Sunday, December 10, 2023

Don't Get Lost In The Forest Of Christmas 12/10/2023

 Good Morning,

The sky is gloomy as I sit down to write. The sun is taking it's sweet time rising this morning. I have a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee at my side and it is time to write. 

Photo Credit Max McCoy

Making plans for Christmas is now full speed ahead and I just want to share a thought or two on making those plans. We can get very caught up in the "Forest Of Christmas' that we can lose sight of what is important. There are work parties to attend, church gatherings, last minute presents to buy, food to purchase, decorations to be put in place and then you can add family photo appointments, cookies to bake and more items than I can list. 

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. 

I have hunted some very thick woodlands in Wisconsin and Michigan in my life. And there were times when during the middle of the day I was in such thick forests that it seemed that daytime was closer to nightfall at 11:am then the actual mid morning. The trees just seemed to block out the light. 

We can get caught up in the Forest of Christmas and then later wonder, "Did I celebrate Christmas". Friends, we need to be careful not to let the world interfere with what is really important at Christmas. Look at your to do list for Christmas. Look it over closely. Set the calendar  next to your list. If the two combined together make you sigh in despair and you see nothing but rushing around ahead of you, you are already lost in the world's Christmas Forest and not one of true meaning. Family time is most important, yet families can have so many intertwined families that Christmas and getting everywhere becomes a hassle and the joy is lost in the forest. Be careful not to grow a Christmas Forest where you are so tired that Christmas becomes a chore. Pick and choose the obligations that need to take place. 

I have decided to not attend a work Christmas party. I love my coworkers , but attending the party would require a total travel time of 4 to five hours, an overnight stay and time away from getting our own personal Christmas things done. My employer knows how to throw a party, but on my list of to dos, it just had to be cut. The forest was getting too thick

It is ok to cut a few things out of the forest just to make time for the more important things. So make this Christmas a time to Celebrate the birth of Jesus, give some gifts and take some other things away. 

God bless,


1 comment:

  1. You are so right, thanks for the great advice. 🙏
