Monday, December 27, 2021

Paid The Taxes 12/27/2021

 Good Morning,

This day started and by the paperwork, I see that my day will be a long one. I will be drinking my coffee on the run this morning. We will see how tomorrow works out. 

The other day we received the property tax bill for our home and as usual the bill is more than it was last year. We discussed the bill and there really wasn't anything to appeal or protest, the taxes just went up.

Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. 

Again as usual, my wife went down to city hall with the tax bill in hand and check book in the other and paid the taxes. We are in good standing now with the city and nothing is owed to them. 

My point for the day. Although I wasn't thrilled to be paying taxes at all, it was an agreement we made when we built our home. If you live in this city as well as other towns and cities, you will pay taxes, to support common grounds and receive services for your payment. My wife was telling me how as she was standing in line to pay, a woman ahead of her, just went ballistic at the clerk because of her tax bill. The clerk I was told was in tears when the lady finally left.

Now taxes are never pleasant, but is there a need or right to go off on the clerk. Even if the tax assessor was right in front of you instead of the clerk, I believe there is still the duty to be civil and respectful. 

I see on the news there people abusing the flight attendants because of airline policies. Wrong people to be complaining to and no need to threaten them. 

I like to use the phrase "We are better than that", but the phrase doesn't fit anymore. I don't believe we are better than that. That is the result of a decayed society. A society without respect, fear, and love for God.

I think it is time to bring God back into society and change our ways. It seems we are not better than???


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