Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Fool Hearted Memory 3/28/2021

 Good Morning,

The old house was cold today when the alarm clock summoned me to my feet. Once more this year the fireplace and a small fire came to the rescue. It partnered with a hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee and this guy is happy and warm. The radio is playing softly and now it is time to write. 

There are some memories that I have and love to recall them now and then. They bring a smile to my face. There are times when the same memories bring tears to my eyes but those are tears of joy or in most cases because I miss the person or persons in the memory.

But then there are those things we recall from the past that raise our blood pressure and our "anger meter". I was sharing one of these with my wife Rene the other day and she was quick to remark. "You are getting red in the face. I can see and sense your agitation with this memory. I think this is one just left in the vault of your mind, or better yet just forget it." She was also added this. "Only a fool stirs a cesspool". 

She was right. The memory caused me wear and tear on my emotions and my physical well being. I was angry and it caused me to have some very ill thoughts toward a person.  Only a fool would torture himself. I can forget why I went to the garage and not recall at all why I went there, but yet some bad memories can get resurrected easily. Only a fool would go there like I did.

God gives us a better way to deal with memories. He tells us to dwell on the good. 

Philippians 4:8-9 Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable,- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. 9. Whatever you have learned, or received or heard from me or seen in me, put these into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

The Apostle Paul points us to see the good in people and put into practice what you witnessed. He leaves us with a promise of peace that comes from God. There is too many rotten and bad things for us to see and when we let their memory control our emotions, we have the makings for another bad day or moment. Don't stir the cesspool. 

Philippians 4:8-9 just prompted to a great memory and the automatic reaction was a smile across my face. 

God bless. May your memories be good ones.


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