Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The First Birthday 3/3/2021

 Good Morning,

The sun is peering through the window of our den and it is a beautiful site to see. From where I sit on the second story of our home I can see the roofs of my neighbors and and the shingles are all void of snow. It has been a long time since I last saw roofs barren of snow. My cup of Door County Heroes Blend Coffee is extra sharp today and much appreciated. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.

In March of 1960 our family dynamics changed. Until that day I was the only child and pretty much ruled the roost. But then I was introduced to the fact that I had a sister. At three years old I really didn't understand or care what the statement meant. A few days later when what used to be a pretty quiet place was disrupted by this little baby crying, which didn't seem to stop for at least two years I realized that things really changed.  I kept thinking that this just couldn't last and somehow this kid was a loaner and we would return her some day to the Keebler elves. But as time went by my sister became more like a pal, another kid to play second base and someone to dream with as we both wanted to go to Disney Land. Someone to do the dishes with was nice and before too long we started watching out for each other. 

Disney land never happened for us together and to be honest I am not sure my sister ever made it there. I did travel to Disney World a couple of times. 

Here' is the point for today. My sister would have been celebrating 61 years of life today. Cancer struck her down last fall. I can't call her today and wish her a happy birthday or send her a card, let alone visit her. I am not throwing myself a pity party today. But I am reminding us all to never take one more day for granted. Make the most of it. I never thought the middle child of our family would go first. That wasn't God's plan. Today she celebrates her first birthday in heaven. 

So what I learned is this. if you talk about it, go do it if at all possible. Spend time with your family, the make up of the clan could change on any given day. Be sure to tell them they are loved. Don't let them wonder where they stood with you. 

Just a little bit of advice to chew on this morning. Love you all. God bless.


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