Friday, March 5, 2021

Bring On Some Constipation 3/5/2021

 Good Morning,

Let's get right to the point this morning. I will write and sip on a hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. 

I wasn't too old, maybe 6 or 7 years young when I heard and old Texan with a heavy Southern accent say to his chatty wife, "Lucille if your bowels were as loose as your mouth you will never die of constipation".

1 Corinthians 14:33. For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace.

I had to ask my dad what constipation meant and when he explained it to me I laughed like no tomorrow. This man liked to be called Tex. So I will refer to him with his preferred name. You see Lucille could talk a mile a minute and you were lucky to even be able to answer a question that she sent your way, before she moved on chatting away. She was a very kind lady, but just a person who talked fast and talked often. Tex was just reminding her to slow down and let others speak. 

I believe that we are here to talk and carry on conversations. But a conversation is a two way process. A true conversation allows for a reply and it calls for both parties to listen.  I am afraid that society has lost the will to listen at times. Listening without interrupting is missing in many conversations. While someone is speaking many times the other person has already stopped listening and has moved on to their response, interjecting their thoughts before knowing and understanding all the information the other party is presenting.

This makes for a confused world. And my friends confusion is not from God. Slow down friends and let others speak before you stop them. Once interrupted, a person either advances their point with more tenacity or they shut down feeling invalid. This brings hard feelings along eventually, or very quickly. 

We all could learn to listen better and thus control the diarrhea of our mouths. If we take time to listen we might not deliver the response that is sitting on our tongues.

Thought of the day. God bless.



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