Saturday, July 13, 2024

What You Remember Is Up To You. 7/13/2024

 Good Morning,

The sun isn't quite up all the way yet and my Door County Candy Cane Coffee is now fully brewed and it is time to write.

Philippians 4:8 NKLV Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things. 

What we store in our brain as far as memories go is entirely up to us. When we are angry with someone, it is amazing as to how many memories of their other infractions against us can be brought forth from the memory vault within us. 

I tested my theory on this just the other day. My wife Rene was sharing with me that while she was back in her home town she ran into someone she knew from before she met me. I was listening to her and she said "Don't you remember him from our wedding? He was there with some of my other friends." I believe the blank look on my face gave me away. I did not recall the fella and to be honest, except for a few things about that day I don't recall much as to specifics. Oh and I can remember the top of the cake, because I made it. 

But ask me about our first disagreement after we were married and I can give you fact after fact. 

Now getting back to our wedding day, my mind stored the important things like we were married that day, I was happy, it was hot outside, Rene looked beautiful, many of our loved ones were there and I was hungry after the reception and bought a can of cashews from a 24 hour Walgreens. 

I am ashamed to say that I have two memory vaults when it comes to people and events. I see them and for some reason I often think about the worst encounter I had with them before I go to the memory of the best times. 

Today I am choosing to try to block the bad thoughts and memories from my head and concentrate on the good, beautiful, and happy times as they opportunity arises.  It's funny how we choose to remember  the bad and the ugly over the good. 

Just food for thought. Break out those old pictures of happy days and moments and refresh your mind. 


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