Monday, March 1, 2021

Forgive Yes! Forget No 3/1/2021

 Good Morning,

March 1st arrived right on time and it goes very well with my mug of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee. I have a thought on forgiving today.

Have you ever gone out to the garage to bring something in to the house and then get a little sidetracked by the rake that you forgot to hang up on the wall? Then a couple more thoughts go through your head and you return to the kitchen and forgot to bring in what you originally went to the garage for. We can easily forget things like that but when it comes to someone who wronged us we have iron willed memories,

We human beings sometimes find it possible to forgive but we seldom forget. It's like going to your potato storage bin and smelling a rotten potato. You take a couple potatoes out for dinner and you remove the rotten one and the smell goes away. Leave the rotten one in there and your next trip to the tater bin is not so pleasant. And soon walking by the potato bin and the foul odor which has begun to permeate the basement and maybe beyond, is an experience best avoided. Being unable to forget can rot the soul and dampen the mood of even the best of days.

God always sets the bar high for us in everything we do. But He also sets the example of behavior to follow. God never asks us to do something He hasn't done or would not do.

Jeremiah 31:34 "I will forgive their wickedness and will never remember their sins. 

We all to0 often keep a record of wrongs and that record will resurrect itself at the strangest times. For instance, without a lot of details, last night, I was talking about an incident in my life during my younger days that caused me to be very angry. My wife was listening intently and she noticed that before too long I was red in the face and it was easy to see that this memory angered me again. I had forgiven this incident many years ago, but it seems I had not forgotten it. 

Jesus offers to us forgiveness anytime and lets us start over with no record of the past wrongs. He accepts our confessions and does not give the past another thought. I told you He sets the bar high. But the least we can do is to try and forget the past and move on. Who would put a rotten potato in their pocket and walk around with it? That inability to forget walks with us and seeks to ruin, even the best of moods or days.

March 1st. Thought for the day!


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