Sunday, May 2, 2021

A Visit From Mother 5/2/2021

 Good Morning,

I was out of bed early today and leaned into writing as soon as I could. It's great to be alive. My mug was just filled with Door County Bourbon Vanilla Creme Coffe. 

Proverbs 31:31 Honor her for all  her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gates. 

My wife's mother will be coming to our home for dinner today. We have been looking forward to this day for a long time. Isolation, due to covid kept us from being with her for a long time. Visiting through the screen door just isn't like giving her a hug and sitting down to dine on a great dinner. My brother in law will be bringing her into town and will be joining us for some food and overdue "catching up"

Mother raised 6 kids in what today would be called a starter home. Who knows how many meals she made or how many athletic events she sat through, over the years. She still crochet's and her work is brilliant. I wonder how many cookies she baked in 93 years? 

My wife Rene let's me plan the menu for these dinners and I work hard to make it special whenever we meet. Why do I work so hard to please my mother in law? That's an easy question to answer. She gave to me my better half. The woman I married was raised by her and in my mind she did everything just right. A great dinner is my way of paying her honor for 93 years and for the daughter who married me. She raised a woman of wisdom! That's a joke friends. I think Rene married me out of pity not wisdom.

So while you can. If you are happily married thank an in law for the woman or man they raised.

God bless,


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