Saturday, December 2, 2023

Don't Let That Battle Begin 12/2/2023

 Good Morning,

I will be enjoying some Naughty Or Nice Grog Coffee this morning as I try to hunt for some geese. I pray for God's blessing on our efforts. 

1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around as a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 

December 2nd is upon us and I am sending out a warning to those who don't believe that petty arguments can be made into battles that can carry on well after Christmas. If you pay attention to the fact that Christmas is supposed to be a day, week and month of happiness. You will see that petty arguments and hurt feelings can grow into a lifetime of anger, hurt and pain, especially at Christmas. 

You might think these things are caused by human mistakes, laziness, and disrespect. But my friends, Satan takes our weaknesses and magnifies differences into mega issues. He seeks to destroy Christmas in your hearts forever. He is very effective at doing so. He first breaks down any attempt of understanding others just by shutting down communications. Then he adds opinions to emotions and once the emotions take over by being fed with opinions and lack of open and honest communications, he seals the deal on this Christmas and every Christmas to come. 

Once this goes on for too long a grudge grows and then it takes a movement of heaven and earth to heal the emotions and hurt that carrying a grudge brings about.

My point for today is this. If you are in a position to heal relationships do so. If you want to be spiritually dead, carry a grudge. If you decide that Satan wins this one, he will win others as well. 

Food for thought.
