Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pondering The Day 7/2/2024

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Hawaiian Hazelnut Coffee and it is time to write.

As I look out from the window in our den I see a rainy day and the forecast is for it to last all day. This is good for the lawn, flowers and the vegetables in our garden. But it will interfere with the outdoor work I had in mind for today. 

So I will switch gears and move to a couple small projects inside the house and reschedule my outdoor work for another day. 

My point for the day is this. In order to not drive myself crazy and as much as I have power over I will make the best use of this day by just being flexible. There isn't a thing I can do about the weather, but the one thing I can do is to not let it impact my mood. In every day we need to trust that God has a purpose for us to achieve and He has placed it in an order that might not agree with us. I was going to be on the road by now. Maybe God saved me from a car accident in the fog. I will never know, but if I just trust in Him and can remain flexible I will be on His pathway, not mine. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6. In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Have a great day!


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