Monday, July 1, 2024

The Front Porch Needs Some Work 7/1/2024

 Good Morning,

I am too content to be sitting at my desk with a hot cup of Door County Hawaiian Hazelnut Coffee next to me steaming as I write.  

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts:

24. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

We have been in our home for 30 years now. We built it in 1994 and have enjoyed calling it home for a long time. In surveying some projects that need to be done we decided that the front porch needed some repairs and this would be one of the projects that I can not do. I like to do a lot of my own work and this is just one of those chores that is better left to an expert. Today we are commencing that project and are using a father and son team who come highly recommended. I have seen some of their work and the price was right so they were awarded the work. 

We new have a list of projects that will get attention this year and into the next year for sure. The reason the porch was chosen first is that it looked terrible and after a few attempts at fixing it myself it was decided that we would hire it out and get it done right.  I will post pictures tomorrow or the next day.

As you approach our front door the worn concrete was sending the wrong message to those coming to our home for a visit or business. My wife Rene would decorate the porch to match the seasons yet that worn out concrete still left a bad impression. It was not very welcoming. 

I liken a front porch to the hearts that live inside the home. We like for people to visit us, or deliver things to the house with an approach that says "welcome". That first impression should say "please approach and feel safe to be here and your visit is most welcome." Once arrived to the door, then the heart takes over and every visitor should be welcomed with a smile and made to feel that they are in a place of refuge, warmth in the winter and a cool respite in the summer. 

So as the porch is being made new again. So every now and then we need to sweep out our hearts and clean them up so they are approachable and welcoming. 

Food for thought. What does the porch of your heart say to others as the approach you?

Have a great day!


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