Saturday, May 8, 2021

Covering The Plants 5/8/2021

 Good Morning,

It's early on Saturday and my mug was just filled with Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee and I am ready to write.

1st Corinthians 13:13 So now, faith, hope and love abide, these three. But the greatest of these is love.

Photo Credit Homestead Gardens Tips And trends

My wife Rene and I have had a couple busy days and some busy nights. One sick dog and then the weather report hit our television screens predicting a frost for last night or maybe a deeper freeze. Rene remarked that this frost would really wreak havoc on the plants that were already out of the ground. Some unseasonal warm weather fooled the plants and they came out early, thus the risk of frost damage. 

Last night we dug out the tarps we use to cover plants at night when weather like this graces our doorstep. We will probably lose more apples to this, but that isn't the first time and probably won't be the last. 

The main thing is, we had a chore to do. Both of us knew our part in the chore and we worked like a well oiled machine. We had a common goal of saving the plants and getting back inside the house. After 1000 years of marriage we have begun to think like one another. As I rolled out the tarps, Rene retrieved the rocks we use to weight down the tarps. I caught up to her and at the end we were both moving rocks from one part of the yard to the tarps. 

I looked at Rene and winked as we laid the last rock weight in place. I knew what she was thinking. "Custard later"???? It's never too cold for some vanilla custard with pecans on top.

So custard we did later. Here's my point. A well oiled machine cannot work against itself. The oil needed to make any relationship work and accomplish things is one of Faith, Joy and Love. Without it in a relationship there is very often too much conflict to get anything accomplished in a decent time frame or get it done at all. Throw in the engine additive RESPECT and the well oiled machine will last a lot longer than the "unmaintained machines" I am sure some of you don't like being called a machine, but it is the best analogy I could come up with. I would rather to be a team of two working together, than alone or against each other. Too may couples work against each other and end up succumbing to the friction they create. A machine cannot last all that long if it is fighting friction of the heart.  

Have a great day! 


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