Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Higher Strength 5/13/2021

 Good Morning,

Thursday arrived and if I look over the top of my glasses I swear I see Friday coming in like a race car without any brakes. After some prayer and a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee I am ready to write.

Romans 12:19 Dearly Beloved, avenge not yourselves.

There are times or seasons in one's life when it takes more strength to be quiet, subdued, and in control than it takes to blow up and wreak havoc near and far. Composure actually shows the highest degree of power. Look at Jesus as He was interrogated, beaten and wrongly accused. He did not answer. He never called on legions of angels to assist Him. He responded with a voiceless calm. None of this caused Him to become vile and indignant. 

Jesus had a strength that produced calmness during calamity. It would have been tempting to launch a 5 pound can of whoop butt on His adversaries, but He did not avenge Himself. Within each Christian, the Holy Spirit resides and we have the power from the Holy Spirit to remain calm despite tumultuous times. We can show our power during a verbal attack just by not responding. Verbal attacks can hurt us. I will admit to that statement. But they do not have to move us. A verbal attack is hurtful for sure. But not being moved to respond with an eye for an eye attitude shows who really has power within, a strength that can't be explained.

So today refrain from avenging.


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