Friday, May 14, 2021

No Clue What I am Doing Today 5/14/2021

 Good Morning,

I am starting this day while hunting from a turkey blind. I have a hot cup of Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee with me and an apple for breakfast. 

Ezekiel 37:5 Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold I cause breath to enter you; and you shall live.

I said  that I am turkey hunting today and I really have only tried this once, about 20 years ago. My decoys are some of my own and some are borrowed. I have a couple turkey calls, a shot gun, ammo, a chair, binoculars, head lamp, lunch and a license. I have permission to hunt some private land and I have seen some turkeys hanging around the spot where I will hunt. 

But in all honesty, I really don't have much of a clue on turkey hunting, or the tactics that go with it. I have a couple days off of work and I really want to spend it outdoors. I will be taking a lot of time in prayer and studying while I hunt. I plan on enjoying all the things I will see today and hope for a shot at a turkey.

I have lots to be thankful for and a lot to be praying about. You could say that even though I am resting outside in nature I will still be multi tasking. But I will be breathing air that hasn't been breathed before. Not wearing a mask today and covid will be far from my mind. You could say this is a mini retreat for me. Today friends, take some time to retreat from life even if it is just for a few minutes. Breath and exhale. You are loved. Feel alive.

God bless,



  1. Advice on turkey hunting - let them hunt you! Everytime I hike small parks or woods in Illinois/Wisconsin, I end up being bullied and chased by one of my favorite dishes; minus the feathers and claws. The males seem to dislike my proximity to their lady prizes. Wait for them or just walk a trail in the Fall and one will approach you with an attitude. Happy hunting!

  2. Oh, that unknown email address is for Mark Lopp
