Sunday, July 21, 2024

A New Friend. 7-21-2024


Good Morning,

I can't even really describe how good my cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee smells this morning and just how good it tastes. 

Proverbs 18:24 NKJV  A man who has friends, must himself be friendly.

Last night I was able to stop by my nephew's home for an annual party that he and his wife host. They do a great job as hosts. I always leave impressed with how hard they work at this get together. There is a mixture of younger folks and us old "Gomers". 

I had the privilege of chatting with a nice young lady from Washington D C. She is a good friend of my niece in law. As far as age goes, I believe we have at least a century between us. I know for sure that I have bruises older than her. But it was very nice chatting and laughing with her.. We do have differences in ideals and life in general. But to be honest we have more in common than we have in differences. One thing in common for sure is that we both like to laugh. This gal is a bowl full of chuckles and she can dish it out as well as take some jabs. We discussed many topics and in some instances we did not agree, but what I found between the pages of our ages, is that we both observe and extend respect to others and we considered each other's opinions as valuable. My new friend is considering and  making a major decision in her life and as of this morning I have started to pray for her to have peace, and wisdom in her decision. 

Friends, in a world that is divided on many issues, just to sit down with a different generation now and then broadens your knowledge, perspectives, and your respect for others. It gives you the opportunity to extend friendship and be friendly. You get to own your own differences, and they should not interfere with kindness, respect and friendships. 

As July winds down and the "Christmas In July" thing will be over. I was reminded last night that my wife's annual display of snowmen is only a few months away. That is one of our differences that I have to work at. She loves them and I don't. But I will save my whining until November. 

Food for thought. Have a blessed day!


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