Sunday, March 14, 2021

Make Believe 3/14/2021

 Good Morning,

It is a bright sunny morning in our part of this world. It's hard to fathom that the weather forecast for tomorrow is calling for snow. As usual on a Sunday the fireplace is warming up the house, the radio is playing (very low volume) and a hot cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee is warming me as I write. 

Many years ago when our daughter was very little she discovered for herself that she one day had two make believe friends, Wilke and Wilkaka. The relationships did not last all that long, but for a short time you could hear her speaking to these two make believe friends. At that time she liked to play doctor. She would mask up, wear a surgical hat and at times she had some surgical gloves on. I wasn't ever sure if Wilke was the patient or if Wilkaka was a nurse or another doctor. We weren't too concerned about her vivid imagination and it caused no harm. My mother used to play along and ask how her patients were doing. 

Now moving on to the thought for today. We all have played "make believe" now and then. I know for sure that people often will imagine themselves winning a lottery, especially when the pot of money is close to a billion dollars. They spend time figuring out how they will use the money if they win. When I was young I used to throw a ball against a wall and field ground balls on their return from bouncing off of the wall, making believe I was the shortstop for a professional baseball team. 

Friends we can sit by a window watching the sunshine on a day like today and play make believe on anything. But when we leave that realm we are in reality. Bills need to be paid. Another day makes a us a day older. The dinner still hasn't cooked itself. The car produced another rust spot. Our pants are shrinking or it could be that our old lifeguard body has expanded. The puppy just forgot where he was supposed to poop. More hair is missing from a once well occupied head. I could write this list forever. And to be honest the list can change by the minute, hour or day. 

The One Reality that I can take to my emotional and spiritual bank is that Jesus is a constant and He never changes. He is awesome, loving, kind, compassionate and the All In All. And He loves you and me. He will never leave us. 

Two facts for the day that are not make believe. 

1.  Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever.

2. Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us.

I hope today finds you spending some time on the reality that Jesus loves you.

Have a great day.


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