Saturday, May 22, 2021

I Guess, I Am Spoiled! 5/22/21

 Good Morning,

It is a bit dreary outside this morning, very warm but dreary. My mug of Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee is steaming next to me, so it must be time to write. 

Many years ago, my wife Rene and I led the youth ministry in our church. It was a blessing to be surrounded by dedicated leaders and kids of different backgrounds, different behaviors, and definitely different views of the world. 

One such teen, was a miniature stick of dynamite that had no limit to her questions, observations and love for God. She spoke her mind and quite often her mouth got ahead of a well thought out statement. But her heart was in everything she said. You have heard the statement "It takes a whole village to raise a child". I am sure that statement was derived just for this little one.

We were blessed to have her adopt us as step parents as well as a few other parents within the church and one day before eating lunch at our home I started setting the table. It had to be late fall or winter because part of the lunch menu was soup. I mentioned to Rene that I would get out three soup bowls. Our guest looked puzzled and I knew the gears of her mind were forming and observation that would soon come out of her mouth. 

The observation began with a question to my wife. "Rene, did you eat breakfast today?" The reply was "yes I had some Cheerios." "How did you eat them? And what were they in when you started eating?' Rene again replied, "They were in a cereal bowl." Next came observation number two. "You ate breakfast from a cereal bowl and now you are serving soup in SOUP BOWLS! Don't tell me if we were having salad today, we would have salad plates or bowls!" Both of us were intimidated by a 99 pound 15 year old as we looked at each other both knowing the answer but afraid to pipe up and speak. I not being smart enough not to answer said,  "yes we would have salad bowls. I don't like salad plates."

The immediate response from this child was. "You two are spoiled. One bowl and a plate are enough for anyone." Since that day, when I retrieve a couple of soup bowls for a winter meal I recall that statement, count our time with our little evangelist as a blessing, and laugh to myself. I always say to Rene as I fill a bowl with chili or potato soup "Hey Spoiled One, Come And Get It" 

The point I am trying to make here is not on table etiquette, because it really doesn't matter. Our view of a soup bowl and hers were different. I look at the bowls now and remember everyone that has graced us with their presence at our table and what a blessing each one of them has been to us. The time spent with that 99 pound blessing taught us many things and the experiences were priceless. Some day she will inherit a setting of soup bowls for 12. She taught us to appreciate what we have, share when possible and love all our guests like family. One day, I walked that little turkey down the aisle. Her dad had passed away and I was honored to be asked to fill in. I pray for her often always asking God to keep her soup bowls full. I am Him to bless her ministry and her family.

Romans 16:2 That you may welcome her in the Lord, in a way worthy of the saints, and help her in whatever she may need from you, for she has been a patron of many as well as myself. 

She probably would look at the bowls today and say "Spoiled." I would say "Blessed memories".


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