a home split with fighting and arguing, or health that is failing. I ask you this. Open your spiritual eyes and watch for something of beauty God wants you to see and you will be the only one who sees it from where you are standing or sitting.  In the midst of war God may have one flower blooming on the battle field and it is telling you He is there. You might be sitting at a funeral and you see someone come through the door, someone you haven't seen in a long time. It is someone you love. Capture that moment. God painted it for you. He is there. There might not be a job today, but the puppy at your feet is glad you are home. He is there. In a home full of strife, just maybe God will plant one kind word or a hummingbird at your window or geese flying in formation for you. He is there. It might be that as your health has failed or is holding you up from doing the things you desire, you see a rabbit munching on grass outside and he is at peace just eating. He is there.

Rene and I will take a short drive on Friday and go North of our home just to see the colors  of fall before the winter art work of God takes over.  We can't be where we wanted to be but we can and will see what God will paint for us to see. He will be there.

Friends, open your eyes and see what God shows you today. Take a picture of it if at all possible. He painted it just for you an no one else.


Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Chicken Soup Kind Of Day With A Recipe 9/29/2019

Good Morning,

I started this day a few hours ago and it was raining very hard for my wake up duties to get our two dogs outside for their morning business. I was grateful for the hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee that was waiting for me inside.

Jeremiah 29:13 If you will seek me with all your heart you will find Me.

I decided a couple hours ago that it was going to be a chicken soup day and I can honestly say that there is a crock pot full simmering in the kitchen. When I went out earlier with our dogs Leo and Gibbs I too returned inside wet and cold. The soup will be comfort food for us today.

There are times when you just have to give in and rest a spell, feeding your soul and your body with good things like soup. Rene and I both appreciate the simplicity of the soup pot and how something so easy can be so good. We will add some crackers to the soup later and drop some lemon slices into our water glasses.

Today I will keep up in my Bible study and stir the soup a little now and then. Life is not stopping today but for me there will be no work outside on the monsoon type of day. Sometimes you just have to slow down, and spend more time with our Creator. He promises that if we seek Him He will be there. So as good as the soup will be for our bodies, extra time with God will rejuvenate the soul.

So if a rainy day or a case of the blues has slowed you down today. Take my recipe for success and put it into practice.

God bless,


Crock Pot Soup

1 1/2 lb. 
boneless skinless chicken breasts

large onion, chopped

carrots, peeled and sliced into coins

stalks celery, sliced
4 tsp. 
sprigs fresh thyme
4 tsp. 
sprigs fresh rosemary 

cloves garlic, minced

bay leaf

Kosher salt

Freshly ground black pepper
10 c. 
low-sodium chicken broth
8 oz. 
egg noodles

  1. In a slow cooker, combine chicken, onion, carrots, celery, thyme, rosemary, garlic, and bay leaf and season generously with salt and pepper. Pour in broth. 
  2. Cover and cook on low, 6 to 8 hours. Remove chicken from slow cooker and shred with two forks. Discard herbs and bay leaf. Return chicken to slow cooker and add egg noodles. 
  3. Cook on low, covered, until al dente, 20 to 30 minutes.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sitting This One Out 9/28/2019

Good Morning,

A hot dish of oatmeal will be on my breakfast menu and to wash it down a hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee will be called on for that duty. I see the wind  blowing pretty hard today as I sit in our den. It can blow those falling leaves right away as far as I am concerned. The picture below is one taken by my nephew on a cold day a few years ago. I am setting out duck decoys for us and it is hard to tell but there is a thing layer of ice that I am wading through. That was a morning to remember. 

Today is the opening day of duck hunting season in Wisconsin. I have taken part in many of the openers for a lot of years. Opening day usually brings out two kinds of hunters. Both are dedicated to their sport. One is wise and the other is not.

One is the dedicated experienced hunter that isn't going to miss this day for anything. They are safe, considerate of others, own a trained dog, and are very very unlikely to wound a duck and not get it retrieved. They make sure the shot they are going to take is close enough and within the kill zone for a productive shot and a retrieve. They know it is a long season and there isn't any reason to shoot at something too far away and possibly hit the duck and then not be able to retrieve it.
They were out there early enough to set up and if they have to show up late they stay home. This is just ethical hunting. They do not disturb the guys who were out there on time. They know their shooting vectors and don't shoot just to be shooting. They can call ducks and know when to call and when not to call. The second kind of hunter I will describe drives these  experienced guys crazy.

Number two is also dedicated but can easily wear the title of "Idiot". They show up late and talk way too loud. They shoot at anything that is flying and often will use up boxes of ammunition wasting time and money. If they do hit a duck it is often crippled  and doesn't get  retrieved by their dog that hasn't seen a duck or a swamp yet. They blow their duck calls at anything that is within eyesight and tend to blow until their lips are chapped and bleeding. They usually make sounds that scare the ducks  away instead of attracting them. They don't pick up after themselves and can also wear the title of "Litter Bug".  They also tend to rain down pellets on other hunters as they shoot at ducks way out of reach.

My point is this. Today I am sitting out the opener and I would like to think that I fall into category number one. I have had way too many experiences with the "Sky Busters" on opening day. Most of those guys die out three weeks into the season to hunt other things. The category one hunters will duck hunt until the last day of the season wearing frozen waders, snot dripping from their noses, fighting the snow and sleet to do it right on last time and to have some duck for dinner. And to admit it and be truthful it's not always the duck dinner that is important. They are out there with their buddies, fighting the elements and enjoying the company of their dogs.

My health has been a little sketchy these days and my patience for the "Village Idiots" is short to say the least. So as I thought it through sitting one out seemed to be best for me. I intend to try it tomorrow when there will be less hunters out there, many who will be sleeping off an alcohol induced coma. Here is what I have to say about hunting or doing anything and it comes straight from the Bible.

1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

Proverbs 14:7  Leave the presence of a fool. For there you do not witness knowledge.


Friday, September 27, 2019

A Day That Lasted Forever 9/27/2019

Good Morning,

I would love to be sharing a cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee with all of you today. I could see us munching on some freshly baked rolls lightly buttered and with honey dripping from the sides. I dream a lot and someday I believe it will be in heaven where I sit and eat breakfast with many of you and people I miss so much. But time to stop dreaming and time for writing.

On this date in 1986 it was rainy, very warm and humid. It seems like that day was just last year instead of 33 years ago. When Rene and I are asked how long we have been married we both reply "1000 years".  It seems like just yesterday our calendar was booked with church, school, softball, football, volleyball, bowling and hunting. We were very active with sports individually and together. Now just the thought of going out on a football field and getting hit makes me cringe and break into a cold sweat. We just watch football now and attend more baseball games when they have a Senior Citizen discount.

On 9/27/1986 we both agreed to share our lives together. We made sure that our vows clearly stated that each one of us was OK alone, but we chose to take our individual lives and make them one. We made a decision to share our lives together. It was the most unselfish choice we ever made. We did not know the future at all. No promises of prosperity or perfect health were written and guaranteed on that day. And to be honest there have been sometimes when things looked very bad, It was during those times, being alone did not seem like it would have been the best choice. The strength of two was better than one, We never have doubted our faith and we know that as two, we are strong, but the third cord in the marriage is God and a cord of three strands is stronger.

Ecclesiastes 4:11-12  11.If two lie down together they will be warm. How can one be warm alone?
12. Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a cord of three cannot be easing broken. 

Ruth 1:16-17 Entreat me not to leave thee and return from following thee. For wither thou goest I will go; and where thou lodge, I will lodge; Thy people shall be my people and thy God shall be my God. Where thou will die, I will die, and there will I be buried: The Lord do so to me and more if anything but death part thee and me. 

Ecclesiastes 4:11-12 were part of  our wedding ceremony and Ruth 1:16-17 were our vows. So today if you ask me how long we have been married I will reply "1000 years and working on the next 1000." I am grateful for life and more grateful because of the partner who decided to share hers with me.


Thursday, September 26, 2019

With The Radio On 9/26/2019

Good Morning,

The sun is up and I am running a little late in writing to you today. I just poured a large mug full of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and now we can get down to business.

My wife Rene and I do own three televisions and they do get used. I will confess that I do spend a little time watching them but not as much as I listen to the radio. I have some soft music playing right now. Prior to that the news was being broadcast. I have the radio turned on not to provide background noise but to entertain, and teach. Earlier I was listening to my favorite preachers give a 15 minute inspirational message. I don't feel chained to the radio and I can listen and work on a project at the same time. Many times when I am cooking in the kitchen I have the radio tuned in to a favorite station catching some discussions on faith or politics.

It is not all that often that I sit down to watch a baseball game or a football game. I prefer listening to the radio announcers. The listening I do allows me to use my imagination and my mind takes me to the ball park with peanuts, popcorn or Cracker Jacks. I can vividly see the runners cutting left and right while moving ahead on the football field. This is good for athletic events and morning bible times but what is missing is the interaction with people. There aren't any hot dogs or Cracker Jacks in my garage nor the vendors to sell them. Some of those people are entertaining in their own way.

In today's world we are seeing more and more pod casts and radio church programs than ever before. This is awesome for those who are totally shut in and dependent upon electronics for their church services. A church can also have "longer arms" to reach people for the Lord.using media. But for those who are not shut in, the church of pajamas and bathrobes should not be the norm. The church is not just a building. The church is the people inside of the building. It is a community of believers gathering together to worship, pray, teach, learn and serve God, as well as others. I know of a fella who has a large media presence and is called to do so. The actual physical attendance is very small. He is an excellent preacher and  one very nice man. His family are top notch people. So those listening to the media service never really meet this family and are out of fellowship with some really great folks. They are fed but do not enjoy the community of others. I attended in person and felt right at home being there and could feel the love they give in the name of Jesus. I also listen to his broadcast on Monday but it is so much better to be in the presence of other believers dining on the Word.

I do ninety percent of the preaching at our church's Saturday evening service. We have a small but steady flock of people who attend. We are a lot like a large family. We assist one another when there is a need and we enjoy the company of those who attend. We do pray, worship, learn, teach and serve together.

It is Biblical for us to gather together. Two are better than one and fifty are better than two. We can accomplish much more when assembled together.

Hebrews 10:25 Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

Matthew 18:20. Foe wherever two or more are gathered in My name, I am there with them.

Acts 2:42 And they devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles, and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer. 

To those who have a media ministry, keep going. But always encourage people to join a body of believers where their God given gifts can flourish.  They have something to share with others and that one  big thing is themselves. God made us to desire companionship and belonging.

Friends in this weeks church services the only thing that will be missing from the service is you if you stay home for a pajama and bathrobe church service. Get up. Get going. And be there for yourself and for others.

God bless,



Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Just Sharing A Cup Of Coffee 9/25/2017

Good Morning,

I just came in from being outside with our two dogs Gibbs and Leo. They were happy to be running around in some cool weather. We are looking at some hot unseasonable weather ahead in the next few days. I just poured myself a cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee and now it is time to write.

For years I would take my Thermos Bottle Of Coffee to work. Each night before bed time I would set the coffee maker to start brewing at 4:30 AM. Once the coffee was finished brewing I would pour myself a cup of the brew of the day and write this blog. I then would place the pot on the stove to heat it some more until it was almost boiling. I would pour it into  my trusty insulated bottle and take it to work. The leftover coffee was still hot at the end of the day. This was done every work day for about 40 years. And yes it was the same bottle for all those years. On weekends I would do the same even though I wasn't working. The bottle would travel with me to the garage if I was working on something in there or with me while running around town. A different bottle would goes with me when I hunt because I utilize camouflage equipment for those days.

I hardly ever drank the whole bottle myself. Nor do I drink the whole bottle while hunting. I always take extra to share with others.

One of the things I enjoyed when first arriving at work was to share a cup of coffee with my friend and administrative assistant. We would exchange good mornings and both wash our coffee mugs. Then we would pour a hot cup of coffee and set out on the duties of the day. It is the biggest thing I miss being retired now. I now only brew a half of a pot of coffee and the bottle doesn't get filled anymore, unless I am traveling a long distance.  M wife Rene dislikes any coffee. Her charge for the morning is Dr. Pepper. I can't see soda doing much for a body on a cold day. But to each there own.

Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. 

During the day if someone would come to my office I would offer them a cup of very good coffee. Some people would take me up on the offer and others didn't. It just seemed to me that having something to share made each meeting more pleasant or broke the ice on a difficult meeting.

We pride ourselves on being able to do the same thing in our home. It is only polite to offer a visitor something to drink or eat when they come for pleasure or business.  Sharing is caring and for me and  caring should always set the tone of the day. A day that starts well has the better potential to end well. So my days always start with prayer and coffee. I then look for something to share. Since coffee would be refused by my wife I made her a plate of fruit and yogurt for breakfast. I will be busy today on a boat project outside in our garage. But she will find that I made a big breakfast, enough for two and hers is in the refrigerator. She will come outside later to check on me with a hot mug of coffee for me and a Dr. Pepper in her hand. We will exchange greetings and chit chat, then we will go on about our chores or projects.

So today my friends, plan on sharing something with others and show them that at the moment, they are the most important person in the room and you are glad to see them.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Your Movie. You Made It 9/24/2019

Good Morning,

I just started sipping some Door County Maple Coffee accompanied by a cup of yogurt for breakfast. I can say that the combination is different than what I am used to , but overall it's pretty good.

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me and know my heart dear God; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24. Show me if there be any wicked ways within me. 

Let me take you to the movies today. A couple of documentaries linked together. Make some popcorn and sit back, close your eyes and imagine these two in 3D. The first one is a tragic comedy and the other is a drama that should have been over long before the intermission.

"Happiness Without Peace. Hang Me With A New Rope, But Don't Wrinkle My Shirt"
There comes a time when instead of trying to fake happiness or striving to find it. One must turn deep within and decide. Do I really want to be happy and what does happiness look like. I have found some people that if they don't have something to whine about, life just isn't normal for them. Then there are the others who selfishly are demanding, insisting on their own ways, and consciously or unconsciously work at making others miserable. Alone they are miserable and joined together they become toxic in nature. The bad days out number the good days. And at best the good days are manufactured and are ready to fall apart in the blink of an eye.

I am sure we all have encountered people like this. I use this expression, "They would complain even if you were hanging them with a new rope." And the other type of person would want the hanging to stop just to adjust the rope and start over making the person being hung more miserable.

In both instances the solution to happiness is the same. It is for people with these chronic character illnesses to embrace their blessings. It makes for an interesting movie if it is only 20 seconds long. Like a bad movie, we try to wait it out hoping for a good ending. But until the Master Writer becomes involved intimately with each character you have nothing but a disaster movie with no ending.

"If Only, I Wish, The Grass Is Greener, Why Can't I?"
I once had a young man tell me he had "nothing to show for his life". I asked him, do you have a job? He replied "Yes". I then asked him if he was stilled married to his beautiful, loving and friendly wife. He acknowledged "Yes". I asked him if he still had his healthy 6 month old son with them. He replied "Yes". I then asked him what it would take for him to be content and happy? He replied "about $150,000." I told him that I didn't have $150,000 on me at the time but within three days I would have it and I would give him the money. He wanted to know what the catch was. I told him that I already had a lovely wife and didn't need his, but we would like a son. And since his son was a
" nothing to show for his life" we would purchase his child and give him a good home.

Now friends I am not endorsing purchasing children without adoption proceedings. I basically was shaming him into counting his blessings. The sad part is that he hesitated with his answer. He eventually said " I see what you mean". According to his eyes he had nothing. To someone who wanted another child he had everything.  He just wasn't happy with his blessings and in turn made a lot of people miserable. He could not see beyond his own selfishness. Nothing was ever right or good enough to satisfy this young man.

If we sat back and recorded the words that come out of our mouths or video taped our days, how long would it be when you reviewed them, before you shut them off out of embarrassment for your behavior? Or would you sit there in this Oscar Award Winning production and add subtitles explaining your behavior and speech, justifying your actions and blaming others.

So at the end of today, sit back and ask God to give you a replay of your days speech and actions. You do not get to edit anything. Let God show you what He witnessed through His eyes. See if the tape of today ends up cut up and tossed away. Or is it one you want to watch over again? Look only at yourself not the supporting actors in your production and grade yourself. God is your biggest critic and yet your biggest fan. In His critique He only wished to make you a better person in the play  of life.


Monday, September 23, 2019

In The Still Of The Morning 9/23/2019

Good Morning,

I am truly enjoying a cup of Door County Maple Coffee this morning. I was up and out of bed quite awhile ago and I am slowly adjusting to a new day. The aroma wafting from the coffee pot and my cup filled the house with a "Good Morning Attitude."

Psalm 5:3 In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice in the morning. I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. 

Yesterday we had family over for dinner and to watch a football game. Our two dogs Leo and Gibbs became the center of attention by our nephew and his sweetie. The two dogs played all afternoon together as well as all of us playing with them. Later last night it was easy to see that both dogs were close to being zombies from all of the attention and play. They were so tired that the puppy just wanted to sleep. He has found his comfort spot to be under my desk. We couldn't find him for a short time and he wasn't responding to us calling him. We found him sound asleep under the desk and tucked in behind the chair. Our older dog was comatose and was found on his bed snoring in contentment.

It wasn't too long after I completed my Bible study time that I found myself nodding off in the chair and it wasn't too long before I decided to follow the example of the dogs and go to bed and call it a day. Rene was right behind me within minutes. It was a good night of rest.

So this morning I find myself with two dogs still a little lethargic from yesterday and a wife who is still sound asleep. I have some quiet time to write today and plenty of time for prayer and listening to God.  Soon the house will be totally awake and the quiet will be gone and the hustle of a new week will begin. But as I pray I find myself among my contented and happy house partners, most thankful for yesterday. Everyone had a nice time and the next family meal is already planned as well as the one for November. In the still of this morning I find myself reveling in yesterday and I thank God for every minute of it. I am enjoying the peace and stillness so much I can't describe the feeling.

Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 

This day my friends is a gift from God. Cherish it and make the best out of it. If at all possible live at peace with others and allow yourself to become a blessing to someone. You are important to others and you make a difference. Have a great day.


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Early Morning Thoughts On The Family Dinner 9/22/2019

Good Morning,

My mug was just filled once more with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee and it is time to write.

Sunday showed up right on time and it has delivered to us so far a rainy foggy morning. The forecast is for more heavy rains later today. We have a "Family Dinner" planned with the remnants of those of us who still live here. We will be joined by my brother, a nephew and his sweetie today for what we hope to will become a monthly dinner. It will of course be expanded to whoever else might be in our area as they visit now and then. I am looking ahead to November when another nephew will be visiting so we can enlarge the family at the table for one weekend. This might be the best idea my brother has had in a long time.

We couldn't do this while our parents were alive, due to the distance and the many unforgiving schedules that we all had. Even Christmas was difficult to get everyone together. So what other families consider as normal to gather weekly or monthly just never happened. We are going to give it a good try and see how it works out now.

We will keep it simple today. Our theme is football and the Green Bay Packers game at noon. The dinner will be more of a tail gate atmosphere with grilled Italian Sausages and picnic type salads. We are hosting the get together. Next month it moves to my brothers home and some day I hope to take it on the road and get together in another state with relatives that can't be here. That might be a lofty goal but might be attainable.

Why am I writing this today? It is to remind us all to "Get Together" while we can. The dynamics of a family can change in a heart beat. Then the "wish we would have, we should have and the could haves" rain down on us like a storm that just won't leave. We add to our  "Life Pile" of regrets.

I was speaking with a man last week who doesn't get together with friends or family anymore. He said they had a falling out over what I saw as a minor issue and no one seems to want to get over it.

Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers, I do not count myself to have attained, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14. I press towards the goal to the prize of the calling of God in Christ Jesus.

My advice to all of us is for things said or done in the past is that we all learn to move on. In some instances the one who offended others has to forgive his or herself  and move beyond a mistake. Others need to be willing to forgive the offender and move on. Grudges are too heavy to carry and only cause harm.

Today we will eat well and probably have a few laughs. I know I will be looking around the table and I will be missing those who can't be here this time and those who will never dine with us again. I will have plenty of "should have, could have and only if we would have" thoughts. But I can't let them rule the day, because today is here and tomorrow is never guaranteed.

So make the most of your day and be a blessing to someone.


Saturday, September 21, 2019

Putting Away The Patio Furniture 9/21/2019

Good Morning,

Saturday it is and that's fine with me. This first week of retirement has me wishing I was still working. It hasn't been what it is cracked up to be just yet. I just filled my Thermos bottle with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee, prayed and not it is time to write. I will be hunting somewhere today!

Yesterday I took full advantage of the great weather to split the last of the firewood for next year, and then started to clean the garage. Cleaning the garage lent itself to hauling in the patio furniture and putting it away until next spring. In other words, as nice as it was outside I know for sure that it won't be long until raking leaves will be the chore of the day. Turning over the soil in the vegetable garden will be a task that comes in mid October.

What I am trying to say is that the nice weather now, however enjoyable that it is, will change and I should not be lulled into weather complacency. It is easy to be complacent and procrastinate when I know better. It is easier to start the snow blower in the first week of November than it is in the first snow storm of December. You have a few weeks to get it running if it doesn't start on the first attempt. Too many people wait until the night of a snow storm to start their snow blower. It is easy to tell who they are. They are super tired and sore the next day from shoveling and walk like they fought ten rounds with a huge gorilla.

James 4:17 For those who know to do right and do not do it. To them it is a sin.

So my friends, when we live in an area prone to hurricanes, isn't it best to have a case of water and extra food on hand as  well as a flash light and  some extra batteries? If you live in an area prone to power outages, candles, battery operated lights and a small generator make sense. Don't forget a couple gallons of gasoline for the generator. If you live in an area prone to tornadoes a root cellar makes sense. If you live where it gets super cold, extra firewood and blankets make a whole lot of sense. It might be nice to own a couple snow shovels and have some salt on hand to dissolve the ice on the sidewalks.

You create more work and stress when you try to make due or run around for supplies at the last minute, just before the inevitable hits. Friends I hate to say this but not using the wisdom God give us (common sense) is foolish and I believe it is a sin.

God gave us a brain and experiences to help us "know better"

Have a great day,


Friday, September 20, 2019

Waste Not Want Not 9/20/2019

Good Morning,

Friday began without me today and it seems like I am already playing catch up. My coffee choice is Door County Peanut Butter Crunch and it is extra hot, just the way I like it.

Yesterday Rene and I went to a Major League Baseball game to watch the local team pursue a run at the playoffs. Hopefully they will make it. It was a chore for me to be there yesterday as I haven't been feeling too well the last couple of weeks. But I made it through the game. I was glad I went. It was the last of the tickets we purchased for the season. It was a great day to be in the ball park.

There was a crowd of over 30,000 fans so it was easy to people watch and yet enjoy the game. It was an exciting game with ups and downs but fortunately more ups than downs for the home team and they came away with a win.

But while watching the game I noticed a man with three young girls come into the stadium and sit next to us. I am guessing at the ages of the girls and I think it is safe to say they ranged in age from ten to 14 years old. Two may have been twins. They were well behaved and went unnoticed until Dad decided to purchase some food for them. They left their seats and all went to a concession stand for some grub. When they returned the 3 girls were all carrying enough food for 6 girls to say the least. I am pretty quick at math and it didn't take me very long to add up the expense of their food. I might have missed an item or two but I quickly assessed their eating at $110. Stadium food is not cheap, but believe me they had more than they needed.

They went about eating and I noticed within 15 minutes they were finished and had set the rest of their food down to be thrown out. I gave it a quick look and would say if half of it were eaten it would be a generous tribute. I have to say less than half was gone.

Now the business of feeding the kids was the Dad's business. But I could not help but compare my last time grocery shopping to what they spent on food. My last trip to the store purchased two weeks of groceries for $115.

My grandparents went through the Great Depression and World War Two. They were used to making ends meet and stretching what they had beyond stretch limits. I still make a soup that my Grandmother called a "Depression Special" made from tomato sauce and garlic. They grew their own vegetables and berries and ate a  lot of venison, rabbit and fish. Nothing was wasted. My Grandfather loved to fish, Bait was expensive so he picked his own night crawlers and trapped his own minnows. These practices were still in play when I came into the world. They were practiced right up until they passed away.

What I saw yesterday was a little appalling. Rene and I treated ourselves to a box of popcorn and two soft drinks while at the game. We then went home to a roast beef dinner, with potatoes and carrots and a slice of apple pie. This was all made and eaten for around ten dollars. The bonus was that we ate in a quiet setting where we talked about the game and our plans for today.

We saved the left overs for lunch today and nothing was wasted,  Now I have no idea why "Dad" allowed all the waste to happen ,but it sure didn't teach the girls the value of a dollar, sharing, or not to waste. I actually felt bad for them. Hopefully they will never know several days strung together with hunger pains or the one meal you eat is the only one of the day. My mission trips have taken me to impoverished countries. I can guarantee that the food wasted yesterday wouldn't have gone to waste in some of the places I have been to.

We owe it to ourselves, children, and grandchildren to practice not wasting food or other supplies. My Grandmother would have scolded us for the actions I saw yesterday. The kids were taught to satisfy their wants immediately, over spend and waste. It makes me wonder what their credit cards will look like in about ten years. We have to teach being frugal and to practice common sense now to avoid calamity in their lives later.

Jesus performed the miracle of feeding thousand by multiplying loaves of bread and fish. We need to treat all food as miracles and not waste it. Jesus didn't waste food

When they all had enough to eat, Jesus said to His disciples, "Gather all the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted."

Enough said. Are you wasting things today? What did you teach the kids today? Was their plate half full from breakfast and then tossed into the trash?

I hope not.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Finding The Right Fit 9/10/2019

Good Morning,

Door County Caramel Apple Coffee just splashed into my mug. My thoughts are with some relatives of ours. One of my cousins passed away and I could not attend the funeral yesterday. Health reasons had me grounded and driving would have been quite difficult and best to not try a 5 hour drive for a few days. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.

I have purchased a few hats in my lifetime. Not only should a hat be one that you like, but it should fit just perfectly. A hat that is too tight just plain causes irritation. One that fits too loosely can cause issues with your sight and can easily blow off in the wind.

It's the same way with jobs. spouses, houses or cars. We always need to find the right fit for us. Now when I look to purchase a car I do some research on the cars or trucks I might desire. Then I go and test drive some until I find one that I can afford and is a good fit for my purposes. I do like to talk to a few mechanics and get their opinions. I consult the experts.

Proverbs 1:23 I will pour out my Spirit to you. I will make My words known unto you.

Why is it that most people rely on their good judgement instead of God's when they look for a spouse? What would be wrong with asking God to lead you to a spouse and let you know when you have the right one?  After all He is the expert on love. The time we spent in prayer to find the right person will probably be less than the time it takes to divorce the wrong choice. We need to invest time in prayer for our children's eventual spouses when they are very young. This can start immediately after their birth. It is never too early to ask God to provide a Godly spouse for our kids or grand children. As much as a bad hat is a pain, the wrong spouse can be worse. If we set our sights on a fellow believer and a Godly person the right fit is over half way there. That should be our first prayer and a definite requirement in our prayers.

Food for thought?


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Burning Off The Fog 9/18/2019

Good Morning,

I just came back inside from running our two dogs around in the yard. At 5;30 Am they were both full of energy and quite eager to do a little field training. So I took advantage of their cooperation and worked on a few fundamentals of retrieving. This cup of Door County Silver Reserve Coffee next to me is much overdue.

This morning is very much like the last three mornings. The fog is as thick as pea soup and it has made the grass and leaves wet with what I like to call it fog poop. A walk in the grass without rubber boots it just like a foot bath,  Within a few minutes your feet are cold and wet.

This fog is the result of record rain amounts.  The sun comes  out and warms up the days. Then after sunset the cool nights come in and hocus pocus we have fog of epic proportions. All of the excess moisture in the ground comes out as fog. It is a little creepy at night to say the least.

As I sit and look out of our second story window and face East I see the sun coming up and it is burning off of the fog. I believe that within an hour or so things will start to dry out. 

So today my point is this. Every now and then we are flooded with emotions or problems that seem to blanket us like a heavy fog. It chills us to the bone and our moods reflect the the issues of life. But like the sun our Savior is there to brighten our day and walk us through our troubles. When we are in His presence, it is like a ray of sunshine knowing He walks and talks with us and carries us through the foggy days. He is there and His presence can warm our souls and soothe our worries.

Now for me, if I want to watch the sun burn off the fog I have to get up from my bed and spend the time to see it happen. With God we also have to take the time to walk, talk with Him. We need to listen. He is available 24/7 but we need to call on Him. He doesn't break down the door and go where He is not wanted. He is a gracious God who waits for us to make the call.

Proverbs 12:25    Anxiety in a mans heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

1 Peter 5:7   Cast all your anxiety upon Him for He cares for you.

Philippians 4:6-7   Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

So today if the fog of life has you beat down and and soggy with grief, call out to God. He will walk you through the fog and bring you out on the other side of it.

Have a great day and better tomorrows.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Making Adjustments And A Recipe 9/17/2019

Good Morning,

My day began by going outside in the fog to let our two dogs out. I usually stay with them due to the coyotes that roam the neighborhoods. My tee shirt and shorts didn't do too much for my comfort this morning. So more than normal I am enjoying my cup of Door County Vanilla Cappuccino Coffee. I did tire both dogs out so it is pretty peaceful right now.

Life is filled with changes and to coin a phrase from a Clint Eastwood our goal should be to "overcome and adapt" to the changes. Rene and I put in some long hours at work over the years  and we always appreciated a hot dinner when coming home. With our personal schedules and work hours we had to avoid making dinner a huge process. So we learned how to use a timer and a crock pot to save time, and yet provide nutritious meals for us.

1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God?

We would decide what would be on the menu a week in advance. We purchase the  dry goods and freeze or refrigerate the meat. If anything fresh was needed like vegetables one of us stopped on the way home from work and quickly picked it up. On Sunday night we started cooking two meals, one for our Sunday dinner and one for Monday's dinner.  We doubled the recipe so as to have leftovers for lunch on Monday.  Once we were home on Monday we would reheat our dinner made the night before and pack the leftovers for Tuesday's lunches. Once that was complete, Rene would start the clean up and I would start a crock pot dinner for Tuesday. Now we did eat a lot of soups and stews until I purchased a "Crock Pot Cook Book".  I even made lasagna in the crock pot.

I work at growing our own tomatoes and I make pasta sauce out of them and freeze it. So we don't need to use a processed pasta sauce. We eat healthy and very well.  It took time to get into this routine and now and then we would make salads to take to work. This was all done as a team and since we both like meat in our salads the leftover meat from dinner was tossed into the salads for our lunches the next day.

Back to the crock pot usage. We set the timer and went to bed. The first one up and out of bed put the finished dinner masterpiece into the refrigerator  to be eaten in the evening.  It was a simple plan yet very effective and it took teamwork. We reserved getting fancy or elaborate with our meals for the weekends.

We learned to be grateful for what was on the table. We always pray together before eating. Not only do we asked God to bless our food and thank Him for it. we lift up prayers for others. This is a must  for us.

We did vary our diets now and then by eating breakfast stuff for dinner. For instance pancakes, eggs and sausages would be our Friday meal. Leftover pancakes aren't very good so we would plan it for an evening when neither of us had to work the next day. If one did have to work (Rene) we did keep a small amount of sandwich materials available and that next day a sandwich, some fruit and a few carrot sticks would be the menu and it was packed the night before. Usually I did the sandwich making for both of us. Rene worked a regular schedule of weekends and I worked one now and then.

Now to the point. We are to take care of ourselves. This includes eating and reducing stress. Meals are meant to be enjoyed, not stressed over. Leave the stress at work and come home to a nice hot dinner in your residence and relax for awhile. The meals need to be planned out and the schedule stuck to. It worked for us and it can work for you. Do your meal times glorify God? They should.


Crock Pot Roast

One,  two to three pound beef chuck roast.

Three to four large potatoes peeled and cut in half

Six large carrots peeled.

One medium size onion, peeled and cut in half.

Six washed stalks of celery cot in half .

Meat tenderizer, salt, and pepper

Garlic powder.

Two Bay Leaves 

Sprinkle the roast with tenderizer, salt and pepper. Lay the Bay Leaves on top of the roast. Place it in the crock pot on high for an hour.

Just before going to bed place the vegetables in the crock pot. Season with garlic powder and pepper.  I slice the onion in half.  It can be left whole.

Depending on how long you sleep the crock pot can be set on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 4-5 hours. This takes a time or two to figure out your own crock pot. We have a few and each one is a little different.  

The whole meal is in one pan. This usually takes me 15-20 minutes to prepare. 

Adjust to a busy life by beating the stress and eating well. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

Watching A Football Game 9/16/2019

Good Morning.

Door County Caramel Pecan Scones Coffee is steaming in the cup next to me and both dogs are sleeping. The sun is trying to rise and shine through s dreary, and foggy day. Yesterday, as usual I had a bunch of little projects to do and after my Bible study was completed and my prayer time finished. I tackled them one by one. This included mowing the lawn and spending time with beginners training for Leo the new puppy.

I came inside the house for a cool drink and had just set up my miter saw to cut some oak wood trim that I wanted to add to the house for a long time. My wife Rene had just turned on the Green Bay Packer NFL football game. She asked if I wanted to watch the football game with her and I almost said "no thanks" but decided to sit for a spell and and watch some of it with her. In the beginning of the game things were going pretty well for the Packers and I watched Rene cheering and her mood was very joyful. I would say she was ecstatic with her pleasure in seeing the Packers tromp the Minnesota Vikings. So I stuck around for the second half of the game and things turned sour for Green Bay and they couldn't seem to solve the issues that the Minnesota defense was throwing at the Green Bay offense. As a matter of fact the score started to show Minnesota catching up and the "game was on". It ended up being a close game and the Packer defense saved the day.  But let me tell you this during that second half "Little Miss Ecstatic" was anything but cheerful. She actually got up from her chair and started cleaning the house saying "I am done watching this stuff". I tried not to laugh but it was hard to hold back. She had invited me to watch the game with her but then left me sitting there while the Packers were stumbling along.  I continued to watch the game and a few stellar defensive plays won the game for Green Bay. I went into the basement where Rene was folding clothes and announced that they had won the game. Here is what I heard. "Really? Are you kidding me"? I told her about the the defensive plays  and said it was a great job on defense and I left. She missed the best part of the game. The win!

2 Timothy 1:7 " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

Here is my point. Life gives us good days and bad days. It is just a fact. I have watched people serve our Lord and be exuberant in doing so. But something happens that sends them into a tailspin and they stop serving, attending church and for some I see them get angry with God. There are a few who I have never seen again because they feel God did not perform to the way they wanted or expected.

This is a tragedy. Instead of growing closer during the trials of life and watching God lead them through, they abandon ship, change the channel, or  go fold laundry. They forget that If God brings us to it, He will lead us through it. They choose to leave the field of life and battle it out on their own.  Even though the Green Bay Offense sputtered in the 2nd half of the game I saw the same offense cheering on the defense. We must never quit on God. In Isaiah 55 it is written that Our ways are not God's ways. Our thoughts are not God's thoughts. His thoughts and His ways our higher than ours.

We need to accept that God knows best and does have our best interest at heart.  If you are thinking about quitting on God today, DON'T wait on Him, cheer Him on. He is cheering for you. Hang in there and see what you can learn. Draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to you.


Sunday, September 15, 2019

It Ain't Worth A Dime 9/15/2019

Good Morning,

Sunday morning arrived quietly and I have positioned myself in our den to see the sun come up. It's a little dreary outside so the sunrise might be all that great. I hope to hunt a little this afternoon and it will be a welcomed walk for sure. I am sitting here with a large cup of Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffle Coffee and with two tired Springer Spaniels guarding me every move. They know that on Sunday they get an egg so I will not be escaping their company until those eggs are made. I wish you were all here to have coffee and breakfast with me.

In my exhaustive search for the secrets to life I have concluded that most everything isn't worth a dime unless you share it with someone. Take for instance last night, My wife Rene and I went to church where I preach almost every Saturday night. We usually go out for a bite to eat after the service. Last night was no different except that two of our dearest friends joined us or we joined them. It has been a long time since we have done that with those two. We all had a burger done four different ways and we chatted and laughed for a long time. It was a nice cap to a great day.

Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly. 

On the way home Rene said " That was so nice. It's been too long." Rene and I do a lot together and we enjoy our time together.                         
But I also have concluded that man is a relational person and we all desire companionship and a sense of family. I feel so sorry for people who go through too much of life alone and in some cases they have love the desire to be social and friendly.

It could be that a relationship or two went sour and the pain has them socially paralyzed and unwilling to take the chance on  being with others.

There are others who sit back and wish they were part of  social setting and wait on an invitation that doesn't come. I put the ownership of that on the one sitting it out. You have to put yourself out there and participate in what you can and let people get to know the real you.

In October after church my good buddy has planned a Fall Harvest Pot Luck Dinner for our Saturday Night Church Family . He leaves the preaching to me, but will remind me that it is time for fellowship. He makes it simple and includes all.  He is my social conscience and reminder of what people need now and then,

I have our two dishes planned. One will be a big pot of vegetable beef soup and the other will be a goose and potato baked dish. What good is all that goose meat in the freezer if you don't share it with others. I know one fella who is very anxious to try eating goose.

My point is this. Share your life with others. It isn't worth a dime without you sharing yours and participating in others.

Have a blessed day!


Saturday, September 14, 2019

Coming Home To A Smile And Two Wagging Tails 9/14/2019

Good Morning,

I just filled a Thermos Bottle with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee and I will be headed out very soon to hunt geese not too far from our home. I will be with good friends and some great dogs. We will see the sunrise and meet with our Creator. Another hunting season is in full swing.

Yesterday I walked out of the medical center for the last time. I retired from the health care arena after 36 years. The last two days have been a whirlwind of finishing up on some details at work and saying the many goodbyes that needed to be said.

Ecclesiastes 3:9-13 
9.What do workers gain from their toil? 10. I have seen the burden God has placed upon the human race. 11. He has made everything beautiful in it's own time. He also has set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to the end. 12. I know there is nothing better than for people to be happy and do good while they live. 13. That each of them may eat and drink and find satisfaction in their toil. For this is a gift from God

Retiring is a part of life and I am sure that I will be looking for something else to do. I was ready to retire from health care. I will continue to work at something for a few more years, but it will be something different. Not sure what that will be yet.

So after saying goodbye and dispensing a few tears. (Let it be known that real men don't cry. They have hay fever attacks and I am sure the high pollen count can be blamed for my watery eyes,) I walked out of the hospital headed to a new adventure. An adventure that I have never been on before. Of course there is doubt and a little fear of the unknown. It was hard to leave my coworkers who are more like family than co-workers.

The drive home was quite subdued and if you really want to get depressed do what I did. Turn on the Old Time Country Music.  One guy had his wife leave him. One lady had her husband leave her and the kids. ( I wonder if this was the same couple). One guy drank too much and his wife hired a wino to decorate their home. Old Shep passed away and Lefty turned Poncho in to the Feds.  By the time I got home I saw no hope for the day.

But!!! When I opened the door I was greeted with a smile and two wagging tails. My wife Rene greeted me with our two hunting dogs Gibbs and Leo. All four of us sat in the kitchen as i explained my day. I expressed to Rene how difficult it was to say goodbye and she understood. She handed me a stiff drink of my favorite Kool -Aid. I started to read the cards given to me and I couldn't do it. I wondered who the person was whom the people were saying such nice things about. I just couldn't read them. Rene took the cards and started reading them to me. That's when a bad bout with hay fever hit me again and I am convinced it is contagious because her eyes started to leak also.

The statements were wonderfully written and I appreciated every one. The point I am making is this. Many years ago we promised to each other for better or worse. We celebrated and mourned all at once. But I was blessed to be able to do my celebrating and grieving with someone who loves me and would read to me while tears rolled down her cheeks.  She didn't care that her tough guy was down and out with a hay fever attack.  The two dogs fell asleep at my feet and for a few minutes it was quiet as we drank Kool -Aid and reminisced.  I sat in our kitchen and felt safe from the fear and pain. Rene prayed for me and I went and took a two hour nap. I woke up and the world was still spinning. I did a Google Earth search and the hospital was still standing without me and I was at peace,

There is a time for everything and it was time to leave and take that nap I missed for so long.


Friday, September 13, 2019

You Can't Tame A Wild Rose 9/13/2019

Good Morning,

Friday arrived for me and the winds of change are blowing again. I poured a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and a prayer is on my lips. Prayer and Coffee are the prefect combination for my mood today.

Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering to the Father.

Not long ago I was shopping for a couple roses for my wife. The florist had some beautiful long stem red roses for sale. I purchased a couple  and admired their beauty. They were well groomed and I believe they were raised on a flower farm in excellent conditions. While driving home I recalled the wild yellow roses that used to adorn our yard at our first home. You could trim them down and they would come back stronger. They would grow under and over fences and reach into our neighbors yard. They had some thorns, the stems weren't long and the flowers weren't sleek like expensive roses. When they bloomed they turned the back yard into a yellow fence.

Here is my point. No matter what we did we couldn't groom or tame these wild roses. Now these roses weren't desired by flower shops yet they held a kind of beauty that could only be theirs. Once you got past the fact that they didn't have a great rose pedigree you could appreciate the beauty they brought into the world, their way, and their style. What they added was color, fragrance and a natural barrier.  There was no changing them into something they could never be. You had to accept them for what they were and place value on their gift to the world.

Not everyone meets up to the many standards we aspire to as a world. We can't look beyond the "pedigree and accomplishments" to see the beauty they bring to the table. We tend to want to change people to conform to our ideas on what they should be or do. You can't tame a wild rose nor should you want to. You can't change most people and you shouldn't even try. Look at them through God's eyes and see why He loves them as much as He loves everyone else. Just the way they are.

Food for thought,


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Just A Closer Walk With Thee 9/12/2019

Good Morning,

I just poured myself a large cup of Door County Raspberry Almond Coffee and I truly appreciate it today. It was a long night of noisy storms and rain. Sleep just seemed to escape my grasp while God illuminated the sky with high voltage displays of power.

Yesterday morning while on the way to work I felt the need to listen to some old time Gospel music It was just what I needed as I made the drive from our home to the medical center for work. An old tune started to play on the radio and it just warmed me through to my soul. I hadn't listened to that one in many years. Just a closer walk with thee was playing and I started to sing along. It was at that moment that I knew my song was my prayer. A closer walk with God is what I have been seeking for my restless soul. I have been asking what God might have me do in the next stretch of my life and He has been pretty quiet. It sank in that right now He just wants me to draw closer to Him and wait for Him to show me the way. I need to be patient and faithful.

Just A Closer Walk With Thee

  1. I am weak, but Thou art strong;
    Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
    I’ll be satisfied as long
    As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.
    • Refrain:
      Just a closer walk with Thee,
      Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
      Daily walking close to Thee,
      Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.
  2. Through this world of toil and snares,
    If I falter, Lord, who cares?
    Who with me my burden shares?
    None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.
  3. When my feeble life is o’er,
    Time for me will be no more;
    Guide me gently, safely o’er
    To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore.

I went into a tough day at work with this song stuck in my head and as the day pestered me like fleas I could stay grateful for those wonderful minutes spent praying to God in song. I approached the throne of God in song and He answered with peace. I was led to look up a verse about stepping toward God. I found more peace in this verse.
James 4:8 Draw Close unto God and He will draw close to you.

Let be Dear Lord, let it be.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A Love Letter To You 9/11/2019

Good Morning,

I am embracing this day with prayer and a large cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. What a good way to start a day.

The September 11 attacks (also referred to as 9/11) were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11,2001.

I remember where I was that fateful day when the attacks came. I was at work in the medical center and it seemed as if the world stopped as we watched the fires from the suicide plane attacks on television. I remember praying and I can't remember what I prayed for. Was it for us to retaliate? Did I pray for those still trapped in the burning buildings? Did I pray for protection? Did I pray for the emergency workers and their safety? I don't recall what the content of my prayer was on that ugly day. But I know I prayed.

Later that night I sought God for comfort and I found myself reading Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep you under. And then I found myself reading Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

These words of reassurance were letting me know that God had this whole situation and that He would carry us through these tough times.  It dawned on me that in these passages and the fact that God was reassuring me, He was telling me how much He loved me. It made me think even harder and I have concluded that the Bible is God's love story to us.

Romans 15:4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

Friends if the world has taken a bite out of you, do as I did and run to God's Word and let Him console, encourage, and love on you. When you open your Bible and God encourages you, we find that it seems as if that portion was just written for you.  Go there and find peace and support.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

When God Speaks 9/10/2019

Good Morning,

Tuesday already showed itself this morning with a puppy named Leo causing a little ruckus with a stubborn streak. Argh. The rest of the day is hopefully better. I just poured a big cup of Door County Highlander  Grog Coffee and now it is time to concentrate.

Tonight we start our Bible Study "The Art Of Listening Prayer".  Now since we are starting to study listening to God in prayer we concede or believe that He speaks to us. Since we concede that He speaks and we should listen, then we have the inevitable crisis of faith. "How do we respond when He speaks?" Is He serious? I can't. Maybe some day! That's not meant for me! I am not ready for that!

This is a simple answer. We respond with a resounding YES to whatever it is and immediately do what was asked. We need to respond in total agreement and obedience to what He said. Why would God continue to speak if we ignore what He said to us? Jesus is the perfect example of obedience and it is written that He submitted His will to that of His Father. Sometimes God just wants to say I Love you. How do you respond?

Luke 22:42 Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will, but yours be done. 

We need to have the attitude of "Here I am, send me"!  What has God said to you lately? Have you done what He asked and demonstrated your faith by following through?

The question is simple. The answer is simply yes or no. How would God answer the question for you?

Food for thought.


Monday, September 9, 2019

One Man Band 9/9/2019

Good Morning,

Monday arrived and it came right on time. There was no slowing it down or stopping it from showing up. My day will begin with a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and some prayer. It's a great combination.

There are times for all of us when we feel like we are a one man band trying to keep the world amused, entertained, and spinning on it's axis. No one seems to be listening or willing to lend anymore than lip service advice. They see us as the complaint department for everything. My mother used to say "if you are looking for a helping hand, always look at the end of your own arm first".

I have a friend going through a rough time right now bailing out of problems that others should own. We are here to help others that is for sure, but there comes a time when you aren't helping anymore but are enabling bad choices and laziness to set in. If you solve all the problems for others they avoid going to God who not only assists with problems but leads us to examine the problem to see if we are the cause. He corrects us to right our wrong choices and avoid mistakes in the future.

Many issues or problems are self induced and at times a cry for attention. If I give you a fish, you eat fish for a day. If I teach you to fish, you dine well for life. People who repeatedly have relationship issues sooner or later have to look inside to see if their expectation of relationships is in focus with reality. These people tend to be dominating of your time with no regards for your personal life.

Lev. 25:25If a fellow countryman of yours becomes so poor he has to sell part of his property, then his nearest kinsman is to come and buy back what his relative has soldBut if he has not found sufficient means to get it back for himself, then what he has sold shall remain in the hands of its purchaser until the year of jubilee; but at the jubilee it shall revert, that he may return to his property

Friends, we are not to become a one man band, attempting to solve the problems of all those who call.  Know your limits. Consult with God in the moment before you speak with those who are looking for you to solve their problems. Ask, this. "What are you doing to solve this issue?" If their answer was just to call you. Lead them to pray even if it is an immediate need. Have them call on God to direct them and you. Bring God on the scene. A one man band is nice, but a full orchestra has more potential for success. Let God be the conductor and follow His directions. If those requesting your time won't wait on God and become more demanding on you, it is apparent that they will be needing a lot of your time. Set a solid date of limitations on how long you can help. If they don't meet the standard of the limitations and their duties to help, call off the help until they start doing their part. If they do heed your words and are making progress ask God how long He wants you to keep helping. It is always best to listen to Him even on schedules and limitations. God went to great lengths to help others in Scripture and we are also to do this. But we should always lead people in trouble to go to God as well. Do not perpetuate the problem by "over helping"

Help yes. Carry burdens yes, But teach others to succeed with your help and God's plan. And soon they will be helping others.


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Paul Bunyan's Lumberjack Meals 9/8/2019

Good Morning,

A big cup of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee was pounded down about an hour ago and I think it's time for one more. So as I write I will sip on my morning brew.

There is a dining emporium in the Wisconsin Dells named "Paul Bunyan's." It is an all you can eat style restaurant served family style in a vintage setting made to look like a dining hall in a lumberjack camp. It has been there since I was a little boy and who knows how long before I ventured into hall with my parents and my sister.

I am especially fond of their breakfast. it has everything from bacon, sausage, potatoes, pancakes, eggs and juice. They also serve freshly fried sugar doughnuts.  My mouth is watering just thinking about them. I highly recommend this memory maker of a place.

Philippians 4:8 Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, or praiseworthy, Think on these things.

This morning my brother and his oldest son came over for an early breakfast before our nephew had to catch a plane back to a job site in Florida. His brother is camping somewhere with friends in Wisconsin. So it was just the three of us. Rene woke up with me at 4 AM and went back to bed. It was way too early for her to join us. She hasn't developed her love of mornings and breakfast like I have. I made a pretty good breakfast minus the doughnuts. As we chatted I was watching the clock and it wasn't going to be too long before my brother would be taking his son to the airport. My mind wandered to a time when we took his boys to the "Dells" and Paul Bunyan's. It was a guys weekend for the four of us. The boys were pretty young at that time. I think they were about 9 and 7 years old about then. It was a weekend full of nonsense and fun. I can still see those two munching on the doughnuts and laughing about passing gas which is always a part of a "guys weekend".

My memory trip finished and a grown man was sitting at the table across from me drinking coffee. I said to myself that this life travels too fast. My brothers boys always stop in when they can or for the youngest one whenever he is in the neighborhood. I cherish those times.

My point is this, always make room at the table for the loved ones in your life to visit. Because before you know it they have too much on their schedules to stop by and the little boy has a life of his own. A life that is way too busy like everyone else. Make memories when those kids are young, The memories will warm your hearts on those cold days of the winter of your life. Sometimes you don't know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
