Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Death Bed Statement 7/24/2024

 Good Morning,

The day began already and I am not seeing a whole lot of the sun just yet. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and it is time to write.

1 John 2:15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world , love for the Father is not in them. 

Next week it will be two whole months that I have been retired and I am saying to myself "where did that time go"? I have been busier than ever even though I officially don't punch in anymore. 

One thing that is different is my sleep patterns. I have lots on my mind yet to this day, but nothing that keeps me awake planning and then going over my plans while I am trying to sleep. Most all of those sleepless nights were work related. I at times would be balancing two to three projects at the same time and it took it's toll on my sleep and well being. I enjoyed my jobs but I never ever thought that I could see myself on my death bed saying, "I wish I had spent more time at work".  

Friends, we all will work in our lives, but when we look back at the things we missed out on, or neglected due to striving to reach the corporate top rung and stay there, will we say we wished we had worked more hours as our final statement on this earth?  I doubt it. 

People talk about a good work/life balance, although they never really achieve it. Be sure to keep things in their proper places. 

1. God comes first.

2. Family is second.

3.  I am third. This includes where our careers reside.

We all need to work to eat and have shelter, but how much shelter is really necessary? How many diplomas in your field are enough? How many times are you late for a little league game? How many promises do you have to break to have an extra 500 or a thousand square feet more on your home? 

I was there friends and I look back now and say to myself "where did that time go?

Food for thought.



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