Friday, March 26, 2021

The Friday Fish Fry 3/26/2021

 Good Morning,

The old house is cold this morning, but the fire is lit and the wood is crackling, soon it will be warm. It's nice to have a hot cup of Door County Gingerbread Spiced Latte to pave the way to a warmer morning. 

Last night while talking with our daughter on the telephone ( long distance) we were discussing our plans for the weekend as well as hers. I mentioned that we were probably going to pick up two take out fish fry dinners tonight. She said "that sounds really good". We are from Wisconsin and the fish fry as long as I can remember is the "Friday thing to do". I believe it originated in the Catholic church, seeing as they do not eat meat on Friday especially during lent. Some of the churches serve the best fish fry dinners.

Genesis 31:49 The Lord watch between you and me, when we are out of one another's site.

Anyhow, the custom has had many restaurants in competition to create and serve the best fish fry dinners in Wisconsin. They do a great job and the best fish fry dinners I have ever eaten  come right from my home state. Going out for the fish fry is more than just good eating. It is also a time of fellowship and a break in the week to welcome the weekend. Our daughter lives a good ten hours away now and due to covid, visiting hasn't happened in a long time . Soon that will be remedied and we will see her once more. 

We will be visiting her in a state where they have good food, but not a Wisconsin Fish Fry. Although she was recalling a "good old fish fry" I am sure that she was missing the fish fry atmosphere and the people here who go with it. I know my mind wandered as to how nice it would be to have some family around the table eating fish, French fries, coleslaw, and rye bread. We have missed that fellowship. 

So today's thought. I miss my kid. And we are going to visit by the grace of God, all vaccinated from the covid crud. It is a top priority for us and even though we will be there on a Friday, pizza will be just fine. It's seeing a loved one that is important. When you can friends, and you feel safe to travel, or if you already feel safe to go, let family know they are a priority in your life. Enjoy them while you are still here.

God Bless. Let That Fish Fry!


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