Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Last Day In February. A Thought For The Day

 Good Morning,

Of all things we have a light drizzle making the sidewalk wet today. Two weeks ago that would have been snow falling. The old house was cold and damp this morning. The wood crackling in the fireplace is cutting through the cold as I write. My Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee is warming my insides and it feels good.

I want to talk about our love for Jesus. It is a simple fact that we can never repay Jesus for His great love for us. How can you ever repay the love that sent Jesus to the cross for our sins? But we can tell Him about our love and thankfulness we have. That is a very plain answer but it is the truth. We can speak our love and thankfulness.  In addition we can express our love for Him in actions that show and tell Him " I love you". Mary worshipped Jesus with unsparing love. She expressed her love by the extravagance of her expensive gift to Him. She did not do it to receive a favorable standing from Him. She did it with pure sincere love. Jesus will never love us more than He did yesterday or today. He will love us the same.

John 12:3 Mary took a twelve ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard, and she anointed Jesus' feet with it wiping His feet with her hair.

Some people express their love by working hard, serving in His church, others by soulful worship, uplifting music or some special work for others. If you feel you need to show your love for Christ. Do it now, and do it big. Don't count the cost.

Just a little message for a Sunday and a good way to start March.


Saturday, February 27, 2021

A Tussle Over Popcorn 2/27/2021

 Good Morning,

I have been watching the darkness of night being overtaken by daylight for a some time this morning. I enjoy the miracle of a new day with awe. I just poured myself a mug of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee.

While driving in my car I often listen to a radio station that presents the news and leads discussions on what they presented as a topic of news. Yes folks I listen to "Talk Radio". Just for the record I also listen to Gospel stations that broadcast preachers present and others who have passed on to heaven. Mix in some oldies but goodies Doowop with a dose of Country Western music and there you have it, my radio agenda.

This last week the topic of a fight that broke out at one of the local shopping malls was a hot source of interaction on the radio program. I believe that not enough information was shared about the incident. They presented the main point but all that did was make you wonder about some of the facts. 

It seems that in the food court of the mall a popcorn stand resides there. I for one like a bag or box of popcorn and I like it best if I don't have to make it. The story goes like this. A female patron purchased some popcorn. Once she tasted it she found that it wasn't to her liking (too salty) so she complained to the attendant working at the stand. It is very simple but this is what the news left out. 

If what I sold was bad, you could offer to refund the money, or give the person complaining a new bag of popcorn. The person complaining would surrender the "bad bag" so the attendant could justify what happened to her manager. Sure seems simple to me. But somehow things escalated and the customer became infuriated and started roughing up the attendant. Now we have a fight over popcorn in a mall. The news broadcast let us know that the attendant was also pregnant. Apparently the police and mall security were notified but after the pummeling took place the aggravated customer left and still hasn't been apprehended. The attendant was bruised up but survived and it was mentioned that her baby was fine. 

Here is my point. Nowhere and this is unknown was it said that the attendant didn't provoke the customer with anything she said. ( It still doesn't justify a butt kicking). The news statement never said if anyone tried to intervene and stop the beat down or take on the brawler on behalf of the pregnant lady. I am sure cell phone were out and recording the incident. But no one intervened that I heard. 

You can see where I am going here. Supposedly no one helped. Someone became enraged at poor quality and maybe poor service. Who hasn't received a smushed burger and the wrong one at that from a fast food drive through? I know I have, and I didn't drive back and pull the window attendant through the window and start fighting. I have gone back and asked them to make the order correct and 99% of the time they apologized and corrected the mistake. 

There could have been some extenuating circumstances of life that caused the customer to be extra crabby. Not sure on that either. It still doesn't justify the actions.

So here it is. Mistakes happen!. But as grace is given to us by God daily for our sins shouldn't we show mercy to those who have wronged us or made our popcorn too salty. A fight over popcorn is just as wrong as it sounds.  Blessed are the peacemakers. But just as important is this Beatitude.

Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.

Be a mercy shower today and see if the world isn't a better place because of it.

Have a great day.


Friday, February 26, 2021

Are You Afraid Of Being Afraid? 2/26/2021

 Good Morning,

I decorated the inside of my mug with Door County Morning Blend Coffee. Friday arrived and by the grace of God I feel pretty good today and am looking forward to work. 

John 12:27 "Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, "Father, save Me from this hour? 

Most all of us have experienced being overcome with fear at one time or another. For some people, their fear gets completely out of control in certain situations. 

Photo Credit Wikipedia 

Jesus knew that He was facing death. He had to deal with that fear as a human. He didn't try to put on a brave face and pretend that He wasn't afraid.  He was a human, facing human fears. He wrestled with the dilemma of going through with it or not, He faced fear. He then submitted and surrendered Himself obediently to the will of the Father. 

Don't be afraid of fear. The fact that Jesus was afraid shows that it is not a disgrace to fear. Face up to your fear bravely and see it for what it really is. Then humbly ask God for extra courage. Ask Him to go through this fear with you. to hold you and guide you and let His strength work through and in you. Think about how quietly Jesus walked to the crucifixion, how brave were His steps. Whatever you fear, surrender yourself unconditionally to God, place yourself in His care and trust Him completely. He will carry you through.

Love to all,


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Smiling Has Become A Lost Custom 2/25/2021

 Good Morning,

I am headed off for a little work today and my travel mug will be filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. It's time to write.

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine. But a crushed spirit dries up the bones. 

One thing Covid 19 has done among many things is to rob us from seeing the beautiful smiles that used to greet us on a daily basis. Wearing masks prohibits us from enjoying those morning grins. A lot of people have resorted to smiling with their eyes, which is very nice. But not seeing the eyes and the smile is like taking a shower while wearing a raincoat. I have tried adding a "good morning. or a have a great day" to my encounters. Just not the same!

I have stopped whining for now and have developed a plan that would make any man proud. Whenever it is safe to be maskless, I will smile from a long distance and wave to people. I will smile at the stoplight to the people in the car next to me. Someone will think that is weird and want to beat me silly, but I never said I wasn't weird. Did I? My sister who passed away in 2021 had a smile that would light up a room when she was little. As I remember her, I remember the smile. 

I plan on spreading some good cheer and good will. Let's see what you can do!


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Have A Great Day 2/24/2021

 Good Morning,

I am on the road today and stayed away from home last night for work. I am missing my cup of Door County Coffee for sure. 

Today I have to be brief or this day will never end. I prayed for anyone who might ever read this blog post.  In my prayer I asked God to bless you and watch over you. I want you to know you are loved. Two of my favorite verses are written below just for you. I consider writing each day as a labor of love.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made. let us be glad a rejoice in it.

Numbers 6:24-26 " 24 The Lord bless you and keep you, 25. the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you,  26. the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.

Love to all. Have a great day,


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Lipstick On A Pig 2/23/2021

 Good Morning. 

This day started extremely early and I am grateful to be able to join this day with a cup of Door County Morning Blend Coffee. I am looking forward to accomplishing some great work today. 

I am going out on a limb here and I believe I will hit nerve or two on some people and others might agree with me. I believe we have become people who are afraid to call sin a sin. I see a lot of justification and tolerance of blatant sin by saying the sin is because of love when those who violate Scripture try to whitewash the offense. For instance to make it simple. "I wasn't really speeding. I was keeping up with the traffic." Or the famous "Tell them I am not home". When you were home the whole time. I like this one. "It's my body I will do what I want with it". Or "why did you steal pencils at school Gertrude? Don't I bring enough home from work?  Or last but not least. " My spouse doesn't understand me therefore I need a divorce." Or this famous one. "God wants me to be happy so I want a new spouse"!

John 8:11 Jesus said to the woman, I do not condemn you either. Go and sin no more.

I could get down to the nitty gritty here and it would be easy to do. But what we have done by minimizing sin is "we have put lipstick on a pig? " We really don't want to talk about sin anymore. It offends some. Jesus wasn't afraid to call it what it is and was. We should follow his lead. Jesus did not make a public issue of a woman's sin. He just said it like it is. What you did was wrong, go and try not to do it again. Notice in the passages she didn't argue or try to justify her actions. 

Food for thought!'


Monday, February 22, 2021

When The Ice Man Cometh 2/22/2021

 Good Moring,

Love lives on in the hearts of men and women as promised by God. I have a busy day ahead of me and this week looks to be busier than it usually is. Door County Morning Blend Coffee just filled my travel bottle and soon I will be a road warrior on my way to work.

Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. 

I have been praying for some of the Southern States in our country. Winter visited them in a hard way with slippery roads, frozen water lines and power outages. Heat was a luxury. Water and food just disappeared off of the shelves. Some of the news clips of massive automobile crashes with many cars wrapped in a twisted metal mess was terrible to see. 

I never thought winter conditions could cause such havoc. There isn't much anyone from here, where we are used to winter can do. Companies in the North, cable of switching from brewing beer are now send bottled water south to help. Man power such as electric linemen, and plumbers are headed to help. I personally can afford to give some cash to relief funds. 

I have never been in a hurricane that was anything to speak of. I have never endured a winter storm that shut us down for more than a day. I don't know how one can be prepared enough for all four seasons and the worst they can bring. 

We once went without heat during a cold spell for a couple days. But we had firewood and a fireplace with a blowing heater fan. We prayed a lot and brought out the extra blankets and made sure our water pipes wouldn't freeze. I think of those days when I am cutting firewood every year. 

This isn't a call to be prepared and stock up, although whatever those who are suffering feel they need to do for the future that's a lesson they feel they learned.  I will however help if I can, and I will pray for the recovery to go quickly. 

Friends, let's pray and send as much sunshine as we can to those who need it. 


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Be Happy For Others 2/21/2021

 Good Morning,

Sunday here I come and I hope you are approachable with gusto. The radio is turned down low and the fireplace has a load of logs keeping us warm. My mug was just filled with Door County Gingerbread Spice Latte and now it is time to write. 

Psalm 94:19 When the cares of my heart are heavy, your consolations cheer my soul.

As you get older things seem to slow down and happenings in your life revolve around keeping your doctors appointments and waiting for the garden to sprout some life. Work promotions, and mission trips are things of the past. Now, it isn't so bad when you know the house is paid for and you are comfortable. I have found a way to be involved and still finding things to rejoice about.

We can be happy for others who's lives are still evolving. You can be happy and rejoice when a grandkid accomplishes something in life. You should be happy and proud when your kid purchases a new home. When a friend overcomes an illness, rejoice! When we sincerely rejoice with others on their good fortunes and blessings we make our hearts young. We see God at work and we should be thankful to have witnessed the happenings of others. You can be happy when you relinquish your place to the younger ones. Just recently I had a nephew outshoot me on clay targets. I was proud to say I lost. You can rejoice over their first pheasants taken in the field. You can praise your dog for making a great flush or retrieve, 

Take the opportunity to call and rejoice with those who rejoice. Send a card or letter of congratulations. sometimes that card of elation spurs someone on to keep going and finish the life race they started. 

When I see those around me succeed it makes me smile. We have two weddings coming up and I will celebrate with the bride and groom. I will be praying for them. I look forward to helping them move into new homes someday and if the Lord blesses them with children I will rejoice. 

Smile and rejoice for others. It warms the heart.


Saturday, February 20, 2021

What Would He Do? 2/20/2021

 Good Morning,

The sunshine is has shown this morning. It's not all that cold outside and I have a fresh mug of Door County Gingerbread Spice Latte Coffee next to me to warm my bones. It' is time to write. 

Back in the 1980's I had just started working with our church youth group. To say that most of the kids knew more about the Bible than I did was an understatement to say the least. I started to notice that a lot of the kids began wearing rubber bracelets with W.W.J.D. on them. They came in many colors and kids would wear as many as they could place on a wrist. I have always been slow to catch on to any fad and I actually had to ask a kid what they letters stood for. She looked at me like I was seven kinds of stupid and pointed to each letter and said. "What Would Jesus Do".  I never did own one of these bracelets but I did think it was a good way to get the point across of asking if something was morally correct by asking yourself "What Would Jesus Do"? 

1 Peter 2:21 For to this you have been called , because also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow His steps. 

That fad hung around for a few years but seems to have died out now. I could be wrong on that.  But the concept is still valid. When faced with the encounters and questions of life to ask "What Would Jesus Do"? is still a solid sounding board. If we really took to heart the phrase and tested our moral compass against what Jesus would do or would not do the list is very plain. 

Jesus would forgive and does. Jesus would not approve of murder (abortion). Jesus would choose to be kind. He would love His neighbor. He would be honest and truthful. He would be faithful. He would work hard. He would be thankful. He would choose compassion. He would share. He would respect others. Friends, help me to complete this list please, because it seems to be endless. 

The question for today is not necessarily "What Would Jesus Do". But what will you do?  Food for thought this fine Saturday,


Friday, February 19, 2021

Another Trip Around The Sun 2/19/21

 Good Morning,

I found my mug filled with some very hot Door County Cherry Creme Coffee this fine day. A little buttered banana bread and I will have a great breakfast. 

Psalm 23: 1 The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. 2. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters. 3. He restores my soul and leads my in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. 

The sun is trying to shine in our area of the world and it is doing it's best to melt away some of the snow that has found a home on the roof of our house. Our two dogs are just waiting to get outside for some extended play time. 

Today my life has taken me for another trip around the sun and I find myself thinking too hard about this last voyage. Some things are still the same and others are not. Each year brings changes known as the life cycle. Some things occurred in my last trip around the sun that are a first and some are 64 trips old. I lost relatives last year one due to covid and cancer took another. I have learned not to forget my mask and how to order things online. I watched a nation almost split in two over an election and differences of opinions. I watched the apple harvest out produce itself and a garden burst at the seams with vegetables. We as a family have a couple of weddings to look forward to. My mother in law will turn 94 years old and she still is as sharp as a tack. 

I find that nothing stands still or waits for anyone and by God's grace He will see me through another trip around the sun. I am grateful for the 63 I completed and am glad that God has been there to guide me along. My one regret is that I did not allow Him to do so for all 63 and I waited too long to find my way to Him. 24 years without His assurance and love was a waste of time. That's my one regret. So today I count my blessings and say to all that despite the drudgery of this last year, this is still a beautiful world and My God has blessed me beyond what I deserve.

God bless,


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Cold Clear Water 2/18/2021

 Good Morning,

I would like to say "God Bless You" first thing right away. My mug was just filled with Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee and now it is time to write. 

One thing I like most about this time of the year is the temperature of the drinking water that comes right from our faucet. Our town gets it's drinking water from Lake Michigan. And when the temperature drops like it has to below zero the water gets so cold that it doesn't need ice in the glass to chill your drink. I really enjoy cold drinking water and not to have to add ice to the glass is such a treat for me. Once summer rolls around and the lake heats up, it's back to ice in the glass. 

Now I am very thankful to have the great drinking water we sometimes take for granted. Nothing quenches my thirst like cold, cold water. I enjoy sweet peach tea and Kool Aid but water is the one to do the trick when I need to be refreshed. And nothing needs to be added to it. 

Now and then I find myself in need of refreshing my spirit. The world dumps it's filth my way like it does to everyone. But to refresh my soul I need only one thing and that one thing is like a drink of fresh cold water to my parched tongue on a hot day. I need to sit a spell and visit with God, in prayer, and reading His Word. Nothing else needs to be added to the drink God leads me to. 

Isaiah 49:10 They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat nor the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them besides springs of water.

So as I look forward to a cold drink after a workout and only water will do. I look forward to drinking in from the refreshing springs of God's Word and prayer time.

Just a thought for today. Drink it in.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Prayer Requests 2/17/2021

 Good Morning,

The day began quietly and is much different than yesterday, when snow pounded us silly again. But each day is always different. Isn't it. I will embrace this morning with a cup of Door County Morning Blend Coffee and some prayer.

Proverbs 10:19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent holds their tongues. 

I lead a small Bible study every Tuesday night and lately I have been blessed to have some help in doing so. What I want to take some time to talk about is the time we spend in prayer. Due to covid we have been meeting  by having a Zoom Meeting. I am not fond of the Zoom Meetings, but for now they have to do. After each study is complete we ask each attendee if they have any prayer requests. If anyone does, and we usually have many who do, we pray corporately for each one. It has been long understood that what is said during prayer time stays in the prayer time. No one is to discuss the personal issues of another person thus making our prayer time fodder for gossip. That is what I like about it best. There takes place some awesome prayer and each individual can feel free to speak without fear of everyone knowing their deepest struggles. 

Friends, can you keep what is said in confidence free from spreading faster than a new covid strain? Are you able to love your friends enough to keep things confidential? If so, you are a good person and a true prayer warrior.  We all have flaws in our character, but if you can remain true to not spreading gossip you are a step above most. I implore you to keep it that way. 

Today if you are one of those who can be entrusted with concerns of prayer, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back. God is proud of you. 

Have a great day.


Monday, February 15, 2021

Can We Call It Over? 2/15/2021

 Good Morning,

I just woke up to a hot cup of Door County Irish Creme Coffee and a couple of Springer Spaniel wanting to get outside.

In my long life I have encountered people who have to always get the last word and no matter what happens or what they say I truly believe that a desire to love peace is not within them. There is always an argument just waiting to happen. If they truly wanted peace they would seek it and do whatever will produce a lasting peace. 

Photo Credit USS Wisconsin in action Wikipedia

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called  the Son's Of God.

I spoke on this subject Saturday night at church. 

In order to truly see peace you have to want it more and more. But people will never see peace until they come at it with a pure heart. 

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

Just having peace is a blessing enough, But the main byproduct of seeking peace is being blessed for doing it. 

So dear readers if you are at odds with someone, do you really want peace? I say the evidence is convicting. Call it over and mean it. 


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day Prayer 2/14/2021

 Good Morning,

Door County Irish Creme Coffee splashed into my mug this morning and it wasn't too long after the splashdown I had my first sip. It's great to be alive. 

1 Timothy 2:1 First of all then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.

February 14th is known as Valentine's day. I won't get into the the history of it today. Maybe next year. What I recall of the holiday started back in grade school. One day when I was in second grade I came home from school and there was a box of valentine cards on the table . My mother had a list with all the names of my classmates on it. She instructed me to write their name on a on one and not to leave anyone out. She said that on the next day I was supposed hand one out to each child when told to do so. 

I must tell you handing out a little card that so said "be my valentine" to the guys I played dodgeball with seemed about a lame as lame can be. I did as I was told and so did every other boy in the class. But the general consensus was seen later in the round circular file know as the trash. Now on the other hand the little girls in class just loved it and made a big deal out of it. 

Enough regressing here. Rene and I have always observed Valentines day in small ways . We have avoided successfully going out to dinner on one of the busiest restaurant days of the year. We usually observe it with a heartfelt card or I might pick up some flowers or chocolates. I do recall a small teddy bear that after you squeezed it the song "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" would play. One thing though is every Valentines day I pray and thank God for my sweetheart. 

Friends, flowers, candy, or dinner are fine things to do. But don't forget to pray for your "Sweetheart". It's a gift that lasts!


Saturday, February 13, 2021

A Bike to Remember 2/13/2021

 Good Morning,

The scene outside our den window is cold and snowing. We have been blessed with a good amount of snow. I wish some of it would have been here for Christmas. The Christmas lights just weren't the same without snow.  But despite the weather outside, my cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee has me warm on the inside.

1 John 3:18 Little children let us not love in word or talk, but in deed and truth.

I can't remember how old I was when my parents bought a new bike for me. Until then I either had a hand me down or a very used one to ride. My birthday is in February and in Wisconsin it is not weather for bike riding. My parents gave me a birthday card and in it was a note saying that the bike would be coming in the summer. I had pretty much given up on that bike and one hot day in July I came home from baseball practice to see a brand new bike sitting next to the porch. My parents came outside and were so proud to have given me a new bike. The bike was made by Mattel which was odd for them. I don't recall them ever making another model. 

Photo credit Worthpoint .com

I took the bike for a ride. It was ahead of it's time. It was kind of the first version of off road bikes. I rode that bike everywhere and had it until the wheels were ready to fall off.  Many years later I figured out the rest of the story. The bike didn't come home in February because my parents just did not have the money to purchase one. By July my dad had picked up a couple of side jobs painting houses and there was extra money for the bike. I think about it now and I realize what my dad did to get his son a new bike. Hot days painting these two tall houses and then going to his regular job. 

Dad wasn't one to tell you he loved you. I believe I only heard that two or three times in my life. But you just knew he loved you. He sacrificed sweat and energy to to give a bike to his kid. 

Dad is gone now and today I miss him. I can still feel the wind blowing on my face as I came down the hill on 35th street, riding with no hands and at times keeping up with the cars. 

Here's my point for the day. If you don't hear those three little words, watch and see love in action. A parent that goes to work and then takes time to help you draw a map of Italy and build salt clay mountain ranges until midnight, says more about love than those three little words.

God bless,


Friday, February 12, 2021

Chain Reaction Once It Starts!!! 2/12/2021

 Good Morning, 

One more day in the deep freeze of winter and a little snow to top it off. My mug was just filled with very hot Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.

Yesterday in the United States in the State of Texas there occurred a chain reaction automobile accident of epic proportions. It involved 100 trucks and cars. The last I heard 5 people died, and many were injured. From the video shown on the news there were trucks and cars strewn all over the place. The twisted metal intertwined vehicles into one huge mess. 

Weather was to blame for this one. Sheer ice had gripped the roads in an area where they weren't prepared for it. I am not sure if we will ever know exactly how it started. But coming from an area that has a lot of icy roads, all it took yesterday is for one or two vehicles to start to slide on the ice and next thing you know there is a huge tragedy. My wife Rene and I stopped to pray and lift up those not rescued yet, the families who would later find out that they lost a loved one. We prayed for the rescue workers and the hospitals who would be overwhelmed. 

My point is this. The roads were slippery beyond slippery and it only took one or two to start the chain reaction.  I think we can apply a lesson here. Our actions on any given day can start a chain reaction between friends, or family. For instance if a person cheats on his or her time at work and is caught "stealing" they might lose their job. Then the family is subject to the loss of income and they have to make adjustments in their lifestyle or worse. The cheating at work launched a chain reaction. That first experiment with drugs leads very often to a chain reaction for families. 

We need to always remember that our choices actually do impact others. Like the vehicles yesterday the accident didn't stop until it was over. So my friends be wise in the choices you make and consider others before making the decision. God bless,


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Sunnyside Up Please 2/11/2021

 Good Morning,

The day began late for me due to some technical issues. Writing today just seemed like it wasn't going to happen. My cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee is long gone already. but now, let's write.

It seems that there isn't a whole lot that a person has control over anymore. For instance when your computer goes and starts updating itself and then doesn't seem to be able to come out of update mode. Cars used to be easy to repair, but now you have to have it hooked up to a diagnostic computer just to find the problem and then go to the computer again for the solution. One used to be able to see a doctor without going online and trying to show your symptoms to a doctor over a video chat. I am glad that I don't suffer from hemorrhoids. Not sure how that would work.

I think many of you can identify with my mood today. So I cherish the things I can control I can choose which church I attend and most of all I can choose to worship God and no one can change that.

Romans 8:38-39   38. For I am persuaded, that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39. Nor height , nor depth, or any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In closing, one of the other things I can control is the way I eat my eggs. And once this is sent out I will be eating a late breakfast and guess how the eggs will be cooked? 

Love to all,


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Holding Down The Fort 2/10/2021

 Good Morning,

A warm bed was begging me to stay just a little bit longer, but the Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee was calling me to get up and get going. 

Proverbs 31:12 She does him good and not evil. All the days of her life. 

Today I would like to give a shout out to my wife. Due too some circumstances out of our control, I am quite busy at work. I have been away more than usual. But on the home front, everything is going well. The fireplace ashes were removed. Firewood as brought inside. I enjoyed a crock pot pork loin dinner. The dogs have been outside and played with as much as the cold weather allows. The trash is at the curb. The truck gets started and run every day. And who has done all this? My wife! The list is a lot longer than I am writing.

Just the other day when I was mentioning some of the things I needed to get done, My wife Rene replied. " Make a list and I will knock out what I can". She changed the furnace filter  for me. I was glad to know that she could do it. Her other quote was "Get some rest and don't worry. I will hold down the fort." I did refuse to call her "General". 

I thought about that and how nice it is to be married to someone who always steps into the gap and hold's down the fort when my life gets a little chaotic. Our marriage is kind of like a fort. United we make a wall that withstands the stress of life. Apart we are easily defeated. Together we are stronger. It's you for me and me for you in this house. Again I count my blessings and one of them is named Rene. 

God bless,


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A Nice Shower And Some Sleep 2/9/2021

 Good Morning,

May God shine upon you today as you go into the world. My mug was just filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and my breakfast is raisin toast. Let's get started.

Psalm 16:2 "I say to my Lord. "You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing. 

When I was a young boy my grandparents did not have a shower. They had indoor plumbing but the extent of bathing came in the form of a bath. As hard as I tried I never felt clean taking a bath once I was introduced to a shower. 

I recall one hot July day when I was about 11 years old, my dad, grandfather, my cousin and I ran a new sewer line to the town sewer for my grandparents. We were removing the old septic system. This really called for a lot of hand digging and shoveling gravel and sand. The work was dirty, smelly and exhausting. I just couldn't wait for the last shovel of dirt to be thrown. But I wasn't too keen on being fourth for a bath. All I wanted was a shower and some sleep. 

My grandfather worked for the railroad and the town he lived in had a "round house". This is where you could actually turn the locomotives around and send them back South. This was also the spot where the line workers could go after work and shower if they wanted to. They had four stalls. I almost did a cart wheel when Grandpa said "I am taking you all to the round house for a shower. Pack some clean clothes up and some towels." I showed those guys who could move fast at the end of a hard day!

That water felt so good running down my sore and dirty carcass. My point today is this. I returned from a long day of work yesterday and all I wanted was a shower and some sleep. It seems that being clean and revived with sleep is a basic need that hasn't changed for me. My shower is quite a bit nicer than the ones in the round house but the impact is the same. So hear me out. Sometimes it is the simple things we take for granted. I am thankful for the warm bed I slept in and the hot shower I took before lying down. Yes I thank God for all the good things of yesterday. Did you remember to be thankful for the bed you used? Are you thankful for clean water and a shower? You should be. 

God bless,


Monday, February 8, 2021

Why Do Some People Just Like To Argue? 2/8/2021

 Good Morning,

Once more the alarm was not welcome in the bedroom today. I was just getting some serious sleep when it went off. I will be pouring a cup of Door County Maple Coffee and I will head North today to work.

Photo Credit Wikipedia

I am going to confess something today and it will help me make my point. A couple of years ago I decided to finally have both knee joints replaced. The surgeries were much overdue. I will admit that I waited too long and the surgeries were longer and tougher than they would have been two to three years earlier. While I was waiting to get enough courage to get them replaced I very often passed on doing things, such as golfing, more hunting, and walks in general. I stopped going on rollercoaster rides. In other words, I wasted a lot of time and pleasure opportunities that I will never get back.

Here we go. I know way too many people that spend too many hours, days and months arguing with each other, the television, or other people, usually family members. If they could only add up the hours wasted in arguing, pouting, whining, and anger, they might stop. 1 hour a week is too much to argue, let alone days at a time. People might say. "we didn't argue all day." Yes that is true. But they didn't talk to each other all day and ate in separate rooms. Another 6 hours spent in foolishness that you can never get back. What a way to waste a life.

Most arguments start with two things. 1 selfishness. 2. An uncontrolled mouth. People who like to argue usually want things done their way and no other way. When one mouth opens another usually sends a return remark and to get back to being selfish one remark must always out trump the last one. So the nasty cycle goes on and on. Wasted days and wasted nights.

God clearly speaks about arguing.

2 Timothy 2:23-24 Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. 24 And the Lords servant must not be quarrelsome, but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil.

How much time do you spend arguing? How much life have you missed because you can't help being selfish and just can't control the tongue you own.

Some day you will want all those days and hours back. Food for thought on this Monday.


Sunday, February 7, 2021

A Location Change In Your Future? 2/7/2021

 Good Morning,

Our outdoor thermometer showed me some ugliness this morning. It read -8 degrees F. That alone calls for a second cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. It is time to write.

In life there are times and circumstances that come about that will cause a change of location. This can be exciting for some and upsetting to others. It all depends on the situation. And each situation is different. 

Genesis 12:1 Now the Lord said to Abraham. "Pack up, leave your country and go to the land that I will show you. 

You have your list of things that need to be done and you prioritize so as to be organized. A place to live usually tops the list of things needing to be done. If there are children involved, schooling is next on the list. You pack, and plan your move. The move takes place. You buy some groceries and set up a bed.  Then you start to unpack. Some people unpack quickly and others take their time waiting to see exactly where they want things. 

Most people once settled in should start to look for a church. I for one would do it differently. I would research the churches in my new area. I would check their theology out , location and I would pray as to where God would want me to settle and serve. I would have a list of the churches I want to visit and then let God tell me where He wants us. This would be a top priority for me. For my wife Rene and I, we have family, and neighbors. They are all important in our life. But our "community" is the church we attend and serve in. 

Moves usually take place on a weekend and the Sunday of the move is usually written off with exhaustion . But my plan would be to know where some Sunday Go To Meeting Clothes are packed and I would start on day one looking for the place God wants me to be.

My point today is this. When God becomes an option, He usually isn't an option at all. 

God bless,


Saturday, February 6, 2021

Change That Furnace Filter 2/6/2021

 Good Morning,

The old house is slow to warm up this morning. The temperature could be worse and I guess it will be tomorrow. An artic blast has beset us and now this cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee not only tastes great but it is warming the old guy up. 

I am sitting here very grateful for my hot coffee and a house that has heat. I pray for those who don't and hope they find a place of comfort now. 

Technology is a wonderful thing. The weather forecast was spot on and it came days ahead of this freezing cold. We took the warning to heart and made preparations to be ready for the cold. We took stock of necessities and made a run to the store for a couple of things. I always feel warmer if my dinner is stew our hot soup. So yesterday I made a large kettle full of "Real Man Vegetable Beef Soup". 

Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is perfect and acceptable.

Our furnace was checked over and right on schedule (the timing was perfect) I changed the air filter that removes dust and such from the air. A clogged filter slows down the heat from getting where it needs to go. When a filter becomes too clogged up it can actually make your furnace run poorly or in some instances not run at all. We have experienced heat outages when our furnace broke down and it happened both times when the furnace was needed most. One time we actually ran out of wood for the fireplace. I swore that would never happen again. Our wood pile is still plentiful. I thank God for the wood we cut last year. 

Back to the filter. It reminds me that the filter is to keep the ventilation system clean. You wouldn't want an expensive furnace and ductwork to get filled with dust and debris.  Now the point of the day is this. I believe that at times we remove the filters of our mind and heart and allow the dirt of the world to come into our lives. We are unfiltered! And here is a good way to check to see if your filter is in good order. Listen to your own language. If what comes out of your mouth has to be apologized for "pardon my language" but you feel that you can't get your point across without filth spewing forth trash from your mouth, you have a filter problem.  If you prefer to watch the Super Bowl or whatever just to see the scantily clad cheer leaders you have a filter problem. This goes both ways ladies. If you like guys in tight pants more than the actual football game, you might have a filter problem. 

Sometimes those furnace filters go ignored and become clogged up so bad that the fresh air can't get through. It is the same way with the filters of our lives. We need to keep the filters clean or replaced regularly so as not to choke the life right out of us. We get used to breathing bad air and soon the filth of life becomes the norm and gets worse daily.

I think you get the point! Check your life filters, clean them up by renewing your minds and hearts. The word of God is the filter and it is there to keep us clean and give us warnings when the heart and mind are plugged.

Have a great weekend. 


Friday, February 5, 2021

Husband And Wife Are Gifts 2/5/2021

 Good Morning,

Door County Cherry Creme Coffee just filled my mug and now it is time to write. 

I was pondering a few thoughts last night and I was reading about marriage in my Bible and thinking that it really is a gift to be cherished. My wife and I have been married now for 1000 years. Each year we have been married nothing has really changed. Through thick and thin we have been married and faced the good and the bad together. 

Mark 10:9 What therefore God has joined together, let no one separate. 

But we cannot take credit for making it work at all. Prior to the two of us meeting a friend of mine and I were praying that I would meet the right gal for me. It wasn't long after that, I met Rene and within weeks I knew God had given me a gift. 

Since then we have both agreed on this. Our marriage isn't ours it really belongs to God who allowed us to share our lives with each other. 

So today, while you see that same old bathrobe or sweat pants sitting across the kitchen table from you. Remember to embrace the thought that God gave you the gift of someone to walk through life with.

Have a great day. 


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Snowballs And Springer Spaniels.2/4/2021

 Good Morning,

This day started with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Morning Blend Coffee. It is time to write. 

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. 

Yesterday as we prepared for an artic freeze that is headed our way, I made sure to make good use of some daylight and hauled plenty of firewood into the garage. I had our two dogs outside with me and while I was hauling wood inside, the two of them played around in the snow.

On one of my trips from the wood pile to the garage I dropped a piece of firewood. Our youngest Springer Spaniel Leo picked it up and started to follow me into the garage. I was feeling pretty good about the situation until! I had him sit and then I asked for the small log. He backed up and wouldn't give it to me. He wanted me to chase him and play in the snow. I went along with the game for a few minutes until I was breathing hard and was quite winded. Leo then would run up to our other dog Gibbs and try to get the older dog to chase him.

So after enough time went by, I decided that it was time to go inside after I took that piece of wood. Leo still wanted to play and the battle of wills was on. He would run up to me and then run away, wanting me to chase him. I should have had my whistle on me because when I blow the whistle both dogs know it is time to comply.

The snow in our yard is still fluffy but easy enough to make a snowball. I made a softball sized snowball. It was packed loose enough so it wouldn't cause any damage to Leo when I threw it. A he was running away I took aim and threw the snow grenade and it landed perfectly on his rear end. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me as if to say "hey did you see what hit me?" I loaded up round two and as he walked away I threw again but missed by an inch. Leo saw it coming but had no idea who threw it. The second one did the trick. He came running back to me and fast, wanting to be safe from the snow bombs. He gave me the log and walked inside with me, looking over his shoulder now and then. 

The lesson today is this. Sometimes things take us by surprise and we get scared. The point is, Leo ran to the Master for protection. We all need to remember that our God is here to protect us from the unknown and the scary things of life. He walks with us and guides our steps through uncertainty. 

So dodge the snowballs of life and take shelter in God Himself. 


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Sorry We Missed It. 2/3/2021

 Good Morning,

This day began with a lot of prayer and a hot cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee. I look forward to being home tonight and wrapped up in some Bible time and a warm fire.

Yesterday an invitation went out through Facebook from one of our neighbors to witness a school experiment,. It was advertised as a snow volcano. Unfortunately I didn't see the invitation until after the event. Those types of things are events that we like to attend.  Thank goodness for pictures.

Today's lesson is this. How many things do you miss out on, because you are too busy? You just don't take time to smell the roses, see a puppy play, throw a ball to a kid, or watch a homemade snow volcano blow.

We need to take time and enjoy the things God has given us to be a part of. If you find yourself declining over half of the invitations you receive, don't worry. After missing enough events, people just stop inviting you. Here's a thought. You are as lonely as you choose to be. We were made to be social. It's ok to be busy, but not that busy!

Proverbs 23:4 Do not toil to acquire wealth, be discerning enough to desist. 

In other words, it is ok to work. But know when to quit.

God bless,


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Lesson For February Be Still 2/2/2021

 Good Morning,

The day began with prayer for a friend's son and a hot cup of Door County Almond Toffee Coffee. I am ready to write.

For most of my life I have found it hard to be quiet. Even while hunting I struggle not to talk to a partner or the dog. At home my wife speaks very little and I start most of the conversations. 

There is a time when it is in our best interest to just be still. I believe that God is all knowing, so even my thoughts are heard by Him. I find myself praying and then after I stop, I keep thinking about what I prayed about, adding more to my prayers or actually adding doubts. 

To practice my faith, it is apparent that there is a time to be quiet and know that God heard my prayers and He will answer them, His way, and in His time. 

Psalm 139:2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up. You discern my thoughts from afar. 

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the Earth.

Think it through friends. Do you pray and then tell God what He should do with your mouth or your thoughts. Be still and know that he is God!

Valuable lesson.


Monday, February 1, 2021

You Gotta Love Teamwork 2/1/2021

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at my desk in our den and  I have in front of me two slices of toasted raisin bread and a hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee. The body is a wee bit sore, but I am ready to write.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who falls and has no one to pick him up.

Saturday night my wife Rene and I went outside to clear snow from a storm that began around 6:PM. Rene and I bundled up and went to remove the snow from our driveway and from our neighbor's driveway also. There is a health issue next door and there isn't much we can do for them except to move snow.  We hit the pavement at around 10:30 PM. We both knew that the storm was going to last through the night and into Sunday afternoon. But we thought we would knock it out twice so there wouldn't be so much on Sunday. 

It lasted well into the afternoon as was promised. It was apparent that the snow was falling lighter at around 10:30 AM so we went out with the same intentions. But we were surprised to find that the driveways and sidewalks were covered with another 9 inches of snow. We removed 5 inches the night before. So we started on ours. Rene shovels and I use the snow blower. I think she is afraid of it. Our neighbor lady came out also and started to do some shoveling. Pretty soon a neighbor to the South came down with his snow blower and started assisting her. I then finished ours and joined him. Rene joined us soon there after. We finished and all of us felt pretty proud of our accomplishment. Then our friend and neighbor across the street finished his driveway and sidewalk. He started in on the house to his North. Our neighbor there is single and has a tough driveway to clear. She has more sidewalk than any of us. Soon her garage door opened and she had her snow blower going. She joined her neighbor in clearing her portion of the snow. His neighbor to the North joined in, the three of us from our side of the street joined in and soon after some heavy work we had it done.

In today's world if you ever want to see kindness, compassion, and neighborly love, let snow dump on our part of the land and you will see all three attributes at their best. I am proud to live on our street and proud to call everyone of them "neighbor". What an example of teamwork.
