Monday, May 3, 2021

Try And Then Try Again 5/3/2021

 Good Morning, 

I found a comfortable seat in our back yard and the internet reception is good. So I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and a cool breeze while I write. All of this from outdoors today. 

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if their is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.

Today I want to encourage those who have been called to marriage. You might be approaching your wedding day or your 75th wedding anniversary. Notice I said "called". God has seen to it that He has matched you with someone to share your life with. Yet, marriage isn't always easy yo sail through. It takes a lot of work to maintain that relationship between a husband and wife. There are always outside or internal issues that arise. Some issues make one contemplate on quitting the marriage God blessed you with. 

Let's face it. In the beginning our relationship is made up of a good percentage of infatuation. After awhile that percentage becomes less and real life sets in and Mr. Wonderful isn't as attentive as he used to be. Mrs. Happy doesn't feel like dressing up all the time like she used to when you were dating. You see more sweat pants and tee shirts than you truly care to see. Then the perfect house you purchased is found to not be so perfect and you have to choose between the needed repairs or a vacation. So your vacation turns into hot dogs in the back yard with a kiddie pool. Finances often stress out a marriage.

You now turn into Papa Bear and Momma Bear and not two cuddly teddy bears. You become two bears that when poked a little by outside influences or inner turmoil  you lash out growling like bears that found the honey hive empty. 

Thoughts of nonsense enter your head. Example. Why did I ever get married? What is wrong with him or her? And then you talk back to yourself listing all of your complaints about your partner. You see nothing wrong with you. Shortly there after, you make yourself into your own little God, dreaming of a way to possibly leave the marriage, or you decide to give up entirely. Then to make things worse you consult with friends or family that will only tell you what YOU WANT TO HEAR. 

I am here to say today that once you make a vow before God to love and cherish until death do you part you basically signed a work contract to give it all you have on a daily basis to work at your marriage. But in a struggling marriage it takes two to struggle. Yet we should always do a self cleanse and examine our own faults before complaining about our partner and his or her faults. You are not faultless. But as being your own god you have blinded yourself to the truth.

Looking into yourself through God's eyes isn't always pleasant. What He reveals to us in deed or attitude might be ugly and should be dealt with immediately. We need to admit our fault, ask God to forgive us and beg for help to get rid of the sin that holds our part of the marriage in bondage. 

But always try and try again daily to be a blessing to your partner despite their behavior. God needs to deal with them individually. Pray for one another and in that it keeps marriage exciting and seen as a blessing instead of a life sentence.

Tomorrow we will discuss some simple things that can always help in every day life to keep the marriage going strong. 

God bless,


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