Saturday, December 16, 2023

I Remember When 12/16/2023

 Good Morning,

Hey I am drinking a hot cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee and as always it tastes better while drinking it outside. and that's just where you will find me this morning. 

Matthew 18:20  For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am among them. 

A few years ago when the Covid crud took the world by storm many churches closed and went to video services, or limited seating or you sat with five miles in between your friends and families. It was the was the approach at that time to limit the spread of the contagious virus. Oh my did I hear a lot of people whining about not being able to attend church and gather with friends and family, especially at Christmas. It was inconvenient and certainly was not a lot of fun visiting nursing homes and standing outside in the cold while you spoke through a screen to your loved ones. 

Truly that virus was something that caused a lot of inconvenience and hardships. I am not sure the world has yet to recover from the totality of the event. We certainly see it in the inability to find our work force and get back to what was normal in productivity and supply issues. 

Back to the church and Christmas. Are there plans in your life to attend church to celebrate Christmas? We are traveling and the first thing I asked was where can we attend church in the town, we will be staying in. I did not like the isolation that Covid brought to my world and it was one of the happiest days for me when we could gather again. Sometimes you just don't appreciate what you have until it is gone.  

I also want to say that you can't cure loneliness through a video. Not all folks have a family to be with with on Christmas. If you know someone who will be alone for Christmas , open your home and add one more to the table. Don't go back into isolations tactics. I remember those days and they weren't very nice.
