Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Talk About Being In The Dog House! 12/21/2021

 Good Morning,

Tuesday arrived right on time as I knew it would. I am blessed to have a hot cup of Door County Candy Cane Coffee within reach and now it is time to write. 

The other day, I noticed something in the refrigerator and it looked homemade. To describe it would be to say it looked like candy coins. The package said it was made from sweet potatoes. I figured it was something my mother in law gave to my wife so I gave it a try. Shortly after chewing on it for awhile, I decided to ask Rene where she got them from as I quickly spit them out. She said, "You didn't eat those, did you? I nodded my head yes. She said "those are dog treats." I held back my gag reflex and drank a gallon of water. Later as I was walking by Rene she barked at me and laughed. This wasn't the first time that I have done something like this. Later while we were at a concert she asked me if I was comfortable in my seat or did I want to lay on my back so she could scratch my belly. Oh my! She thought she was so funny and she laughed for quite awhile.

Job 8:21 He will fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouting. 

I actually got a laugh out of it myself. Not as much as her, but I saw the humor in it. My point for the day is this. Don't take yourself so seriously that you can't enjoy a laugh about yourself. Life is too short not to laugh, even if it is for some dumb thing you did. I truly believe we are blessed when we can laugh with others. 

Last night I wasn't sleeping very well, but pretended to be asleep. I purposely was laying on Rene's side of the bed. She gave me a little nudge to move and that's when this old dog growled. She jumped back and was speechless. I guess he who laughs last, laughs hardest. 

Share the laughter with others, be kind in doing so. 

I promised on December 1st to post a picture each day until Christmas of some of the things Rene has decorated our home with for Christmas. Here is another one, 

Love to all. 



  1. Marty, be blessed that you didn't try the dog treats on your mid-night refrigerator raid.
