Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Make It A Better Place 5/25/21

 Good Morning, 

Sleeping just did not seem to want to work for me last night. I am awake, but that's about all I can say for today. My cup of Door County Black and Tan Coffee is working hard to get me started, but to no avail.

Proverbs 31:20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. 

Today is May 25th and it is the day my wife was born. So happy birthday Hon. My wife Rene is one who pretty much keeps to herself. She doesn't say too much, but when she does, it is usually a well thought out statement. She works hard behind the scenes so I can do the things I do. If I am busy at church she is busier at home. For instance she will mow the lawn or seal the driveway so I can be working at our Men's Steak Feed. Most always she is the one who takes the dogs to see the veterinarian. In her own quiet way, she makes my part of the world a better place. I saw her nurse me through a 41 day bout with Covid in 2020 and take charge of my care. Without her, life would have been tough. 

My point is this for today. What part of someone else's life are you working to make life, home, or work a better place. When you leave this world some day, will the world be better just because you were here? It takes an unselfish heart to do so. So today, just by picking up some litter or bringing home a stray dog now and then will you make your part of the world better for someone? 

God bless,
