Monday, November 27, 2023

Faith Fit Test 11/27/2023

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee and it is time to write. 

Come January 1st, many people vow to get back into shape and they start off slowly, working off a few pounds and adding a wholesome diet to their daily routine. It makes us wonder why we just don't do that all year long and why do we wait for the first of the year to start anew.

Today I want to look in a different direction and say this. Maybe we should examine our walk of faith with God and see if there is anything we could improve. A simple test is to assess yourself against Scripture.

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such there is no law.

1. Love, do we love others unconditionally? Is our love for God number one in our lives?

2. Joy, is the joy of our love for God visible to others. Do we exhibit joy for the supplies God gives us? 

3. Longsuffering, do we quit too easily or are we there for the long haul? Do we place conditions on our faith? Do we barter with God?

4. Kindness, Can kindness be seen in our actions when people are present and when no one is there to give us credit and acknowledge our kindness? 

5. Goodness, do we practice being good and actually produce goodness in bad situations?

6. Faithfulness, are we faithful to our spouses, families, employers and our church? Our we faithful to God or is He just there when we need something?  Can we be counted on?

7. Gentleness, do we handle others folks emotions with gentleness? Are we one who builds up others one brick at a time or are we impatient? 

8. Self control. How is our ability to say no to temptation? How long does it take you to go from angry to ballistic?

Take the test my friends. Adjust where necessary and prepare yourself for the best Christmas ever.


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