Friday, December 15, 2023

I Say Merry Christmas 12/15/2023

 Good Morning,

I just sat down with a hot mug of Door County Naughty Or Nice Grog Coffee. It is a new flavor to their lineup this year and I must say that I am enjoying it immensely. It is time to write. 

Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 

Most new trends that become popular start with the youngest generation at the present time. I have observed some trends come and go throughout my 66 years on this planet. What is funny is when you see the new trend and you remember it from fifty years ago. For instance, bell bottom pants. I never thought I would see those again, but I am seeing them once more. 

But here is one that I noticed making a return and I am glad to say it can return and I hope it stays. I am hearing more young people saying "Merry Christmas" once more. I always thank the folks who work in the grocery store who are checking me out at the payment line or packing my groceries. Lately they say you are welcome with a big smile and "Merry Christmas". I walk out of the store and there are some teens manning the red bucket for the Salvation Army and as I dropped a couple dollars in they greeted me with "Thank you and Merry Christmas Sir". 

I needed to purchase some gasoline and I cannot resist going into the fuel emporium to purchase a breakfast sandwich when I am on the road. I was thanked for my purchase by a young fella and again I heard "Merry Christmas". I always smile back and give them a big old Merry Christmas in return. 

Not one to be a trend setter, but this trend I will support forever. I find myself saying "Merry Christmas' as a greeting more than I have before. Those kids are rubbing off on me. Does that make me a groupie? Ha!

Once Christmas is over I hope to see this upturn in pleasantries stay on and then return to Merry Christmas next December. In the last few years it has been said that to say Merry Christmas to folks is not politically correct. I fought that trend and was actually corrected by a few folks who said "You must say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. Well, too bad. I want to smile and enjoy exchanging greetings, If someone said to me a greeting with their observed holiday like Happy Hanukah they would receive "Happy Hanukah" in return. I feel that one should be polite and greet each other with a smile. They are sharing a greeting important to them and I in return could and should acknowledge kindness. 

So as for me, it is "Merry Christmas" from this old man who wears a funny hat and who has been called unapproachable. 

God bless,


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