Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Could Hurt 12/25/2021

 Good Morning,

Once again I sit in the dark, enjoying the lights of our Christmas tree drinking a hot mug of Door County White Christmas Coffee. It is time to write. 

Isaiah 49:15 Can a mother forget a baby at her breast and have no compassion on the baby she has borne? Though she may forget, I will never forget. 

In a few short hours we will be celebrating Christmas with some members of my wife's family. As has been the tradition, we will be serving breakfast with many items including a Christmas Kringle. I mention the Kringle  because of it's shape. It is made in a ring and the place where we purchase these offers many flavors. I chose a "Christmas" one just to fit the occasion.  

Back to it's shape. These pastries are a thing of beauty to behold. They are a complete ring until you start slicing them up into pieces and serving them. Little by little the served pieces are cut away leaving you with hopefully a little piece for tomorrow's coffee. My point for today is this. Once one piece is gone , you no longer have a whole Kringle. This side of the family just buried a my brother in law and the family is one less at the table, with an empty chair. The wound is fresh and I am not sure just how jolly everyone will be. I know my wife is dealing with the loss and has been very quiet at times. 

My brother in law always enjoyed the get togethers, especially the food that was served. He would volunteer to take any and all left overs if they were still available. But today, the table will be set minus 1. I know some of you out there are missing someone today and it hurts. I am praying for you even though might not have ever met one another. A loss of a child, spouse, parent, sibling, aunt, uncle or close friend hurts. It might be a loss through death or other circumstances. 

Just know this. God loves you and is here for you for comfort and healing.  You are being prayed for, and are not alone. God bless.



  1. I know. I miss my brother who has been gone one year now so very much. Cannot be around one side of the family because they have covid and then grandkids flew in and are only going to be at their Moms for 2 days. Will not get to see them either. So we are alone for this Christmas and it hurts so much.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that you are you are alone. I am praying that something will change. I know you love the lake, but how about going somewhere for a little vacation and change it up a little. You are always welcome here. Fully vaccinated here.
