Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Time To Grow Up 3/23/2021

 Good Morning,

It looks like it is time to write and get this day going. My mug was filled with Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and it is very hot. 

1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, and reason like a child; When I became a man I put away childish things.

The Apostle Paul indicates that as he developed into man, he began to act like a man. I am sure he wasn't talking about not playing with toys or childhood mischief. I believe what he put away were things like irresponsibility, selfishness and temper tantrums. 

Charles Spurgeon said, " It is the highest stage of manhood to have no wish, no thoughts, no desire, but Christ." 

As we become men or women that God intended us to be, our minds and emotions will focus less on ourselves and more on others. Our focus will be to become more like Christ.

I have witnessed in my day some children misbehaving in a store and then Mom opens a can of whoop butt on them. They got spanked, usually for a temper tantrum or running around wildly. This is behavior that shows selfishness and rebellion. But when it continues after achieving an age of maturity, it becomes less tolerable. And know we can't go around spanking people. 

This is a self examination day. Do you exhibit behavior that demands everything to be your way? When it doesn't go your way, do you sit and pout, retreating from society or family? If this is you, it's time to put on some big boy or big girl pants and grow into your age. You don't want to eat Thanksgiving dinner at the kids table.

Food for thought.


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