Saturday, November 25, 2023

Out, And In The Cold 11/25/2023

 Good Morning,

I am out along the riverbank this morning doing a little duck hunting. I have an insulated bottle filled with Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee to keep me warm and I am in good company with a nephew and our dog Leo. It is time to write.

Luke 3:11 Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do the same. 

I apologize for not getting out a blog yesterday. I took a break to enjoy some time with friends and gather some thoughts. 

Duck hunting in Wisconsin is usually the best in the last two weeks of the season. That brings us to hunting in colder weather. Being prepared and dressed for the cold is a must. Playing with the cold is not advisable. Taking on the cold with the right equipment and clothing is the way to do it. I hunted the other day with 3 friends. One of my compadres took a minor dip in the water. Spare gloves were offered and whatever we had that could be shared was offered. 

My point for the day is this. If you see someone in the cold and you can help with a blanket or a coat, do so. If you can spare a cup of coffee to warm someone up, do so. If a pot of soup is needed on a cold day and you can help, do so. 

My second point for this day is this. If you need to travel in the cold, don't be fashionable. Be warm! Be wise, make sure your automobile is ready for the cold. Carry a shovel inside the truck or car, not just for you, but to help someone else stuck in the snow. Gloves, hand warmers and a bottle of water can make the difference in a cold lonely ditch. 

Be kind. Help others, and use the common sense your mother taught you.


1 comment:

  1. Great advice, even if it is coming from someone who always seems to favor comfort over fashion! ;-)
